Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 29, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE BEE: OMAHA', TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1014.
Summer Negligees
Of "Dainty Oropo; just? the -thing for wear-thoso hot
days of Jvlf and August.
THero aro 28 of these Jeft and they- go at. y4 off the
regular price:
$9.50 "Negligees, $7.13 $3.75 Negligees, $2.82
$5.00 Negligees, $3.75 $2.85 Negligees, $2.14
Summer Dresses areAll' Reduced. .Rust a Few Left.
Great Bargains.
Women's Gauze Underwear Special
12c Women's Gauze Vestsa real good qustlity, 3 for 25c
20o Gauze Vests, now - 12V&C
35c Lisle Vest's, now , 25c
35c Gauze Union Suits, fitted or wide knee, extra good
quality for , - 25c
We also have a few Union Suits left, regular price
65c, now . v 49c
Women's Bathing, Suits
Sizes 24 to 32. prices $3.00, S3.50. S3.75, $5.00, $6.25, $7!50
Pure rubber, cotton or silk caps rubber lined, prices i35c,
50c, 65c, 75c to $2.50.
Chamoisette Gloves
5Dc a Pair
White Ohamoisettes, long
or short length, in white,
50c a pair.
(Continued from Fdice. One.)
wsythroUBhinioko nnd blood of battle to
Mexico CHj"
l'mlnci for Wilson.
Th speaker nrnlned at lontrtli the uct.
it Inlstratton'a work on the nucstlon of
tariff, currency mid mists, concluding
the1 pralser with' a. pleat
" aw nro these' acoomiilliihincntB,
tho program li not finished. Shall, demo
rut be permitted, to,: Von tlio
election thlp fall' tho Issues ot 3916 will bo
determined. If Woodrow Wilson; Ir given
n strong, mllltantlt. progressive demo
cratic majority to work' with, nnd'lsiper
rrltted to finish hi great program,
democratic success lh 1916' In assured. Let
democrats' get together to accomplish ttitsi t districts, and that the chairman be al
purposc!"' J iowr,i t0 Bfiect tho chulrman theveof.
Auneiil fp llnrinouv, .rjlB ,nRyor moved nn n subntltmtn that
The speaker appealed' to his heai-cra to , coroy ha allowed to choose tho cthnlrman
work for harmony In the party. Any 'nf the-resolution commltteo nt InxKo, and
little difference should at onco be nn I ttint the rest' be chosen by distinct.,
alyred, he said, and "lo nnnlyze demo- j The fight had been partly on the se
cnttle difference Ir to settle them." Hb Motion of John Uulrlght of Lincoln as
said any democrat so desiring could "wit-! chairman of the committee. It wua con
near dissension to his heart's content by
sitting on the fenco and watching- our re
publican brethren.
"They aro holding get-together banquets
m 1Z . .L u , ..... ,
ground that they have discovered ot these
banquets: ! a good appetite and a mutual i h. .fnr.i in th nuhllo feed
common principle, no common leader.
Bryan, Clark nnd Illtclicoi'U.
Naming" democrats' to whom he sold spe
cial praise Is' due, Mr. Corey pointed tu
Secretary Dryan, Speaker Clark and Sen
ator Hitchcock.
"Every citizen of this country," he said,
"hu a reason to thank Providence and
democracy that' Woodrow Wilson sw fit
to" cfall to the chair of secretary of state
tha world's- greatest peace advocatn.
'Shall one Nebraska, democrat falter In
praise of Bryan, who shall rank In his. I
tory of this age as the world's greatest
chanfptdrf of tha cause of common hu-inanity"-'
Tounhtnr statr questlans Mr. Carer said
In pert:
' Dmocroy Intends- to push onward In
this rtottf. If should pledge itself to PrOr
Mdlng far litigant In fact what they now
hvi lit abstract, legal right and admin
istration of Justice without denial r de
lay We should assist our supreme- court
to eatch'Up and stay caUght up with the
docket. This condemnation Is not of tha
man. but of the system. I like the rec
ommendation of Governor Morehead that
veg elect our supreme Judges by districts
duills Alii nf Providence.
"Democracy confesses that Providence
Is In league with It this year. The real
problem Is: How share with the producer
this prosperity? How malto the distribu
tion fair and equitable? This shall be
done In two ways: First, by lowering the
tar burdens of government, and, second,
by assisting tho farmer In getting the
prices for his produce In keeping with
the measure of his toll.
