4-0 THE OMAHA SUNDAY BE& JULY 2(i, 1914. f LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN of Omaha A. B. C. of Omaha A Diamond Klvr-a you that prosperous look; bst ot quality, lowest prices, take elevator & save money West ern Watch Jewelry Co., 217 Karboch. OMAHA riLLOW CO., 1721 Cuming Doug. 2157. Renovate feather and mattresses of all kind?, make feather mattresses. Call or write for prlrei. P IANO tuning. R, Brandon, 7 years nt Hsyden'a. Recommended by best musclan. TV. 4312. ia N, 2Sth Ave. VACUUM cleaner. $3., $i.9S, $7.89; a few daya only. Guard your health. Sanitary Service Co.. 306 Pee Bldg. WE rent, repair, sell needle and parti for all lewlrujr machines. Nebraska Cycle Co.. 'Michel'." Itth and Harney Bt. Douglas 1661 Addlaar Machine. Ialton Adding Machines. 411 8. IS P. I4W. Adder Men. Co. (Wales) W. O. W. D. na. Accountant. Melville P. Thomss A Co.. 601 City Nat. Ilk. Ad.vertutnar. J. D. HAYNE3. 74S Om Nat Bk. D, M7. Attto and Mkirneto Repairing. Magneto repair work a specialty. P. 4t.. Auctioneers. Pawa Auction Co.. im w. o. v. rud 32&s. Architects. 04rhcn W. Wlglngton. 210 3. 12th. D. 4287. Everett a Dodds. 611 Paxton. D. Jiwi. Atlt-anttoB. OMAHA film exe, lllh and Doug. Motion picture machine and film bargains. Knrbers. 12 Chair. 30c shave, neck shave. 1S17 Far. ttrftt Foundries. jPaiton-Mltchell Co., 37th and Martha Bta. Building; and llepnlrluB;. FRANTA. 611 Paxton lllk. Doug. 1157. California Lands. TV? T. Htnlth Co.. 1111 City Nat. k. D. vast. t'ar(l. Slns. pfflco door lufrg. Mynstcr. 611 Paxton. caterers. ' aut3, F. A- WOOD, 3401 Parker. W. $295. Chiropractor. J. C. Lawrence. O. C. 2322 Howard. D.8461. L Geddl. D.C. 228"Bct Bldg. Doug. 429?. TV. E. I'urvlanco, D. (;., 403 Pax. lllk. D.4942 U O. HAYES. D. C. 650 Beo Hid. It. Hit. Ulnlilns- and Dyelwr. 'jSrbett cleans uvorythlng. 1508 Harney St. China Paintings. r C. Haynes. decorating, firing. D. mo. ifuttv' Letchioid. decorating tiring. It. 45)42 Concrete tltgnebln-W ells Co. 420 Slate hank. D. 2263, Cream nepnrtitor. I'Ke.ghsrplea Separator Co.. nth & Farn bll4ara. MutuH Hating JU Adjusting Ass'n.. Bee, Cnetalna. TVaMring & I aoe curtains done. Tyler 1144. Dnncinar Inatrniidnn. Class tc private lessons, Mwckle's D. $446. TOrpln'a Dancing Academy, ath A Farn. D&nfUts. Dr. Dradbury. No pain. 1501 Fa mam. Dr. Todd' alveolar dentistry, 4U3 Brandels. BalUy, the Dentist. 706 City Nat'l Hank. 'Jatt Dental Rooms. 1517 Douglas. D. 2188. Dtectlvr. JAMEB AX.LAN, 313 Neville lllk. Ev. deuce eoured In all case. Tyler list DrestntakUur. Terry Dresamak'g college. 20th & Farnam. SUMMER dresnus a specialty. Web-a0. MIS8 STURDY, 836 Bo. 24th Bt. Doug. 7114. Draft. DRUfJS at cut prices ; freight paid on $10 uiuvrn. vniatuauon irev. nnennon & MoConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. Eleetria Snppllra, IEW and second-hand electrlo fan and motors. LcBron Electrlo Work, 118 S. 12ttu Douglaa 176. LEBHON Klefe Wks.. 311 8. 12th. D. 2176. Cverytnlng for Women. Woman's Exchange. 431 Pax. Blk, It, 491t OnuhA real estaia i uie oest Investment yau could make Read The Bee's real taU column. IUSAL'ESTATK FAHU & HANUII L.AMDS YOtX AI.B Alabama. MOVE to Baldwin county, Alabama, where you can graze stock all the yojr Have l.tOo acres good for oranges, poc&u or stock. Twenty dollars an acre with terma M. a. Hicham, 4144 arnnd lilvd , Chicago. o Arkansas. HOMESEEKERS' excursion; Uerman Amerlcan colony. Grant and Jefferson counties, Arkansas. Uphofl. 4u Tlmog mag., at. Louis. Mo. X. 8. IIOV. L.VND FRICEv-On Juno 16, 1914, a portion of the agricultural Luid lu.ug v. s. Government reserve in Ar Kansas was thrown open to hoinestcod settlement: no swamps or overflow land. country well watered and timbered, flno climate and very healthy, crop failure unknown. Send ten cents for booklet ot llcvtsod Homestead I-awa and particulars to A. V. ALEXANDER, Locating En gineer, Box S3. U. 8. Gov. Bldg.. Uttls Kock. ArlC LtTTLE River Valley lands, rich and cheap, on railroad. Sessions Co., Wlnth- rop. Arte. Colorauu. 0lUra- ,n j?1"1. lf u.l1 yilf.V water rliht, flvo miles from Alamosa; iC acres put In alaXalfu. this spring, no Improvements; SV0 an acre or would trade for other land or Income sroporty, put must nave w.w casn out oi it au dress Coan, llox 2. Barnes, Kansas, 13,090 WILu handle a 640-acre well Im jtroved farm In Douglas county, Wis consin; two houses, barn, hog house, hen house, hp and cattle sheds, good silo, SO acres under cultivation and Into clover; all fenced and cross fenoed; 6 miles from town. KeUey Realty Co., Minneapolis, Minn. COLORADO Improved farm; SO acres; clots to railroad town; well Irrigated; fine climate and soil; Ideal for hogs and general (arming, bargain; terras to suit Addrec L. D. llobson. Uoston Dldg., Denver, Colo. Minnesota. COTTAGE LOTH FOR BALE AT Cl'L LEN LAKE PARK. Near Nliswa on the M. & 1. R. it, 10 miles north or urainera, tin taxe snore eoved with nretty young trees, butter nut birch, basswood. lots 60 to luo feet ot Uko shore by 3i0 feet In length, prices very reasonabM. uau on or write j. ai Qulnh. Rralnerd. Mlnn. Iron SAL.E MINKE31TA LAND. 3,400 acre ot fine farm land offered for sale, rich black aoll, fine hay rncftjjows, from six to ten milts from Nllswo, and Pequot on the M. ft I. It Itf good automobile roads to the land. Thla land Is offered for a short time at n nr anre; Urmi. one-third cash, bal ance on long time payment at per cerit interest Pplend'd oportunltles for toCJC rancne. vii on or nw j. Oulnn, Ural nerd. Minn. A soap, w acrei Ilia, vi wim, w -v. ....... men of balanoe easily cleared, good bc-usfc, other building fair condition; cow barn ior 11 cow, horw barn for hor. t0-ton' alio (new), on stale road. Farmer' Ttlephona Una. R- F. P.. near good rmrmera' co-op rati va creamery. Man with 10 to 15 good cows can .easily pay for this farms fW per acre, $2.690 1 to $3,009 cih, balance to ault Reaaon for afllln. other business. F. A. RetUg, Ogtlvls, Knebeo Co.. Minn. o 2Ilsart. HARMS for sJe, $S down. $0 monthly. buy 44 acre good Umber land, near town, Texaa county. Mo.; prlca $303: pcr UeV tlflo. J. B."Jarrell. Mt Vernon. HL "Got anything yoa'A Ilka to BirapT Use tfc -waperr Column.'1 Hvrrylhlnar for Women. Plumes made over, cleaned, dyed, curled. Dortha Kruger. 