The Omaha Daily Bee Advertising is the pendu lum that keeps buying and selling in motion. THE WEATHER. Fair VOL. XL1V--XO. 34. OMAHA, TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 28, lflldHdElfia PAGES. On Trains and at Kotsl Hsws Standi, 80, SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. HDERTA GRANTS NOT RECOGNIZED BY REBEL CHIEF Sale of Lower California Tract for Half Cent an Acre Will Not Stand. HALF MILLION DOLLARS PAID Leading Bankers of the World Notified of Decision of Gen eral Carranza. WORK FOR FEDERAL TROOPS They Will Be Distributed Over Country Repairing Tracks THIS WILL KEEP THEM APART Vascual Orosco Hun Abandoned In dependent Revolutionary Move ment mill Will Go to Cnnndn. TAMPICO. Mex., July 26.-(Vla Laredo, lex.. July 27) Genera! carranza today Indicated that ho will stand by the de- cree ho Issued early in the revolution re- carding financial transaction made by Huerta. His attention today was called to a report that Just before resigning and leaving the country, Hperta received J500, 000 from the Rothschilds, giving In return a grant of a vast area In Lower Cali fornia at a nominal price of 1 cent an acre, Carranza declared no such grant of public lands would be recignlzed and recalled that leading bankers of the world bad been so notified. It was reported here today that Sir Christopher Cradock, British admiral, on his visit to Carranza, demanded all con cessions made by Heurta to Lord Cow dray and other British citizens, be rati fied by constitutionalists, and that Car ranza returned a positive refusal. Foreign consuls paid another visit to Carranza early today. In which a discus sion of prospects took place. Carranza told them there should be no apprehension on their part of wholesale reprisals from the constitutionalists on those who aided Huerta. As fast as the federal soldiers are dis armed. Carranza plans to distribute them throughout the country to repair the rail road tracks, He hopes thus to give em ployment and also to scatter them so there will be little danger of their mo bilization against htm, In caBo of a coun ter revolution. KiKlittnur Near Vera Cruse. VERA CRUZ. July 27. Reports from various points along the railroad from Vera Cruz to Mexico City indicate that the constitutionalists are not ready to cease fighting. A skirmish occurred at Solcdod, where a small federal garrison made a successful resistance. Tho federal commander at Orizaba, some distance nearer the capital, refused .. -. j m .... .eel,..- ,. hi. mi V. i.. . ,. In which to sack the city in return for ' " " " ....- Placing them under the command of a : lo a"d ft Ntlo"f "Bt,1 J federal officer. -The steamship Buenos. te8" "n tor Dublin with 1.000 with many political refugees from Alex- ' r,"?a- bu; n ammunition, lco City, sailed today for Europe by way I Tht P1,cY?nt io lnTC1 th volu"" of New York tePrs cheered the gun runners and every- I thing Eeemcd to b going smoothly until ..rr.niTfi, r"nn,,rY tho battalion of Scottish borderers -ir-MKXICO CIT1. July "-.-General. Pan- . rlve aM demnndeJ that the arms b8 sUr. cual Orozco, Jr., has abandoned his Inde- ! renjere(j ' pendent revolutionary movement and In- i Tho Natlona,,Bts volunteers refused to tends shortly to leave for Canaan, accord- ; g,Ve up thfl r)fes and the saWera wltn ing to messages intercepted here. He is flxed bayoliet8 charged wounding a num. said to have notified his w fe. who has bcr of 0w voIunteerg. WnlIe tne Ieadera been in Canada for some time, that he ,of th(J voluntoer8 and the regmental 0f wl Join her soon. j ncrjra were rnrieying th rnnk and fle of The government peace delegates re- , thfl voluntcers scattered and got away celved their final Instructions today from j Wtn tno r(icg the acting foreign minister and expect to 1 leavd before night for San Luis Potosl. Moh Attackn Sol.llrrx. Hnertn Will fJo to Spain. The news quickly reached Dublin and a KINGSTON. Jamaica. July 27 General ' w " . - , Huerta, the former Mexican dictator, today decided to await the arrival thla '' "u iKmy or i euiuiers were week of a large party of refugees from : ordered to fire. The Nationalists volun Mexlco. In whose compapy ho plans to ! tccrs took '' Part ln tne street fighting, proceed direct to Spain. He will leave 1 Tne soldiers fired and used their bayonts hero as soon as he can complete his ar- I try- Inflicting many cuts. Then they rangements. Naturalization Papers Bought and -Sold in St. Louis ST. LOUIS, July 27 Investlagtlon Into an alleged traffic in naturalization papers was begun here today by the board of election commissioners. The inquiry re sulted from tho affirmation of one Assyrian that he had purchased the naturalization papers of a fellow country man who had returned to his native land, and the statement by another that It was common practice m the Syrian colony to buy or borrow citizenship papers. I The commissioners today estimated that I at least 400 Syrians, most of them cm ployed by the city, were reglste.