Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 30, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE HKK: OM UIA, THrHSDAY, Jl'LV 1914.
yj"S ' ' "' ' HT'"'"" ' "' "'IT" '-11 " , "fr " ' """""" ' ' ' ' ii i i urn i tfjTiK ' "s
Will thfe Curse of Eden Be
Lifted from Woman?
I there hope that the Edcnlc curse
111 be lifted from woman? Is It possible
that the sentence passed upon her ac
cording to the Old Book that many obey
and, till revere has
been served, ntid
that after centuries
of suffering she la
to be free? Has
motherhood, re
taining All Its ten
der beauty and
fchlnlns glory, paid
Its full penalty of
pal n? May the
greatest function
of womanhood, the
gift of motherhood,
be accepted with
out fear?
is u new "twi
light sleep" treat
ment a step to
ward tho great goal? I
It Is a question for doctors to answer
and as has been true since the first two
doctors differed about the efficacy of the
first herb they are poles apart In their
views. They are hurling expletives at
';-v wmvi uii itue uairi) line.
Physicians who speak tho medical and
several other straugo languages arc call
ing each other bad names about It
vThe majority Is shouting "It can't tie
done." The minority Is answering, "But
It has been done, and whatever has been
doriemay be done again." "When persons
lose their ground or temper they begin
to call "names. The majority of the doc
tors have adopted this last resort, The
minority, rjold their ground, as Galileo
held hlB, though he held It , on bended
knees and with lowered eyes. "Crazy,"
"visionary,:' "foolish enthusiasm," ory
the majority.
At Baden a little group of German phy continuing an experiment with
the persistence-of Robert Drueo's spider.
Again and again, over and over, the effort
has been made Id robo maternity of its
terrors, ihe fear . of pain, the . fear of
death, the fear of itself. Tho group of
physicians and an experienced "nurse In
a small hospital ( at, Baden say they have
succeeded, that they have Ducceeded not
occasionally, but -usually, not twice tir
fifteen times, but G,000 times.
.Five thousand times they have met the
enemy that stallts nboUt tho. bed of a
mother, the grim enemy that stretches
out gaunt, fleshless arms-for mother and
child, torturing one -nodi menacing both,
and have conquered lilm".' But tho
Thomases ot tho medical world arc set-
farjg up-a loud chorus to cry 'them down.
i&heyrrussert that they can Induce a
lhalf-coniclous state that cause? the.
Etiquette of Summer Visits J j
est argument and a very good one It Is.
that human life Is su precious a thing
that a physician, bound by his Escalaplan
oath, dares not gamble with It.
"It was tried In our city hospitals and
wo gave It up because tho risk to tho
mother we thought too great," explained
a New York authority.
Said one who had watched the same
attempts: "There was no danger to the
mother, but we lost some children.",
'I will not criticise what I have not
Been." This was the most liberal vole
In the chorus. "But I have known cases
of motherhood without suffering, a very
few. They were caused by equal parts
of sedatives and of autosuggestion."
A physician who had visited the Frei
burg hospital and for days had watched
tho work of tho "crazy enthusiasts," said:
"But Gcopolamtn Is a poison. We Indue
. 1 1 1 fr I t . 1 ...... U.. , V, . nnH. nh.l 1...
chloroform. Thut Is mathematical exait- i representative, and will, of course, send
ncs. When von a th nutlent linn hail a conveyance. It Is obvious, tneretore,
At this season, when hospitality Is con
stantly offered to friends by those who
have country houses. It Is well to re
member certain things which make a.
guest welcome and which leave an Im
pression on a hostess that It has been a
pleasure and not a task to have had that
friend under her roof.
When Invited to make a visit In k
friend's hbuse, whether for two days or
two weeks, the first thing to be consid
ered Is that tho hostess has definite
claims cm any one who Is bidden to her
The law of courtesy requires that an
Invitation should be answered promptly.
If obliged to send a regret there should
be no hint that one would be glad to ac
cept at some other time. 4
A guest's duty Is to arrive on tho dny
and at the hour named for tho visit. It
Is Inexcusable to mlm the train men
tioned by the hostess, -who will herself,
no doubt, bo at the station to meet the
expected guest, or will send some one as
nother to forget her pain, but'' enables use'hpr will "and muscular power.
