Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 30, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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    THK BEE: OMAHA, TIH'H-MWV, .H'I,V Y. l!14.
The Dee Publishing Company. Proprietor.
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Address communications relatlnc to new and edi
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Pfata of Nebraska. County of Douglas, as.
Dnlftht Williams, circulation manacer of The Ben
Publishing company, helns dulv sworn, soys that
the average dally circulation for the month of June.
Mil, was 62.6M.
DWIOHT WILLIAMS. Clrculat'on Manager
Subscribed In my prerenco Hnd sworn to before me
this 7th day of July, 1SI4.
ROBEIIT HUNTER. Notary Tubllc.
Subscribers leaving iho city temporarily
tioultl have The Iico mailed to tlicm. Ad
dress will lie chanucd ns often as 'reiticstol.
What so rare as a coo! night .'n July7
A short declaration of war may be Just as
deadly as a long one.
All right, "Torn." .That is probably, after
all, the easiest way out.
That dovo of peace will have to keep In
training a a migratory bird. . ,
In a nutshell, tho Austrlun threatens to
make Wlenor Schnitzel of Sorvla.
The anti-vlco crusaders of Chicago seem to
think they havo Hlnky Dink on tho blink.
Dull days In Oay Parco tho Calllaux-Cnl-mette
melodrama has rung down the curtain.
Now Is tho chanco of his life for the kaiser
to make good in the role of poaconinker of
Anonymous lottcra are seldom tho purveyors
of good tidings, otherwise they 'would not be
The American aviators have., abandonod
their flight to Kurope. They migili havo lit on
the point of a bayonet.
European' hatiuns on tho ovo of war should
remember that the tlmo to clouo tfio bnrn door
is before the horse is stolen.
Both tho big-tent conventions for sumo In
explicable roason, failed to send out rescues par
ties to bring in tho missing suffrage sisters.
On tho theory of "snmU favors thankfully
received," our senator no doubt npprcolatos'that
morsel of endorsement glvon him at Columbus.
Auto Strikes Pole, luts 'Phone Out of Comnils
lion. Headline.
It doesn't seem to matter what It did to tho
occupants of tho auto,
Yes,' but will any of those democrats chas
ing doublcd-ttp nominations dare to run as pop
ulists on a plptform plodgmg them to prohibition?
Let us hope this war litlxup will havo no bad
effect on thoso "Little Hungary" reatauranta
that supply a table d'hote meal "with wlno" for
50 cents.
The chief reason why Servln's reply to Aus
tria did not satisfy Austria sooms to bo Austria's
predetermination to bo satlafled with nothing
short o$ war.
Now If about two-thirds of tho othor candi
dates for primary nominations would .also bo
Eovcrnod by their better Judgment and pull out
they would save further wear and toar on both
themselves and thdlr friends.
, Four moro Nebraska banks have quit the na
tional system and' becomo stato banks, presuma
bly to avoid tho burden feared from tho im
pending new reserve bank law. If any of our
state banks havo nationalized to got Into the
reserve system, they havo made no noise
about It.
The Platforms.
Kxtept In tho flold of national administra
tion and legislation, tho platforms promulgated
b the several state conventions present no
sharply defined Issues. They all promise moro
efficiency and greater economy In state govern
ment, favor more equitable taxation, emphasize
the need of developing our natural resources,
water right and power energies and urge Im
provement of court procedure, differing chiefly
In details. In the matter of national policy,
however, the republicans and democrats are In
cloar-cut opposition. The doniorrats. by unique
political contortion, ondorso the administration
of President Wilson and Secretary Bryan, and
at the same tlmo give a measure of commenda
tion to the. party rebels In congross who have
beon putting the sticks In the wheels of the
Wilson-Bryan machine. Tho republicans une
quivocally condemn the democratic record with
reference to the tariff and tho Indemnity apol
ogy to Colombia.
