Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1914, PART ONE NEWS SECTION, Page 9-A, Image 9

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    THK OMAHA St'NKW BISK- .ll'M L'ti, 1M4.
9 A
Initial Cross-Country Traveler Ap
pears in Detroit.
I)n-lrir nond Conditions Conia
llnrdlr Dc Worir nntl thnt Stride
liaker Plowed Thronuli M-nl,
Snml nnil Storm on Trip.
Tlio first motorist to oro the American
ontlnsnt this season Mm arrived tn De
troit The trip wu made In a (5t.udeba.ker over
thj Santa Fo trail. The tourist, O, J.
Gldney, was accompanied by his wlfo
and son, both of whom unite with him
In pronouncing the roads of the mountain
auctions In terrible shape. '
As tho result of experience Rained la
this transcontinental trip Mr Gldnoy
hands out some timely advice to motor
ists contemplating a trip to the Paclflo
"Get over 'the Idea thnt you must pack
op a ton 'or two 6f freight .to guard
against emergencies," Is Mr. Gldncy's
', "This was my .first trip across tho Icon
ttnent. or course
I received advic from
every quarter, as
the result of which I
picked 'my-car with a sleeping tent, cookw
fhg utensils, agricultural tools and extra
supplies of .water and gasoline until It
had a, load of ,ot. least, hajf Ja. ton. , 'V
llttloj'bl' this added 'equipment was ever
"8ed.;!V i I . I . "J, n'l I. ' f '
"ThhvfaJlrwo will: pull .out ,for, ourt 3,Xp
mile, feturri iourney with practically no
mofe'ioiul than wo would carry for a
Sunaayivftcrnoon spin. .
"ft'tt will' pack no 'extra, gasollno nor
water? no - tent and no evoking utensils.
My Btudebaker has always brought us
to a fijwp'and a hotel each night. And
whejre tharo Is a hotel there Is gasoline
to fin.'theHank for a day's Journey."
C. A.
C. A.
Tame'Rubber Fast
Supplanting the
, 'Former Wild Kind
"No 'longer doe the majority of the
world'' aupply of crude rubber come
from ilroxlllan and other tropical Jun
jrlei," , soya an official of the Goodyear
Tlra ahrtxRubber company. All of It etlll
conlei' from' tho tropics, of courBO, but
moat Tjruttu rubber now Is tamo' rubber,
carftfly' gathered and prepared on plan
Uij&jhrttead of gathered from Tflty
treefr 'In. -dep jungles, as rormeny.
W?l4Attttn rubber !s rapidly supplant
ing 'JWaV tllbber. ,An4 ...the., planUtJon,,
prdU4t;.iu It comes, fts tnsjrket lf&
ancr'jHStter' Prepared ' than the wild!
fojv year, ago Brazil had almost a mo-nooiy-kfy'tho
world's fine rubber supply,
anaai s,. result Brazil controlled prices.
Amerif an manufacturers a few years ago
paldoa, jhlgh as $3.00 a pound for their
raW'.rh atari al. There was danger with
the Vapid ,- growth of rubber manufactur
ing trfat there would be a robber famine.
So'.treet were planted In planta
tions. 1 iFtor a few years the predictions
of the plantation men were laughed at.
Brazil continued to depend on Its wild
supply,. But now the. whole complex
ion; t rubber production has changed.
Plant4,tlpns are producing more than' the
wfl'd supply, and the proportions for each
are. continuing to grow.
'JA, targe part of the world's rubber
comes to manufacturers via London, say
from Sumatra Ceylon, etc. A leading
Goodyear estlmatod that for 1914 the
worlds, rubber production would bet
Plantation, 65,000 tons, Braitl, wild, S3.0W;
other-wild, 10,000 tons. Within & ffow
yeattr, plantation rubber will' almost
wholly ' supersede the wild aupply, the
wild rubber has certain qualities that win
always make the use of quantities of it
Oakland Cars Are
lEbpular With Auto '
. Baffles' in 'Frisoo
fa S an Francisco motor car thieves ark
ver,y particular as to what car thexsteol.
