Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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Candidate Refuses to Be Bulldozed
by Home Campus Committee.
Deprceatea Attempt to Get Chief
Jnatlce to Commit lllmaelf In
Advance Snra TJnlTeraltr
Will De Moved.
BEAVER CITY. Neb.. July S8.-(Spe-clal.)-John
Stevens of this city a repub
lican candidate for the republican nomi
nation of governor, received the eterotyped
circular letter from the University Home
Campus extension committee, asking his
attitude toward university removal, and
the following Is a copy of his reply mailed
to the committee at Lincoln today:
BEAVER CITY, Neb., July 26. 1914.
University Home Campus Extension Com
mittee, Lincoln. Nb. : Oentlemcr: 1
am In receipt of your ultimatum of the
24th wherein you demand a specific state
ment of my attitude on university lo
cation, and In spite of tho fear and trem
bling that have possessed me since read
ing the same I take my pen In hand to
Indite my humble reply.
First permit me to suggest that you
discard the htgh-soundlng name of your
committee, and frankly call yourselves
tho Exploiters' Bulldozing committee, as
your letter carries tho Implied threat,
boldly written between the lines, that If
the reclplont falls to line up promptly on
your side of tho question you arc prepared
to shunt him Into oblivion without any
tedious cereraonlea
University ott on Wheels.
This question ought to have passed to
a spcaceable settlement without any
heated controversy, and would doubtless
have done so but for your Ul-advtseJ
activity, which has causod the respective
factions to assumo an attitude off belli
gerency heretofore wanting. I have
noticed the effect that your letter has had
upon other candidates, and I am pleased
with the large number who havo red
your Impudence; however. It Is a pitiful
sight to behold the servile few who havo
ben brought to their knees by your
amazing bit of hot air. For my part 1
beg leave to Inform you that tho uni
versity Is already on wheels, headed
toward the state farm, and I prpose to
put my shoulder to one of those wheels
and push with all my misguided strength.
I am only one of a large number of
benefited citizens of the state, who are
convinced that the university as at pres
ent located has been nnd now Is, largely
dcmlnated by certain Intreats In Lincoln,
and that Lincoln has been, and now Is
largely dominated by Its saloons; the
interests of the university being thereby
subordinated to those of Lincoln s
saloons. I expect to assist In redeeming
the university from the the blight pf
Lincoln's saloons, and the only way in
which this can be accomplished Is by
removal of the university.
Refuse to Control Saloons.
1 do not charge that Lincoln Is any
worse than any other saloon town, but
nevertheless It Is a saloon town, and as
such as far worse than It ought to be.
and far worse than It would have been
If It hod discarded the saloons at tho
proper time. Tho people of Lincoln them
selves settled the question of university
removal at the mJnlclpal election follow
ing the passago of the Temoval act. By
deciding to retain the saloons it for
feited all claims to the retention of the
university. Of course, Lincoln had a
right to retain the saloons, as they are
strictly its own affair; but please bear
In mind the fact that university Is the
property of the whole state, and the peo
ple of the state have a perfect right
to pack It up and move It away when
ever they may choose to do so.
Furthermore, when tho people of tho
state suggested that the city of Lin
coin should hold these glaring evidences
of its culture back a reasonable distance
from the university it insolently refused
to do so, and persisted m planting ana
maintaining them almost at tho very por
tals of tho greatest educational Institu
tion of the state. This act alone waa
equivalent to handing the university Its
hat and cane.
Attempt to Commit Supreme Court.
I belle vo that the voters of the state
who have tho welfare of the university
at heart are thoroughly awake on this
subject, but If not 1 promise to do my
share in the task of arouBlng them. You
honorable committee has not considered
to designate tho particular form of
destruction, which It proposes to mete
out to refractory candidate, but let It
be what It may, I have Incurred the di
rect doom Imaginable, and shall ask no
quarter. It Is rather unfortunate for
your committee, however, that It was
not willing to content Itself with tactics
that would appear more modest and loss
militant. It has even demanded of the
chief Justice of tho supreme court that
he commit himself In advance upon this
question, which In the form of litigation
is quite liable to come before him for
determination. This la not only a gross
Impropriety, but Is so rank that it act
ually transcends tho remotest bound ot
common decency. It Is certainly to be
hoped that the rank and file of the bo
called extentlonlsts do not approvo ot
such extreme and questionable measures.
