V 4 1 A Few New Home Suggestions HE BEST INVESTMENT because safe, Is Home Builders Guar- Hfn Preferred anteed Shares PLUS BUILDERS' PROFITS Prosperous business ahead. Will you share In the profits January 1st? Vou may do so. Shares are now $1.12 each more as the surplus grows. Orders by mall la and out of town are constantly growing. Real Estate security only. Not one dollar of speculation. No debts. 7 interest, plus builders' prof it, makes your Investment safer than a bank and many times more profitable. Ask for free booklet now. Beautiful Bungalow on "Prettiest Mile" Road 'rTr'-' ' - American Security Co., Pise! Agts. We Can Make Your Money Earn At Least IS In-onr new profit-sharing plan, where you can invest in amounts of $100 or more and have' one of the best and safest investments. See us for fur ther ; particulars or write for ourhooklet telling you more about it. ....,.. Hastings & lleyden 1814 HARNEY 8T. . - Mi The dentin shown above in oiw of ths ni"t sttrnctlv honing on the prttlM mile In omaha and In built of brick and stucco. The Wan consists of five rooms and bath and sleeping porch. A small hall separates the two bedrooms and Iran's to the bath and th linen closet off of It. The living- room and dining; room are separated by a largre cased opening and have a heavy beam celling and wall cor nice. In the living room Is a massive fire, place with a heavy wood shelf. The porch Is covered only by a heavy pergola which extends around the sld to the rear' projection. For further Informstlon regarding this plan get In touch with Everett S. Iodda, architect. 61.1 Paxton block. Omaha, Neb. Thone Douglas si. ' HY-TEX BRICK CONTRACTED FOR MONTANA BUILDING Among Omaha's out-of-town visitors lst week was Henry Hall Johnson, one of Seattle's leading architects. This was Mr. Johnson's first visit In Omaha and he wsji Impressed very favorably with the remarkably healthy condition of build ing and construction work In this city. While here he completed negotiation! with the Hydraulic-Press Brick company for the furnishing of 70,000 hy-tex gray brick for the new Ford & Skinner building be ing erected In Great Falls, Mont. The plans for this building wers drawn by Mr. Johnson. TWENTY-TWO CARS HY-TEX BRICK FOR FONTENELLE The Hy-tex brick people point with considerable pride to their delivery ser vice in connection with face brick for the Fontenelle hotel. The total order, ap proximately twenty-two carloads, has been delivered on the building site, and of this quantity about half are already laid In the wall. It Is only a question of a short time that the entire brick facing v.lll be laid up and cleaned down so that the true beauty of the brick will be ap parent - .. The moat desirable turn-.sned rooms are advertised In The Bee. Qet a nice cool room for- the summer. STORAGE IS CHEAPER THAN RENT Why Move In Haste? Store Your Goods With Us Whilo Looking for a Suitable House SerVlca 1 'mm STORAGE GO. MOVING, PACKING, STORAGE We Empiay Skilled and Competent Workman OMAHA VAN & STORAGE CO. 804 South Sixteenth St. VICTOR F. BE EC ARCHITECT: 511 McCague Dldg. Phone Red 7472 n-oara souoiaa 3750. C. 1M. ROBINSON ARCHITECT jTSB omai OMAHA. KM. EVERETT S. O OS ARCHITECT DouCla 2981 612-13 PAXTON BLOCK E 1 1 1 L. .a --- , n . ft -i 1 "niwiiiuiujia J-jls 1 iTi ft t 1 basn ikr etc 6n n I K l-l U .1. ull.,Ji L. tT ijn sssMml J j. J ' I fll 1' - '-- - J-.rl 1 . ' I I . .1 " 'V II I I 1 - V - u 4 -J u Uu a IJ ii v McVann to Submit Brief in Southern Lumber Rate Case E. J. McVann of the traffic bureau is to go to Washington Monday to submit to the Interstate Commerce commission a brief in the southern hardwood lumber caae, In which testimony was taken In June at St. Louis before a special ex aminer. McVann arid J. R Walker, who represents the Southern Hardwood Traf fic association, will jointly submit the brief. They represent the shipping Inter ests that are protesting against the pro posed Increase In freight rates on hurd wood lumber. Before returning to Omaha McVann Is to go to Boston to attend the