There Is no question that the election this
year, not only In Nebraska, but throughout the
country, will measure the nonfldence, or rathor
lack of confidence, In tho promises and per
formance of the democratic party Blnce being
put In control of the national government. The
democratic loaders themselves proclaim that
1011 Is to be most Important ns foroshadowlng
101G. With a ticket of able and trustworthy
slandardboarors nomlnatod at tho primary, Ne
braska republicans can confidently pick up the
gugo of battle.
Threatened Fight on McReynolds.
According to usually reliable Washington
ndWcos, the senate Is cooking up troublo for the
president should he send In tho nomination of
Attorney General McReynolds for tho vacancy
In the supreme court. Bven though tho oppo
sition failed to defeat confirmation, it would put
the prosldont to annoyance and exertion of pres
sure such as in tho Jones, Warburg and other
cases. But a fight on the nomination of a cab
inet officer would bo most humiliating to the
prosldont. ft might serve fatally to accontuato
the differences existing botwoen him and the
antl-admlnlstrntlon elomcnt In congress, which
In turn would be very debilitating to the Inter
ests of democracy. Hut those democratic sena
tors having personal grudges against the presl
Idoht aro vontlng their grievances with little dis
gulso, and should they decide to resist Mc Rey
nold's promotion to tho supremo court will havo
.come clear Into tho open with the climax of re
bellion, So high and "disinterested" an authority as
Collier's puts its stamp of approval upon Attor
ney General McReynolds, dofcndlng his seem
ingly strango conduct of certain affairs of his
office with the, excuse that ho was trained in the
old school of legnl ethics, which forbade pub
licity, or trying casos to public opinion, which
offrirs such excollont facilities for solf-oxplolta-tton.
Quite apart from this, howovor, ho has
afforded basis for doubt In tho minds of some,
who aro nolthor his nor tho president's political
or personal ono'mios, as to his peculiar fitness
for a high Judicial place. If -the modtcd opposi
tion In the senate' wont to his judicial qualifica
tions' Instead of factlonnl discord t would bo a
fairer, test.
, Foreign Effects of the War.
' The possibility of a gonornl war in Kurope
already Is reflected in the tendency toward al
laying civil strife in Russia and tho British
Isles. , Talk of compromising the long-standing
and (oep-scatod homo rule controversy is abroad
In England and Ireland, while Russia's great in
dustrial strike camo to an abrupt ending evon
before Austria's hostile declaration. In both
casos, according to tho dlspatchos, tho feeling
Is thnt domeBtlo dissensions must ,bo settled at
all cost in tho face of foreign peril.
This very spirit and tendency, of course,
only makoB moro ominous tho monaclng cloud
now hovering ovor Kurope, and yet lator Infor
mation Indicates a desire for peace on tho part
of sonio df tho groat powers both of the triple
alllanco and tho triple entente. Germany or
Kngland holds the key to the situation. Either
should gladly welcome, oven for its own na
tional aggrandlzoment, tho opportunity of lead
ng in n mediation of tho dispute noW imperiling
a continent.
As for the Unltod States, should war between
tho several nations onsuo It probably would bo
a caso of an "111 wind that blows nobody 'good,"
If wo might consider as good tho purely finan
cial gain that would come to our country as a
result of tho torriblo tragedy abroad. Undoubt
edly, Immense quantities of European gold
would scok refuge and Investment in the Unltod
States. It would havo a tromendous Influence
In tho dovclopmont of American enterprises.
Furthermore, wo would be called on for vastly
Increased oxportations of food and othor sup
plies. Rut tho United States covets no such melan
choly advantage. It would prefer, if the situa
tion roqulrcd It, to confine its share In the ro
sults to a successful exercise of its offices for
peace. There is ample procodent, though not
ordinarily a disposition on tho part of our gov
ernment, to assume the rolo of mediator in In
ternational nffnlrb. While wo havo our hands
rather busy along this line at present, we might
do more If necessary.
tqumzo fhom at:t: rtte.t
Marshal dimming' latest order is tlmt any women
found on the streets dtckiixi in mntiu. i,i.h..i.
