PUB HKK: OMAHA, SATntDAV. dl'LY 1!)14. BEIEF CITY NEWS Hava Boot rrlnt Xt Now Deacon rrns. Lit Montnljc Xnooms Gould, Bea Bid, ridslty 8torag- and. Tan CoH Doug 161. UhUng- Xixturss Uurgessa-Granden company. WuUd, Oooa City Loans Prompt tloalns. Flrt Trust Company ot Omaha. Whan yon know g-ai llghtln yu tre ter it. Omaha Gas Co., 1509 Howard St. "Today' CoxnpUts Moris rroBWn" may be found on the first paw ot tha classified section today, and appear In The Deo EXCLUSIVELY, l-'ind out what the various moving picture theaters offer. Nebraska Barings and X.oan Ass'n. Is organized under the State Building and Ioan Law and offers am Ideal plan for savers or Investors. 100 to J5.000.00 received. Dr. roster on Vacation Pr. J. J. Fos ter, member of the Board ot Education, has gone to Boulder, Colo., to Join hts wlfo and daugtcr at their summer cot tage there. Dr. Foster will be away for :wo- weeks. Woman Must Stand Trial Mrs. Edna Sampson, who used a knife on her hus ami d. Abe, and Miss Ethel Browning hen she found the latter couple out loy riding, was bound over to the dis trict court on a charge of cutting to wound. Hiss Anderson Offers Seward Mlsi Bertha Anderson, fourth and Calhoun, Florence, Neb., offers a reward for the return of all or part ot tha several hun dred dollars' worth of Jewelry and family heirlooms taken from the Anderson home loine time Thursday. Mrs, Bdwnrda Aska Divorce A suit hna.boen filed by Lena Edwards against Samuel R. Edwards asking for divorce on Oie ground of non-support. The peti tion states that they were married In Freeport, HI., In 1903, and that though the defendant earns 1K a month, he has failed to contribute to the support &C his wife, who asks divorce and illmony. Charged With Intent to Kill Georges Toppondophlus, who followed his sister from St. Louis to Omaha In an attempt to Induce her to leave the man with whom she waa living, was bound over to await action of the district court on a. charge of ehootlng with Intent to kill Toppondophlus tried to kilt his sister as sho sat In ,a North Sixteenth street res taurant. Tourists on Return Trip On an auto trip of more than ",00 miles, from Bos ton to Son Francisco and return, with various side triPB, Mr. and Mrs. V. P. Fowle and their chauffeur. William Hillier, passed through Omaha and stop ped at the Henshaw Thursday night. They are now on their return trip, hav ing left their home at Boston early in the summer. The made Omaha on the westward Journey June 14. Soldiers on to San Francisco A spe cial train of eight cars, earning 250 sol diers from Columbus barrack, came in over the Illinois Central this afternoon and Immediately left for San Francisco over tho Burlington. The detachment will go Into camp at the Presidio for a month and then he sent to the Philip pines, taking the place of soldiers now there and who will be brought back to the states. ' 'N.onpolitical Talk 1: From Gov, Metcalfe Because politics and political meetings aro forbidden In public school buildings 'itlchard L iMetcalfe, democratic candi date for nomination for governor, will speak on "The Panama Canal" Instead of the subject Just now closest to his heart at a meeting sometlmo next week t of the Hanscom Park Improvement club at Windsor school. ..... The olub met at. the .school last r.lght, but when It camo to a political discussion nothing could bo heard' but silence and very little of that. It Was announced that Metcalfe had consented to address the club. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Young Wife Shoots Self After Trouble with Stepdaughter. BULLET SENT THROUGH HEART Mnrr Eelene.U Drrlarra It Was ll Arrlttent, tint l U Knurrn Thrrc Was Trouble In the llnti'aenntit. Mary Kelenck, Z7 vara old. sho. herself throush the heart last nlchi. at her r.i. dence, Thlrty-slxth and V streets. The u.iei entered under the region of the heart. Dr. E. J.. Shsn.lmn .it.,.,i .1... woman and sent her to the South Omaha 'u'puai, wnere her condition was con sidered hopeless The cause of the shooting Is shrouded n a family aunrrel. Tim inin,i ..,.... who is said to have been married only a 'little over a year, has a 14-vesr-old step I daughter. It waa said at the police sta