Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1914, PART TWO EDITORIAL, SOCIETY, Page 3-B, Image 13

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Women Are
Doing in the World
Clnb Calendar.
TUESDAY Bcrmo club luncheon at
Carter Lake club; U S. Orant Wom
en's Belief corps, kcnslngton, Mrs. A.
A. Whitney, hostcea, "Donation" day,
Old Peoplo's home.
WEDNESDAY Omaha Suffrage associa
tion. Ice cream social, Mrs. T. R.
Ward, hostess; Mlts Charlotte White
on "Child Conservation and Social
Purity,'- Hirst Memorial Methodist
church, 3:30 p. m.
THURSDAY Emma Hoagland Flower
mission; Equal Franchise society, Com
missioner J. B. Hummel on "Duties andj
Alms of the Park Commission," Mrs.
Henry Doorly, hoatees.
FRIDAY Benson Anthony league. Mrs.
Z. T. Lindsay, hostess; Miss Charlotte
B. White on "Child Conservation and
Social Purity." as Central Park Con
gregational church, 3:30 p. m.
mHB annual county convention
of the Women's Christian
Temporanco union will be held
at Waterloo August 21. Dele
gates will attend from each
of the local unions, several of
which will hold their annual meetings Im
mediately preceding the county conven
tion. Mrs. Whltmoro of Valley Is presi
dent of the county association.
Mrs. It. A. Richardson, Fremont, dis
trict superintendent of the Nebraska
Children's Home society, left for on ex
tended trip to the coast She will visit
friends In Spokane, Seattle, Portland and
Los Angeles, returning by way of Salt
Lake and Yellowstone park. She will be
absent about two months.
Miss Luclna D. Kyle, Hastings district
superintendent, will leave soon on a vaca
tion trip to her old home In Mount Ver
non. Ia., where she will visit friends for
two weeks.
Tho Omaha Suffrage association will
give an Ice cream social at the home of
Mrs. T. R. Ward, 2121 Wirt street.
Wednesday evening. Tho hostess will be
assisted by the executive committee. In
cluding Mesdames 8. A. Capon, R. B.
McKelvy, O. W. Covell, C. S. Hartwick,
L. U Mcllvatne, I. Conner and W. H.
Hatteroth. Fifteen cents will be charged
for Ice cream and home made cake, tho
Proceeds to bo used In the suffrage work.
An invitation is oxtended to tho public.
U. S. Grant Woman's Relief Corps No.
104 will bo entertained at a kcnslngton at
the home of Mrs. A. A. "Whitney, 618
North Twenty-third street. Tuesday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. A special pro
gram will bo arranged for this meeting.
The last Tuesday In each month is ob
served as "decoration day" at the Old
People's Home, 22H Wirt street, when
the officers aro there to receive food sup
plies. Donations of fruits or vegetables,
either by gardeners or others Interested
in the work will bo appreciated.
The Sermo club will entertain at lunch
eon at Carter Lake club Tuesday after
noon. Mrs. George Undley Is in charge
of tho arrangements.
Tho meeting of the North Side Wo
men's Christian Temperance union, which
was to bo held Tuesday, has been post
poned until tho first week In August
Mrs. H. b. Claggett president of tho
West Side Women's Christian Temper
ance union, leaves August 1 for a two
weeks' trip to Denver. Sho will return
In time for the county Women's Chris
tian Temperance union convention.
Mrs. I J. Hoaley of the Omaha Wo
man's club, returned Saturday for a six
weeks' trip on the great lakes, which she
took following the General Federation of
"Women's Clubs' convention, to which she
was a delegate. Mrs. Healey will leave
again the latter part of the week for
Humboldt, Neb., her home town, to at
tend the Chautauqua. She will be gono
one week.
Mrs. W. A. Smith, president of the Mon
mouth Park Mothers' club, has returned
from a visit with her mother at Lincoln.