meeting of Us National Industrial Traffic league, which begins its session August li The trip Is now assured. Douglas lies la the heart of a Wyoming trade territory that Denver Is trying to get away from Omaha. Omaha recognises this fact. It has recognized It for some time. There Is a possibility that many Omaha firms will have booths and exhibits at the fair. ECHOES OF THE ANTE ROOM Ancient Order of United Workmen Elect Officer! for Year. WILL HAVE FLOAT IN TARADE Ladles Auxiliary to 4 Ian Unrrion W ilt Hold Reanlar Meet In Vdailay A'trrno4in at Mrs. Pattern's Home. The rentml committee of tho Ancient Order of L'n'tcd Workmen lodges hx held Its reilir meeting and elected tho following orfiorrs: Arthur W. Kalvey, president; Henry Ramuscn, vice presi dent; Frank H. Simpson, secretary; Wil liam It. Hnttrroth, treasurer; A. K. Clark, editor of the Homo Protector: Paul r.alrd, advertising manager; fharlr Fries, tenUmL Arrangements mere perfected for the etniml plcnlo to bo held at Ttalston, Au gust 1.". The committee also decided to have the cider represented by a float In the Ak-ar-Hen fraternal day street parade. I'nlon ractfla lodire No. 11 will have a prominent Workman present on August T. Something doing all the time. Order of Urottlsti I last, The l.a1l-a' auxiliary to rian Gordon. Order of Scottish Clana. will hold Its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. V- Hon. rm Rueglea street. Wednesday aUameon at I o'clock, Knlakta Mad Ladles of Kernrlty. Loyal council held a delightful open meeting last Friday evening, dewtlng pert of the time to rknls, dancing, vau deville by Cyro, and "llghth refresh ments." This second entertainment by Cyro was quite different from the one given a couple of weeks ago, but Was roundly applauded by the large crowd present. The "light" refreehiuenls mads a pretty scene In the darkened room as tha procession marohed aKvut the hall and returned to their seat to eat nf the mom-Is f refreshments found beside their taper. Announcement was made that th next open meeting Would b held on th last Friday evening In Au gust. Harmony council lt, Knights and Iilles of Pecirlty, Will hold a plenle. for their members and families Sunday, Au gust ft, at Fontenelle park. Independent Order of Odd Kelloma. Hesperian encampment No. t will have work In the Patriarchal degree next Thursday evening. John Norberg has been elected presi dent of the general relief rommlllen, Keleo Morgan recording secretary and 11. V. Cole corresponding secretary and trensurer. Woodmen Circle. Kmma B. Manchester Grove No 156 has made plana for Its memorial service, to be held in Seymour hall, Hoard of Trade building this afternoon, at J;M o'clock, In incoioiy of the late sovereign com mander, Joseph Cullen Hoot, of the Wood men of -he World, and deceased members of groves of the city. At this memorial ervlce Mrs. Kmma It. Manchester, su preme guardian, will deliver the address. Address- will also be given by the su preme officers now attending the meet lt;g of the supreme executive council. Music will be furnished by the Hans ccm lark Methodist quartet and Miss Jeablosnlck, and Miss Bass will give a leading. Modern Woodmen of Amerloe. Magnolia camp No. ItCJ, Modern Wood men of America, will have an open meet ing at the cerk's residence, Tuesday evening. Bring family and friends; re. freshmenta. Take Florence car and get off two blocks north of Miller park. Look, for the lights tha hill. Anti-Saloonists Threaten to Put Candidate inEaco I'roas) and t onh Hrmedy. Dr. King's New Plscovery gives almost Instant relief. First dose helps. Best remedy for coughs, eolds and lung trouble. BOo and II. AH druggists. -Ad-vertlseintnt. Vnlees some on of tho aeveral candi dates for congress from tha Beoond dis trict soon announce himself as In favor of the Kohann resolution to submit na tional prohibition tha states for rati fication, tho ntl-Saloon leagruo threat ens to put an Independent candidate In the field In Omaha by petition. This wajt announced by F. A. High, Omaha district superintendent