-- M ...... v I
arrested anil unt in u; Th. ..- ....... I
. -..v. ,iw4i( IVI HUB U 1 11 T I
la that the dress Is Improper und'leuds to an Indecent
exposure of the person, . If thli order la strictly en
forced some of the Uudlng ladle of the city may be
dragged Into unenviable not6r!ty, as many of them
Indulge In a mother hubbanl on a hut day. although
few of them appear on the streets In them.
traders, have commenced making u -out In the nose
of the hilt at' the Intersection of William and Tenth
streets. .The intention Is to make the street so that
th eya wjil' HjyVan unobstructed view from Hlekory
street to thj l?hlqu Pacific depot.
th strse'tcjjry arj now running around the double
curve a( Fff tetnf h, and Karnani, which will be a great
'onvenleucj'.'tp jasjn(fjr who have been obllgyd to
i haege .cars thei
ii T, Martli, flist manager of Boyd's, and now
manacer X'Mv Graod fn' Milwaukee, la In the city.
mpsnlgd;by, Ids. laughter.
3Sd llovranl ,of AMrsrs. U left for home 'ac-'
orapaniod by Mia Htytv,- after spending several
daj;g 'Uttri frUwls. and. ielatlva In Ojnaha.
T K. fiKdborough m buck from Boston. Mr Sud
borough rtma na it to attend the 1'oneord School
of f'hiroscphy
f Tft Uttic an Old Omaha and now stalion
't at Lyons Ntb Is islting f oioner Maul
Why call on tho legislature to submit to the
peopl the question of assembling a constitu
tional -convention to roviso Nebraska's funda
mental law? i Any act which tho legislature mny
pass may. bo set in motion directly by initiative,
potltlpn without running the risk of the refer
endum.' To. n man up a tree tho legislative route
is merely an Invitation to vote twlco when once
would otherwlso do.
The, terribly dostructlvo Salem fire, we aro
told, was entirely preventable by enforcement
of ordinary precautions. Which reminds us
that a costly firo survey was made for Omaha
ovor a year ago, which has merely beon pigeon
holed with little or no attention to its recommendations,
Mr. Whitman has a different story to te,l
and he is entitled to his say. According to his
version, the reason he did not get the big
moose's endorsement was that he did not agree
to accept tho big moose's dictation.
Brief contributions on timely
toploa lnrlted. Th Bse assume
no responsibility for opinions of
eorzsspondtnta. All letter sub
ject to condensation by editor.
I IMirfclallon.
I OMAHA July 27 To tho Editor of Tho
! Bee: Tho ladles of the school (Summer
School or Missions) appreciate very
grentl) the service rendered by your
! valued paper, and ItH staff, to make the
I school this year a success.
. Wc congratulate you upon the efficient
reporters whom you sent to write up
' the imctlng.
j Will you please accept these expres
sions of our gratitude.
! ' Oencral Secretary.
I Letters from n 1'olltlrnl Ilrnthen
SOMKU11KIIE. July 22. To the Editor
j ot The Hee: The attitude of the United
j flairs during the fiasco of the sham em
i plre of Maximilian was not Inspiring,
i L iioolii hnd sent Thomas Cenvln, of Mex
ican war fnmo, as minister to Mexico.
At the French occupation of the capital
Corwln was granted leuve of abeence.
Considering his situation Lincoln to
the limit In favoring President Juarcr.
But In lea than eleven months after tho
landing of Maximilian an assassin's bullet
had stricken down tho great president.
Seward managed President Johnson's
foreign policy Some cynic has defined
a stHtOMimn as a dead politician. This
definition applies to William H Seward.
