.in Among the Ay mar as of Bolivia TIIH OMAHA S! N'D.U Hhh ,WA -'(., 1011 ... ijsbj.. a. H J t tJ-i - ii ii 1 1 miiw, Wnmnn of 6Lc t ' II . I, -I - I opyrlKht, IKK, by Frank J Carpenter . TJ 1A I.Z. Bolivia Tlio Jiollvtunt . I fovprument la ut lat waking 1 JJ ifj III.! . (JllUHIf ill fc KB III ill.in Thron-fourllm of the 1n InUtarii of this hlirli plateau oi llttlH nifirt tb;t-i savant. Thy have shurchcs, li-it ttwlr nlialon U a combina tion of nuix-rstltloii Inlt-rwoven with the customs of imdlval Christianity. The government 1mm schools, but the Indiana do not Hltond thern, ami not one in it hunclri'l ran read or write. 'i'liousutiils of them are In a state of debt (slavery and tenii of thousands are m xll-n w.u alcohol and cocaine ihut for the most f the time they are little better th;it bcasta. The tsovernmant has iUljl!hc4 a compulsory ytem of tducutlvi and It nan thrown the schools otx-n to all llollvlan children. hevertrctej, but lew of the Indiana K' to school, uij' not one In a hundred lion any ambition to rife above his present condition. One of the new movements for the ele vation of the Indians has to do with the reorganization of the Bolivian arm. Unitary oervlre hua been made comiui eory for all between tlte ages of 19 arid il The KeU-ctlon of tho troop Is made wan out reuard to rare, mul In this way ihou tands of Indiana ar brought to the mill tary barra'ks and M-hoola from every iart of the republic. Here they are drilled Oy , German fflcera and Instructors. T"-ey are taught to obey and to learn to read and write and do primary sums In arith metic. They are kept from drinking, and ! they acquire such civilized tastes and wants that when their military service la over they are not contented to ko baste ! to the mt-avai;e life of their villages. 1 wnmon in eome parts of our UulwJ A child slave cfffieAzideJ Thoti who do go carry the seeds of clV' lllratlon with them, ana a. crop of new ideas and new customs la hvglpniws to J-Ulriic IVIIoera. I have een a great many of these Indian soldiers during my stay. They ore fine looking Yellows and are said to have good lighting qualities. They have Creat powers of endurance and are noted for their frugality and patience. The only trouble is that the army is not large enough to take in more men and there has to be some weeding out of tbose who volunteer to go into the erv ife. At flnt the Indians were afraid of the army, but they axe now keen to f-trve. All the above itaUuient relate to the Aymara. They are the chief nation of red men upon ti-e plateau of Bolivia, They are numbered by hundreds of thousands, and altogether are twiee tie fitafs. Sell f hlldrt-u. "When times are hard or famine cornea the Indian fathers or mothers will often brine In their boya and elrl end ask you in raie tbm sa servants. They will expect from ten to twenty Bolivianos for them, or t! to IV In goM, There are regu lar contract made for this purpose, and a part of the contract reads that they shall have the right to take the child baek upon the payment to you of 3 cents per day for every day you have bad it Thla payment is a fheer Im possibility, and the purchat-e of the child means that you have the right to It wttt' it grows up The law proviit that you must train the child and teaeh It to read and write. It ait? provides that it raust lie well treated, but this depends upon the caprice of the purchaser. Many of the servants are gotten that way." 1 Mlvlan wanted V) force hint to sell It cheap, It aljolntd his property and was . especially d&slrabln on other accounts. lie asked the foreigner his price and was. told