Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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    HIE BKK: OMAHA, SATl . JULY 2o, 1914.
Gives Out Bunch of Public Printing
of Amendments.
Publication of Mtninrti to Be
"Voted On In Xarrmber, na Ilr
qnlrnd hy Uw, Oom Into
Hands of Ftthfnl.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb... July 24.-(8pcclal.)
A total of 155 Nebraska newspapers this
year will publish the three constitutional
amendments that come before tho vot
ers for consideration this fall. Governor
Morehead has designated one paper In
fifty-one counties to carry the printing,
It wUl be divided between two papers In
twenty-one counties, and In twenty-one
more three papers will share In the
profits. The sovemor has for tho most
part selected democratic publications for
the favor, but in a few instances re
publican and Independent papers havo
been given the work. In some instances
there was no choice thore being but one
paper published In tho county.
Three amendments are to be published.
Thoso concern taxation. Jury trials and
conviction by five-sixth vote, and tho
increase of the salaries of stato offi
cials. On the first two amendments the
cost of printing will bo $49 oach for overy
county, while the third will cost $84 for
each county. There being ninety-eight
counties the total printing bill will
amount to.H4,S08. This Is a considerable
decrease from two years ago, when five
long amendments cost tho state JOO.OOO
for printing.
Wnlt Una the Mat.
The list prepared by the governor Is
now in tho hands of Secretary of State
Walt and copy for tho publishing of the
nn ondments is being sent to the publi
cations designated. Under the law these
amendments must be published for three
months preceding the election. Since the
1814 election falls on November 3, this
necessitates the beginning of the publi
cation on August 3.
Tho following is a list of thoso news
papers In which the amendments will
Adams County Adams County Demo
crat, Hustings, Nos. 1, 2 and 3.
Antelope County The Nellgh Register,
Ncllsli, Nos. 1. 2 and 3.
Arthur County Arthur Enterprise.
Arthur, Nos. 1, 2 and 3.
Boonn County Tho Albion Argus, Al
bion, Nos. ), 2 and 3.
Box Butte County The Alliance Herald,
Alliance, Nos. 1 and 2; Tho Alliance Times,
Alliance. No. 3.
Brown County The Brown County
Democrat, Alnsworth, Nos. 1, 2 and 3.
Butler County The Bellwood Gazette,
l ellwood. No. 1: The Butler County Press,
David City, Nos. 2 and 3.
Burt County Lyons Mirror. Lyons, Nos.
1 and 2; The Burt County Herald,
Tckamah, No. 3.
Boyd County Spencer Advocate,
Spencer, Nos. 1. 2 and 3.
Banner County Harrlsburg News, Har
rlsburg, Nos. 1, 2 and 3.
Blaine County The Dunning Booster,
iDunnlng, Nos 1 and 2; The Brewster
News, Brewster, No. 8.
-Buffalo County Kearney Democrat,
Kearney? Nos. 1 and 2: Kearney Times.
Kearney, No. 3,
Cass County Plattsmouth Journal,
Flattsmouth,- Nos. 1, -2 .and 3.
Cedar County Cedar County News,
Hartlngton, No. 3; Wynot Tribune,
JVynot. No. -2: Randolph Enterprise,
Randolph, No. 1.
Chase County Imperial Republican, Im
perial, Nos. 1, 2 and 3.
Cherry County Tho Searchlight, Valen
tine, No. 1; The Merrltnan Mavrlck, Mcr
riman, No. 2; Tho Valentine Democrat.
Valentine, No. 3.
Cheyenne County Tho Sidney Tele
graph, Sidney, No. 3; The LodKepole Ex
press, Lodgcpolc, No. 2; The Potter Re
view, Potter, No. 1.
Colfax County Clarkson Herald, Clark
son, No. 1; Howells Journal, Howells, No.
2; Schuyler Sun, Schuyler, No. 3.
Cuming County The Benner Times, Ben
ner, No. 1; The Wlsner Chronicle,
Wlsner. No. 2; The Cuming County Demo
crat, West Point, No. 3.