of th.i Anti-Saloon league. Mr. High says he cannot tell yet whether this will also be donn In the other districts In the state, but lie speaks for his own dis trict. He nays the candidates so fur have not announced themselves for the Hobson amendment, and the league reels that the people are entitled to know before voting Just where their congressman is going to stand on thin question. CLAN GORDON HAS ITS V PICNIC AT KRUG PARK Clan Gordon held their annual pirnle at knig park yesterday, entertaining themselves with a spread, games, races, dancing and enjoying the park's conces sions. The park Is becoming popular as . Tlcnlo resort. .The Commercial Travel ers make the resort next Saturday with a basket picnic. The day is selected to ratch the knights of tha grip who will make tho town on tha week end, tlm majority of whom headquarter here. On tha twelfth the "newsies" will hie to tha park with "Mogy" Bernstelu, along with plenty of eats. The boys are looking forward to tha day as a country boy does for tho clrcua. The Modern Woodmen of America will plcnlo at the park August . WYOMING STATE FAIR 0MAHANS WILL GO TO Quito a number of Omaha firms have promised to Join a party to visit tha Wyo ming state rair at JJOUgiaa in September. FOREIGN MONEY ORDER RATES ARE REDUCED A general reduction In charge for for elgn money orders was effective In tha United States postof flees on August L The new order reduces the charge for International money orders and numerous aliens' living In Omaha have postponed tbelr usual remittances homo on account of the reduction promised by tha depart nent."The foreign money order business has been very small during the last week, as compared with other weeks of the last month, but beginning early Saturday morning there was a flood of business at the money order windows of tha post office. The rate for smaller amounts of foreign money orders is reduced to ap proximately half of the former charga. Tha most desirable furnished rooms ars advertised In The Bee. Get a nice cool room for tha summer. You live a third of your life in your office The moment you alight from the car, first you have a glimpse of the beautiful plaza of the Court House, then the massive strength of the superb architecture of the Bee Building. When you step into its comfortable elevators, your eye is still delighted with the beauties of the court and its fountain. There ia an element of comfort in the broad halls with the whole cheerful surroundings. Offices have big windows. . There is light and air on every side and from the court within. You are entitled to agreeable and pleasant surroundings. It will be a satisfaction to you to spend your working hours in THE BEE BUILDING For offices apply to superintendent, room 103. AFTER STOCK TAKING PIANO SALE A Glean Sweep of All Discontinued Styles and Slightly Used High Grade Uprights, Grands and Player Pianos Our inventory ut taken and we hav VKM) discontinued style and slightly used instru ments that must he mI regai-dlea of cost before our fall stock aj-rives. Thlg piano sale offers Nebraska people a gjolden opportunity to secure one of the World's nest pianos at a price low enough to fit the purse of every home. The price below apeak louder than words. We Invito Inspection. Free Stool and Scarf with every Instrument. Most Lib eral Terms. $1.00 per week. An Avalanche of Piano Bargains that will bs Snapped Up Quickly by Shrewd Buyers Former Price Rale Price. 250 Smith & Harnett Vprlght SI 15 :iOO Kimball Upright ..135 330 Klnjrsbury UprlRht 125 400 Guild & rhurvh Square Piano J Jf, 0OO Stanley & Soiih Square Piano g J5 :50 lvera A Pond TprlRht Piano S145 S250 Newby & Kvana 1'prlnht llano $ f)Q 9IOO Steger & Soim VpriRht llano 81 GO $37r Davis & Hons UprlRht Piano 9145 l2S0 Kstey rprlght Piano SllO :iOO Schmoller & .Mueller I prlKht Piano. . .f :00 Adam Schaaf Upright Piano tlH 30O Htranss & Son I prlght Piano 8148 Former IVIce sJ Price 150 Stejter A Sons Upright Piano. . . S225 fSOO Kmerson Upright llano .t.210 $1,000 A. B. Chase Grand llano ft17?; $1,000 Weber Grand llano SiirK $HOO Steck Grand llano Rft ;5 50 $SflO Schmoller Mueller Player Piano. . .30O u muyveaani iianoia I'layer Piano. . Jn $00 Schmoller A Mueller Player Piano. . . 