"It was Very hard to do, but Ve haYc
jnoi lt,"s say the' little band. "It took a
but we
long 'time and great patience,
have won-"
A preliminary injection of opium, and
subsequent Injection of scopotamln. will
take 'a mother through the dark way of
maternity without pajn and with no
agonizing and 'dangerous nervous re
action. The ,way of 'the cross for women
has ''become a highway of Joy and
triumph, so say the halt dozen nurses
and doctors and tha devoted nurse at
.Enough morphine is Injected . into the
body, arm or any 6ther portion of the
body tho. physician may deem best to
cause the patient to become drowsy.
Thereafter, every hour or two hours, as
needed, there arc Injections ot scopota
mln. Physicians and nurses are - con
stantly present to watch and test the suc
ceeding states of the patient. The test
of when the patient Is ready for her of
deal Is a test of the memory.
Is she nearly enough asleep to forget
pain the instant it has passed? A physi
cian holds up two fingers.
"How many fingers do you see?" he
aeks. If sho answers "two" her senses
are too acute. She has not passed Into
the twilight slate of semi-sleep. More
frequent injections of the scopolamln
lie holds up two fingers again. "How
many fingers do you see?' he asks.
"One," she replies in a distant, drowsy
voice. But her eyes are open. She Is
able to move about. Her will is strong
and active. The delicate balance between
Igss of memory and control of will and
.muscular power has been reached. The
fmoment has arrived. That Is tho secret,
' a-simple one and elmplytold by the phy
sicians of Baden.
."But," say the objectors, and their
name is "legion and, In some Instances,
distinction, "they don't say that the
scopolamine which is an abstract ot a
weed called snake root, sometimes drives
a woman crazy. No, she doesn't remain
fco, but her ravings Interfere with the
doctor's wcrk and endanger the child's
That there, has been delirium In other
eases, where Ihe disturbing spectre of
sjxipolamln has never stalked the ob'
- lectors do not emphasize.
"It has been tried in this country apd
ptven up," one physician after another
will Impatiently toll you. "Thoroughly?"
, ou ask, and they reply with their sound.
enough, you remove the cono. But Inject
I a poison Into tho body and you can do.
no more. The poUon Is king for a while.
Besides, the German doctors say them
selves that the dommtrsohlaf, the twi
light sleep, must be given In a. hospital
with two doctors and two nurses to
watch each case. That puts the matter
beyond tho reach of a poor woman. It
would bankrupt any but the richest ones.
I tell you, It amount to n faith cure."
"There will nover be motherhood with
out sufferings." says one.
"There will be no painless maternity
until women return' to the almp'lo out-'
door life of the Indian," vows another.
"I hive known n' few Instances of the .
great socrltlce without .corresponding 1
suffering." said one of the great ob
stctrlrlans. "I have known them, but I
have not known whv thrv were. I hone '
that some day motherhood will not mean
agony. But I 'don't know and I don't
know how it can be done."
Doctors are heroes and cowards. Heroes
In the fight for a patient's life: cowards
shivering at the name ot that medical
specter, "Professional etiquette." Pledged
to help and save humanity, they fear to
announce a benlflcent discovery to a suf
fering world lest the medical society gib
bet them. Doctors aro as cruel to their
kind an the persecutors ot old women
when the wqrld was darkened by be(lqf
In witchcraft. -
Tliere are progressives and obstruction
ists. They have Improved the sclenco of
medicine a lltila'-and the art of surgery
a great doalr But they have put brakes
on the wheels all the way. They said
tuberculosis could not be cured and they
persecuted and -defamed, the doctors who
discovered dure". Th.e'y.,said cancer co'ufd
nover be cured andi grudgingly they have'
admitted that sonje farms . can be cured
and sonp stages arrested.Vi They are the
order who have died 'In tho: service of thd
sick in a plague," but once all of thciri
believed in leeches", and, bled a man to
make' him well.
They are In this rcepect of medicine
quitters. They tried to bring about pain
less maternity and after comparatively
few trials gave it up. "They have decided
the supremo suffering of the world must
be borne to the end. The dentists have
been rriore perserverlng. Once dentists 1
said you must suffer agony when a tooth 1
is drawn.. Now experts draw it for you
at 2, nnd nt 2:13 you appear smiling In a '
matinee audience. Of course the first
efforts were discouraging. It nearly kilted
tho first patient to have his tooth pain
lessly extracted, but dental science kept ,
on trying. J
That Is what., Uie women expect the j
medical profession to do. We do not I
know whether tho little group of enthus
iasts In the Baden hospital Is mistaken.