429 Paxton lllk D. UH. 1LBALST1TCILLNG Ideal Dutton and Pleating Co. Douglas block. Farrier. UKN FKNSTEH. 1410 N. 24th Bt W. T777. Florists. I HENDKItSON, 1819 Fnmnm. D. 1ZA Member Florist Telegrnph Del. Assn. HE83 A BWOnODA. 1416 Farnam Bt, A. DON AH UK. 1622 Harney. Doug. 1001. BATH'S florist. 1904 Farnam Bt (Srnr Cutting:. AMERICAN MACH1NK CO.. 110 S. 11th. Ilnlr llrcsslnar. Harper Method. R. 6. Balrd Bide. D. 8611. I.lghtlns, Flxtnrr and WlrlnK. T.HOIAS DURION Klectrlc fixture and supplies, contract ing and ropalr work done reasonable. 2419 CUMINO. DOUaiAB S519. Mr Htock llemcdlrs. OMAHA Remedy Co, 607 S. Ultli. Red 42St Masseuses. MlssJIessgSi Baunders-Kenncdy n.U&Dg Vnim j. Smith, tn.inci tiumn. irli'ns Mtlentlflo massago. 220C Farnam St., 8d floor. Walk In. Turkish bath. ma. Havldge blk. D. ts Illttenhouse Co.. 214 Ilalrd Hldg., 17 ft D. 1.M irPTFC MASSAGE OATH. MJt IUj&Kj 1 1UV upchurch. 214 Balrd Hldg. Miss Fisher, mass, elect, treat't Red fX)S. .SNNAM.AKKS Zffi&jJSgjSk tffi Farnam St. Apt S. 3d floor. D. 6L MrH8AQE, 109 S. 17th. Mrs. Steele. Mrs. Snyder, elec. Tit HQS 3. th. D. 4M0. Af A A CJlY! Hwedlsh movement 41a iUilOOlUU eo nId(fi Douglas CT72. Massage. Mlts allon. It. 224 Neville Ulk. MIBH 11 H INN, Magnetic Tr"t D. t7M. MASSAGE, Miss Ulbson. 221 Neville Blk. Millinery. SWITCHES from combings, 1.M. Psyche free. Mrs. H. M. Eck. 3noo Marcy. II. 6C4S. Moving, Hturaifc null Cleanlair. W. C. FERRIN, 15th und Cnpltol. Ty. 120a Ocnllata. Eves examined, ulanaes fitted. Day as YOU con. Pre. McCarthy, 1111 W. O. W. Rldg. Patents. H. A. Sturges, 6, Ilrandel Theater Bldg. D. O. Hamuli. Paxton Hlk. Tel. Rod 7117. Patent Development. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 3. 11th 8t PrlntlnK. WATERS IIARNIIART Ptg. Co.. quality printing. Tel. Doug. 21M. 024 So. lath. LOUOLA8 Printing Co. Tel. Doug. M4. COHEY & M'KKNKIE I'TO CO. D. 2644. RIEB-IIALL, I'tg Co. 1020 Cnpltol D. lltti. CIINTRaX, PRlNTlNCl'CO., DOUO. m lloncli Kxtcrmlnutor. U. B. 11. Roach Powder nt your druggist Snfo and TlmrlocU Kxpt'rts. S AFE combinations chungod, opened, re paired, F. IS. Davenport. 1400 DudgcUlKil Hhot lleinlrliiK. Electrlo Shoo Rep. Co., 1S07 St Mary' Av. REASON AH MC, Furnam Rep, Co. 813 S. 24 Htecl OlllnaTs. CARTER Sheet Metal Works. 110 S. 10th. Store and Office Fixtures. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etu. Wo buy, sell. Omaha Fixture ana bupiny Co., H-i6-m a. iztn. u. zrn. ToiTel Supiillcs. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 S. Uth. D. r.ZS. Trunks and bultrnsr. FREI.INQ ft BTEINI.E, 1S0T. Farnam Bt Veterinarian. Dn. O. R. YOUNO. 4602 Center. Jt B002 Wall Paper. EAOLE CO.. 140R14 N. Nth. W 6R44. wlit Mukurs. D. 8. aillFFITH. 12 Franrer Blk. D. 4666. Wlndotr flcrveua. Om. Window Screen Co., 1322 Nichols. Wlnra and Liquors. ALEX JETES. 201-3 8. 13th. Wines liquor, cigar. Plate dinner. 11 to a, lOo, riT rttin T ir. i t .... II dcllverea. Write for price list D. 4J51 HENRY POUXICIC LIQUOR HOUSE, win ana wapiioi Ave. lva lunou. nKAIi ESTATE. I'AnM A HANCII LANDS FOR S A 1,13 Montana. COO HCD OF WHITE FACED CATTLE and well Improved ranch, consisting of 1.400 acren deeded land, 3.200 acres leased for the amount of taxes and upkeep of f unreal 3 flowing wells; BOO tons hay r best ranch buildings; will leaso 1W hcud range brood mare. For full particulars write UHANTft Fi'UUA. EkolaKa, Mont. WORK THE NEW RICH SOIL IN THE Judith Unaln. Montana, whore thoy raise SO to CO bushels of wheat nn acre and rplcndld alfalfa without Irrigation. Our farms Iti SO, 160, 320, 640 or 1.000 acre for -u to an aero. Home of tno very oholco eloso to town are a little higher In price. Low Ry. rates. Wm. H. Brown i;o., iiobsou, .Mont., or 5 N, Lat-allo St., v iuriu,o. .agents wunicu." 1'OK Eastern Montana farmlnir lands owner, dlroct; wholesale, tracts to suit; M l.rfl I ...... .. (( Mil.. II.. .,v- ..vivo, iniica Miinatmct jt adapted to wheat, alfalfa, corn and othsr uiops, tetiung last. Address u. 11. TOW ERS, Miles City. Mont. For Northern Pa cific Ralluay lands wrlto W. E. HOLT, I Nebrnakn. U ACRES In Uoono county. Nebraska, 9 of Petersburg, house and barn, good woli and windmill., good cavo and other small buildings, over S vouh fruit trees hint old enough to bear, and other trees; 85 luiiivuicu. -i acres pasture. l'i acres aitnira; very good soil, lies & little rolling, In two pltcem the SO acres on the N. E. and the 40- acres on the S, K. of the Miction, worth ISO ner aero, will antl at a barguln If taken In 30 days. Sale sub ject to iobh. iiox Albion. Neu. I'XJUND 33)-acro nomestead in settled . nelghltorhood; fine farm land; not sand hills; cost you tax) tiling ices und all. J, yv. iracey. tiniuan. Neu 16o1aCRK farm for sale at a berKaln. Seven miles from town. Land lies near level; good house; barn 40x52 ft; nearly l ew, 115 acres In corn nnd grain; 30 acres pasture, balanca alfalfa, grovo and fruit trees. $fo per acre. Address Box 211, Al bion. Neb. Texas. FOR SALE Cheap, by owner direct 3,600 acre, or less, fine lund In rain belt, gulf coast of Texas; splendid for stock, ugrlculture, winter homes, or game preserve; excellent boating, fishing and hunting. R. R. Boiling, 1S3! Calumet Ave., Chicago. tVtBuoustn. FOR SALE-162 acres, one of the finest Improved and best quality farms In northwestern Wisconsin. Finely located and a real bargain. Fifty miles from St Paul $1X600. Half dowp. balance to ,?'t..pI,itch".r?r.