Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1914, PART ONE NEWS SECTION, Page 3-A, Image 3

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Bequest from Haigler for Inter
pretation of Judiciary Aot.
Old Ijw Permitting I'nmlliliitr to
Grt ou thr llnllnt HtUI Kxlatn
nnd May nn Tnkcn Into
tbp Court.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, July 25. (Speclal.)-Th non
partisan Judiciary law passed by tho lot
session of the legislature nnd which wlU
receive Its first trial at the primaries Au
gust 18. has already encountered difficul
ties. There stands on the statute books
of the state a. law enacted more than a
neons of years reo that tnay do away with
tho law as enacted. This statute pro
vides that n candidate for any state of flea
may be nominated, otherwise than at the
primary, by filing with tho secretary of
state a petition containing the blgnatures
of 1,000 voterB. A candidate for county
office may have his name placed upon the
election ballot by filing with tho county
clerk a petition havInK 200 signatures.
Francis B. Moore of Haigler has asked
Attorney General Martin to straighten out
the apparent conflict Tho littomey gen
eral today received a letter from Moore
asking If under tho old statuto he may
become a candidate for county Judge by
Petition. Attorney General Martin lias
declined to give an opinion on the ques
tion, and should tho question bo further
pursued It probably will be noccssary to
take it up In court
SIlKht Avoid I'rliuury.
The advantaged of this law to the can
didate, should it bo held as still valid,
are obvious. Under tho nonpartisan Ju
diciary law a candldat for any Judicial
office cannot become a party candidate,
and a petition bearing 2,000 signatures is
necessary to assure the placing of a name
on the primary ballot. Thus under the
older statute the candidate could have his
name placed on the ballot at tho genornl
election by petition with a smaller num
ber of signers and also avoid tho expense
of the primary campaign.
One clause of the recently enacted law,
however, may render tho older statuto in
4ralld. This reads:
"In no event shall the names of t tin
tofflclal ballot in each utfico division be
moro than twice the number of offices to
bo filled at tho said general election."
Should this clauso be held valid It will
do away with the petition law, as under
the nonpartisan act 'the two candidates
receiving the highest number of votes In
tha primaries will havo their names
placed on the official ballot
Elliott Gives Platform.
Robert 3. Elliott, candidate for state
superintendent of public Instruction, on
the republican ticket, and for three years
deputy in tho superintendent's office, Is
sending out letters stating his qualifica
tions and giving his platform. He has
had long experience as a teacher anr
teacher's trainer In Nebraska, He says
in part after declaring the rural school
needs greatest attention In Nebraska:
I believe that more attention should be
given to the teaching of the essentials
such as reading, writing, arithmetic,
(spelling and language in the public
schools in order to obtain moro practical
results; I favor the continuation uf full
publicity of the flnancos of the office,
nnd careful economy In the transaction
of tha business of tho department in
every detail.
I approve of the wider use of the
school plant as a social center, and
would encourage tho establishment of
lecture courses and literary societies for
community participation nnd enjoyment.
I feel that the school Interests of the
state are too sacred to be marred by
trivial personalities, and that educational
policies aro living Issues meriting the
thoughtful, unprejudiced consideration of
the people. I believe in non-partisanship
In the administration of school nffalrs.
ICnlshts uf Luther Iluny.
A newly organized statewide order
known as the Knights of Luther, or
ganised with the avowod intention of
opposing the Catholic church, and the
Knights of Columbus, is attempting to
discover exactly where candidates for
state offices stand on various questions.
A droular Is being sent from Lexington,
by W. W. Brown, secretary of the organi
zation there, to the 'various candidates
asking them to state exactly where they
stand on the question of enacting a law
empowering the state Inspection of all
ecclesiastical Institutions of every char
acter, the present Immigration bill be
fore the congress of the United States,
and the taxing of church property within
the state for speculative purposes or for
asylumns of various kinds.
Ceplecha Will Stick.
John 'Ceplecha of Valley county, can
didate for the republican nomination for
governor of Nebraska, Is going to "stlok."
Secretary of State Wait recently learned
that Ceplecha's wife had died and tele
graphed him to learn If there had been
any change in his plans.
