TUB BEE: OMAUA, t t n ? j t JULY 1914. 10 WANT ADS ! Wan- ads received Hi any time but to Insure proper classification must bo Pre ttnx.nl before 12 o'clock, noon lor evening edition and 7:30 p. in. for morning ana Sunday edition. Want ads received after such hours will be under the heading, Too Late to Classify." CASH RATKS. One time 12 cents a Unci . . . Three tlmra within one week. 9 cents a lino each Insertion. , . ,. Seven consecutive times. 7 cents a line each Insertion. CIIAnCJE RATES. Three times within one week. 10 fnta a line each Insertion. , Seven consecutive times, 3 cants a line ea'h Insertion. . . ... Count six average words to a line. Minimum charge. 80 cents. Tha Beo will not bo rePfsl 'l more than one wrong insertion due to typographical error. Claims for error must be promptly made. . An advertisement Inserted to be run until discontinued must be stoppea ay written order. You can place your want ad In Tho Bee by telephone. M TELEPHONE TTLER 1000. Unclaimed Answers to tlio " Swappers1 Column" have been '.."i .. ' nJ-Ll Vlurinc the lust week. H U reasonable to suppose trial oil of Uie people below navn desired swups-therefore. do not call for tho balance oi tneir buiuch. - B.C. BC B.C. 7 864 931 74S M3 91i it'A !M 780 M!) 83S 191 Kl VSI K0 i 802 SS8 MS m tr, M9 Ml S5 M4 W9 9iZ 815 900 7J 816 Ml K V 7 al "1 LI 828 912 7J 830 81 SI I 35 55 741 835 ? Jf MO VI 6C1 927 Wi KC3 9U DEATHS AND KUNnnAli NOTICES. OAIEN-Iorrls, ngfd 3 yew-. brother. Charles, four ;lter. Mrs- ueanjr of Sioux City. Mrs. paries Haste r oi Omaha. Sirs. Ilawkco of Davenport la.. and ifr". "WW" 'Wnm J ' W.JPXSUfrZ m. intcr"me'?t I ut Holy Sepulcher cemetery. "ssM" !ffY..j;,?iiv residence. 715 North r.?c It. i.VI.t 'Thursday at 8:30 a. m. ahii i - : .7i, a n m, inter- I .to SU. Cecilia's ch rcli. 9etmry. lnl knT in tiniY ocuuivinw - s MIVHk -- - nnm-.VATEn-lnh. widow of the late Rosewawr. died at noon Tuos- 1 AO I aay, jujt. 4U. .... residence. HK jrunerai itom ,"' '" ,duy . July Bouth Thirty-sixth street. Tn"I,2f yi ,'orcst SO. at 9: B.W. "r. -j-y Xrfiwn cemeterj'. ii ii TIIH AND DI3A.T1IS B.rth.-Ekall Daugh-rty, OmaUa .boy Knv' Alois Musllek 1129 South Twelfth, boi boy' O C. Thompson, 1S21 Cuss, boy; J.'f. Senior. 11 Spring, girl: A'thur 1J wmtam. girl; E. D. Hn.ton, XXn' irlrl; Hugh McCrackon. Horenco Iwuliavard, cirl; U. H. Thorpo, ItR South orty-flnit, Kfrl. TWa-J Death sJ. . Mr. Edward Rosewatcr. KiS Bouth Thirty-sixth street, 70 years; ulu Burmester, KU2 N?rth FlRy-nintn inSr'aw Bouth Fourteenth ?trcet, 73 years: J- II. Johnson. 3210 Nortn i wen-tv-flftli street. CO years: D. A. McKennon, iAvenworth street, 19 years; Jnmes AVrlght? Fprtleth and Poppleton nvonuo, tu years. MAIUHAC.n MCBNHB8 The following marriage licenses were granted; . , . . Name na tiesmence. ""S tTvT 7iaVnBiK0 ucy E, Aiaen, wncoin......... .... ' Aria! 8. Dougherty, umana :A Ads sure get result u.c s.c. ac. tot ia 703 C03 MS TC9 CO 3i 710 10 CCS 711 COO C70 71S C0 671 716 COS C73 717 113 676 71S Mt tv3 70) cis cm ra C17 6S6 729 CU 6M 722 19 7 tI2 90 733 (23 C92 737 U4 15 7iS C3a 693 741 tX 703 742 I 17 704 743 C34 70S 744 Jvario Close, umana... iMufe" artist. You Imvo tried the rest, now Raymond Alles, Omalia 21 1 tll0 u.a(, -vo will buck up against AiayDCiie ixeugn, ummiu.. ' Charles R. llanna. Omaha 21 Elenor I Schlatter, Omaha Jack Ellis Johnsoo. Ocnlalln. Neb... llattle Bratelton, Marshalltown, la, 37 Horry Goodman. Chicago 21 Mary A. McNcely. Omaha. IS Frank M. Black. Creston. la.,. t!t fern Stevens, Jioiurege iv Houle V. Hcnnlngs, Cedr Creelc 23 Mablo Warren. Cedar Creek 18 Archlo M SlmDion Florence- . m Jjeima, k. uisen. umana 3Iorace Blackford. Vallojo. Cal 22 iMcy Ann varncr, umana. 18 TODAY'S CWD713TB MOVIE PIlOailAMB , Exclusively In Tho Bee. Uu munn. CAMERAPHONE, 1408 DOUaAS ST. yne incompetent. :-reel ubln. Lome Dog's Treachery. Kulem. Jwedlo the Swatter. Essanay. jKUTE THEATER NO. 2. 1318 Farnam. rive iiunurea Jjonar kiss, z-r. Bellg. iaa ruui oi uie mil. r.ssanny. A Matter of Itecord, ubln. FARNAM THEATER, 1415 FARNAM BT. The Lovo Victorious, S-rcel Qold Seal. HIPP, 15TH AND .HARNEY STS. Tho Mystery of tho Hindu linage. 2-r. MaJ. 3?rom Wash to Washington, Than. com. a Auasummcr -ovo -langio. wauty era. PARK THEATER. Ms no. lsTli The Treasure 8hip. 3 reel Kalem. Red Rldlnc Hooo of the Hllla. Essanay, Romeo and Juliet. Blograph. PARLOR. 140S DOUOLAS Btl uiujr a vacuuon. meriing comeoy. When Fate Disposes, 2-reel Rex, Cupid's Incognito, Nestor. PRINCESS. 1317-19 DOUGLAS ST. S arren Kerrigan's latest hit. Out of the . Valley, western drama. When Romance Came to Anne. Imp. dra. N,,,. ALHAMBRA. IMi K. 24TTT RT a i irnjn nomance. iTinoess drama. Three of a Kind. Comedy. jno flmouiaoqri nyoy, z-r. Dora. flra. DIAMOND THEATER, 2410 LAKE ST. ino oou riicr. iwo-reei ex. A Beach Romance. Sterling comedy. coiner Mjcnaei. ciair dra.. hand colored. FRANKLIN THEA. 24TH & FtANKLIN Ajujr si iiio iiuim. uon. Jhe Forged Parchment, Kathlyn No. 11. Jim iiipiumic ivasonay. HIPPODROME. 2UTH AND CUMINO. iiie i i-uint oi uiana. i-r., Vltagraph, Molly, the Drummer Boy. Edison. IT THEATER. 16TH AND LOCUST. The Old Mald'a Baby. Vltagraph. Me and BUI. 2-r.. Sellr. A Jonah. Blograph. ifOYAL THEATER. 240S CALDWELL. f i no vure. joxer comeay. 