Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1914, PART ONE NEWS SECTION, Page 4-A, Image 4

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Charges Made by Senate Committee
I New Fall
Glimpses of the Big Bohemian Parade
Thrrr I o OTPrcnjillnllrntlnni nir
Idrnils Arc n( HitT.Hlrr nnil
Mnrhlnrrr la 'o Holil IHcltcr
Tlinn Alirimtt.
CHICAGO. III., July . Special Tt!- ,
Brum.) In the matter of the appointment
of Thomas D. Jones, the Interoat'o-iel I
Harvester company has Riven out n Irt
ter addrereci to the acting chairman of
the senate committee on banking nnil
currency correctlnB the error of the report j
of the committee concernlnit the liar- ,
vester company. A summarr of thr.t
letter I n follows J
1 It shows there Is no over capitalize- 1
tlon and that the government does not
charsc the harvester company with over
capitalization. I It declare that the much illwri'sfd .
Monran fee wan not jmlil by the t ar
Vester company: that It was an obHiatUn
of the owners of the old rompanlea. ard
was paid by them from thotr stock. I
3. It quotes the bureau of coriiorn- j
tlona report and Korernment's complaint
In harvester suit to show the low actual
earnlnss and UlvICemls. It shows the
avernge net earnings to Iihvo bovn 7. S3 POTJRMT ANQ IAIN
per cent per annum and average dlvl- , LUlllUHrUlO UUUl
(lends of !.6 per cent. j
4. It sho-vs that the misunderstood
tock dividend was paid on common stock j
that for seven years had only received an
avcrase annuiil dividend of J.U per rent
(Continued from I'urc One )
less than two an.l one-hull cents on each ! ot',tr fr S"h m"h'V "?
dollar of Investment, and that this stocks" ullf' 1 '" "oat. loslKned and budt
dividend added f all other (Mvldends on I ... ""'"
common and preferred stock inle an
nverase dividend of only S.9I per cent per
Farnrn Arr llenrfllod.
&. H quotes from findings of state
courts and other public documents that
the farmers have been benefited, not
Injured, by the company, and It shows by
senate documents, consular reports and
bureau reports, that harvesting machines
are sold for less In the United Stales
than elsewhere elFe In the world.
. It Indicates where In government re
ports, the Information may be fjund that
their employes have Increased Kcveral
thousand In number nnd were not di
minished 7. It cites government testimony to
disprove the eommltteo's charge smoth
ering a competitor.
8. It holds that the formation of the
new harvester corporation wan not eva
sive or secret, but wns formed nfter, not,
ns the committee stated, before the suit,
nnd It was dono with the full knowledge
o' the Department of Justice, and that
the government could not lose a stnclo
right through its formation.
State t'nsra Ilcrlmvrd.
9. It traverses tho history of Its litiga
tion In five states, and says: "In no
tas lias l( bean found that the company
had used ntjy of tho wrongful competi
tive methods mentioned or complained of
In the report, or that tho company has
oppressed or Injured the furnicr. And
no farmer has ever so testified agulnst
tho company; but hundreds of farmers
have testified' to Its fair treatment, mod
crate prices and Improved machines and
10. The communication closes with these
paragraphs: . ,
"It Is significant' that the defendants of
tho company, as shown by the court rec
ords, aro tho farmers, the dealers, and
the competitors, wtho ulone would suffer
If tho charges were true that nro made
against tho company by those, Who have
mver had business doallngs with It."
In view of the foregoing facts," the
general counsel says, "I uppoal to the
quick senso of Justice und fairness of
every member of your committee, to cor
net tho erroneous stotemenlH referred
tn above, flurcly, It Is now clear that it
serious wrong has beoii done this com
pany by the wide publicity given your
report. Surely It Is now clear that public
discussion of the International Harvester
company Is Improper and unfair, while
the government null against It Is still
pending before the court."
Six flno bands, handsomely uniformed
i nnd Including Xcpodal'a hand of Omaha,
I two bands from South Omnha, one from
i I'lattsmouth and two othor locol bands,
1 wnro Interspersed through tho long line
hnd krpt playing the Hohemlan national
ulr and other patriotic tunes that thrilled
tho marchers-and the thousands of
American spectators as well with tho
martial spirit of the Turners.
J ml urn In First Division.
Making up the first division weio the
twenty-six Judges of the tournament, on
foot, cud the following other organiza
tions In order; all the mon athletes of
tho tournament; all Omaha Turners and
those visiting from cities throughout th
country; members of thn twelve Bohe
mian men's lodges having chapters in
Omaha; and hundreds of Bohemian men
from Nebraska and Iowa, who had left
thnlr harvesting or other business at the
last moment and had coma to Omnha on
special trains for tho gala wlndup of the
big tournament.
In tho first of the seventy-five auto
mobiles In the Omaha section wero Mrs.