'iRT?, $750 Combination Klectrlo and Foot Power PUyer Piano XAKK jhwi nt4rK urana llano $200 Phase & Maker Player, .now So $ano Pianola Player, now $ft()0 Schubert I'layer llano, now f inn u-1 II n .... .. . CM Our Free Offer Continued for another 30 Days. Beautiful 42-piece Dinner Set Pre tn every purchaser of an Upright, Grand or Player Piano during August. Remember this Is the only piano store in the middle west where you can purchase brand new Stein, way, Weber, Steger & Sons, llardman, Kmerson, McPhail, Lindeman A Sons, Schmoller A Mueller pianos and the genuine Aeolian Pianola Player llanos. CHrMLEtl & MUELLER PIANO COMPANY Oldest Piano Houss In Rebratki. Established 1ISI. 1311-13 Farnam Gtroot Victor and Columbia Talkinf Midlines Biff ww vd OBtrtrw B n awi a a b a usamz E3 :ii!Mii!i'iu'l!.'iw;'MiijBttqsjBnejiliiimiii:Kiiui!MffB'iaBBiguL.ji;'iiii irnnnspjigrw imrrraiiiTirirfniiiftinMiiiimniaasiiaiiaBii ifiiira-iTn;Tiiaaattmaaniia.-,i:.-.:nr..nais.,.r,ni1-,.n-,. -.n v-mmnZ7J3 Which WUl You Take? B Tires Tires At Extra Prices With Extra Features iTEIVIErSIX BLOCKSb'""MvS2E WirttfioorzD in inw cubed"1""- I V lutMU CtWIENT STONE CO. v w-.v vuuif mirwwi. Fhona Songlaa 4438. mm H Y-TEX-. BRmi "Th&zm I llYDnAULIC PRESS BRICK GOUPAHT, 1302 W. 0. W. Bid? I II III I II mi o' full on.l iu Hi liaautlful .New t'olors j I D B I B H. orciiMncpinMnt! mm I Kama . J. lavis SAFE HOUER Heavy Hauling 1212 Farnam PHONI DOUGLAS 813 BeJl Nowadays, 16 makes of tires are costing more than Goodyear prices. Some makes cost one-third more. One-third more than No-Rim-Cot tires the world's top-place tires the tires that out sell any other. Consider what that means. It means $5 to $15 extra on each tire yon buy. It means one-third more tire upkeep unless they are better tires. It means that three of the extra-price tires cost as moch as four No-Rim-Cuts. It means that the same price or less would buy a half-inch wider Goodyear. Extra price are unjust No man knows of any way to build better tires than Goodyears. We spend $100,000 yearly in our efforts to find a way. In the four ways listed at the right no other tire equals the Goodyear. Men have bought four mil lion Goodyears. They have tried them out As a result. they buy more of them than of any other tire. That any tire can be worth one-third more is simply unthinkable. In No-Rim-Cut tires at Goodyear prices we irive you these four extra features. Not another tire at any price offers you any one of them: The No-Rim-Cut feature the one faultless way to end rim-cutting. It completely wipes out the irreatest source of tire ruin. Our "On-Air" cure an extra cure, under road conditions, to save the blow-outs due to wrinkled fabric. This one exclusive process costs us $1,500 per day. . Our rubber rirets formed in each tire by a patent method to combat tread separation. They reduce this danger by 60 per cent. Our AH-Weather tread -the tough, double thick anti-skid. The only anti-skids which run as smoothly as plain treads. The anti skids with deep, sharp, bulldog grips. is mm aa B BS HI es &s an ea (til (BtJ tsa 1 GOODTCAR No-Rim-Cut Tires AII.WesnarTrMds No-Rim-Cut Tires fw Those are costly features. On their ac count No-Rim-Cut tires used to be the high- priced tires. Butwe gave you the sayings due to multiplied output No-Rim-Cut tiresnowcosthalf the old-time prices. And, with all their exclusive features, they cost you less than 16 other makes. Please find them out U Ssd so as a ti 11 THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY, Akron, Ohio This Lumpur Ium a roiiswUui blm with mjtr stlm rabha won whin uef ta Go4iaf Any Dealer can supply you Goodyear Tires. If the wanted size is not in stock he will telephone our Local Branch 3 fad fcrt btJ u 1 1 I 1 . I at. dU IU UL I ILJ UUU.rJ (J I u y bUSTSBSIS m THSHBBOBfJOE? ihai a a attfa maaasiai . J iL c. a t fc J