But wo don't want to co It traduced..
Some of us know that the light of pub
licity that beats upon the little hospital
toward which tho thoughts of mothers
are turning was not only unsought, but j
was unwelcome. Those of us who are :
cooks know that the first dish after a j
- v. . . BMV. Ul IJ OJIUIICU! IIM L 13
have to keep on trying, and when we
have nearly given up at last the dish Is
savory and perfect.
Tho prima donna must run the scales
persistently before she can sing an aria,
The effective administration ot anes
thesias must be as nicely done as the
balancing of delicate machinery. But,
whatever the undertaking, we must not
that one must be protnpt and not caune
Inconvenience to the host's at the very
oDenlnc of tho visit.
A welcome guest Is ndaptablo to the
liniieoVinhl wiiVH.' If the oUBtoM of tllO
family Is for every one o be at break- I
fast, punctuality should be observed, a no
thoughtless Inconsiderate visitor who I
never on time for meals, who makes ox-
On with the Dance!
Th tunar Kamivina, tho Beautiful Jtttssian Danror,
"Who Has Captured london by J lot Oraee
and Skill. She Is Here Seen as ller
sqlf and in Two Different Poses
Little Mary's Essays-Boys
Ily DOHOT11V Dl.V.
The cxixmcnt of the jxietry of motion im "A lllrtl ot rite."
Boys Is horrid tittle beasts Ihtt pulls
jour hnlr, nnd spits through their teet'i,
nnd Is lltt)o snalxs, nnd (lies, far th
Lord created them for some good pur
pose, only nobody
'don't know what
It Is.
' Boys Ii made of
i Itt and hollei
i They sound like
; they was rlote
kin to a ortermo-
J bile horn, and they
1 always look
only except when
they are on their
way to Sunday
school, and their
nut mn p has Just
washed lhm up.
and thn look ml
erahe A boy has two
hands and 'wh
nimn. one at cfh
t-orper, which he uses co itlitHally
: . " i)
1 I mmm immr mm$m
r ' j
To dancer ns "Schelierarado." Tltomor Kftisavlna an lieihelf.
The Number of Fleshy
z People In This
Country Is Decreasing
cuses for being late, who Is nover ready
when others arc ready to go out motor
I ii it n ml who kennn neonle waiting Iridef-
faint, within sight of the promised land. 1 ,nlt',y 18 not an acceptable guest.
Once all doctors said that motherhood I A t,lctf ul BUeBtl l'"er!' cl'oerfully Into
nnd physical agony must co hand in aw amusement or occupation mat may
hand throtieh th world Knw nm.t rh. , be suggested, tries to bo agreeable toJ
stclans say so. But a few are reaching . olherB wl, mBy 1,8 Bta'lnK ln tno ,10,,";'
toward the light. Lequex, the French and Ir "Pedally considerate toward
physician, has spoken with tho delicacy
of his tongue.
He renounced the doctrine ot despair
and with Infinite care spoke' a message,
of hope,
, "There Is hope,'' said he, "that by the
most cautious clinical studies a means
will be reached of depriving motherhood
of its fear and pain."
That is what tho women ask ot the
doctors hope, and that they keep on try
ing. A gift for woman is a vision of
better things. And they are Impatient,
as impatient as Napoleon at a foolish
adjective, when they hear of anything
good and greatly desired, "It can't be
members ot the family, old dr young
Interesting or uninteresting.
Self-effacement Is nn Impoilunt thing
to practice when on a visit. The art of
being a pleasant guest 1 to understand
that a hostess wants some time to her
self. Quests who have no resources, who
follow a hostess about, who never re
lieve her of their presence, who keep up
an endless flow of talk or show that they
expect to be entertained arn very weari
some and boiine.
It Is always wlce for a guest to have
a habit of withdrawing to her room to
write letters! or rest.
Carefulness In rcxard to the belongings
of tho house Is always oxerclsed by a
well-bred guest. If a book Is chosen
from a shelf or a table it is not taken
to one's room without asking permission,
and It is Tcturned to the exact place
where It was found.
Another point to be observed Is never
For using a small electric battery to to use a telephono without asking If one
Current on Balky Horse
Advice to the Lovelorn
accelerate a balky horse. Walter Lenhart.
of 2301 South Sixty-seventh street. Phils
I dtlphla, and Walter Lenhart, 17 years
old. of Merchantvllle. were arralcrnrrf In
j the Camden police court yesterday on a
charge of cruelty to animals. Ell Van
meter of 113 William street, Philadelphia,
testified that he saw the horse balk In
the vicinity ot Front and "Vine streets.