A-"laly paper of that city tells the fol
lowing of the discriminating methods of
these artttlo appropriators of other peo
ple's belongings:
iftjlh.alt tho sangfold anld nonchalance
ot, a IaffUs, a Ean Francisco motor car
th(ef epent an hour In broad daylight
trying out several cars to see whloh one
he'.'pVeferred. ,
"K happened In front of the Keystone
apartmen.tR, where were standing several
makes of cars, the owners having gone
Into 'the-build 1 ng.
'At clean-cut, brisk' young man was
seea by tho watchman of the apartments
to carefujly stop the motor of a $5,000
car, fcllmb out of the machine and Into
the, car, standing directly before It. lie'
was perfectly familiar with the starting
jpparats pi the machine and listened In
tently to -the hum of the motor.
"Descending from the car he tried Mr-
eral others In succession; when the" pus-
- I 1 " -V . . 1. V. . I. . I . A '
fere?. .
.'IVeVx' coolly and with no trace of era
barrassment, the watchman was Informed,
inavuie; mquisiirvo one wsa inienaing to
purShSf o $. new car and took this method
of trying, out several makes and com
paring them with his own car.
'Tho watchman advised him to do his
comparing In salesrooms end, quite
agreeable, the amateur Raffles got out
of the car he was testing, . generously
handed" the watchman a cigar and drove
atr'ay'ln an Oakland,
The car was recovered several days
later., but Raffles is still 'testing cars.'
Oakland' owners In Ban Francisco are
wisely li.iiylng auto locks, aa they con
fidfr the beauty and smooth running
qOttlltifi of the Oakland ear make them
erttfrpiy too popular' . V I ',
Tie Dr.
tono up the system.
S5C. All druRdsts.-
llHltKratfntv. ba. I!l)Uli'A
and bowej of all Impurftles and
Ford Car Crosses
Scott, a prominent fumjture
arrived there after a fine trip with no
engine trouble, only one blowout and but
one puncturo to mar tho entire trip, Mr.
Scott soys that the car made the entire
distance without any outsldo assUtance
manufacturer of Kankakee, III, who re
cently visited the local Ford branch, on
his way to Portland, Ore., In his Ford
car, writes from the lattre city that they
One Extra Tire
Or a Half-Inch Wider
Is This Not Better Than an Extra Price?
- W ftddrac thi to tiro buyort who pay
' more than Goodyear prices.
Some tire c cat one-third rhore. -You pay-for
'three stiih tiros ftll that foar Goodyears cost.
Do you believe that three tirea were ever
made which would outlast four of Goodyears?
If not, why lose that extra tire?
Or you can do this t
.The cost of an extra-price tire will buy you
B half -inch larger. Goodyear. And the larger
tire will fit your rim.
The cost of on extra-price 30x3 will buy
you a 31x3.
The cost of - an extra-price 32x3 will buy
you a 33x4.
The cost of an extra-price 38x4 will buy
you a 37x5.
So with other sizes. If you wioh to pay
that extra' price, why not cct this extra size?
Pay the New Prices
Goodyear No-Rim-Cut
tires are costing half what
they used to cost. Last year
alone we dropped oar prices
28 per cent
Our present
prices are due
to mammoth
output, new
efficiency, new
Wki All-Weather
Thii Oempaar bas no connection wbaUrar wtU aar other rubber eoaoera whleb am the Ooodrr nut,
Any Dealer can supply you Goodyear Tires. If the wanted
size is not in stock he will telephone our Local Branch
OadUlao Company of Omaha. B0S4-08 raraam St.
Oartercar Co., of ifebr.,' aus Varaain at.
Don Tows Q inure. Howard Bt.
lort Bnpply Oo3 f arasm Bt,
Mclatyr Anto Oo 2303 Farnam Bt.
Omaha Tlrs Bspalr, oaol raraam Bt.
Paxton .Oaravs, BB19-ai rsjroam Bt.
Walter Z KarrU Oaratra, aoas raraam
e Carry a Complete Stock of Goodyear Tires
2201 Farnam St.
When in doubt, ag to matters pertaining to Automobiles
consult the advertising and news columns of The Bee
the Mountains
whatover In spite of tho fact that somo
pretty bad roads more encountered In
crossing tho mountains, Tho car Is
claimed by Mr Bcott to be In perfect con
dition and ready for tho return trip.
But they buy tho utmost in a tire. They are
all that you should pay. " -
Extra Features
In No-Rim-Cut tires you get four features
found in no other tire. You get them with
out any extra price.
