Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1914, Image 1

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    Germany Sends Ultimatum; Russia Gives Tart "Reply
The Omaha Daily Bee
Advertised in Tho Boo is tho
very essence of productiveness.
Real farm facts will Interest a
large and appreciative audience.
On Trains and at
Hotel XTswa Stands, Be,
Wllnlili V A KK KIN
U VJLUJl ilii J.J.VJ.JLJ-1 X Kl
Bank of England Raises Its Rate of
Discount Entire Point, Making
it Four Per Cent
Almost General Advance of Rates in
Continental Centers is
Monthly Settlement for July Post
poned for All Stocks.
Transactions Confined to Fevr Cash
Deal" Produce Kxchnngo Ex
cited of nie lu
Wheat and lire.
LONDON, July SO. As had been, an
ticipated, tho Bank of England today
raised Its minimum rate of discount an
entire point, making It 4 per cent, Tho
step was taken as a protective mcasuro
in view of tho chaotic financial conditions
on tho continent following the outbreak
of war between Austria-Hungary and
Servla and the almost general advanco of
the bank rates in continental centers.
By discounting bills freely during tho
last few days while ordinary sources .for
discounting were practically suspended,
and by arranging credit in connection
with gold coming from New York whllo
American exchange was so difficult to
obtain, the Bank of Gngland considerably
relieved the financial world. Now, how
ever, that a raid Is being made on its gold
supplies by the continent of Europe the
Bank of England has found It necessary
to take protective measures.
Something like $5,000,000 In gold went
out yesterday, whllo France took prac
tically tho wholo of the $5,000,000 which
arrived from South Africa on Tuesday,
and although $15,000,000 is coming from
New York, to pay for securities sold ro
cently this sum can hardly arrive In time
to offset any further continental demands.
Absolute gloom prevailed today on the
slock exchange. Yesterday's crop of fail
ures and tho fact that thero in&n no Im
provement in tho European crisis bad a
most depressing effect. Quotations were
somewhat 'tinder yesterday's figures, but
wweurlyhomlnalf and whatvilt'tje' bost
nesjj&'dene was a matter of prolonged
The 'hammer, whose tapping- on tho.
desk, announces failures on tho stock ex
change; was heard early today when the
Derenburg' company, with largo conti
nental connections, announced that It
was unable- to meet its obligatipns. All
the failures thus far announced have
been of firms which do continental busi
ness. ,
German Bourne Practically Cloned.
BERLIN, July 30. Settlement' dealings
on tho bourse were entirely suspended
t6dajr and tho brokers -who gathered 'on
the floor confined themselves to cash
Exciting scenes wcro witnessed on the
produce exchange, w.hero wheat and rye
wcro quoted' from $1.76 to $2 per metric
ton higher.
The Imperial German bank still main
tained its waiting attitude,, but it Is
understood that It will follow London's
- example In' increasing the bank rate.
France. Itulsea llnlr,
PARIS, July 20. The bank of ' France
today raised- its discount rate from 314
44 per cent, and Its rate for loans from
4HS&V4 Per cent.
Tho Parts Bourse opened today as
usual, but there was no business. The
nominal quotation of French 3 per cent
rentes was unchanged.
It was announced by the committee of
tho Bourso that the monthly settlement
for July had been postponed until August
31 for all stocks, Including rentes.
Tho Frencn public seems to ragard a
general war as a certainty. The crowds
outside the. savings banks today were,
three times as numerous as those of
yesterday. Private hoarding and the pre
cautious taken by the Bank of Franco
havo almost removed minted coin from
STOCKHOLM, July 33.-The Swedish
Dlksbank today raised its discount rate
from per cent.
Mnrlnea Sail for Haiti.
NORFOLK, Vs., July 30.-The trans
port Hancock sailed early today for
Stiantanamo, Cuba, with 400 marines to
ldd to the forco mobilized there for pos
ilblo developments In Haiti. .
The Weather
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Unsettled, possibly showers; . no Im
portant change In temperature.
Temperature at oaiah Yesterday,
t Hours. Temn.
fimS X, 6 a. m 73
I U. III. ... Id
8 a. m 73
9 a. m 72
10 a. m 72
11 a. m 73
12 m 77
1 p. m V.i
r 2 p. m
3 p. in sw
tf 4 p. m S7
c p. m $3
G p. in 76
7 p. m. 68
8 n. m 67
Comparative Local ltecord
19H. 1911 1912. 1911.