-eJ under naturalization papers not their own. The traffic. It appears, has been carried on for the double purpose of obtaining municipal Jobs for the holders of tho papers and rendering them eligible to vote. MINT WILL TURN JEWELS IMTfl PfllM COD CIICCO I U uUIN rUH oUrro j wAomiyuiun, jmy rf.-Arrangcmenta i for converting into coin the donation of ( gold and silver that are being made to ; help in the "votes for woman" campaign have been made with Director Roberta j of the mint by tho National Woman Suffrage association. It was announced j from suffrage headquarters today that ' ma uncviui hub pruuuseu inai wnen tne I precious metal is collected he will fur nish the melting pot and deliver to a representative of the association value re ceived ln gold and silver money fresh from the dies. On a day yet to be named the metal will be presented by a committee repre senting the association to the superin tendent of the Philadelphia mint, who will determine Its actual value for coin- ing. He will then place that sum to the I r! celve it by check, gold, sliver or notes. The fund realized by this "melting pot" plan is to be used in the suffrage cam paign In Montana, Nevada, North and South Dakota, Nebraska, , Missouri and Ohio. The women hope to obtain 160,000 ty the plan. WANTED Men, young, neat, ener getic; sternly position; represent ing an old, well established con cern. Tor further Information about this position, the Waut Ad Bectlon of today's Bee, CITY OF DUBLIN IN FERMENT Night of Excitement Follows Fight with Troops. FOUR KILLED, MANY WOUNDED Mob Attnckeil Soldiers Who Were IlrtnrnlMK from Attempt to Seise Arms Lnntleri nt llowth Mob Snrronndn Ilnrrnckn, IIULI.RTIN. nl'DMN', July 27. Serious rioting was begun hers tonight. The city Is In a state of Intense excitement. The authorities fear that It will be necessary to call on the military, which will mean much blood shed. DUBLIN, Ireland, July 27 The city of Dublin and greater part of Catholic Ire land was today In a state of the greatest excitement over yesterday's conflict be tween the regular troops of the British j army and the Irish Nationalists which resulted in tho killing of four persons I and the wounding of many others, forty 1 of whom were In hospitals today In n serious condition. Day had dawned before the police suc ceeded In dispersing the crowds march ing through tho streets singing patriotic songs and looking for soldiers of the Second battalion of tho king's own Scot tlsh borderers on whom to Inflict ven geance for tho fatal events of yesterday when the borderers were ordered out to prevent the landing or arms and ammuni tion for the Irish Nationalists coluntecrs. The crowd, finding that the soldiers had been ordered to remain In barracks, at tacked the royal barracks, where the borderers are stationed and clamored for the soldiers to come out. Finally the mob kicked down a gate of the barracks and fired a couple of shots, on which bugles were sounded, the police came on tho scene ahd the crowd was dispersed. The Natlanalist leaders take the most serious view of the affair and will de mand reparation from the government. Tho landing or arms yesterday for the Nationalists was carried out In a more daring manner than similar feats achieve! by the Ulster Unionists volunteers as it was effected In daylight Tho yacht from which the arms and ammunition were brought ashore already had landed 2,600 rifles and 125,000 rounds of ammuni tion at Isolated points along the coast and these had been successfully dis tributed by motor cars among the Na tionalists volunteers. Yesterday's at tempt was undertaken to show that tha Nationalists could do what the Ulster Unionists had done. , At Howth, 2,600 rifles and 100,000 rounds of ammunition were Innded under the eyes of the poller, the telegraph wires hav having been