And now farewell. You go to herald
my pitiable condition far and wide among
your enfluenttal henchmen, while I plod
wearily on In my helpless Ignorance.
Nevertheless, mark this predictions: The
time Is fast approaching, when the boys
and girls of Nebraska will be able to
reach our university without walking
paBt the mouth of a dive. Fer respec
tively, junr. aiav aao.
clal election. A special election to de
cide whether Kalrbury will adopt the
commission form of government will be
held In September.
C. IX. Luco has been assigned to runs
5, 6, 7 and 8. Falrbury to Phllllpsburg,
Kan., with Engineer C. B. Porter. Mr.
Luce Is an, extra board fireman at Falr
bury. Several good showers have fallen In Jef
ferson county during the last few days.
Corn Is In nice shape and wheat harvest
ing Is In full blast
Arapahoe Boosters
Given Enthusiastic
Welcome Everywhere
ARAPAHOE. Neb.. July S5.-(SpecIal.)-Arapahoe's
sociability tour of Furnas
county yesterday was a succesMon of
hearty receptions at the seven towns on
the route of eighty-seven miles. Twenty
three automobiles, carrying an even hun
dred passengers, made tho start at 8
o'clock and all the cars mode a perfect
trip except one, which broke down on the
last leg of tho Journey.
The first stop was at Edison, where a
monster early morning crowd gave tho
Arapahoe boosters a rousing reception,
and sent one car along with tho parade
to represent their town. Oxford peoplo
wero out In large numbers and the band
stand was opened for a concert by the
Arapahoo band.
The roads from Oxford to Beaver City
wero heavy with mud, but the running
schedule was maintained. Five cars of
Beaver City boosters repaired a bad mud
hole ot a washout, and escorted the cara
van Into the county seat, where steam
ing dinners were waiting for tho hungry
travelers. All meals were free to visitors.
Hend'ey, tho smallest town on the route,
gave the Arapahoe people one of the
biggest receptions of tho day. Wilson
vlllo boosters sent out five cars to re
ceive their visitors and a largo crowd
was waiting on tho main street.
There were thirty automobiles from
Arapahoo, Edison and Beaver City when
the procession reached Cambridge. After
tho band concert and address by Mr.
Northup, tho Cambridge and Arapahoe
ball teams played ono of the best games
of the season. Cambridge won In the
tenth by a score of 3 to 2. The extra In
ning gamo and tho following reception
by Cambridge citizens sornewhat delayed
the start for Holbrook. where the boost
ers arrived after dark, with a storm
threatening. The band played one piece,
after which the paraders hustled home,
and tho rain blew over.
Upon tho whole, Arapahoe's sociability
tour was the most successful of Its kind
ever attempted In Furnas county, not
only for the number 3f boosters making
the trip, but for the monster receptions
along tho route.
Brother Charles Directs Steam
Roller Over His Enemies.
John Mnher Slint Off nnd Not Al
lowed to Get Word In Any
Way Morrhrnri Illnre-
Rarded in nrsnlntlnn.
News Notes of Fnlrhury.
FAIRBURY, Neb., July 26.-(Special.)-Dlvislon
Superintendent W. O. Shehan
has appointed new members for the di
vision "safety first"- committee. The new
members comprise H. O. Nellie, store
keeper; R. L. Poole, conductor; A. C.
Whtttet, brakeman; Fat Kenan, witch
man; J. E. Bidder, engineer; B. C. Wil
son, brakeman; William Hamm, carpen
ter; Ouy Sowers, machinist; E. D. Hardy,
blacksmith; B. Z. Milllkan, bollermaker;
W. Slater, car repairer, and W. M. Hul
bert. The new committeemen will serve
until January 1, 1915.
