Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JULY 27, 1914.
NKWS of S( HOPlS and( X)UJ1G
A Strong growing Christian College, 60 increase in
student enrollment the past year.
.Public School Music.
Domestic Science and House
hold Arts.
Academy of high rank.
Teacher Training Courses.
Strong Conservatory of
Music with equipment
among tho best in tho
Additional courses tho com
ing year in Violin and
othor stringed instruments.
History and Public Speak
ing. Clean, Wholesome, Athletic.
Loyal Student Body.
Ideal College Life.
Moderate Exponso.
College opens Soptombor 15th. For catalog and Bul
letins address President R. B. Crone, Hastings, Neb.
Information for Those Who Are
Looking for Education
Which School" Must Soon Hp All
nwerrrt, nnd The Her. In Itrnily
to Help All Who Wnnt
For those parents who have not al
ready selected tho school at which their
boy or girl will attend during the com
ing year, or where the necoamry prepara
tion for entry to a hlKher Institution of
'earning, or the pursuit ot scholastic
honors shnll ho forwarded for any of
tha purposes that select and advanced
schools are set Up and maintained Thu
Ben offers this morning a choice selec
tion of schools of the bent type.
Every grade of education, from the
kindergarten to tho highest degree of
post-graduate work, Is represented by the
schools that nro this morning advertis
ing. Each has Its own peculiar advan
tages. Tho school under private control,
tho school that Is under direction of some
olio or another of the great church or
ganizations, tho great colleges and uni
versities, all present their propositions.
Kach makes Its offer to the parents who
nro particular and hope to glvo their
youns folks tho proper start In life, the
educational along with the ethical and1
religious training on which firm founda
tion character Is built and from which
success must come.
Not much more tlmo remains to make
a choice. The summer Is rapidly slipping
away, and within six weeks trunks will
be packed, tickets will bo bought, and
the young folks will be crowding the.
campus again, starting fresh on a new
year of school work. That Is why The
nee Is today calling attention to these
To those parents who havo not decided,
and who want further Information, The
lice offers frco tho services of Its educa
tional bureau. If you want advice or
assistance, nddrens Tho Bee educational
tureau, stating what Information you do
slre, and It will bo furnished you without
RASTisnN college pnosrnns.
TRINITY COLLEGE, Washington, D. C.
TTJTmjT vnn titt
neuutlfully situated,
with n campus nf
fifty ncrrs. Founded
In 189T and empower
ed under the terms of
Its Charter to confor
degrees. The course
of study offered to
graduate and under
graduate studentn are
planned according to
the best standards of
our American educo-
tlnnnl Rvil.m
rtiniiea in in nrst
... t.- i , ... i . ranked In the firs
z. i.i '" vuiiHiuijniuner or iiucauon. Affiliated to the Cath.
w....v.n.h ;v-1, uiiu jiiuirsjBurii irum uiri university in Ino
departmentspf Philosophy. Education. Apologetics. Economics. Soclofoev and
tnoiogy, inern is no preparatory department. The college is In charge
i Nolr Dame 0l Nnmur. For particulars address the Secretary
or Trinity c ollege
&avr WW lltiUU 14
Hoarding and Day School
for Young Women and Girls.
Advanced courses In Household
Arts, Muslo and Expression for
high school graduates. Junior
day school for ltttlo girls.
For catalogue and
terms, address
(Kpls- rnn nnVC TJpnsr and
copal) uu 1 ij tower Bolumt
Offers exceptional opportunity for
individual training or boys In man
ners, morals and religion. Upper
school prepares for college. Lower
school for small boys with very care
ful HUnarvlslnn. floor!
Extensive campus. Gymnasium and
tennis courts, i-nysician, nurse ana
athletic coach maintain health. Has
mi re advantages than the horn plus
a ncnooi xotai onsrgc, Bnsoo.
Catalog address
! Jrlnolpal of St. Martin's, Hollua, Kan.