- A,B0 m ncre" Improved ?VMS' Wri?e 'ST ful1 description. T. W. Underwood. CAtiturla. Wla DO YOU WANT A WISCONSIN HOME, l! cer acre ennh nnd 1 nr .n. i Pua.l!,y' 6 Pr centi erlce Per acre. $15 to $. I In WB.Iilill. nM,4 T.... l . . . I T . . ' aey itealty Co.. Minneapolis. Minn. Allarellnrif una. YOUNO Hollander wishes to buy good farm or land. Y 122. Bee. Uia FARM UST FREE With photos. Farms In many state. Stock and tools Included. Farmura' hir. gain. Buy direct from owners; their addro free, National Farm Exchange, Dan rTanciaco.- S20-ACRH farm for sole. Close to good town. Good lmDrovemnnta. llarraln. Oat full particulars. "Wm. Brcviowsky, CretgnlontJot). OFFEHKD FOU RUNT Apartments and Plata. OODEN ANNEX looms, with kltcbn tttet. Council Bluffs. OFFK11EO FOIl 11ENT Atrnenta and Flats. CI08K In, modern t-room flat, six blocks from postofflre, cheap rent 1117 Web ster Bt Call Douzlaa 43. FOR RENT FLATS. ZTA Harney St, 6-r., modern, UTXfi. 2BG2 Harney Bt, -r., modern, 143. SXA Harney St., 6-r., modern, $37.60. 2S1S Dodge St, 6-r., modern, PS. HO B. 32d St, 6-r., modern, $33. 200 a 24th St., 9-r., modern, 3S. 1717 Park Ave., R-r., modern, 325. 6CI a. 20th St., 4-r modom except fur- nac, J12. sma imm St.. 5-r.. modern except fur nace, 312. .TH4 Ames Avo., t-r.city water, u. ZXH N. 27th, 4-r., city water, 13. GARVIN 11ROS., ,U' Omaha National Rank Dldg. FOR RENT. Klcht-room brick flat, beautifully dec- catod, all modem, 2 mlnutea" walk from lflth r,l Harney Sts.. 340. Blovcn-room flat lust completed, un to tho minute, ono block from the high school, five blocks from 16th St. Ideal for -oon-.ing or boarding, CV0. SliC ruoms, nicely decorated. 3?03 Ixavcn- woruf Ht A big snap for Jia Flt-rooin St. liouls flat, most beauti ful In lown for the winter, Ideal location, 2S13 Jackson St., 330. II. A. WOLF. 614 Ware niock. Phono Douglas JWI. THE CARPATHIA, 831 8. 24TH ST. Two and three-room nParttncnlH. strictly modern anil up-to-date In every roapct, beautifully decorated, tiled floor In buth rooms, beautiful lawn. Bargain rents. PAYNE ft SIFTER COMPANY, Oinaha'n Rental Men, 616 Omnha Notional Bank Rldg. Choice Apartments .5, 4, 0 unci O-rof-ins Fins Proof Jiuildiuga T-rgf Grounds 25x548 Ft. Flower Gardens Tennis Courts. The StrelUow, Roland and lajostic Apartments lGth and Yates. Sts. PAYNE & SLATER CO., Agts. GIG Omaha Nat'r The Angelus We have a few apartments left In this exclusive apartment house building. There nro many now rerun res, including electrlo elevators, In-a-dor bods, dumb waltors nnd a roof garden, which Is nearlng com Plt'tVt. If you nre Interested In ft. close In apartment, now Is your opportunity to solect one of these. Tho Janitor Is at tho building nt nil hours and will Im very glad to show you through. Wo Invite visitors. PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY, Omaha's Rental Men. 616 Omaha Nat.. Bank Bldg. TilJS demand for choice steam-heated apartments will Boon bo heavy. Take a look at the ones described below and malto your reservation before they aro taken. Wla ' have two very fine three-room apartment. Including nice screened lurch, tor $22.60 in our new Nathan apartmont houso nt corner ot Sherman Avo and Spruco Bt. Largo living room 12x16, largo bedroom and fine kltchon. oak finish except kitchen, mirror door In coat closet, elegant lighting fixtures. Wo also havo a oholco ftve-room apart ment with largo screened porch on tho first floor of our Harlan apartment houso, one block south of tho "Nathan," at HZ.WJ to Oct. 1. thon $47.60. This apart ment has onk finish, with panelled ceil ings, bedrooms finished In whlto enamel, mnhogany doors, press brick mantel and ras log In living room, swoll lighting fixtures. We furnish heat, Janitor service, hot and cold water. lockor space, laundry room, refrigerator, gas range, window shadns and curtain rods. eto. Seo Janitor in Apt. No. 1, "Nathan.' (west entrance), or call office for In spcctlon. Scott & nill Co., Douglas 100 Globe Van&Storage Btores, move, packs and ships; 3-horas van and 2 men, 31.25 per hour; storage $3 per month. Hatistucuon guaranieou. Phone Douglas 4338 ana Tyler ssa PLEASANT 4 and 6-room apartment; walking distance m No. zttn at. 6-r. modern flat $21. IMS 8. 24th. H. 4I1L VERY choice 4 or 6-room steam-heated apartment on W. Farnam St JOHN W. ROBBINfi. 1R02 FARNAM 8T, Gordon Van Co.S ng Storage. 219 N 11th St Phone u. 331 or II. 6913 ALL kinds of flats. 1601 Vinton. Tylor 1771. Rental Service Free Why go to different real estate offices for rontal lists whon we have complete rental list of every real estato office. For further Information telephoncooug las 4177. Fidelity Storage and Von Co. Ten-room flat modern. Harney 647. 602 South 30th St. 3 and 4-room flats, modern except heat nowly decorated throughout, now sanitary ptumDing, at bargain rents. PAYNE & BLATER COMPANY, Omaha's Rental Men. 616 Omnha Nat. Bank Bldg. CLOSE-JN BRICKS. 201 S. 30th, 6-room, on first floor, $25. 118 N. th St. 7-room. $32.60. Southwest corner 24th and California. over drug store, one 6-room, $36; 10-room, fiAW. itent una water paid on thin. CICEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 OMAHA NAT'L. DOUGLAS WIS. THE GEORGIA APARTMENTS. 1012-44 8. 29th St., 6 rooms, high class mrougnoui', tine resilience section. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. 