THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, J CLY 27, 1014. One He Married, the Other He Remembers :: :: By Nell Brinkley Copyright, 1914, Intern! News Service. "Tho Country Boy with n Gardenia Over His Ilcart Will Long for a Dalgy Sure." The man who was a country boy Bits sometimes with his fighting chin sunk In his fine ehlrt front, when his perfect woman that ho won seems specially to glitter cold and hard, when the stones that blaze on her rose-tipped fingers, arms and hair seem, even more than usual, an icy conflagration his eyes blinded and wearied by her splendor, his feet weary of her tango teas, his heart tired of her shallow eyes and perfect, gem-Hke finger-tips and gone a-yearnlng for homely things. With all her gorgeous beauty weighing heavier than most days, in tho back of his head that he lost over a lass who was not his simple kind, growB the picture of tho girl who stood at his "country elbow" and ho might have had! And her eyes are wide open and unclouded and alio looks llko wholesome things "cornbread and buttermilk" and fields of wheat (that's her hair), with popples growing through (that's her Hps below tho wind-ruffled hair) and he remembors that she hated to pick a flower " 'cause It dies, you know," and she loved all live things and llttlo kids! Ono ho married and when sho glitters too cold(. too bright tho other ho remembers! When you wear a flower country boy who Is or was which should It be for you gardenias, heavy and waxen and scented and hothouse-grown or a daisy with a golden heart from the open field T NELL BRINKLEY. Madame, Iselelts -Beauty Lesson I.KSNOX Xlf PART II. Exerolso c for Balance I In I so on tip- toon, kneen tiiKCthor, hands on hlpo, hcml oroct. Now bond tlio knees ns low as popdlblp, up to tiptoe, down, up, for twenty times. Exerclso P for Correct I'otse Tnreo times a day. nt least, stand with hack against a door In audi position that tho back of tho head, the shoulders, elbows, pill ins of tho luindH and hoots will touch It. Tills Is particularly for growing girls If practiced during the "teens," It Is doubtful If they ever lose a good shoulder position. Hut 1 should like all pupils be ginning this work to try It. It may be difficult for older women to Ret their shoulders sufficiently back, but prac ticed rrgulury (and this Is an exercise that can be dono with corsets on) It will Improve) the poise and carrlngo of any woman. These exercises, always popular with children and young Klrls who do them easily, should not bo neglected by older women who will not find them quite as simple They will make tho body light and agile. Provide yourself with a light walking, stick or .with a bamboo wand three to four. Inches long. Exercise. J-Uold this In a hortrontal po sition, with arms parallel and on a lino with tho shoulders and hands and palms downward. Raise the wand over tho hoad as far back as you can towards the wilst line behind, Inhaling with tho backward movement and exhaling when you bring tho arms forward to original position. This not only expands the chrst nnd develops tho shoulder and arm mus cles, bill works 'away accumulation of fat between tho shoulders. Exerclso J Hold- the wand In front of tho body with tho palins out, the right hand about a foot higher than tho left. Now, keeping tho body well poised on tho balls of tho feet, swing the wand upwards to the right, as high ns possible, and then to the loft as high as possible and repeat ton times. This is good for strengthen ing under arm muscles and will reduce excess flesh there. Exercise 3 Hold tho wand horizontally, palms. In, with, the arms falling full length at the sides. Keeping the body erect, lift the. right foot, raising the knee as high and ns close to the body as possible and step over the wand, letting only the toes touch the floor as the foot Is lowered. Repent this, over and back, ten times, and then do tho fame exercise with the left foot. IcBson XII to be continued. v There's No Place Like Home fly BEATRICE FAIRFAX. "If a girl of seventeen wishes to have male acquaintances, and has not a nice home to Invite them to, and If she" does not entertain the Idea of meeting them elsewhere, must she drop the friendship of these young people? "If you will advice me upon this sub let, which I am sure has perplexed many a girl, I would appreciate It more than words can tell. "KA.THERJN13 V Suppose your home is not elegant, Katherine It Is your home. It Is the place from which you have sprung and which shelters you. Can't you make some corner of It suffiently pleasant and homelike so that you can receive friends In It? Even if It Is small and shabby and up four flights of rickety stairs, can't you give It a little charm through cleanliness and cosiness? Can't you receive your friends there with a spirit of cordial hospitality that will make them feel the spirit of the place and forget actual fur nishings and surroundings? The girl who meets boys at street corners. In parka, at subway stations or dance balls does not claim from them the same respectful attitude they feel toward a girl with whom they associate the sacred Idea of home. She Is puttlngyou aren't "fun" like the other girls. herself In an unprotected and dangerous position. Your home gives you a certain "back ground," girls. It Is worth your while to clean and scrub and arrange and manage so that background will be neat and