His state paper to Lord Russell In leg&rd
to the Trent affair Is the plea of a petti
fogger. Emcrsoti soys: "The fox In cun
uliig brcaure h is not strong." Seward
was an artful dodger with Louis Bona
parte. He did not love the emperor of
the French, but, for some unexplained
reason, he disliked l'resldent Juarez. Sew
ard entered mild negotiations with Santa
Anna, thon the lefugce of Havana, and
he nearly cost Santa Anna his worthless
life thn mercy and forgiveness of Juarei
were nil that saved him.
General Grant was right In saying that
tho French occupation of .Mexico was a
part of our civil war. General Sheridan,
who had command In Texas, stood on the
banks of tho Itlo Grande the Rubicon
ho could not cross without orders he
raved like a caged lion. At first he openly
favored Juarez. Tudor orders from Gen
eral Grant he sent .10,000 muskets from the
arsenal at Baton Rouge to the Mexican
president. A warning came from the
State department not to Interfere with
the foreign policy of tho United States.
In his memoirs Sheridan expressos him
self In a way not complimentary to Sew
ard. Mexico may owe a debt of gratitude to
Individual Americans who hnvn passed
Into history, hut never a debt does It owe
the United States ns such. There Is n
popular opinion that tho United States
forced the emperor of the Fronch to
ovacuato Mexico. But It was Germany,
more than America, that Louis Bonnparto
feared. The French left Mexico in the
latter half of February. 1S67. In n. little
raoro than thrco and one-half years' from
this modern retreat from Moscow the
haute-monde vagabond who wore thef
French crown was n prisoner at Sedan.
Justin McCarthy hnd prophesied that
Mexico would bo to Iiuls Bonaparto what
Russia had been to his uncle. This
prophecy was fulfilled, but It shaved the
:dge of blasphemy to mention tho uncle
and the nephew In the same breath.
Foreign Fancies
After many years of effort the first
successful artesian well has beon bored
In Tripoli by Italian nrmy engineers.
It Is expected that the final links of
tho Capc-to-Calro railroad, bisecting
Africa, will be completed by September 1.
The government of Unvsrla Is using
motion plcturo lectures to try to Increase
tho consumption of native sea and lake
Bombay will erect roud mirrors at dan
gorons street Intersections to warn traf
fic of vehicles approaching from around
Distinct traces of light havo been de
tected In the ocean nt depths of moro
than 3.000 feet by an Kngllsh oceano
graphical expedition.
By allowing its Inmates pcrfoct fieedom
Hnd employing them at useful occupations
an Insane nsylum In Prussia effects about
20 imr cent of cures mutually.
A single stroke of lightning in the Bel
gian Kongo killed nine men and u woman
and severely Injured thirty-two other
persons, two of whom dltd later.
A machine has been perfected in Sax
ony which embroiders designs on three
dozen pairs of Btocklngs at once, CSS
stitches being taken simultaneously.
Kngllsh testa of the use qf radium to
aid plant growth havo shown thnt Jt Is
most cffectl when ised Jn the propor
tion of ono seven hundredth ot a grain
to a ton at soil.
Tho diseases to which caisson workers
aro subject, according to a French au
thority, aro due to the fact that, when air
Is compressed hydraullcdlly, It loses
nearly one-fifth of its oxygen.
Kngltsh experimenters have found that
above a temperature of 39 doxrecs salty
solutions are less corrosive of Iron and
steel than puro wnter. while below that
tenjperuturo the reverse Is the case.
Around the World
Sticking around Washington while competi
tors are sticking holes in his political fences
'doe's not please the average senator or congress
man facing re-election. Can you blame them?
Building workers In Brisbane. Australia,
arc paid 30 cents an hour.
Not since 1S70 has there been as much
unemployment In Italy as now.
Sandalwood trees In India arc generally
found nt an altitude or 3,000 to 3.000 feet.
In Germany a very rigid censorship of
noing pictures Is exercised by. the gov
ernment The dvalh rat of the United Kingdom
haa fallen since 1S01 from 4 per cent to
less than 3.