Custer County Custer County Chief,
Broken Bow, No. 1; Mason City Trans
cript, Mason City, Nos. 2 and 3.
Clay County The Kalrfleld Auxiliary,
Fairfield, No. 1; The Sutton Register, Sut
ton, No. 2; The Clay County Patriot, Clay
Center, No. 3.
Dakota County North Nebraska Eagle,
Dakota City, Nos. 1, 2 and 3.
Dawes County The Chadron Chronicle,
Chadron, Nos. 1, 2 and 3.
pawson County The Cozad Local,
Cozad, No. 1; The Gothenhurg Times,
Gothenburg. No. 2; The Clipper-Citizen,
Lexington, No. 3.
Deuel County The Chappell Register,
Chappell, Nos. 1, 2 and 3.
Dixon County The Nebraska Journal
Leader, Ponca, No. 1; The Emerson En
terprise. Emerson, Nos. 2 and 3.
Dodge County The Fremont Herald.
Fremont, Nos. 1, 2 and 3.
Douglas County World-Herald. Omaha,
Nos. 1, 2 and 3.
Dundy County Halgler News, Halgler,
Nos, 1 and 2: Benkelman Chronicle, Ben
'kelnian. No. 3.
Flllmoro County Nebraska Signal,
Geneva, Nos. 1, 2 and 3.
Franklin County Rlverton Review, Rlv
erton, No. 1; Franklin Sentinel. Franklin,
No. 2; Franklin Progress, Franklin, No. 3.
Frontier County Eagle-Reporter, May
wood, No. 3; The Mooreflcld Chronicle,
Moorefield, No. 2; The Curtis Reporter,
Curtis, No. 1.
Furnas County The Cambridge Clar
ion, Cambridge, No. 1; The Edison News,
Edison. No. 2; Tho Holbrook Obf-ervor.
Holbiook, No. 3
Gage County The Dally Sun, Beatrice,
Nos. 1, 2 and 3.
Garden County Garden County News,
Oshkosh, Nos. 1. 2 and 3.
Garfield County Tho Burwell Tribune,
Burwcll, Nos, 1, 2 and 3.
Gosper County The Elwood Bulletin,
Elwood, Nos. 1, 2 and 3.
Grant County Grant County Tribune,
Hyanpls, Nos. 1, 2 and 3.
Greeley County The Leader Independ
ent, Greeley, No. 3: The Wolbach Mes
senger, "Wolbach. No. 2; The Spauldlng
Enterprise, Spauldlng. No. 1.
Hall County The Grand Island Free
Press, Grand Island, Nos. 1, 2 and 3.
Hamilton County Tho Sun, Aurora,
Nos. 1, 2 and 3.
Harlan County The Harlan County
Journal, Alma, Nos. I, 2 and X
Hayes County The Times-Republican,
Hayes Center, Nob. 1, 2 and 3.
Hitchcock County The Trenton Regis
ter, Trenton, Nos. 1 and 2; The St rat ton
News, Stratton, No. 3.
Holt County Holt County Independent,
O'Neill, Nos. I, 2 and X
Hooker County The Tribune, Mullen,
Nos. 1, 2 and 3.
Howard County The St. Paul Phono
graph, St. Paul, Nos. 1. 2 and 3.
Jefferson County The Falrbury Jour
nal, Falrbury. Nos. 1, 2 and 3,
Johnson County The Journal-Tribunal,
Tecumseh, Nos. 1. 2 and 3.
Kearney County The Mlnden Courier,
Mlnden, Nos. 1, 2 and 3.
Keith County Tho Ogallala News,
Ogallala, Nos. 1, 2 and 3.
Key a Paha County The Burton Inde
pendent, Burton, Nos. 1, 2 and 3.
Kimball County The Kimball Observer,
Kimball, Nos. 1, 2 and 3.
Knox County The Journal. Bloomfleld,
No. 1; The Verdlgree Citizen, Verdlgree,
No. 2; The Crelghton Liberal, Crelghton.
No. 3.
Lancaster County The Dally Btar, Lin
coln, Nos.-l, t and -3.