Owing to the rush for grain cars, the
Rock Island has put on an extra force
at Falrbury to cooper cars and all men
that can be secured are working In the
car yards. Car Foreman O. C. Brown
has the largest number of men employed
In the history of the company at Falr
bury. The city council has decided to call a
special electIon'ln Falrbury Tuesday,
August 25, to vote on the matter of hav
ing Sunday picture shows In Falrbury.
A petition was circulated asking a spe-
Doctor's Boyish Face
Reveals Skin Renewer
I heard the other day the story of the
physician with so admirable a skin thai
all his women patients asked his secret
He told one, who generously told others,
that, knowing the remarkable absorbent
property of ordinary mercollzed wax, he
concluded this substance would make an
excellent complexion renewer and pre
server. Knowing the wax could do no in
jury, he began using It after shaving. He
soon observed that the old, withered, col
orless cuticle was being gradually ab
sorbed and replaced by younger, healthier
skin. This was the simple secret of tho
silver-haired doctor with the boyish face.
The secret became public property. Now
women everywhere use mercollzod wax,
applying It nights like cold cream, wash
ing It off mornings continuing until tho
complexion Is entirely renovated. An ouncti
of this wax, procurable at any druggist's,
will banish the worst complexion.
Another valuable rejuvenator used by
this doctor was a wrinkle-remover and
preventative In the form of a face bath,
made by dissolving an ounce of saxollte
In a half pint witch hazel. This also has
become famous. Fashion Revlew.-rAd-vsrtlsement.
HYANNIS. Neb., July 26.-(Spectal.-Democrats
of Grant county held a mass
convention at the court house In this
city yesterday afternoon and rejuvenated
the county organization, which has been
inactive for six years past Judge John
'McCawley was chairman and Colonel A.
D. Fetterman secretary. A complete new
county central committee was organized
by the election of Sherman S. Sears as
chairman, Colonel A. D. Fetterman as
secretary, John Hanoy as treasurer, Fes
tus CarotherH from Whitman precinct,
George Haney from Collins precinct, Dan
Egan from Hyannls precinct, and S. I.
Graham from Ashby precinct. George
Manning and W. H. Rothwell were
elected delegates, and Lewis A. Anderson
and Dr. W, L. Howell alternates to the
state convention at Columbus. Addresses
were made by Charles W. Pool, state la
bor commissioner, and a Grant county
resident, candidate for secretary of state,
and Prof. T. A. Frye, candidate for county
superintendent of schools.
This resolution was unanimously
The democrats of Grant county In con
vention assembled view with pleasure the
return of the people to power In this na
tion, as represented by the national dem
ocratic administration, and take pride in
the constructive and progressive legisla
tion already enacted by President Wilson
and the democratic congress. Wo approve
the course of our democratic senator,
Hon. G M. Hitchcock, and our three
democratic congressional representatives
from Nebraska. We endorse the wise and
husinessllko administration of our demo-
i cratlc governor, Hon. John H. Morehead.
It is the sense of this convention that
our delegate iu me niuia uuii.ciiuuu sup
port Hon. William h. 'inompson tor re
election as state chairman.
ALHA, Neb., July 26.-(Speclal.) Tho
republican convention met at the court
house Saturday afternoon. B. R. Clay
pool of Orleans was elected chairman and
A. V. Shaffer secretary. Delegates to
the state convention elected one from
each supervisor district and one at large,
as follows: Allen Elliott, Oeorge Greer,
John Jones, Ernest Alter, W. S. Porter.
C. E, McPherson, Roy Stackhouse and W.
R. Moore.
J. B. Billings was elected chairman of
the central committee and the following
"central committeemen selected: Albany,
Ellsworth David; Antelope, Allen Elliott;
Emerson, Fred Mackprang; Mullally,
Orley Cassell; Orleans, C. T. Simpson;
Prairie Dog, E. L. Stultz; Republican
City, Jim Smith; Sappa, R, C. Houlahan;
Scandinavia, C. Edward ePterson; Spring
Grove, R. M. Swindell; Turkey Creek, A.
C. Allmand; Washington, F. W. N.
Brown. Leaving a vacancy In three
townships to be filled, as follows:
Eldorado, Fairfield and Reuben.