The popularity of the physical culture
fad with Its accompaniment of discus
sions regarding diot, has doubtless been
responsible for part of the steady coun-
last few years have developed 6everaV ! A entle tap of the whip or urging with
flesh reducers which have been very 1m
portant factors In causing this decrease
Among these we consider the following
one, which ran be made at home with
very little trouble, as far the best and
t doubtless costs the least. Put four
the lines had no effect on the beast, he
said, but now and then the horao would
fciiddcnly leap almost out ot the harness.
He oaw something that looked like wire,
and learned that electricity was being
used to start the balky horse.
ounces of parnotls. which you can get I ne nnann oerponsiraicu in tne court
.from your druggist. In 1'4 pints hot1room that ,n battery was only strong
water and strain when cool. Take a enouKh to tartl the horse and not In
tablespoonful before meals until weight 1 We It llecorder Ptaekhouse could see
Is where you want It. No harm results ' " barm In the battery, having often
from the use of the parnotls treatment, ! himself used electricity, but not for the
and the flesh Is left solid and the skin ; same purpose and he dismissed the case
soft and smooth Advertisement Philadelphia Heccrd
may do so and never to charge long-dls
tance messages. And as all matters of
a financial nature aro undesirable be
tween guest and hostess, It Is In best
taste to avoid using tho telephono un
less absolutely necessary. Even a good
natured hostess may be annoyed It a
young man or wotnan persists In making
a convenience of her telephone and holds
frequent and lengthy conversations with
frlonds who are a very long distance,
An essential thing la not to make pfans
or engagements without consulting the
hostess, whose wishes must be deferred
to under all circumstances.
Thoro Is wisdom In never being per
suaded to stay longer than the time
originally named for the visit
rhe custom la to give toon to servants
before going away, or ti the maid who
hss Mone any special service,
I'or u I'll My.
Dear Miss Kulrfnx; I expect to have a
paity soon and would like yuu to state
whether I should wait On my kuMs or
not: alio n few tamra which will be ap
propriate for an afternoon or evening
party. Would you ndvlse me to wear a.
common or expensive dress If I have
otlier girls wait on my guest.
It Is the duty ot the hostess to see that
her guests uro made comfortable In
every way, and f need he, she should
give her personal attention to waiting on
tho table. The maid can, of course, as
sist, but the hostess should be first In
the servlco to the guests. It shows a.
proper appreciation, not only of her own
position, but for the feelings of the
guests, for tho hostess to dress appro
priately. If the party Is for the. after
noon a simple gown should be worn! If
for the evening a more elaborate cos
tume Is permissible, but tho hostess
should be careful not to dress ln such a
manner as to render her conspicuous
among her guests,
Vnequal Aires,
Dear Miss Fairfax: Kindly publish this
In the Advice to the Lovelorn oolupm In
answer lo tho girl of 18 yearn who wishes
to marry the man of 55 years:
Iy Dtar friend: Under no circumstances
would I advise you to marry this aged
man of 65 years, Better take a rope and
hang yourself. Remember youth calls
for youth, and while you will still t be
young he will be aged and feeble. Seek
a younger companion and make life worth
living. Take you parents' advice and
also mine and you will never r en ret It.
Wishing you success nnd happiness, I
am, your true friend, HOPE."
You are rltht, Hope, and I trust your
advice will be hetdod by the young
woman In question.
Inuorr llliu.
Dear Miss Fairfax. In a neighboring
Bi lliuui" g
'fotadame. Ise'ielfa
!Bcauiy Lesson.
l'ood Is cither cllm'nntcd from the sys
tcin, burned up In energy, or It serves to
Increase the fatty deposit In the body.
Some people burn up evory ounce of food
'l0 assimilated, esses of which we say "they
nover put on flosh." The average woman,
.'however, toward middle ag? assimilates
' more food than she consumes Irl energy
In other words, sho oats too much and
exercises ton I'.ttle.