Mrs. Thomas Parker, for two years re
cording secretary of Chapter M of the
South Omaha P. D. O. sisterhood, left
Thursday for her new home In Buenos
Ayres, South America, where Mr. Parker
will have charge of the Swift company's
interests. The P. E. O. sisterhood en
tertained at a farewell reoeptlon in their
honor at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Fred
A. Cressey Tuesday evening, when Mrs.
Parker was presented with a beautiful
friendship pin by the members of the
Mrs. John Steel, who passed away In
Parma. Idaho, last week, but whose body
was brought to Omaha for burial, was
formerly an active member In the Omaha
"Woman's club. She was particularly In
terested in the literature department nd
the history department when that was
a part of the club's program. A number
of club women were present at the fu
neral exercises, which were held Friday
from tho home of her son, Harry Steel.
Miss Charlotte E. White, lecturer for
the Child Conservation League of Amer
ica, will speak on "Child Conservation
and Social Purity" at the Hirst Memorial
Methodist church, Thirty-fourth and
Larimore streets, Wednesday afternoon
at 3:30 o'clock. She will deliver the same
address Friday afternoon at tho Central
Park Congregational church.
The Anthony Suffrage league will meet
Friday at 3 o'clock at the home of Mrs,
Z. T Llndsey, In Benson. The suffrage
quartet will give several numbers, and
prominent speakers will be present
The Bonson Woman's Christian Tem
perance union met Friday and elected
delegates to the county convention to be
held at Waterloo. The delegates are
Mesdames R. J. Faussett, S. C. Stevens
and II. J. Grove; alternates, Mesdames
E. C. Fuller, S. R. Brewster and A.
Commissioner J. B. Hummel will be
the sixth speaker In the series of lec
tvres being given before the Equal Fran
chise society. He will speak on "Duties
of Alms of the Park Commission" at a
meeting to be held at the home of Mrs.
Henry Doorly Thursday afternoon at 4
o'clock, instead of Judge George A. Day,
who was previously announced to be the
speaker. The society has decided to con
tinue the series and have secured Francis
A. Brogan for an address on "The Judi
ciary" for Thursday, August It, at the
home of Mrs. Clement Chase. A list of
other speakers and dates will be made
public next week.
Kidney nnd I.tvrr Trouble,,
Quickly helped by Eleetric Bitters sure
and prompt relief stimulate the kidney
and liver to healthy action. 5nc and 11.00.
All druggists Advertlsemen'
Romance of the Tel Jed Sokol Meet
King George Asked
to Give Titles and
Honors to Women
LONDON, July 25. The Women's Free
dom lcaguo haa prepared a list of distin
guished women to back up Its petition to
the king to reward with titles "tho many
noblo and public spirited women who
render Invaluable lmporial and social
service throughout the dominions."
Men havo so far been tho only ones
to receive titles in the distribution of hon
ors on the King's birthday. Tho Women's
Freedom league, however, thinks com
plimentary handles Bhould bo placed
against the names of the following:
Imperial Services Lady Lugard, Flora
Shaw; Miss Merial Talbot, Victoria
league; Lady Henry Somerset, Mrs. An
nie Besant; Miss Haldane, army work;
Miss Agnes Woston, navy work.
Social Service Miss Margaret Macmll
lan, school clinic work; Councillor Mar
garet Ashton, Mrs. Bramwell Booth,
Lady Frances Balfour, Mrs. Sidney Webb,
Miss Eva Gore Booth. Miss Esther Roper,
Miss Mary MacArthur, Mrs. Crclghton,"
Mrs. Barnett
Writers Flora Annie Steel, Olive
Schrelner. Alice Meynell, Lady Gregory,
Art Ellon Terry, Lena Ashwell, Miss
Hornlman, Madame Clara Butt, Dr.
Ethel Smyth, Lucy Kemp Welch.