Written on tho back of the telegram,
when It was returned to the secretary
of state's office, was Ceolecha's reply:
"No, sir; I will not withdraw. Am
going to stay; It cost me $100 and I am
not going to loose It. You or anybody
rise will not humbug me, I paid you
(10 for to have my name on the republi
can ticket and It got to stay there, sure
Mike. This letter Is registered. You will
surely admit you received It O. K."
Across the face of Secretary Walt's
telegram Ceplecha had written, 'Tlease
do not bother me." Tho secretary prob-
ably vrtll comply with his request
Lakes Ilrlutr Hmtockcri.
Chief Game Warden Rutcnbeck today
returned from Thayer and Arlington,
where he has spent the last week in
betnlng tho fish from tho lakes. The
undesirable varieties of fish were taken
out and the better stock returned to the
lakes. The .lakes will be restocked with
minnows of the best varieties of fish
tuken from- the static hatcheries.
Iet Prlntlnir ( Contract.
The State Journal company of Lincoln
today was awarded the contract fur
furnishing 6,000 copies of a 112-page book
on normal training high schools. The
suntract , price was 12.21 a page. Two
Uher Lincoln firms were the only bid
Jrs for the contract
Stte Sells Swine.
A carload of hogs raised at the state
hospital for the Insane at Lincoln re
cently sold for IM3.15. There were forty.
one hogs, and the price received for them
was JS.65 per 100 pounds.
Mattlievra Out of I'ollllm.
The law which forbids the board of con
trol and Its appointees engaging In po
litical activities will keep a familiar face
away from- the state democratic conven
tion at Columbus. Ijbo Matthews, sec
retary of the State Hoard of Control, was
until he took charge of his present of
fice sfcretury of the statf committee
Chief Figures in
WASHINGTON, July 25. There Is no the equity suit to dissolve the system the dominant forces In carrying out the
possibility of compromise between tho I
directors of the New Haven and the '
government This Is tho stand taken by j are preparing to "fight to the flnlBh,"
both sides on tho government suit to dls- according to their own statements. Wll
eolvo tho New Haven. Attorney General Ham Rockefeller and Charles S. Mellon
McReynolds Is busy preparing papers In I aro said by the attorney general to bo
Matthowa hns missed for an Indefinite
number of years.
MolllltlHli In t'oniliKI.
Arthur C. Monahan of the National Bu
reau of Education at Washington has
notified the Nebraska commission on re
vision of school laws that he will be In
Lincoln In September for a conference on
tho Nebraska laws.
Cniiilltlnten to TeoiiniNi-li.
A number of republican candidates for
congress, among them F. E. Edgorton
and C. F. Deoivls, today went to Tecum-
seh for tho Johnson county republican
convention. Charles Marshall was to be
a member of tho party, but was taken
ill at u local hotel and could not go.
Crawford Kennedy, another congressional
candidate, remained behind to caro for
Marsh all.
Tni Protent llcnrlnu.
The hearing of tho protest of tho Union
Pacific nnd other railroads against the
assessment of farm lands as roturncd
from a number of counties, today was
postponed by tho State Board of Equal
ization because of tho nbsence of Gov
ernor Morchead and Stnto Treasurer
George. August 3 was the data inamed
for the hearing.
. i
Lincoln County for
Senator Hoagland
NORTH PLATTE, Neb., July 25. (Spe
cial Telegram.) The Lincoln county re
publican convention this afternoon In
structed tho delegates to the state con
tention to promote harmony In the party
and to procuro resolutions In the state
platform pledging tho party to modomlzo
legislative methods nnd also to seek a
solution of the Irrigation difficulties In
western Nebraska between the United
States reclamation service and the west
ern Nebraska Irrigators.
The convention passed the following
We endorso tho work of Senator W. V.