sweet and pleasant. The commonest of the dance halls has a gold and tlnaet elegance but it lacks the fine charm you can put Into a dull little eight by ten room If you lovingly set about making It express a little of your own personality. Cheap, garish splendor will not bring out anything fine In you. It will not ap peal to anything good In boys or men. But if you put on a fresh little white blouse and bring a boy into a neat little place to which you belong and which belongs to you. you appeal to the best In his nature, you win from him a last ing regard Instead of a flaring flame of Interest that will make him "rush" you and drop you. The feverish Interest of the dance hall doesn't win you any lasting regard from boys, my dear seventeen-year-old friends, The lax air of an excursion, boat with couples all around you lolling in each other's arms doesn't suggest to the mind of your escort the sort of regard you wan to win. Seeing low standards about you will either affect your own modesty or cause an angry boy to wonder why 3rjc aNDERBILT Boief flwyStrth tSlrccC east atcflark (tfttenue,jl&0jort An Heal Hotel with an Ideal Situation. Summer lazier Peter Stuyvesant Home would savo you from this degrad ing Influence. past winter a girl friend of mine was Invited to a number of teas and dances given by her wealthy relatives and friends. At several of these affairs she met Mr. K., of whose vealth ami Im portance she was well awure. He was always particularly pleasant to her, but even when he escorted ner home she never rewarded hi courtesy with an In vitation to call. She felt that he would cease liking her if he saw her In the very humble environment of her simple little home, since she was decidedly the poor relation of her family. His mm ner changed at last, and or. meeting her at affairs ho did not iven oak )rr to dance. Sho grlevod over it, but decided that he preferred the wealthier, more elegantly dressed girls to her simple lit tle self. One Sunday afternoon early this spring sho met him on the street and with a. little constraint he ventured that he was going her way and would like to walk home with her. At the door they met her brother, who suggested that It was tea time and that "Bessie" was a famous little cook, so Mr. K. had better come In. Desslo had to second the Invitation, and Mr. K. said he would be delighted If ho might play butler to her maid. Besslo Is to become Mrs. K. In Sep tember, and her fiance Insists that they must always send the maids out and get Sunday night tea, since he fell In love with Resale In an apron! All you little Katherines, won't you entertain your boy friends at home? 1 am sure you wilt find that "Be It ever so humble, there's no place like home." Homes give you a background and a protection and a domestic charm. It enshrines you In the masculine heart For tlnfel and gold may come and go, but the masrul'ne desire and longing for the spirit of home goes on forever. By REV. THOMAS B. GREGORY. Copyright, 19M. by Star Company. When, In 10K, I'eter Stuyvesant landed In Now Amsterdam to represent the power of the Stadtholder on these west ern shores Dutchmen had already been bore for more than thirty - three years, nnd It is not so much with the choleric old gentleman of the wooilen leg a. with his countrymen In general that this article deals. We will simply take tho bluff old governor as a sign and symbol of the breed of men who did so much for the making of America It is a fact that the Puritans mado New England, and it Is none the less 0. fact that tho Dutch mado tho Puritans. Who nerds to bo told that the Holland cth uro the most wonderful people of whom history affords us nny knowledge? It was wonderful to have lifted their country from the bottom nf the sea, and It was still more wonderful to have suet cessfully defended that country's liberties against the mighty power of Spain. During the long struggle of Holland against their would-lie destroyers Eng lishmen went over from time to time to help them In their fight, nnd the English soldier v'ho came monarchists wtnt back hon.o republicans. IHitchmen have always lovfd their liberties, and it was from the sturdy burghers that the Eng lish soldiers serving In tho Netherlands learned the principles of democracy that wero eventually to transform the Brit ish royalty Into what Ragchot would rail a "mere ornament." When Aha set up his Infamous "council of blood" In the Netherlands more than 1CKMX4 llollundcis crossed the channel to make their home In England. "These , men," a great historian writes, "were not paupers seeking alms; they were Indus trious, BClf-iupportlng men, scholars, bankers, manufacturers, merchants; all of them froomen, refugees for freodom'n sake unrt for conscience's sake. Tiny wore grand, brave men. constructed out of the very prodlgullly of nature, massive In Intellect and In soul. Never In all tho history of the world was thern such an other missionary movement on such a magnificent scale." Now. It was from those noble men that the people of England learned to love with a renewed real tho principles of human liberty, and to detest with a new strength the tinsel and red tape of aris tocracy and royalty. From the southern and eastern counties of England where the Hollanders settled and Intermarried with the English came the English coil monwealth. From thnxo ountrlyj came the "Ironsides," the "Bill of