Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 30, 1914, Page 11, Image 11

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REATj estate
city propurty rent sale.
9 O'Clock 9 O'Clock
Saturday-Special Sale
Lome's Subdivision Lots
55 Lots lying between 31st street and 33d street and Par
ser, Decatur and Franklin, will be put on sale SATURDAY,
August 1st, at 9 o'clock at very low prices from
$550 to $900
All Special improvements are now in; 33d street is paved
with brick; Contracts have been let by the City for Curbing mid
Paving both Parker and Decatur Streots; to bo completed
The Paving Taxes for 33d, Parker and Decatur Streets
will be paid by US in FULL upon delivery of Deeds.
TERMS $25.00 Down and $10.00 per" Month.
Take Harney Lino and get off at Decatur. Office and sales
man on Grounds.
McCague Investment Co.
1506 Dodge Street.
MONEY on hand for city nnd farm loans.
ll. w. mnaer. uuy .Nat, dk, mag.
PlTr Jjn A is: R. Ttamli.C:rlhera Co.. ,
- uinu uranaen xneaier uiug.
CITT property. Large toans a specialty.
W. H. Thomas. 228 State Bank- Bldg.
IDEAL. RANCH HOME: eplendld lin
provementa; IS acres excellent, level. lr
rlgated land, 10 In full-bearing best com
mercial fruit, K alfalfa: four miles town
12,000; good auto road: two new bunga
lows', on well and completely furnished
Including now player-piano: necessary
implements, live stock, poultry, new tour
ing car; Income 23.000 to 15,000 annually;
superb climate: $12,000 takes everything.
Also seed, feed and heavy grocery busi
ness; best location In tho city, making
$5,000 per year: small expense; sell at In
voice, or will trado above for stock ranch
or large farm worth the money. Box
603, Grand Junction. Colo. o
No Commission Realty Co.
316-30 Paxton Block.
If you want to buy, sell or exchange
your property or business, go whero that
kind of business is done. Everybody goes
to the No Commission Realty Co., BE
CAUSE! nobody pays a commission.
TRADE for nwrchandlse, 240 aeren land
four miles, Newport, Neb., halt hay,
half pasture. Fair house, largo barn,
sheds and fenced. First mortgage $2,400,
one and one-half years to run. Price
sicre. Box 03. Carns, Neb.
FOR EXCHANGE Several good Missouri
farms for Nebraska farms. Write what
you have. Guy R. Stanton, Ibanon, Mo.
Planoa for other musical Inatru'ts. U. 201?.
A reliable real estate firm would
llko to arrange to handle tho sale of an
addition to the city of Oroana, or a sub
division of acre lots near Omaha. Wo
can give best of references and prove to
you that we can make good. B 338, Bee.
KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co.,
a modern abstract office. 306 So. 17th
St. Phone uougiaa oast,
HEED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of
fice In Nebraska. 206 Brandeis Theater.
IlEAIi estate
Five Acres 1 Block
from Car Line
This is one of the best propositions that
has been offered in Omaha tor some time,
as it la practically a country home with
all town advantages. Property Is im
proved with a 7-room, all modern home,
large barn, poultry houses, etc. There is
lli acres In bearing crapes. 1V4 acres In
pasture: balance in truit and shrubbery.
House naa city water, gas and electria
light, modern bathroom and furnace.
Only one block to car line, school house
and stores. High, sightly location and
would mako a good proposition for sub
division. This place has a great many
advantages that must be seen to be ap
preciated. Mako an appointment with our
salesmen to show you this property. No
trades considered.
George & Company
Tel. D. 756. t02 City Nat. Bank Bldg.
Best Bargain in
West Farman
SW7 Jones St., (Jiifct nest of 'Aih
Ave., on Jones St.), C rooms, com
pleted thla week. First floor fin
ished In oak. Second floor hard
pine; white enamrl bath room.
Sleeping porch 8x10 feet. Full brick
-ellar, cemented floor, sloped to
drali). Improved ventilating sys
tem through garret makes cool
lied rooms In the afternoon and
One-half block to school. 1 block
u Ltavenworth car, 4 blooks to
Inquire at So. Kth St., or
idione Doug. 5457 or Harney 5iCS.
3v California S't. Living room, sun
room, dining .room, kitchen first floor;
four hodrnfiniH and bath second floor: full
basement and attic, floored all over: first
floor In oak, second floor wren ana mapie.
Large lot. Must bo seen to bo appre
Ml Brandeis Bldg. Phone Douglas 3M2.
Cheap Home in
Walnut Hill
4015 Hamilton t.. 6 rooms and bath,
iement basement, gas, water, ewer. ce
ment walka and paving all In and paid
for. Great big lot, 0x174; fine lawn,
beautiful shade trees, lots of fruit and
barn. A real sacrifice at $2,260 Reason
able payment down. Giound alone will
be worth this price In a few years for
business purposes. Don't fall to see us
for particulars.
Payne & Slater Co.
61$ Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. Douglas 10R
$50 CASH
Nar Kojitenclle park 2 b'ocks to tar.