Highest yesterday 8S 101 82 92
lowest yesterday 68 77 70 72
Mean temperature 78 S9 74 S2
Precipitation 12 T .00 .00
Temperature and precipitation depar
ures from the normal at Omaha since
March 1, and compared with the last two
formal temperature , 76
l-xccss for the day 2
lota! excoa since March 1 3H
normal precipitation 12 Inch
.deficiency for the day Oil Inch
l otai rainfall since March 1 ,14 91 inches
f"w7 since aiart-n , -ii.-incnc
Ufnrlnrv fni- rtr Ttrr-in.1 IQf 4 iKln.hc,
Ipetlclency for cor. period. 1912 8 17 inches
MM 9
&fej !& nn-..r i WW W theluMf
Drawn for The Bco by Powell.
Is Buried in Her Wedding Gown Be
side Grave of Her Husband.
Wishes of the Wife of the Founder
of The Bee Are Carried Out
In the Fullest Detnll nt
tho Services.
Tho body of Mrs. Edward Rosewater,
clad In tho pretty, gray., laco-trlmnicd
wedding dross which she first woro half
a century ago, now lies In Forest Lawn
PAmAtArv hMfl thA trrnVA nf iHlsbftnd.'
fthTfounder-ofTho Bee.
Her request that sho should Join her
husband in death in tho samo gown worn
by her when as a bride sho stood beside
Edward Rosewttter on their1 wedding" day
was honored at her funeral. Yesterday tho
slender figure was still In tho midst of
masses of beautiful flowers; tho hair,
once dark, was of lighter huo than tho
dress; tho expression of tho face, tender
now as then, was quiet, not animated as
fifty years ago.
Funeral services wero held nt 9:30 u'clock
yesterday morning at tho homo of Mr. and
Mrs. N. P. Fell,, Mrs. Rosewater's son-in-law
and daughter, at 503 South Thirty
sixth street. The friends who came to
render a last tribute to tho woman who
during many years had proven her worth
to her family and to them overflowed .tho
rooms of tho large houso and filled the
porch. Rev. Luther M. Kuhns, a long-
(Continued on Pago Five.)
Austrians Wounded
in tight with Serbs
in California City
LOS ANGELBS. Cal., July 30. Two
Austrian wero probably fatally injured
In a fight with Servluns early toduy at
North Broadway and Ord street, tho
corner where yesterday natives of the
warring countries clashed In a riot.
The Injured.
John Lulck. shot through the back.
Steve Coloch, stabbed In the abdomen.
Stove Garllch was arrested as the leader
of the Servians and the man who did
the shooting. Others alleged to have been
with him also were taken Into custody
and booked on suspicion, one or twe
being armed.
According to accounts given the police,
several Austrians walking long the
street wcro attacked by the Servians, tho
leaders crying; "Wo will kill all Aua
trlana before they go back to fight us."
A mob quickly gathered, but all wero
dispersed by squads of police rushed to
the scene In automobiles.
All of tho Servians under arrest deny
that they were Implicated In the attack.
American Tourists
in Europe Are in
State of Semi-Panic
PARIS, July 30. Many American tour
ists, npprehenslvn of being caught In
Europe without considerable quantities of
cash, have selling checks on New York.
On Tuesday they received 5 franca and
12 centimes for each dollar. Today only
C francs was offered them. Some of tho
American banking agencies here are Im
porting English gold to supply their cus
tomers. A semi-panic has broken out among
somo of tho American travelers, who seo
the possibility of being kept In Europe
Indefinitely should a general war break
out, as nearly half of the passenger
steamers probably would cease running
on the transatlantic service,
Shelby County Will Have Fair.
HARLAN, la., July 30. Special.) The
twonty-seventh annual fair of Shelby
co'inty will be hold August 21 to 27. About
$4,000 will be awarded as prizes In the
exhibition of fine stock and about $2,50)
will be divided among the fast horses.
In the harness races there will be one
i race wnn w prize money, one of $400.
J five of $W0 each and several where
smaller prizes are offered.
Where the War isJEtorcest
LARGE Omaha corporation wants
man Who is thoroughly experienced
In modern accounting and systematiz
ing; stato experience, salary expected
and give references.
Tor farther information about this
position, see the Want Ad Section of
today's Bee.
