THE BEE: OMAHA, SA'ITUDAY .11 1A 2b, 1!U4. Great Trouser Sale The price show lion fur we've Bonr In our determination to make it quirk final out-clearing of fill utimincr trouuoris; Ucv nIiow why no many men will come Iwre to buy right now, when yon can tio an extra pair of trousers for these warm lays, wo offer you tlicio big iwlng: $2.50 and $ $3 Grade v 1 85 $4, 54.50 $ winusi Blue Serge Included Blue Serge Included Gigantic Mid-Summer Clothing Clearance Thl is the time of year tilicn xc clean house to innke room for full Rootle: you can lni) two suits here hatunlny for the price of one. $10 Suits now $5.00 $15 Suits now $7.50 $18 Suits now $9.00 Sec Our Anv Oxford Shoe in the house, All A Beacons included. M vOff $1 and $1.25 grades Pongee Shirts; all styles, 7C Saturday (wC Wash Ties, Avorth 191' up to 50c, special. ld 2i. HALF PRICE GUARANTEE CLOTHING CO, H. S. A RN STEIN- From Our Near Neighbors .Xiksnlm. V V. Sheldon fc at Lander, Wyo., this week on business. J M. Btone Is spendlns the summer with his sons In Colorado. Lena Carper of Kalrfax, Mo., I visit Ins relative In Nehawka this week. Miss Irene Norris from Attamoht, Kan.' Is visiting relatives here this week. Colonel PtJrm and wife are spending the heated spell at Glacier Park, tyont. Stuart Ilourh anil wife ure vlsltlnif In the mountain stateii of the northwest. I Samuel Humphrey and wife are with tl.elr son-in-law, J. K. Banning-, tn Oregon lor the summer. Ttai' Van Tltltvin wmm It..! I rhiuu. thla wk. to perform a marries cere- mony Miss Isadore Fholdon treated her Hun. day school class to a jolly picnic Wed nesday. The Mlssea Klla Sllllman and Uuby Damme of Burr are uutsts at the Uuy Itood home this week. Mr, and Mr, TT. 8. Thomas anfl chll dren were over Sunday, guests at the I have an ODtlnx In the local park early In John Wunderllch home. ' AURiiat. Mrs. Kate Klnee was hosles lo Mes- t Miss Kmma Pliant who spent the wk tlnmes Kirkpatrlek, Kropp. Carper and. end at the t.eaoh home, returned to Den Mise Frona ICimo at dinner Wednesday. 1 son on Hunday.' Mrs IlUfe (looiln)an ami dausrhtur left for their Virginia homo this week after a three weeks' visit with Nehawka. relatives. J. J&ttaelvln of llesperht. Mich.. wits' vlsltlnn old friends hero this week. Mr. Mclvln Was a Iiloncer here In the errlv sixties, but returned to iUchlKnn In Wf I aim uecune very weauny- ' , r Wrenltiir AVatrri Mrs. U, 8. Thompson f Malvern, la., Is visions relatives here, Mrs. John llnrrlson of Lincoln has been vlsltlnsvit tho heme of her brother, B, . Glrardeti Mrs. ij'rank llokelmsn U vlsltlnji hr parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Kockwetl, nt Aisson city, Neb. j airs, lynma mrry has son to Falls City for , visit with tier daughter, Mrs. K J. Maeaer and family. Mrs. J. At. ltanney entertained her sun Glen's Bimday school class at thtlr farm homo iVednesday evening. Mrs. J, p. Rvov and little son have re turned to their horn at Chicago after a month' visit with relatives. Mrs. James McNamme and dauibtera, Mabel and; Maude, have gone tu Toulon, III., for a three wteka' visit. C P. Walter find famllv of IJnrnln have gone Into a ten days' cr,rr)l at ono i of the wooded spots along the banks of Weeping Water creek Itertha nd lUlmar Chnsteiison, twin daughters or Mrs. and Mrs. II. p. Chris tcnse.ii., entertained a fsw of their (Usnda on their tenth birthday July IS. E. py mode a record handling newt)' threshed whial at Ilia alavatnr nu day last wxek when