Obesity can bo traced directly to food
i consumption. Most stout people Insist
I that they are small caters, although most
i ot them will admit to Indolent habits nnd
inn d clnrllnatlou to exorcise. In truth, a
! person's own Idea of his food consUmp
'llon Is ruroly correct; also tho kind or
fond eaten Is an Important factor. The
carbonaceous foods, starches, sweets and
rats are all fat producing and a diet
made up largoly of these tends to pro
duce excess flesh unless It is burned up
In energy. To reduce flesh, therefore, It
! Is necessary to do two things; Increasu
'tho amount of exercise, that Is, th(i,coS-
, innptlbn of fnt by energy, and decrease
. the nniounl of fut-produclng foods oaten.
1 (eduction Is So simple and It brings
with It not only Improved appearance,
but so much greater comfort and wci
bolng, that It Is difficult to understand
how people will allow themselves to bo
Impeded In their movements by too much
fat and tee their graco and beauty dls-
npiKar In the samo way. Tho primary
cause of obesity being too much food, tho
first step to tuke when threatened w th
: It Is to cat less. No matter whether you
think you have little nppetltn or not. If
!you are growing stout no matter how
1 little you eal you aro ea."f too much.
You aie tnklng In more food than tho
system requtren or can handle. No mat-
iter If ycu are a trpall cater, It you wish
tn reduce, eat less.
Lesson Xlt to he continued. "
Do You Know That
The Austrian pilot Konschel, who to1,
r. bet porformed the feat of shaving him
self In nn nernnlnnn. rose 3.000 feet before
I hecltmlixr nnorntluim while lnnklncr wide
circles round Vlopna. Ifc states that
lathering was easy, but while vhavlpg he
had to steer with his feet, ns he required
one hand to hold his cheek while he used
the razor with the other.
Tho number of smokers ln the House
of Commons was probably nevor larger
tlmn It Is now. Last year tho sale ot
clgors In the house realised close upon
fit.lW. The ministers' dining room Is to
W convfftoil forthwith Into an nddltlonul
smoking room for the uso of tho mem
bers nt the House of Commons.
Persia will sunuty the oil fuel for the
J British navy In tho futuie. The present
! output of Ihe fields In which the ad
! mlrolty has pcqulrtd right amounts la
j :0,000 tons a year.
Whales are gradually being wiped out.
Only iV were captured In Scottish water
jlsst year, the average catch per steamer
falling from forty to thirty-three.
One hundird and forty million gallons
of oil arc, extracted yearly from plants.
jCoUa. olives, Unseed, palm nnd castur
j beans yield fiO.OOO.OOD pt this quantity
I he has a mouth that never nets any rest, I a reasonably active man walks about
heculise when he ain't stuffln' something ,S07,aoi miles In eighty-four years just
in It, ho'u alvvnys letting a lot of sound walking about his home and place ot
nit of II. He ulso has u head which he business.
' mostly uses to stand on.
Also, a buy has pockets In which Iim ' Wrinlnghmn has tried the experiment
keeps pieces of tw'ne. and nafl .,nd j of running first ' class cars at uoupie tne
hewing num. and candy, nnd marbles. UBl,al far'''' but t,,a 'cl,"" h" r'"1
hnd pencils, nnd dried fish with -vvritoM a,,1 Ha tjcr abanUonetJ-
you can mako anybody's prize Anvora
ct follow you.
Hoys can also throw balls I know a
boy that has broken the plate glass wn
going that 1 did. He stayed around with
i me for sometime, und when my friend
vunio duck rrgrn me ice cream parlor
khu helped me ditch him. and wo left
then for the dance In tho hall, but h"
followed. I treated him very coolly, and
liu left me. lie told tne his numu, hut
1 found out after It wus not his own.
WhuL t Willi tit Wnmv ! wlitit ulisilil.l f
do, should J meet him aguln us I am apt d0' of the drug sloro on our corner four
t,. at any time times with his ball, and what the drut
" itt i J Illiuun I. 1 . tn,f. ,nun amis In
nn l.ln, II. ,mn...ll., I.M,. .11 ' MOIC COBn SttlC 10
- ,.. n.iimi; invii. ,
ruqu'sltrs of u gentleman, and does not'
deuervo the notice of tin honest girl,
A tslndrop ope twenty-fifth ot an Inch
In dlameior cannot fall at any greater
snteC than thirteen fet hi a second.