The following resolution was adopted:
We ask all who have In the past
affiliated with the republican party, of
whatever name, breed creed or conscience
to Join with us In thecomlng campaign
In carrying Into effect the fixed and
progrtsslve principles of our party.
News Note of Geneva.
GENEVA. Neb.. July 2B.-(Speclal.)-Tbe
good roads boosters arrived In this
city at about noon Friday, escorted by
the Brunlng band. After a short stop
they went on to York for dinner. There
were over fifty automobiles In line.
Wesley Beeson of Geneva has built an
aeroplane of the Curtlss type and has
been testing Its flying capacity, which has
been all right thus far. It was built In a
room above a store building, but taken
out In sections to his uncle's farm for
flying. Its weight Is 6M pounds and It
measures thirty-seven fett. The engine
Is a four-cylinder forty-horsepower, 'its
speed is estimated at fifty miles an hour.
Or. KIiik'h XfW Life rills.
I For constipation, torpid liver, sallow
complexion their frequent use will
strengthen and add tone to your system
All druggists. 26c AdveitUeinent
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. July 24 (BpeclB4.)-The Lan
caster county democratic convention Is a
thing of the past and demonstrated that
Bryan's favorite sayings, "let the peoplo
rule" and "free speech." are all right to
talk to the great common peoplo about,
but aro sadly out of place In a democratic
convention when It Is necessary for tho
bosses to carry the day.
Old time methods whero everything was
cut and dried was In evidence. The chair
man was picked In advanco and his mem
ory was mighty good when It came to the
selection of members of the resolutions
committee and tho other committees
neefssnry to run tho convention and to
get tho results wanted by tho Bryan
When John G Maher, that valiant dem
ocratic war horso of many battles, sought
to speak before the convention against tho
cut-and-drlcd resolutions prepared, the
chairman refused to hear him. and It was
only on frequent demands that he be
heard that the autocratic official of the
convention consented to let him speak,
and then It was Impossible for him to be
heard because of tho howling of the dele
gates for him to sit down.
Holler Well Oiled.
I His valiant lieutenant, "Tower and
i Power" Allen, who has been one of the
i mainstays of tho democratic party of
Lancaster county in'' tho years gone by,
I demanded that the democratic prlnclplo
of free speech bo exemplified right there,
! but to no avail. He. too, was howled
down and tho Bryan steam roller, manlp-
ulatcd by Charlie Bryan, was run over
his prostrate body and flattened out like
a pancake.
It was a victory for tho Bryanltcs which
may cost them dear In tho state conven
i tlon. Bryan and Bryanlsm was rampant
; at every turn. Senator Hitchcock failed
to receive nn endorsement, nnd instead,
was given a sort of a back-handed slap
' In jthe resolutions, which commended "all
members of congress who had been loyal
, to President Wilson."
Tho old democratic roller, In the hands
'of Brother Charlie and Brother-ln-Law
' Tom Allen, was run so outrageously fast
that many times the speed limit was left
f In the distance, but It made no difference,
i so anxious were the manipulators of the
j convention to carry things for the Bryan
crowd, that they cared little for anything
else and nearly forgot that Nebraska had
a democratic state administration headed
by Governor Morehead. Governor More
head's name was entirely left out of tho
resolutions, but a little four-line para
graph endorsed the state administration,
while nineteen lines were given to an en
' dorsement of Secretory of State Bryan.
President Wilson will havo to be satis
fied with a ten-line endorsement.
Ilrynn EveryiTlierc
It was the old soldier, song of "Beans
for breakfast, beans for dinner, beans
I for supper, beans," over again, with Mr.
Bryan playing the part of Beans,
j Brother Charley Bryan heads the dele
gation to the state convention, with
j Brother-ln-Law Tom Allen well up In tho
j front row. Felix Newton, the lrrepres-
Bible 'steenth ward leader, Is also on the
I list; P. lh Hall and somo more. The list
i follows:
I C. W. Bryan, A. S. Tlhbets. Robert Ma-
j lone. Felix Newton, Frederick Shepherd.