Rights," the 'Tree Parliament" and modern England. The Pilgrims, It Is well known, lived In Holland for twelve years before swttlng out on their memorable vnyase to thi new world, nnd it wa whltn dwelling among the Dutchmen that thv learned the sturdy democrat! s idea which, nter on. were to cloth thnmselvrs In the "Town Meeting" of Now England -tho starting point of nnr Amirlcan free poli tical Institutions. William Penn had a Dutch P'other. nnd It was from tne'H of that mother that he dratted lni his Pennsylvania code the large and liberal principles of the bravo little republic beyind I he teas. Thomaji Hooker. alraKV dalt with In Mils series, the founde of tho city of Hartford, the autn?r of tho first t'on nectlcui constitution, and the nrlfinutor of practical democracy on this side i t the ocean, wai an EnslNh refugee who came direct from Holland tu tho new wirld, full or the Dutch ld:ut uni prlnolpios, which he was only tco anxious to put Into practice In the Connecticut coloiy. In what Is now the greut "Empire state" of the union were reared the first free church and first free ochixil known in the present l-'nlted Slate of America. It Is generally concedod, ovsn by his devoutest admirers, that 'Jovornor Peter Stuyvesant had a will of Ills wn, tnd was at times Inclined to ha pr'tty die- torlal, and one day In 16&S, In a tilt with tho peg-legged old governor, 'he nurl.h ers of New Amsterdam told him light to his fact that "all men own tholr ovn con sciences"; and standing upon that prin ciple as upon a rock, 'lny dotted the testy governor and stood out until they had secured the recognition of the idoa that "all true government tecelvea Its power and validity from the consmt of the governed " This action of the New Amsterdam burghers came very near being 'the first declaration of independence Issued upon the continent of North America, Hooker's sermon at Hartford In 1636 being actually the first, and, as has been already shoWn, Hooker got the Inspiration for his work while living among the Dutchmen before coming to America. Among the makers of America, then, w must under no circumstances forget the Dutch. It was from Holland that England and the rest of Europe, and by and by the new world and the United Btatot of America, got the Idea of the free public school system: the representative Idea In government; the principle of the abso lute and everlasting separation of church and state; freedom of the press and of speech, and last but by no means least, the broad mental hoipltallty which makes persecution for opinion's soke Impossible. Every one, therefore, who loves these I things, and who understands how neces sary they are to a progressive and up lifting civilisation, should honor the Dutchmen without stint or measure. Great are their gifts to us, and great should be our appreciation of what they have given us. Advioe to Lovelorn T By BEATRICE rAlHITAX TZ Respect Her Wishes. Dear Miss Fairfax: I hnve known a girl for many years. Her mother and my parents are very Intimate friends. This gin nas oeen' Keepingcompany lor a year and a halL. .after a separation of five months thoy resumed courtship. 1 was courting her hut failed to win her. I am a traveling salesman. The girl's place of business happens to' be one of my accounts. This, therofora, gives me. an opportunity to carry on a conversa tion, as 1 call on this house weekly. Her present friend ttrongly objects to this. Tho girl doesn't as much, but thinks It a good Idea to avoid further trouble. As a ruin I never speak to any girls on my travels, but this being an exception I tnko advantage of It. I nm sure the em ployer doesn't object. She Is not engnged. OBSTINATE. ou must not annoy this girl with your attentions. You tried to win her amS failed. Now the manly thing to do is ti withdraw and be no barrier to other friendships or causo of contention in connection with her courtship, The fact that the other man objects has only this much to do with the matter-the girl seems to care for him and to wish to respect his wishes. Do not force yourself where you are unwelcome. You are sure j to find n girl who will reciprocate your interest. Do Not Try. Dear Miss Fairfax: T nm n votinir irfi-t I of 16 and 1 am considered very pretty I care a lot ror my music teacher, who Is In Vnve with my older sister, who is engaged I to nnother fellow. How can I win his love? ELAINE, j You may be very pretty, but you aro i also very vain and very foolish. Check at ' once your Infatuation for this man. for I It will only bring you heartache It In ! dulged In. RESINOL CURES A PIMPLY SKIN Bridgeport. Conn.. June 1. 191I- "I suf fered with pimples on my face for about four years, which I thought I could never cure, as I tried to heal them with , , , prescriptions, and many other things, but they only got thicker. They looked like small bolls and were very sore after a while scabs and scales formed on my face. They Itched awfully, I tried Reslnol Ointment and Reslnol Soap, which relieved after a few appli cations, and I have no more pimples on my face my skin Is now clear, I was so glad that I at last found a cure for my pimples, as my face looked a sight," (Signed) Miss Bertha M. Turfay, HO, Iranlatan Ave. Prescribed by doctors for 19 years, sold by alt druggists Reslnol Ointment. Wo. and )1. Reslnol Soap, 25c For trial free write to Dept. Si-R, Reslnol, Baltimore Md. 4 V