( i-room rottage tte trie light cement
walks. '.emnt cellar Prli'e, $1 'X.
jr -. " V cj V B 'la
Telephone Doug. 415.
HouseHalf Acre,
$250 Cash
Balance same as rent, buys a beautiful,
7-room house (nearly new), and a high.
sightly half aero of ground, only z oiockb
from the terminus of tho West Center ex
tension of the Leavenworth car line
(now under construction') ; newly painted,
decorated and varnished; tine well with
windmill; good chicken shed. You
couldn't put up the improvements for
above price.
The Byron Reed Co
Phone Douglas 297. 212 B. 17th.
Field Club
Eight large rooms, every convenience;
east front 54x116, on 35th Ave., near
Woolworth; original price was 27.SO0. The
house la only four years old and Is in
fine condition. The finish Is quarter
sawed oak. Owner has good reason for
this big cut in price, and you'll reap the
benefit. See ua at once.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
Tyler 153(1. 2OS-10-12-14 Htate Bank Bldg.
Now Kountze Place Home
Prico $3,650, Seven Rooms
$400 to $600 Cash Down
Located at S515 N. ISth between Plnkney
and Evans Sts. Has large living room,
sun .parlor, dining room and kitchen on
first floor. Three excellent bedrooms and
bath on second floor. First floor finished
In oak, with beautiful oak stairway lead
ing to second floor.
Full basement, best of heating and
Plumbing throughout. One block from
Sherman Ave. car line.
Balance of purchase price monthly.
Hiatt-Fairfield Co.
?i Omaha National ilank Bldg.
Greatest Bargain
Ever Offered
This beautiful home, consisting of
pretty, well-arranged rooms, and recep
tion hall. Just like now, two high and
Rightly lots, about 15 fruit trees; nlco
yard, flowers and garden. You can't
duplicate It for the money anywhere In
the city. Price at from 23,000 to 23,600. If
you apprcclato and are looking for a
chance to save money or an Investment,
investigate this at once. f
Cash or Terms
for rent when you can buy a dandy 6.
room bungalow? All modern, oak finish,
large rooms, window seat, plate rail and
paneled walls In dining room. Walls
nicely decorated throughout. Full ce
mented basement; furnace heat; laundry
wuiiiicvuuii, ihkii Kraae uxiurcs; cast
front lot, 50x124 feot: close to new Miller
Park school; only one block from car.
Price. 23,160; about 1350 cash, and rest
monthly, or will take vacant lot.
106 McCague Bldg. Douglas 16M
Nearly new 5-room cottage, electric,
light, full cement basement, fine largo
chicken houso and yard, beautiful ehaUe
trees, nice lot of small fruit, cement
walks to car line. This Is a real bargain
at JJ.200. See this before you buy.
1015-16 W. O. W. Bldg.
Quick Sale
One acre. 6 lots, a on Browne and 3 on
Saratoga, 130x270 feet; 7-room house, well,
cistern, fruit trees, poultry houso, sewer
and city water on Browne St.: $3,300 will
buy; $1,200 cash, balanco llko rent.
Call Owner
Phono Webster 2308,
2710 Browne St
$50 CASH
BALANCE $13 PER MONTH, 6 rooms;
modern except heat; lot .10x112; 3 blocks
peopfer sch00- Will sell to colored
I Ol. I-.-. .
,t mibu iijuiua uiiu aieeinng porcn; oaK
floors, living rooms 12V4x23 feet; book
cases, window scat, plate rail and paneled
walls In dining room; wall all decorated;
furnace heat, oil burner attached; good
auto garage with room for two machines:
, puuui nui.b tut. wAiii ieei; pavea street
',4 block from Kountze park. Price. $4,500
teims. For further Information call
li McCague Bldg. Douglas 1653.
FOR SALE by the owner. 6-room cottage.
110 No. 39th St., South Omaha. ul",Be-
7-ROOM house, renu for $1160, must b
um m unco; tJSj wm nanaie it. H, 47IL
MUST be sold. S-room, new, molern
residence In Morning Side addltio":
cost $2,S00 to build, mut sell at a loss
Phone D 3607.
BRAND new, all modern, oak finished
bungalow; fine location; easy terms, and
a bargain. Jeff W. Bedford iz Son. Doug-
1 .Nearly new, strictly modern C-room bung.
aiow nag nnisn run cement bsseinent;
I m' n i" rar, line rorntr ioi
, ioi--'i w o - cidg
CITY PR44PI4RTY ron sale:.
Garden Lots
Two Blocks of Lots
lut West of Dundee
a;nu uaudisk.
$75 to $295.00
Terms. St down and SI ner week, with
out Interest.
ou may pay weekly, monthly, quar
terlyany way Just so your payments
average H per week.
Phone Douglas
Tf Vi-ill rnuM nrt In llm tnt(lti. will
- 'w vu4 a, fjv ill ntu un tiaiiu, v u nu
take you In tho evening to see the lots.
H. H. Harper,
1013-11 City National Bank Building,
W E HAVE a man who has a clear
record and a Rood position and can pay
S100 cosh and J20 per month for a home
In tho south part of the city. See us at
1015-lG W. O. W. Bldg.