Science Mrs. Hertha Ayrton, Lady
Hugglns, Dr. Annie Porter, Mrs. Gordon
Ogllvle, Dr. scnarucrj, ur. uarreu An
Education Emily Davles, Francis uove,
Isabella Cleghorn, Miss Jones, Louisa
Lumsden. Sophie.. Bryant
Distinguished Sorvlce-Mra St Clair
Ktohnrt. nmbultinco and military service;
Miss Violet Markham. publicist and phil
anthropist; Miss Edith Durham, war cor
respondent; Lady Aberconway, politician;
Maude Royden, speaker and writer.
Matrons of Hospitals Miss Mcintosh,
St. Bartholomew's; Miss Lloyd Still, St.
Thomas'; Miss Louise Victoria Haughton,
Guy's; Miss E. C. E. Luckes. London;
Miss B. McCall Anderson, St George's;
Miss Young, Westminster; Miss M. Mc
Evoy, Antl-Vlvlsection: Miss A. M. Bird,
Great Northern Central; Miss I. C. Ben
nett, Metropolitan; Miss B. Sherratt,
Cancer; Miss Garrett, Lock hospital.
Traffic in Girls
Does Not Exist in
Germany, Says Kopp
BERLIN, July 25. There Is no such
thing as white slavery. In the Bense In
which the term is usually employed, ac
cording to Dr. Kopp of the Berlin police
department, who appeared as an expert
witness In the prosecution of Samuel Lu-
belakl, charged with decoying girls over
the Russian border and sending them to
resorts In South American and other
cities. Dr. Kopp said:
"There Is a widely held Impression In
tbe2publlo that innocent girls, by force or
trickery, are placed In houses of 111 re
puto and held there against their will.
As a matter of fact, a case of that
naturo haa never occurred. Even the
various associations organized to prevent
white slavery, have up to this time never
been able to point to a single case of
this kind."
Dr. Kopp declared that the testimony
against Lubclskl must be weighed In the
light of the general public's erroreous
conceptions, which had unquestionably
Influenced tho witnesses against the de
fendant. There were, Indeed, agents
who secured modest commissions by
placing women of 111 repute In resorts,
but this was the sole foundation for the
delusion concerning the existence of a
vhlto slave trade.
Nearly a year ago another prominent
criminal authority of Germany declared
that not one case of the forcible deten
tion of an unwilling girl In a brothel has
ever been established In Germany. There
was a chorus of protest at that state
ment, led by the organizations engaged
In fighting the alleged evil. The expert
answered by Inviting them to submit
proof of a case of the kind. They have
not yet done so. ,
Amusing Story of
Oriental Justice
JAFFA, July C An amusing story of
oriental justice comes from the arrest of
an Austrian subject of twenty years'
residence here for Intuiting the Turkish
flag. Tho Austrian had walked about
the streets) with the flag wrapped around
one shoe. Ab It was clear that he wore
the flag In this fashion In order to of
fend the Turks, and as the Austrian con
sul with the backing of a powerful gov
ernment demanded the man's release, the
Turk on the bench wisely saved the honor
of both countries by this ruling:
"The cause of the offense Is the shoe,"
ruled the resourceful court. "You can
therefore take the man, and we will keep
the shoe."
The Austrian was then released, while
the offending shoe Is still "dolnc tlmo."
Shoes Worn by Man
Behind the Gun Are
Important Factor
WASHINGTON. July 2C.-A nation
wide Bhoemaklng contest, Just brought
to a close by tho awarding of two army
contracts to the winners, produced 240
pairs of the most perfect samples of mili
tary footgear ever manufactured, ac
cording to the board of army exports
who passed upon them.
"Next to tho quality of the gun he
carries," said one of these army experts,
"more depends upon tho condition of tho
shoe he wears than upon any othor fac
tor that goes toward the make-up of an
effective soldier."
As u result of this feeling, the United
States army quartermasters have evolved
a shoe which, they say, makes the Amer
ican fighting man the best shod soldier
In the world.