Itlon that the girl had gone to a party re cently and stayed late against the wilt of her stepmother Trouble between the two young women Is said to have caused family estrangement with the result that the woman shot herself last night. At the hospitat the Injured Insisted that sho had been handling the gun and that It had exploded accidentally. To 1,110k t l llnrittmre. John Specter, living at Thirty-eighth and M streets, was arrested last night on tho Burlington tracks In South Omaha on suspicion. He had a box of hardware In his possession which the police said he was unable to account for. Specter Is said to have been drinking. Splits .Severely llnrt. Charles Splits, aged recluse, who has lived on the river bank for many years, was discovered yesterday In his cabin ! suffering from a broken hip which he J had sustained five days ngo when an I automobile ran Into him at Twenty-first and & streets. Dr Hugo Chaloupka at . tended hlin and ordered him to the South 'Omaha hospital. I Splits has been a fisherman on the. nvrr tor mam years. lat winter he was taken til In his shack and was dis covered In that condition by Chief of De tectives James Shvahan, who sent him to the hospital. Splits remained In the hos pital nineteen weeks and had been out only a short tlnu when the accident oc curred lie is TJ years of age. and his recovery Is doubtful. Henry Thnrhr.r Injured. Henry Thurber. 3J0 South Twenty fourth street, fell Into a pit while working at Armour's yesterday, lie was hurt about the leys and back. - Dr. Huso Cha loupka attended him and sent him to hts 1 e side nee. J Mnjtlc Tit) tlo'alp. I Office space for rent In Hce offli-e. 5S1I I X street. Terms reasonable Well known locntlon Tel South S7 St Agues' court. No. ,vs. Women's Catholic Order of Foresters, will hold Its regular meeting this evening at tho Workmen temple. Twenty-fifth and M streets. Washakie tribe. No. . Improved or-' der of lledmen, wilt held n special meet ing Friday. July zt. st S p. m. The Southeast Improvement rliib will hold a meeting In the Mnrilson school In Albright. All cltlseng of Albright aro Invited to attend. 1 am a candidate for t lie? office of police Judge and will appreciate your vote J AM 1)8 AUSTIN The Ladles' Aid society of the Flint Methodist chuivli held an Ice crenm social lust evening at the church, Twenty-fifth and K streets. The Ladles ld society of the Hills dale Ilaptlot church will glr nu Ice cream social tomorrow evening at the church, Forty-third and I streets. The Southeast Improveiunt Hub will hold a meeting tomorrow exrnliiK. Mat ters of Importance to the south side resi dents will come up for consideration Tno commencement Issue of tho 'Pooler, the high school paper was Issued yea tctday. SubFcrlbers will obtain the Issue at tho Stott Stationery company. Twenty fourth and 1 streets. Sidney Pitt of Persia. la . was In the city yesterday on a business trip. Bar- lev averag"d shout forty bushels an acre In his .Mnvlnlty and corn l looking fine A bumper crop Is expected there A meeting of the local Kmial Fran chise league was held last eenlng at the houie of Mr and Mis John Hnlston. 1WS North Twenty-third streets. Mlm Oath rlne Costln of 1-exliintnn. snd Mrs M. H. Munson, were the speaker 1 O Bobbins of Miller Neb . topped the market In cattle yesterday nt J9.7S, with two carloads of yearling Shorthorns and . Ilerefords. He reports thnt corn Is look ' Ing good In Buffalo county and there , Is every expectation for s good crop. Sylvester l.ewls of Meadow drove, one ' of the largest hog ralsora and feeders In , the stale, was nt the stock yards yester 1 day with six carload of Immune hogs Mr. Lewis hss been a prominent factor 1 In pushing the work ot Immunizing hogs ! snd Is conldered an authority In the work. C M Chrlswlss r ot Murray, was at the stctk yards yesterday disposing of some cattte He reports that crop con ditions In Cms County arc nut ns good as expected. Wheat only averaged twent bushrls to the acre, while the ground is get! ng pretty dry lo Insu-o a gofd corn crop N0RDEN SINGING SOCIETY FESTIVAL FOR SUNDAY A big plcnln and "'Ufllman' f stlvnl will be given at flprlng lake at Floren' e iiinday afternoon and evening by th