Foreign Students in German Sohools
Must Quit Country.
tenKllahhiult Forced. if Leave L noun
Passed Clght Trains of 'Sol.
dters- Bound for the
.French Frontier
LONDON, July 30. All foreign pupils
at the big German schools were Informed
yesterday that they must leavo Ger
many Immediately.
A number of English students left lost
night and arrived hero today. Ono who
came from Bonn on the Rhino said that
between that town and Cologno the
train In which ho was traveling passed
eight trains loaded with German soldiers
going toward the French frontier.
Tho bridges and all tho lines were
closely guarded and Intense excitement
prevailed In all the towns in the district,
where Is was understood the schools
wero to be converted Into military hos
Francis Joseph Acclaimed, t
ASCHL, Austria, July 30. Emperor
Francis Joseph left here today for Vienna
amid scenes of tho wildest enthusiasm, A
great crowd gathered at the station and
cheered tho aged monarch again and
again. Archduke Charles, tho heir to tho
throne, accompanied his majesty.
British Fleet nt Malta Conls.
VALLETTA, Maltn, July 30. Incessant
preparations proceeded among tho largo
British garrison and also among tho
vessels of the British fleet here through
out tho night. All leavo for officers and
mon has been stopped. Tho authorities
Issued orders for a precautionary stage
of mobilization and as a consequenco
great activity was apparent in tho dock
Auatrlana Advnnce.
NISH, Servla, July 30. Tho Invading
Austrian troops advanced today somo
twenty miles to the southward of Bel
grade and an artillery duel was In
progress this morning near Klcznlcy and
Stocks Drop Five to
Seventeen Points on
Wall Street Market
NEW YORK, July 30. Another flood
of liquidation swept over today's stock
market. Declines ran from fivo to eleven
points In such speculative Issues us
Reading nnd Lehigh Valley, Amal
gamated Copper and the Hill and Harri
man shares, whllo numerous Industrials
and specialties were proportionately af
fected. Apprehension here was heightened
by numeioua now gold exports, which
hulped to swell the already enormously
largo total. Foreign exchange was again
demoralized and definite quotations were
almost unobtainable, but the fact that
hany of today's engagements were In
small amounts was accepted as further
proof of the urgent demand for gold
Stocks recovered one to three points
around tho last hour, but tho undertono
lost none of Its weakness.
Tho market was thrown into a stato of
convulsion In the final hour on announce
ment that Germany had served an ulti
matum on Russia. Declines In speculative,
leaders ran from six to seventeen points.
Epidemic of Halites.
PITTSBURGH, July SO.-Dr. A. Lcteva.
director of tho Pasteur Institute here,
today announced that an epidemic of
tables had broken out In the city, and
advised precautions to prevent Its spread,
V I V n.ruili TOAr 1 IH.n I muf .Infra
I yesterday and five of them seriously
Rain Falls Just Where and When it
is Most Needed.
Extends from the Platte on South
na Fnr North na Chnmberlnlu,
S. D. Columbus Also
tSets nit Inch.
Rain came to Nobraska again Wednes
day night, and this tlmo it visited a. sec
tion whero It was needed. It was gen
eral ovor tho cnttro north half of the
aJnto-andr according to grain and; raU
road moll, makes ?in6ra than an 'average
corn crop absolutely certain,
Morning, reports to tho Northwestern,
Omaha and Mllwaultco roads aro to tho
effect that tho rain wim generul from
western Nobraska and South Dakota
across' tho country into Iowa and Mln
nesotn, covering an area from as far
north as Chamberlain, Huron and Sioux
Falls, S. D., south to the Platto river in
this stato and ranging from ono to two
All through tho Bonesteel and Winner
country Of South Dakota and over Boyd,
Holt, Antelope, Knox, Pierco, Madison,
Cedar, Wayne, Stanton, Cuming, Thurs
ton, Dakota and most of Burt county,
Nobraska, tho rain commenced to fall
early Wednesday ' ovenntg, rained all,
night and In many localities was still
(Continued on Pago Five.)
Most Anti-Fat
Cures Worthless,
Says Department
WASHINGTON, July SO.-Bewaro of so
called anti-fat "cures," that Is the warn
ing of tho Department of Agriculture
today In response to numerous Inquiries
relative to specific remedies.
As a result of tests to determine tho
efficacy of a number of alleged "nos
trums," tho department asserts that
practically all such preparations aro
worthless. "In the knowledgo of nil drug
specialists at the present time," it is de
clared, "there Is no preparation thnt can
bo depended on to reduce flesh In any
marked degreo without doing Injury."
