Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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Friday, July 24, 1914.
T HAPPENED to bo roadlnK one of tho nowspapors from out !n the state
the other morning I think It was a Hastings paper. On tho front
I page was a story about a farmer trying to get young men to help
harvest. He started bidding at $2 and went up as high as $4.50 a
day as wages for harvest hands.
That aftornoon a husky young colloge chap came to tho door. At
first T thought It was someone who had come to make a social call, and
then 1 saw tho tell-tale book under one arm and a magazlno under tho
other. We woro already subscribers to the magazlno nnd did not caro for
tho book, but the chap wan trying to work his way through Crolghton uni
versity by working In tho summer, and had n letter of recommendation
from ono of the best known college professors. I regretted thnt I did not
havo the dipping from tho Hastings paper to give to tho youth.
Summer Plans.
Mr Stanley M. nosowater left Thursday
for Chicago on a huslnww trip. From
there Mr. and Mrs. Rosewfrtfir will take,
a. crulM on tho great lakes, later vUltlnic
he summer place of Mrs. Hoeewater's
father, JuiIko McAlvay, on Michi
gan near Frankfort
Mrs. Charles Marsh left Wednesday
cvenlnc. accompanied hy her little daugh
ter. Gertrude, for Dennis, Mors., to spend
th summer, Mrs. Marsh will visit In
Boston and Now Tork before, returning
the. latter part of September. Among
other Omahans who are spending tha
summer at Dennis are Mrs. Taiil lloag
land and children, nnd Mra. Allen Robin
son and son.
Mrs. K A. Holyoke and daughter, Miss
Marfcaret Holyoke. and niece. Mlsa Mary
Cooper, of New Tork, aro trueats of Mr.
and Mrs, OeorKo Holdrege. on their ranch
near Madrid. Neb. Miss Hbldrcir and
her cousin. Miss Cooper, both attend
IUdcllff college.
At Carter Lake Club.
Two hundred Tel Jed Sokol Ktrls w
ntertalned at dinner at Carter Lake, club
Thursday. Thoy spent the afternoon In
swimming, boatlnff, bowling and tennl
and Kavo several exhibitions of fancy
The Carter Iake Kensington club enter
tained at a largo 1 o'clock luncheon at
the club house Thursday, following which
the afternoon was spent In sewlnK and
bridge. The guesta of the aftornoon wero
Mesdames E. IV. Turner. Matthews, Fred
Potter of Bt Joneph, J. F. Pettesrew and
O. Crandall of Llewellyn, Nob. The mem
bers of tha club arc:
Misses- Misses
Lillian Hughs. Clara Tlerney.
Kthel Tlerney,
Mesdames- Mesdames
George N Alabaugh, George T. Ltndlcy,
O. E. HegeroW, A. Boronson,
W a, Bourke. McCormlck,
A D, Chapman. It. A. Nowell,
M V Chrlstlanev. C. L. Newell.
i j. mraun.
Olen PetteBrow,
J. Robocek,
A. Schwaiick,
W. eehwarlck,
George K. Thomp
son, W. E. Van Cott,
Thomas "Waters.
F. U Keller,
W. E. Baehr entortalned atz gueeta
at dinner last evening; E. D. Barth, two;
Fred Butt, two: G. B. Crano, two; It T.
Daniel, sU; W. A. Eddy, thirteen; Vin
cent Has call, two; Mrs. May Harris, four;
Philip E. Horan, two; IS. a Jewell, two;
iHenry Keating, five; I F. Meyers, two;
Grant Peters, two; A. M. Pinto, two;
Edward U fichleck, four; P.. U Shepherd,
throe; F. L. flturtevant, five; Walter M.
Wharton, two; J. S. SMUl, two: W. It
Taylor, six. Dr. J. E. Simpson, four; Mrs.
J A Kogera, two.
Mrs, F. 8. King entertained at luncheon
and a bridge party at Carter Lake club
Thursday, Those' present were: .
Mesdames Mesdames
Edward Phelan, Edward Johnson,
n. E. McKclvy, Cuthbcrt Vincent,
Charles Rosewater, Frank Weaver,
Miss Jewett.
Breakfast Parties.
Mrs. G. G. Gulnter entertained at a
breaJ.faat kenslngton Wednesday for her
sister, Mrs. E. E. Howell of Fargo, N. D.
The decorations were pink and white.
Those present wero:
Mesdames Mesdames
I. ft Arey, John A. Johnson,
Martin Oberst, nurd Milter,
Charles McMartln, T O. Putnam.