Nortlen Slmtlnn society. All Swedes f Omeha and vicinity ar erperted to t tul. There will be races, content 1 0 d amusements of nil sorts, with a singing proKrnm. two band concerts, rff ei'.i mcnts and. dancing The cominlt'ee in charge consists of F A Nclsin, .HI n Prhell. Osear Kollvlk. F Setuerg atd John l.arson. . r.olnit to h" SIkvI'iI I If you want to know in advance what pictures are going to be shown at your ' favorite theater tonight, read "Today's . Complete Movie Program" on the first want ad pRe. Complete programs of nractlcally every moving picture theater Tn Omsha appear INCLUSIVELY In I The lie. Danish Society to Build Danish Home Tho Danish Building society has pur chased property on the south side of Jones street between Fifteenth and Six teenth streets, on which will be erected a Danish home, containing a stage, dance . hall, gymnasium, swimming pool, lodge and dining rooms, and offices of the Dan ish Brotherhood. The building will prob ably bo erected next year at a cost of $60,000. Officers of the building company aro: President, S. A. Cornoer; vice president, Chris Jensen; secretary, Frank V. Lar sen; treasurer, J. Mlchaelsen. Mexican Opens Fire j On Burlington Cop; Antonio Lopez, Mexican, Is in the city Jail charged with attempt to kill as the result of firing several .22 caliber bullets at 8peclal Officer Lew Stoley of the Bur lington last night. Stoley camo upon tho Mexican prowling j about some box cars at Sixth and Pierce streetB. Lopez opened fire from a pistol. He fired several shots at tho officer, none taking effect. Ho then ran, but was cap tured after a chase of a few blocks. Thrnnt and I.nnir Troubles Quickly helped by Dr. King's New Dis covery; the first dose helps, best remedy for coughs, colds and lung diseases. EOo and 21.00. All druggists. Advertisement. Culls from the Wire Parcel post packagos in transit are sub ject to scarcely any risk of damage, ac cording to figures made public by the Postofflco department. Spurred on by the democratic caucus, which has ordered a "hurrying up" of legislation, tho senate interstate com merce committee favorably reported the revfsed railroad securities bill. The debt of the national government is a- greater financial weight upon the peo ple ot each state except Artsona and Massachusetts than the obligations of the state. In which they live, according to statistics Issued by the census bureau. Drastic action by the United States government in Haiti and Han Domingo Is Imminent, but force will not he used until everj' effort Is made to settle by peaceful means the revolutions In the twer- countries. President Wilson ex Plained to inquirers the position of the American government as ona of much anxiety, Estimate of the world's grain crops this year, formulated by the International Institute ot Agriculture at Rome, Italy, and reported by cable to the United Btates Department of Agriculture, show n aggregate wheat production of about : tr.Oi O.000 bushels or J4 6 per rent less iiian last year in Great Britain, Belgium, Hpaln. Italy. Luxemburg Kuronjan Uus !at Switzerland t nlted States, Tunis. In dia, Japan and Hungary Friday, July 24, 1914.- BURGESS-NASH COMPANY - -Store News for Saturday BURGESS-NASH COMPANY Sixteenth and Harney Streets. IT'S HOT! And the Prices Have Melted Way Down for Saturday Dainty Summer BLOUSES, $1.95 Were Formerly $2.95 and $3.50 HERE'S a (.'harming soli Bpo cial for Saturday that will appeal to scores of women who have need of a pretty blouse or; two. The bl'iuses aro all this sea son's latest ideas developed in fine voiles, lawns and organdies, with long or short sleeves and trimmed mi a great variety of charming ways with lnees and embroidery. They aro broken assortments of our regular $2.95 and $3.50 lines, that's tho reason for this special clearing sale price. Bnrgsss-H'ash Co. Second moor. Clearing Trimmed Summer Hats Formerly $7.50 to $10, for $2.98 IN FACT nt this price we offer you choice from our entire stock of summer hats. (Velvet and satin hats excepted.) Every hat is white in a splendid selection of exclusive and individual styles that were originally priced from $7.50 to $10, choice, $2.98. We advise an early selection