Hoagland for western Nebraska In tho
last two sessions of tho legislature. He
has served our territory with a fidelity
and energy that entitles him to recog
nition as o.- representative citlzon of the
state. '
Wo believe tho vast stock, agricultural
and irrigation Interests of western Ne
braska are entitled to the second place
on our state ticket. We thcreforo com
mend Senator Hoagland to the repub
lican voters and the Btate and ask the
republicans of Nobraska to nominate him
for lieutenant governor on the state
Tho following were elected delegates
to tho state convention:
-W. V. Goagland, W. H. C. Woodhurst
George L. Swancutt, C A. Sibley. Will
iam Smith, C. W. Burkland. M .H. Mc
Dermott, A. N. Durbln, C. W. Yost Will
lam Frlsto, J. W. Fetter, t. M. Leyhold,
M. H. Burkland, P. L. Harpor.
G. S. Thompson of Hershoy was elected
chairman; S. M. Soudera, secretary of the
county central committee.
Got anything you'd like to, swap:
the "Swappers' Column."
Stelln Girl Mnrrietfl in Oregon.
STELLA, Neb., July S5. (Special.) Mr.
and Mrs. B. M. Derstlne have received
the announcement of tho wedding of
their granddaughter, Miss Nellie G rider,
to Harold C. Drum, at Eugene, Ore. Im
mediately after the ceremony tho 'couple
left Eugene for a wedding trip to Albany,
Ore, They will make their home In
Eugene. Tho bride, who grew to woman
hood In Stella, went to Eugene a year
ago to make her home with her uncle,
Charles Derstlne.
At the same cost as for painted wood shingles,
you can roof your old or new house with our
Guaranteed FadeSess Rock-Face Asphalt Shingles
Rioh red and green colors. Fire preventive. Looks like slate. Architecturally beautiful.
Never require painting. Easy to lay; no waste, Wonderful insulation against heat and cold. Guar
anteed 10 years good for 20. Cannot loosen. Cheapest and best residence roof.
Mr. Builder, you are the loser if you pass this by without at least investigating. Don't
be in the class that always says: "I WISH I HAD." Let us fully inform you.
NDERLAND ,sPLT0a"iI?,E?, 522MS I N. E.
Government Suit Against New Haven
and Institute criminal proceedings, as
directed by tho president. The directors
Fillmore Democrats
Endorse All Demos
OENEVA, Neb., July 25. (Special.)
An enthusiastic democratic county con-
tventlon was held hero yesterday. The
democrats naUonal administration. Pres-
ldent Woodrow Wilson,. Secretary of
State W. J. Bryan, tho democratic con
gressional delegation, United States Sen
ator G. M. Hitchcock, Representatives
Ixbeck, Magulre and Stephens, tho dem
ocratic tariff, banking, canal toll ex
empotlon repeal, proposed trust legisla
tion, treaty with Colombia, pending peace
treaties were unanimously endorsed.
W. H. Thompson wna unanimously en
dorsed for re-election as state chairman
and tho delegation to the stato conven
tion instructed to vote as a unit accord
ingly. Tho following woro elected dele
gates to the stato convention:
At Largo Matthew J. Rock; townships,
B. Koehler. Judgo G. Shlpton, Dr. J. M.
Carr. Charles B. Davis, G. H. Bauer,
Jonas B. Miller, Douglas Pumphroy,
Charlos Smrha, Walter He-worth, G. P.
Cuslck, John O'Brien, Anthony Butcll,
J. J. Weis, M. L. Schelkopf, William Ben
son. C. P. Weston.
The following were elected officers of
the democratic county central committee:
Matthew J. Rock, chairman; Dr. J. M.
Carr, secretary; Jerry Delaney, treas
urer. '
County Treasurer Rhodes of Thayer
county, democratic candidate for con
gress from tho Fourth district addresbed
the convention and received a specific
KEARNEY, Neb., July 2G.-(Special
Telegram.) Miss Ida Taubenholm took
her own life today at Amherst when she
swallowed carbolic acid bought n Kear
ney yesterday. It Is believed a lovo af
fair In which tho young woman was dis
appointed was tho motive. Act was com
mitted at tho home of a friend at Am
herst while shovwas waiting for her
brother to como in after her to take her
to her home, eight miles north of town.
YORK, Neb., July 2C (Special Tele
gramsBryan and anti-Bryan factions
battled for hours over the resolutions en
dorsing Bryan and Hitchcock In the dem
ocratic county convention here today.
A compromise was finally agreed upon
and President Wilson, Secretary Bryan,
Senator Hitchcock and Governor Moro
hcad were endorsed In glowing terms.
