2-n TIIF. OMAITA STTNPAY PP:E: AUGUST 2, 1914. YAR INTERESTING SOCIETY To Affect the Fall Style Women'! Clothes. in OMAHAXS ARE AT SEASHORE leas (Mr Worn) i;lfer Irr It Play rirld riab itllk Omsfca Frmlnliir Eathaalaeta ' Personal a. ' t -A i . . - . ;, Omaha Matron Who is Summering in the Mountains rial Talradar. J'OVPAT-Chlldren's matinee dance at Field and Carter Lake rlulm.' Tt'E&PA Y IHnner danre at Harpy HeU low and Carter Ijike club; rhlldi-ene matinee dance, Happy Hollow rluh; MIrmi Otlinsky. a home for Mis Jean eit nnniM of Phtcaao: Mr. ind MrA men C. Wharton, dinner party at Country club. , WK.WISK8DAY ninner dance at Field and Country rluba: matinee dn-, Pev mour I-aka Country oliib; enttaser' night, Carter I-ahe club; Columbian Cir ri card party. THL'RSPAV-Carter . Lake rluh, dinner dance; Fwnnn-Mohler wedding In M'lan. FKI OAT Women golfer' tournament with 8leu City at field eluh:. Marcaret Keltogg Card rluh. Myrtla hall; Carter I-ake club, matinee dance and moving pictures: dinner dance at Seymour Iake Country r!h. PATrr.HAT Week-end dinner danre at Field. Happy Hollow and Country rluba: membrra' night. -rtrr Lake club. War alway ha a decided effect on woman'a atylea. If all of th power of the old world Join in this controveray, what kind of a conglomeration of atylea will wa drawT We will be wearing- Ilua alan bloutea. French military capea. Au trlan patent leather boot, Bulgarian ashea. English tweed. Dutch cap and Jaunty military cap of varlou design. The Russlsn peasant eleeva and the Japaneae obi ah. which Taul Polret wished, on u at the time of the Husso Japaneae war. tlll remain au fait. The rat of the Roman atrlpe la really a follow-up for the Bulgarian snehes and ribbon which w donned at the time of the war of the Balkan at a tea. Th brilliant hue of th uniform of the officer have Ion been th envy ot the American traveler. Irvln Cobb of Saturday Evening Post fame ay that "the European officer with hi wonderful uniform and medal would make Al Ring line and John Philip ftouaa turn green with envy." Bo now we wilt havo. our fall tailor suit made with elaborate mili tary braiding and bra .button. . Th military cap became popular be fore th rumor of war had reached tia, but now It popularity will he assured, and that will be on tyl that. w caa be certain about. . Women's Golf Tournament Mr. Bruce Moffatt won th tourna ment held last Friday by the women golfer at Happy Hollow, playing nine hole IB fifty-one. Bh wa warded, a Japane trty a a prise. Mr., Moffatt played without a handicap. The women golfer of th Midlothian club of Bloux City ar expected In Omaha next ' Friday to rlay: a tournament . with the women golfer of Omaha oaj th Field club course. ' Eighty women blong to th Sleu City club and they play Mon day and Thuiaday of each "week during th summer and fall.' -. About ' sixty player ar member-' of the Women Golfers' association of Omaha and they play every Friday afternoon. About fifteen or twenty guasts ar ex pected from Sioux City and an equal number of women 'golfers from Omaha will play, attha tournament. -v Mr. O. F.Dean la president and will corns to Omaha with the Sioux City player. Mr. Charle Miller, who haa recently come to Omaha from ffloux City to mak here home, will entertain several iroiri her former home. - 1 Summer Plans. Mr. and Mr. Jesn Vallon left "at urtlaj' avenlng for a sis week eastern trip. They will atop at Boston., Nw Tors and fother eastern cltla. Mr. and Mr. II. W. Yates go to Prior lak Monday to Join their daughter. Mr. C. ti Allen, for a fw day. Captain Allan- !s due la Pan Frsnclieo this week froroi.Alaakn and haa been ordered to th army chool of th lln at Fort Leavenworth, to report not later than .August M. Mr. and Mrs. N. H. I-ooml and fam ily wljl return next Thursday from Dome lake, accompanied by - Ml Eleanor Msrksy. who is iHlng Ml Harriet GIIWU at Sheridan. Ml Mackay and Muav-GUIett were at Dome lak for a time, returning from thero to tsheridsn last' Baturday. Mra ' Myron loarned I on of th Omaha colony at Christmas lake,' Kx- celaior. Ulna-, and writes that It Is a most enchanting place. Mr. Learned I enjoying a five week1 canoe trip In Canada and will Join Mr. Learned at F.xreUlor the middle of.AuguaU Mr 'S. S. Carlial and 'Mr. timer Red Ick , have gone to Lak'1 OkoboJl for a short stay. Summering: at the Lakei. Mr. and Mrs. George Squire snd son, Clarence, with Mr. Oeorge Patterson and JHlaa Lillian WUbur. will leave nxt Tuesday tor Cltarweter Lak. Minn., where-they have cottage, for th rt of th summer. Mr. Judaon Squires went up to the lake last week. Mr. Ben Cottoa has gone to OkoboJl to apend two weeks with his wife and chil dren, who hav a cottage there. Mia Claire Daugherty Is expected home today from Chrlstmaa lake, where she has been visiting Mis Virginia Oftutt for two week. Mr. and Mr. K. V. Arnold left Friday evening for a trip to the northern lake and neoralsn bay, Ontario. Oa their re turn-they will visit in Chicago. They w 11 b gone three wecka. Motor Trips. Air. and Mrs. W. A. Fraser and Mr. and Mrs- John T. Ystes and Dr. and Mrs. Cloyd left last Saturday by motor for Colorado Springs. Mr. snd Mrs. O. W. Wattles and daugh tera, Mr. and Mrs. A. l Reed and daugh trrt. Mies Msry Burkley sod Mr. Frank Burkley left Wedoeadsy for Albany, N. Y.. where they meet the Wattles and Ri-ed car, and from there will motor to Button snd Wtanno, Mass . for the month of August. Mr. snd Mrs. J oh a Epeneter left Thurs day for Dea Moines, sod from there will motor with friends to OkoboJl. . . Mr. and Mra. Thomas Fry snd daugh ters, Anna and Ethel, have returned from a motor trip of one week to Kansas City and Lawrence, Kaa., where they visited Mi. Fry's oid home. At the Seashore. Mr snd Mra J. T. Stewart. Snd, and children left Thursday for Westhamploa, L 1 . where they will pend the month of August at th Howell house. Mr. and Mrs. Cbariea Kountae expert to Join them lur.' "ivtr William A. Kama of Kanaas City ' ) ' J' v3 1 t Iff '" m M-A S-: zc, , N i ll f 1? i fP r i: .... --V L r. Adhlsnd, Neh. The -wedding will take place In the early fall St the home of the bride's father In Adania. MIfw McCartney haa been making her home In Omaha fr-r the last two yean, being connected with th Remington company. Tea for Supreme Officers. Welcome grove No. hi entertained at a large afternoon tea Saturday at Frenier hall. Twenty-fourth and Parker etreeta, when th auprem offlcera of the Wood men Circle ere the. honor gueste. An elaborate decoration scheme of palma and wild flowers wss carried out, the whole popular guest among her omaha friethjs. 1 I visiting .Mr. and Mr. Msrtin Saxs at Hewlett. U I and from there 1 going to Nantaaket- ' Mr. and Mr. C. W. Lyman leave Mon day for Wequetonalng to spend a month with their niece, Mrs Oeorge Tuttle. and Mr. Touie, who have a cottage there. Front Wequetonelng Mr. and Mrs. Ly man will go to Northesst Harbor, Me., to visit Mr snd Mrs. Crofoot st their ummer hbme. Mis Carrie Summers, who hss been spending th last sis weeks In Omaha, lesvea Monday for Atlantic City snd will return to Washington In October. Western-Trips; . ;.4 r ,'.) Mrs. II. O. Edwsrds, Mrs. W. If. But hols. Mr. .and. Mra John W. Towle. Miss Marlon Towle, Miss Nsoml Towle snd Mr. Bob Edwsrds went to Eates Park laat Sunday and, are at Elkhorn Lodge. Mr. Towle and Mlas Nsoml ar sxpected bsck Monday. Mrs. Frank W. Judaor. and daughter, Dorothy, left early this week for Min nesota to sttend a house party and to visit relative at Fsrmlngton for a month. Mr. Judaon has gone west on a business trip of two weeks after which he will Join Mrs. Judaon. On Western R&nches. Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Steven left Wedn. day for Yeilowatone park and from there will go to their ranch near Sheridan. Mia Letta Hoidrege. Mia Elisabeth Ralney, Mia Margaret Rainey, Mia Mar garet and Mlas iPlessant Holyoks are all njoytng ranch life at th "H. O." ranch near Madrid, JSeh. Mr. and Mr.. A. M. Borglum and son eave next Friday to be the guests of Mrs. Leonard Everett on th latter ranch In Colorado. Seymour Lake Conntry Club. Mr. Harold M. Anderson entertained the following at a luncheon Friday: Mesdames Meadsmes Pwlxht Powell, Kenneth Phillips. mmm v AJtsaea . U.mau. ,v.hft:p. IkUl Jphjlu, Agnes KetiL ", , . v- ! Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Crosby entertained at dinner and dance Friday evening, hav Ing with them: Mr. and Mrs. C. A.' Man gum. Mr. snd Mrs. W. C. Crosby. Mrs M. E. Augel. . Mr. Kdwsrd Crosby. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Woodrough ehap. aroned a danulng party composed of the following- young people: Ml Been Misses Edith Hamilton. Florence Heggbland, urau rosier, Mary Taylor. jucaara Mesars 1 uiiuld Attcheson. Howard Dunham, Joaeph Wwodrough. Fred Rouse. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Francis, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Culkln and Mr. and Mra. Oeorge McDonald formed a dinner party Friday evening. Mr. E. T. Yale ot Papillion was hoat at a dinner party of alx. Another dancing party Friday evening included: Misaea Anne Purdy. Margaret Ivewta, Vera King. J. Koutaky. Mer Robert Whit of ma C.rove, la.; -Jeeae Katchford of Hoone. la.; John Whllleu. Mlaaea Jeeale Luney of Itenlaon. la.; Mary Luney ot iHtnlnun. la.; Messrs ' Qortion Luney of Dnin, la.; Karl Hofklna of riaiem. ..; Juatin Refregler. Mr. and Mrs. l. Kline Mr. and Mrs. A. C. lAoml. Mrs. Roy Dennis wss hosteaa at a luncheon Thursday, 'when she entertained the committee In charge ot the chil dren's dsy programs. Mr. and Mr. T. L. Combs sntertsined at dinner and danos Friday evening, hav ing In their party: Mr. and Mm. M. K. Funkhouser. Mr. and Mra. tieorge MUkle. Mr. fcdwsrd O. Hamilton. Mr. Henry Foster entertained at dinner, having as guests: Mlas Dobber or Rock Island, III. Mrs. Charlea Miller, i Miss Caroline Miller . -Air. Frauk Ri't:Sr of 'Lincoln ass the guest of his brother D. J. Ringer, at dinner Frldsy. Mr. Julius Lyon' guests were Mrs- Silver, Mrs. Zachary and Mrs. Besley. . Exhibitions of duet dancing wers given Friday evening by Mrs. Oenevlev Hau- Ilelre and Miss Edwarda. Mrs. William Berry la In charge of the program for Tuesday evening and haa secured excellent talent for the occasion. Mla Dena Mullen will read. Miss Mabel Mrlcher will sing ' and ths Keno male quartet will sing several numbers. Mrs. J. B. Ringer will b th accompanist. At Happy Hollow. . Among those who entertained at din ner Saturday evening were Mr. and Mrs. D. E. McCulley, who had covers laid for eight guests; J. F. Jumper, nine; Ezra Millard, four; Oeorge Tunnlcllffe, four; W. H. Oates, two; Dr. J. E. Pulver, eight; C. E. Hall. four. At the Field Clu Among thosu who entertained at dinner Saturday evening at the. Field club were A. E. Seabury, who had six guests; C. E. Hutchinson, four; F. A. Shotwett four; Oeorge Cunningham, four; O. L. E. Kllng- bell, six; II. A. Wahl, eleven Mra' Jsqulth, six; Tom a Kelly, four. European Travelers. A cable hss been Teceived from Judge and Mrs, Benjamin Baker ssying they had arrived safely at Uverpool on the 19th. after a pleasant Journey. They sailed from Boston and will be absent for soma moiilha, returning via New York. At the Country Club. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn C. Wharton will entertain at a dinner dance at the clu.b Tuesdsy evening for twenty guests. Saturday evening W. H. McCord had four guests at dinner, W. J. Foye seven, E. H. Sprsgv two, Oeorgs Prins four and I. W, Carpenter four. Many Enter the Ministry. An. unusually large number of young men promluent In social and business circles of Omaha are studying to enter the ministry. Nearly all have made en viable records for high scholarship while attending eolleg and are giving up busi ness career for their preferred calling. Mr. Del Smith, son ot Mrs. M. E. Smith and the late M. E. Smith, Is the most recent to announce his Intention of en tering