Dundee Home
4821 Webster St.
Owner transferred to another city, must
sell his new, strictly modern home. Best
white oak floors throughout, oak finish
on first floor, birch doors and finish to
match on second floor, largo living room
with fireplace: dliilnc room, kitchen hut.
ler's pantry and rofrlgorntor room on
first floor. Both front and back stairs:
thrto large airy bedrooms, bath, linen
clufcet and extra large sleeping porch on
second floor. Full attic, all floored. Full
cement basement, floor drain and gas
connections In basement, with sink. Gas
heater fur summer use. Large garage
with driveway. Full lot. House only
1 year old. An ideal, cool home that can
be purchased right S,9W, only $1,S50 cash
tequlred; balance easy terms. Only one
block from car lino. Look this up It you
want a real bargain. Must bs sold this
Glover & Spain
. 019 City Nafl Bank. D. 3362.
FOR SALE White's cottage, furnished,
at Lako Manawa; best location; con
structed so It Is always cool. Inquln
evenings at cottago or of W. II. White,
umana I'aint ana Ulass company.
Equity of 21.400 In a 23.000 home for U.SM
cash. Has 7 rooms and bath, modern
except heat, full cement basement, ce
ment walks, on paved street and car Una.
S8U9 N. 30th St.
New and modern 8-r un bungalow, lat
est stylo In every way, good location, 22d
and Ames. Webster 4228.
A SNAP Must b sold ut once, Seven
room houso, electric light, gas, city
water, toilet, 50-foot front, good born.
3133 Burdette, J1.000. Small payment down
and the rest like rent. Call Web. 1806,
NEW 6-ROOM COTTAGE, strictly mod
ern In every way; cement walks; S blocks
to scnooi ana z diocks to ear. Price only
22,285: $100 cash, balance 220 per month.
1015-16 W. O. W. Bldg.
Benson Rent ICstnte for Sale.
Modern Benson
Home, $875 Cash
Balance 30 and Interest monthly; 3 60
foot cast front lots, highest part of town.
Two blocks south of car; house on cen
ter lot.
Nine-room, Very modern, nearly new,
big furnace, flno floors, all In splendid
order; built only 4 yeara; auto houso with
cement floor; barn, jchlcken house and
yard, shrubbery. Price, 26.000 for nil, or
will take $800 less for place with 2 lots, or
$1,600 less with 1 lot- Today Is the time,
here Is your homo. Ask us to show you,
1016 Omaha Nat. Bank. Doug. 2715.
Sunday or evenings: II. 33S or II. 6181.
Notice Is hereby given thut on Friday,
July 31st, A. D. 1914, at 1:30 p. m. on said
dav at drecorv. South Dakota. I will f.
fcr for sale In bulk at public vendue to
tho hlchest bidder for cash in hand tVi
entire stock of gancral merchandise, com
posed of dry goods, clothing, hats and
caps, boots and shoes, groceries, queens
ware and other merchandise This Is a
nice, clean stock. Invoicing nearly $12,-
For further Information address the un
dersigned at Fairfax, H. D.
Trustee of the Estate ot Butler Brothers,
uanitrupis. jyizaat
UNION STATION- I'rjitU .t Mason,
.Ulniourl 1'Jtclflo-
Orrnrt. Alrlv.
K. C. & S. L. Kiprtu.,
..a t:v0 in a 7:14 am
K, C & m. I.. Eipreu
. .all'.U pra a 1:10 pm
K. C, A- Efl. l'Ul
,..all:50 am a i:u pm
Chicago (ireut
Twin City Intuited
....a 1:10 pm
a l:S0 am
a :!0 m
Twin Cltr Uxpresi a S:S0 am
Chlcaco Kxpresa a 6.06 pm
a 1:10 Bra
union 1'itcmc
Overland I.lrilUd a S:00 am
California Mall a 1:10 pro
Oraatia Kiorraa
Atlanta Kapre.a
a IMS pm
a 1;U am
ii .I0 pu
a M am
IO Aaielen Limited. .,
Denier Special
Colorado Kiprera
Colorado Spwlal
...all:U am a .0 pm
...a 7:3ft am a t.Vt am
...a 4:zq pro
...!S:ol am
...alO.10 am
a 4:00 pm
Mn r-ranciacoj. J.iruiua
racldo Limited
.alJ-.iO am
a M pm
a pm
Ort(on-Waahluston Limited. .alU:S0 am
North Platte Iocal a liU am
Qrand Iiland LocaJ a 6:30 n
a iui pm
aioiio am
t 1:20 pm
Slromiburc Local b!2:l pro
ChlCHg-o, Milwaukee t St. I'liul
Pacific Limited a 7:50 Dm am
(.-nioago npeciai a 6:Q pm
Han Limited all:S am
7:24 am
S.U pm
ll:5 pm
U;W am
CMttgo Daylight Special a 7:10 am
Manila Local a :00 pa
Chlcaico A Northwestern
Twin Cltr Kpreu... a 7:(S am llC.l) pm
Dakota Paiaenger b ";(5 am a 1:45 am
Sioux Cltr Local a l;tt pm a l.U pm
Minneapolis Ciprcaa 1 1:11 tn all :10 am
Dakota Bapreea ., I l;ll pm biO.tOpm
Twin Cltr Limited i t;U pu a 1. 11 am
Denver Special
,a I:U am a ':10 am
Carroll Local
llinkeya Eiprets
Cblcago Local
Carroll Local
Chicago Rpeelal ,
Kan Krancltco Limited.