T. N. Crosby. J. W. Marshall.
Helen Morton, C, J. Hubbard,
Jessie Dodder, J. M. Dow,
A. C. Crossman, H C, Balrd,
W. JL Monaghan. K H. Weaterfleld,
W, T Johnson, Walter Evans of
J n. Orange, Bloomlngton, 111.
Mrs. G, G. Quintor also gave a bridge
breakfast Thursday, when her guests
Fashion Hint
D. Dlrkman.
8. K, Hanford,
I T Heeney,
K O, Jaycox.
Carl Johnson.
Max U Smith,
C D. Scott.
jj ill
Afternoon dress In maroon taffeta. The
neck Is V ahapod In front with the nre-
vailing standing, turned over coilar In
back. Tho sleeves aro short, with on
opening at shoulder. Long whlto net
sleeves fall over the hand. The belt Is
of taffeta ending In a pnssomenterio and
bead ornament Tho skirt has a deep
puff and flounce at hips and Is gathered
up In tho front
covers laid for fifteen guests; Mr. and
Mrs. P. C. Hyson will entertain ten
guesta nt dinner Saturday evonlng; Jack
KeUy four; Dr. J. F. Anson eight; A. A.
MotAUghlln six.
Announce Engagement.
Mr. and' Mrs. W. It Plndeli announce
the engagement of their daughter, An
gelina to Mr. Cyril John Morton of Grand
Island, son of Mrs. Helen Morton of Dun
dee. The wedding will take place In the early
Personal Mention.
Mrs. William Bolentlne, wtfe of the
prosecuting attorney of Winona, Minn.,
Is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. J. Solomon,
and Dr. Solomon. Tho sisters havo not
seen each other forthlrty-flvo years and
aro enjoying a family reunion. Mm.
Dolentlne will make an extended visit
O. W Todd,
Nellie Havens,
Clyde Drew.
V It Nichols.
Burd Miller.
D. C Dodds.
O It. Hart.
C. B. Presson,
Hoy Wilcox,
IU N. Howes,
C Vollmer,
K. A. Beardsley,
K. E. Howell
of Fargo, N. D.
Beaton & Laser Co.
415-417 So. 16th St.
Motheisen-Martin Wedding.
A wedding tn Lincold of local Interest
was thr' of Miss Lola M. Martin, daugh
ter of Mr and Mrs. James M. Martin of
Lincoln, formerly of 6t Louis, and Hu
bert F Mathlesen, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry E. Mathlesen of Lincoln, formerly
of Omaha, which took place Wednesday
oven'iig at the home of tho bride's par
ents. Rev. E. D. Hull, pastor of Trinity
Methodist church of Lincoln officiated,
Mrs. Charles Cornlc of Randolph, 111.,
was matron of honor, and the little Misses
Alice and Jeanette Mathlesen, sisters of
the groom, were flower girls. W. Berls
Eckles xf Lincoln waa best man. Follow
ing the ceremony there was a reception.
Assisting were Mlssea Rose Rathburn,
Flossie Petro, Marie Gerstrnberger and
Katherlne White, with the Mesdames
Ollle Balla, Byron Worrall, Sherman
Bmllh and J. 8. pierce and Messrs. Wal
ter Marin and Charles Cornlc
Mr and Mrs. Mathlesen will make
their home at 636 East Eleventh street.
College View, Lincoln. Among the Omaha
guests present were L. F. Nelson, Miss
Anna Nelson, Miss Alice Nelson. Dr. H.
A Nelson and Mra. Mollie Anderson.
Card Ciub Meets.
The Margaret Kellogg Card club met at
Myrtle hall Thursday afternoon. Prizes
wero won by Mrs. C. B. Ottls, Mrs. D.
W Countryman, Mrs. E. J. Rex, Mrs.
II Putraan. Mrs. D. Monroe, Miss Hazel
Countryman and Mlas M. BurstalV The
next meeting will be August 7.
At Happy Hollow.
Mrs. A Q. Edwards entertained eight
truest at luncheon today at Happy Hoi
ow The day was spent In playing whist
U 8 McConnell wilt have eight guests
at dinner Saturday evening; R. L. Rob).
on, five, Robert Trumble, six: J. E.
