Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 29, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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    TJIE liEti; OM 1 1 A, WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 1914.
Tuesday, July 28, 1914.
THE school net who are home this summer for their vacation have
brought many interesting Ideas from the east. Somo of tho
young people, especially the visitors, are qulto wonderful dancers
and almost equal Mr. and Mrs. Castle and excel aomo of tho
dancers with tho Castles.
Mr. Daniel McCarthy of Chicago, formerly of Omaha, who is a guest
at the M. C. Peters home, dances the Maxlxe and all of the most difficult
dAnces with the greatest ease.
Mr. Scott McConnlck of Now York, who Is visiting his father, Mr.
Hirry McCormlck, Is another expert dancer and knowB all of tho new steps.
Somo of the couples I noticed dancing together In perfect rhythm at
the Country club were Daniel McCarthy, Jr.. with Miss Alice Jaqulth as his
partner; Mr. Scott McCormlck and Miss Mildred Ilutler; Mr. Cuthbort
P.ter and Miss Marion Howe and Mr. Robert Burns and Mrs. Harold
Pritcbctt. All of these young people are as graceful as any of the dancers
one will seo on the stage, and It Is most interesting to watch them go
through the Intricate steps.
Nearly all of tho eastern travelers last winter who visited Now York
fell a victim to the dancing crazo and visited Castlo House, San Souci or
Hector's, or ono of tho hundred or more places devoted to terpsichoro.
Even I fell a victim, and hied myself to a dancing school tho second
day I was in Now York, but could not possibly get nn hour or half an hour
until the next day. Of course I went to one of tho best known, I beltove
it was the Hepburn Wilson school in Carnegie hall. Hepburn Wilson
writes tho dancing news for the New York Sun and prints tho only danc
ing magarlno In the country, I was told. So, curious to see a dancing
master-editor, I started off. Mr. Wilson looks the part of the editor all
right, but I found that he had a corps of French dancing masters, assisted
by a number of young women. 1 had an Intorestlng chat with Mr. Wilson
nnd bo scorned to bo lamenting tho fact that he did not have moro room
nnd moro teachers, for pupils were simply flocking In. Thoro were all
kinds and all ages.
Thon wo went to a tea dansant, where wo were introduced to Mr. Horr,
who was here with the Castles, and were quite positive that we had mas
tered the real Brazilian Maxlxe, but since returning homo the danco seems
to grow more difficult. In fact, there is quite a dlfforonco in seeing It
danced for about twenty minutes, one evening a week, or seeing It every
othor dance during tho entire evening, for about six evenings a week.
Summer Flans.
Mr nnd Mr (' I.. Karnsworth Wt
Monday for ,i mrnith In California.
Mr. lter O. Hern, who in enjoying
an outing at Oharlerelx, Mich., In ex
pwited honm next week.
Mrs. William J. Hynw and son. Wll
llini llyne. Jr.. returned heme Sunday
from a fortnight' May at Clear Water
lake, Minnesota.
Mrs. William 0. ftunderlnnd, who spent
a few days at Clear Water lake. Minn..
I returned home Htm da. v.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pickens and Miss
Kltzabetli Plekens nre spending a short
time In .Scotland.
Dr. and Mrs. W. K. Keotn and daugh
ters. Misses Francos ami Kutherlne. with
Dr. nnd Mrs. H. A. Wnhl and tholr
daughter. Miss Trances, and son, Master
Albert, will leave. Tuesday of next week
for Lake OkoboJI, whine they will spend
ton days at the Inn.
Seymour Lake Country Club.
, Following tho children's dancing party
i todny the youngsters enjoyed a swimming
The Keymour t,ako Country club mid
summer corn roast will lie held on the
lako front Saturday, August 1, between
C and 7 o'clock. This party Is for mem
bers only and tickets must bo secured
at the office of the club.
The program to bo given this evening
by club members Is of universal Interest
and a large crowd will be present.
A stockholders' dinner will be served
at 6:3) o'clock Wednesday evening. Ite
ports from various committees will be
heard at this time.
At Carter Lake Club.
Mr. Fred Hadra entertained six guest
at a swimming party nnd luncheon Mon
day ut Carter Ixtkn rluh vtttv r,i.i.
wcte entertained at dinner, following
which there were moving pictures.
The Sermo club rivo Its annual lunch
eon today at the club, cover being laid
for sixteen members. Mrs. W. J. Cattln
entertained sixteen guests and Mrs. L. F.
Fowler twelve.