In sevonty m.nutes "iBiicM, .uumpti anu eievaieu lino me car J, Its bushels, R. HsroM Oeer will give an organ re. cltl at the Conrgatlonal church In the near future. Mr. deer waa n former musician of tliU place and la now or ganlst at i'all Ulver. Mass, An Insane mn, who wave hta nsme as joe Tracy, tvas discovered roaming the l c. i.. into custody by the loosl polite and later i taken to the wunty Jail by the ohsrlff. ! nuinnn), inn i;-)-ar-OIU aon or Mr, and i Mn ki a w. day morning on charge ot breaking Into lh 5 "Tt " .teallnVne? from the taah reglater. The lad was taken to 1' it, ... ... iV.Z Charae in the uvmii. Judge Betson'a couit. Papllllou, B, I Ireland ot Omaha wos ualllng on Papllllon friends Thursday. rjherlff Grant Chase attendM a meeting Of sheriffs at Lincoln Wednesday. Mr and Mr. Henrv MrKvnv nt n,.in. were gueata of Mr. and Mrs, H, C. Mc - voy hunoay. Mrs. A J Lanxdon. who lion been visiting her sister Mra. J. It. Wllnon fori several weeks, Is virlt'.ng relative at Gretna. Mrs. Claude Tuttle of Moulder, Wyo., formerly Mum Almeda of th'i, ylace. died Saturday after a few days' Illness. The Prrsbytarisn Sunday sthaol held a picnic at Hameom park In Omaha eoneoay uver lu werf iu ance attend. Mines Kittle and Sadie Horen uud lotf Whslen and Itev. Father Doud of Omahs I i5r1 Henry I'l.senlioiim and children) were guests of Mr. and Mra. Ioulil'1" home from a lslt to Oregon, Mo., I Lsleur Hunday. Ht Wednesday. ( I Ulmer Horman and Mlis Ads C'hlcli., .IrvluRtun, j field. Iwth or this plee, wie united In Mrs. Hendrickson spent Monday la Pre. " V,r'rt.,"'7Ja) - . , . . monL . Alois hi well departed laat Monday fori Alfred William and Clarenee Piiimi '"nan. Mont. Ho will vUlt Yellow. went tS liniinB WdiTWM P' rt?,,w p4rk b,for ,lB r,,urn- I Cheatar Hendrlck.n.i w.nt tn liavi.i ...M.ral A' ,wu 1 to Colorado? Tuesday to vlait reutiv.; " ' ' x,,. rn... ' " u ". - air, i. nariea uraucn or Kr.rmint vm. lied at the it. It Urttastrr home Mvndty. Mr and Mrs. H. C. Btewater attended the funeral of Mr. Ileal at Omaha Tues. day Mrs. John Dlsh'k attended a surprise psrty on her mother in Uenson Wednes day afternoon. Mr and Mrs, Harr Chrislopherson of Omaha spent Sunday at the Albert thrla. topherson home. Misses Lisle and Harlln Urewsler enter, talnad Miss IJIfrntlathe of Uenson Tues dsy afternoon. Metar. Htllla and !.oul llrewater of North Omba are vlaltint st the 8. il! Urewater home. iMr-. J MUen of Omaha and Mrs. Blanche Hunter of Here visited at the Vein home Raturdar. Mr and Mrs. B. a tyrewaUr vUited 85 55 and $6 $ 3 85 Blue Serge Included $20 Suits now $10.00 $25 Suits now $12.50 $30 Suits now $15.00 Windows Wifcon Bros. Silk Lisle Hose including whites; 12l2c 25c auality. Olosrd Crotch Union Suite, SI quality . . . 65c Clearance salo of Shirts, worth to $1.00, 4fk at. IVi 1519.21 DOUGLAS ST. from Saturday tilt Monday at the Carl lllbbnrd home st youth Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Madson of Kim bsllton. Is,: Mr. and Mrs. Fred I'aulsen of Bennington. Mr.' and Mrs. Nets Has muiMn snd Maud Muuson were visitor at the Deln horn,' Nundsy. Mr. and Mrs. A. Nelson of Millard, Mr. snd Mrs. Peter Johnson of Heneon, Mr, and Mrs. Hans Hanson of Washington county and Mr and Mrs. Alan Hazard wrro visitors at the Jacobean horn Hun ilay. neuiiliirftnn. Mh Ous Junta- was an Omaha visitor Tuesday. Charlie Puller has returned to his home ,1N,r Urtnn. John Tlmneilev motored to . Omaha Tueaday nwrnlns;, Frank