We ought to make It possible for each
farmer to hold bta grain until he wants
to sell. Instead of being compelled to
dump It on an overcrowded market. The
public warehouse bill will' assist In rem
edying this evil, and I trust that this
rcnvtntlon will declare for sueh measure.
The farmer ought o be enabled to hold
h's wheat for the spring advance Instead
of crowding it onto the market and seeing
It pass Into hands ot the speculators, wh
get (h benefit of the advance "
rtesolntlons Fight Starts.
It was but a few minutes after Chair
man Corey had concluded his speech and
had been elected permanent chairman of
the convention that the fight started over
the appointment of a resolutions com
mittee. Tom Allen moved that the committee
member be elected by congressional dis
tricts, each district electing one member,
tho convention at large to select the
Tom Allen got upon his chair and in a
high-pitched voice, spoke for his motion.
Jl declared that for year It had been
Special Recfiuctiona on Our
Sorosis Pumps
and Oxfords
$4.00 to $6.00 values, $2.95,
$3.85 and $4.75".
.. :
t tho policy of tho democrats convention
to nppolnt resolutions comiraitteen In this
.lolm Ilyrne of I'lattc. .turmnrly state
chnltmnn, denied Allen's stailtcmunt or to
1 tho method of selcctlnR rciiotutlonn com-
.mltlce. He declared to tn e tho selcc
llon of'tho committee out of tho hands of
tho chairman would i be to- discredit tho
chairman and show lack of confidence In
MMt Miller of Hutler-coUnty defended
the Allen motion
Henry O. lllohmond of .Dmiglns county
said the question was not much how
to select the resolutions committee, hut
to Bet It selected and ct 1ho- delegates
Kmt of the session.- i
"Wo want to net- through and a;c,t out
of here; nnd I therefore augment permit
ling the chairman to solcot tli :ommlttco
ond got to work," said nichwoiid.
Wonts Clmtrinun itt- Aai.
Mayor Dahlman was- on his oot In a
moment fighting for tho snlvetlon of
rMolntlon t-oinmlttoe by coiiKnesslonal
ceded, that It Corey chose the chairman It
would bo Outright.
ThomitNOit Cum in It tee C'Ua.tniiiitu.
The substitute carried and Corby- re-
tttlned the power to name, tho onalnuan.
., , .,
i" """"" ",J'.Z Zl HZ.
compromise Mietween tho factions.
v. it. Tiioiniisoii "i viriiuu jbuiihi was
unanimously 6hosen as chairman oC tho
state central' committee for tho coming
two years' term.
A. U Sprague of York and K (.'. Kern
bio of Lincoln were nmnlnatcfl for secre
tory of the state committer.
Judge Oldhum of nuffalo county moved
that the new committee be allowed to
choose the secretary. This was lost, by
a small vote. A vote by counties was
then taken and .Spragitn won, by a sub
stantial majority
Hoi-nuiif4 f- Secretory..
Hpiasuo Is the candidate favorad by
tha Hitchcock- peoplo und opposed by the
Hryan people.
Dr. I' I- Ila.ll of J.pncaster was un
animously choson treaaurcr.
Stilt Ctmunlttee.
The new demooratlo statu central com
mittee elected In the convention tonight
for the comliiK two yefirs Is by senatorial
districts as follows:
First District II. I- V'eUtner. Auburn.
Second District William Wheeler,
Third Dlstrlct-K. I Weber. Wahoo,
Fourth District Churlea K. Kannhur.
Cleorge Hogera. Arthur Mullen. Omaha;
Tom Hootor. Houth Omaha; K. J. Mc
Arle, Benson.
Kith Dlitrlct-FVed lpp. ScrUmer.
Blxth District J. R. Hurley, l'onra.
Beventh Wstrlct-K. D. Hunker. West
Xaghth DIstrlct-Ben Saunders. Nio
brara. Ninth Dlstrlet John Wmms. Fullerton.
IIuoj sdiid si 'li )3aKi mux
Eleventh District C. M. Urtienther, Ce
lumbus. Twelfth Dlstrlct-J. M. Oerk.i. .Seward.
Thirteenth Dlstrlet A. Tlbbets and
T. H. Allen. Lincoln.
Fourteenth District Eugene. M'imford,
lies i nee.