.....acuuam at.oopm
a 7:40 am all;l pm
alt:30 pm a liti pm
a a 10 .00 am
a t:00 pm a 1:10 pm
a l:ti am al0:ll am
Overland Limited
a e:vu pm a 7:50 tm
Oregon-Waiblngton Limited. .a l:JS pm al0:l am
Loa Angolea Limited a pm atl:( am
Chadron Local a 1:00 pm
Llnculn-Dallaa a 1:00 am a I'M pea
Llnooln-Ling Fine .....a 2:lt pm alO.15 pa
llaatlnga-Huperlor ,.,.b 1:15 pm b 4:10 pm
Deadwood-llol Spring! a l:t pm a M pm
Caaper-Lander a J. 16 pm all :00 am
Alblon-Oakdala b 1:14 pm b 1.1 su
CblcnKO, Rock Island & Pacific
Jtoekr Mountain Limited.... .tlj I am atl:0Spm
Cblcagi lMtui l'aiaenger blO:W am tll;P pm
Chicago Dajr Bipreaa a 4:10 am a 4:40 pm
Chicago Night Kipreai a 4.10 pat a 1:29 a
Dea Idolnei Local faiaepger.a 4.17 pm all It aia
Cblcago-Nebraika Limited. ...a :H pm a l:UI am
Cbl.-Xeb. Un. lo Lincoln.. . ,a : am a i:7 Bm
Colorado & California Kip.. a 1:40 pm a 4:00 Dm
Oklahoma & Texaa Bipreii.. a t:M pm all.M ,m
Rockr Mountain Limited.... U:IT pm all !7 a
Illinois Central
Chicago Limited .. a J. 00 pm a I 20 era
Chicago Eipreea to ilXpi
Omaha Hi lou'.a Kiprew
Mai and Ripreee
auolcr.'j U al (rum C
a 4 30 pm a u lm
a 7.01 am ill i , pm
b 04 pu biO L em
Council Bluffs
Minor Mention
Council Blnffa Offto of
The St la at 14 XTorth
Main Bt. Talsphon 43.
Davis, drugs.
Vlctrola, $15. A. Hospn Co.
riato lunch at Tony's cafe, 3Sc.
Corrigans, utidciukera Phono 141
Woodrlng Ucdertaklnr Co. Tl. 3J9.
GARDNERS PRE95, printing. Phone U,
Lewis Cutler, funeral director. Phone $7.
Eyes examined, glasses fltud. Lefftrt't.
Board and room at 22$ South Sixth
street. Telephone Red 1634.
Mutual Bldg. and Loan Ass'n, 123 Pearl.
Grorge, the 7 mouths old ron ot Mr
and Mrs. Ueorgo Burt.s, 007 Harrison
street, died Monday night at 9:80 o'clock
of wnooping cough.
Tho C. Hafer Lumber company always
please their customers. Why notT Their
prices nnd their goods, as well as their
service, is always right.
Bluff City lodgo No. 71. Ancient Free
and Accepted Masons, will meet In spe
cial communication on Wednesday even
ing at 7'.S0 o'clock for work In tho second
Miss Minnie G. Kendrlck, who has been
the guest of her brother Charles L.
Kendrlck of tho World-Herald, slnco last
summer, left yesterday for Minneapolis
end Lnko Mtnnctonku. She will remain
there the balancu ot tho summer.
Coroner Cutler will hold an Inquest nt
the Cutler undertaking rooms this morn
ing to place on record all of tho tacts as
certainable connected with M'c death of
James H. Record, the Mills county or
chardlst, who was killed In an automobile
accident last week. The lnauest wtll be
gin at 9:30 o'clock.
Mrs. E. A. Count! y man will nntertalni
her friends and the members of Palm
grove this afternoon from 2 until 6
o'clock. At her home, 104 Harrison street,
Mr and Mrs. Countryman have ono ot
tho most pleasant homes In the city, sur
rounded by a large and beautiful lawn.
admirably adapted to hot weather enter
tainment, j ne memuera ot mo organisa
tion and their friends are thus assured of
a pleasant afternoon.
Manager Elgun ot the Independent Tele
phone comoanv has turned over to tho
city the sum ot $3,144.10 as tho first half
of the 6 per cent telephone franchise
royalty for the nreeent yeilr. The tax Is
based upon 6 per cent of the gross royalty
of the revenue from all aid phones In the
city, ana is a requirement ot -me rran
chlse acquired with the absorption ot the
independent company by tho Hell inter
eats, Last year the royalty amounted to
$5,000. It is believed that It will oxecod
$6,b00 this year.