lllbbnrd of Irvltmton called on Charles Qrsu Hunday afternoon. C. J. Wilcox enjoyed the Ak-Bar-Ben festivities at the Dtn Inst Monday even Inn. Tli Danish brotherhood of Omaha will Mr. )n Mrs, 4ul Niemann, whu were recently married, were Intown two day this week uaektnK Mr. Nlemnn's furniture The LocrollliiB sssucla,tton will not hold (fa annual picnic her as was anticipated, hut have selected Krug rark as the place and August 20 the date. I). It. Klricliner's store now stands next Id tha Mangold bank, and the corner lot Is i raily for the excavation, bids for which' aw now being called for. Mr. and Mrs, Louis Niemann, who were recently married, were In town two days this week packing- Mr. Niemann's furni ture preparatory- to moving It ti South Omaha, where they are mnkliuc their home. Rlktiorn. Mi. and Mrs. Swedeholm of Wshoo visited Mr. and Mrs. Kate. Mr. aiid Mrs. Henry Uny called on frlcnda in th country Thursday. Mr. and Mis. J. B. Fate are entertain Ing Mr. Fate's slater from Weeping Wa tr . Mrs, Henry Bechsl and two children, of Omaha, visited Thursday with her father, A. 11. Hansen. Mrs. James Calvert and little aon of Columbus. Neb., ramo Friday to visit Mr. (3MtK- r JSIm'w ?n,V. JT5.m. V Mr. U. v, caivsrt. Cslvurt and threo children IVIUard. Colo.. Thursday to visit relatlvrs here. Mr. and Mrs. William 8chiildt and Julius Rrhuldt and family motored to Omaha Monday afternoon. Twin babUs. a boy aiid girl, were bom Wednesday to Mr. and Mrs. George Psajch. They lived but a few hours. Mr. nnd Mia. Chris Rolfs and Mr. tutd Mrs. Mairus utte iuoto?i vo nosaiia Thursday to -vlst Mr. snd Mrs. Oeorge Otte. The contract was let Monfay night by the school board for an addition of two neW room to be built on the west side of the school home. The Mliaejt Bnbv and Helen Hansen of Omnlia returned to their home Mituruav t T8' m"..-! Myr actomnanled ,, . .. , . , The ball inni and heraa race her ?,Vi,r,fty ",,. vVy Yll"Vindei'.,,i. JlJ! Lffi PM ti5Riefe,k2H i tn the LlKhom team. Mo l i ne now. i raco was wn by a rorrel uwned by Max I -oil a of Gretna, ridden by Dnn C. Qnlnn, with George Kunla' herre a close second. dpriiiKfleia, Mrs, Itoss DavU of houih Omaha Is vltttlng relatives here. Mrs. Sidney McCoull of Lincoln vliitel 'r'en this week here, , mIm fculah Ilatea left. Monday for a month's vuut lit Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. John Gorder Mnd family ! visited W. H. I'etero Sunday, Mrs. Plnnsv. a alater nf Mra. I). M, Hearock. arrived here Thursday. Mis Kdythe Coons of Steele City U a' guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. Kd Jarmnn. f Mia Kllrabrth O llrlon of the Vayna! Normal Is a KUrtt of Mr. U A. Hates, j I "'"ha Miiner ot umsha wss sues; of Mrs. Floyd Davldton the fore patV of the week. 1 M. "Y sertou II ntss of her aon i ,,0o' I" a -lta nrltlin i itvre Mi. Hrlly and a lter from I'eorl. 111., left hm Wednesdsy for the Yellow, slorte iwrk mey will also lsit Glacier l'm. iuniaii&. The following candidates have beeni liomlnatexl by tha republican for pr. vlnet officers Asaeator. Frank Comte. sr . Juatlfe ef the teae, Thomas NeUo.l; road wriu, I), o Smith; contable, AV. T. Hoberts. ArlluKtoa, Mr- c obrt arut family motored to Fremont Tuesday Mlas Bernlt Vail went to Maryavllle, Mo., last week to visit lelatlves. NI Knmark returned home Wedneadar morning; from Cooperstown, N D, Mr. and Mrs, W. B. William wsnt to Uncoln Monday morntnf to attend the 2 Saturday Honest Values