District Dan Cavennujjh,
Hlxteenta Dlslrlct-W. S. Collett. Crete.
Seventeenth District-!!. 15. Metser.
Distriet-J. It. .Swan,
Dlstrlet-It. It. D&maral,
Dltrict-Dan Livingston.
Twenty-first Dlstrlct-A. I
Held, Hoi-
Twenty-second Dlstrlet W. D. dimmer
man. Ioup City.
Twenty-third Tome Moore, Broken
Twenty-fourth James F. O'Dounell,
Twenty-flfth-J. O. Costln. Willow
Twenty-sixth W. II. Latham. Curtis.
Twenty-seventh E. von Farrell, Scott's
Twenty-eighth J. T. Galloway, Valen
A Winter t'onih.
To neglect It may means consumption.
Dr. King's Now Discovery gives sure re
lief Buy a bottle today. COc and Ltt.
All druggists. Advertisement
Sea real estate columns for bargains.
British Consols and French Rentes
Are Again Lower.
Hun nn Snrlnw DnnUn Continue
Iioiik Linen I'orni In Front of
ftmnp Inmtltntlnna nt Vlrr
In Hip Morn 1 11 sc.
LONDON. July 38. A feeling of un
certainty prevailed at the opening of the
stock exchange here today, but condi
tions were not so panicky as they were
yesterday. British console opened at 72H,
then foil by slow rtages to 71H, hut soon
rallied agnln to 7Z. Continental favorites
wore offered freely at first, but gradu
ally recovered.
Canadian Pacifies wete again the weak
est feature ot the- market on continental
and eeltlement liquidation. Thoy went to
4V4 below parity, being quoted at 1". hut
beforo noon had regained some of the
loss and wern being quoted at 17iH4.
Dealings on the foreign market were
still a matter of negotiation, tho torm be
ing steadier. Discount houses continued
to quote 4 per cent for short and three
months' bills, ycKtordny'n gold shipments
from New York hRVlng proctlcally no ef
fect cnr I'll ii In In llorllu.
DKULIN, July at.-Tho stock market
here opened generally weak today, par
ticularly In tho case of Austrian special
ties. Husslan 4 per cents on the other
hand were quoted U higher. Tho changes
generally nero small, tho attitude of the
Tlorlln bankcrn having reassured their
customers and checked tho tendency ot
Investors to saorlflco their securities at
any nilco. Tho Hanker' association held
another hceflon today nnd decided to
meet regularly during the crisis. Thoy
resolved to support home securities by
heavy puivhasas If necessary
The public in tha German capital was
very nervous today and, alarming lumori
continued to circulate. ThS run on tho
saving. banks In which the poorer classes
deposit their money was resumed this
morning. As early as f o'clock thero wore
long lines of depositors outsldo tho mu
nicipal savings banks, and tho peoplo In
sisted on having, their money regardless
of tho reassuring statements by the offi
cials, Tho pollco authorities or Berlin today
announced they would, not permit any
moro patriotic proceedings In tho Mrcots
of Herlln. Hitherto these had not been
Interfered with.
Frenub Ilentew Nevrnty-Klnlit.
PAHIS, July M. Transactions unj the
bourse today wero limited and the quo
tatlons generally were about the same as
yosterday's, but thn tendency waa down
ward. French 3 per cent rentes woro
quoted at "8.
Fnrelirners l.onnr lit New York.
NEW YOniv, July 2S.-Ilflectlng for
eign conditions tho local stook market
manifested further uneasiness la today's
early dealings. Shares of the Interna
tional group were off one to two points.
In few Inatancos, however, yielding to
l-ondoti's low level. Announcement of
further gold exports to Paris ond Ion
don served to emphasize thn financial
tension at those points.
Nows ot the. actual declaration ot war
was followed by selling on a steady, ac
tive scale, Prices foil more rapidly, Cana
dian Pacific extending Its loss tp over 0
points, while other prominent stocks
wcro offered at Increasing recessions.
Largo blocks of stock were thrown over
in urgent haste, presumably for foreign
Panicky conditions prevailed. In the last
hour. At that tlmo Canadian Pacific was
down Union Pacific 6U: Houthorn
Pacific, llaltlmoro & Ohio, Smelting,
Heading, Amalgamated Capper, tahlgh
Valley, Atchison, Northern Pacific and
Hurvestcr from 4 to points. Trading
was In extraordinary volume and accord
ing to reports all the foreign markets
woro relllng here long after their own
had ceasod operations.