. lied Willow Republicans areet.
M'COOK, Neb., July 2C. (Special.) The
republicans o( Red Wtlllow county met in
mass convention here today. W. A. Dolan
of Indlanola was chairman und Elmer
Kay of McCook secretary. Appropriate
and strong resolutions were adopted. A
full county central committee was chosen.
Delegates to the republican state conven
tlon wero chosen as follows: A. Galusha,
W. A. Dolan, Gottlieb Weycneth, J. B.
Kelley, Gottlieb urman .1 F. Corilenl, J.
B. Cummlngs, F. S. Stllbcgouer and Jo
seph Mokko. The convention was ad
dressed by Robert I. Elliott, candidate
for the nomination to state superintend
ency. Tho sentiment breathed was for
thorough organization ond
campaigning In the fall.
Now Haven's lllogal policies. IiLtho orlni
1 rial prosecutions proposed some diffi
culty Is likely to be encountered through
JoBoph W. Folk's grunting Immunity to i
Mellon and other when they testified be
fore the Interstate Comnierco commission.
Buffalo County Dems
Declare for Bryan
tfHAnvpv Nob lnlv Sfi (Kiwlal
, . r V . '-t!5ncc,al
TolegmnU-Dcmocruts of Buffalo county
met In enuiuxlastlo convention nero to-
day adopting resolutions complimenting
V. J. Bryan upon his work as secretary
of stnto, endorsing unqualifiedly tho ad-
ministration of Woodrow "Wilson nnd cx
pressing confidence In his future actions.
Administrations of Governors Holcomb,
Shallenberger and Morehead were
strongly endorsed. Peter Wink and W.
H. Thompson were commended for state
senator and stato cholrman of tho party. j Colfnx llrpnldlrntm Nnine Dcleirntra.
Delegates to tho stato convention 'were , LEIGH, Nob., July IC (Special Telo
also chosen. j gram.) Tho republicans of Colfax
i ... county held their convention nt
HENRY HOLSTER KILLED Schuyler TucBday nnd olectod the fol-
nv I IPUTMIWrS AT RUHR lowing delegates to represent tho county
BY Llun I IMIIMh Al tJUHHnt Um stn(o oonvpn0on. Zuc4ow,
TECUMSBH. Neb.. July 2t.-(Speclal.1- , ?; Mua,' 'I' V" D:
White at work about u separator with a I ?ot?h?,r- ,fm" 'k; "' M11''
threshing crew a mile and one-hnlf north and - J' ""-"sen.
of Burr Thursday afternoon. Henry Uol- T" tMovrtng precinct committeemen
stor was struck by lightning and In- I' "V?" ,tho ' ,MB ,y04lr: S'
stantly killed. There was no storm at!""""' Wohland: William Lueko, Shell
the time, though conditions were threat- ' CTPk- John SuohTn- ,WU80,n; 1FnA
enlng. a,nd the threshing crew. was. sUllj Stanton; O. I Van Housen. First
at work. Mr. Holrtor was aged 2i years, i wara' Schuyler; & C. Weber, Second
single,, and lived with his mother In tbe ard Schuyler: Edward F. rtak.
Burr neighborhood. Th,nl T.' Sch"' or: ,0oor5" ""7"
During Ue storm here Joshua Peek. "nt: William Schrpedor, Midland; J.
a Tecumseh laborer, who was at work Mundll. Adams; Alvin Olson. Rogers;
...i... .. .i v.i n, .. .i nn..i. if I Rudolph Hobza, Colfax; J. IC Somerad
miles northeast of town, was knocked
down and rendered unconscious by
lightning. His team was also knocked
down. Mr. Peek was brought to his
home In this city and he Is ablo to be
up today.
Win,! tnr Ihn rnnf from the
i ,n a
' ' - - - '
half nouthwest of tho city, and carried
It a considerable distance.
Llghtnlng struck and Instantly killed
a valuable Jack at the homo of Mow8
Roberts, east of tho city.
Carl Brock, a farmer living northeast
1 i i , . . . u, A V, . ,
of the city, and his hired hand, wero
returning from the field afoot, and ",e(rUari'nni q n. Phillips; outside guardian.