1623 Farnam St Phone Doug. 89S. MAEWOOD APARTMENTS 2-room and largo French windows, balcony, disap pearing bed, everything first-class; loca tion, sotu ana liarney, rrioe, omy fJl.aj. T1II8 IS A REAL UNAP, ERNEST SWEET. 2611 Harney. P. 1471 HOLLYWOOD APARTMENTS. Threo rooms and bath, largo clothes closets, very aesirame. easy walking dl tance. nt 26th and Harney. Prico 333. YOU WILL BE DELIGHTED WHEN YOU SEE IT. ERNEST SWEET, OF FICE 2611 HARNEY ST. Phone D. 147Z. St. Clare ApartnVts 23d and Harney, Just completed. 2, 3 and 4 rooms. Harney w? or uougias 4-ROOM apartment, furnished or unfur nished. 667 So. 2Sth St. Phone Har ney 6183. 1114 N, 2Sd St, 4-r mod. brick flat, steel range, gas stove, Kitonen caoinei ana water rent paid. $17. RASP BROS. 106 MeCague Bldg. Douglas 1653.' 7- r.. flat, modern. 23& Cuming. 8- r. house. 1663 N. 17th 8t O. C. REDICK. ATTORN BY, 234 Omaha Nat Bonk Bldg. Telephone Douglas 1612. 7-r. Hat at 2497 Harney St; hoj. water heat, tiled bath, oak finish, four bed rooms, besides 3 good rooms on first floor. Roomers more than ray rent Price $50. , ERNEST SWEET, Office 2611 Harney. D. 1471 19J0-S Farnam. &-r., flat, modern ex. rwtnt tiojtt. aaeh 117.60. 1313 Davenport. 8-r.. mod. ex. heat $30, 1808 uraco and Jviz n. mn. ivr. mou mi N. Z5th Ave.. 6 rooms. $15. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1330 Farnam St. ROOMS J, 3 or 3, cnsulte or single rooms. $4 up. Apply to Janitor, R. 21, or phone R. 6311, or call building, southwest corner 17th and Cuming Sta. ... THOS. W. HAZEN. 307 MeCague Bldg. Douglas 130X TO colored family, modern brick flat ot 6 large rooms, 132 N J4th &t , $16.i0. THOS. W. HAZEN, S07 McCaguo Hide Douglas 13ii OKFKUED FOn RENT Apnrtinrnta anil Flats, STEAM IIISyVTED apartments of "4 room each, 2CS1 to XGS Cuming St. 312.60 and 316.60, plus heat; every other modern Im provement, with Janitor. THOS. W. HAZEN, 207 McCague Bldg. Doug. 1300. 218-20 N. 19th, modern, 9-room flats, T3 each. BYRON REED CO., 212 8. Hth. D. 297. 2918 Farnam Street A 6-room, strictly modern heated apart ment, $23 summer, $33 winter. PAYNE ft SLATER COMPANY, Omaha's Rental Men. 616 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. 1682 Cuming, 1-r., air mod. apt, $22.60. K No. 17th, 6-r., all mod. apt, 327.CO. SCO So. 26th Ave., 9-r., all mod. flat, good location to rent rooms, $30. RASP BROS.. 104 McCagUw Bldg. Douglas 163. llOOMINO HOUSE 16 ROOMS Oil 8 ROOMS Wo havo for rent two adjoining brick houses, 8 rooms each, nt 21st and Harney Sts., which can be used ror rooming nouso purposes, together or separately. Rent, $40 per month each. J. II. DUMONT & CO., lfirct Farnam St. Phone Doug. 690. PAYNE ft SLATER COMPANY, K1C Omaha. Nat Bank Bldg. 3-ltOO.M, all modern, with Janitor serv ice: first floor, Lorraine Apt., 17th and Maple Sts. Mongedoht. Web. 2713. o FIVE-ROOM apartment. The Chula Vista, 30th and Foppleton. Conrad Young, 322 Brandels Theater. Douglas 1S71. -o The Leone S33 8, 24TH ST. C-room apartments, $.10 In summer and $40 In winter. PAYNE ft SLATER COMPANY, Omaha's Rental Men, 616 Omaha National Bank Bldg. The Florentine TH AND MARCY STS. Choice 3 and 4-room apartments In this beautiful building. We have Just taken over the management and expect to make thla a very fine and homelike place to live. The Janitor sorvloo will bo the best if you nro Interested, call and let us take you out to aco them. PAYNE ft SLATER COMPANY. Omaha's Rentnl Men. ei8 umana Mat, nann uidg. RtOM flat furnished, 2122V& Leaven worth St.L water, sewer, gas and toilet: $13 por month. J. I. Komp, Doug. 9S7. THE Thorvald, one 3-room lint., $35. Janl- tor wervlce; references required. Ji. 6610. WEST Farnam, new oathodral district; modern brick. 9 rooms, large yard witn trees; leaso to right party. Harney 217L Iloant Mild Ilooraa. ?F.F,l)TTTrRST Try oUr meals .tlliUilJlUXlOX 106 No. 25th St ROOM with board for two gentlemen; near urnigoton college nnd street car. Phone Tyler 1207. 635 Lincoln Blvd. Furnished Ikunaea. 6-ROOM furnished houso from July 15 to aepiemDer i. ii. osyu. THAT large modern home "at northeast corner 38th Ave. nnd Davenport St. Bed 2947.-Q Furulalie.d lloonia. rVr1 largo room on Farnam car lino for wUUlj men nr mnn nnl lulfo Tl IT IN Dundee, beautiful room, sleeping porch atyie, in now home, with small family; rcnsonablo price. 4M)7 Farnam. Tel. H. 4910. N. 18th. 25022 large rooms, housekeeping, very uesirame, reasonable, woo. wiu. TWO rooms, private family. Har. 2047. TWO nlco, airy rooms, newly furnished, in pnvato family, zizo Douglas. Red 3C38. Room in private family, 1 or 2 gentlemen. or man ana wiie; board if acsired. D. 8071. TWO nicely furnished rooms In private iamuy. Excellent neighborhood. Hoard if desired. Har. 72ffl. FRONT parlor on first floor, single room on second floor, both suitable for 2 gen tlemen; modern, cool; board. Web. R070. GOOD room. H block from South Omaha car line. 1910 Elm St. Phone D. 6193. Famished Housekeeping Ilooraa. A SUITE of rooms, strictly mod; refer ences, uas I'arnam. Apt (, uavidgo blk. 1024 SO. lOTH ST. 2 large, cool roms, furnished for housekeeping; modern, near aepoi; rent reasonaoio. Hoaaekeeuliiir llnoraa. 7 H. ibtii ut Housekeeping and sleep ing rooms; mou. nouso. mono T, 1021-w. 4 ROOMS and bath for light housekeep ing, very cooi; moaern except neat 440S No, 34th Ht Phone Webster 6687. 3121H CAIJFORNIA-3 roona, furnished, mouern; nice yara; iirst noor. Har. tool FRONT parlor ion first floor, single rpom on ceoonu, potit suituoie for z gentle men, mod., cool; board It desired W. 8070, 319 BO. 26TH Nlco cool housekeeping rooms; rent very reasonable. Tel. Doug las BUI. 574 8. 