Cuiimllnit Kxcliiiuat'K Closed..
MONTHEAU July 28. Tho stock ex
change was closed by tho governors this
afternoon because ot panicky conditions.
Power stocks wero especially weak, Mon
treal power falling: off 11 points. Cana
dian Pacific railway was beavlly traded
In and lost savernl points.
TOItONTO, Ont., July IS. Trading was
suspondad on the Toronto stock exchange
this afternoon. Whether the exchange
will, resume tomorrow morning depends,
the governors said, on tho conditions In
Ixjndon and. other European exchanges.
8e real estate columns for bargains
(Continued from Page Ons.l
publication, ot otflclaio news as to tha
movements at British warships has
ceased. The, first and second battle
squadrons have taken an their full war
stores and are ready to allp their anchors
at a moment's notice; the destroyer
flotlllu arouoct tha coast aUso have, been
prepared and guards wero placed today
around all the magazines and oil spots.
Germany's definite decision against par
ticipation In the ambassadorial confer
nc proposal by Sir Edward Grey, tho
British foreign secretary, In an effort to
maintain peace. Is regarded here as tan
tamount to a declaration ot Germany's
determination that Austria-Hungary shall
have an entirely free hand In chastising
Servta unless the Balkan kingdom ac
cedes In full to the demands ot the dual
According to advices received her Ger
many's refusal was couched In terms of
sympathy with Sir Edward Grey's ob
ject, but contended that the suggested
conference would place Austria-Hungary
In the Invidious position of appearing
llko tha Balkan states beforo a European
tribunal to explain Its actions, and there
fore likely to Inorcasa rather than de
crease the difficulties ot the situation.
Apparently authentlo reports current
hero assert that Russia has been given
positive assurances that Austria-Hungary
has no Intention of annexing Servian ter
ritory. If true, this might. It Is thought.
help the efforts to localize the war.
Thus far there has been no official con
flrmatlon of tha reports ot hostilities be
tween Austria and Servta, but a number
ot rumors have been published, Including
one ot tho seizure of Servian aiilps curry
ing contraband by an Austrian patrol on
the Danube.
Three Italian warships visiting tha Clyde
were ordered today to return Immediately
to Italian waters.
Servla also hat mobilized Its forces and
had withdrawn tho garrison of Belgrade,
the cupttal, to the Interior, as the chief
city of Servla occupied a position too vul
nerable to bo held.
Every war office and admiralty In Eu
rope wa occupied In prepatotlon for
eventualities, even the smaller countries
such as Holland, Helgium and Rwltxer
laud taking precautionary measures.
I'll nun I Ann on nee men t of Wnr.
Thon today came tlw format announce
nxnit of war by Austria-Hungary, one of
tho members of the triple alliance, the
other two countries In which .are Ger
maity and Italy.
Tin notification of the fact was sent
this afternoon to tho Sarvian government,
whk.-li has Its temporary headquarters at
It wan anticipated here that a declara
tion of beginning of hostilities would fol
low quickly on Germany's decision to hoid
aloof from nny scheme of mediation. The
Germnn Foreign offlco hsd said that a
conferrrco of embassadors would In Its
opinion pervc no useful purpose, while
conversations" between Vienna and 8t
Petersburg were, still In progress.
Tho attitude of Russia was watched
carefully today In official circles here,
and the firm belief was expreesed that
Itussla would enter the lists In support
of tho little kingdom as soon as
fighting started In earnest.
fteconil Morr, liy Grey.
Jn the nvantlnin Sir Edward Grey took
trno Initiative of requesting the European
powers to pcrmdt their ambassadors In
London to confer with n view to a peace
ful solution of the controversy. Italy
and France at onco connonted to Join their
efforts to those of Great Uritaln, but
Germany and Austria refused, Germany
tsjpportlng Its ally In tlie contention that
It would bo undignified for a great power
llkw Austria to appear before a tribunal
of European powers on the tamo status
a the little Calkin nation.