cut to prevent communlca on wlln DUbllrt. Automobiles carried rnot gathered to meet the soldiers on I "c,r return. oues 01 stones were j naa a running light with the voluntcers I and the rapidly growing mob through the J streets to their barracks. I A number of policemen havo been sus 1 pended for refusing to try to disarm the j volunteers. After the troops had fired i Into the crowd, tho angry populace ln a spirit of revenge attacked Individual soldiers and beat them brutally. Mem bers of the Scottish Borderers", who were rfdlng bicycles along the quays, were pulled .from their machines and beaten and bicycles were thrown Into the river. Lord Mayor Protests. The, lord mayor has Issued a strong letter of protest, declaring the troops were ordered out without permission be- InM- 1' t ,L. I 1 1 '" , "t uru t ,, 'J" ?,enands ")at th.?. responsibility shall bo '"TV if. . and for supplying them with ball car tridges. He adds: "Dublin and Ireland look with confl' dence to John Redmond and his col' leueB bring to JusUce those responsl bio for this shocking outrage. There must no longer be one law for a section of the Ulster people and another law for the remainder of the Irish people." The tragedy caused a great sensation. .c Uiu mugceiyea instructions 10 nasien to Chlh- affair because they say, tho troops ara.uahua. It was predicted that a general against the nationalists' volunteers and never Interfered with the orangemen. Five thousand Ulster volunteers carrying arms, paraded the Belfast streets today under the eyes of General Macready and C her officers of the regular army and , 0cd the Dorset regiment which was on parade. Government at Fault. LONDON, July 27. The Dally News calls the affair at Dublin a massacre and demands a rigid Investigation of the conduct of the soldiers. It lays tho re sponsibility upon the weakness of the government, which allowed the organi zation of the Ulster volunteers and could not prohibit the nationalists from doing the same. TO BE RECEIVER OF PUBLIC MONEY AT LINCOLN WASHINGTON, July 2T.8peclal Tele gram.) President Wilson sent to tho sen ate today the .nomination of George J. Beams of Lincoln to be receiver of public moneys at Lincoln, Neb. ONE DEATH AND ONE ILLNESS FROM HEAT Boarding House Roomer Succumbs and Bank Clerk Goes to Hos pital for Treatment. THIRD HOTTEST OF THE SE40N Monday a Scorcher Temperature Nine NO RELIE! SIGHT Forecaster Welsh Predicts Fair Weather, with No Changes HOT IN OTHER PARTS OF STATE Temperature nt IlnrtliiKton llrnrhei Hundred nmt Five Dent-ecu, While I'nlrbnry In Second In I.Ut. One death and one Illness is the casualty record of the heat wave of Sunday and Monday. Ben Helmstray, 1030 Douglas ttreet, who was stricken with heat prostration Sunday afternoon, died Monday after noon. He was attended by police sur geons, but his heart weakened and he steadily grew worse till the end. Nothing Is known of his relatives. Ho made his home in lodging houses. Andrew Nesblt, clerk at the Omaha National bank, waa overcome by heat and taken to a local hospital for treat ment. The attending physclans do not consider his case serious. Nesblt lives nt 212 South Twenty-fifth street. At 2 yesterday afternoon the official thermometer on the top of tho federal building registered 07 degrees, tho third highest mark the mercury has reached this year. On. twr other occasions only did Omaha swelter In higher tempera tures this year. On July 11 the thermom eter reached 9S degrees and on July 12 It reached 100 degrees. Forecaster L. A. Welsh predicts that the weather will remain fair with no Im portant change In temperature. He prom ises no relief from the heat wave despite the fact that there were several showers throughout the state Sunday and Sunday night. Omaha was far from the hottest point In the state Sunday. In fact It was rela tively cool. While the heat and humidity was oppressing the maximum temperature was but 96 degrees, while the maximum average from seventeen government sta tions out in the state was two degrees higher. Hartington was the hot point In thej state with high temperature of 105. Fair bury, record holder for high temperatures, was second with 101. Arguments in the CaiHaux -Murder Case Start Tuesday! PARIS, July 27. Testimony In the trial of Mmo, Henrlette Caillaux for the mur der of Gaston Calmette, editor of the Figaro, was completed today. Counsel for the prosecution and defense will sum up tomorrow. While Henri Bernstein, the playwright, was giving his deposition today, the ap plause and hooting caused such an up roar that Judcn Alhnnnl hud tho i-niirt cleared and suspended the sittings. The playwright abandoned all semblance of courtesy, addressing the former premier and husband of the prisoner as "Cail laux," without any prefix. "Wo. have Just witnessed the French j treasury committing a felony by appro- J printing a will and turning It over to j .......i..., . . v.