Illnh OrnilP Non-Srvctnrlnn School
I.ocntnl nt Mnnnsanii.
Eastern college, Manassas, Vn., Is a
high grade, nonsectarlan Institution and
.tands-for character, high scholarship and
noble manhood and womanhood.
Five groups of study are offered, each
group leading to tho degree of Bnchelor of
Arts. For high school graduates who do
not care to spend four years In college,
two two-year courses are offered leading
to the degrees of Bachelor of literature
and Batchelor of Pedagogy, respectively.
Most of the faculty are graduates of the
best American universities and have also
studied abroad.
The college also offers superior advan
tages In music, art, domestic science, ex
pression and business.
Tho four modern buildings are located
on a beautiful campus and are well
equipped. Last year students were en
rolled from thirty states and several
foreign countries. The next session will
open September 29. Horvln U. Hoop, Ph,
I., U If. D., Is tho president.
Kxte.imlvc Repairs Under Wny In
Preparation for Now Year.
extensive repairs are In progress on
the Omaha Presbyterian Theological-
seminary building and new decorations
and other Improvements will bo com
pleted before tho opening of the next
term In September.
During the early spring additional
cases were placed In the library and
under the direction of the librarian, Dr.
Charles llerron, the books on the shelves,
numbering more than 6,000 volumes, were
rearranged on the shelves according to
a new classification. Since then many
new books have been added to the li
brary, among them the last edition of
the Encyclopedia Brltannlca.
Dr. A. B. Marshall, the president ot
the seminary, has been filling the pulpit
o? the First church of Beatrice, Neb.,
for several weeks. This church is now
without a pastor, Tlev. Leon D. Young,
D. D., having been called recently to tho
First church of Lincoln.
Dr. Marshall will preach for the West
church of St. Louis during the month of
August and between Sundays ho will
spend one week at Tarklo, Mp., deliver
ing a series of Inspirational addresses at
tho School of Missions, now opening In
that city, and later In the month he will
bo tho speaker for four days nt tho
Presbyterian Chautauqua, held at Hollls-
tor, Mo.
Recent letters received from Prof.
Charles llerron report that he is having
very Interesting experiences as ho visits
tho great university centers and refor
matlon cities of Germany and Switzer
one of their former students, E. A. Han
son and family. Mr. Hanson Is engaged
In the banking business and has had a
most successful career slnco leaving col
lege Ho Is one of the live wires of that
section of country.
Jewel West, a student of the college,
has just closed a contract for the schools
at Mullen, Neb., at a salary of (1.000 per
year. Miss Elsie Softlcy has accepted
a primary position In Montana at a
good salary; also. Miss Ethel Drake has
closed a. contract for tho Carleton school,
northwest of Fremont, at & salary ot
ICS per month.
Hon. Frank E. Edgerton, assistant at
torney general, will deliver the commence
ment address at the college on the morn
ing of August 13. Rev. Nathaniel Mc
Olffln, pastor of the First Presbyterian
church of Fromontl, will deliver the
baccalaueato sermon, August 9.
Miss Jennie Huron of Clearwater, Fla.,
Is the guest ot Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Gil
bert. Miss Huron Is the sister ot Mrs.
Gilbert of the Latin department
Mre. L. B. Bethards and three chil
dren of Omaha, will be guests of tholr
cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Clcmmons the
coming week.
fiiemont college notes
ICnmtnuky Clnli Formed Among; the
Students Lust Week.
Tho Stato Examining board consisting
of Messrs. E. J. Bodwell of Beatrice, A.
E. Fischer of Aurora and N. M. Gra
ham of South Omaha, were visitors at
the college today looking Into the re-
dates for state certificates this coming
August. Mr. Fischer was a guest of
President Clemmons over night and ad
dressed tho students In chapel Friday
Miss Sarka Hrbek, head ot tho Slavo
nic department at the Unlveralty of Ne
braska, gave an Instructive and very In
teresting lecture on "Bohemia and the
Cechs," at tho Star Literary hall Tues
day night. After tho lecture the mem
bers ot the Bohemian club of the col'
lege rendered a musical program and
and organized Into a permanent feder
ated Komensky Klub with tho following
officers In charge for tho remaining sum
mer session: President. Julia Krlsl; vlco
president, Charles Severyn; secretary,
Minnie Lukes; treasurer, Eatella Krejcl;
correspondent, Elizabeth Lukes.