th ministry, and Is now studying In Nsw Tork City In the Episcopal col lege. Mr. Smith hss been away from Omaha ever since his graduation from Harvard and has been practicing law In New York until he decided to enter th church about a year ago. Other Omaha young men to Join th Eplacopal mlnlatry are James Fair, son of Mrs. Fair and the late Dean Fair, formerly of Trinity cathedral, and Gard ner and Hugh MoWhorter, the tx older aona of Mr. and Mra. 8. A. McWorter of Chicago, formerly of Omaha. In the Catholic minlatry are Raphael Hamilton, eon of Mr. and Mra. C. W. Hamilton of thia city, a graduate of Crelghton unlverelty, now studying for the prkathood In Bu Louie; Rev. Russell Wilbur, son of Mr. J. K, Wilbur of this city, who hss a parish in St. Louis, and Rev. John R. Furay. S. J., preaident ot oi. Jgnallue college. Cleveland, O.. who arrived In Omaha last Wedneaday, la an Omaha boy and the eon of Mra. Catherine Furay. Mr. George Perclval and Mr. Stanton lUbury, both of whom graduated from ths University of Omaha last year, are in Auburn, N. T.. studying for th Pr byterlsn ministry.. A. O. Kstlcmsn.' at whose, horn Mis Terlaun is a guest. Jones-Nelson Wedding. Ths wedding of M!ss Bwrenlc Beryl Nelson, daughter ot Mrs. Alice Rebecca Nelson of Missoula, Mont, snd Dr. Lee Roy , Jones of Guernsey, Wyo., took place Saturday noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Madden. Bev. M". B. Hlgbeo of the, North Side Presby- terlsn church officiating. Miss Nell MoDermott and Mr. Lleyellyn Skinner were the only attendants. The young couple will be at home at Guernsey, Wyo., after September L. West-McCartney Engagement. Mr. John B. McCartney of Adams; Neb., announces the engagement of his daugn- ter, Opal, and Mr. Charle W, West of being made to represent a garden party, j A special muslral progrsm wsa arranged ; by a qusrtet Trom the Deer Psrk lodge. J The honor guests Included the supreme , guardian. Mra. Emma B. Manchester; su- preme advleer, Mrs. Emma Campbell of Port Huron, Mich.; supreme clerk, Miss Ira Alexander: supreme bsnker, Mrs. ! Ida M. Kelly of Davenport, la.; chair-j man of the executive board, Mrs. Msry 1 La Rocco of Ft. Padl. Minn.; members of j the executive boerd. Mrs. Mary Tsylor of I San Antonio, Tex.; Mrs. Susie Bryson of j Muakogee. Okl.; Mrs. Hsdsssah II. John- i on of Columbus. O.; Mrs. Effle Rogers j of Little Rock. Ark., and Dr. Charles ' Brown, supreme physlclsn. ' Among those In the receiving line were: : Verdames Miedamen ) 3. 8 Hartrnm. It A. Hnson. j M. L. Roberta. T C. Warner. ; Dr R'-man of Kste Remington, Denton. Neb.; j In Honor of Visitor. Mrs. Jerome A. Llllle entertained at luncheon at her home Thursday, In honor of Mrs. E, Fisher of Leavenworth', Kan. Covers were laid for: - Mesdames Mesdames E. Fisher, William Sidney, A. P. Mills, W. H. Chapirt. . Josephine Cook, Jerome A. Llllle. The New Dances. Miss Mary Coll Is at Hampton Beach, near Boston, where she Is exhibiting and. teaching the Castle and Challf dances, bhe Is a graduate of both. Miss Coll will return to Omaha September 1 to open her studio. The latest dances are the "Braslllan Polka" and "Lulu Fado," both of which are suitable for th ball room and are popular in New York and raris. Home Grown Products Dinner. Mr. and Mr. C. L. Altstadt entertained at a home grown products dinner I rlday evening, when the following participated. Chief and Mr. Henry W. Dunn. Judge Vincent Haacall. Mrs. P. O. Hoff. Mrs. William Altstadt. Mrs. Floyd J. Kunce. Pleasures Past. Mrs. Emma B. Manchester entertained at dinner Friday evening at her home for Mr. Albert E. Hughea of St Louis. Mo., - who has been In Omaha for the last week, the guest of Mrs. Manchester. For the Future The Margaret Kellogg Card club will meet at Myrtle hall Friday afternoon at S o'clock. The Misses Adah, Goldye and Beatrice GilU'sky will bs "at home" informally Tuesdsy evening, August 4. for their guest. Mis Jeanetta Greenwald of Chi cago. Columbian Circle. Th Columbian