for the assortment is none too large and naturally the best will bo sure to go first. Sale starts Saturdav morning at SrW) o'clock. Bnrgsss-a'aah Co. Meoond rioor. This Season's Biggest Values in Women's Dainty SUMMER DRESSES Are Offered in This Clearing Sale for Saturday 'ThIjlKJii is an exceptionally wide selection of pretty styles, J- tastefully fashioned from the reason's most favored summer materials. Every pretty shade that a woman can think of is represented as well ns plain white and quite a few show artistic combinations of plain materials with fancy fabrics. The materials include: Crepes, Voiles, Linens, Ratines, Organdies, Rice Cloths, Eponges, Lingerie Materials, Etc., Etc. In fact, taken nil in all, it is one of the most important offerings we have announced this season. There's a stylo to suit every taste-a dress that will uppeal to you. All sizes for women and misses. Four great srroups: SUMMER DRESSES were $5.00 to $7.50, now W WW SUMMER DRESSES SUMMER DRESStS SUivlMER DRESSES were' $7.95 to $12.50, now 1 were $12.50 to $17.50, now 1 were $17.50 to $27.50, now $495 j $795 $995 Our Choice-of-the-House Sale of Evening Wraps Dresses, Tailored Suits, Coats. Etc.. Continues Saturday. Including Values From $25,00 to $59.50. for $15.00 $295 Bnrgsss-lfash Co. H.coiid floor. Two Big Hosiery Clearing Values Women's JJOc Hoso, U5c Black gauze, silk lislo nose, high spliced heel, double solo and dou ble garter topo; vera 50c a pair, at , 2flc Women's $1.00 Hoae, Uic Pure thread silk, plalu block, (till fashioned, high spliced heel, dou ble sole, double garter top were $1.00; Saturday, for .M)c Snrreas-XTash Co, Main rioor. WOMEN'S LONG LISLE GLOVES. SATURDAY, 35c 16-button length, In white only; washable; all sizes, fV to Wo consider them excfillont val ues. Surrs-Kash Co. Main rioor. BOX STATIONERY at 10c Was Formerly 1 9c to 50c 1,500 boxes ot good quality linen luwn fabric and grenadine while, also a few tints, box atatluuory, 24 sheets and 21 envelopes to match, were 10c to 50c a box, at, . . . 10u Burffsss-irash Co. Main rioor. Clearing Sale Drugs and Toilets Fl Nnpttia now. 10 cakes.. .. 39c Jan Itoso soup, 1 rnkns for lVo Omulia Family soap, 6 rake for. .B0o I. &U, Nnptha soap 4o Hafety matches, too for 3o Diamond "C" soap, 10 cakes 03o Whisk brooms. 16c kind 7o Ivory soap, 0 cakes for lBo Hani flush, ific can . .17o Ilorui, :o-Mule Tsotn, pr lb So Borax chips, large packatre. 19o Household ammonia, 1 quart, ,..14o Jad salts, "Go slse .......490 Horllck's maltfld milk, $;t.G0 hot. t.T4 I'lnklmin's veffutabls enmp Via Barrsss-XasU Go, Main rioor. Mens Earl and Wilson SHIRTS Greatly Reduced in Price Saturday IT'S the annual midsummer discount sale which hundreds of men look forward to with keen anticipation nnd needs no strong comment. Tho sale includes ever' Earl & Wilson shirt in stock; soft or stiff; broken lines but all sizes 3Va to 18 aro represented. Tlie seaeon 's smartest stylos and patterns aro, in cluded in this sale Saturday, also include two lines of " Metric" shirts; fit and color guar anteed for every shirt we sell. $1.50 "E, & W." Shirts for $1.15 $2.00 to $2.50 "E. & W." ShirtB $1.35 $3.50 "E. & W." Shirts for $1.85 $2.00 to $2.50 "Metric" Shirts $1.35 Hurfess-Vash Co. Main rioor. Choice Any Man's Straw Hat. Were to $3, for 50c YES! Tho size assortment of each stylo is somewhat broken, but most all sizes are represented. The hats are nil this season's shapes iu sennets nnd split braids, formerly priced to $3.00, choice Saturday; 50 C Men's Panamas and Ilangkoks Thnt Were $4.00 and $4.50, Choice, $1.05 They are broken linos, but if wq have your size It is the season's biggest straw hat snap. Not a bangkok in the lot was priced for less than $4.00 and the panamas were $4. SO or better; your choice Saturday at 91,05 T-'unreai-Vash Oo Main rioor. Men's 60c Wash 4-in-hands, for Saturday Special at 19c, or 6 for $1 OWING to the very large quantity we placed on sale Thursday wo find that we have some of the best patterns and styles left and will place them on Bale Saturday at 19c, sU for $1.00. For tho benefit of those who did not at tend our Thursday's sale we will say they are the best values we ever offered in tubular and De Jolnvllle wash ties and to see them means to buy; sale price 10c; six for 91.00 Bnrrsss-sTasn COv Main rioor. Here's Another Opportunity to buy I Leather Hand Bags at $ 1 .00 That Were $1.50, $2.60, $3.50 and $5.00 F we could place these bags beioro you m your homo just to show their real value import ance there would bo no need of this announcement. You with hundreds of others would b. 