Forty members ot tho Komensky Klub
spent Saturday 'plcnlcing at Arlington.
Mr. and Mrs. Clemmons motorea 10 uo
catur, whero they spent Sunday with
The University of Nebraska
The University of Nebraska Includes the Following
Colleges and Schools
The Graduate College
A four-yenr course lending to MiiBtcr of
Arts and Doctor of Philosophy. Work mny
he pursued without reference to n dogreo.
The College of Arts
and Sciences v
A four-yenr course lending to the degrees
of Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science.
The Teachers' College
A twvvyenr course leadinrr to tho Univer
sity Teachers Diploma. Students register
in this college in the Junior yenr nt tho
same time retaining identity in another
college of the University which grants tho
degree1 of Bachelor of Arts or of Scionco
simultaneous with tho granting of the Uni
versity Teachers' Certificate by the Teach
crs' College. Tims, throughout his Junior
nnd Senior yonrs the student is registered
in two colleges.
The College of Engineering The School of Fine Arts
A four-year courso loading to tho degree
of Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Agricultural, Architectural, Civil, Electri
cal, Mechanical. Also a six-year Academic
Engineering course.
The College of Law
A three-year courso lending to tho dogreo
of Bnchelor of Laws. Ono yenr of acn
demic work in addition to full entrance is
required for admission to this college.
Also a combined Academic-Law courso
lending to tho degreo of Bachelor of Arts
in four years, and to tho dogreo of Bach
elor of Laws in six years.
The College of Medicine
A four-yenr courso in Omaha leading to tho
dogreo of Doctor of Medicine. A six
. year course lending to tho Bachelor's de
gree and tho dogroe of Doctor of Medicino,
tho f irst two years being offered in Lincoln.
A four-yenr cultural course including the
Fine Arts leading to tho Baoholor's degree.
The School of Pharmacy
Two-year and three-year courses. Also a
four-year courso leading to the degree of
Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy.
The Teachers' College
High School
A high grade school of secondary rank of
fering splendid opportunities to a LIM
ITED number of the most desirable stu
dents. Being tlio training school of the
Teachers' Collogo admission can be had
only on written application.
The Summer Session
An eight weeks' courso primarily for
School That Offers Thorough Train
ing In Profession to Kb Students.
The St. Joseph Veterinary college, lo
cated at St. Joseph, a most advantageous
point for Its work, has been entirely re
organized, and Is now under Us new
management, offering a course In veter
inary medicino surpassed by no other
similar eollcgo In America. Its labora
tories have been fully equipped, additions
and changes mode In the faculty, and
tho courso strengthened, until It now
compiles In every particular with tho re
quirements governing eligibility to mem
bership In the American Veterinary Medi
cal association. The ooUcgo 1b o mem
ber of the Federation of American
Veterinary colleges, and Is fully recog
nized by tho United States department of
agriculture and tho United Statoa civil
service commission.
The policy of tho college Is to limit the
number of students In the classes, so
that tho teaching force can, by per
sonal contact and guidance, do Just that
much more for each student In tho prac
tical and technical details. Every year
tho St. Joseph Veterinary college has had
more requests for graduates than it
could fill, thus showing that tho de
mand for trained veterinarians Is still
keeping up. During the next ten years
the state of Iowa, Missouri. Nebraska
and Kansas will need'nbout 400 veterlnar
lans each, 6r a total of 1,000, and like
proportions! In other agricultural states
to do their work, both local and official.
The profession is coming to be respected
mre and more, because the quacks and
"horse-doctors" are rapidly dropping out.