Lynn Haller. the moving picture oper
ator, who was arrested Monday afternoon
cnarged with the thort ot an automouue,
was arraigned In tmllce court yesterday
morning. Nono of tho evidence was taken
oeyonu the necessary inquiries to uockui
the case. Haller said ho was 19 years old
and that he had lived In Council Blutfs
tho greater part of his life. Further hear
ing of his case was continued until Au
gust 4. Ills bond was fixed at $S00. He
was unable to give bond yesterday and
may have to remain In Jail several days
before his hearing.
City Clerk Charles J. Duff arrived In
New Ybrk on Sunday morning nfter at
tending the annual mcetlnc ot tho na
tional organization of the Ancient Order
of Hibernians at Norfolk. According to
letters and cards received by friends here
yesterday Mr. Duff and former Mayor
iMaloney are having a fine time In tho
nation's metropolis, it is Air. uuu n nrst
visit to New York, and he sums up his
Impressions tersely: "This Is certainly
a great place." The Illbiirnlsn gathering
at Norfolk was one of the most Important
held In recent years. Messrs. uutf ami
Maloney will spend this week In New York
and vicinity and will return home about
tho first ot next week.
Ray Brammel, 23 years old, was taken
to Rod Oak vesterdav mornlnir bv Den-'
uty Sheriff Leuch and arraigned before
tho United States commissioner on the
charge of breaking In a merchandise car
engaged In Interstate commerce, flram-
mei was arresiea iionauy morning oner
ho had broken into a ear In tho yards of
the Illinois Central railroad here. Tho act
was committed In broad daylight and was
witnessed by a number or persons, who
notified the local police. He broke Into
several cases of goods and stole several
packages of pockrtknlvea. The young
mart was bound over to the federal grand
Jury and returned to the Pottawattamie
county jail, wnere no win remain unm
September unless ho can secure a bond
for $500. Brammel spent several years in
the Iowa reform school and has had some
trouble with the local pouco since r,is re
lease from tho state Institution. The
trreatest sufferer Is his mother, who
sought to accompany him to Red Oak and
was at tno Jan to sec mm wncn tno om
ccr returned.
Joe Bunarco, an Italian, 3i years old,
was hfld to tho grand Jury yesterday on
the charge of carrying concealed weapons.
Detectives Callaghan and Lane picked up
Bunarco at Frank street and Broadway
between 12 and 1 o'clock yesterday morn
ing under rather peculiar circumstances.
The man was skulking along on the park
ing after ho had been observed coming
from a dark alley. The officers were on
a street car when they first noticed hta
and when they stopped tho car and ap
proached him the Italian started to run.
He was stopped with his back pressed
acalnst the door of a building which he
was pretending to bo unlocking. Instead
of a bunch of koys he was holding In his
hand a .3S-callbor revolver with all
chambers loaded. A lot of extra curt
ridees uml a short Piece ot candle were
taken from him when ho tried to itch
them nrtcr being placed a car. no was
unable to give a Very satisfactory ac
count of his presence abroad at that hour.
A large bunch of keys were found In his
possession. A noun or $2bu was required
to secure his relearo from Urn county
Jail pending the consideration of his case
by the grand jury.
Swap anything In the "Swapp-'
A Decided Impression
has been made on tho men of good
taste that llko to dress well by our sys.
tern of cleaning and pressing of their
garments so that they always look neat
and clean. Let us be your valet, , we
can keep your trousers well cleaned and
presred. Our work recommends itself, wo
please everybody. Send us your work.
Bluff City Laundry, dry cleanlnir and
!dyo works. Phono 2814.
Omaha real estate Is the best investment
you could make. . Read The Bee's ,-eal
estate columns.
Denver Limited
Denver and California...
1'uaet Bound KiDrets
Depart. Arrive.
a 1:40 am. a 7.00 am
a 4:10 am
t 4:10 pm a I W pm
....a 4:10 pm a iui poi
1 1:10 am a 10 pm
a 4:10 pm a 1,10 pm
....b 1:10 pm ali:lt pm
...ill:H pm a 7:00 am
aj u am - 8.10 pm
7;K pro b 9 10 am
b 1:06 pm 110:70 am
a . it am a s 10 am
all M pm a 2.40 pm
' I am mil :S0 pm
all.M pm
i Nebraaka t'olnta
Iilack llllla
Lincoln Mall
Northweat Btpreii
Nebrakka EJprcn
Lincoln Local
flehurler-i'lattaroouth ....
Chicago Special
Denver Special
Chicago Kipreaa
Cbltago l'aet Etpreea,,,
Creaton Local
HI. L. Ic K. C. Special
K. C. A Kt. Joaepb
K. C ek Et. Jowpl)
Llncoln-Platlimouth ....
.....a 1.4 pm a pm !
fu, i.w am
.., bll.Mam
. .. .a 4-M pm all:M am
;4 pm a 1:40 m
...,a:llaro a 4:00 pm
pm a t;M pm
trentlt nnd Webster.
Mleaonrl Pacific-
Depart. Arrive
b tm pm blO:44 am
..b 4:14 am b 4 J pm
Minneapolis As
b 4 IS am h 4 20 pm
b 2 21 pm tll:ti am
.e I St am
.b 4 W am b 1 10 am
i Falla Cltr Paaieager.. .