Circle will entertain at their hall. Twenty-second . and Locust streets, Wednesday afternoon. In and Out of the Bee Hive. Mr. and Mra. 8. D. Barkalow and Miss Caroline Barkalow went to Denver on iWedneday. Mr. and Mr. R, T. Epworth returned Thursday from a three week' trip to Chicago. Buffalo, the great lakes and Canada. Miss Hannah Kennedy gave up the Turner home yesterday and goe to pend a few day with Mr. and Mrs. . v ; . ; -; stxtr Y,;- r err r- vs? . a - ultra w-sXi M. Rosenblatt. Mrs. Fteln a III b 'her for th rest ot I he summer. Miss Gretrhen McConnell returned Thursdsy from two months in the east, where she attended the commenrerhent st Wellcsley and visited old friends in Maine snd the Adirondack. Dr. N.. L. Crls and Dr. Kenneth Mc Martin have returned from a six weeka' trip to New York and Atlsntlc City. Mr. Albert Ldhnlm hss gone to 11 Royale to spend his vacation. Mrs. J. E. Summers and son, Stuart,' are going over to Culver next Wednes day to spend the week end with Mr. Jack Summers, who la attending th summer naval school at Culver Mrs. Thomis Heyward, who hag been visiting her psronts, Mr. and Mrs. R,"B. Rusch. and with them been motoring In Minnesota and Wisconsin, leave tomor row for her home In Pittsburgh, Pa. ' Mr. R. D.' Miller left Friday to spend the week-end In Des Moines. Mrl. Mil ler and children, who hav heen. Jn T Molnea for the past two weeka, will re turn with him Monday. Mr. Effle Steen Klttelaon 'haa ''re turned from a two week trip to Mln-.' neapotls. Personal Mention. Mr. and Mr. P. C. Hyson will spend the week-end at the summer hdme) f Mr. and Mrs. I A. Goff at Lake Mlnne- lonsa. - . . Mrs. J. W. Bell accompanied her sister. Mrs. E. R. Mathls. to her home inTen ver, where she will remain Until about September 15. On her return sh will mk her home with her daughter, MM. Arthur Smith, at 11C9 rtfth avenu. Coun- clll Blutr. la. Mrs. Emma B. Mst.cheater spent the close of laat week at Spirit Lake is a' Jyguest of Mr: and Mrs. Charles Bm 'of Ul'uiivil si mil, wk v.ivit wsu.i.ij. iiwiuvi The trip wa made by automobile and Mr. Mancheater report a pleasant' drive -and a Splendid time enjoying th' cool-' breese from the lake. . . -. Mra. " Thomas Evan Parmela and' daughter ri Plattsmouth are the week end guests of Mis Viola Coffin at tne Paxton hotel.' ' ..-- ffiJist yizxy lurrii o?cl George A. Joslyn before leaving for New England for an indefinite stay. - ? Mrs. llarley Moorhead, who. I spend ing the summer at Lak OkoboJl, cam down last week to spend a few days shopping. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pritchett ,leav today to Join Mrs: Pritchctt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Hammer, at Camp Harding, Colo. . Mr. Harry O'Neill arrived Wednesday from h!s rsnch In the western part of the state hnd Is spending a few day at the Omaha club. Mr. Conrad Spen of Chicago I ex pected In Omaha today from Denver and will spend the week end with Mr. and Mr. Glen Wharton. Mrs. Joseph AUeiv Midg Luclla Allen, Mrs. Henry Birkmler and' children of Fremont, O., have taken a cottage at Manltou; Colo., through August. Mr. and Mr. Carroll BeJden and Mia Helen Eugenie Van Dusen left Friday evening for Madison, Wis., where they will visit Mrs. Belden's sister. Miss Brown, for two weeks. Mrs. Myer Stein of Chicago, formerly Miss Jennie Rablnowits of this city. Is visiting at the home ot her sister, Mrs. Money Comes Strong to the Postal Baiik ''' When a patron of the postal ' savlhgs bank deposited o7 In paper money, which he had carried all day In his shoe. 