Always I A. MAYER funeral of their son-in-law, Henry Hnr Uls of tyedgwlgk, Colo. Mrs, J, A. Peterson and daughter. Miss Demlta, went to Omaha Baturday, Mr. Kdward Million of Kayseo, Wyo,, Is vUitlng relatives and friends. In this vicin ity, Mis. I). W. Lawnon and Mrs. Ella Wil son visited tha Crowell Memorial home at Dlalr Hunday, Mr. and Mrs. Don Neber departed last TMirsday for Kort ltobliison, Denver and voiorsuo tipnng. Mrs. Peter Peterson, Ml in Florence and son Leslie and Arthur Ntbbq left Tuesday for Colorado Hprlngs. Hhea. tillfry has taken up his residence tn Lincoln, having1 secured a position with me .Mnoncan J'ixpreaa company. ltov. Herman Hallerberc departed Mon- (uiy wun nis laiiuiy lor jacxsoiiVM'e, ill., wnero no win spena nia vacation. Miss George Unthank, who was grad uated froip tha hlh school In May, has secured a school near UnadUla, Neb. Miss Nina Petherman rnmn un (mm Omaha last Wednesday and will visit two wocks at the home of W K. Hoberts. Mrs. Harry Hearst and children and Mis Kate Murphy of Omaha are vlalting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J, L. Million, Mr. John Tofti departed Friday morn Ing for 1'Txcelslor Bprlnxs, Mo., whern Mr. Toft had been very III. , He Is now Im proving rapidly. k F. fl. Ileynolds recently received his ap pointment us regular postoffice clerk In the Council Uluffs terminal railway poat office, to bfgin August 1. Avorn. J. W. Wahirlp has relumed visit at Scoiiu. George Wllhelm. of Dunbar. from a was . visiu.r nr inuikuay. 1. M, Word and son Itaymnnd, were Oinaha vlstors riaturOny. Miss Sophlq Lindcrman of Uncoln, Is the gurat of Avoca friends. Ml Daisy Langhorst, of Klmwood, was tha guest of Avoca trienda Tuesday. hamuel Johnson and wife motorel to Olltner tfaturday for a visit with rela live. Mr, it, H. Combs and daughter, ot Lincoln, are visiting at the home of Ora 1C Cops. -Misses Kmma and Clara Marqunrdt r spending a few weeks at a lake In Minnesota. Miss Graco Williams of Wlnncbaco, U vlsltirlg her sister, Mrs, Lter Hoback, eust of town. Mlsa AKneo Durham is here from Nor (elk for a few day visit with her mother, Mrs. l' Durham. Mrs. William Morely la spendlnir the weiek with rer alater, Mr. W. U Glllln at Council Bluffs. Simon Hehmeler, Ben Molir. G. 1). Maseman and J. P. naamusaen, made a trip to Button Tuesday. The Misses Alma anil Agnes llollv of Plattsmoulh wore visiting at the William Baler home eaBt of town thl week, . G. Wuti. J. K. McDanlel. Harry Newman and Mr, McDonald, all of Platts mouth, were visitors here Wednesday, Misses Mabel and Lela Cutter, who havo been visiting here for the past week, havo returned to their home at Bethany. Tho eleventh annual picnic of the Oi!d Fellow will be held here Thursday, July !, nv. W. M. F.lldH of Weeping; Water, will deliver the address. AVnter Hupply I.imt, WVM0PING WATBn, Neb., July X. (epeclal.) Tho continued dry' weather is making tho water supply low at the rail road pumplnw plant and the city water work as well as tbe private wells. The wal(..for the ra(lr)aa BUpilIy Unk , drawn direct from the creek, which, la. now gettlnfi so low that a small dam has bad to be put In. The city pumping plant Is making arrangement to reopen an artesian well, which was used last summer. A light rain visited the vicinity lust night. Nrva N'ots of Grueva. OKNBVA. Neb., July N.-.