Specialists of the department declare
that the only ways they know of safely
to reduce flesh are rigid dieting and
strenuous exercise, and those, to be ef
fective, must bo continued over a long
period of time.
Letters urging prevention of the salo
of tho preparations In Interstate com
merce under the food and drugs act have
been received, but tho department de
clares that Is practically Impossible, "for
the reason that tho claims on tho pack
ages aro purposely so guarded as to cvado
action." Tho only thing it can do, tho
department concludes, Is to warn the peo
ple, against tho use of such preparations.
Cotton Slumps Over
Four Dollars a Bale
NEW ORLEANS, July SO.-As tho re
sult of pessimistic cablegrams from
largo market centers of Europo and
vague rumors to the effect that big
English concerns wero cabling this side
not to rUk further shipments of various
commodities, cotton declined $2.60 a bole
during tho late forenoon.
Later in the afternoon another . on
slaught carried prices farther down. Just
before 2 o'clock October stood at a loss
of 73 points, or almost $t a bale.
The National Capital
Thursday, July no, 1014.
The Seunte.
Met at 11 a. m.
Debate was resumed on the trade com
mission bill.
The House,
Met at noon.
Debate was resumed on the bill to ex
tend the time of payments for settlers on
goernment Irrigated lands.
Austrian Forces that Tried to Cross
Danube Twenty Miles East of
Capital Repulsed.
Several Hundred Men Are Reported
Killed in All-Day Fight at
Servians Report Defeat of Austrian
Column that Entered Their
Country from Bosnia.
Ancient Fortress is Reduced, but
City is Little Damaged.
Austrian Shell "Its Ilnlldlna Hous
ing; Klnir Georne'a Ilepresentn
tlve Servian Shnrpshootcrs'
Annoy the, Austrians.
LONDON, July 30. A bulletin re
ceived by tho Servian legation Days
tho Austrians, attempting to cross
tho Danube twenty miles oast of Bel
grade, woro repulsed by tho Servians
and that a big artillery ongaoraont
Is In progress.
Another messago received at tho
Servian legation says tho Servian
troops successfully resisted tho Aus
trian advance at Losnltza, at tho
west of Uolgrwdo.
LONDON, rJuiy ?n. Tho Auslr'o,'
Hungarian force Invading' Servla' to-
inin. K00.000 mon. according to a
nowspapor dispatch from Home.
Of theao 150,000 afo operating
from Semlln, opposlto Belgrade tho
Sorvlan capital; 100,000 from Svor
nllc. on tho river Drlna, In Bosnia;
150,000 from Sarayovo, tho capital
of Bosnia, and 100,000 from Mllano
vatz, on tho Danubo, In tho eastern
part of Servla.
Austrians Meet lleslatance.
LONDON, July SO. A newspaper dis
patch from Romo says sharp resistance
Is being offered to the Austrian advanco
from the norttlwest by small detach
ments of Servian troops left to Impede
their progress. The news comes from
Nlsh, Servla, by way of Halonlhl.
Tho Austro-Ilungarlan invaders fol
lowed the valloy of tho river, Morava, and
first encountered a body of Servian troops
at Semendria, on the Servian sldo of tho
Danube. Tho Servians held their ground
until nightfall and then retired. Both
Austrians nnd Servians sustained heavy
losses, several hundred soldiers bejng
On tho western side of Servia an Aus
trian column camo In contact with n Ser
vian' force at Loanltza, which put up a
stubborn defense and held the, fort thero
until dark, Inflicting heavy losses on tho
Tho southern Austrian column In Bosnia
remained stationary today, awaiting the
movement of tho Montenegrin troops.
Tho ancient fortress of Belgrado was
reduced by tho Austrian artillery, which,
however, caused only slight damage to
other parts of the Servian capital. The
British legation was struck by an Aus
trian shell. Servian sharpshooters greatly
harried tho Austrian artillery men during
tho bombardment.
Unconfirmed reports reached hero from
Berlin that tho Servians had been de
feated by the Austrians at Fotcha In
Bosnia, losing 800 men, while the Aus
trian casualties numbered 200. Fotcha Is
far within the boundaries of Bosnia and
thus on Austrian territory. Another un
confirmed report says the Austrian
troops attacked tho Montenegrins on
Mount Lovchcn.
ttervlniis Blow Up Bridge,
VIENNA, July 29.-Tho Servians' at
10:30 o'clock this morning blew up the
bridge spanning tho river Save, between
tho Austrian town of Semlln and Bel
grade. Tho Austrian Infantry and artil
lery, stationed at Semlln, in conjunction
with monitors on the Danube, fired on tho
Servian positions beyond the bridge. The
Servians retreated after a short engage
ment with trifling losses.