2STH ST Two excellently fur nished rooms wltli largo alcove; best equipped for light housekeeping In tho city, itaipiey isso. j THREE connected largo front housekeep' lng rooms; clean, nicely furnished ground floor; only $3.75 a week, W. 7906. Ilotela and Apartments. CALIFORNIA Hotel, Uth and California. Weekly rates $2 and up. Douglas 7063. DO DOE HOTEL Modern Reasonable. OGDEN HOTEL, rooms Council Bluffs. $2 per week. Unfurnished Rooms. THREE excellent, strictly modern room 2813 Poppleton Ave. Houses and Cottage. THREE and 4-room. with bath, close In, In first-class condition; newly decoratod and cleaned. $3. $10, $12. Phone W. 6S20.-O 3-ROOM modern apartment Davldge Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sts., $30. 7-room flat. 1907 Cuming St.. $25. G-room house, electrlo light, water, 1730 N. tb bt, 714. JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1KB FARNAM ST. 3701 DAVEN PORT ST., 9 rro., all mod., Sl.W. 2529 Cass St., 6 rms., all mod., $25. 2519 Jones St, 6 rms., all mod., $30. 1423 N. 19th St., 10 rms., all mod., $30. 1424 N. 19th St., 10 rms., all mod., $30. 840 S. 19th St, 9 rms., all rood., $30. 2610 Jones St, 8 rms., all mod., $30. lfULL a -1,1 U K -.. a all mnt. 4"t 1DQG Yates St, t rms., and bath, all mod. 1008 Paclflo St.. 4 rms., part mod., $15. 1503 Ohio St.. G rms., part mod.. $15. IIHIKETT & COMPANY. 433 Beo Bldg. Doug. 633. $7.00-3009H 8. 20th, 3 rooms. , 7.00 2026 Castcllar. 3 rooms. 23.501223 Farnam St, 6 rms. and bath. 17.60 2513 Sherman Ave., 6-r. riat SaOO 3007 N. 23d, swell G-r, bungalow. 85.00-1117 S. 30th Ave.. 9 rms.: all mod 45.00-N. E. Cor. 18th and Wirt, 6 r. and garage: very fine. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY", Ware Block. Douglas 1781. 7-ROOM cottage, modern except heat. large lot, chicken house, plenty ot room for gardening, etc.; $18.03. 7 rooms, sleeping porch and sun room; new and desirable; exceptionally tine view; quiet neighborhood; $50.(0. Very desirable 6-room brick flat close to High school. $35.00. This house has all modern convenience. Including hardwood finish, tiled bath room and sun room. J. H. DUMONT & CO.. 1603 Farnam 8t. 'Phom Douglas DANDY 3-r. brick; like new; $12; gaa, sink, toilet: water paid. Phone Red 1908. 3X17 Dodge, 11 rooms, all modern. 101 So. 33rd, 9 rooms, all modern. These, houses have been recently refln Ished and are ready for Immediate occu pancy. THE BYRON REED a. 311 So. 17th St. Call Doug. 7. WEST FARNAM HOME. 3915 Farnam St, 6 rooms and sleeping porch, gas range, bullt-ln buffet, refrig erator, gas. place for laundry, vegetable cellar, large living room, decorated throughout; $45. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO.. 1330 Farnam St Tel. Douglas 1061. SIX-ROOM house; walking distance. Call Crelgh & Son. Bee Bldg 12- ROOM modern house with barn; hot water heat LG1S Harney St Inaulre T. I J, OMJrtn. U. VOL P. 1216. -o OFFERED FOR RENT Ilonara and Cot taxes. HOUSES AND COTTAGES PARTLY MODERN. 4- r., 1417 Chicago, very close-In, $16. 6-r., 310 So. th, very close-In. $16. 5- r., 2116 Nicholas, (for colored), $15. 5-r., 1631 Hark, $16. MODERN, EXCEPT HEAT. 5- r., 2810 Charles, a oosy cottage, $16. 6- r., 403 No. 23th St.. choice cottage In a good residence district $18. 6-r., 830 So. ad St, choice cottago within easy walking distance, !. 8-r., 4211 No. 24th St., close to car barn, bargain at $21. STRICTLY MODERN. 6-r., 2110 Seward, choice, strictly modern dwelling, first class repair, 120. 6-r 4002 Charles St., very choice, strictly modern, detached house. In first class residence, district, $30. 6-r., and sleeping porch, 911 No. 20th St, teholco detached dwelling, good resi dence district, $30. 14-r., 20O-U Dowcy Ave., a strictly mod ern up-to-date brick dwelling, In first class condition, In a good district for keeping roomers. Hot water heat rce us for particulars. 8-r.. 2632 Dewey Ave., choice detached ' dwelling, very close-in, $32.60. j 8-r.. 816 So. .Xth Ave., gdod residence dls- trlct $26. 8- r., and maids quarter, 1039 So. SOth Avo Very choice detached dwelling, In a first-class residence district. $40 9- r., 1921 Chicago, very close-in, $40. 9-r., 2967 Pacific, good brick dwelling within walking distance, $42.60. 3-r., 2959 Farnam, good brick dwelling, within walking distance, $42.60. 9- r., 203 So. 37th St., choice detached dwelling In the heart of the West Far nam District 10- r. 2430 Bristol, a good brick dwelling with largo yard, good barn, $27.60. 10-r., 2221 Dodge, a largo house, very close In. "Will put In first-class condl ton for good tenant, $40. FLATS PARTLY MODERN 3- r., 140R No. 17th St, $10. 5-r., 3U5 No. 24th, bargain at $15. STRICTLY MODERN 4- r., 2017 Howard, a cozy "St Louis" flat, within easy walking distance; In first class repair, $28. 5-r., 2708 Jackson, strictly mocVern "St. V ..riVT -'1crB0-V- .syir:"y. .1,. V6 f3rrT tVm n.0m-o.tO2Stvery choice "St Lou.s" ! flat, modern In every respect; In good modern In every respect: In good residence district only $27.60. G-r., COO So. 19th St., a very choice "St Louis" flat closo In, $32.50. 6-r, 320 So. 27th Ave., closo In. $33. 6-r., 322 No. 26th, cholco flat within easy walking distance, good residence dls- trlct, only $32.60. APARTMENTS THE CARPATHIA 834 So. 24th St. 2 and 3-room apartments, very reasonable prices. THE FLORENTINE 907 o. 25th St. 3 and 4-room apartments at bargain rentals. THE LEO NR. 832 8o. 24th SL 6-room apartments at bargain rentals. IiOOMIS APARTMENTS. 1003 fix 30th Ave. 5 and 6-room apartments, choice residence district. Tin3 MAJESTIC. 16th and Yatea Sta. 6 and 7-room apartments, largo porches and beautiful lawns; very reasonable rents. THE ROLAND. 