E. L. Troyer, William Schroeder, A. N.
Anderson. John Lonam George G. Waite,
A. Wanmer, G. L. Cooper, B. H. Bryan,
,J. E. R. Miller, William Ritchie. C. J.
.Campbell, J. H. Broady. Henry Leavltt,
(A. V. Johnson, S. O. Saulsbury, J. C. Mc
Reynolds, William Nlcklaus. E. B. Zlm-
I merman .A. C. Sharrlck, L. B. Clark, W.
E. Barkley, T. J. Doyle, Jacob North,
William Kimball, T S. Allen, E. F.
Shavcly. W. R, Boyd, J. S. McCarty,
I Richard BJorkman, W. F. Porter, R. A.
I Blckford, Sterling Mutz, J. W. Cutrlght.
Paul Goss. O. W. Meier. N .O. Reynolds,
'P. L. Hall, E. A. Carr. L. C. Long, T. E.
O ass, J. R. Farrls John Gllllgnn. Verne
Gibbons. J. O. P. Hlldchrand. E. P. Bird
Ball, Dave Reltz, Harold George, Robert
I Chambers. H K Hansen. C. M. Branson,
! J. J. Ledwlth. H. G. Real, John Klchllne,
u .Maui. w. c;nyeari, w. ('. Piper,
P. E. Eno. I J. Quantock, Dan Campbell.
W. B. Hester. C. C. nickel, A. A. Lang.
Frank Phillips, B. C. Kcnney, W. F. Dale.
Steve Norton, W. R. McCllntock, C. W.
Sanborn, E. C. Kemble, L B. Tobln
Thero aro a few Hitchcock men In the
delegation, but the convention fixed them
by voting the unit rule.
EUSTIS. Neb.. July M. (RpecUU-AU
arrangements have been perfected for the
three-day base ball tourney to be held
here August 12. IS and 14.
Manager Schroeder has secured four of
the fastest teams In southwestern Ne
braska to compete for tho I37S In prises.
The schedule Is as follows:
First day. 1:90 p. m... El wood against
Stockvllle; J:S0 p. m.. Cambridge against
Willow Island Second day. 1:50 p. m..
Cambridge ngnlnst Stockvllle; S-DO p. m.,
Willow Island against Etwood. Third
day. 1:S0 p. m.. Cambridge against El
wood: 3:3(1 p. m.. Stockvllle against Wil
low Island.
The first prize will be JIM.
Omaha and Ak-Sar-Ben shared Jointly
with tho Woodmen Circle a splendid
boost last week, when Mrs. Emma B.
Manchester, supreme guardian of the
Circle, made an auto trip from this city
to Des Moines. She went with a party
of friends, members of the order, to at
tend a meeting of Dcs Moines Grove No.
63, which after a special Initiation of a
class of 115 new members, gave n beauti
fully appointed entertainment and re
ception for tho supreme guardian and
Miss Dora Aloxnmlcr, Biiprema clerk,
who also attended
Tho boost for Omaha and Ak-Sar-Ben
during Mrs. Manchester's trip, come from
tho decoration of her auto, which bore
pennants of the city and Ak-Sar-Ben.
In addition to Uiom? of tho Woodmen
While walking down Sixteenth street In
tho middle of the pavement near her
homo, Kotherlne Johanck, nerd 14, 3113
South Sixteenth street, was run Into nnd
knocked down by a blcvclp ridden by
Ruben Slach, 4111 South Tenth street.
The girl was painfully, but not seriously
Injured nnd was attended at her home by
Pollco Surgeon Foltz. Slach was ar
rested, but later released.
Because he turned In a tlO fee Instead
of a $11 one. C. E. Hubbard, a chauffeur
working for the Unique Taxi company,
got Into a squabble with his boss, Joseph
Sutley, and eventually landed In tho city
Jail charged with assault. The men
fought in the basement stairway leading
to the offices of the company Just off
Farnam nnd Fourteenth street.