4 Isle of Abandoned Hope, 2-reel Bison. f Avenged. Box drama. i iTilROP THEA. S212 NORTH 2ITH. f J2u,f ,, lianas, baison. I The Million Dollar Mystery." No. 1 PALACE, f 2903 DAVENPORT. The Skull, two-reel Imp. Teari of th Seas. Powers drama. SUBURBAN THEA. 2ITJI AND AMES. The Weakling, S-r- Knlein: .Aigie -Mister, eotig. The Walko Sisters. T.ubln, South. APOLLO, 2St LEAVENWORTH ST. iiearii-Beug. The Chasm, two-reel Essanay. ' Taks the Rest Cure. Stllg. TODAY'S COMPLETE MOVIE PROGRAM Exclusively in Tho llco Snutli. COLUMBIA. 1710 8. Wth t His Wile and ills Work. 2-reel VIUgTaph. It Was Some Party. Blograph. Tho Tribunal of Conscience. Lubln. COMFORT THEATER, SITH & VINTON. Our Mutual Girl, Series No. 27. leaven of Good. Thannouscr. FAVORITE THEATER. 17th and Vinton, leather's Flirtation. 2-reel Vltasraph. Dolly of the Dallies, No. 10. Edison dra. Hearst-Sellg. . FAV. AIRDOME ANNEX, 17TH & VIN The Man In tho Street, three-reel Edison. Hoarst-Hellg. OEM THEATER, 13M 8. 13TII BT. Broncho Billy's Punishment. Essanay. Dr. Smith's Baby. Vltagraph. The Express Messenger. Kalem. LYRIC. 1617 VINTON BT. Tango vs. Poker. Eclair comefy. Univ. Ike. Jr.. In a Cose on tho Doctor. Gateway of Regret. Imp drama. UANSCOM THEA., 27TI1 CASTCI.UAU The Nation's Peril, I-reel Bison. Holl Your I'eanut. Joker comedy. VENEZIA, 1211 S. 10T1I HT. T.iintllA Tvive Vo. 18. An Awkward Cinderella. Ilex. PASTIME THEA. 21 & LEAVEN WORTH Four reels of Mutual pictures, comedy and drnina. E cents. Wcat. UlBDOMB THEA. FAUNA M & PARK, The Prescription. 2-r.. Melles Tho Adventure of the Absent Minded Pro- ioswor. VA. Tho uang, vuagrapn. BinSnOK. 25M FAHNAM Mao' Pickford and warren iterrigan in in uie Simian 8 uaraen. Value Bccclvcd. 2-r. On Suspicion. Hex. Ucnxin. BENSON. WS MAIN BT. A Million In Pearls, Victor drama. On tho Illo Grnnde, Ilex. Sophie of the I'llms. series No. 4. Cnnnrll Blnffs. ROPER TIT HATER, B7 BROADWAY Through Fire to Fame, n 4-reel special. DoutU Umnhn. Ttl.rURK! TTlRATMn. 24TII AND N, A Diamond Jn the Itough, 2-reeI, Kalem. The Prospeotors, uiogrnpn. J'igs is l'lgs. vusgrapn. MAOIC. 24TII AND O. U,1B severed Hand, 3-r., Towers. onpKlm thbaTBR. 24th andJI fits Million Dollar Mystery, ,nclut,rt t o vaUdevllle. Wednesday only. ANNOUNCEMENTS Your Thirst at the ''Sodoasi..'' lth and Dodge, or "xne UWIS flttl, l" n" xiawiey, ucn,u- uiui uuwiiaiairn buiih aiiu .unu.t nnest soda, purest Ice creamy 600 kinds l. dlw 111 m nli ai linl Jnd tn I iirinKg U i. UAIIItl 1U V1IWI IIUV w ...... , aandwlcheijand sweets. To SllOPpers! M . . . . t 1 . .1 . womo in anu rest a wniie, cooi un mm listen to tno music. HHEnMAN & McCONNELU DBUO CO. Kour buy ,toreB, o HAZEL Ueaf Pile Cones. Best remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding piles; DOo postpaid; samples tree. Sherman & f Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. okpHEum buffet 1609 Harney fit. Business men's lunch. D g, Qriffitn, wig mfgr.. 13 Frenxer BlkT O - nrlvate booth In my urlll room for noon luncu. I'm-i-u. -uun. Mi a. i ou ftl,ltM. inlllea and fruitB, Tel. Florence 230 and leave your ordora. Political. My NAME will appear on the republican prmary bft0t ns candidate for renoml- nation for Secretary of State, at primary election August is. m. Auuuon tvati, Secrotary of State. ATTUACIION8 AVK originate, OTHKIIH IMITATE. We nro not Imported, but have furnished InttrnrtimiM and balloon usconslona 18 sue e.,riii vuars. Wo book Indepondontly cent's profit. Wo hliv. under contruct tho only original daub DEVlli JAMIE, the "Slide for I any of them. TWIN urx x ahubu MKNT CO.. Council Bluffs, la. M. M Ryan, Secretary. Tel. Red 2245. IIEIA WANTED VE.MALE Housekeepers nnd Domestic. THE servant Qlrl Problem Bolved. Tho Bea will run a Murvsnt uiri waniea au FUBU until you get the lrlred result. This applies to residents of Omaha, Bouth Omaha and Council Blutfs. Bring ad to " - HOU8EICKEPEII. mlddlo aged, all Unln cumbered; steady work lor right parly no washing, l'hone jiarnoy utu. WANTED Olrl tor general housework. 1329 Bo. 31st Bt. it. 1MB. Qlltb with reference; small family. Call II. MIC or W4 B. 3M eu WANTED An experienced girl. 600 So, 38th St. Phono lturncy Tie. .miss Jessie II. Millard. waited uiri for housework. Phone Harney 3308. WANTED-Competent girl for general houseworK. co. aa bt. ei. 11. WANTED Good girl for general house work; no wosning. soji iuiayeue avo. Harney $900. WANTED A young girl to assist with kitchen work, aoou Bt. Mary's Ave. WANTED A young Blrl tor M5 a 2ith Ave. gcmtral Phono housework. Douglas 3191. "WANTED Respectable young laly as 1 housekeeper for widower, with modern house. In small town and Tour In family. c2r.re,no"1Alt1A,ncriC4ii' f Scandinavian. Address P. E. Hagen. Maskell. Neb. I fW ANTED Girl to assist in general house worK. awe Jisrney tsi. Clerlunl nnil Office. CASHIER, $40: stenog.. $55; stenog., $C5; itennr.nnd elerk. L'ornl nenman. JoO: I stonog., Insurance oftice, $05; stenog. and I bookkeeper, out-of-town. $50. WEST. UK KEREN CK Sc. BOND ASS'N., I 7R-0 Omaha Nauonai uaiiK mug. lilllOHT. neat voucr lady for asilstant cashier and general office work. Apply at 6 state name mug. I Factory anil Trnilcs. I LADIES from 20 to 65 yesrs of age for i steady employment to duhu a iruuc, steady Income. Call at 110 8. th Ave. Tuesday and AVednesday I AI'PRENTICE girl. Oppenhelm