maha Sunday Bee Magazine Page m k1. .onpw .1.. 'a wane-. "-as. . 1 II . .:W.v3S:3Kfi'- rTI Till h i 'I I it "H TT UTi I 111 mil li Ti 1 n iiTT T T ' HP ! I I i- . n . 1 S ' I lw& .'a 1 4 'r,.-s' I : )i ' 1 9 1 1 ' ...... i Tho Oamera Oporator in the Great Horn That Is Lowered Into tho Ocean Dopths. UNDER THE Tli Most "knmnrkarjln Photocrranh Takon A Man Fighting a Shark Under tho ocean uu nassau. The Most Baffling Mysteries or the Oceans Now to Be Laid Bare by a New Aston ishing Advance of Science THE recent announcement that submarine ore fields may perhaps be. located by tho uso of wireless appa ratus assumes additional Inter est -because of tho fact that eub marine moving pictures have now been made possible. The dangers , 'which , beset sub marine woykera will be, greatljr lessened when" they are better uhder stood, and the submarine moving picture will doubtlessly reveal many of the mysteries which "the dark, unfatliomed caves of ocean bear." Except from the lips .of dlvors who have descended on the edges of tho coasts to a puny depth of a hundred fjet we are In ignorance of what Ilea beneath the waves. Divers, with tho limited field of observation accorded them by the crudo appliances of their trade, liave been able to tell us but little of the nature of things In that vast area beneath the waters, which embraces three-fourths of tho earth's surface. By tho weight of a lump of lead on tho end of an Inani mate wlro wo have sounded the depths and learned that there aro places where tho ocean's bottom spreads full five miles beneath tho surface. From samples of soil hauled up by mechanical moans, wo know, In a small way, tho character of this bottom. But experiments just concluded on the oceans' bottom in the Bahama Islands have given us far more in structive data than that. For hours at a time men have sat In comfort within six inches of tho bottom and fifty or sixty feet bo aeath the surface. There they have Bmoked and talked and breathed as naturally as though they were upon tho shore. And they looked with ever-widening eyes at the wonders and beauties of subaqueous forests, the countless thousands of brightly colored tropical fish, the panorama afforded by tho lace-llko length of a coral reef, -with hosts of brilliantly hued fish swimming in and out of its pearl caverns, and tho skeletons of once proud ships, with backbones and ribs oxposcd, as they rested where they struck and disappeared from human ken generations ago. What those men saw beneath the sea they photographed, and some of the wonderful pictures they secured are reproduced on this pago. While it is true that the greatest depth achieved in these experiments la not greater than that frequently An Under-Water Moying Picture, Showing a Horse Being Lowered - Through the Depths to Attract Sharks, While the Shark- j;jyuMji;, mub in mourn, wims Beside It. reached by divers, it was clearly demonstrated that tho means for deeper trips Into the unknown waters has been found, and that tho tlmo is not far distant when It will bo easy to go down several hundred feet. The apparatus used In the ex periments was subjected to a thor ough submarine test and structural analysis at the Norfolk navy yard by officers of tho navy, who reported that It would be perfectly safo, In its present form of construction, at a depth of 800 feet. To make It strong enough to go oven deeper is simply a mechanical detail. Several years ago Captain C. Will iamson, of Norfolk, began working to perfect an Invention that would take the place of the ordinary diving suit. It was his Idea that some means should be developed by which a man could go down Into the water unham pered by weights and ropes and com pressed air and water pressure. His experiments extended over a long time, but finally he was successful and tho Government granted him a basis patent. Broadly considered, his apparatus Is in three parts; (lj, floating vessel of any suitable design; (2), sub mersible terminal operating chamber, In which work or observations can be carried on at the bottom of tho water, and (3), a collapsible, flexible tubo of metal, connecting the floating vessel and the submersible chamber. The main featuro of the Invention is the tubo. It Is made of steel in soctlons of varying lengths. Each soctlon Is composed of an upper and lower flange, and these aro con nected by a set of steel hinges, so arranged as to open and shut along radial lines to the axis of the tube, but at all times to fit against each other so closely as to be water-tight. Some of the sections have only one sot of hinges, and when collapsed the flanges rest upon each other. In the longer sections there are several sets of hinges Joined to each other between the upper and lower flanges. When collapsed they