John ftlman of Chicago, wife of the na
tional president; Mrs. Frank Flllp of
Cedar ItapidH, wlfo of tho national dl
rectofand leader of tho tournament; Mr.
and Mrs. Alois Woknt of New York, Mr.
WoUal being the oldest Turner attending
tho Omaha tournament.
In tho othor autos of the first division
were all tho local and visiting Turner
young women, many representatives of
tho Bohemian women's societies of
Omnhii, a largo contingent of Junior
Turner girls and a lively crowd of little
burner boys. The latter rode on a big
auto truck.
South Omnlians Vollovr
SIOUX FALLS, 8. D., July ;l.-(8pec:al
Telegram,) Tennis singles nt the state
tennis tournament narrowed down today
to Barton of Bloux Tails, present cham
pion, and Branson, rot Mitchell, former
holder ot the stato title. Thoy will play
for the etate tltlo foilpwlnc the cham
pionship doubles tomorrow or Monday,
Krause of Minneapolis gavo Barton a
fast game In the semi-finals and Bran
son had hard work winning from Teigon
of 81oux Falls. Four team will enter
the semi-finals In the doubles Eaturday.
Jin Akron Druggist
i Over 2,000 Bohemian packing house, em
ployes1 and other workmen of - Houth
Omaha, formed thn principal part of (he
second division. The remainder of the
long lino was mudo up of fifty autos,
carrying women of tho southtown, and
also the youngsters.
In charge ot tho organization nnad ar-
nnartmntit tnr tlin mnmtip naradn woro
Charles Stenlcks, Oldrick Jclen, Vac
Pchnclder und Hay Prohaska, whose
careful detnllod work assured its success
and mado It without doubt ono ot the
grnndest pageant ot Its kind ever wit
nessed In this part of the country.
Along tho line of march, Omahans by
hundreds gathered In groups at street
Intersections, In office buildings and
wherever clso a shady spot offered ad
vantageous sight of tho marchers. While
the latter gaily walked the streots, smil
ing proudly at tho magnificent showing
they mode, tho spectators, aggregating
thousands, looked on with nmnzomont at
the rugged Bohemian constitutions,
which allowed such exertion and ex
posure to tho fiery heat ot the aun and
the pavements,
The line of march was &s follows;
North to William street, -west to Btx-
tttnth, north to Harney, west to Eight
eenth, north to Fa roam, east to Six
teenth, north to Douglas, east to Thir
teenth, south to Karnam, west to Fif
teenth, south to Howard and west to
Sixteenth, after which tho parade
countermarched to Turner hall and die
Tel Jed Sokol Honors
AVInnliiK IndlvlUnnU,
1-Frank Paul, Tel Jed Sokol Plzcn
sky, Chicago (grand champion of
the tournament) 155.0
S-Frank Jlrasok, Tel Jed Hokol Tyrs.
Cedar UapldH. la 152.G
3 Edward Novak, Tel Jed' Sokol
Blesk, Baltimore H9.3
I Jlndruch Hnildl, Tel Jed Sokol,
Chlcncro 150. G
S-nicimrd Molcnr, Tel Jed Sokol,-
Chlcno 133.7
y iiniun JVtiS, TCI JCU ijOKOl, wow
York ira.l
1-Budolph Flala. Tel Jed Sokol, Oak
Park. Ill 122.8
2-Joseph Novak, Tel Jed Sokol Blosk,
nnmmoro 120.S
5-Joseph Hajek, Tel Jed Sokol Blesk,
uammore 11a. 0
Hniikltift of Lenders.
Comparative standing ot the three win
ners ot tho first division 111 ull events:
Event. Paul. Jlranek. Novak.
Back to
Ohio, writes;
I waa In the drug business sit
year In Columbus, Ohio, and waa
mone the unfortunates In that
great disastrous flood of tho West
Bide, a year ao last March. Nearly
all of the one hundred that perished
la that flood were friends or patrons
"Through cold and exposuro and
Improper food during the flood, I was
taken -with appendicitis and acute In
testinal catarrh. In June and July
my life was despaired of. but recov
ered sufficiently to be yp and around.
My bowels seemed paralysed. Was
compelled to use Injections once or
twice a day. Could eat no solid
(Continued from Page One.)
rrbe first of last December I de
cided to try Peruna. My bowels
Ugan to move at once, without the
use of Injection. PerlsUltlo action
began to take place, and have not
used an Injection since. My appotlto
Improved, and very soon solid foods
cooM to taken. In two months tlma
I sjalaed la pounds. Now I, am
JaeavUr than I ever was before."
Tw who object to liquid m.dl
mmw M01 new procure Peruna Tab
j that her husband wus admitted to her
1 sine.
I Partial Text of Le.Urrs.