(SpeclaD-Whent Is thrashing; out eighteen and twenty bushels per acre. Corn la need. Ins rain. A little felt last night, Inch. Yesterday Peter Younger and family loft fur their summer home In Wisconsin, For Goffee, Cereals or Cooking Hit It sn evsporstsd milk WITHOUT THAT COOKED TASTE a milk that bn overcome th Ut Cottaqe MIIjK 3tertlUd Uatweatancd csn be used (or svery purpose (or which freth milk or ctesm i used for bcveregti. for ctreaii, (or the baby's milk and tor cooking, And it Is always (rth, sweet and pure. No dner of touring. it, is gooa ana ui ur.uuini ULSTER CONFERENCE FAILS Unionists and Nationalists Unable to Find Common Ground. FOURTH SESSION IS BRIEF DUrnanlnn Last lnt 1'orty Sllnntea and rnrty I.endera Then I.enrc 1'iUncr Ilrdnionct la Htflt llnnr I.ntr. lU'I.LHTIV. IONDON. July 21. Tlie fart that th conference at Hucklngham palace be tween the leaders of tha various political forties had been rendered nbortlve by Its fsilure to aree on the area of Vlster to be excluded from the cvntrol of tho Dub lin Parliament was confirmed by Premier As'iulth In tho House of Commons today. LONDON. July 24 According to tho Liverpool Dally Post, ono of the leadinB liberal newspapers. It Is frankly acknowl edged today that tho effort mado by the conferenco at Buckingham palace to re concile tile conflicting, views of tha Irish Nationalists and the Ulster Unionists must be abandoned. The newspaper adds that the report of this unhappy result of tho conference of tho leaders .of the Lib I eral. Conservative, Irish Nationalist and ! Ulster Unionist parties will be published in the Court Circular this evening. The Buckingham palac conference to day was the shortest of Its four sessions. The chnirman. the Right Hon. Jame Lowther. Premier Asqulth K.rA Chancel lor of the Exchequer David Lloyd-George, j tepresentlnR tho liberals: Andrew Bonar Uw and the Marauls of Lansdowne of the redder conservative opposition. Sir ! Kdward Carson and Captain James Craig, I later Unionists, nnd John Dillon, Irish Nationalist, arrived at the palace at U : o'clock, but the business session did not I begin until 11:30 as John E. Kedmond. a I. W ivilmimlnrsto till 111 IT WH H llfl If fin hour lato. Dlscusalon of tho Ulster situ ation lasted only forty minutes and tha members then left the palace. No statomcnt waa ulven out as to the reeult of the meetlnK, but It was ovpocted that Premlftr As'iulth would, make an an nouncomont In the. House of Commons during the day. RHODES SIDESTEPS WHEN HE FILES AS PROGRESSIVE HKDItON, Neb., July 24, (Special.) It has been announced by Walter H. Rhodes of Hobron. democratlo condldate for con gress In tho Fourth district, that he huu not filed an acceptance of the petition signed by voters of th progressive party in tho regular form, but In tho following certificate, which will leave It up to the secretory of state to Interpret tho mean ing of tho word affiliate. Tho law re quires that to nccept the nomination from another party a candidate must miller oath swear that he "affiliates with the party named In the certificate." Thl Is what Mr. Rhodes say: i ivnltop if. Tthmlea. belnK duly a worn. .,,i nv Unit I affiliate with tho democratic party, and have filed, as a candidate Of ald party tor nf muwu nr....m.n lennrth district. Nebraska; thai i. netltlon has been filed by tho ,,r th nrnarrcailvo Darty of said district requestlmj my name to be placed on the official primary ballot ot the progressive party for tno primary vwu twin tr, i.o hetii on the Uth day of August, 1314. aa a candldato for the of flee- qf con-. r....r,,.n Fnurtli