At the Field Club.
Mrs. tJ. V. Shole entertained one of
the bridge clubs at lunchoon today, and
Mrs. C. V. Crowley had eleven guests.
At the cabaret dinner dance Wednes
day evening P. 8. Shotwell will have
'four guests; Ouy L. .mlth, four. W. n
, uruce, two; A. u. Rutherford, eight, I)r
K. c. Abbott, two. W. A Chains, four
At the Country Club.
Several swell dinner parties will be
given at the Country club this evening.
Judge W. V. Mcltueh will have three
guests; Luther Drake, three; M. A. Hall,
four; Ward Hurgeae, nix: J. T. Htewart,
lnd. three. Jcneph Marker will give a
small dinner party.
Pleasures Fast.
Miss Corlnno .Seorle has none to Den
ver, where she will spend a few weeks.
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Mr. Olenn C. Wharton lias returned
from an extended stay In New York.
Mrs. Max Ilelchenberg and daughter,
Maxlne, uro spending a few weeks In Cin
cinnati with Mrs. rtclchenberg'a sister,
Mr. Alexander.
Miss Alice MncKpnzl. who lib hn
vtsltlnB Mr. and Mr. I,. J. Qulnby since '
sho returned from her stay ubroad, will
go to Chicago Wednesday, to spend a
few day before going to the lake ot
Minnesota. Hhe will return to Omaha
about the middle of August.
Little Mis Klva Kllllngaworlh uf Waco,
Tex., who Is visiting her aunt, Mr. C.
Y. Smith Is spending a few daya at
Nashwood, as the guest ot Mr. Loula
Nash and children. The latter part ot
the week Mrs. Smith and her niece
leave for Lincoln to visit relation.
Dr. Abby Virginia Holmes returned a
few day ago from Chicago, where alu
completed a post graduate course.. She
left Monday for Denver and other Colo
rado point, nnd while In tho west will
give two lecture at the Young Women s
AHirlatlan association conference, held at
Kites Tark August 36 to September t
Personal Mention.
W. P. O'ICeefc, who underwent an oper
ation Monday at St. Joseph hospital, Is
doing nicely.
Fashion Hint
Constipation lU-llcvnt
by Dr. King' New Life Plllls. Liver and
bowel kept healthy nnd active. Don't
gripe. Sure relief. Ke. All druggists -Advertisement.
Clan Gordon No. 63 will hold Its an
nual picnic at Kriif? park, Auguat 1.
Four Divorces Are
Granted by Sears
Four divorce were granted by Judge
Willi Q. Hears, in the district court, In
every Instance the wife being awarded
the decree against the husband.
Bmma Muldoou was awarded a divorce
from William Muldoon on the charge of
abandonment, she being awarded the
custody of the three minor children, tier
trude, Florence and Harold,
Jessie K. llulctt was granted a divorce
from Frederick W. Hulett on the ground
of cruelty, the custody of the two minor
children, Frederick and KJna Hose being
given to Anna Will.
Marie Bits was granted a divorce from
Englcbert Bllz on the ground of cruelty
and nonsupport, nnd her maiden name,
Marie Matousck, was restored.
Mabel Harris was granted a decree ot
divorce from Robert S. Harris on the
ground of desertion.
here In time to see his daughter befoio
the end.
Funeral sem es will be held Thursday
morning at St Cecelia's Catholic ihur u,
with Interment at Holy Sepulchre.
A mass meeting of Irish cltlrens will to
held Irt Arllneton hall, 115114 Dodge street.
Thuradaj evening td further the Interests
of the trlsh volunter In Ireland. Tho
eommlttco In charge is made up of Jem
Curtln, president; Miko Hogan, vice presi
dent; Illchard Doody. secretary, and D.
William J. Leary, treasurer
Dinner gown In cream eatln, veiled by
two tunics of chantllly lace, In tame
cream shade. Tho belt I of pink satin
with rosea of same color.
William L. Klsasser, aged 60 year, died
at his home, '.riO South Eighteenth street,
Monday morning. Deceased had been In
tho bakery business in Omaha tor the
last thirty-one year.
He Is survived beside hi wife, by
eleven children. Kmlly, Hermlne. Alma,
Wllllan, jr.; Walter, Helen, Albert, Carl,
Adeline, Louise and Mr. Fred Custer, all
of Omaha:, tour brothers and four slaters,
Carl, Christ, Herman, of Omaha, and
Jacob C. Klsasser of Cheyenne, Wyo. .
iim. L. Lalhlc and Mr. O. Ougler ot
Omaha, and Mrs. J. Pflug ot Pnpllllon
and Mrs. Carl Schlnldt of Richfield, Neb.