The letters woro written In the second
nerson singular. Indicating the closest
friendship. The first of them said:
My Dear Littlo Jllrl (an affectionate
dlmlnutlvo for Henrietta): When I met
theo 1 felt tho impulflon of all my being
toward thee. I was unhappy, 1 waa hu
miliated and wounded. 1 threw myself
toward thee with a furious passion, W Ith
IV. TA,., 1 oft 1 splendid courage thou hast reconquered
tr m. YOCel, Sot thy liberty, asking of me but one promise
Maxi St JU - C've thee my love. Thero was be
inaj? of., HKTOn, I tween another person and myself suoh a
difference of character, we nave every
I thing to fear from a woman a duty.
i The second letter, sixteen pages in
I length, was begun on October IS, W, and
finished on the following day. It waa
written on the official notepaper of the
prefecture of the Department of the
Scrthe, and said.
"Mv Beloved Little lllrl: At last
have a minute to write thee. Thou must
tio vrv r-imnihln anil stav at Dlnaru
fni- lh nreaont. 1 fear only on thing
f blackmail. Perhaps some ono will make
a scandal. Sometimes 1 am very aiscour-
aged. What a life' 1 have uui one win
i The Utter concludes
A thousand million kisses over all your
adorable little body.
I The letters read in court today were
I not. as had been genorally assumed, those
, which wero supposod to have been In the
, hands of the assassinated editor and the
threat of fehose publication was under
stood to have driven Mme. Calllaux to
commit the crime.
Duty and Desire.
"Well, sonny," said Uie patient drusv
f;lst to the small boy who had been hang
ng about the store fdr half an hour
eagerly eyeing tho candy counter, "do yoa
want to buy some candy?"
"Course I wanter. but I can't mother
sent me tre buy soap." Kansas City Star.J
Horizontal bar 24.0 4.2 S3.5
Parallel bars 23.2 24.6 23.9
Sldo horso , 23.0 24.1 19.S
ltlngs 38.7 22.9 21.3
High Jump r. !." lO.ti 10.0
Pole vault S.o 10.0 9.0
Broad Jump 8.3 8.0 11.9
Shot put 14.7 S.2 11.2
110-yard dash 10.5 !i.r 10.5
Calisthenics 9.6 9,9 ' 9.5
Totuis 153.0 K.2.D HD.S
WlnnliiK Tennis.
fel Jed Sokol PUenskv. Chicago. .813.2
2-Tcl Jed Sokol Blesk, Baltimore.... 7S3.0
Tel Jed Sokol Tyrs, Ccdur Uaplds.
la 707.0
4 Til Jed Sokot. Now York 7J9.S
1-Tel Jed Sokol, Chicago 791. S
s lei Jen hokoi, now ions ....iw.i
3 Tel Jed Sokol Tyrs, Ccdur llaptds,
in ,. ui.
1-Tel Jed Sokol Blrsk. Baltimore. ...CS5.6
a-Sokol Tyrs, Omaha 5W.1
Sokol iiozovy. Chicago kw.h
4 Sokol Tyrs. Cedar Ilatilds. Ja 57.2
6-Jlrlx Podelrad, Clarkson, Neb S9S.2
IHrnta unit Itecoriln.
Ilnrlxoneul bar (possible 25 points):
1Oeorge Volely, Sokol Plxensky,
Chicago !4.6
2 Joseph Pokorny, Sokol T!lek,
Baltimore 24.3
3 Frank Jlravck, Sokol Tyrs, Cedar
Baplds 24.2
Parallel bars (possible 25 points):
1 Frank Jlrasek, Sokol Tyrs, Cedar
Bupldn , 24. P
2 Oeorge Vesely, Sokol Plxensky,
Chicago , n.'j
3 John Krltsufek, Sokol Plxensky,
Chicago 23.7
Sldo horse (possible 25 points):
Sldo horse (pofnlblo 25 points): Points.
1 Frank. Jlraek, Sokol Tyrs; Cedar
Hnflda w ,., 24. 1
2 Tin between Qeorgo Vesely nnd
Frank Paul, both of Sokol Plonsky,
Chicago , '.. 23.0
Kings (posslblo 25 points): Points.
1- Ueorge Visely, Sokol Plxensky,
Chicago 24.5
2 Tlo between John Krlstufek and
Paul, both of Sokol Plxensky, Chi
cago 23.7
Calisthenics (posslblo 10 points):
1- Tle between Budolph Noval and
l rnnk Jlrasek, both of Sokol Tyrs,
Cedar ltiipld 9,9
2 Holnslav llasek, Sokol Tyrs, Cedar
ItnpIdH j,s
Ttunnlng high Jump (height).
1- Tlo between Rudolph Novak and
I-rank Jlrasek. both of Sokol Tyrs,
J-pJar Rapids 0 feet 5 in.
2 Tie between Frank Krlx, Sokol
Jew iork. and Edward Novak,
Sokol Blosk, Baltimore.