that It was J Is), He wanted It rhurh clteuper and In order U make hlrn sick of his bargain he liiclled his Indians to stone those of the foreigner. They did so, but the, foreigner made meh & Lime fight that the llollvlan came to him arid offered Ut lake the place at his orig inal price, The foreigner replied: -'I will sell you the farm, but the price h risen I offered It to you a month ago for lit), but after what you have done you cannot have It for lees than Vai'tH." ' "I will take II," was the reply "I have, I ad enough trouble about this already and rather than have more I will pay what you ask." Hula Are Hralfrred, The huts of the Aymara Indians are scattered over the plateau, and also Mgtj lit) nn the stones of the Andes They ' are usually In villages, but sometimes far apart on the plains. But few house are more than fifteen or twenty feet square, and some only eight or ten. Hometlrne i family may have a half dozen houses lo4 by a mud wall, but the most of i e bvlldlngs are for the stock, and a .' r vie the family uses but one. It Is fot easy lo enter such homes. The Indians do not like strangers, and n making my Investigation I have had them show fight arid warn rn to leetve, Ku-h huts as I have seen Into are little 1etter than pig pens. They have walla . to low that you can reach the thatche1 roof without ntfort, and the s4ngle Coor Is so small that you have to stoop to go in. The fifor is the ground, and the fur riture Is only a few skins and a JltUe mud stove or oven, Imlit up in one wrner. The fue is the manure of the llamas and sl.ej, nd the ooklng Is done In tJtrOi ewware pots, which are utd not oniy for boiling and Slewing, but for cups, tauoers and plates. There is no outlet for the ernoke but the tfoor, and it biaekeos the rof and the walls. The Aymsre ti-ep os Kna tklns laid Vn the floor. They have no night Uothea, and wear Uie ea-rne garment at night a during the day. They usually ei'iep tt ttog. backing thenar ve up againat tlx; J.aH Uid drawing as dotely together a (osrlble in order that aN way get under the blanket and M Diet the fct of their bodies may aid in keptsg ttx-m warm. Cook Outatdr. Where there are several huts the cook ing is done outi4e the home, and some time n oven is built against the waH, Kinii. tift Oulv 14.. -A PriLnleiJly all the t.ni iKor f . a"tng a cover pertia pt to protect ii from rr.any a the IndUn of the I,'nlu4 yuz ther cities of Kosivla is , ,h Hatea They belong to a race that i!Jone by lie Aymara Indians. In tw Tb UxA f tst India Is rtrnp. d to asUdate the Inca. and to have CMfs they are jai4 age and is others A favorite dirt) 1 a utew known a been so powerful that the lacs were ! they get nothing trttt tnesr board for oi't'-"11' ma,f oJ ed mutton. Tht never able to sbuate tnesn as Uey their work. Is the latter rne- the ?i"H U kUi"J tnod The body Old tne otner Indian nations tnat popu-1 tervaats are pongos. who ere snt 1 . ten ?K WB ta M1 'K nu u P of the ouU !frMe Ue country to d9 a certain amount I ilLl . "wT American continent. Alter tne Spaniard.! work u,r tbt4r wbo Hye io . cot pos.en of the country, ttoui,, -rv, ... -w I i"0 L u up W dry. Aymara, were enslaved, and tney TQt ,Mr uul, ! " f"" fc9m Ui u. , . . .7 wes so lovgii n narfl that it wis Keep .1" 8M'y ot"1" for months. WJxenu I. Jmo t ttoe it, Ue town W work as , boats l4ti a n(? VegefWe sra.ti. K period are UtMd ooked b It. oftn ee cwT week or t for eeh person, ad In .oe Tjie Utu.r Is frotr pvtatoer. whtcb we of tne bout vf Ut Pax the wrvaBtf ; fvptur jj, u vty WM wM are cnaiwed every two week, a new Kep uusle te losg as tne 4rle4 lauttoc one oocniBg to relieve the nM. one. A J This U done by aoaktag tne raw potutoet tend owner v1ti a large nuol-r of In- Q water ivxj then allowing the to datuoc on hie oetate may tgrw to fumiati i freete They are staked and frvzn yuu a lKUiie ttmuit tor a year, teadsfig ( again Tiue Men Um so looe that sa&s after man. in leJtye a it were, to tbey can be rvtbed or trodden off with nB up tu; When tie p9sg eemes the bare feet After this they are dritid. 