Kuvloud Ahnudona Gunlioata.
HANKOW, China, July 30.-The British
gunboats Snipe, Woodchuch and Klnsha
of tho British-China squadron were de
serted by order of the admiralty today.
The crews removed the breech blocks
from the guns, took away all the arms
and ammunition possible and threw the
remaining Into the Yangtse-Klang.
It Is understood that the British ad
miralty similarly Is dismantling all the
small British gunboats In Chinese waters,
sending their crews to Hong Kong and
Wei Hal Wei In order to dofend. those
Important possessions against a posnlble
German attack.
The three gunboats were tied to the
docks and only caretakers left In charge.
Tho crews departed tonight for Shanghai
and later probably will go to Hong Kong.
Summary the Day's
War Developments
The gravity of the international sit
uation was recognized In all Euro
pean capitals today.
Premier Asqulth nnd Sir Edward
Grey called on alt parties In tho Brit
ish Isles to Join In efforts to avert
tho Immeasurable calamity of an ex
tension of hostilities to other coun
tries. Tho German emperor conferred at
length with tho imperial chancellor
and tho ministers of war nnd marine,
and later reserve officers received
orders to mobilize
Russia proceeded with Its mobiliza
tion of a largo number of troops.
President Polncaro nnd tho French
cabinet decided to meet dally. The
Frenoh detonslvo forces took exten
sive prccautlbnary measures.
Austrian Invaders and Servian troops
camo Into contact on Servian territory
and hundreds of casualties wero said
to havo resulted.
Tho whereabouts of the main Brit
ish fleet Is unknown slnco Its de
parture yesterday from Portland under
scaled orders.
Tho German battle squadrons are
concentrated at Kiel and Wllholmn
haven. Tho Frenoh fleet lms taken steps to
prepare for oventUaltle.
Japan Is said to have declared Its
readiness to Join its ally, Great
in outlying British colonics the
troops havo been prepared for Instant
A German gunboat hurriedly quit
Capo Town today and went to sea.
Tho German and British fleets In
tho far east havo been concentrated
nt their chlof stations. All foreign
studonts. weto ordered to leave Ger
man schools.
Stock markets everywhere In Europo
havo virtually ceased operations nnd
tho leading banking Institutions havo
taken measures to preserve their
stocks of gold.
Czar Decides to Support Servia
with His Army.
Statement Matte that' .Auairin Re
Jrcted IlussiA'a Sufcaentlotr for
Direct Neolnttona About
Demands on Servln.
IlIOA, Russia, July 30, Martial
law was proclaimed today over Bol
doraa and tho mouth of tho Dvlnu
river and Its vicinity. StoamerB
havo to obtain special permission to
pass in and out. Tho nold of sub
marlno mines outAlda the entranco
to tho harbor Is to bo completod to
night. ST. PETERSBURG. July 2J.-In Rus
sian eyes tho dio Is cast. Only a political
miracle can avert war.
Russian .does not swervo from Its deter
mination to support Servla and partial
mobilization has already been ordered,
Thero Is every indication that the whole
vast military machinery of Russia will
Hopn be set in motion. An imperial mani
festo Is cxpocted within a few hours.
Should Emperor Nicholas become gen
eralissimo of tho forces, as It Is under
stood he will, an Immenso wave of en
thusiasm will sweep over Russia.
Tho political parties have sunk their dif
ferences. Tho general attitude Is not
Jingoistic, but ono of resolute confldenco
In the Justice of the country's cause and
readiness to make ail sacrifices.
Tho proposal attributed to Austria 'f
discuss Terms when Belgrade has been
t occupied Is regarded as impassible. It is
pointed out that before the opening of
hostilities Russia proposed to Austria a
direct change of views, which Austria re
jected. An Imperial ukase Issued by tho em
peror tonight calls to the colors an im
menso number of reservists.
Flrst AH the reservists of twenty
three wholo governments and of seventy,
ono districts In fourteen other govern
ments, Second Part of the reservists of nine
districts of four governments.