Parlors. Mlicellauruua. WOMEN wanted for government clerk- shlDs: xtu montn: umana examinations soon; specimen questions free Franklin Institute. Dept. tSS-O. Rochester, N. Y. YOUNG women coming to Omaha aa strangers aro Invited to visit tho Young Womeirs Christian association building at Bt. Mary's Ave. and 17th St, whera they will be directed to suitable boarding I places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers gjiue u union oumon. GOOD pay to ladles and girls for decora- ling piuows av nomo. experience un necessary. Call forenoons zmi a. inn. HELP WANTED .MALE Acenta. Hnlcimrii uuil Mullnltora. WANTED Experienced salesman for Nebraska and South Dakota. Marks Hat Co., Des Moines, la. WANTfiB-Saksman to sell line of buggy whips to dealers. Liberal com mission. Expense funds advanced un ratlcfarlory reference Address Wells W hip Company. WellsvlUe, Pa. ASThO - Flrstcla shoo salesman. Must have five years- experience Not I ncceptary to apply for this position other wise Must nave experience in retailing fi..e shoes Addrest 8 W Hee HELP WANTED MAT,K Clerical nnil office. BOOKKEEPER, $70; ledger clerk. $; ledger clerk. $68, stenographer, out of town. $70: stenog.. Iflfi croeerv clerk. $50: stenog., beginner. $(0. Wiser. KKFKHKXCK & HONU ABri., urieinatore or the Ileforcnco liusincss, 7K-6 Omaha National Dank Bldg. iAHOK Omnha corporation wants man who Is thoroughly experienced In mod ern accounting nnil systematizing: state experience, salary expected and glvo ref erences. Address L 2. Ilee. IF YOU are looking for a hlgh-grado po sition, can the CO-OPKRATtVB REFERENCE CO., 1813-16 CITY NAT'L. HANK BLDG. Fnclorj' nnil Trades. WANTED Two first class painters, only men who can show good record ncca npply. Tel. Web. SMI. 4301 Lake 81. WANTED Plumbers; 16 for eight hours' work. T. P. Illley. Fargo, N. D. Drug store snaps; Jobs. Knelst. Bee UHlg. Hurry! Huny! Get a full knowledge of the AUTOMO BILE BUSINESS, such as only wc are equipped to give you. Tho auto season is open and the demand Is great for suoh men ha wo. turn out NATIONAL AUTO TltAININO ASSN., 2S14 N. 20th St., Omaha, Neb. MEN to learn the barber trade; tuition. S25: set of tools given: wages paid. Trl City College. 12th and Douglas Bt. TELEGRAPH OPERATOR. Apply MX State Hank HUB. ailnccllnneotii). rAXTON Blk., Letter! riK School. Rm. 611. "WANTED Names of men, IS to 4S. wish ing to bo Omaha mall carriers. 157 month to begin. Y 104, Bee. MEN with patentable Ideas write Ran dolph ft Co WashlriKtnn. D. C. GOVERNMENT positions are good. Pre pare for "Exams" under former govern ment examiner. Booklet H-15 free. Patter son Civil Service School, Rochester, N. Y. -o Sanitary Rathn. Uc; shave. 10c. 320 N. 16th. THE NEBRASKA AUTOMO BILE SCHOOL has turned out more successful graduates than any echool In this country. "There's a reason, write today tor our cainiuguo (C), 1417 Dodge, umaha. Ken. WANTED MEN TO LEARN THE BAR- BEH TRADJv we prepare you in lew weeks. Can earn while you learn. Tools given. Jobs waiting. Big demand for our barbers at surprising wages. Call or write, Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14th. IIULP WANTED MAMS AND FKMAlfJ. 15,000 GOVERNMENT Jobs open to men and women: ins to rifio montn. wnw for list Franklin Institute Dep't 221-0. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED By elderly lady, pluco to work In or near Omaha. 103 So. 23th St., Council Bluffs, la. COLORED girl to assist In houso work. Miss I'alge. wooster ns3. YOUNG lady wishes a position os house keeper, can Doug. awo. LAUNDRY and family washing wanted, Tel. ll. 7J7S. WORK by day. II. 1337. WANTED Position by married couple as stewards, or work at club or hotel. In or out of city. .C. 333, Bco. WANTED Situation as clerk or stow- nrd In hotel, understand both carta of house thoroughly; 12 years' experience. btnctiy sooer. a-i references. Auuress A 337. Boo. BANDMASTER Wanted by nn experi enced bandmaster, position with rella- bio amateur band. Address D 340, Bee. WANTED A Httuatlon as a bookkeeper and accountant, having had snvernl years' experience In tho community; can givo saiisiactory reference. .Auuress A 320. Bco. POSITION aa shoe salesman, about three years experience: Al rcferencoa fur nished. Webster 7CS3. AUTOMOntliTSS reenough Omaha Rad. Rep. Co. 2020 Far. WE make a specialty of auto fore door body building and painting. Highest quality work. "Win. Pfeifter Carriage Wks. D. 6922. 26th Ave. and I-eavenworth. Used Cars Ono J9U Ford, five-passenger. Threa 1913 Ford, flvo-passepger. One 1914 Ford, five-passenger. Ono Ford delivery truck. One 1913 Cadillac, five-passenger. This Is only a partial list of our used cars. Call or write for our Bulletin No. 7 for our prices and a list of satisfied cus tomers. Industrial Garage Company 20th and Harnoy Sts., Omaha, Neb. CUT PRICE pneumatic tires. 318 So, 20th. $100 forfeit for any mugneto we can't re pair, coll repar g. o. Kaysdorrerio N il 'Lindberg"Foro door, body bldg., 40 & Far, Industrial Oarage Co.. 20th Harney Sts. AUTO storage, $G to $8 per mo. Johnson unnrortn Co. uarago. usi-31-33 N. 16th. Motoroclro. HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In used machines. Victor Roos, 'The Motorcycle Man." 2703 Leavenworth. WANT an offer on a 1909 Twin Indian motorcycle, good running order: una tire new this summer, one last fall; has ciutcn. iiuyinir a new iiuuan. call w. 6719 tor demonstration. Pope Motor Co., &73 Leavenworth R. 3M5. 