- I'm'.. Alien r c 1 1 l n (seen j ministers of state como here and declare ! In order to cover up their former col league that diplomatic documents ac cepted with thanks by the president of the i republic are forgeries. Either President j Polncare is feeble-minded or his ministers , have lied." Villa Will Move His Army Toward Capital EL PASO, July 27. Indications todny were that General Villa was preparing to move his entire army toward Mexico City, leaving only local garrisons in the territory he dominates. It previously had been understood that tho northern conbtltutlonallst leader would participate in the mobilization above the national capital with only 6,000 men. Report received at Chihuahua City where Villa Is quartered said the eastern and western divisions were mobilizing large numbers of men to the south. This sHHStin was sam to uccount ror villa's delay In I western was found dead as his train moving south, and the extensive recruit- j Bpfd through hero today, his hand grip ing of men thioughout his division. aen-p)ng the throttle. Physicians said the oral AngeleH, deposed by General Car- j engineer hod been dead half an hour, ranza as hli war secretary, but now serv- jWo was m ye!irs 0,j. ins wun vnia as cmet or artillery, waa I expected here today. His presence the border was unexplained. Colonel Santos Coy, Villa's chief of staff, and other officers who have bsen sojourning on this side of the line re- movement sould would begin by the mid- die of the present week. MRS. TRIXIE G0ETTLER FILES DIVORCE SUIT CHICAGO, July 27 -Sult for divorce was filed today by Mrs. Trixle.Goettler, known on the stage as Trlxle Frlganza, against Charles A. Goettler, charging cruelty and nonsuppori. She alleges that he refused to work and eh has hven compelled to work every day for her own support and to contribute toward his. She asserts she has been forced to pay large sums of money In settlement of debts contracted by him. REPUBLICAN SENATORS WILI CAUCUS TUESDAY WASHINGTON. July 27Senate re. publicans have been summoned to attend a party conference tomorrow to discuss the trust bills, general legislation and the political outlook. Some decision U expected concering the attitude to be maintained towards' the democratic legislative program. Drawn for Tho Bee by Powell. STATE CONVENTIONS TODAY Republicans and Progressives at Lincoln, and Demos at Columbus. BULL M00SER THREATENING Mny Embrace National Prohibition In Plntorm Equal Snffrnae Is Expected to Hop Up lu Various Camps Conventions of the republican, demo cratic and progressive parties meet to day, the first and latter at Lincoln, nnd the demos at Columbus. Several hundred Omahan wlU attend the three gatherings as delegates or visitors. A number went yesterday In autos, or left by train early In the day to bo present at preliminary meetings. The main groups of those who will attend tha three conventions will go on trains thla morning-.. "Advance renorts from Columbus seem to"lniilrate that tile earfy democrats there are all carrying shovels to use In burying tehlr time-worn war hatchets, and that the only difficulty so far lies In the dis agreement as to Just how said hatchets areto be replaced with olive branches. Every delegate offors a guaranteed reclpo for the much-needed harmony, and Insists that every other delegate's reclpo won't work, so prospects are good for a hot disagreement over how to get v-hatthy all know thy lack. They have a caucus scheduled fr this morning, ! when tney wlU try tf cIear up tne dlf' flcultles. Threnten Prohibition. Bull mooscrs are threatening to embrace national prohibition as a party plank, while that hobby of tho bcerless leader of some of the democrats seems to havo no following among the latter, slnco .illjrum .icillllliho muvcu win biujc Juice collarette from Lincoln to Wash ington. I jquai suurage is expecieu 10 uoo up as the various party platforms