stand about three feot high; they aro eight feet long when extended. Tho sections can be fitted to each other readily, and by this means tho length of tho tube is regulated. Because of the collapsible nature of the sections It Is possible to submergo the tube. Any one who has tried to push a largo bucket bottom downward Into tho water will realize what a diffi cult thing it Is to do. With tho col lapsiblo tubo each section Just a lit- Tho Idea of taking submarine motion pictures camo to tho sons of tho Inventor whllo watching tho pro jection of a scientific film bIiowIhr fish swimming in a Bmall glass aquarium tank. Theso two boys, .1. Ernest Williamson, and his brothor, Georgo M. Williamson, had worked with their father In tho development of tho tubo ever slnco they could re momber, and whllo watching this film they got into a discussion over tho feasibility of placing a camera In tho apparatus and photographing subma rine llfo In its natural haunts and surroundings. Thoy had both ofton been down In tho tubo in the waters of Norfolk harbor and seen fish swimming about as thoy looked through tho glass ports. Thoy did not let tho idea rest. Tho very next day they set about arranging experi ments, and in a few weeks had se cured excellent snapshots with an ordinary camora of fish swimming along tho bottom of Hampton Roads. Tho Williamson boys designed a special chambor for tho photo graphic work, and also drow the plans for a vcbhoI from which to lower tho tubo and chambor. This chambor is a hollow sphoro of stcol, with an insldo dlamotor of flvo feot. From Its centro a cono of stcol five feot long and flvo feot In diameter at tho largo end projects horizontally. This cono ponotratos tho sphere, and at Its gauge showed tho water pressuro against tho outsldo of tho glass. Tho other showod tho air pressure within, tho cono. Tho pump was usod to koop theso two pressures equal. Tho steel bulkhead at tho Bmall end of tho cone prevented tho compressed air from escaping from tho cono Into tho sphoro. In tho sphere tho air was tho same as that abovo tho wator. It camo down tho tubo Just as air comes down Into tho hold of a ship, and tho photographer worked under tho samo conditions ho would havo experienced woro he photo graphing tho Insldo of a building. It was the original Intention that tlin first pictures bo takon on tho Pacific CoaBt near Southern Callfor n'a, but upon tho advice of Dr. Town send, curator of tho Now York Aquarium, who has spent tho best part of his llfo In oceangraphlo study all over tho world, tho Bahama Islands woro solected as bolng richest In varied forms of marine life and variegated coral, and tho water of unexcolled clearness at Nassau, N.P., was solected as tho. central point about which tho expedition was to work. For tho first tlmo in tho world photographs woro taken of deep sea divers working on a wreck. Noar Nassau thoro Is tho bulk of an old blockade runner that camo to grief while seeking safoty In that harbor during tho Civil War. Sho lies at a The Bait Rising with Sharks Attacking It An Under-Water Photograph. tie moro than displaces its own placement. Then tho tubo automatl- weight In water at tho surface when cally collapses, section by section, extended. Therefore, it will sink, from tho bottom upward, and as each But deeper down the pressuro of tho section closes Its weight remains tho water overcomes this greater dls- samo, but Us volume of dlsDlace. ment grows less. By this means the continual adding on of sections at the surface forces down the sections below. To the bottom section is fitted the operating chamber. A UGUST Is dominated by two - lunations, tho Full Moon on the Bth and the New Moon on the 21st The latter is a reversal of testimonies contained in tho first, denoting some sudden mutations in both governmental and economic policies toward the close of ,the month. The midsummer Is replete with significant happenings, and press and public will not lack for thrills. Saturn In the fourth angle be tokens earth disturbances, fall of buildings, mining disasters in tho Pennsylvania and Southern regions, and some mishap to the Panama Canal, else earthquake shocks in that zone. In many respects tho lunar period does not promise favorably for the country, and to the disinterested on looker, if any such there be, it will present some puzzling perspectives 'n the panorama of human ethics. There Is some suspicion of trouble from abroad, and tho Secretary of What the Stars Predict for Audust State in come official capacity will evoke censure. As this midsummer aproachos there are not a few no tabilities struggling under a Saturn regime, of whom may bo mentioned Bryan, tho Tammany Hall chief, Mr. Murphy and Colonel Goethals, each with Saturn crossing