'here long before the doors open Saturday morning, eager to sbare in tho extreme values of- v fered. However, through this announcement and the display in tho window we antici pate n big response and advise you being here early. The bags aro fine staple shopping and novolty shnpo hand bags, 0, 10 and 11-inch leather covered or fancy German sliver frames, real sea or goat seal, silk or leather lined. Round or broken bottoms with doublo strap handles; some plaited real pin seal or Persian pin seal, silk or leather lined; uo'iie have four fittings; othort pursr and swinging mirror; many hu'o the pannier handles; black and colors; regular $1.60, $2. CO, $3.50 and up to $5.00 value?, Saturday, choice tjl.oo CliEis2Tash Co. Vain rioor. Chilctren's 98c Wash Dresses in the Clearing Sale Saturday at 59c PRETTILY made of fine cham bray, striped and checked ging hams, long waist, Russian and middy styles, daintily trimmed with combinations of plain or plaid ma terials for sizes '1 lo G years. Children's fM.08 Drctkc, 91.2ft Little Miss Muffitt and long waist styles, sizes C to 14 years; made of cotton crepe, plaid gingham and chambray, daintily trimmed with belt, buttons and braid of contrasting colors. T $00 Again, Saturday, Boys Wash Suits at a Radical Price Reduction I F YOU havo a boy or two to clothe you cannot afford to overlook this remarkable saving opportunity, Hoys' Wash Hulls, Were 75c to 91.50, for 40c Any suit In stock that was formerly priced at 7rc to $1.50 is included. Ilusslan blouse, Oliver Twist and sailor suits, In a wide selec tion of chambrays, galateas, linens, etc., at, chotco 40c Hoys' Wash Sult, Were $2 to $4, nt Dc Including Oliver Twist, middy, Balkan, ItusHian and sailor styles, in linens, repB, gal utoar, kindergarten and madras cloths; plain white or fancy, were $2 to $4, choice... 80c Hoys' Wash KuiU, Were $4.Ro to 90.60, 81. OH Including such excellent materials as gala tens, reps, linens, silks and kindergarten cloths, in both white and color combinations, prettily made up in Oliver Twist, dombey, middy, Balkan, Peter Thompson, regulation suits and Russian styles; wero $4.60 to $U.00, choice 91 .OH I toys' Honier uud Wnsh Hull.s, Were 50c, Haturdny 0c The materials are chambrays, galateas, linens, etc., many pretty styles, including a nu inner of Oliver Twist styles. Dvrpess-XTasii Co-Kala rioor, Children's JJOc Underwear, 25c Gowns, petticoats, drawers, drawer bodies, and white dresses, daintily trim med with lace, embroidery and tiny tucks, sizes 1 to 12 years. BuraTss-sTh Co, Second rioor. BURGESS-NASH CO. Men's $6.00 Nettleton Oxfords, $445 in the Clearing Sale Saturday rpHB headlines te'l the stor sufficient enough to pack this section J- with men eager to shat knows the merl'.i of tho fam ous Nettleton ilior. Not a pair priced under $0.00, Saturday a' V4.45 $!l.60 Ox'urri nt H'J.05 The oifods are la Diitton and lace atyhss, made of pat ent, gun metal ond tnn Hui ila leathers, modliim round toe lasts, 'nfcuiini; comfort is well us dre)y appearance, Our regular $3.50 lines at, kho pair Kil.oa Women's 1.00 Pumps nt &!.0ft Colonial with side ornament; tongue and buckle trim colonials and flat bow pumps In bronze kid, patent, gun metal, cravenotte nnd satin. Hegular $4.00 lines, at, pair ftf.oa Women's $4.50 rumps nt $a.43 Women's dress pumps made from patent and gun metal leathers, with two straps or flat bow trim; Saturday, pair, $3.40 Women's 9ft.ft0 Dress Pumps at S-.45 Women's dress pumps in the colonial and flat bow ' styles, made from patent, gun metal, kid skin and satin. $3.50 lines, Saturday, pair $2.45 Women's $.'1.00 Wblta Canvas Shoes nt $2.35 Plain or tip styles, with Cuban heels, flexible soles, made of good quality white cunvaa; former prlca $3.00, clearing sale price , "EVERYBODY'S STORE'