A provision of especial Interest Is In
cluded In the announcements of the cat
alogue of tho college, which Is Just oft
tho press, and which will open the doors
for many to an opportunity to equip them
selves for the practice of an honorable
and paying profession. It Is to this et
"In recognition of the fact that age,
maturity, experience and other factors
tend to compensate, In a measure at
least, for lack of scholastic attainments,
applicants over 21 years ot age may, on
presentation ' of satisfactory reasons, be
admitted by the board of directors or ex
ecutlve committee of the college without
passing the equivalent examination; pro
vided, that If any student has been so
admitted, he shall take the omitted por
tlon of the entrance examination and re
quirements at least one academic year
before he may be a candidate for a de
gree conferred by this college, or In lieu
thereof, the board ot directors may sub
stitute excess work In other approved
To assist tho students who may enter
unuer inese conditions, me couege man
agement has made arrangements with the
Young Men's Christian association of St.
Joseph, whereby special training In
academic courses may be had at a spe
cial rate. The plan has been successfully
adopted by other schools and prlate col
leges, and Is expected to bo of great serv
ice here. Tho plan of establishing night
classes for the first year and a half,
teaching only such subjects as can be
properly taught at night. Is under con
sideration. This will Klve ODDortunltv to
many ambitious men, who can not take
the time away from their day work, to
get a start in the profession.
Commencement of Snninicr School
to He Held Friday of This Week.
Dr. Brlghtman gave an address In
chapel Thursday morning on "im
pressions of Germany.
The summer school students have had
their pictures taken In anticipation or
next year's Coyote.
Tho Commercial club of University
Place is planning a boosters' day at the
Epworth assembly on August 10.
The city council has let the contract for
the paving ot Eighteenth street from I
street to the west side of the campus.
This will add materially to the appear
ance of that part of tho city.
Chancellor Fullmer will entertain in
formally Saturday evening for Prof, and
Mrs. E. B. McProud of the State Normal
school at Brookings, 8. D. Prof. Mc
Proud wsjj formerly dean of the teachers'
collego at Wesleyan.
The summer school students are plan
ning for another picnic on Monday even
ing, July 27. One ot the events scheduled
Is a melon eating contest led by the professors.
Summer school commencement will oc
cur on Friday, July 31 at tho First
Methodist Episcopal church. Rev. M. E.
Gilbert, superintendent of the Falrbury
district, will deliver the address. Besides
three candidates from the College of Lib
eral Arts, there Is a large number for the
various grades ot state certificates.
Summer Session Sees Ileelstratlon
of R.A2S.
With the registration for the summer
session at Columbia university prac
tically complete, there are 5,625 students
for the six weeks' term up at Mornlng-
slde, the largest number by more than
1,000 over seen there before. It la the
thirteenth year of the session and with
the exception of the years 1003-06. when
the number remained at about 1,000, the
increase in numbers has been by larger
percentages each year. Last year the
attendance was 4,530; the year before,
3,602, and 2,973 in 1911, while that of the
first year, 1902, was 643. Tho largest
registration on any one day was on July
C, when 1,761 were recorded, nearly as
many as In the whole session of 1903. At
first Brooks hall, tho Barnard college
dormitory, was sufficient to accommo
date the women, but this year Ftirnald
hall has also been filled. Both dormi
tories are In charge of Prof. Grace Hub
bard as advisor. Features of the ses
sion are the band concerts, the univer
sity chorus, the organ recitals and the
performances of the Coburn players,
while scores of excursions to places In
and about the city take up the unoccu
pied tlmo ot the students.
Co-educntlonaU 30 miles from Washing
ton, D. C, Mt. Vornon and Arlington.
A 20th Century College. Fine new
buildings. Degreo courses In Arts, Sci
ence, Literature, Pedagogy, Music, Ex
presslon. Commerce and Domestic Sci
ence. Also Academy for boys and girls.
Health record! unsurpassed. $275 ayear.