him was perfectly
orful. Also the boy's futher hat to pay
for the window. I expect that hoy will
grow up and be a White rtox when he s
In Dors -Not Lore Vou. . W6
Dear Miss Fairfax: I'or two yeats I ,Joys are not nice, and svrt. and
kopt cqtnpany with a young man off und ladylike unless they ate named Percy,
a widow, and they
department hotnl, and ihi
with 'me or some other girl, although lie ' dresses thm un like the little liovs in
nlways told nie he loved inn fondly and i books
If he thought I seemed to care iihout any I , ..... ,, . , ,,.
certain girl ho would say "I love you I 1"M '" r " tbey ""on'! like tp
more, 1 would not turn you awuy for her. I kiss you, nnd It makes thm mad when
uoivever. ne annoyed me uy in a actions ; their mammas says to
Hie New My
is World's Wonder
uopi rqrnpany witu a yciing man on una , laayiixc unless they
on but I could not put my full confl'an(i their .motlw-r is
dence in him although 1 loved him, for!?.? no,r'mor'
he teemed not to care whether ho was.llse " depnrllner
sjm ivo have been apart for nearly jtleotB(, nlee Bld plav ,,,,
He still pays attention to me In the i lr." But when they grow up and get
way ot street manners but never asks big, they Just beg you to Kiss them, and
to call or seems to want to know further i ,.., ,., ... , , ani, ,,.',.
reasons why. I you oni co it, and you make them
He continues to go out with other girls, i snenn an tpeir money taxing you to
Every tiny infant makes life's per
spective wider nnd brighter. And what
ever there is to ennance us arrival ana
A note cxprerslve of pleasure In the 1 town July i, at a. bowery dance, a young
remembrance of the I. written , t man asked the to dnpee with him I re-
- " .w .Al,l...r I .. ,1 V, a ..n I...
" thr. I,.,,.,. nUtum .vnl t a IUICU. 111,111 lllll, ldM III l,
I ductton I" hint He Insisted so on
but If I so with other boys he Ignores 1 places, and buyitic you choaolate orram . to ease and comfort tho expectant mother
me at our next meeting os did he when(I do knot(, ,..,: .,nv, a, . ..,.., should be given attention. Among tno
we were keeping company. This is all 1 ? n0 Know ",,y. ""J" HOt different . reai helpful things Ii an external ab
very trying to mo as I am obliged to be t when they sre little and when they aro domlnal application known as "Mother'si
thrown In his company constantly. With big, but they do, I Prlend," There Is scarcely a community
!l,n,.mrl'S t'oTme wTf.tltHrolr'whK "stronger than girls ... and th,y ! but wnai I It .JU
he should do. SLIGHTED. fan run faster. Also when they grow up ' ls PnlW thn'vJth mo,b
He evidently does not love you. or else ' U ey call ho the father of their country, I 1?,
he U so solflsh he would- nke yon which a little girl cannot be. .carry "Mother's Friend" as one of their
miserable always. A man who loves a I Washington was once a little boy, and staple and rellao.e remedies. It is applied
girl will try to make her happy, rthor'l? couldn't tell a lie. I have never seen to the abdominal muscJea to relieve tho
than to annoy her. lMt him out ot your I a little boy Ilka Washington, tor all the l!n on to"?13 anU tondons.
life before It Is too late. j JUtl. boy, I know tell whopper when "JKtuZ thS
their mammas ask them who eat up the pcrod of expectancy; they particularly
f'nuiiul Me IlrprlnCr.l. ccokles. roter t0 tno absence of nausea, often sa
Dear Miss Fairfax: Will you kindly j My Aunt Kuslo. what Is a beautiful i prevalent nn a result of the natural
reprint article, "Advice tu a CJIrl That j young lady with three Qoaux that cornel expansion. In a little book anj described
MarrlH Man Loves." If lmpQf.lble to '7 fully the many reasons nhy
reprint same kindly give date uime was'10 "r nml ,ftke "er t0 t,,p theater, i ..others F-lend" has been a trUnd
printed and oblige BONNIE, 'and send her roses, says that from the Bdeed to women with timely hints, sur-
This advice has been published several time a hoy Is too big to sit on your lap ccstlcns and help for readr reference. IC
limes In the last few years It I, to the 'until Ihe time he is hi genough for you lL SniiSSt
girl to boware 0t the married man who j to sit on his sp ho ought to bo kept In you fall to find it write us direct and also
Is making Joe ti her, for he means her ' s barrel, and fed through the bunghole. I write for book to BrsdfKld. rteSult9P Co
no good That is all I know bout toys. 1 403 Utatr ms'' AtlMlU a
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