Goodrich, seven; E. 8. Fllsom, four
Mr and Mrs, C. I Farnsworth will
entertain at dinner Saturday evening
at the Plrfd club, when they will have
Try ono of these splendid Coll
Springs on your bed. You will
realize what a good night's rest
means. Supports every part of
the body like sleeping on a
cloud a great big qa mm
special valuo, only I O
Beautiful new patterns tor
fall priced from Ill.EQ up. If
you are thinking of buying a
new bed bo sure tj seo these
-just opened .ip.
New cotton flour snoks
in lots of 100, suitable for
dish towels.
Neighbors get together
tun lay in a supply.
28th and Walnut, Omaha
Hall bearing rol
ler skatos, regularly
worth up to 1, 25,
on salo Saturday
(Toy Dept.)
85c mmmmmammsmsaassmmsmmsMmmsaBm
lylFmm hammer Wash D
I A mWl
The Event Hundreds of W omen
Have Been Waiting For '
Your Unrestricted Choice of Any
Woman?s Summer Garment
in Our Entire Stock
Our Finest Evening Gowns
Twelve couch
hammocks, worth
to $12.50, S98
Saturday.. D-
Choice of any
hammock In stock
?1S2 Md?252
Elegant Afternoon Go wns
Beautiful Party Dresses
r esses
Tailored Suits---Si Ik Suits
Evenin g Wraps, Capes,
Dress Coats, Auto Coats,
Many Worth $25 and $30
Many Worth $40 to $60
A Few Worth $75 and $100
Sale Begins Promptly at 9 oXlock-This Offer is Saturday Only
WOMEN of Omaha will welcome
this famous semi-annual event,
which enables them yto obtain ap
parel of the richest and most ex
pensive character at a price they
can easily afford to pay. Women
know our stocks to be the finest
and most extensive in all the west
they will need no urging to be
here Saturday morning when
every garment is to be offered at
this one nominal
IT would be impossible to give an
adequate description of the hun
dreds of garments included in this
sale. We can only say that styles
are the choicest of the season and
in seeming limitless variety that
materials are the newest and
best that colors are the
most desired that, in brief,
practically anything you
can desire in smart summer
apparel will be here Saturday at
this one bargain price.
Potitlvely on day anty. No mail nor phone order,. No alteration. No C. O. Dm. No exchange. No layawayi.
300 pairs 16-button length silk gloves, l"f P
white and a few blacks, a well known
brand, so-called "seconds" but practically w V
perfect, worth $1.50, on sale Saturday at pair
Choice of 150 imported Jap bamboo bas
kets, for sandwiches, fruit, flowers, sewing
or waste paper, regularly worth up to
$3.50, on sa'e Saturday at only v.
Sale of Pumps
About seven hundred pairs
of women's fine pumps worth
13.50 to 5 a pair. There are
patent and dull leathers, suede,
etc., In all-thls season's styles,
nnd sold all season at regular
prices. Not all sizes la every
style, but all sizes are In tho
lot; priced Saturday at $2.85.
Mary Jane Pumps
The popular Mary Jane pumps
In patent and dull leathers,
with hand turned soles, flat
silk bow, low heels and broal
toes. All sizes, specially priced
at $1.08.
$3.50 Silk Union Suits, $2.69
Those Venetian silk union suits come in cuff kneo or envelope
styles, trimmed with dainty val lace, crochet beading tops and silk
ribbon tapes, reinforced underarm shield. Pink and white. All sizes.
Garments worth ?3.50, Saturday for $2.00.
Kayser Union Suits, 98c
Sheer lisle union suits with
dainty embroidered silk yokes and
French band tops. Cuff knee
style. Sizes 4, 5 and C. Genuine
$2 quality Kayser suits, at 08c.
Lisle and Cotton Union Suits, 35c
Perfect fitting garments that give comfort these warm days. Cuff
and umbrella knee styles. Fully taped. Regular and extra sizes.
Worth 50c regularly. Saturday, 85c.
Silk Vests, 98c
Cool garments for summer wear,
reinforced with underarm shield.
Crochet beading tops with silk
ribbon tapes. White only. Regu
lar $1.50 vests, special at 08c.
Women '3 50c Lisle Vests, 35c
Sheer lisle vests with pretty
hand crochet laco yokes. Fully
taped. These 60c vests, Saturday
for 35c.
25c Infants' Slips, 15c
Low neck and sleeveless lisle ;
slips for Infants. 25c quality,
Saturday, each, 15c.
35c Cotton Union Suits, 19c
Good quality suits in umbrella
knee style, torchon lace trimmed.
Fully taped. Regular and extra
sizes. Special, 10c
Boys' Union Suits 29c
Genuine porosknlt union suits
the cool, comfortable kind. Sizes
8 to 14. 50c values, at 20c.