are con btructed, for sevoral prominent suffragists have donned their war paint and made plans to plead for reorgnltlon in the party declaration. It Is thought that they will devote their attention chiefly to the rt publicans, who as the probable winners at the fall election would bo the ones vhom the women ballot seekers would prefer to have carry their standard. Overland Limited Runs Half Hour with Dead Man at Throttle STERLING, III, July 27 With his train speadlng sixty miles an hour, Lou M. Van Vlack of Chicago, Inglneer on the Overland limited nf the Chicago & North- William Eapp Will Appeal Divorce Case CHICAGO, July 27. Notice was given today by William Rapp, Jr., of his in tention to take an appeal to the appellate court in the recent decree of divorce granted Madame Ernestine Schumann Heink. Rapp will contend tn his appeal that he should have been permitted to prove Madame Schumann-Helnk'a legal residence and that the trial Judge erred when lie refused Rapp permission to cross-examine certain witnesses. MERIDIAN ROAD PARTY LEAVES YANKTON, S. D. YANKTON,. S. D.. July 27.-(Speclal Telegram.) A party of fifteen officers of the Meridian Road association, news paper men and photographers from New York, Austin and Ban Antonio, Tex., Os ceola and Hebron, Neb., and other points crossed the Missouri here Saturday night and spent Sunday In Yankton and neigh borhood and left on the Meridian line this morning for Winnipeg. Governors of North and South Dakota will make a trip with the party and a thorough Inspection of the entire road will be. made. Those Dogs Loose Again The National Capital Mon.lnr, July 27, 11)14. The Senate. Met at 10 n. m. Debate resumed on trust bills. President Harrison of tho Southern rail way testified before the committee In vestigating charges of discrimination ln southern coal rates. The House. Met at noon. Debate resumed on tho general dam bill to regulato wnter power development ln navigable streamti. AUSTRIA CHARGESJAD FAITH Note Says Servia's Reply is Filled with Spirit of Dishonesty. CONTAINS MANY RESERVATIONS Offer to Submit Dispute tn Arbitra tion Held to Hhovr tbat Kcrrta Knorrn Anatrcir la Not Satlafactorr. VIENNA. Austria, July 27. A communi cation Issued hy the Auatro-Hungarlan foreign office today seta forth the Aus trian view of the Servian reply to Aus tria's noto demanding tho cessation of the Pan-Servian agitation and tha pun ishment of those concerned In the as sassination at Sarayevo of Archduke Francis Ferdinand and hla consort. The communication nlso gives the reasons for Austria's dissatisfaction with Servia's reply, it follows: "Tho object of the Servian note Is to create the false Impression that tha Servian government Is prepared In great measure to comply with our demanda. "As a matter of fact, however, Ser vla'B note Is filled with the spirit of dis honesty, which clearly lets It be seen that tho Servian government Is not seri ously determined to put an end to the culpable tolerance it hitherto has ex tended to intrigues against the Austro Hungarian monarchy. Conresnloua Are fillirlit, "Tho Servian note contains such far reaching reservations and limitations, not only regarding the general principles of our action, but also ln regard to tho in dividual claims wo have put forward, that the concessions actually made by Servla become Insignificant. "In particular our demand for the par ticipation of the Austro-Hungartnn au thorities In Investigations to detect ac complices In the conspiracy on Servian territory has been rejected while our request that measures be taken against that section of the Servian press hostile to Austria-Hungary has been declined and our wish that the Servian govern ment tako the necessary measures to pro vent the dissolved Austrophobo aasocla tlons continuing their activity under an other name and under another form has not even been considered. Amwff Is Unaatlnfaetory. "Since the claims In tho Austro-Hun-garlan note of July 23, regard being had to tho attitude hitherto adopted by Ser vla, repreeent the minimum of what is necessary for tho establishment of per manent peace with the southeastern mon archy, tho Servian answer must be re garded as unsatisfactory. "That the Servian government Itself is conscious that Its note Is not accetable to us Is proven by tho clrcumstanco that It proposes at the end of the noto to sub mit the dispute to arbitration an Inves