18th und Yates Sta. 3 and 4-room apartments, ut reasonable ronts. THE STREH7LOW. 16th and Yates Sts. G and 6-room uiKirtments, beautiful sur roundings, low rentals. THE STOEOKER. 823 South 24th St. 4-room, strictly modern up-to-date apart ments, ranging In prices from $20 to $23. THE ANGELUS. 25th Avo, and Douglas. 2, 3 and 4-room apartments, very closo In. wo navo others, seo our compieto printed list beforo renting. PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY, Omaha's Rental Men. 61G Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. , HOUSES. fill S. 17th St., 7-r., mod., ex. ht, $25. 2514 Chicago, 8-r mod., only $22.50 210G Blnney. 9-r, modern, $33. FLATS. 513. 514 and 620 S. 19th St Louis flats.. strictly modern, 5-r., and rec. hall In each. Close In, desirable, location; rentals re duced to $32.60. Keys with Janitor Ster ling, across street 413 S. 19th St., (2d fl. No,), 4-r., partly modern, $12.60. 413 S. 19th St. (3d fl. So,). 4-r.. partly modern, $11. 416 . I9tn Bt (M fl. bo.), -r.. partly modern, $10. 419 8. 19th St. (1st fl. No.), 4-r.. partly1 modern, $12. two w milts I'-utsK lusN'r aita (-Turning St (2d a frt). 3-r., partly mod.. $9; ulso 2577 Cuming St (2d fl.). G-r., partly modern. $17,50. Al'AHTMKfiTS. THE STERLING. 19th and St. Mary's Avo., 8 and 4-room apartments, strictly modern. Janitor service. Quiet location. In splendid neighborhood; rentals very rea sonable. See Janitor or call. First Trust Co. 303-5 South 13th St First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1151. $503308 Poppleton Ave., 7 rooms, modern. $404202 Cuming, 6 rooms, modom. $40601 Park Ave., 7 rooms, modern. $35-000 N. 4Id St., 6 rooms, modern. $27.502123 Sherman Ave., 7 rooms, mod. $33.50828 S. 22d St., 10 rooms, modern. $29 2561H Douglas St, 9 rooms, modern. $204507 Marry St., 6 rooms, modern. $201107 N. 23d St., 6 rooms, modern. $201517 N. 39th St, 5 rooms, modern. $1S 2230 a 10th St., 8 rms., mod. ex. heat. $181419 N. 40th at, b rms., mou. ex. neat. 7 824 8. 22d St.. 5 rms.. mod. ex. heat. $15-3411 N. 30th St., 6 rms., mod. ox. heat $141201 Paclflo St, 6 rooms. $133401 Parker St., 4 rooms, water, gas, toilet $122516 N. 81st St.. 8 rms., mod. ex. heat. PETERS thuot vjuii'.x, 1C23 Farnam St. Phone Doug. 898. FOR RENT DETACHED HOUSES. 1113 S. 30th Ave., 9-r.. modern; $35. 11CS S. 29th St., 8-r., modern; $35. 1113 8. 28th St., 7-r., modern; $26. 1646 Georgia Ave., 7-r.. mod. ex. fur.: $25. 2813 Hickory St, 6-r.. mod. ex. fur. - $22.50. 1337 & 27th St. 6-r., modern; $22.50. 1012 N. 24th St. 8-r.. mod. ex. fur.; $20. 1308 8. 25th Ave.. 6-r., mod. ex. fur.; $20. 2418 N. 17th St.. 6-r.. mod. ox. fur.; $16.50 SOU Franklin St, 6-r., gas, city w., $11. 505 8. 31th St, 6-r., city water. $12. 4117 N. 25th St, 4-r city water, $lt 2314 Hickory St. 3-r., well; $10. 614 N. 17th St., 9-r., mod. ex. fur.; $37.60 GARVIN BROS.. 313 Omuha Nat'l Bank Bldg. NONE to compare, 7-room house-, also 4 room flat. 220 N. 23d. $30.00 7 rooms, parlor extending across the entire front of the house. Oak finish, colonnade openings. Four bed roms and bath. Fine neighborhood. Near car. $27.50. New up-to-date bungalow, oak finish, bullt-ln buffet and bookcases. Sun room, fine basement, corner lot. Near car. $20.00 6-room all modern stone bunga low. Oaks floors. Large rooms. On car line. Near good school. AMERICAN SECURITY COirPANY, 17th and Douglaa Sts. Douglas GUI FREE RENTAL LIST. Complete "for rent" list of houses, apartments and flats on file ut our office; no charge whatever. Union Outfitting Co.. Uth and Jackson Sts. WAGON umbrellas. Wagner. 801 N ltth. 6-ROOM house, electric light gas water. $16. 3334 Manderson St and MODEBN house. 1515 N. 40th Web. 1616. WEST Farnam. 3SJ N. 38th Ave., most modern 8 rooms. 2 baths, $50. o C-ROOM cottage, modern except Corner 23d und Ohio Sts. W. 3SS2. heat SEVEN-ROOM, all modem, walking dis tance. 633 Park Ave. H, 4028. 7-ROOM, strictly modern, sleeping porch; near Lothrop school. Price. $30. W. 6406. MODERN 5. 6 and 7-room cottages. Apply at 2124 Miami St. 7-ROOM house, all modern, 2333 Meredith Ave.. $25. Phone W. 3335. ALL MODERN 6-room cottage, 2405 Em met St Tel. Webster 1069. HANSCOM Park residence. 6 rooms, modern, 2963 Martha St , $23 per month. Good repair. Inquire of owner, S. A. Searle. Phono Harney IKK, or Douglas lR0. 'OFFERED FOR RENT llonira and t'ottagra. HOUSES, ALL MODERN. JT00 3. 39th., 7-r., good condition, fine shade $31.00 4107 iAfoyette, 9-r hardw.ood floors, flno district 26.00 2S23 N. 24th, 7-r., newly decorated.... 25.00 1761 a 9th., 6-r., very attractive 25.00 3807 Dewey Ave., 6-r., walking dis tance 1003 N. SOtli. 6-r., good condition, closo to car Zl.cO 415B Cos St, 6-r., very deslragle, Farnam car line. 35.00 291fi Dodge, 6-r. brick, flno condi tion, concession to good tenant.. $5.00 210 N. 23d., 7-r., newly decorated, close In 40.03 XM Dodge, 8-r, handsome brick, high class, new and fine 65.00 FLATS, ALL MODERN. 2622 Leavenworth, 6-r., two blocks from Crosstown car $37.60 121 8. 3Cth., 4-r., bath, disappearing bed In living room, closo In 30.00 16C6 Wirt St., 6-r., brand new, fine residence street 32.50 725 S. 27th, G-r., on corner, very cool 35.00 .ff' uulal EXCEPT 11EAT. ha',,elf' 6,-r- newly decorated.. ..$15, 2?,t,n-'-7"r-' n,c.e "Jreot-Vi 15' MUUSEH, MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. .00 00 2921 N. 26th, 7-r.. newly decorated..... 20.00 FLATS, MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 2209 S. 29th, 4-r $ 8.00 C018 N. 16th, 5-r 16.00 Z327V4 S. 16th St., 5-r 16.60 146U a 16th, 7-r.. will redecorate 20.00 MODERN APARTMENT8. Bosworth, 2217 Howard St., 2-r. and bath, cool, cosy, convenient; private porch 30.00 609 S. 31st 6-r , first floor, fine neighborhood 35.00 Urbnna, 1317 Park Ave., 5-r. and bath, high class, one-half block to Hanscom Park 40.00 ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY, Tyler 1536. 