IlKIil-lfiiK n.iiiruj:u ilium nuili Mumt.
Neither was Injured. An Inch of rain
fell et tills point, and It Is of great bene
fit to tho com.
YORK. Neb., July 2C. (Special.) Enrl
Kennedy nnd Goldle Grlsham eloped
from Waco and came to York for a mar
riage license On account of their ago
tbjo tlconso was refused. Kennedy gavo
his age as 17 and Miss Grlsham as 14.
Kennedy was arraigned beforo Magis
trate Warner and sentenced to work
thirty days on the street, while the par
ents of Miss Grishain took hor home.
Repnhllrnn Vnlley to Front.
(Speclal.) A splendid rain of two and a
half Inches came Friday night. It was
ijulto general nnd covered considerable of
tho country. This rain Insures one of
the largest corn crops this section hns
had for years, provided hall or hot winds
do not appear. With the alfalfa and
wheat crops already secured, this section
of tho Republican vnlley Is coming to tho
front this year m good shape. Wheat Is
I averaging from sixteen to thirty-five
bushels per acre
Phelps Convention
Invites Voters to
Unite with Them
HOLDRUOK. Neb, July 28. -Special
Telegram The republican county con
vention was held in thu l'holps county
court house this afternoon at 1:30 o'clock.
Eleven members woro chose for the statu
convention next weok. All went off
smoothly In the meeting, and the repub
licans In the county will Work harmoni
ously. A new committee was chosen to servo
I the county throughout tho next two years.
L. T HrookliiGs of Funk was elected
chairman, hihI W. W, Edwards of Hold-
rego tided as secretary! and N. L Fobe t
us assistant. The following resolutions
were adopted
, us republicans of Phelps county, re- 1
nf rlrio nllf fulfil 111 t.lttltlllfn II M.lnilnln. '
i through which the nation has been led to
i a high state uf prosperity, to efficiency
In government and to tho respect uml ad
miration of nations.
Wo 'xtond a cordial greeting to nil
voters of llki belief nnd faith and Invito
thrni to unite with us In thu cuusr of
good government to the end that minority
I rule limy be euded nnd that the principles
, of the majority shall again prevail.
We Instruct our delegates to the state
convention to support such measures ns
I will secure tho enrnest co-operation of
every patriotic cltlxen In tho republican
1 party, which now, as always, stands for
tho protection aim prosperity ot every
Tho following members of the conven
tion were selected as delegates to the
stale convention:
W. 11. Ahralmmson. H. Fulk. F. Hanson,
IJ. J. Fink, U. 11. Titus, William Eber
sparhcr, l O. Olson, 10. W. llcgtol, A.
Hand, Dr. W. A. Schreck. A. L. llorga
land. Adams Democrats
Vote for Thompson
ILVST1NOS, Neb., July 25.-(8pcclsl Tel
egram.) Tho Adams county democratic
convention today Instructed Its delega
tion to the state convention to vote for
W. H. Trtompson of Grand Island for
state chairman. The delegates are:
John llrannlgan, George Point, William
Otto, W, F. Johnson, A. J. Bllgor, Lem
Tobbets, L. A. Kinney. Charles Vuhl-
()Ug,( A', lc Ueffenbuugh, AVulter Crewo,
(ieorco o. liowor. j. Li. llvnes. u. it.
JJ'f6,10.' 0,m jona "cSn a'
g n0WBr; oeorgo W. Overstreet, Wl'll-
lam Walsh.
The progressive convention elected the
following dolomites without Instructions:
1 P. K. BobIhUkIi, H. B. Stein, O. A. Mun
roe, D. M. Morris, Bert Mott Fred
Stock, MarcuR Evans. Raymond Crossen,
A. E. Allyn. E. L. Vance.
I Maplo Creek; James Pallk, Lincoln.
Odd Fellovrs Rlect.
EXETER, Neb., July 25. (Special.) At
the meeting of the Independent Order of
uo wB ween, win luiiowiOK oi-
. Jicrro were lanuinuu; iiuuio Btunu. j.
j n'er; v'c - & SUvom; chaplain.