tigation which la thrown Into Its proper light by the fact that three hours before handing In the note, a few minutes before the expiration of the time limit, the mobilization nf the Servian army took place." It was pointed out here today that Austria-Hungary being a signatory to the second Hague convention, would bo obliged formally to declare war, but as Servla did not sign that convention such a declaration' might, perhaps, be regarded as unnecessary in this Instance. ftervla Yields Nearly Kverythlnnr, LONDON, July 27. It was reported today that Sir Edward Grey, British for eign secretary, had made successful rep resentations to Germany, Italy and France for a conference between tho rep resentatives of those countries In Eng land on the Austro-Bervlan situation with a view to co-operate In mediation. The mere fact that hostilities between Austria-Hungary and Servla had not begun gave Europe In general the hope today that war might be averted. There (Continued on Page Two.) ALL HINGESJN HITCHCOCK Democrats at Columbus Are Atingle Over the Prospects. ENDORSEMENT MAY MAKE MIX Wonllnir of Resolutions Most Not tic llnlf-llearted an (o Praise, for the Administra tion. COLUMBUS, Neb., July 27.-(Speclal Telegram.) Delegates ore rapidly gather ing fromall parts of the state for tho democrntlo state convention to he held here tomorrow. It In conceded that W. H. Thompson of Grand Island is to be re-elected chairman of the state commit tee. Most of the countlos have Instructed their delegations for him. C. W, Bryan, brother of the Commoner In the city early ana cainui,..- Yil -ii - ifc F.vsns. 'Tom Allen, quartern . , hrohr.ln-laW of W. J. Uryan. I to be hero before morning. Alien and Charles W. Bryan will guard the Interests of tho antl-Hltchcock wing of the convention If one should develop of any proportions. Although harmony In tho talk of all the various delegations that have already ar rived, it Is conceded by all that there Is a possibility for a fight on the endorse ment of Senator Hitchcock In his career as United States senator. Several Hitch cock resolutions are already drawn up and helnif carried around In tho pockets of his admirers. At tho same time, C. W. Bryan and his friends aro determined that If such a reso lution romcH up and Is not worded to suit them, It Is to be fought This Is the onn point, leaders of the party say, upon which a fight could be precipitated. "If they lot tho resolutions go through, endorsing Hitchcock and endorsing tho administration, all will be well and good," said one of the leading delegates from Douglas county. "Hut If ono Jumps up nnd makes an objection on tha floor of the convention, and If ho does not guard his language well, ho may say something that will knock the lid off at once." Convention All Atlimle. This Is the thing that will precipitate tho fight. There Is plenty of antl-Hltchcock sentiment to be found. Everywhere In tho lobbies of tho hotel is whispered the question as to whether his attitude to wards the democratic administration poli cies should bo endorsed. Perhaps a ma jority of tho dolegntes feel that for tho sake of party harmony It should bo. Others, however, feel that an endorse ment of Hitchcock's record would bo al most equivalent to an endorsement of his fight on the administration, since his principal activities In tho senato In the last two years have been along tha lino of opposition, to everything big that the administration has tried to put across. Corey Chairman M. L. Coroy of Clay Center Is to be tem porary chairman of the convention. If he Is allowed to choose tho resolutions committee, according to ordinary parlia mentary usages, It will be a straight Hitchcock committee. There Is some talk o fa possibility that a fight will be made on the floor along the lino of an effort to taket ho appointment o ftho committee out of the hands of thctemporary chair man and make It the business of tho convention at large. This Is contrary to ordinary usage, but It Is a possibility, and not outside the 1 power of this convention. However, If Coroy Is allowed to choose the commit tee, John Cutrlght of Lincoln Is slated for chairman and tho majority of tho delegation will bo for Hitchcock. Tlmro Is a possibility then that the Bryan ele ment will bring a fight upon the floor In an effort to defeat a Hitchcock endorse ment Bert Sprague and K. C. Kemble are the two candidates for the position