It took over a year of continual and
careful experiment before satisfactory
results were reached. Countless X-ray
photographs were made; the position of
the bones of the feet were noted and tho
anatomy before, durlm? and after marches
were studied nnd compared. All this tlmo
different models were tried and theories)
were worked out. Finally tho txpe of
shoe was evolved with Its straight lino
on the big toe, its snug Instep and a
chance for tho toes to He as freely and
naturally na In a moccasin.
When the theory of scientifically cover
ing the foot had been established to the
satisfaction of the nrmy expert various
manufacturers placed their plants at tho
army's disposal In the hopo they would
le rewarded with the valuable contracts
to supply tho 6,000 pairs worn out In a
year's marching for Uncle Sam.
But the quartermaster corps did not
limit Itself to a single firm. They worked
out a system of having each firm sub
mit a sample of what It could do. Two
pairs of shoes were offered by each bid
der, showing tho manufacturer's ability
to meet specifications.
The 240 prize pairs of shoes were the
result and out of these are being selected
i the standard for the army's future foot
Ballet Originated
in Ancient Egypt
LONDON, 'July 25 Too dancing is not
I a comparatively modern French Inven-
tlon, ns is popularly supposed, since a
pieco of Egyptian pottery ovtr 2,000 years
j old, now exhibited by tho Institute of
I Archaeology, shows a girl taking such
! stops In modern ballet style.
The antiquity of modern toe dancing Is
only one of the things revealed by the
Egyptian collection brought from Meroo
In the Sudnn by Prof. John Garstang.
Stones of astronomical buildings there
show considerable knowledgo of tho
heavens. On one stono was sketched an
Instrument for measuring angles and tak
ing elevations, while another drawing
tends to show that an effort was made
to measure the circumference of the
moon. Certain marks measuring the
shadows of the sun Indicate an effort to
get the lattltude and longtltude of Meroe.
An entirely new language, which Is ut
present a mystery, also was discovered by
archaeologists here, In certain Inscrip
He Knew.
"What kind of beef have you this
morning?" asked the husband.
The best steak we have ever had. ulr."
replied the butcher. "Hero vou are. sliw
as smooth bb velvet and as tender nB a
woman s neart."
The husband looked up and said: "Ab,
then I'll take mutton."
"The Isle of Joy" will headline the bill
nt tho Empress theater this week. It Is
a big cyclone pantomime act bubbling
over with the funniest at every turn and
running over with merry laughter. 'Ev
erything that looks like a wheel, from the
bare spokes to a grindstone, Is ridden, and
plenty of comedy is Inoculated Into the
act to set your funny bones on edge.
King and Jolly are artlstlo exponents
of all the modern dances, and this couple
are extremely dexterous In the footwork
set to the rhythm of the musto. Ida Rus
sell of the Ida Russell company will be
remembered as the comedienne with the
old comedy act of Russell and Church.
Little Caruso and Brother will close the
vaudeville bill, singing snatches from the
larger grand opera shows. High-class
photo-playH consisting of comedies.
dramas and both editions of the Hearst
Sellg Newsy News Pictorial complete the
I .1
At the Empress
" '
ilulUlU rUl UIIIUN rAUlrlUt
Permitted to Take Long Haul of
Western Freight
Fedrrnl Body Ilevrrnrs Self FoIIott
inn Krlilrnce nnil Amnmrnti nt
Itrhrnrtnu Order Itffrc-
tlves Immediately.
Before the Interstate Commerco com
mission the Union Pacific has won a big
victory In a legal contest that hrts been
j waged for more than two years and In
which tho commission reverses Itself. By
the decision of tho commission tho Union
Pacific Is permitted to close tho Denver
and Pullman gateways against tho Bur
lington. Rock Island and Missouri Tarlflc
i for general traffic between exclusive
j points on the system In Washington and
Oregon and placos on and east of the
Missouri river.