Tho No-Rim-Cut feature ends rim-cuttine
completely. That's the greatest cause of
tire ruin.
Our "On-Air" cure saves the countless
blow-outs due to wrinkled fabric. That extra
cure cost3 us $450,000 per year.
Lcoso treads ore combated, by n paten t meth
od which reduces thjs danger by 60 per cent.
All-Weather (reads the premier anti
skids. Tough, double-thick and enduring. As
smooth as a plain tread, yet with deep, sharp,
resistless grips.
Every extra-price tire on the market, re
member, lacks all of these costly features.
Goodyear tires outsell any other.
Today they are gaining new
users faster than ever before
in our history. Sheer merit
has made them the most
popular tires
in tho world.
The price
of Goodyears
is all that'
tires should
Treads or Snootfa
YEAR Service Stations
O. r. Snowaltsr, 8609 X.ftYnworth Bt.
Bklpton Motor Oompanr, Oounoll Bluffs, Iowa.
SI Soronssn, Sanson, XTtb,
Spenosr Anto Supply Co., Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Joan Stubn, sole Leavenworth Bt.
Holmes fc AdUns Co., 335-7-9 XT. 94th Bt.
Phono Tyler 1552
A S On pun of ltlr.n imhntil. AH . wilt
noon stall on a Ion rross-counli motor
car tour whlrh will tnkn him eventually
to 8an Francisco The Intervstlng foft
turo of thts undertaking Is thn fact thnt
Mr Owens will drive u car that is now
In Its sixth year of service and already
has 300.000 miles to Its credit Mr. Owens'
automobile Is one of the first Cadillac
fours to be brought to lllrnilimham
"They Say!"
A few comments on the New Regal
by recent visitors to our show-room
"You've certainly got the looks in that car it
proves that beauty needn't be a matter of price" (a
well-known attorney.)
"Say, three of us can really sit in the rear seat,
can't we?" (a dry-goods merohant.)
"Gee, this is the car for a long-legged chap like me
to drive" (a contractor.)
"Wliat is it that malces the car run over bumps
with so little jouncing?" (the wife of a merohant.)
"That's some engine" (an out-of-town visitor.)
What's your pet desire in la car?
Come in, and you'll find it carried out in the Regal.
Regal Motor Car Company! Detroit Michigan
Jomch Street,
The T.
A Greater Paige for 1915
A better car not a cheaper car is offered in the Paige
"36" for 1915.
Just now prices are being slashed right and left in the
automobile field and there is red hot competition among
many manufacturers to bring their selling price down to the
very lowest point
The "Ten Associates," however, are not content to sacri
fice quality in order to present to the public alluring "bargain"
inducements. They prefer to offer more car value for the
money rattier than a skimped product at a decreased price.
Investigate the new Paige note the many added refine
mentsand then ask yourself whether you prefer to buy more
car for the money or less quality for a "price."
The Paige-Detroit Motor Car Company, Detroit, Mich.
Large Unit KUctrie System sod coin. , , , ,,ir-nltr rxatst 51 C UrnQm 31.
plcte equipment
Modal "25" $975
A cross-country trip, miiar to the one
now plannod, was mada by Mr Owens
I In this car nearly five years ago. l.eav
i tng HlrtnlnRham, ho traveled to Detroit,
then proceeded to Yellowstone park and
California, visiting Los Angeles and other
western points. Prom there he returned
. to Ulrminnham. The remarkable feature
1 of this trip was that the actual distance
1 eovered was l,tS0 miles and the total
, cost of repairs and other automobile ex
penses, outs'de of the consumption of
fuel, was but 14.90
III l'lria for Motom.
1' II. Dutilnp. export manager of the
Hupp Motor Car company, has returned
to Detroit nfter on absence of twenty-two
1 werks spent In Investigating sales condi
tion of the motor Industry in South
1 Africa. Dunlnp Is tho flrt motor expert
1 who has ecr gone through Africa on a
, mission of Investigation, and his report
I on business prospects shows that the
1 country Is worth the attention of every
mntor air manufacturer who has entered
the lists In quest of foreign huilnM
G. Northwall Co.,
-' - -
Douglas 3058
B. M. Burbank. Mgr.