It Is estimated that JS.COO.OOO persons
I attend the 4.S0O moving picture theaters
of Kngland each week,
j London Inst year Imported S,S,1H oar
catscfr of frozen mutton and Jamb,
mainly from Australia ' . '
Uruguay, much of which, formerly was
tiecless, within a few years has planted
more than 17.000.000 forest trees.
The Venezuelan government has de
cided to us 1 per cent of the Import
unties collected for a fund for sanitary
1 urpojM,
Alliance and Entente
Some Specific Information Concerning
Qreat European Political Combination.
Where War Hovers
A general war In Lurope would draw the cleavage
distinctly between the Triple Alliance and tho Trlplo
Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy go to make
up tho former. Great Britain. France and Russia the
In point of relative naval strength, the combined
ships, tonnage, armament and numlx-r of men of
the Entente would exceed those of the Alliance. As
to land forces, the Entente's would exceed those of
the Alliance ngaln by probably 1.000,000 men.
The Triple Alliance was formed in 1RSJ between
Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy for the purpose
of qhecklng encroachments by Franc and Russia.
The threo powers are thereby bound to support each
other In certain contingencies.
The terms of the Alliance were made more definite
In 1W. Tho exact provisions of tho Alliance havo
never been divulged, but are said to havo been modi
fled as to Franco and Italy In 1833. The Alliance was
renewed In 1902 and 1W, for stated periods, and the
period of Its last renewal expired on 14, 1911.
Jt would appear that the recent demands of Italy
Against Turkey, followed by Italy's declaration ttf
war. were assented to by the Alllanc. For many
years Great Britain, while not a party to the Al
liance, was closely linked with It through apprehen
sion of French and Russian aggressiveness, but
later, becoming disquieted by the growth of tho Ger
man naval power, adopted, In 1902, a decided change
ot policy with a view to seeking in the balance of
power greater security against Invasion.
In pursuance of this policy Great Britain en
tered into an agreement with France In 1901, and with
Russia In 1907. This became tho Triple Entente. Its
alms wore substantially these:
1 Th balance of power.
2 Tho strengthening of the treaty law In the in
terests of peace. and the status qpo.
3 Disarmament.
This policy has been very successful In some Instances
Twice Told Tales
Knew "hut Hi' IVuntcil.
Not long ago Bishop Hartzell was visiting the mls
slon station at Old Umtall. His attention was at
tracted by the approach ot a company of singing,
shouting, natives, led by their chief. Umtassa, Dur
ing the Interview, conducted through an interpreter,
Bishop Harttell told tho chief that he wanted to show
his kindly feeling by a present, and asked Umtassa.
what Tie would like. Tho chief said ho would tell
him tho next day.
Uarly tho following morning the bishop was
awakened by the missionary, who stood in the door
way with Umtassa.
"I thought It all over," said the latter, "and now
I know that I want a whlto Iron bed like white
people have."
The bishop was unablo to reply to the somewhat
unusual request. Such articles are very expensive
In that country. To refuse would be quite Impossible,
sq the bishop told tho missionary to see. that a bed
stead , wan brought out from Umtall. But Umtassa
had not finished.
'And you can send along with the bed a mattress,
some sheets and two pillows," he addod. The Chris
tian Herald,
An Accident of Birth.,
When the lato P. T. Barnum wns exhibiting his
famous Siamese Twins they were, ns Is well remem
bered, a wonderful sensation,
A certain divine, accompanied by his daughter,
who was much Interested, went to seo thoni. The
young woman asked where tho twins were born. Mr.
Barnum told them that they were born In Slam.
"And are they brothers?" asked tho clerical gentle
man. "Oh, yes," said tho world's greatest press agent.
"Well, Well!" said the visitor. Think of that,
Mary! How good and kind of a gracious Trovidenco
to alVow them to bo brothers and not to havo linked
a pair of strangers together for life!" Chicago
Vicious Creatures.
Mr. Amsbury, tho superintendent of the peniten
tiary, was escorting a party of women visitors through
tho building. They entered a room where three
women wero busily sewing.