Tho meaning of tho decision Is that
when freight originates at points on the
lines of the Union Pacific In Washington
and Oregon tho company lines will haul
It through to destination, thus getting the
long haul Instead of turning It over to
other roads at Denver and Pullman. If a
carload of merchandise Is shipped from
Omaha to any exclusive point on tho
Union Pnclflc system In either Washing
ton or Oregon, or If a consignment
Is shipped from a Missouri rlr point
touched by tho Union Pacific and to an
exclusive, point In elthor of the two west
ern states. It will go through on tho one
tine without a transfer being made ai
Denver or Pullman.
The Union Pacific Is tho principal
beneficiary by reason, of tho decision of
tho commission, though It Is asserted that
by cutting out the delay Incident to a
transfer In tho Ddnver and Pullman
yards, tho time between the Missouri
river points and those In Oregon and
Washington will bo cut twenty-four to
forty-eight hours.
Instead of shipments to and from the
west going by wny of Denver, hereafter
they will bo routed by way of Cheyenne,
thus causing a avlng of 100 or more
miles. Rates, however, remain tin1 same,
In tho past having been on tho through
I'rofltiiMc for Union I'nclflr.
Railroad men look upon the decision as
a big killing for tho Union Pacific, for
now It will get tho entire haul between
the Missouri river nnd the Washington
and Orogon points Instead of having to
turn over a portion of tho business nt
Denver and Pullman, thus losing out on
60o miles. ,
It Is understood that tho decision does
not apply to lumber and fruit nnd that
these two commodities will toko the
samo routings as In the past.
Upon tho completion of - tho Oregon
Short Line and tho Oregon & Washing
ton rnllroad years ago and when they
became a part of the Union Paclflo sys
tem, tho Denver and Pullman gatoways
were closed against tho roads operating
Into Denver and handling business be
tween the northwest and the Missouri
river. This continued up to the time of
tho receivership. After that tho gate
ways woro closed and remained so for a
number of years. Some five yoars ago
the Missouri river-Colorado roads other
"than the Union Pacific went beforo the
! Interstate Commerco commission nnd
asked for tho opening of tho gatoay.
Tho order was granted and some two
years ago tho Union Pacific nuked for a
rehearing. This in tlmo was granted,
after which testimony wns offerod and
argumonts heard. The case wns taken
under advisement, with tho result of tho
decision now handed down nnd which bo-
This Kitchen
The Itlngling Urothers' circus Is a per
fect city In Itself, visiting a different lo
cality almost every day for 1W) consecu
tive days, travollng approximately W,WXl
miles In a neason, yet moving with more
system and with less fuss and noise thnn
any branch of the army.
When annexed to this' city, Monday,
August 10, It will odd to the local popu
lation a IlabeMIke throng of nearly 1,4'")
people. Those will come from every part
of the world, for the majority of tho
perfonners are foreigners and making
their first tour of this country. Tho
canvas city will stretch over twenty
acres and, In addition to Its people, will
comprise 735 horws, forty-ono elephants,
thltry-two camels, ten zebras, a whole
family of giraffes and more than a thou
sand wild animals.
The circus will come here on eighty
nine double-length railroad cars. This
season's main tent is the largest the
Itlngling Bros, have ever used. It has
been built not only to accommodate the
circus program, but also arranged for
rompa effective as soon a tariffs can
be revlse.1 and corrected to meet the new
Anti-German Feeling
in Alsace-Lorraine
is Growing Rapidly
BERLIN. July -The "sharper wind" 1
predicted for Alsace-t,orralne as a result
of the change In viceroys has already
begun to blow. One of the first Indica
tions was the recent order forbidding
army recruits from the Kelchsland to
bo mustered into regiments of their homo
provinces. Another Is tho following
paragraph from tho "Offlclnl Correspon
dence" of Strnssburg. tho organ of the
"It has recently been observed that,
cspeclnlly upon the return of excursion
ist from over the French border, flags
and badges of all varieties In the French '
colors arc worn In a conspicuous manner j
It Is therefore advisable to direct attcn- I
tlon to tho fact that, lindor article A of '
tho decree of August 11. 184S, and under
numerous decisions of tho courts, the
publlo exposing of those colors consti
tutes a punlshahlo offense, subjecting
ono to Imprisonment and considerable
Repeated Incidents In tho conquered
provinces show how widespread the nntl
Ocrman feeling Is among different
classes. Tho most recent Incident Is re
ported from SHarburg, where tho pastor
of the state church refused to have the
church bells rung In honor of a visit of i;
tho viceroy. Dr. von Dnuwlti. Tho mayor
Intervened, calling attention to nn ordi
nance requiring the bells to be rung on
such occasions. The pantor still refused
Tho mayor then summoned gendarmes.