'Mies Clare Southard, the teller In charge. turned the electric fan on the currency for an hour, and then sprinkled It 'with' cologne be Tore putting It In th money drawer. "Deposits are coming strong now," she ' m nr. rk.d '. uossie iviay rour Onf. Anv.'Rarl Mill 4 i. At a meeting of the crty commission resolution giving Dairy Inspector 'Claude F. Boasia authority to' destroy Impure milk kept for sale by stores or dairies was passed by unanimous vote. Th resolution specifies that - the Inspector may oeairoy me ttiuk wnnoui aaiving per mission of any higher city officials. ' PUBLIC SCHOOLS TO . OPEN ON SEPTEMBER 8 Public school .will , open for the 'fall term. September S, according to the an nouncement from the 6fflo of th super- imenaeni oi insirucnuu. imcni meeting of all teacher will be held at lo o ciocit on tne morning ot tn nno in the Central High school auditorium. An Ideal Wrau'i Laixatlve.- No better laxative than Dr. King New Life Pill. They help the liver and. bowel to healthy action. IGo. All drug-, gists. Advertisement 3 For special vaJ W uca in silks and a uim BvvtJg our d on other page t K4at fTkal rsVBi gW f"- in "JM"'""'' "' M 1 1 I I. Mil I III ! I l llllllllilMUr "' m " 1 ' " ' " '' " ' ' - i-.i.' m... : ' ",J Mandlebaum-Terlsoc Eufrnfemtnt - Mr. and- Mr. Frank Terisoa of Chi cago, 111., announce the engagement of their daughter. Alice, and Mr. Samuel Mandelbaum of this city. No date 'has bee a set for the wedding. The announce ment .was .made. Friday at ,n .eveoing rarty gnn at th home ot Mr. and Mra. (Showing the New Dresses and Important value . In Iscm and em. broideries) . Mon day. See) ad on Mother pace of el .1.1. . . . i this paper. tLtlJkl Csf 1U1 si. Oil J 4 The New Dresses rPlIE display of garments for fall wear now ready here, will reveal much of interest concerninc the correct modes for 5 -a- early season wear. These are the select creations of the originators of fashion, choosen as clearly representative of the best that has been brought out, and will not fail to appeal to the woman who desires authentic, information relating to !? modish appareling. , ' ' , The New Suits Manv Smart Models .' Tha new Rodingote. Dlrectotre and fiasaua f- (ects, In combinations with the Russian tunics and Diouses form an admirable atyie erneme lor tne coming season. The popular cloths are serir, C broadcloths, poplins, worsteds and effective nov- ? elty fabrics. There is an assortment here that . nr.uiili mvarv atvla t.nif.nrv Prlroa ' S'0 tT i ifa.aiuvav vva dl IV vwavx. a wvt T""! W& 3S and up to f05. A Comprehensive Display The new serge and satin combination dresses for early season wear and for young misses pre- paring for school are decidedly smart and effective V in their combinations of basques and Russian (k. tunics. Tbese styles promise to become Immensely popular and are shown In numerous variations and 41 adaptions. Prices are 15, 910.50, $17.50, $10 Ik and $23. 3 s Roman Stripe Vaists The Latest Fad There's a pronounced vogue of the Roman tripe in waists now. Various bright colored stripes are seen In crepes de chine, mescalines and taffetas. Waists have the new set-in long sleeves and basque effects. $5, $3,811, 90.68, 9H.0M and 9K. $ Clearance of Skirts Worth to $9 at $3.98 : Th am cAA rtrmnll and T ul Aa Av.rv one a choice new model. Made in the various fashionable wash materials. Only about 65 of hem. but they are worth up to 9. Your choice a; - Monday, at 9J.B8. i Sale of Silk Waists at $1.00 V Wash Dress Special Values to $19 at $8.75 Some vry effective models in wash dresses at a substantial reduction in price. Made In the most fetching of the late summer styles of fine quality, fresh, dainty materials. These were made to sell up to 919. Your choice Monday, at $8.75. Wash Dresses at $5s 3 The watht In this assortment are actually worth up to $1.60 earn. k They are 'stripes, plain colors and white Jap. China or tub silks. They are among th best we've ever offered at the price. Formerly Worth to $10 ? Sale of White Waists at '89c? 1.500 pretty summer waists of fine voile and lingerie cloths; -1 dainty, fresh and crisp. Many are sample garments. AU are new la every particular. They are worth up to J .regularly. . Monday we offer for your choice several large groups of dainty summer wash dresses priced to save you a third to a hair. They are odd garment! and samples, including some worth up to flQv' at only a. A