208-10-12-14 Stnto Bank. Bldg. HOUSES MODERN. 5-r., Bungalow, 2624 Blnney St, $25. 5- r., 3S20 No. 19th St, $22.50 G-r., 1325 So. 2Cth St., nowly painted. $25. 6- r., 1524 Wirt St., good condition, newly painted, nice yard, $30. 6-r XB No. 29th St. practically new, niceiy decorated, fzj.ao. - r.. 2S92 Maple St, close to car. $18. 7-r.. 2201" Wirt St. Kountze Place, beautl- -p rd, ?0. 1 Z " " " v ""'.r"""" 8-r., 3211 No. 18th St, oat finish, sleeping pore 11, iio. 5- r., 812 No. 33d St, Bcmia Park, $30. 10-r., 3223 Harney St, large yard, good repair. $35. 10-r.. 1819 Plnkney St., garage, $35. HOUSES, MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 6- r., 2SS0 Maple St., now, close to car, $20. 7- r., 716 So. 2Sth St.. $20. 7-r., 2508 No. ISth St, barn, $22.50. 5- r., 1603 Blnney St., $18. HOUSES, PART MODERN. 4-r., 1614-20 No. 34th St, water paid. $10. 4- r., 644 So. 24th St., water paid, close in $17. 6- r., 2316 Sahler St., $15. 6-r., 2811 Cass St., water, gas, $14. 5- r., 3001 No. 66th St., Benson, water, gas, electrlo light. $20. FLATS. MODERN. 5- r., 2581 Harney St., strictly modern, $30. 6- r., 1806 Emmet St., sleeping porch, large yard. $30. G-r.. 1316V4 So. 29th St.. $27.50. j.;.;; 1401 go. 8th St.." near Brownell Hall, 7-r.. C29 So. 19th St., oak finish. $15. $40. 8-r.. 2501 St. Mary's Ave, close-In. $40. FLATS, MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 6-r., 2524i No. 24th St., new. $22.60. end ror our weekly printed list. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St A. P. TUKEY & SON. 410-12 N. Hth, 10-r., modern brick flats. $50 each. 313 N. 21st, 9-r., modern brick flat. $50. 1301 So. 35th St., 8-r., modern house. 2223 So. 31st, 6-r modern house. $35. 1613 Burt, 8-r., modern brick flat. $45. 250!) Farnam, 7-r., modern brick flat. $50. Apt. 1, Clarlnda. Six rooms, twa baths, modern. $60. 1708 Burt, 3-r., modern apartment- $20. 1539 Sherman Ave., 6-r. modern house. $18. 2223 N. 19th, 3-r. apartment $10. 721 So. 17th. 6-r. house, $12,50. 3112 Leavenworth, 8-r. modern house. $37.50. A, P. TUKEY & SON. 441-1(2 Board of Trade Building. Phone D. 603. FOR RENT We havo a complete list of all houses, apartments and flats that are for rent This list can be seen free ot charge at Omaha Van & Storage Co.. 906 S. 16th St 7-ROOM housi. facing Hanscom Park, modern. $37.9. Phone Harney 1565. hTmiena In all parts of the city. xiUHbtS Crelgh Sona & Co.. Bee Bldg. FOR RENT All modern 6-room bouse. 1617 No, 20th St Tel. Web. 6975. Fidelity Storage Co. Storage, moving, packing and shipping. 16 & Jackson Sts Phone. Doug. 1616. Maggard's Van and Stor age Co. Reduced rates fnr AO rinva Large van. 2 men. $1.23 Der hr.: ilru. 2 men. $1 per hr. 1713 Webster. Doug. 1494. FOR RENT Large 7-room house, strictly modern, 1 block from car. Vacant August 1st. Located 2763 Meredith Avo. Call Florence 267. 2813 Woolworth Ave., 8 rms., mod., $33. 2220 Chicago, 8 rms., mod., $30, or 16 rms., SG0. 2706 Farnam, 8 rms.. mod.. $50. 2222 Clark. 3 rms., $10. 1219 8. 16th, 6-rm. flat, for colored. 316. RINGWALT. Brandels Theater Bldg. ' J O. RTiflT'.riExp. Co.. piano & furni ' "-""ture moving D. 6146. W. 2748 6-ROOM, completely fumisned house. ISO! Blnney. W. 391. 6-R. cottage, modern ex, heat, $15. 4-r. cottage, mod. ex. heat, $16. 6-r. bungalow, strictly modern, $25. 5-r. cottage, all nicely furnished, $20. 8-r. house, mod. ex. heat (for colored), $18. R. S. TRUMBULL, 448 Bee Bldg. Doug. 6707. FOR RENT or sale on easy terms 7-room, modern house. 113 So. 36th St. Inquire ot owner. R. B. Bno. Storm Lake, la. MODERN house, 7 rooms, large lawn, paved street, fine location, shaded; rent $23. Phone Web. 2502. $14.60 for 6-room bungalow and three lots, only 4 blocks to car. also 3-room cot tage and chicken house one block- to car. $12.W (worth $18); 6 rooms, 17th nnd Lake, $18; city water, electric light. Tele phone A. Patek. D. 2107. 2666 Douglas, modern, 9 rooms, $33. 114 So. 26th Ave.. 6 roomr, modern, $30. 208 So. 41rt, HOT WATER HEAT. $25. Flat, 2305 Leavenworth, 5 rooms, $20. 1515 No. 2Cth, fi rooms. $20. 1911 Ixard st;, 5 rooms. $17. 2232 Seward St., 6 rooms, $14. 4955 No. 33th St.. 6 rooms. . N JOHN N. FRENZER. DOUGLAS 654. NEW 6-room house, bath, hall and laun dry. 2204 Burdette St. Phone 11. 1113.' Ill So. 29th, 8-r., all mod.. $23. S712 N. 17th. 6-r., mod. except heat. $18. 1130 So. 29th St., 7-r., mod. except fur nace, $17.50. RASP BROS., 106 MeCague Bldg. DoulaslG53. 5 ROOMS' modern. 2d floor close ln.$16"; 2636 Dodge. Tel. Har. 5763. O A. Eckles WEST farnam: DWELLING. 3415 Dodge, a brand new. strictly mod ernvand up-to-date brick dwelling In tho West Farnam district. PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY, Omaha's Rental Men. 616 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Rental Bargains $10 4-room cottage. 3415 Maple St $14 Reduced from $1S G-room house and bam, 3814 Brown St Will do necessary papering. $18 Reduced from $20 6-room house, mod. ex. heat, paved street east front lot, 1618 No. SJth St. Scott & Hill Co., Douglas 1009. Burma. GOOD barn, room tor S or 10 horses. 