the natal Sun; ill health and other difficulties to bo feared, and considerable worry for President Wilson after the 21st. The angular position of Mars and Venus square Saturn shows great humidity and increase of tempera turewith the Moon on tho equator at the full between the 6th and 12th, similarly between the 21st and 24th. There will be violent electric storms on the 2d. The stock markets are much de pressed in the first half of the month, with more stability and some definite recoveries Jn the latter half; the money interests are correspond ingly conditioned. The criminal fraternity reaps a re grettable harvest, and with the Moon in conjunction with Uranus so near Jupiter on the 12th, many criminals will use automobiles to carry out their plots, and there will be few, if any, apprehensions; this especially near the 17-18th and tho close of month. The telegraph, postal, railroads, and all carrying companies are bone fitted through Venus up to tho 21st, with the literary, scientific and re ligious worlds not so happily circum stanced. This order is reversed af ter Now Moon on the 21st Specific incidents on or near tho following dates: August 2. Destructive storms in middle and Southern section of the country, crops endangered; a casual ty on an electric railway. August 6. Somo Interesting social function, an engagement in naval or military circles announced, with Venus conjunction Mars. August 10. A prominent business failure In trade or banking circles. Stocks erratic, reaching lower points on tho 12th, with recoveries around the 17-18th. August 21. Tidal waveB and seis mic disturbances reported; this date marks a solar eclipso node, coinci dent with other planetary disturb ances. According to Justlnlus, this occurring in Loo denotes martial ac tivity, movement of troops soon to follow, war dangers and deaths among tho ruling class. The effect obscuration. Philadelphia will feel tlis unpleasantly boforo tho next Now Moon, a lunation that will bring troublous times to govornlng fac tions. August 24. An advancing market, money conditions moro equable, and the social world very active. Gen eral conditions much hotter to close of month. High winds on 30-31st, which will clarify the atmosphero and lessen tho labor of tho medico. August promises good fortune for those born between the Bth and 10th of February, April or June, or tho 9th to 13th of October or December of any year; with an accentuation of the same If in the Summers of 1851 or 1853, tho first quarter of 1855, Fall of 1858 and Winter of 1859, close of 1802, early Summer of 1863, In 1864, Winter of 1867, in I860, Summer of 1870 and Winter of 1871, Fall of 1874, Winter of 1879-80. Sum mers of 1882 and 1884, Fall of 1886, in 1888. Fall of 1890, Summer of 1894, or Fall of 1898. Jupiter sits bonlgnly over their destinies, and of a solar eclipse Is prolonged to somo months, according to tlmo of young ladles will have matrimonial opportunities. A depressed, obstructive condi tion obtains for those born between the 17th and 22d of March or June, or the 21st to 24th of September or December of any year; or in the Summer of 1855 and through the Winter of 1856, early Fall of 1862, last half of 1864, Spring of 1865, in 1870, Spring and Fall of 1878, Spring of 1880, Fall of 1884 and first half of 1885, in 1892 or Summer of 1907. Guard health, business interests, and cultivate a patient and moro opti mistic spirit A bereavement likely to coma their way, as well as thoso whose anniversaries fall between the 5th and 12th of the current August An Under-Sea Moving Picture of Boys Diving for Coins. CooyriKht. 1914. by tho Star Company. Great Britain niithtB Reserved small end, where It Is eighteen Inches in diameter, a steel bulkhead Is fitted. In this bulkhead there are two glass ports, three inches in diameter, and placed one above the other with about five tnchos between them. They aro the eyes for tho photographer and tho camora. The large end of the cone is closed by a piece of plate glass an inch and one-half thick and five feet In diameter. It was manu factured in Germany especially for the purpose, and Is optically flawless. To protect this glass from tho pres sure of the water gauges and pumps were installed in tho sphere. Ono depth of fifty feet, and scattered on the bottom noar her are some rust encrusted cannon and many cannon balls. George Williamson volun teered to bo a diver, and a suit was borrowed from the Colonial Govern ment. Although he had never been beneath tho surface in this sort of garb before, Mr. Williamson gamely went down and strolled about the wreck, picking up cannon balls and sending them aloft in a wire basket attached to a line. While he waB so engaged Mr. Gregory, safe and dry, In the chamber, was photographing