1914 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready; bargains in used machines. OMAHA BICYGLE CO., 18th nnd Chicago. D. 37S3. Ltndborg Bros., 2023 Cum. (Flying Merkle) 11UH1NESS CHANCES TO GET lii or out of business, call on ANGESTAD. 404 Bea Bldg. D. 3477. I'OIt SALE at a bargain general mer chandise stock and More building In good Nebraska town. Invoice $1,500, only staple gooas. i isj, uee. 7 We have lor sale choice mortgages on Improved Nebraska farms bearing 7 I-cr cent ranging In amounts from $350 to $3,000. None of these mortgages exceeds $0 per cent of the market value oc me tarms. can on us tor turtner par ticuiars. KLOKE INVESTMENT CO.. 301 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Neb.-o WANTED -An office manager, who will Invest $5,000, handle credits and col lections In un established $50,WI0 corpora tion. Investment secondary considera tion, must be bo competent to nil posi tion. Investment desired to secure permanent Interested associate. An op' portunlty. Address O 223, Bee. JOHNSON. UiJ PAXTON HLU. RED 5139. MANAGER wunted for Omaha and vi cinity; establish subagencles; latest, big gest selling necessities for homes, hotels, offices, factories. Repeat orders assured. $200 to $300 required. Handle money yourself your own business. L. L. Luxn. Mgr.. 452 Buweh Ave, Chicago. 111QH-CLAS.S Pusliiraa oiHsmugk. utrn Ref. A Bond Ass'n. TM Om. Ns. Bk Bldg. TO QUICKLY sell your business or rtal estute. write Kenne'-t'-W o . Omaha. WANTED An Idea. VTi can think ol some simple thing to latent? Protect yoji Ideas: they may bring you wealth. Writ for "Needed Inventions ' and "How to Oet Your Patent and Your Money " Randolph & Co., Patent Attotncys. V aihtngton. D C, BUSINESS CHANCES IIUV. lease or sell your theater, machln and supplies through Theater Exchange Co. 1406 Karnam rit Douglas 17. IttSflTAUHANT and cufe, splendid fix tures, center lending hotels, popular lo cation; owner must sell; value J6,S00, worth double. TUKWY ft SON. 40 Board of Trade, Omaha. NICE manufacturing business protected by patent for sale or trade. Fine pros, poets. Address, Atlantic Mfg. Co., Allan tic, la. . I'OIt SALE Variety storo In live, town Good cash business. Bargain. Owner leaving country. Variety Store, Alns worth, Neb. VABIRTY storo with Jewelry combined In good Nebraska town. Will sell or trade for drug store. Address Y 131, Bee. MILLINERY STORE Must sell at once on account of health. Season soon be gins. A n-nl bargnln for some one. Liv ing rooms In connection. Tyler 1794. EDUCATIONAL. JSUMMEIi SCHOOL NOW OPEN in Both the Day and Night Sessions. BOYLES COLLEGE ENTER NOW. nuslness nr act Ice. bookkeeping, penman ship, salesmanship, banking, stenography. stenotypy, lypownuns, ivicgrapny, ac counting, filing, prlvato secretarial work and many other courses aro open to you here. You may work for board whlla at tending. Call, wrllo or telepnono tor latest catalogue. J 5th and Harney Streets, Omaha Neb. M OSHER-L AMPMAN COLLEGE SUMMER SCHOOL Every day Is an enrollment day. Un urnnsHril c.asses In all business and Eng lish branches, shorthand, stenotypy, tel egraphy nnd typewriting. Students ad mitted at any lime, uraauatcs guaran teed good positions. Places provided for young people to work for board. For a new, free catalogue address MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE. 1815 Farnam Street. Omaha, Neb. The Van Sant School STENOGRAPHIC COURSE Summer sessions, $ a. m. to 1:4.". p. in. 18th and Farnam. Douglas C5I7. FOR SALE at a discount, .a full unlim ited scholarshln In Boylcs Business col lege, Omaha: good for either shorthand or business courses. Apply at tho office of Omaha uce. LIVE STOCIC FOR SALE. HorseN nml Vehicle. LARGEST stock of delivery wagons la the cltv: all kinds of blacksmith work. painting nnd lettering. Johnson-Danforth Co.. now location, l5ra-3l-53 M. ictti at. "WAOON umbrellas. Wagner. SOI N. 16th. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA . COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call un the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain wnctner tncy leu u in inj street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug Ins 48. LOST Ono Cupid head pin with four pearls. Intlals V. M. R. Liberal reward. Albert Edholm Jowclry Co. LOST Black, dog with white chest. 0 months old; nnswern to namo of Buster. Liberal reward. 2901 Arbor St. MEDICAL. DRUSE HOSPITAL A hospital opened to moot tho needs of any case; strictly modern building, all conveniences; all outsldo rooms. 28th St. and Dewey avo. Tel. Harney 7299. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without Burglcal operation. Cure guaranteed ana no money paid until cured. Write tor book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR E. R. TARRY. 240 Bco Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN NEED MONEY7 Sco us. Quick service. Half usual rate. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 208 Paxton Block. Douglas 1411. OFFERED FOlt SALE Furniture. New Sz 2d hand furnlt'e, cash or terms, reasonable. Ainer. I' urn. co gu lctn. SEVERAL van loads of furniture unit somo Dlanos. Omaha van and Storace CO.. 806 fto. Wth at. LEAVING city. Oak dining room set: desk: sanitary cot und rug. Har. 33S8.T 'l-riicivrltem. TYPEWRITERS sold; rented, repaired. Central Typewriter exchange, 307 S. 17th. RENT Remingtons, Monarchs and Smith Premiers or their maKers. The Iteming-' ton Typewriter Co. Teleuhone Douglas 1281. Rental credited it you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade ma chines sent out. Rates, threo months for $5 for understroko machines or $3 per month for Utest model visible writers. RENT An Oliver typewriter, 3 months for i. Tho unvtr Typewriter co. . snv. All makes typewriters rented, sold, terms. uutts xypcwritor. is.ua arnam. u. wai. Musical Inatrumrnts. GOOD upright piano, cheap, cash or terms. Tel. Harney 2502. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE at a. discount, a full, un limited scholarshln la lloyies Business college, Omaha: good for cither short hand or business course. Apply al ma offlco of The Omaha Bee. 3-hand mch. Gloss V rrcx, Co 21 A Paul MUST SELL 3 oak cases, 1 safe, 1 roll top desk, or will consider something In trade, l'hone u. ciui. A NO. 1 BATH TUB. 5h leeL Trester Kelly Wrecking Co. W. 4S0S. SLIGHTLY used high grade pianos. Douglas 2017. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys und accessories: bar fixtures of all Kinds: easy payments. The Brunswick- uaike'Couenuer Co., U(-iuu a. inn au PEKSONAIi TllK Salvation Army Industrial home so Helta our old clothing, furniture, mag azines. We collect. Wo distribute. Phono Douglas 4135 und our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-111! Dodge St- Tfliivr. women cumlng to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association Duuaing t mi. fit. nnd St. Marv'a Ave. where they will i directed to suitable boarding nlaces or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES STEREOTYPE matrices make the. best and cheapest lining tor pounry nouses. They ar 17x23 Inches, stronger and mora durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. Tto a hundred ut The Beeof flee. AGENTS, Investigate; 100 per cent profit; season now on; get busy. Chicken Life Sa er Co.. 2021 cuining at Mixed grain $1.40 h'dred. Wagner. Sui N. 14 WANTED TO IIUV HLIOHTLV used piano. Web. 3726. WANTED To buy a.Vlctrola; must be cheap; for casli K 3t4, Bee- WANT TO BUY farm, well located; give description anu price, ownmwi ). ,u. drcs Eerett. Box 751. Chicago. 11.. -0 anything W the "Swappers' iol LIVE STOCK. MAIIKET OP WEST BlilP llvo stock to Soutn Omaha. Save mlleago and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt ami careful atten tion. Live Stock Cominlaalon Mcrclinnt. MARTIN BROS. CO.. Exchange Bldg. SWAPPERS COLUMN WHAT HAVE YOU TO EXCHANGE for a Bradbury Shoe Repair Machine? Prefer an Billot Button Fnstcnlng ina chlne. Address S. C 1004, Bee. ONK 12-OAUGE L. C. SMITII HAMMER- less, one Pair new HIP waders never been worn: one Shell Coat, slxe 42; one Ansco Kodak, 2',x314. used 2 weeks; one Punching Bag Ring for wan; one pair i inch Revolving Celling Fans on staff, good. Sell or what? Address S. C. 121C, Bee. A BEAUTIFUL ANTIQUE ROSEWOOD dresser. 3 suits of gentlemen s clothes. fine Quality, waist measures 40 Inches; 15 Jewel watch, hunting case. Will exchange as part payment on vacant lot or sen outright. Address S. C. 1003. Bee. CHALMERS SIX, NEARLY NEW. Fully euulppcd. run less than 1.800 miles. Will ell or trade for smaller car. Will not consider any real estate offer. Ad dress, 8. C. 1215. Bee. NATIONAL AUTO. 40 II. P., FULLY cnu nned. first class condition, perfect In ovcry way; will demonstrate to your entlro satisfaction. Will exchange for Incomo property. Price 31,600. It you want something good, hero It Is. No thin equities need apply. Address S. C. 1201. Bee. GOOD AUTOMOBILE TO EXCHANGE for western land. Address S. C. 1192, Bee. MAKE OFFER. DIAMOND RING, TIF- lancv set. I'rico Jlio. What hove you7 Address 8. C. 1135. Bee. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER est model, two-color ribbon, back-spacer, stencil cutter, etc., used less than six months. First offer of JoO takes It. AT dress S. C. 11X1. GOOD TYPEWRITER TO TRADE FOR anything Unit I can use or will sell for cash. S. C. 1179. Omaha Bee. WANT TO TRADE MY UP-TO-DATE stock of shoes and business In Omaha for city property or lnnd of equal value, or might ussumo small mortgage: will In voice, at cost price, about $3,500. What havo you? Address S. C. 1208, caro Bee. PAINTER AND PAPERHANGER CAN rent 6-room houso, near 23th and Maple for several months in return for worn, Work can be dono at odd times. Refer ences required. Address S. C. 1178. Bee 920-ACRR IMPROVED RANCH. CLOSE to Scott's Bfuff, Neb. Would accept merchandise for part payment. $22 per acre. Twenty acres and two town lots In Monto Chrlsto, Tex,, lower Rio Grande valley: unimproved. Price. 