13 msK ssi aus umr bvsibv c uauuiy brimgc wstic iiiai tutougb bac of Uatna maaiure to MU-ve a fuel for the ouoklug during his etay. WMle lawe ne earrlei xS tb water &nd meats hoaiu Ireusi U.e market. al K is Us budnet jaad jasuaa. Tiiore are icaoy vf tnefce in what rrdght be called a oeaditsoa of ( ebt laver today. It is a state of I wja g e not uaMke tstat whsca provalled is the da a of feitdutswa. Much of Solivia is KiH a feudal country, and the rnes and wosneo are yraeUcally bought $aid soM with Ur farms on wfalcjg tbey lie. The fact that the taw pr jbHs tbesa to leave upon the payment or transfer of leir desAs doe not alter the iMtletr. for K is known that tfeetr uttaja zct to thesr noE Is nock tbat tfaey will not do M. Xaay of the Ladlanc en the iadutatnal farm nesar L.e TiUcaca, 'wbasn our witftoawU are bow tryistg to &vHiz. hate belonged to that farsa for gemorstlona, asd tbey have always doee a certain ntiml er of days' work overr . ' , . . . . . ' . . 'ibrtngB the vegetables " - asnv ifsj L fw w&j Mnt Ms) Uvate the hutda allotted to Uittta, tCwntlcued wo Pag Ttm. Boy or Girl? Great Question! Te'iiurr AWJl hutur. The musw txsiattlums of taouro vrvvUI ( snK of the large Bulivms larsns. The iJtdla&s Ore two or throe days f facto week to the wor of the If f. ad the)- are aUoved the nmiiiiatiif dal e lor thesBteivee. They rcsv so y lr their work tutoeait the cnuwad react A tae Mttle !( wMch they are al low ed to lam. If thar master m udiv ocdy a &rt of the ttew he has tte jsght t hire tfcesa cut to othwc and If they 4 sot osier tfceaa he eas IstfUot eortaasi T ii ii ar mnt Thinsi Jt Is i rntsiW the jw to strike an lasam. hot, as octt vrf HahwimiB teats M. auoh strtkang Is r f ety safe If K It done wheat there are so -whte wstaoMies jreeH. m the ottortc -wdH sevts- aaoom. isse unit t as Indian as agnstmt that of a wistte YmH woman has heec Utiag m ntlersit Jnts f BoHi-la. She says that a tvuteas of tsxM-alat eirr 1 wnata Is the higititaiidr and (wsl-stf-the-war dM4ots W hMi Peru id Bsirvla, and J juaderfasd that jt wdte is mb yarts u Keaador aa -welt BaM Hbe' posisoe os the tnroets of Its. Pax. They go adosH; half douMe earryteg great oulsHtr or etay water Jars os their backs Thoy aat a the w tilnhsnem of the nous, tilt nmr at xdght on the Htones Iswlv the door that load te the ptreet. and they jsviwt got Nj aad ; to the poupie who tt9 out or wowe in. They do alt sorts of dradforr. and t4Mse fclndt that tieuvaot of other taae U rtstube w This lrrtngr to many mlndr an old and do. Indeod,. one may hae twegsty other tri"a family nanfly an vzteroas ap- ant. Kut he must ieve lus .tllT jcT of ,1,"n1- tjidted to the abdominal lnuuulea aiit is Attached to Mjiatrra. oatsitaied to kouthe the intricate jiutwort Kwnriuiuji , . , of nnee luvolx L In tula manner It the'ladsasM. are attached te shear mar- lu uu In all tes gf oomtng mothor- teut They "wtll work for theau for little hoot It has boon cenoruUy loeotu- or iwhltic rathetr than for a fortasmor 1",inflwS fw years and ytsara uiiS thosa who may pa &ea good w apes. They In itlchurt prat, . ' . ' il the iuawiiM) reihuf It tftorfle. Purslc- make their watfture Crva&oes thr uiarly O0 theae hnowhur muthera epeak own, and are readr te smcaav m ao ef the abbotit ttf moralng tilehneaa. battle tf IsuOiatod by thorn. This idfest ab fcoe of tttmlB on She Ilgatnoota and . . nvmnu i'wii. joivh zzuuiy liUiir UK . -- . ,. ... ... . 