Tho federal tax collected from tho thir
teen breweries of Nebraska for tho fls
f cal year of 1M4 was $453,610, as compared
with $44?t7 for 1913, according to fig
ures at the Internal revenue offlco In
Omaha. Tho Increase li $11,263, tho tax
being $1 on each barrel.
Chnmlirrlnln'n Colic, Cholera nnd
ninrrhorn neinilr,
"I advised the 'boys' when they en
listed In tho Spanish war to take Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy with them, and have received
many thanks for the advice given,"
l writes J. H. Houghland, Eldon, la. "No
person, whether traveling or at home,
I should bo without the great remedy."
For Bale by nil druggists. Advertisement.
Got anything you'd like to swap' Us
the "Swappers' Column."
Miss Bessie Bnrta. the Turner girl of
Tabor Sokol, Chicago, who was overcome
by the heat during practice Friday, was
so much Improved last night that It t
expected she will be able to attend, and
perhaps oven take part In the big exhi
bition at Rourke park this afternoon.
Ht Boot Print It Now Beacon Press.
XUft Monthly Inoome Gould, Bee Rldg.
ridelty Storage and Van Co., Doug 1(16
Ufhtiatf rixtures .Burgesss-Oranden
Wanted, Oood City X.ons Prompt
closing. First Trust Company of Omaha.
When you know gas lighting vou pre
fer It Omaha Gas Co., 1N0 Howard Bu
nsydan Buyers Oo Xast Tom t'lynn
and P. H. Johnson, buyers at Hayden
Bros., have gone east to lay In fall stocks.
Having Accounts Oolicltsd by the Ne
braska Savings nnd I.oan Ass'n . tl.Ort to
$S.000. received Dividends paid July 1
nnd January 1. 1WS Farnam St
"Today's Complete UovU Program
may be found on the first page of th
classified section today, and appear in
Th Bee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out whal
the various moving picture theaters offer.
WUd Dents at Large In nn :ittractlnn
at tho Alrdome, Thirtieth nnd Farnam.
It Is a two-reel vttagraph It shows how
tho population of a village was driven
cut by animals, who took possession
ITebraska Savings and Loan Ast'n
Is omanlzrd under the State Bnllillns
and Ionn Law and offers an Ideal plan
for savers or Investors. $1.00 to 5,00O.
ricnlo at Oormsn Home A picnic will
bo given funday at Ocrmnn Homo park,
South Thirteenth street. Thero will be
a musical program and dancing In the
Anthony to Study Abroad Joe T. An
thony of the Crolghton Medical college
class of 1914, will go abroad Tuesday with
his mother for two years of study at
Vienna and Prague. Ills mother will re
turn In a few months. Tho Anthonys
formerly lived at Chadron, Neb.
Awardsd Damagss Essie Wallace,
who brought suit against the city of
Omaha In 1911 for damage resulting to
her real estate from the construction of
the Bancroft street viaduct, was awarded
a Judgment of $1,000 by Judge Sears. She
asked damages aggregating H.0G0.
Postoffloe Hand to Turn Out Tues
day, July 2R, will be postnfflco night at
tho Rome summer garden and a record
breaking crowd Is expected. The cele
brated postofflco band, sixty strong, un
der tho direction of Lender Prossor, will
furnish music during the Intervals be
tween tho reels.
Niw Federal Building Turnitura
Eight now mahogany benches have been
received by Custodian Taylor of tho fed
eral building for the equipment of tho
north court room, replacing antiquated
furnlturo which was taken to the fed
eral building from tho old Douglas
county court house.
Voluntary Bankruptcy Petition Ka
nouse & Shoemaker, a co-partnership
composed of Charles O. Kanouse and
Clifford A. Shoemaker, has filed a vol
untary petition in bankruptcy In the
Unltod Btates district court,- listing the
debts of the firm at $3,651.60 and the as
sets at practically nothing.
BootaUsts to Open Campaign Local
socialists will open their state campaign
tomorrow afternoon at Seventeenth and
Vinton streets, where Fred J. Warren,
candidate for congress, will deliver an
address. A canvas, covered alrdome has
been secured to accommodate tho audi
ence. Tho eoclallsta will make their
chief fight for Warren.