Lotel height
Chicago, SI. Panl,
' Twin Cltr Paateager
Slnut Cl'r Kiproe
H:o" Cltr Pauenger
Emereon Loral
Council Bluffs
I Judge Directs Investigation of At
tempt to Lynch RapH.
Council II I it ft Officer Promptly
TnUr Mtep In l'rotrrt Prlnonrr
When Reports nt Formation
of Mob Comes.
When Judge O. D. Wherler ronvmed his
branch of thn district court yesterday,
after a conferonco with Attorney General
Cosson, who Is directing the work of the
grand Jury Hi pecin ursslon, ho sum
moned thn Jurors before him nnd directed
thorn to Inquire Into the cause of the dis
quieting rumors that caused strong pre
cautions to bo taken to guard tho county
Judge. Wheeler called the court stcnog-
rapher to take down what ho wanted to
say and transcribe his note for tho bene-
fit of tho Jurora and the public. Ho atso
Instructed tho Jurors to examine care
fully all of the evidence obtainable In
connection with the suspicion that George
Raph may have been tho tissallnnt ot
Mrs. Spencer, the wife of a street rallwny
employe, who was brutally assaulted In
her home last Thursday night.
Offlcrra Act quickly.
Chief of Police Vlen and Sheriff l.lnd
eey were complimented yesterday upon
their prompt actton In protecting Clcorge
Raph, the half-witted suspect arrested on
a chargo of attacking Mrs. Spencer. They
worked together with decisive prompt
ness and ench rushed to tho county Jail
every available man In his department.
When It Ixconin evident that something
was likely to break looso and icports
poured Into police headquarters that left
no room for doubting tho possibility ot
the formation of a mob, Night Captain
Shnfor took Raph from the city Jail,
placed him In a patrol wagon, and, ac
companied by several officers and news
paper men, conveyed him to the county
Jail by a circuitous route. In tho mean
time ho hud advised Chlet Vlon and re
ceived on order to call out every pollen
officer in the city, Including tha sanitary
and motorcycla men. and mobilize them
at tho county Jail. Sheriff Llndsey ncted
with tho same degroo of promptness.
He called up Cnptnln R. M. Davis of
tho Dodgo Light Ouards nnd requested
him to mnss his men at once, An auto
mobile wns sent lo Captain Davis1 red-
donco nnd took htm to the Jail. Then
every member of the company wus noti
fied by telephone or special messenger
and several automobiles wero sent to
gather them up. Jn thirty minutes moro
thsn twenty soldlera were at the armory.
Immediately after notifying Captain
Davis. Sheriff Lindsay sent a wire to
Governor Clarke advising him ot what
ho had dono and also put In o long dis
tance phono call. In less than twenty
minutes he wns talking with tho gov
ernor. Governor Clarko npproved thn ac
tion token nnd said If ono company was
not sufficient others would be sent. He
advised thn sheriff not to uso the mllltla
until other means ot defense had been
Citizens Discuss
Plans for Safety
A very largely attended meeting was
held last night at tho West Council
Bluffs Improvement club houso to tako
some action to bring about better protec
tion for tho people ot that section. Thera
was no criticism ot tho police department.
Chief of Police Vlen was presont and
spoke of the advisability of forming a
cltltens' league similar to that In opera
tion at Los Angeles, which has proven
much moro effectlvo thnn tho regular po
lice force.
Peter Donnelly, whose wife was dragged
from her bed ono midnight recently by
two men and was saved from assault by
attaches of tho water works plant who
heard her screams, suggested that a
committee of six bo appointed to orgaulie
a volunteer service. Tho suggestion was
approved und the committee was named.
The plan Is to form numerous organiza
tions, whose inembors can respond much
more quickly than Hie regular police
force. Another suggestion was that sev
eral men be stationed In tho club house,
sleep there every night nnd serve as a
central station to call tho organizations
Into Instant action when required.
Alderman Boyer brought up again his
plan of establishing n combination fire
nnd police station nt Broadway and Thlr-ty-flfth,
and a committee comprising J.
i. Hnrty, Qcorgo Oshlo and Peter Miles
was named to support his plan by se
curing a big petition to the city council.
Elrvrtrtc Hot Point Irons,
with ten-year guarantee, now $3.t0. P.
De Vol Hardware company.
The city council devoted all of yestcr-
dny afternoon to tbo consideration of mat
ters referred to tho committee of the
whole at tho meeting on tho previous
evening. Many minor matters were taken
up apd the action to be recommended
agreed upon.
Tho most Important matter considered
v. as the recommendation of City En
gineer Spetmnn for tho grading of n dirt
drlvoway on each side of the twenty-foot
strip of concrete pavement that Is now
being laid on South avenue. Tho matter
was presented to the council on Monday
night. Tha aldermen Inspected tho work
In progress on South avenue and were
much impressed with the utility of the
recommendation of tho city engineer.