who demanded tho key of tho belfry and
I rang the bells thomsclvcs,
CONSTANTINOPLE, July 2fi.-ln proof
of tho now spirit now stirring the Turk
ish people, tho foreigners hero clto the
sudden Interest taken In tho stage. Many
"well known plays, including "1m. Damo
aux Camellun," havo bcon translated Into
Turkish for production. Some of Mollere's
comedies and dramatizations of Sher
lock Holmes' stories nro also booked.
It Is comparatively fow years that Con
stantinople had a few houses of amuse
ment of tho poorrot class, of which the
host was a dogonerato circus. Now, with
Mr. Autolno, the famous Parisian di
rector In charge of tho Conservatolro of
Constantinople, some fine productions
may be oxectcd. Native writers are also
exercising their hands at tho drama.
PARIS, July 25. An nrmy of 6,000
women selling artificial flowers In a
single day In Pnrls gathered more than
120.000 for the French Red Cross society.
Tho campaign was a special one for the
benefit of the sick nnd wounded French
roldlers In Morocco. Tho women charity
workers sold tho little flowers not only
In the streets, but In the theaters and
tho principal cafes and restaurants. Their
richest harvest was at the Vdodromo on
tho night of the JohnsonJMornn fight
Although the flowers wore selling for onfy
2 cents many of tho spectators In the
ringside seats dropped silver and gold
into tho collecting boxes.
Oct Into
business via hto "Iluslness
4,000 Meals Every Day
tho massive spectaclo of Holomon and the
Queen of Shelm. This newly added pro- '
ductlon roqulros a cast of l.SM) people, i
hundreds of dancing girls, a caravan of
camola and toiw of special scenery, cos
tumes nnd electrical effects. Tills makes j
necessary the carrying of a stage of'
tremendous proportions.
Ono of tho most Interesting of tho sev
eral circus departments Is that In charge
of tho cqmmlKsnry. This offlciul und his
iiwUtunts do 'their murkutlng dally nnd'
In the city In which the show Is to ex- '
hlblL More than 4,000 meals nro served
every twonty-four hours and at those
tho diners consume approximately 3,(0)
pounds of fresh meat, 300 dozen eggs, 00
pounds of bread, 1D0 pound of butter,
200 pounds of ooffec, ten crates ef vege
tables and othor Items equally as large.
For tho stock and animal department
there uro used dally, ten tons of hay,
SCO pounds of straw, Vft bushols of oats,
1,500 pounds of beef, while no well be
haved elephant would think of preparing
for parudo without his usual morning
cereal a bale of hay
High Grade Player Pianos and Cab
inet Players at Bargain Prices
Moat of thoso Instruments hnvo been used n short tlmo for
demonBtratlnR; othors nro discontinued stylos. Wo hnvo put thom
nil In first clnsn condition and will guarantee) ovcry lnstrumont to
bo perfect or money refunded. All nro Included In our July Cloar
Ine Salo.
If you nro Interested In tho purchnso of n high grado Player
IMnno for your homo, now Is tho tlmo to soloct It. You can savo
from $150 to $260. Torms, $2.00 a WEEK and up.