Aiistrtfa-Uurtsary In the Interval had
psococded rapidly tvitli the mobilization
of Its groat army. The entire railroad
system wa utilized for the movement
of troop ttnlns. the telcsraph system was
virtually monopolized for government
business and a strict censorship was im
IIt llrrtit'CN to PnrtNdpatn Jn Pro-p-oaed
DEltLT:i. July IS.Tho German govern
ment today returned an unfavorable re
ply to the British proposal for a confer
ence of tho ambassadors In London of
the European powers, In an endeavor to
bring about a settlement or tho Austro
Servian difficulty.
In Its communication Germany do
clares that It considers tho nuggetdlou of
Sir Edward Gitcy, tho British for4gn sec
retary, art. well meant and good In prin
ciple, but not feasible In pracUco and
Imposalblo to c irry out.
It says It cor.mot bo expected -that a
great power having a dispute -with a
smaller neighbor will submit the matter
to the decision of a, European arnopagus.
Far loss can It bo hoped that tv-o great
powers will submit to bo summoned In
the rolo of accused before such n, tribunal.
Germany makes Um counter tiuggestlon
that negotiations for peace be conducted
between lh cabinets Instead ot by a
Two Army Corjm an "Wny from Ilii
hcmla to Bonli;r,
UEULIN, July 28. Report, from tho
Austrian border today state that tho
transport ot tho Eighth and Ninth Aus
trian army corpo from Bohemia .toward
tha ' Servian frontier boiran yestcr-
fday and lhat thcto was r.o other"trafflc
on the Bohemian railroads oxce'pt that
of troop trains.
The two-corps consist ot thirty-two bat
talions of Infantry, with a large number
of quick firing machine Kilns, six regi
ments ot calvary, two rcmlmtmts of field
artillery and two roglmo-ata ot the army
service corps.
Telegraphic cnmmuulcatiloni with Carls
bad nnd Marinnbad was siUCl open today,
but the telecraphlo service lictweeu Ber
lin and Vienna was demoralized and on
some lines was completely Jnterrupted.
Tho Milltoer Wocheblatte, tho official
military weekly newspaper, today prints
a notoworthy article compariovc tho Aus-tro-ltunuarlan
and Russian armies, to
the disadvantage) ot the latter. It says
tho fighting strength of the Russian army
Is usually overestimated and that num
bers alone are not decisive.
One ot tho newspapers hero today re
ceived n, dispatch saying that Russia had
declared war on Austria, but declined to
print It, as there waa no confirmation.
Tho German admlrallty today ordered
tho concentration qt the German fleet In
homo waters.
KngsHeiurul II ct wren Auvtrlnn nnil
rrylnn Forces,
LONDON, July 57. An engagement be-
tweon Austrlans and Servians is reported
to have occurred on the Danube, but no
details are avaltablu. As far ns tho
censorship permits to bo known, Austria
has not yet oponed Its military opcra-
Meanwhile diplomacy Is proceeding with
energy along two separate llnei to avert
the war If posslbla and, if -that Is Im
possible, to localize I1k conflict. First,
Sir Edward Grey, tho British secretary
ot state for foreign affairs, has proponed
to tho powers a plan for Jotnt mediation,
which. It In stated. Frunce nnd Italy al
ready have accepted. Germany has not
yet replied and her acceptance la re
garded as c'oubtful.
.Sir Edward Grey explained In the
House of Commons his idea, which was
that the four powers, Great. Britain,
France, Germany and, Italy, co-operate
In an endeavor to arrange the dispute
between Austria and Seria on tho basts
of Servla's reply to the Austrian ulti
matum. This reply ho regarded as tho
foundation on which friendly and Impar
tial powers should be able to arrange
an acceptable settlement.
Should the British foreign secretary's
efforts fall to avert war. It la expected
ho will endeavor by soma means to pre
vent complications by confining the hos
tilities to Austria and Servla.
nosy nt St. Petersburg,
The second line ot diplomatic endeavor,
from which even more Is hoped' tonight.
Is taking place at St. Petersburg be
tween the Rusalan minister of foreign
affairs, Serglus Sasanoff, and the Aus
trian ambassador. It Is understood that
M. Sazanoff Is making a tremendous ef
fort to bring about a direct understand
ing and that a solution on these lines
would be more agreeable to Germany
than Great Britain's conference proposal,
The Russian emperor has postponed his
Intended visit to Finland In order to re
main in the capital during the crlzls. It
Is said Russia Is urging Servla to give
Austria tha fullest possible satisfaction.