31.200. About two dozen roll paper printing machines; a flno machine for live mer chants. Will furnish ono or all with ad. as desired. Price each, $15. Will make a special price on tno lot, or more. Addrcbs, n. v. jiiv. nee. HAVE $1,500 INTEREST IN $2,000 STOCK of new queonswnro and groceries now In wholesale houso In St. Louis, Mo., tho balance, $500, to bo paid when goods aro ordered shipped. AVhat have you to trado lor my interest in this stock; now goods, no old fixtures. Address S C 1186, Bee. WANT A LATE MODEL TWIN MOTOR cycle have 215 rolls latest popular and classical R8-noto pluyer music which cost $300 and h In perfect condition which will swap for good machine, or what? Ad dress fi. C. 11S2. WILL SWAP ONE IRON TANK 11 FT. S In. by 6ft. x 6 ft. Address B C 1223. WILL SWAP 1-TON LIGHT TRUCK, new, overhauled. Address i C 1198. WANT TO TRADE SEWING MACHINE lor steamer trunk. S04 So. 27th St, WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE FOR JiUO equity in 5-room new. modern, eot- taite. leaving balance of $1,050 to nav at $25 per month. Address S. C. 1230, Bee. LADIES' WATCH, 20-YEAR GOLD filled case: worth $10: never used and like new. Will trade for anything. Ad dress S. C. 11S3. OFFERED FOlt RENT A.Hrrmenta nnd FInts. Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packs and ships: 3-horse ...... Hj n ... n ,1 ntz - t. per month. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Douglas 4333 and Tyler 230. PLEASANT 4 and 5-room npartments; walking distance. 404 No. 24th St. OGDEN ANNEX looms, with kitchen ettes. Council Bluffs. ' Gordon Van Coia Storage. 219 N. llth St Phone D. 534 or H. 5911 Rental Service Free Why go to different real estate offices for rental lists when we havo complete rental lists of every real estate office. For further Information telephoneOoug las 4477. Fidelity Storage and Van Co. WEST Farnam, new pathedral district; mouern uhck; j rooms; largo yaru with trees; lease to right party. Harnov 2171. Ten-room flat, modern. Harney 647. 4-ROOM apartment, lurnisbed or unfur nished. 507 so. zsth m. Phono Har ney 6183. GOOD location for doctor; 6-room modorn iiat on 1st floor; iransier point. v. &ioi. KEEP THIS IN MIND FOR PROFITABLE ROOMING HOUSE. 615 N. 20TH HT. 10 CLASSY ROOMS. Redecorating entirely. Ready August 1. A. MAROW1TZ. Douglas 2070. ROOMS 1, 2 or 3, ensulto or single rooms. 36 up. Apply to janitor, n. 21. or nhono R. 6211, or call building, southwest corner 17th and Cuming Sts. THOS. W. HAZEN, 307 McCaguo Bldg. Douglas 1300. THE Thorvuld, one 3-room apt., $35. jani tor service: references required. 11. 6610, WEST Fnrnam. new cathedral district. modern brlcu. v rooms, large yard with treeo; with or without garage; leaso to right party, iiarney zni. 6-ROOM flat.; mod. ex. heat; 1550 N. 20th. Conrad Young. 323 lsranaels Theater. Douglas 1571; $15 o FIVE-ROOM apartment. The Chula Vista, 20th and Poppleton. Conrad Young, 312 Brandeis Theater. Douglas 1S71. S-r. modem flat. $21. 230!) S. 24th. 11. 4711. CLOWRY Apartments; tow icnt; modern; near postotflce. u. P. steb&lns.' ESTA BROOK Court; near postofflce; first cluss; low rent u. I', stcbblns. Uoaru null REEDHURST Rooms. Try our meals It No. 25th St Furnished ltouaca. 5-ROOM furnished house from July 15 lor-oepiemuer 1. it. wfu. SIX-ROOM modem house, West Furnom district, August and September, Har ney 3B91. Kuriitaliril ltooms. Pnnl large room on Farnam car line for tuuij tnon or raaa ond Tel 1U TWO nicely furnished rooms In private family. Excellent neighborhood. Board tr desired, liar. T2. Ing dls.: no children: nice narlor. nlano I FURNISHED rms.. nrlvate family, walk. large grounds: board it desired. Tyler iiii. 2 rooms, private family. H. 2047. 2U07 Far. ROOM In private family, 1 or 2 gentle men or man and wife; board it de sired. Doug. fr071. MADISON HOTEL-21st and Chicago. First class, low rates. Will lease to ro liable party for long term. Furnished lfouaekcepins Room. A SUITE of rooms, strictly modi refer ences. 1S03 Farnam. Apt 7, Davldge blk. THREE nice, large, furnished complete housekeeping rooms, front ground, floor ' llflaai.Ui'i'ptim lluuina. 72ft S. 18TII St. -Housekeeping and sleep ing rooms; mod liousd. lhor.e T. lOil-W. 12P.4itA1JFORN1A 3 rcn.s furnlslied. modern nle yard; llrst tlcor Har 4:01. iOiTTiAVKNPiitrr ? or 3 Nit'EiTv-fur". NISHED HOI SEKLEPINU ROOMS LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN of Omaha A. B. C. of Omaha A Diamond gives you that prosperous look; best of quality, lowest prices, take elevator & save money. West ern Watch & Jewelry Co., 217 Karbach. O MA1IA riLLOW co, mi Cumins Doug. 2157. Renovates feathers and mnttrennps of nil kinds, makes feather mattresses. Call or write for prices. IANO tuning. It. Brandon, 7 yearn at Ilaydcn's. Recommended by best musclans. W. 4332. 18 N. 2Stlr Ave. VACUUM cleaifero, $5.95. J9.08, J7.K: a few days only. Guard your health. Sanitary Service Co.. 30fi Bee Bldg. T7" E rent, repair, ucll needles nnd parts v lor nu sewing macnines. .MS- ' ' T1T t 4 iii..'nr . - rm 11,11.1. cl r," 15th and Harney. Douglas 1682. Adillntr Mnchlncs. ralton Adding Machines. 411 S. 13 D. HI9. Adder Mch. Co. (Wales) W. O. W. D. B338. Acconnlnntn. Melville D. Thomas fz Co.. Ml City Nat.Bk, Auto nnd Mhrtiietii Ileunlrlnir. Mugneto repair work a specialty. D. 2418. Auctioneer. Dowd Auction Co., 1123 W. O. W. Red 52S3. Architects. Clarence W. Wlglngton. 220 S. 13th. D. 42S7. Everett S. Dodda. C12 Paxton. D. 2US1. Attraction!. OMAHA film exc, llth and Doug. Motion picture m.icnine and mm bargains. lliirhcr. 12 Chairs, 10c shave, neck shave, lf.17 Far. llruna I'onndrli'N. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha Sts. Hullillnir nnil Repairing. E. FltANTA. 