The proposed grading will cost consider
ably less than 21,000 and will add greatly
to the usefulness of tho atreet and will
nttraet a large part of tho traffic from
the concreto pavement during n large por
tion of the year, thUH reducing the wear
on the pavoment. Tho recommendation
will he approved at the next meeting of
the council. Tho grading may be dono
by the tegular forco in the streets and
alleys department.
It our expert piano case finisher call
ana give you prico to reflulsh your
piano. Work guaranteed to bo strictly
first-class. He Is here only for short
time. Phone 641, A. Hospe Co., Council
MurrlnKe. Llccnara.
Marrlago licences were issued yesterday
J to the following nmned permits:
Isame and Address Ag..
Thomas Perry. Omaha J7
Llllle Mitchell, Omaha ?7
H. D. Bird. Council Bluffs. Iu
I. lllUn Johansen, council Bluffs 23
Swap anything in tho "Swappers' col
li mn "
Council Bluffs
Coroner Fails to
Find Man's Body
Coi otter Cutter, assisted by Deputy
Sheriff twitch and Chailea West, a river
man of thirty years' oxpcrlcnco on the
Missouri river, spent the greater pajt of
yesterday afternoon In a vain attempt
to find tho body ot the man whoso foot
was found In a shoe on a sandbar In
the river a mile below the Union Pacific
bridge. The men secured a rowboat at
the Thirty-seventh street pumping station
and floated down the river. Tho quick
sand was found to be of fathomless
depth at tho point whore the dismem
bered foot was found.
The murky depths were explored with
shovels and oars, hut no trace of the re
mainder ot the body could bo discovered.
There was a depression In the mud where
the shoe had been found which looked
nn If the body might have luin there
mitlt falling water caused it to slip Into
tho stream. All hope of finding It has
t,ecn abandoned.
Broken lenses replaced,
tlclans, EOS Broadway,
I.efferts, op'
at the Union Pacific Tea company.
Cosson Proceeds
With His Inquiry
Attorney General Cosson continued yes
terday to push the inquiry Into the elec
tion frauds at Inst spring's city election.
He Is seeking to bring out all of the evi
dence possible that will throw any light
upon the charges.
Yesterday the presence ot several de
tectives was noted about the grand Jury
room. Two of thorn were from Kansas
City nnd St. Joseph. Not a whisper about
the character of tho evidence that Is go
ing before tho Jurors has been heard and
no statement has-been mado conctrntng
the duration ot the Inquiry beyond thn
attorney general's declaration that all ot
the tlmo required will be given.
Kyes examined anc glasses fitted at
once, reasonable charge. Lefferts, op
ticians, W3 Broadway.
Lawn Swings at Less
Than Cost to Make
(3.95 buys a four-passenger lawn swing,
eight feet high, eight-foot base, five and
a halt feet wide, thlrty-ono-lnch seats,
well made, well bolted, well braced,
painted red. 24.05 buys a porch or low
lawn swing; can bo tisod on oltiicH porch
or lawn, bnso four and n, hnlf by five
feet, standards nnd base miitln of heavy
wood, ralnled red, well bolted, well braced.
Hither can be set up In a few minutes. Honla iWtefl the J a moderate ue
Mull us your order with shipping Instruc- I ninnds of my government and refused to
Hons. J. Zollnr Mercantile company. 1M). ! conform to the obligations forming thn
KC-IOMOO Broadway, Council Bluffs, in.
The first prostration from heat In Coun
cil Bluffs during the present period ot
high temperatures occurred yesterday
afternoon when John Doner, an aged em
ploye of the streets and alleys depart
ment, was overcome and fell unconscious
whllo engaged In his wqrk. He was cut
ting weeds nt First avenuq. and Klovcnth
street when stricken. Tho police station
wan notified, whllo fellow employes car
ried hint Into the protecting shelter ot
nearby trees and bathed his head with
cold water until tho city ambulance ar
rived, when he was taken to his home,
309 13ast Plerco street, nnd Dr. Moth, city
physician, took care of him. Ills condition
was very favorable last evening and it
was believed he would soon be able to
return to his work.
Glasses fitted satisfactorily,
opticians, BOO Broadwuy, .
llrnl i:lntc Transfers,
Tho following ron I estate transfers filed
Tuesday wero reported to Thn Bee by the
1'ottnwuttamlc County Abstract com
I. K. M. Jones to Kmll ICiichl part
of lot 7. In block 2. O. I', town of
Treynor, la., w. d 1,C00
A. 1'. Mnutn nua wile, AiaDello A.,
to C. K. Smothers and Myrtle
Smothers, lotr 4. 6 and G. in block
3, Brown'ti addition, w. d "tW
i;mll Kiiehl nnd wire, Minnie M.,
to H. M. Jones, the north 60 of lot
22, In block 1, O, P. Treynor, la.,
w. d
Anders P. Talk nnd Margaret C.
Kalk to A. L. Holley. lot 15. in block
IS, In Benson's 1st addition, w, d.. 2,7X1
it. u. i niK to i.ucy it. unlioy, lot iz,
block 14. Bvan'si 2d Brldae addition.
w. d WW
Anders P. Falk und wife, Margaret
C, to Alice L. Holley, lots 1, 2. '!,
4. In block 18. In Benson's 1st addi
tion, w. d 1,000
niimu! comer to Amanuu w. comer,
lot 2, block 11, Walnut, la., w. d..