Third The naval reservists in sixty-
four districts of twelve Russian govern
ments and one Finnish government.
Fourth Tho time-expired CoBsacks of
the' territories of Don. Kuban, Terek,
Astrakan, Orenburg and Ural.
Fifth A corresponding number of re
servUt officers of tho medical and vet
erinary service, in addition to needful
horses, wagons and transport services In
the governments and districts thus mo
bilized. The foregoing St. Petersburg dispatch
was passed by tho censor" without requi
sition a fact which is considered highly
WASHINGTON, July 30.-Efforta were
made today by the United States to In
fluence General Carranza to bring about
an Immediate armistice in Mexico. This
action followed an appeal from Provi
sional President Carubajal that further
fighting not only was "unnecessary, but
Inhuman, In view of the certain success
of tho peace negotiations."
Secretary Bryan telegraphed John R.
Sllllman, personal representative of Pres
ident Wilson with Carranza, urging a
suspension of .hostilities.
Officials later said they believed that
Carranzawould declare an armistice as
soon as the Carabajal delegates arrived
at Saltlllo, as he already had Indicated
his willingness to suspend hostilities.
Note Demands Czar's Government
Make Clear Its Intentions Re
garding Mobilization
Object of Move, Against What Di
rected and Whether Stoppage
Can Be Ordered.
Czar Calls Reserves to Colors and is
Massing Great Force Near Aus
tro-Hungarian Frontier. 1
Will Appear as Ally of England in
Case of General War,
Great Fleet Has Been Placed Upon
War Footing.
All Military Preparations Except
Actnnl Mobilisation Have Been
Made Troops Guarding the'
Railroads and Supplies.
BERLIN, July 30. A noto dls
patched by tho Gorman government
to St. Petersburg this morning gives
Russia twenty-four hours to explain
its Intontlona with regard to moblll-
In dopllmiatlc quartors here It was
sinter! that .tbe-note- to Russia asked .
tbreo questions: Tho object of tho
mobillzatjon, whothor . It was dl-,
roctod .atsilnst Austria-Hungary, and
whothor Russia was willing to order
a stoppago of tho mobilization.
In tho meantime all preparatory
orders for a mobilization of tho Gor
man army were Issued.
All tho officers wcro reaallod and t
no leavo Is to bo granted.
Tho railroad battalions havo been
given special orders.
Cannot lie stopped.
LONDON, July SO. The Exchange Tele
graph company's dispatch from St. Pet
ersburg says that Serglus Sazonoff, Rus
sian foreign minister, replied to the Ger
man note, stating that tho mobilization of
the Russian army was only partial and
could not be stopped.
Situation nettr.r Tliun Supposed.
PARIS?, July S0.-Loula J. Malvy, tho
French minister of the Interior, ma'de tho
following announcement tonight to u,
number of deputies 'who had gathered in
tho lobbies of tho chumber:
"Wo have received from Germany news
which wo did not not darn to hope for." -
"The situation," Mr. Mnlvy continued.
"Is now better than has generally been
supposod. It is permissible to foresee a
moment when negotiations may enter into
a wayyleadlnK to a favorable solution."
LONDON, July 30. Germany's act to
day In giving Itusilan a time limit of
twenty-four hours In which to declare Its
Intentions In connection with the mobili
zation of Its army added ona more clanger
pomi io mo graveiy Tiucai European
situation, already sharply acute.
The nervous tension In all tho coun
tries of the old world had almost reached
Its utmost limits when this fresh peril
cropped up.
At'tho samo time it was announced that
orders had been sent to all the officers
and men of tho German reserve to hold
themselves In readiness. As it had been
pointedly hinted a few days ago that
Germany would not draw back when it
once started, tho situation was felt In
(Continued on Page Two.)
Going Up!
The prices for good home,
business property, acreage.
There never was a better
time than the present to Invest
in Omaha real estate. An In
vestment now In Omaha real
estate Is not only safe, hut a
sure profit-maker for the fu
ture. The prospective investor
large or small, Is showing fore
sight and good business judg
ment when he sets out to ac
quaint himself with real estate
conditions and values.
The real estate columns of
The Bee contain tho choicest
offerings on the Omaha market.
Real estato men who have
REAL opportunities ALWAYS
advertise them In The Beo,
Full Information and the
latest news about real estate
values can be obtained from an
investigation of these adver
tisements. If you are well la
formed, you will be able to
make a much wiser Investment
of your money.