Loop County The Taylor Clarion, Tay
lor, Nos. 1. 2 and 3.
Lincoln- County The Wallace Winner,
Wallace. No. 1; the Maxwell Telepost,
Maxwell, Nos. 2 and S.
Logan County The Stapleton Enter
prise, Stapleton, Nos. 1 and 2; the Gandy
Pioneer, Gandy, No. 3.
Madison County The Norfolk Press,
Norfolk. No. 1; the Battle Creek Enter
prise. Battle Creek, No. 2j. the Madison
8tar-Mall, Madlton, No. 3.
McPhcrson County The Tryon Graphic,
Tryon, Nos. U 3 and 3.
Merrick County The Central City Non
pareil, Central City. Nos. 1. 2 and 3.
Morrill County Tho Bridgeport Herald,
Bridgeport, Nos. 1, 2 and 3.
Nance County Fullerton News-Journal,
Fullorton, Nos. 1. 2 and 8.
Nomaha County The Auburn Granger,
Auburn. No. 1; the Auburn Herald, Au
burn, Nos. 2 and 3.
Knuckles County The Lawrence Loco
motive, Lawrence, No. 1; The Superior
Express, Superior, Nos. 2 and 3.
Otoo County The Talmago Tribune,
Talmagc, No. 1. the Syracuse Democrat,
Syracuse, No. 2; tho Nebraska City News,
Nebraska City, No. 3.
Perkins .County The Grant Tribune and
Sentinel, Grant, Nos. 1, 2 and 3.
Pawnee County-The Pawnee Chief,
Pawnco City. Nos. 1, 2 and 3.
Phelps County Tho Loomls Sentinel,
Loomls, No. 1; Tho Holdrege Progres,
Holdrege, Nos. 2 and 3.
Pierce County The Pierce Leader.
Pierce, Nos. 1 and 2; tho Plalnvlew News,
Flalnvlew, No. 3.
Platte County Platto Center Signal,
Platte Center, No. 1; tho Humphrey Dem
ocrat. Humphrey, No. 2; tho Columbus
Telegram, Columbus, No. 3.
Polk County The StromsburK Head
light, Stromsburg, No. 1; the Polk Prog,
ress, Polk, No. 2:. the Osceola Democrat.
Osceola, No. 3.
Red Willow County The Indtanola Re
porter, Nos. I, 2 and 3.
- - J
Ouster Demos Praise
Hitchcock's Support
of Wilson's Policies
BROKEN BOW, Ncb July Z4.-(Spe-clal.)
The democratic county convention
was held here Wednesday afternoon. J. J.
Toolcy of Anselmo was made permanent
chairman and James Lomax of thts city
permanent secretary. Some of the fea
tures of the platform adopted were tho
endorsement of the Wilson administra
tion, commendations upon the repealing
of the tolls exemption law, the "watchful
waiting" policy being pursued with ref
erence to Moxtco, tho endorsement of
Secretary of State Bryan's conduct, tho
business ltko administration of Governor
vMorehead and the course pursued by Hon.
W. H. Thompson as chairman of tho
state central committee.
The convention commended the course
pursued by Hon. J. J. Tooley as a mem
ber of the Stato Normal board and rec
ommended him to Governor Morcheadl
for reappointment. It also recommonded
to the voters the name of W. B. East
ham for commissioner of public lands
and buildings. United States Senator
Hitchcock and democratic representatives
in congress who havo stood by tho ad
ministration in the enactment of its
policies into law were commended.
Twenty-four delegates to the state
convention were) elected. Before ad
journing the convention passed a motion
that the state delegates be Instructed
to cast their votes as a unit for W. H.
Thompson for chairman of tho state
central committee.
KEAR.NET, Neb., July 24.-(Speclal
Telegram.) Tho severest electrical and
thunderstorm witnessed in this county
for many years, occurred this morning,
being accompanied by wind. Nearly two
Inches of rain fell in' less than one hour
and the same Is reported In Kearney
The lightning terrified many residents,
several houses being struck and trees
and hay stacks suffered. The telephone
service is out of commission, half ot
tho phones in this city being burned out
by the lightning. One family narrowly
escaped death, when tho lightning struck
In the bed room going out of the win
dow, and tearing siding from both sides
of the house. The rain was a great bene
fit to corn.