Froo nonch, Senrf nnd Selection of Music,
$1100 CHAHU & HAKKK Player, now 8 35
91WO PIANOIiA Plnycr, now 511
$500 SCHl'IlRUT Plnycr Plnno, now S25l
$.-50 SCH.MOIjTiKK MI'KIiTjKK Plnycr Plnno 300
$700 Stuyvcsnnt Plntiolii l'lnyer IMnno S425
$tl00 SCHMOIiliUH & Ml'lUiliKK Plnycr Plnno $395
$7o( Combination Klcctrie nnd Foot POwcr Plnycr Plnno. . .J5485
Also sovornl Wobor nnd Whcolock Pianola Plnnos used for
demonstration purposes (good ns now) nt great reductions.
SPHCIAIi PIjAM-:U MUSIC UOIil, OKFEH 25 buys nny 88-noto
Holt on otir linrgnln tnbte.
All up-to-dnto selections in Universal nnd Vocnlstylo rolls.
1311-13 Farnam St.
Oldest Plnno House In the West KsUthllslted lfWIO.
Htclu.slvo Kcprdscntntlvos for tho Genuine
Aeollnn Plnnoln Plnnos.
415-17 South
Docauso you will find lower
prices, bottor morchnndlso, polite,
courteous nttontlon to your wnnts,
oxcolloitt dollvory sorvlcrj and a
firm dofdro to glvo you moro for
your monoy than you renlly ox
poctod. Visit tho storo with
homo ntmoaplioro.
$15.00, 510.50 up to $30.00 A PAIR FOR ONLY
Thcso curtains actually sold for tho prices stated tho orig
inal prlco tags aro on every ono, UUT wo havo only ono and
two nalr lots thoy aro going to ho closed out nt Sfl.7r
a pair a prlco loss than tho material alono cost. You novor had such
an opportunity as this hoforo bo hero EARLY; tho Boloctlon will bo
best thon.
40 Cent, 45 Cent and 50 Cent CRETONNES, a Yard or
Six or eight dcslrablo handsomo designs In popular colors for )C
summer drapoilrs, bod room draporlos, etc. Cretonnes aro
growing moro and moro popular for all tho year uso. Buy thom hore
tills wook at a bargain.
P'RTfl'F. Exclusive designs found only at Heaton & Lalor's, go on sale
jrxuxi tl))( week nt pbiOD. Anything you want In the line of
wall papers Offering wonderful values In the boat papers made. Home small
one-room lots, others In largo quantities. Let us allow you the patterns.
18th St., Between Douglas and Farnam.
(Opposite 18th St. Entrance City Hall)
TODAY 12 to 3; 5 to 8 P. M.
Special Chicken Dinner
40 Cents
Every Day Plate Dinner 11 A. M. to 8 P. M. 25 Cents.
Tho Very Best Food nnd Servlco at Extremely Popular Prices.
Today, 3 P. M.,
Tako 42d and
Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Go.
"Where the Cool Breezes Blow,"
Free Moving Pictures
Every Evening
Free Band Concorls Sundays
Balloon Asoanaion About 8 O'clock,
Sunday ETenlng,
Sixtoenth Street.
VIiwSu yuil Mia!
. BP JtS u 1 1 FIWH WW 1
1 11 W'i t
at Fontenelle Park
Grand Avonuo Cars
IWcek Starting SUNDAY, July 80
Presents "The Isle of Joy."
Xn "The Society HI ok."
Orond Opera Singers.
Exponents of Modern Dances
Comedies and Picture News, Pram.
R nerved Seats lOo Sxtra,
Finest Picnic Grounds in tho
Dancing to Lamp's Orchestra.
Holler Ooustor, Old Hod Mill, Yollc,
Skating Itlnk, Corry.Us-All,
Ferris Wheel, Penny Arcado,
Fro Moving Pictures, Etc.
Saturday, Angus let.
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