Worth to $7.50
Twelve different and
very effective new styles
with. trimming of flowers,
ribbons and wings many
all white. Fine quality
sun bleached Jap Pana
mas and very exceptional
values at this price,
Parasol in Our
Entire Stock
All our highest class parasols
at ono price Saturday. All are
genuine pure silk or linen In the
now colors and fashionable styles.
Every desired summer shade and
design is represented.
These parasols have been selling
for $2.50, $3, J5, 6. $7.50 and
many up to $10 and even $15
each. Unrestricted choice Satur
day at $1.00.
Drug and Toilet Goods Specials for Saturday
Vacuum Bottle Pint size, heavily nickel plated.
Regularly worth $1.50, specially priced at
Canthrox Sham
poo, 50c stzo, 28c.
Kirk's Juvenile
Soap, 10c cake, 5c
Stlllman'a FrecKio
Cream, 50c size, 20c.
La Floris Freckle
Cream, 50o size, 20o
Peroxide Vanish
ing Cream, 50c size,
at 20c.
Cucumber Cream,
50c bottle, 20c.
La Trefle Per
fume, the oz., 58c
Jergen's Benzoin
Almond Lotion, 15c
Peroxide Skin
Soap, 10c cake, 5c
Fletcher's C a s -torla,
35c size, 10c.
Shamrock Corn
Plasters, 10c size, Oc
Dander ine, $1
size bottle, 55c
Bifomo Seltzer,
50c size bottle, 20c
Cu'scar ets, 50u
size box, 20c.
Shampoo Sprays,
red rubber, 20c.
Medicine Glasses,
graduated, 5c.
Mercolized Wax,
75c size, 53c.
5-gr. Aspirin Tab
lets, 2 dozen, 15c.
Ladles' Dressing
Combs, 25c kind 12c
Manicure buffers
with removable
chamois. Worth 75c,
at 30c.
50c Jar Ingram's Milkweed Cream at 2
Universally indorsed by all leading beauties,
both off and on the stage. With each jar of
this oream sold Saturday we will give free a
guest room package of toilet articles, all for. .
A Brush for
Particular People
If yot aro particular about tho brush you use, lot us show
you tho genuino Hughes Ideal. AVo know it will please you.
We offer thiB fine brush at a realty surprising price. A quad
ruple bristle Hughes Ideal Hair Brush of the very best quality
made to sell at $2.00, specially priced in our drug j q
section at ipi !.
It is the original, best and
safest, as well as the most
agreeable of all nonpolsonous
antiseptics. The Ideal wash
for tho mouth and teeth. Use
ful In treating cuts, bruises
and skin eruptions. ro
$1.00 bottle for OjC
Hygienol Powder Puffs
Made In France. Each puff
Is finest larabswool, sterilized
and comes in sealed package,
which insures against hand
ling. Best powder puff on
the market. Three sizes, as
follows, 10c 15J and 25d.
Mme. Yale's Face Cream
TJDfjP Saturday we wiU
I IVLi&give B largo size
Jar of Mine. Yale's sklu
cream with each package
of Mine. Vale's Aty
face powder at.. TNCiC
This delightful cream la a
wonderful aid to the preserva
tion and beautlflcatloh of the
complexion. Used in combina
tion with the powder, It im
parts velvety softness that all
women covet.
Sale of 75c
Silk Hose . .
Every pair Is made with good
pure thread silk boot some are
silk to the knee, and reinforced
with double soles, high spliced
heels. Black, white and fancy
colors. Positively 76c tZ
quality, Saturday for.... OUC
Women's Silk Boot Hose, 25c
Good quality fiber silk with
double soles, high spliced heels.
Full fashioned and seamless.
Wide double hem or garter
tops. Black, white or tan. Regu
lar 50c values, specially OC
priced Saturday, at auC
Hosiery Special, 124c
Including women's, misses',
children's and boys' hosiery, in
black, white and tan. All depend
able quality, and worth up to 25c
a pair. Unusual val- f. O 1
ues, for L&t'zG
Men's Silk Socks at 19c
Men's pure thread silk hose in
black 4or tan. with double heels
and toes. The best lot we have
ever offered. Regular 50c iq
values Saturday, special at X JC
Men's 25c Hose for 10c
These are the well known
Black Cat brand, which always
sells for 25c a. pair. Silk lisle
finish, with double soles, heela
and toes. Black or tan.
Choice at