DR. HERVIN U. ROOP, Ph. D., L. L. D.,
Pres.. Virginia, Manassas (The Battle
field City). Box 116. Fall term opens
Sopt. 29.
The College of Agriculture The School of Commerce University Extension
'p,' Camden Point, Mo, V
UonJloj School tor Olrlt, of Junior ittDl
rJ, lull accredited tn actdemle ooureee.
Fire ipecltl department! i yocal and Instru
mental muiic an. eipretilon and commer
cial. Special can (Wan eharac ter bulldlnc.
Larie beautiful camput, modem bulldlnc
ami equipment, un eiecinc mterurnan
between Kassie Cut and St. Joeepn.
r or cataioc aaareia tr. J, Tomer-
A. 11., U. D.,
Well Known Omaha School Ready
for tho New Year of Work.
Mount fit Mary's seminary, located at
Fifteenth and Castellar streets, Is ode
of Omaha's best known educational In
stitutions. It has carried on Its work
successfully for many years, and num
bers among Us graduates many ot tha
foremost women of the city, those who
substantially adorn our society, while Its
roster has on it names from all over the
west. It is a day and boarding school
for young ladles, conducted by the Sis
ters of Mercy, and alms at the most thor
ough of education, culture and religious
training. It is accredited by the Univer
sity of Nebraska, ana Is well recognized
for Its merit by all higher schools.
The location of the school Is most de
sirable, and it has many advantages tn
this regard. Its sanitary surroundings,
well kept and beautiful grounds, and its
well ventilated buildings, good and well
prepared food, all contribute to the phy
sical welfare of the students. The stu
dents are under the personal supervision
of the sisters at all times. The school
year operus'on Tuesday, September . The
directress will be pleased to supply any
further Information required.
includes general agricultural, forestry, nnd
general homo economics groups. A four
year course lending to the degree of Bach
elor of Science.
A four-yenr course lending to tho dogreo
of Bachelor of Arts, designed to provide
vocational training for students preparing
for business or allied linos of work.
Courses offered in many departments for
which college credit iB granted. Work in
this department mny bo taken to meet
preparatory requirements.
The Nebraska Experiment Station; the Nebraska School of Agriculture at Curtis, and the Experimental Sub
Stations at North Platte, Valentine, Culbertson and Scottsbluff are also in charge of the Board of Regents.
The University Opens on Wednesday, September 16th.
One may enter also at the beginning of the second semester (about February 1) or the sum
mer session (Usually the first full week in June),
Station "A
On Any Point of Information Address
Xlie Registrar
Lincoln. Neb.
rGrmnell College
lkrf nf . an. ina . . ...
-- w wiu , 1 I m
i rxctptlODai oppoKualtlM to all
i'.""! uma wan matii aiaj
. - raucaiton nr th.
aishaat quality Year 114-
o-woa Btpttinbtr 1.
n ror ioionua'.loa
JUT Main.l'rr.
nrlantll, 'a
Students ITear Lecture on Simpli
fied Spelling; Method.
G. II. Danton of Butler collego. Indian
apolis, Ind., occupied the chapel hour Fri
day mornlni; with a very Interesting talk
on simplified spelling. Mr, Danton Is the
representative of tho Simplified SpclunB
The Toung Men's Christian association
and the Young Woman's Christian asso
ciations gave an entertainment at the
State Tuberculosis hospital on Friday
The faculty plcknlcked on the campus
Saturday evening In honor of Prof, and
Mrs. George N. Porter.
Dr. Richardson, head of the Department
of Education, addressed the students at
convocation on Monday morning, taking
as his subject, "The Conservation of
Prof. O. V. Neale addressed the union
meting of the Christian association on
Vednesday evening.
School Will De Opened to a Large
Number Early In September
The Academy of the fiacred Heart, at
Thirty-sixth and Burt streets. Omaha,
will be opened on Tuesday, September 8.
to a large number of boarders and day
pupils. The buildings of the arxdev
hava teen thoroughly repaired and ar
(Continued on Pau v j.