Oeioxibes Alleged Oruslty Rachael
Ellen Davis, who has filed suit for di
vorce from Frank L. Davis, In her pe
tition states that her husband beat her
with bed slats nnd fists, threatened to
burn her mother's home, sold liquor, per
mitted his customers to become too
familiar with her and deserted her. They
wero married at Red Oak, la.. In 1006.
Insurance Field News
The Commonwealth Life Insurance Gompany
Not Yet Pour Yearn Old nnil lins
Insurance hi Puree.
Is having n plicliomennl ftroutli. .Writes very liberal policies
Attrnctivo njrents contract to producers. If Interested call at
home offlco or write.
PKANS NELSON, President. Ini E. Atkinson, Agency MnnnRcr.
CiiInK to the MovlmT
If you want to know In advance what
pictures aro going to be shown at your
favorlto theater tonight, read "Today's
Complete Movlo Program" on the first
want ad page. Complete programs of
practically every moving picture theater
In Omaha appear EXCLUSIVELY In
The Bee.
Oot anything you'd like tc, swap? Uso
the "Swappers' Column."
Two government contracts have been
awarded to Omaha concerns. The Otis
Elovator company has been awarded tho
contract for repairing elevators In tho
federal building here, while Charles P.
Shromaberg has been awarded tho con
tract for tho brick work In the boiler
rooms of the federal building.
The Governor Says
Cut out tea and coffee, my boy. They contain an irritant caffeine and you can't
have a fluttery heart or sour stomach or a grouchy headache and do big business.
It's a mighty good plan, if tea or coffee1 puts you "off color," to quit it, and for
a delicious table beverage, use
the pure cereal food-drink. There is no caffeine nor other harmful substance in Postum.
In either form Regular Postum, which must be boiled, (15c and 26c packages) or Instunt Pos.
turn, made Instantly In the cup with hot water (30c and 50c tins)
Postum is good in any business.
"There's a Reason"
Prompt Settlement of Claims
Lion Bonding & Surety Co.
German-American Life Insurance Gompany
First Class Positions for
Live Wires
SO Plrst National llnnk r.ullriltig
Phono lloiiplns 7122.
Foster-Barker Company
Brandeis Bldg.
Phone Doug. 28
man iww.
v tr
Ask for
GENUINE The Food Drink for all Ages O&ers are Imitations
Lowest Fares to the
Cool Northern Lake Country
If you aro plnnning n vacation trip bettor
lot a Groat Western agent help you we tnko
the timo and trouble to UNDERSTAND
your exact wants, to figure out the lowest
fares, protect your Pullman reservations,
and relieve you of all bother and annoyance.
Wo havo literature descriptive of tho entiro
northern lake country, and if you're inter
ested it's yours for tho asking.
Dolow nro- a few samples of tho low farca from
Omaha In effect via tho Chicago Groat Western. H
your destination Is not among them, toll us and we'll
glvo you tho information you want:
8t. Paul, Minn. . ..14.3G
Minneapolis, Minn. 14. 30
Duluth, Minn 20.00
Superior, Wis. ... 19.84
Cass Lake, Minn. . 23.28
Alexandria, Minn. . 19. C8
Annandalo, Minn.. 1C.52
Glonwood, Minn.. . 10.32
Payncsvillo, Minn. J 17. 80
Backus, Minn 21. 10
Walker, Minn. . . . 22.00
Detroit, Minn 22.16
Lindstrom, Minn. . 1C.56
Osaltls, Minn 19.20
Dorset, Minn 22.00
Bald Eagle, Minn.. 14.52
Also vory low faros to tho North Pacific Coast,
Yellowstone and Glacier Park via 8t. Pnul and
tho Northern routes, tickets good returning the
eatuo way or via central or southern lines.
P. F. RONORDKN, C. I. & T, A.,
M. 15. SIMMONS, D. P. A.,
1322 Farnam Street, Omaha,
Phone Douglas 200.
(Emphasize the "Great")
Just Look Around
Have you looked over the real estate col
umns of The Bee today? Homes for sale,
houses and apartments to rent are among
the attractive bargains offered you today.