Total 25.702
Iloj Injured In UniinHa),
SABOKNT, Neb., July 2S.-(8peclal.)
Arthur Campbell, 14-year-old son of
Will Campbell, living six miles northwest
of Sargent, lost a leg In a runaway on
his father's farm today.
Francis Joseph Sets Forth Reasons
for War on Servia.
Ilrrlnren nelurndc iovrrnmr.nt Una
for Yfr Pnrsnrrl fonrse of
Upon Hostility to
V1KNNA. July HI A manifesto Issued
by the empemr after stating that It had
been his fervent wish to dedicate his de
clining years to preserving tho empire
from tho burdens and sacrifices of war.
'Provlilenco lias decreed otherwise. Tho
Intrigues of a malevolent opponent com
pel me In defense of the honor of mv
monarchy and for the protection of Its
dignity and the security of Its possession
lo grasp the sword after long years ot
Tho manifesto refers U th Ingratttuds
of Servia for the support tho emperor's
ancestors afforded to Hervlan Independ
ence; how Bervla for years has pursued
s path ot open hostility to Austria-Hungary;
how Austrian annexation of Bosnia
and Herxegovlnn, which Injured no Serv
ian rights, called forth In Servia out
breaks of the bitterest hatred,
Request lo .Servtn.
"My government," continues the em
peror, "then employed tho handsome
privileges of the stronger and with ex
tremo leniency only requested Servia to
reduce Its army to a peace footing nnd
promise to tread the paths of peace and
Then recalling that It was Austrian for
bearance two years ago that enabled
Servia to reap the fruits of the fttruget
against Turkey, tho emperor says:
'The hope that Servlo would keep Its
word has not been fulfilled! tho flame of
Us hatred for myself And my houc has
biased always higher. The design to tear
from us by force Inseparable portions of
Austria-Hungary hits been 'manifested
with everlasting disguise.'1
Tho manifesto then dwelts on the "crim
inal propaganda which has extended over
the frontier, aiming at the destruction ot
tha foundations ot order and loyalty in
thn southeastern part of the monarchy
nnd tho leading astray of growing youth
nnd Inciting It to dcels ot madness and
high treason."
Hpcnka of Conspiracy.
It continues: "A scries of murderoui
nttacks In an organized and well carried
out conspiracy, whose fruitful success
wounded me nnd my loyal people to ths'
heart, forms tho visible and bloody track,
of those secret machinations which wer
operated directly In Servia."
Declaring that a stop must be lH to
these Intolerable provocations, the honor
and dignity of the monarchy protected
and Its political, military and economic
t'evelopmnnts guarded from continuous
shocks, he saye:
"In vuln did my government make a
attempt to Induce Horvla to desist,
natural foundation of pcuco In the II tt
of peoples nnd states. I must therefore
proceed by forco of arms lo secure those
Indispensable pledges which alone can In
(iro tranquility to new Mates within, and
lotting peace without.
FORT DODOII, la., July 29.--(6peclnl,)-Hobort
Cousins opens the Fort Dodgs
Chautauqua August 16 In place ot Secre
tary W. J. Bryan, who regretn he, cannot
come. It looks ns though Bryan would
have to cut out noma of his Chautauqua
trips, Judging by letters received here.
Senator A. IJ. Cummins In a letter to
Floyd Douglas, secretary of the Chau
tauqua association, sayt: he thinks con
gress will adjourn about September 1
and that tho anti-trust bills will be de
bated continuously until decided upon.
Congressman Maurice Connolly, demo
cratic opponent of Senator Cummins, has
written from Washington that he will I
Wife Deserter In
HARLAN, la., July 2U.-(Hpeclal.) Carl
Knudson, a former resident of this
county, was brought here from Hartlng
ton. Neb., yesterday by Sheriff Mo
Mnhou on a charge of wife desertlom.
Knudhon left hero about four years ago
after his wife had given birth to a single
child, n pair of twins and trio of triplets
In about six years. Nothing wan done as
to apprehending Knudson until two
weeks sgo, when his wife was notified
that he was suing for a divorce In Ne
braska, Invra JVevTS .Votes.
IXIOAN-MIss Wllhelmla fitowart and
William Ludgate of Council Bluffs wer
united In marriage at the home of Mrs.'
Willivlmlna Baker here yesterday at 13
o'clock. KIder W. R. Adums ot Logan
performed the) ceremony.
LOO AN Arthur Cud well, tt Logan mer
chant, out riding on a motorcycle, was
bitten by a dog belonging to a neighbor
north or Logan recently, and the wound
wns given treatment by a local physician.
An Omaha physician advised Mr. Cad
well to go to Chicago for treatment.
Killing the dog, nnd taking the head with
him. Mr. Cad well wns told that ho came
none too soon by tho Chicago surgeons.
However, the owners of the dog and tUfc
parentM of Mr. Cadwell nssert that te
animal showed nu Indications that It was
affected with rabies before or after biting
tho Logan merchant.