Ithrock; warden. Corbett Lons-
! dlU: supporter of noble grand. Will
; wo; left supporter of noble grand, Sam
Gout: r Bht, ""PPorter of vice grand. 1,111s
IIfn"AdaleJ: ft ot lcB"!nd'
Dr. A, N. HoUBe.; secretary, Frank Alns-
' ,' '. ..,,,.
Ed. Blvens.
Work of the Kidneys
OfUn Overloaded, They're Particularly
Buaoeptlbl to DUeme.
The kldnoyH liavn certain duties to
perform uml are kept constantly acttvu
In performing thcni. To perfectly filter
all Inupurltlou and remove uric acid from
the blood Is noine of the work of tho
kldneyH. The work of the liver and
bowels In also Intimately connected with
tho kidney's work, and when they re
fuse to faithfully and fully do their
part, tho whole nystom becomes more
or less affected, the kidneys are often
Involved ami weakened.
Avoid complications that may develop
Into HrlKht's dlseaso. Ilesln at once the
use of Wnrner'H Safe Kidney and Liver
Itemnly, the tried and true
remedy for kidney and liver
trouble. It contains no
harmful Inrrredlents. If
taken In time, you'll notlco ,
an Immediate Improvement
which will continue with
Its use. (Jet b bottle from
your drUKKlst todkiy In
.,ltlir f,0i or tl.00 size I
l-'rne sainule If you write
Warner's Sure Hemodles Co, Dept
Itochester. N. Y.
Cor. 17th and Harney
Roomy Dressers, Tall Chiffon
iers, Dainty Dressing Tables
1 ; 1
$35 Oak Chiffonier
x $23.00
In mKlition to many medium
price pieces at one-third re
ductions are several von' beau
tiful Mahogany ami Walnut
$569 SUITE
In antique Mahogany Twin
Beds, Dresser, Chiffonier,
Dressing Table and Somnoo
TIlO l0C6H 111 tlllH BUlto CBtl ho
purcliasod Boparntoly nt corroapond
Iuk reduction!.
Thoy also como in ClrcnBsInn Wal
nut nt Mlghtly different prices, but
nt n nlnillnr saving
90 .Mahogany DroMora ....$n:i.fl(
$BU Wnlniil Dresner 8tt4.rU)
904 Mnplo Chiffoniers 942.00
90H Walnut Dresoer $45.00
I Big Bargains in Water Proof Rugs
for Porch or Sleeping Porch
Sanitary rugs figured and in colors, can bo frequently
washed. hub, 9x12 S7.50 i .oo mi. 7-ixio-6 $6.50
110.00 Hug, 9x9 S6.50 I ?7.50 Ung. 6x9 $4.50
f3.90 Uug. 4-0x7-6 $2.50
AIbo conioB by tho yard, ono and two yardn wide, per Bq. yard. .75
Some Very Pretty Patterns of Scrim
at Extremely Interesting Prices
Como in iind see them; you will bo more than pleased to
find such attractive pieces lor living room or bedroom cur
tainH at Bucih low prices.
2Bo croBB-bnr scrim 7Gc Berlin In Jao- 50c white voile, 60
in ocru, i 7 1 rquard A n. wide, OQ.
, yard .... X i 2t stripos, yd. Tf71 yard m7W
70c I in port oj organdlo with colored dots, yard 39
CGc tnmhourod intiBlIn in ecru, yard 10
Why Buy an Inferior Trunk When a
Little More Pays for an Indestructo?
Orchard 6? Wilhelm Co.
414-16-18 South 16th Street
Phone Doug. 1889 t t : : and have a case sent home
For sensible, safe, promising investments,
look over Real Estate Columns of The Bee
in Mahogany, Circassian
Walnut and Oak at
at Orchard & Wilhelm's
Factory Surplus Sale of
Bedroom Furniture
A special factory purchase,
all new high grade pieces
from regular lines.
S46 DRESSER, $30
Comes in mahogany and
innnlo, fof 9110; walnut, for
oak, for 921).
AbBolutely guaranteed for 5 years
against all contingencies.
Indestructo Trunks
S17 to $70
Indestructo Suit Cafies,
$7.50 t $15
Indestructo Bags
$0.00 to $18.50
The 19U cuiivcntl'm will be the first that