As they turned to leavo the room one of tho visi
tors snld:
'What vicious looking creatures! What are they
In for? Thoy really look capablo of' committing any
'"Well," replied tho superintendent, "you see, they
have no other home. That Is my private sitting room,
and they aro my wife and two daughters." Exchange.
Editorial Viewpoint
Washington Post: Conditions in tho Balkans aro
not bo much the result of a crisis aa of a habit.
Philadelphia Ledger: Unless a statesman doeo
what tho president tells him to do he Is "agin the
Houston Post: One thing that should count In
favor of a leglslatlvo candidate, is that he is op.
posed to, tho preeent Iniquitous fco system.
Wall Street Journal: Stockholders might llko to
know whether tho government wilt nllow assessments
-on' stock, due to receiverships, to bo deducted from
revenue before figuring the next Income tax payable,
Brooklyn Eagle: It doesn't matter much If the
umbulance-chaalng lawyer la hard hit by, the. new
compensation law. "Hit him again, he haa no. friends!"
is tho cry. in concert, or all who havo watched his
shady operations.
Now York World: The loss of TOOO.OOO in "paper
profits" by curb-brokers through the abandonment ot
the Rock Island reorganlratlon plan Is perhaps aa
sad a financial dlsaater aa Wall street has suffered
In a long time.
Philadelphia Press: We hardly think the countrj
had missed the four days that Congressman Wither--spoon
of Mississippi was absent from his post, and
for which ho returned his pay. Still It must bo glad
to get the money back.
People and Events
John Draw is to appear In a new play, called Tho
Prodigal Husband, written by a French author, but
never produced on any stage.
Otis Skinner, Is to have a new play by Julius Eck
ert Goodman, called Tho Candle of Faith. The pro
duction will be made in October.
George Fred Williams, was the recipient of on en
thusiastic Eplrote demonstration at Patnu girls pre
senting him wltlr showers "ot bouquets and tho en
tire municipality gathering to do him homage,
Captain Atnllcar Magalhaes of Briill. answering
Mr. Boerbeck, declared that the glory of the dls
eovery of the River Duvtda, belongs exclusively to
Mr. Roosevelt. Boerback had asserted that the river
had long been known.
S. G. W. Benjamin, author, artist and diplomat
dlod suddenly last week at his residence at Bur
lington, Vt He was the first United States minis
ter Persia, receiving his appointment In 1SS5 and
he drew up the code used In diplomatic proced .re
between the two countries
Baltimore American: There will be no
A. H. C. mediation In the breach betweon
Austria and Servla.
Pittsburg Post: Men In Berlin who
shouted for peace were mobbed. There
is little of the empty sentiment In the
German capital.
Pittsburgh Dispatch: Europe Is deter
mined to put Its financial markets through
all the agonies of a war scare whether It
does any fighting or not.
Washington Post: If Americans were
the most cynical and heartless of people,
they would still fervently desire pence In
Europe, out of pure selfishness.
Philadelphia Bulletin: Tho Austrian
masuir may rind the Servian terrier
harder to gobble than It thinks, with the
Russian wolf-hound standing by to sec
fair piny.
Philadelphia Inquirer: It is the possi
bility that Russia may constitute itseir
Servla's champion that darkens tho out
look and creates the deep apprehension
now prevailing.
New Tork Times: It Is not too much
to say that tho war news from Vienna Is
read hero with a loathing and a sense of
shame. The only hope of peace seems to
be awakening of the Gorman conscience.
Now, York World: Mops cheer for war
In the European capitals. It is the un
thinking who raise a clamor for blood,
but It Is the young and the brave who die
In battle. That Is one of the best reasons
why war Is infernal.