1 . M . uiaUanu bmt r, . Jvuaou iurwuru caitMis foudc botweon the Istdlans Histsie Ufjhts are winiiriim. Tte tp wKii m muob oonoern. one i TJim Is no oueution tmt wbet There Is i douht hut that Indian wwally I- means uf the usmc niutbw s rrituxtt" has a marisod tnflr ssMrn are buurtat aod bold to he naed ! T-'huh Is the nutural wafwn ftf the , t4 rHl"'ve t4 this Hf Motisf la as srat. Indoud, 1 rntxdf Uymara. lie uss to te hee hi ri h1,1' fvB ht Blrt. and hoy ranotnc In aW t. 1 the flook Me 5 S Irsw t to U yeart At times I have takon j with K. and frum hdmfl Mb hut watohos the oteic iillcwe. Is penrtrattng la lu thom in out of Jtr to re tbua a heme fur ht anestty and fcunds a .soek nn iitrtnj. iuurr aC Is oompuuefl vS tlniae omltro- thsoush Ms hnate. ctdson hont Bulled to thurowjrtsVr iubcU Bht hutwoBB the ttoa of two yiuma- Tw outain -JCotWc Prlonfi" ut tfocut Mie boluKvHC te a frsmor asrf ! cmumt nar Ariur muvn in like the mnOing nut of nhilfirtai t -wre-fc I the othor to a native JMdtvian Tn, lnPard w1) lr BradnOld lieg- for thotr hoard and mothac. t we onot. ioretcnur hafi bought the oatavt anC the Cu iJaaftr iliu(,, XHwtrta, 6a. and at achor tsmac hosoiisa I wiuhefl te awe theou as nnrwaali Boon xmsdng Is 3rce Asm the tin in of a loaae than in ahe wms- so mentor hariials and nala. 3t Another increase in value of Omaha real estate this fall Nebraska's 49,000,000 acres are producing a wonderful crop this year. Nebraska's farmers alone will have approximately $35,000,000 more to spend than in any one of recent years. Nebraskans are more prosperous than ever and the resources of the Itate are scarcely touched. Everyone likes to live in and share the advantages of a prosperous community, and Nebraska is a more desirable location this year than ever before. Word has already been received of more than 200 families who will be brought to Omaha this fall by four manufacturing concerns and for whom homes must be made, Another wealthy manufacturer may return to Omaha this fall bringing with him a like number of families in excellent circum stances, who have owned homes up to S8,000 in value, The demand for well placed real estate is consequently sure to be greater with a corresponding increase in value. Shrewd and careful investors will buy now at summer prices and take lull advantage of this fall's profits, You cannot help realizing a profit upon the investment if your purchase is timely and wise ly made, Home property, city and suburban, saves rent and never decreases in value. Well located business property is a gold mine if used to meet the needs of the community. Vacant lots yield a good profit with no upkeep. An acre or two nearby will provide a good living for a family. Consult a real estate dealer about such investments as you would consult a lawyer, He knows property and values better than anybody else because that is the way he makes his living, Get some expert advice before you buy, The real estate columns of The Bee today contain the choicest offerings in all Omaha. There are some bar gains in homes advertised today that you simply cannot afford to overlook if you have any sort of intention of owning your own home. These advertisements are mighty interesting reading to the msn who wants to get ahead in world y goods Telephone Tyler 1000 THE OMAHA BEE Everybody Reads Bee Want Ads J