An extremely warlike spirit prevails In
Vienna, where tha evening papers ileclara
that the Servians are only making
evasions and that therefore It Is Impossi
ble (or tha Austrian government to re
treat Further thoy hint that, even should
FerUa accept the Austrian ultimatum un
conditionally and offer to pay tha' cost
LONDON. July M The police of Ayr.
Scotland, say they have evidence to prove
that the militant suffragette who at
tcmped to blow up tho birthplace ot Rob
ert Burns Is Janet Parker, niece of Lord
Kitchener. Kitchener Is looked upon as
tho probable successor to Lord Hardlnge,
tho present viceroy of India.
of Auutria's mobilization, Austria now be
compelled to ask for new guarantees.
Words of Csnr.
The St Petersburg correspondent ot
tho Times says;
"Now that matters have become calmer,
1 may quote a sentence used by the
emperor at the close of a grand council
on Saturday 'We have stood this sort
of thing for seven ond a halt years; that
Is enough.'
"Thereupon hi majesty authorized
orders for partial mobilization, confined
to the Fourteenth army corps on the Aus
trian frontier. At the same time an inti
mation was given to Germany that orders
for the mobilization of the Russian army
would follow Immediately upon mobiliza
tion by Germany.
"Theno words and acts were believed to
be largely responsible for the sudden
chango In the international session. The
general Impression in diplomatic circles
Is that Austria has gained so much by
Scrvia's almost complete acceptanco of
the terms of tho ultimatum that It is dif
ficult tq believe It would risk war with
Russia "and European conflagration by
driving Servla to the wall."'
Fort Dodge Engineer
1 Has Narrow Escape
FORT DODGE, la., July 2S.-(Speclal.)
Ocoruo Thompson, an engineer on the
Illinois Central between here and Council
Bluffs bears u charmed life. For the
second time ho has escaped death mlr
uculously almost.
While he was In tho Omulia yards yes
terday after having discharged the pas
sengers of train No. 11 at tho Union eta
tlop, Thompson's engine was hit by a
ewltch engine pushing three cars ami
hauling fifteen. Three cars In front of
the pnssetiRor engine wcro piled up In a
spaco of twenty feet and Thompson's
engine was telescoped back to tho tender,
Thompson escaped unhurt.
Several months ago Thompson was
making a trip to Council Bluffs with .a
freight train when a driving rod of his
big engine broke, One Port of It crashed
through the cab roof nnd passed be
tween his knees as he sat on his scat.
Undeterred by his close calls Thomp
son continues about his railroad duties
with a smile.
(Fiom h Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, July .-(Special Tele
gram.) An amendment to the general
deficiency bill, that u l)rought out nil
the pent up eloquence of many members
for and against the particular Item,
caused a roll call today which Representa
tive Oscar Underwood, chairman of the
ways and means committee, will long re
member. Underwood's pet measure to give
confederate officers longevity allowances
went down with a crash, the north and
representatives from the south voting
ugalnst tho amendment. The representa
tives trom Nebraska who arc on their
Jobs, consisting of Klnkald, Sloan, Bar
ton and Mugulre, finding a common
ground to vote for thn amendment.
The nmondment, which Is In the Interest
of "confederates," provides for the pay-
mmt of longevity allowances to officers
who resigned fiom the eervlce of the
United States to go Into the confederacy,
but no provision was made for those offi
cers who refuted to resign from the
United States service.
Years ngo a number of union soldiers
tried to get this longevity play, but con
Ktcbs turned them down. Today the
friends of the union soldier got back at
the ei emy and the way they pummelled
the Underwood amendment was a caution.
It was remarked that memories ot the
civil war still llnsered.
Iitillirtlon nnd Cnnwtltintlnn.
"About five years ago 1 began taking
Chamberlain's Tablets after suffering
from Indigestion and constipation for
years without finding anything to relievo
me. Chamberlain's Tablets helped me at
once and by using them for several weeks
I was cured of the complaint," writes
Mrs. Mary E. McMullen, Phelps, N, Y,
For sale by all dealers, Advertisement.
The most desirable furnished ronnu nr
advertised In Tha Bee. Get a nice cool
room for the summer.
Department Orders.
U'ilSlllS'riTflV Jlllv S fRranl.l Tl.-
Brunn.) Postmasters appointed: Iowa.
Charles J Carlson, vice Winnie L. Eric-
son i resigned, ,nyon, wooster county;
vice James K Donoliue resigned.
v yuiiiiug. ueorge . t lay, vice Jonn F.