district. Nebraska. I hereby state that I affiliate with tho progressive party In those principles u'h.rain the national tJatform of the pro gressive party are Identical, or similar ta, and ugreo with tho principles ot Ine r the democratic party, said proKrcsalve principles being" closely allied to democratlo principles In many respects, while the principles of tho republican partv platform and the profrressivo party ni.iinrm r larcclv antaRonlstlc. I further state that I will abide by tho re. aulta of said primary. u qiecieo, win qualify and serve as mien orncer. llualneaa t'linng'. WBKPINO WATER, Neb., July 24. (Sneolal.) The confectionery store ot John T. Crosier, and S. V. Glrardefs general merchandlso 'tore, are to change hands August 1. O. H. Olive has bought ths first named business, and Johh Croilor. the present proprietor, has formed a partnership with his brother, Henry, to buy out tho Glrurdet store. Mr. Glrardot will rotiro from active Dual nes life, after thlrty-ono yearn spent tn tha aame line at this place. G. 11. Ollvo has spent over thirty yoars no printer nnd newsDiiner man In tho town and was postmaster eight yoars. JFnnner Hurt In Itunuvrny. TECUMBKH, Neb.. July I4.-(8pecial.) rvt'tlllain Spcckman, a welt known farmer who lives ten miles southeast of Tecum seh. Is suffering with a fracture and other Injuries caused by a runawoy accl dsnt. Mr. Speokman and his two sons, William and Hddle, aged 12 nnd 8 years, had been to Johnson and had startod for home. Their team became frightened at an autumublle and ran Uway. The rlK waa upset and a.t first It was feared Mr. Sneckman had been fatally Injured. Ha was unconscious for soma little time, William escaped without Injury, while Eddie was somswhat out up. Sale of Dresses Our entire stock formerly sold up to 115,00. divided Into two lots, at 83.0.1 and $tl.un. Up to $2.00 Wttlats at 3c. ORKINS, 1510 Douglas Street qbjettloo to an evaporated milk. nciinets iu mo ian arop. y MEN'S DEPARTMENT Suits formerly $22.50 nnd $25.00, at $13.75 Union Suits of nainsook at 65c? Choice Men's Straw lints, at $1.00 V Washable Four-in-hands, at IOC BOYS' DEPARTMENT 1.00 Pnjama Suits 75c 75c Blouses, now 59c $1.75 Wash Suits, at $1.05 $2.50 Wash Suits, at $1.45 $3.00 Wash Suits, at $2.25 Norfolk Cloth Suits at big reductions. CUT AND SLASH DOWN GO THE PRICES In this Semi-Annual Cash Raising Sale of ours, we have gone to the very limit; cut prices as never before. All goods slated for clearance are to be forced out at whatever prices they will bring and turned into cash, no matter how great the sacrifice to us. This CASH RAISING SALE brings you a grand opportunity to save-money . on good furniture. Your dollars neyer had:suctj; buying, power before. You can furnish two rooms at: the upual cost of one. Don't wait another day; come at once. Davenports, Rockers, Chairs, Lamps, Rugs, Carpets, Bedding, Steves and General Henehraishiags There are othor articles too numerous to mention here. , There;is an.extensive lino of living room good?. Bed Davenports in oak and mahogany, also Divans, Morris Chairs, .Rockers and small pieces, in all woods and all coverings. All priced at sur prising figures. BUFFETS Mode of sotld oak, French bevel mirror Think of It, only.. 14.75 Excellent! ly mado solid oaK llurreta. niBht or 17.75 Buffets. 19.25 in solid .-11 l..ll them, swoll fronts. now jroins; at Handsome 125.00 Buffets. sold oak. different rintnnes, now at Blogant Buffets In solid oak, massive and well built. different finishes.! 