as secre tary of the state committee. Sprague Is a Hitchcock man and Kemble a Bryan man. The first fight In tho convention will probably be In the election of the secre tary, as this will be In the nature of a teat of strength of tho Hitchcock element and the Uryan element. Governor Morehead arrived late this evening and began shaking hands. Ted and Lee Metcalfe are on the ground mak ing acquaintances, shaking hands and boosting for the candidacy of their fa ther, Richard Lee Metcalfe, for governor. COSSACKS FIRE VOLLEY ACROSS GERMAN BORDER Shooting Done on Ground Attempt Made to Cross Line at Wrong Place. KAISER'S OFFICERS TARGETS Governments of France and Italy Accept England's Proposal for Mediatian. DELAY IN ACTION SUGGESTED Austria, Servia and Russia Asked to Suspend Their Warlike Operations. EUROPEAN BOURSES EXCITED Stook Markets Are Panicky, but De clines Less Than Saturday. WAR PREPARATIONS CONTINUE Servla Taken Position that Improve ment In Situation In Dun to tha Firm Attitude Displayed ir nusnia. EYDTKUHNEN, Germany, July 27. Shots woro firoci thla morning by a Cossack patrol across tho Ger man frontior on tho allogod ground that an attempt wan being made to cross tho border at a wrong place. Germans say that tho group tired on by tho Russians wero army offi cers. Much feeling has boon caused by tho Incident. ConimunlrateM Proposal BERLIN, July 27. Sir Edward Ooschon, British ambassador nt Bor lln, called at tho foreign offlco today and communlcatod Groat Britain's proposals for mediation. Germany, It Is understood, ex pressed an unwillingness to offer any suggestions to Austria to abandon or alter Its policy toward Servla. Tho hope was expressed that Sorvla would bo brought to sea tho advisability of complying with tho Austrian demands. At the same tlmo tho hope also was expressed at the German foreign offlco that Austria Jn this case would pass over tho failure of Sorvla to mako a satisfactory an swer last Saturday. Leaven Vienna. VIENNA, July 27. M. Jovano vltch, Servian minister to Austria Hungary, loft for Belgrade today. Prospect nrlKhter. WASHINGTON, July 27.-Dlspatches from the American embassies at Berlin and St. Petersburg tonight said prospects for peace In Europe were brighter than at any time slnco tho rupture of diplomats relations between Austria and Servla. Developments late today ln the German and Russian capitals, the dispatches an nounced, wero decidedly favorable to an adjustment of tho differences without hostilities. No details were given. Arcept Proposal. LONDON, July 27. The governments of France and Italy have accepted the pro posal of Sir Edwin Grey, the British for eign secretary, that a conference be called with tho object of finding a solution of the Austro-Bervlan situation. Hope fo Pence. Germany Is said to have agreed to the principle of the British for eign secretary's proposal of a con ference between the ambassadors n ionaon or the leading powers. Attention was turned In thn chancelleries of Eu rope to tho attitude of Emperor William after his conference with his advisers on his return to Germany und also to the ac tivities of Russia. Preparations were continued by all the poVcra to deal with eventualities, Ilrlter FeeUnsr In nusaln. 8T. PETERSBURG, July 27.-In spite of the general unfavorable symptoms In tho situation between Austria-Hungary and Servla and of the feeling produced by the arrest In Hungary of General Radomlr Putnlk, chief of the Servian general staff, a better feeling won noticeable here today as the result of yesterday's diplomatic conservatives. It Is understood that the long Interview between Sergtus Sazonoff, the Russian foreign minister, and the Austrian am- (Continued on Page Two.) rr Saving Friction Any moans of saving friction makes for energy and power. National manufacturers aro turning moro and more towards newspaper advertising because it eliminates waste motion ln distribution. They find tho newspaper not only reaches tho consumer but it directly influences the local dealer. Tho retailor knows when ho sees an advertisement in his home paper that thero will b inquiries at his store. Ho acts accordingly and all friction is eliminated from the' process of distribution. Manufactu.-ars interested ln knowing tho most efficient way to use newspapers aro invited to address tho Bureau of Ad vertising American Newspaper Publishers Association, World Building, New York.