Pole vault (height):
i-iva,rl Polak, Sokol Long Islnnd,
...4 . 1A fAdt I In
3 Frank Jlrasek. Sokol Tyrs, Cedar
3 Tlo between Rudolph Zlkmund,
Sokol Omaha, nnd five others.
Running broad Jump, (distance):
1 Edward Novak, Sokol Blesk. Bal
tlmore..... 21 feot. 3 i.
2 August Novak, Sokol Blesk, Balti
more. 3 Joseph Pokorny, Sokol Blesk, Bal
timore: Slxton-pound shot put, (distance, aver
age of both hands):
1 Frank Paul, Sokol Plxensky. Chl
cago 33 feet, U in.
2 Frank Krlx, SMkol New York.
3 Edward Novak. Sokol Blesk, Balti
more. Hundred-yard dash, (time):
1 Tie between Frnnk Paul, Sokol
Plxensky, Chicago, and August
Novak and Edward Novak. Sokol
Blosk, Baltimore 10 4-5 seconds.
llr nrfusril Chicken Oravr.
1 Johnny, out to dinner, thrice- refused
cnicKen gravy, or which he waa very
fond. His hostc&a, who had added mac
aroni to tho gravy, finally said:
"Well. I thought you liked chicken
"I do sometimes," replied Johnny, "but
my mamma never puts tho windpipes In."
National Food Magazine.
Romance Behind Victory of Chicago
Athlete at Turner Tourney.
Filial Maritime In nohrmlnn Ath
letic Contest C.I ven Out nix
Pnrhdc Principal Feature
on Proirrnm Today.
Captain Frank Paul of the Tel Jed
Sokol Plxonaky of Chicago won the
championship of the national tournament
In tho finals Friday at Rourke park,
led his team ot six well-nigh perfect
gymnasts and athletes to victory in the
first or expert division of tho big meet,
end thereby won a, prixo more precious
than all the gold medals and diplomas
this sldo of Bohemia a bride, Miss
Georglanna .povacok of his own Sokol
from Chicago, who had agreed to whisper
"Yes" to his proposal of marriage, if he
won tho tourney.
And so comes to a conclusion n Sokol
romance of years standing, which began
when husky Frank und tho pretty, shy
littlo Ooorglanna first met In gymnastic
classes in tho old Plzensky hall ot tlii
Windy City. As children, they learned
tho folk dances, ot tho old country to
gether, and lattr. when they had become
adept at tho Sokol work, they went to
gether with tho Plzensky teams to 'the
various local tourneys and then the stato
nicets, until finally both camo to Omaha
for this great national tournament.
Monday we make our first (lis
of the new suit? and odd skirts.
Suits with detachable rapes nre
New novelties are introduced
in the new collars, new sleeves
nnd new skirts.
Fabrics are French serge
and high lustre broadcloths.
$25.00 to $4$. 50
New skirts in the popular
long Russian tunics; some with
yoke effects, others with pin
pleats or box pleats, in solid
colors or with Roman stripe
$5.00 to $19.50
1516-18-20 FARNAM STREET.
play m
37 ' 1 W
r w aautSW V3f
Every Day Brings to Every Drink
ing Man and to You, His Friend,
This Prospect
Another day of drinking, of muddled intellect
and bestial conduct.
Or, a pleasant day at the Neal "club
house," pictured below, where the Neal Short
Time Liquor Treatment is given at 1502
South loth St., Omaha.
But you his friend must think for him,
reason with him and persuade him to come
here. For he is a diseased man, poisoned
with alcohol, bound by habit and incapable of
"Let not the setting van
Set on possible good undone."
Investigate for yourself and then recom
mend the Neal Cure to your friend. Call,
phone or write for full information and free
Omaha Neal Liquor Treatment
. 1502 South 10th St, Omaha, Neb.
75 High Grade Pianos
$3.50 Per Month
Free Tuning, Insurance, Stool
and Scarf.
Rent Allowed on Purchase Price.
Schmilier & Mueller
I). 1023. 1311-13 Farnam St.
Buy a
used car
you can get
the best bargains
At this time of the year while many people are buying
new cars, some really exceptional bargains in used cars can
be found. Owners are willing to sell at almost any price to
make room for the new car.
The ndvantnges of owning n car are well known to you and probably tho
only obstacle is that of price. Just turn bad: to the classification of "Automo
biles" in the Want Ad Section nnd you will find a number of excellent offers of
first-clnss cars ut a fraction of the original cost.
If you have not thought of this before, this will be a valuable tip to you.
TelepfioneTyler 1000
Everybody Read Bee Want Ads
Taking Some One of the Several
Illinois Central
Costs Nothing1 to b Told About Thsm.
City Ticket Office 407 South 16th St.
City National Bank Building. Telephone Douglas 264
(Benume Id (Berman Rouble ?3eer