1917 Webster St Call Douglas 43- Got anything you'd UXo to swapT Use the "Swappers' Column. OFFERED FOR RENT. Stares nnC Of floe. Vacant August 1st Fine cool room, with vault, electric light and water free. 14Vj ft. by 27 ft., par titioned for two pri vate rooriis and recep tion room. Opens di rect on beautiful court TheBee BuildingCo Ask tho Superintendent, Room 103, to show you now. New Stores for Rent 20th and Farnam Streots $ 75 per month for rooms on 20th St, flne basements. $125 per month for rooms Just west of Merrltt's drug store, fnclng on Far nam 8t; heat furnished. These storo rooms are strictly modem and very desirable Other Good Store Rooms $ 32 per mo. 2208 Cuming St., new build ing, room 20xG0, full basem't, $ 75 per mo. 613 S. 16th St., fine modern storo room, 20x60, full base ment, electric light modern show windows. $123 per mo. 16U Howard St., mod. atora room, full basement steam heat will be installed nt once. $175 per mo. C23 S. 16th St., mod. store room In "500" block, very desirable.' $175 per mo. 2024 Farnam St., 22x133 feet. suitable for automobile sales room, also 6-room apart ment on second floor. George & Company, Phono D. 756. 902 City Nnt'l Bk. Bldg. FOR RENT New store building, dotrlcj lighted, 22x 40. Finest location In city for pool hall and barber shop. No com petltlon. Address M 314. Fine cool room with vault elec. light! nnd water free; 144x27 ft partitioned' for 2 private rooms and reception room. Opens directly on beautiful court 3d floor. THREE-STORY" brick building, good locn-' tlon for stores, factory or restaurant: rent reasonable. Inquire of owner, S. Aj Searle. Phone Douglaa 620 or Harney 1525, DESK space on ground floor of Bee BIilpJ to real estato und insurance man. In dulre 218 So. 17th St STORE rooms, modern show windows, 1322 N. 24th (size 22x60), $35. THOS. W. HA5CEN. 307 MeCague Bldg. D. 1300 STORE room and 22 room a with 4 baths, Btcam heated, 514 S. 13th St., being only 3 blocks south of 13th and Farnam. Foil nU 3 floors $110, plus heat; without storey THOS. W. HAZEN, 307 MeCague Bldg. D. 1300. 423 So. 25th Ave., tine for barber. $1$. 933 No. 24th, 22x60, $25, 1466 So. 16th, 25x00. $25. 2S6S Farnam St., 22x40, $10. 140S Farnam St.. 4,500 sq. ft. floor apao4 on 2d nnd 3d floors,- elevator, $125. ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY. 208-10-12-14 Stato Bank Bldg. Tyler. 16S6. PART 107 So. 15th. modern, $40. 1318 Dodge, 22x100 feet. $23. 1S24 No. 40th St.. BRICK, $25. JOHN N. FRENZER, DOUGLAS E54. FINE, new. centrally located hall, well equipped for lodge purposes, 16th and Harney. Store room, 1504 Harney. Threo fine office rooms, 150(5 Harney. Office rooms, 2d floor, 318 S. 15th. Store, 1020 North 16th. Store, 1409 Harney. Store, 611 South 13th. Store, 2401 Cuming St. 'Store, 33G North -26th, South Omaha. . O. C. .REDICK," ATTORNEY. -224 Omaha National. Bank Bldg,' Telephone Douglas 1612. 'BUSINESS CHANCES Patents That Protect and Pay Books, advice and searches free. Send sketch or model for search; highest reterencea; best results; promptness asJ sured. Watson E. Coleman, Patent Law yer. G22 F St. N. W.. Washington. D. C.-o 1 y We have tor sale chplcq T mortgages on Improved Lj Nebraska farms bearing 1 i III Pr cent ranging" In nmounta from $350 to $5,OCOJ m None ot these mortgages' exceeds 30 per cent of the market valud of the farms. Call on us tor further paN tlculars. KLOKE INVESTMENT COM 301 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. a TO GET In or out of business, call on' QANOESTAD, 404 Bea Uldg. D. 3177. Restaurant right down town, clearing $100 per month. $100. GANGESTAD, Rooms 401 Beo Bldg. D. 3177, Grocery store for sale, cheap, excels lent location, pays well, $1,000. Another! good place $2,600. GANGESTAD, Rooms 404 Bee Bldg. D. 8477. flT'I'nriTiT vtTrt-tj tm mawv aTimro Hotels, general merchandise, manufac turing, meat markets, rooming houses.. Jewelry, music and variety stores, etc.; no commissions; deardlrect with owners; their address free. National Business1 fixenange. a an inrancisco. YOUNG couple would buy good business1 in or out of city where both could bo employed. Y 121, Bee. FOR SALE at a bargain general mer chandise stock and store building In good Nebraska town, invoice $1,500, ont staple goods. Y 129, Bee. JOHNSON. 622 PAXTON BLK. RED 5189. FOR SALE Cigar store and pool Voom, in good live new town of 800 Inhabitant In Ban Joaquin valley, 100 miles from San Francisco; business good, month ot June $30 per day; good clean place and long lease on building. Will Invoice $3,000. If you haven't money and don't mean business don't apply. Address Box 123. Patterson. Cal. PRINTING OFFTOE A first-class Job office, doing a gooJI business, 2 Jobbers, 3 racks, paper cutter and stone; good location; worth $900; owner will soil on account of wlfe'a health for $500 cash. THE VOGEL REALTY AGENCY, 1015-16 W. O. AV. Bldg. ESTABLISHED manufacture WanU state manager; high-class' article; should pay $10,000 annually; $500 to $1,000 capital, will pay expenses to Chicago It you are man wo want; reference. Rich nrdson. 37 W. Van Buren. Chicago. WANTED Live representative for Omaha, or vicinity to sell high-grade artlc!1 X!Lry ho2ne hould have. Easy sales-. lrt Proft; exclusive territory; $300 to $1,000 required to carry necessary stock, Hognn, manager. 312 S. Clark St., Chi cago. MANAGER wanted for Omaha and vi cinity; establish subagencles; latest, big-' gest selling necessities for homes, hotel" offices, factories. Repeat orders assured $200 to $300 required. Handle money yourself your own business. L. L. Luni Mgr.. 452 Bowen Ave.. Chicago. u FOR SALE Bottling works; good pay lng business. Good, opening for prac tical bottler. Not much cash required Address Harry Thlele. Alliance. Neb. BANKRUPT 8 ALEX ' '' ' Stock of hardware and farm lmple menu Invoicing approximately $4 500 t- be sold at public auction at Beaver it July 28. 1914. at 2 o'clock v. m!. by thl undersigned, subject to tho approval of the referee In bankruptcy. Terms, cash. A- M, BURNSIDH, Trust SoctSjT I