Philadelphia Record: If Russia should
come Into conflict with Austria tho pres
sure on the German government to take
sides with Its ally would become woll
nlgh Irresistible. The kaiser's capabilities
as a preserver of pence would bo put to
the severest test they havo ever exper
ienced. Springfield Republican: Not the least
interesting feature of tho European
trouble to watch will be tho demonstra
tions ot tho antimllltarists. specially
among the socialists and anarchists. It
will give them a now chance to assert
their doctrine tint militant patriotism Is
out of date.
"Is Jlggs much of a golfer?
' His form la very poor, but lis arltl) oxcellenU"T-Rutfalo JZxurcss.
Knlckor Does ytur wife laugh at the
wrong place In the story T
BockerYcs; und sho cheera at ie
wrong placo In a ball game. Nw York
She How many lumps of sugar, to
night, John?
Ho Oh, have your own sweet way as
usual, dear. onkers Statesman.
"It takes a long, strong climb to reacli
"Yes, and tho only way to reach It Is
by keeping on the level." Houston Post
"Walter, this pudding Is quite cold."
"Impossible, sir! This Is the fifth f lm
lt has been warmed slnco morning "
Journal Amusant.
John O'Kcefe In New York Worfd.
L Jugo leaned forward in his seat
A dozen Senators to greet.
Polite, but warm, he cried, "Vltel vitc'.:'
And motioned to a cell. . ,
But when the fair defendant ddmc
From her luxurious dungeon came'
In gown of vloletto ct creme
He gurgled. "Ah! que belle!" .
Up spoke le Maltre Laborl.
"A flower of Innocence!" said he.
To which the hearers yelled. "Oull Ou.'
Go on! Blsl Bis encore!"
And cheers camo from the female flocks
That sat around In costly frocks.
(A Yankee Princess had a box,
AVItb, her Ambassador!)
The Prosecutor roso to say
He hoped the learned Court would stay
Emotionally tres frappe
Before the sorceress!
At onco a cry of anger low
Shook all his hearers comme 11 faul:
"Ah! cochon gros! Ah, teta de,veaa!
Toujours la polltesse!"
Lo Juge nt onco ho gave a roar
That counsel was un lapln mort
And If he'd kindly stop outdoor
They'd fight unto the end.
But people said "This will not do!
To fight Is not polite of you!
Kiss and make up' Embrasscz vouk:
Comprennez?" 1'hey comprenned!
The happy Jugo remarked, "Ma fol!
L'otat, you understand, e'est jnot!
Let us adjourn us to tho Bols
And have a glass of wine!"
Madamo remarked. "Enfln! 'TIa done!"
Sho kissed le Jugo upon his bun
And every one kissed every one.
And all went off to dine!
36c ANDE1BILT 15of ef
QjhirtlfJtu rth titteet east at&ork GJworuta,ZlYeaJ York
An Ideal Hotel with an Ideal Situation;
Summer lxier
Avoid Impure Milk
for Infants and Invalids
Amk For
It means the Original and Genuine
The Food-Drink for all Ages.
Rich milk, malted grain, in powder form. More healthful than tea ot cofics.
For infants, invalids and growing children. Agrees with the weakest digestion.
Pure nutrition, upbuilding the whole body. Keep it on your tide board at home.
Invigorates mining mothers and the aged. A quick lunch prepared m a minute.
PsfTake no substitute. Ask for HORLICK'S
Efficient Employes
An advertisement under The Bee's
"Help Wanted" heading commands the' at
tention of the most desirable workers in
Omaha. Every employer is up against
the problem of securing intelligent and
efficient employes, but a few moments
thought given to writing the right kind
of a "Help Wanted" advertisement will be
a big step toward solving the problem.
The nature of employment offered, condi
tions surrounding the position, the oppor
tunities, etc, should be stated. An em
ployer will find that a response to an ad
that is really informative will be from a
worker who means business.
Telephone Tyler 1000
E fry body Rtadt B Want Ad
The Ideal Family Beverage
Anheuser Busch Co. of Nebr.
Family trade supplied by
G. H. HANSEN, Dealer
Phone Douglas 2506