6U Paxton Blk. Doug. 215J, California I.nnils. W. T. Smith Co.. 1111 City Nat. Bk. D. 28U Curd SIkiik. Offlco door lett'rg. Mynster, 611 Paxton. Caterers. MRS. Fj A. WOOD, 3401 Parker. W. 8205. Chiropractors. J. C. Lawrence, D. C. 2322 How.rd. D.SI61. L. Oeddis, D. C, 223 Bee Bldg. Doug. 4293. W. E. Purvlance, D. C., 40J Pax. Blk. D.4942 L. C. HAYES, D. C ISU Bee Bid. R. 3756. Clcnninic it nil Dyelngr. C.'orbett cleans everything. 1505 Harney St. China I'nlulluic. P. C. Haynes. decorating, firing. D. 4990. RUTH LETCHFOKD, china and water coior instructor. 43Z Paxton Blk. Fire Ing dune. o Ruth Letchtord. decorating firing. R. 4Jli Concrete niriiieers. Gqgnebln-Wells Co. 420 State bank. D. 2265. Cream Separators. The Sharpies Separator Co., 13th & Farn Curtains. Washing & lace curtains done. Tyler 1144 Uiiiicliiir Instruction. Class & prlvato lessonn, Macklc's. D. 5446. Turpln's Dancing Academy. 28th & Farn Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 1508 Farnam. Dr. Todd's alveolar dentistry, 403 Brandeis. Bailey, tho Dentist. 706 City Nat'I Bank. Tatt Dental Rooms. 1517 Douglas. D. 2180. Detective1. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. EvI denco, secured in all casea. Tyler 113C DrvaamnklnK. Terry Dressmak'g college. 20th & Farnam. SUMMER drosses a specialty. Web-8070. Drug. DRUGS nt cut prices; freight paid on $10 ordeis; catalogues free. Sherman & .'icuonnen Drug co., umana. Neb. Klectrlc Supplies NEW and second-hand electric fans and motors. ouron isicctrio worKs, sis s, lZtll. DOUglaS 217U. LEBRON Elec. Wks.. 318 S. 12th. D. 2176. Everythlns for Women. Woman's Exchange. 432 Pax. Blk. R. 4912. Farriers. BEN FENSTER. 1410 N. 2Uh St W. 7777. Hair DrcsalnK. Harper Method. R. 6, Balrd Bldg. D. SG1L OVFKltED FOR RENT Housekeeping Rooms. 319 SO. 26TH Nlco cool housekeeping rooms; icnt very reasonable. Tel. Doug las 8431. lluti-la nnd Annrtmenta. CALIFORNIA Hotel, 16th and California. Weekly rates Vi ana up. pcugias iwj. DODGE HOTEL Modern. Reasonable. OODEN HOTEL, rooms $2 per week. Council Bluffs. Unfurnished Rooms. THREE excellent, strictly modern rooms 2813 Poppleton Ave. Ilnnara nnil Cottnirea. NONE to compare. 7-room house;, also 4- room flat. 220 l. zm. WAGON umbrollas. Wagner. 801 N. 16th. 6-ROOM cottage, modern except heat Corner 22d ana unio bis, w. j . ALL MODERN 6-room cottage, 2405 Em met St Tel. Webster 1069 FOR EEInT We havo a complete list of all houses, nnnrlmanta nnd flllts that UT8 tor rent. This list can be seen free ot charge at Omaha van aiorage v.:o.. aw nOUSeS Creigh Sons & Co.. Bee Bldg. Free Rental List r nrni.mat!nn nhnUt eVerV Va- cant houso und apartment In tho city. This service 1b free. Tel. Douglas 4177. Fidelity Storage & Van t o FOR RENT All modern 6-room nousa. . (Lnat. fit T, I Wu rl f.'f . sow ro. iwui ou Fidelity Storage Co. Storage, moving. " ic jb larkson ats. Phone. Doug. 1511 MaggarcTs Van nnd stor age Co. Reduced rates for 60 days. T.fri-n vim. ! men. $1.25 per nr.: dray. 2 men. H per hr. 1713 Webster. Doug. 1491 I r IJIi'FTiExp. Co., piano & furnl J. llJliI-iUsure moving D. 6140. W. 2713 6-ROOM, completely furnished house. 1SU1 Blnney. W. 394. NEW bungalow; 4 rooms, basement and garret; $15 per month. 1616 Carter Blvd. Phono D. Deyo. Florence 228. WANT LOWER RENT? SEE THESE: 4-r., gaen wat, fenced. 426S Burdetto.$13.ro K.r.. c. v.. fronting Rlvervlew Park.. 11.0) 6-r.. part mod., 119 8. 37th 14.0) 5-r.. mod., new. 2321 S. 20th 15.00 S-r., mod., barn, 60C S. 36th ....20.00 See our homes sold on rental terms. M'KITRICK REAL ESTATE CO.. 316 Ramgo Bldg. D. 14S2. 13th and Harney. Ilarns. GOOD barn, room for 8 or 10 horses 1917 Webster St Call Douglas 43- Storea nuC Oiriu.-.. Fine cool room with vault, elcc. light and water free; 1411x27 ft partitioned for 2 private rooms and reception room. Opens clrectly on beautiful court 3d flocr. TWO modem stores; low ront; near post office. G. P. Stebblns. REAIi ESTATE PAH3I & RANCH LANDS FOlt SALU Alabama. MOVE to Baldwin county. Alabama, where you can graxe siock an tno ye.r. Have 1.700 acres good for oranges. eeans or stock. Twenty dollars an acre with terms. M. s. ittcnara. iiu urana kivg Chicago. o Arkunana, IIOMESKEKERS excursion, German American colony: Grunt und Jcffraon couiillea, Arkansas. Uphoft, 401 Times Bldg, St Louis. Mo. Evrrythlnir for "Women. Humes made over, cleaned, 'lyed, curled. Bertha Kruger. 429 Paxton Blk D. S80I. HEMSTITCHING ideal Button nnd Pleating Co. 107 P. 16th. Florlats. L. HENDERSON, 1B19 Fornnm. D. 12S8. .Member Florist Telegraph dci. Assn. HESS SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St. A. DONAHUE. 1622 Harney. Doug. 1001. BATH'S florists. 1S04 Farnam St. tirnr Cnttlntr. AMERICAN MACHINE CO.. 110 S. llth. Lighting, Fixture nnd Wiring. THOMAS DURION Eltfctrlo fixtures and sunnlles. contract ing and repair work done reasonable. 2119 CUMING. DOUOLAS 2519. Lire Stock Remedies. OMAHA Remedy Co.. C07 S. 13th. Red 4252. MnxNcnnea. Miss Bess. 852 Satlndors-Kennedy B.18&Dg Anna L. Smith, 2205 Famam trained nuree. gives sclentlflo massage. Hrs. 1 p. m. to 5 p. m. 2d. floor. Walk In. Turkish bath. ma-s. Davldge l)lk. D. 5S95 Rlttenhouso Co.. 214 Balrd Bldg.. 17 & D. Fl TTTRTP MASSAGE BATH, Miss lUlsrAjLlUKj Upchurch. 214 Balrd Bldg. Miss Fisher, mass, elect, treat't. Red &03t. ANNAMAKKS SCIEN TIFIC MASSAGE. 