Funeral service will be held at the
residence Thursday afternoon at 2
o'clock. Rev. K. T. Otto of North Evan
gelical church will officiate.
At a meeting of ti.e Omaha Ad club
M... t.. ..... , .
, mo vim uim ul uucviuiHie was aooushed a commission rorm of government
adopted. Arnold S. Horglum was chosen
president; Harry K. Mohatfy; vice prcsl
dent; Charle R. Doeherty, second vlc
president; O. t. Uastman, treasurer;
George W. Pratt, secretary.
Ferry Screen Sleeper
i I
Margaret Mullen, -year-old daughter I
ot Mr. and Mr. Arthur F. Mullen, 15 I
North Thirty-sixth street, l dead after 1
an Illness of a month with anemia. The '
father, a Douglas county delegate to the '
democratic convention at Columbus, was l
called homo Monday evening, arriving I
A Fresh Air Bed for the Baby
Healthful t Baby gets the fresh
Sanitary i No file or mosquitoes
can annoy the baby.
Sofei Dogs and cats cannot '
Convenient l Fold Into small
space when not In use.
Also Similar Hods for Adult.
Write for Description ana Prices.
Phone S. 4693. 14th fe Nicholas.
Kilpatrick's Wednesday, June 29th
Tf DM Omar fli. P
ww . . vvti0 111 M"sm wruc a uDiyat-awracining UKB me following Whether this be so or not, we will have
7 HOO J5 f exceedil,g1y citing experience The hour glasses tell the story--
kaW Read the various hems Be on hand promptly at 9 A. ft1.
'Arid YOU will want to spend the DAY WITH US!
"Wake I for the Bun who
scattered into flight
The stars before him
from the field of night
Calls to the HOUR
SALE and down every
The people hasten Oh,
it is a sight."
AT 9 A. IVI.
3 cakes of Palm Olive Soup
and a 50c bottle of Sham
poo, lot worth 75c, for
25c the Lot
6 "Water Glasses for...20J
Worth 45c,
"Before the doors are
open, what a orowd
To get the pick, 'We
hasten, ' many cried.
When all tho bargains
are prepared within,
Why should you tarry
on the street outside?"
Hundreds of Silk
Rem ants
worth from 75c to $1.50
yard, at
25 Cts.
And as tho cock crew,
those who stood before
Kilpatrick's shouted:
"Open thon the door,
"You know how little
while we have to stay,
"Such wondrous values
may return no more."
AX 11 A. rvi.
Marvelous Sale of
Silk Petticoats
worth $4.50 to $7.50, at-
Not more than three to a
Oome, hurry up, you
know this is not spring
Your winter garments
in the closet fling!
Summer, indeed, is rush
ing on its way,
other wonders to you
Two Specials for
25 dozen shirts, somo slight
ly soiled, each
Worth to $1.50.
20 dozen Men's Shirts and
Drawers, 3 for 50 instead
of 3 for $1.00.
Each morn a thousand
bargains brings, you
Yes! but what of those
that you missed yes
terday? And this the month the
corn does ripen fast,
Shall quickly move the
Summer Goods away.
AX 1 F. IVI.
At White Goods
Biggest bargain of all the
season. Finest White Goods
worth up to $3 yard, at
Some for the glories of
this world; and some
Sigh for the other sales,
that's yet to come;
Ah! grasp the present,
and let the future go,
Nor heed the loud tales
that are told by some!
Pick of Our Remnants of
Wool Dress Goods
worth up to $2 yard, for
25 Cts.
Per Yard
What if it is red hot.
Within a month or so you
must prepare for fall. Cheap
est Dress Goods we ever
after starting time
in each department
sales Will continue
until store closes at
5 P. M.
f i j i
Ah! make the most of
what you've got to
Before the best are
gone. You may depend
You will not soon again
such values see.
We soon may be sans
song, sans bargains
and sans end.
AT 3 JP. rvi.
The Wind-Up of
Qolling's Fine Goods
Beautiful Tapestries ami
Silken fabrics at 20 cents on
the dollar or less. Selling
something like this:
Lengths that were $6.00
for 98
Lengths that were $7.50
for $1.2R
In addition scores of mar
velous offerings all over the
store to whet your appetite
and add zest to this, the
greatest of all