25.95 fine Iluf ik. differ- 34.50 to bai swept awuy, . now at. Racrtflca of very fine Iluf- fets. quartered oak. uxirer- ent nnisnes, to do i Closed out now at Other flno buffet, oak caae. also some In mahog any, Wees uxe lean than half In Home cases consid erably less. Brass Beds Brass nsds. 2-Inch n RP poatn, Jlffrint K JIW slsos. while they last U.UU Splendid Brass Beds, heavy Sxandaome beds, n ,! extraordinary sac- M f l rlflco. now at only. UU Very handsome Bras Bads, largo mavalve tub- in "IP InK, fine bedB. iro- ill f f Ihk now at only . . U W Kxtro. flno Brass Beds, elab orate desjima. guaranteed R lacquer, now at. .12.75 saa.uu. suifc-jo. 117.80 and) ! llMall.fslwaasi Budweiser The Beer for Ute Hoae Hotel, Club and Cafe sP2 Values for Saturday IN SHOE DEPARTMENT There are still 309 pairs of fine shoes for woman and children to be sold at the reduced prices. Ladies' $3.50 to $5.00 Low Shoes $1.85 Children's $1.75 to $3.50 slippers, now $1.15 INFANTS' DEPARTMENT Children's beuch rompers in Trhiie madras, blue or tan ufrnnibrny, ages 2 to G yre. Reduced from 85c to. 49c Creepers of plain or checked ginghams, ages 6 months to 2 v ears 49c OMAHA'S FASTEST GROWING 1516-18-20 FARNAM STREET. Solid Oak There are just Jhirty Dining Boom Ta bles in this lot, selected solid oak, well mado tables. $20.00 tables at $10.75; $18.00 Tables at $9.75; and $15.00 val ues to bo swept away now QC at only Ibwv Other Extension Tables Ono lot or Tablea, $16.50 nnd 17.00 valuoa at S8.75. 8ora t 22.00 Colonial TableB now at 811.00. ? 2 5.00 Tables now at 12.00. yiT.UO Tables at 812.95. Maestro, ologant Tables, $30.00 values, at 814.50, A few $45.00 and $60,00 values at less than half. All at sensational prices. .Tiii. riiTTfsMilTMM Anheuser Busch Co. of Nebr. DISTRIBUTORS Family trad supplied by G. H. HANSEN, Dealer Phone Douglas Z60S OMAHA NEBRASKA WOMEN'S AND MISSES' DEPARTMENT Women's "beautiful summery dreBses with long Russian tunics, in fine white iui 2?orted crepes and fine striped voiles ; .regular val ues, $17.50 to $22-50, now at $12.00 Small women's and misses' finest imported, fancy flowered or bordered cropes and colored voiles; $13.50 to $15.00 values, -now $9.75 Broken lota ol lino Summer DressoB lor Juniors and Small Women In Ratine or Flotrered Crepes ana Flowered Voiles, former -prices Tip to $12.00, now at .S5.O0 STORE Dressers Special lot of handsome Dressers, largo bevel mirror. They golj Qf) at Dressers, excel 1 e n 1 1 y mode, bevel mirror, $18 values Q "7K now O.IU Dressers, solid oak, value now at JJJ Dressers, oak, value $30, now at 13.98 Dressers, oak and ma hogany, value l rn $35,, now .... .. I4.DU Dressers, walnut, value now at....f 17,00 Others, very fine pieces, values $30 to $90, all at less than half real value. Chiffoniers One lot of chiffoniers, made of solid oak out they ko now. a if at, each fl In Other Chiffoniers In oak, mahogany, bird's-eye maple and Circassian wal nut. All cut to the very nnw. tj mrnYirwvri'vrf lSnilEill v- iriaMua aoa iieotai Lnsessea wltboat (he ui of a knlte. Mm chlor ererm, cthar or alhei eneral an. aasiheuo used. No unnecessary de- " vasuwa. jlh aDsoraio aura sTuarsotsed la every aM aooepied. PMV AFTIR YOU AK OVKD The ouro Brst, then tha pay. Thst'smj writteaeusrAtB that the cure will list a Ufe time, Write for free ak. which fflTefuUparbcslars. flit. r. ft. THKY. Z0 0e rWw Ommhm I THE OMAHA BEE fc THE HOME PAPER.. D SlH A.