1S02 Farnam St, Apt. 5. 3d floor. D. S681. MASSAGE. 109 S. 17th. Mrs. Steele. Mrs. Snyder, elcc. Trt 1408 S. 8th. D. 4380. AfASSAfJ-E Swedish movement iYLLQkOn UXJ t,. Tiller nmiirln. , 413 K172. Massage. Mlrs Walton, li. 224.. Neville Blk. MISS BRINN, .Magnetic Tr't. D. E751. Massage. Miss Gibson. R. 224 Neville Blk. Millinery. SWITCHES from combings. $1.50. Psyche tree. airs. ti. m. kck. 3w Aiarcy. h. bw. Murlnu-, Storage unit Cleaning. W. C. FF.RRIN, 15th und Capitol. Ty. 1200. Oculists. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Drs. McCarthy. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. Patents. H. A. SturgeB, C36, Brandeis Theater Bldg. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. I'ntcnt Development. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 S. llth St I'rlutlnir. WATERS BARNHART Ptg. Co.. quality ririntinc. Tel. Doug. ziao. isi4 so. win. LOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. tH COREY & M'KENZIE PTG CO. D. 2641. R1ES-HALL Ptg Co. 1620 Capitol. D. 110J. CENTRAL PRINTING CO., DOUG. 3754. Roach Kxtcrralnatnr. B. B. B. Roach Powder at your druggist Safe nnil Tliuelook .Experts. WAFE combinations changed, opened, re- paired, F. E. Davenport, 1106 Dodgo.DlS21 Shoe Repairing. Eloctrlc Shoe Rep. Co., 1807 St Marya Av. REASONABLE, Fnrnam Rep. Co. 3 S. 24 Steel Ceilings. CARTER Sheet Metal Works. 110 S. 10th. Store and Office Fixtures. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. Wo buy, sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-16-18 B. 12th. D. 2724. Towel Supplies. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 S. llth. D. 523. Trunks unit bultcuncji. FUELING & STEINLE. 1806 Farndm St Veterinarians. DR. G. R. YOUNG, 4602 Center. H. 6062. Wall Paper. EAGLE CO.. 140GV4 N. 24th. W. 6844. Nvls Miikerx. D. S. GRIFFITH, 12 Frenzer Blk. D. 4566. Window Screens. Om. Window Screen Co.. 1S22 Nicholas. Wines and' Liquors. ALEX JETES. 201-8 8. 13th. Wlnea liquors. clgarB. Plate dinner. 11 to 3, 10c. GLOBE Liq. House. 422 N. 16, 7 qts. ceer. $1 delivered. Write for price list. D. 4352. HENRY POLLOCK. LIQUOR HOUSE, 15th and Capitol Ave. 10c lunch. REAL ESTATE FARM & RANCH LANDS FOR SALE llMTIl. 34-ACRE FARM, 6 miles of Council Bluffs, mile ot rail road station; all tillable; 3 acros alfalfa, 8 acres timothy and clover, 8 acres bear ing orchard, grapes and small fruit for home use; no buildings. Owned by helra who want to sell. It Is worth $5,000. I. ua'show you. If you don't think it worth tho price wo will submit a reasonable of fer M'GEE REAL ESTATE CO., 105 Pearl St.. Council Bluffs, Culornun. COLORADO Improved farm: 80 acres: close to railroad town; well Irrigated; flno cllmato nnd soli: ideal for hogs and general farming: bargain; terms to suit. Address L. D. Hobson. Boston Bldg., Denver. Colo. ailnneaotn. A snap, ICO acres 1M miles from thriving village of Ogllvle; CO acres under plow, most of balanco easily cleared, good house, other buildings fair condition; cow barn for 18 cows, horse barn for 4 horses, 60-ton silo (now), on state road. Farmers Telephone line, R. P. D., near good Farmers' co-operative creamery. Man with 10 to 15 good cowa can easily pay for this farm: $C0 per acre, $2.&00 to $3,000 cash, balance to suit. Reason for selling, other business. F. A, Rettlg, Ogllvle, Kenebec Co.. Minn. o 160 ACRES, 1H miles from Lakevllle; house, barn, silo, etc. A bargain. Black loam soil; $100 per acre. 80 acres. 214 miles from Lakevllle: fine house, barn; black loam soil; price. $S,200. Write mo for list of farms in Dakota county. P. W. Lenlhan. Lakevllle. Minn. , ' Mlasuurt. FAR5IS for sale. $5 down. $5 monthly. buys 40 acres good timber land, near town. Texas county. Mo : price $200; per- Moulxna. COO HEAD OF WHITE PACED CATTLE and well Improved ranch, consisting of 1.400 acres deeded land, 3.200 acres leased for tho amount of taxes and upkeep of fences; 2 flowing wells; 600 tons hay; best ranch buildings: will lease 150 head range brood mares. For full particulars wrlto GRANT & FUQUA. Ekalaka. Mont. THE FAMOUS JUDITH BASIN. I have 6,000 acres of land for sale In this fertile section at from $10 to $60 per aero. Write or inquire of L. B. Divers. Hobson, Mont o Nebrnskn, FOUND 320-acro nomeatcad In settled neighborhood; fine farm lard; not sand hills; cost you $100 filing fees and alt J. A. Tracer. Kimball. Neb. FOR SALE Best largo body high-grade. medium-priced land In Nebraska; very little money required. C. Bradley, Wol lch. Neh. o Texns. FOR SALE Cheap, by owner direct, i.va acres, or less, fine land in rain bolt, gulf coast of Texas; splendid for stork agriculture, winter homes, or game preserve; excellent boating, fishing und hunting. R R. Boiling. ISIS Cnlumo: Ave., Chicago. REAL ESTATE LOANS $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead B'dg.. lSth and Farnam. Cl'lY and farm loans. 5, 6Vi. 6 per c.nt J.H.Dumont & Co.. 1C03 Farnam. Omaha. HARRISON & MORTON. 916 Om Nat WANTED City loans Peters Trust 10. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha Nat Douglas 271.1 WANTED City loans and warrants. W Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam. (i A RVTV nrcriS Loai.s. l.oand -p. ' Omaha Nat Han... SEE us first If you want u farm loan. I'r'ted States Trut Co., Omaha, Neb. illty V 13th. t II