Clearwater, reelitned. Allnsrton. Curhnn
.Nebraska pensions granted' Mary
Uberly, Stanton. 11
Thn api-wtnpv nf tti l.,t..lA. V.
awurded the contract for the construction
nf th nilhllr ImllHIncr at Vul.w
to J II. Wlese of Omaha at W,3li '
Editor of News to Be Brought to
Court if He Does Not Back Down.
llrvnimr Ills Nnme Is .Mentioned in
(iimtnfsoii Complaint I'ulcnr
Krnils for Comity Attorney
nnd Makes Demands,
Joe Polcar, editor of the Dally News, '
named In the complaint against John A. .
uustarson as a conspirator who souicht
to have County Commissioner John C.
Lynch charged with bribery, Is likely to
bo arrested and given & hearing If he
does not bock down from the position
taken by him In Justice Brltt's ocurt
Polcar. with hi lawyer and n reporter,
appeared in Justice court and demanded
an immediate hearing because he was
named In tho Gustafson complaint. He
was Informed that It waa Impracticable
to give him a hearing while alt the wit
nesses who would appear against him
were out of town, and Impossible from a
legal standpoint because no complaint
had been filed against lilm.
Although County Attorney Mogney had
been Inclined to the belief that as yet
there was not sufficient nvlilpnrn nvnll.
able against Polcar on which to arrest '
mm, ne at onco said that If Polcar
continued In the same frame of mind
and a complaint should be filed by
Commissioner Lynch ho would push the
case to an Immodlata hearing.
Commissioner Lynch declared he would
be glad to take Polcar at his word as
to desiring a hearing, but that he did
not want the man to be allowed to "get
away with a hearing" at a time when
the evidence against him could not be
produced here.
Gustafson Is fighting extradition from
Missouri and other witnesses' arc out
sldo the state at present. Commissioner
Lynch was Inclined to tlie view that
Polcar's action was a part of an attempt
to make it appear that he Is seeking vin
dlcatlon. "If .Mr- Polcar feels that he wants to
plead guilty, I will be willing to swear
out a complaint to accommodate him,"
said Commlosloner Lynch. "If tho shoe
fits, Mr. Polcar he can wear It. If Polcar
Is guilty It la natural that ho would want
to have a hearing when the three prin
cipal witnesses nro outside of tha state.
Until Polcar produces tho reports which
Plckard asked him to produce at tho hear
ing, Polcar stands convicted in tho
eyes of the public. Mr. Polcar and his
attorneys know that It Is impossible to
subpoena witnesses to testify when they
aro outside of tho state and under tho
circumstances Polcar would naturally
want an immediate hearing in the case.'"'
A pollco report Tuesday waa to tho ef
fect that Gustafson was about to make
his appenrance In Omaha for the purpose
of giving a bond and that he hod aban
doned his fight against extradition.
Oarranza Will
Meet Oarbajal's
Envoys in Person
TAMPJCO, Mexico. July W.-(Vla Laredo.
(Tex.. July 23.) Upon receipt of official
iUifonnatiqn ,hero today that Provisional
President Carbajal will send two dolo
gatcs Immediately to Saltlllo to arrango
the transfer of executive authority of
Mexico to the constitutionalists, General
Corranza announced he would leave here
tomorrow for Monterey, He expected to
reach Saltlllo within two or three days.
It was announced Carranza would not
select a commission, but would conduct
his own negotiations with the Carbajal
envoys, who wero expected to reach
Saltllllo about the same time Carranra
It was understood here today that of
ficial assurances would bo given through
a high constitutionalist officer guar
anteeing good order and preservation of
property In Mexico City. The statement,
Is was said would aljo declare Carranco.
will Insist on an unconditional surrender.
WASHINGTON. July I8.-Brlgadier
General Funston reported today that the
Mexican forces In Mexico City had taken
the offensive against the Zapatistas and
driven them from nearby towns. He
says there are 30,000 federals In the Mexi
can capital.
Constitutionalists troops have become
very active along the railroad between
Soledad and Orizaba, but are acting in
Independent bands. Rlcardo Lopez, at the
head of a band of some 200 peons, Is said
to bo laying waste to the section south of
Vera Cruz towards the seacoast.
Everybody reads Be Want Ads.
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zun. School opens September 16th. For
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