HOLBROOK, Neb., July 24.-(Spec!al
Telegram.) Holbrook and vicinity was
vicltod by three quarters of an Inch of
rain last night. Corn Is In excellent con
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
MNCOL.N, Neb., July 24, (Speclal.)
Trlplets do not constitute lefral grounds
for desertion, according to the governor
of Iowa. Governor Morehead agrees with
him. As a consequence extradition pa
pers from Iowa have been honored py the
Nebraska executive and Karl Knudson
will accompany an Iowa officer from
Hartlngton, Neb., where ho is under ar- I
rest, to Harlan, la., where a wife and j
six children, three of them girls 9 years
old, await him.
Mrs. Vina Knudson, who signed the
complaint, states that she has tried to
support her children by doing laundry
work, but that they have been cast on
the county for support.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, July 24. (Special.) The
Stato Hallway commission has set July
29 as the date for hearing the application
of the St. Joseph & Grand Island rail
road for permission to make changes in
Its passenger schedule. Just what the
proposed changes are has not been made
clear. The Grand Island Commercial club
hns entered a protest.
The railway commission today granted
permission to the Rock Island railroad
to reduco potato rates from producing
points on its Nebraska lines to Omaha,
Lincoln and Beatrice.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Neb., July 24.-Bpeclal.)-The
name of Walter Livingston will not
appear on the primary ballot as a can
didate for state senator from the district
comprising Adams and Clay counties.
Livingston's filing papers did -not arrive
at the secretary of state's office in time
to allow him becoming a candidate on
the democratic Ucket and a friend of
Livingston who called at the office to
day announced that the Hastings man
would withdraw from the contest for the
populist nomination.
HEBRON, Neb., July 24. (Special Tel
egrarn.) The home of II. McCale, near
this city, was struck, by lightning last
night and a little child asleep In bed was
quite badly burned about one foot and
hand In addition to suffering a severe
shock, but will survive.
Everybody reads Bee Want Ada,
Save 1-3
on any Straw,
Panama or
Bangkok Hat
FAlRBt'ItY. Neb., July 24. (Special.)
That there Is no dearth of candidates for
political honors In Jefferson county Is
evidenced by the fact that approximately
forty candidates havo filed for office.
Nearly all of the republican candidates'
have filed on tho republican and pro
gressive tickets nnd only two bold ones
stand out who claim to be straight re
publcans; they are V. D. Cropsey, for
mery state senator and now a candidate
for county treasurer, and John B. Kll
lean. candidate for congress In thoj
Fourth district. Neither of thme would
affillato with thrprogresslve party. The
filings for office In Jefferson Include:
J. P. Thlessen and Ij. It. Lambert (rep.
prog.). C. 1. K. Blauser (dcm.), for repre
sentative Thirty-second district
County Troasurcr D. B. Cropsoy (rep),
C. a. Catplln (rep.-prog.), Alex Shepherd
County Clerk C. A. Fehlman and C. O.
Marthlus (rep-prog.), V. I Worrall
County Superintendent Theodore Shaf
fer nnd W. H. Lilno (rep-prog.), II. Ab
rail ins (dem.).
County Attorney F. L,. Bain (rep.
prog.). J. II. Kemp, republican candidate for
governor was In Falrbury this week
meeting the ovtors.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, July 24,-(Spcclal.) But one
week of graco remains In which corpora
tions operating under the Nebraska law
may pay their occupation tax. After Au
gust 1 a penalty of 15 per cent o ftho tax
will be added for those corporations
which have failed to pay this tax Into the
secretary of state's office.
Concerns operating under charters.
granted In other states will have until
September 1 to pay tho tax before any
penalty Is added. These provisions aro
made under a new law now In effect
which Increases the rate of taxation on
corporations having a largo amount of
capital stock.
I.rnnn Family Ileanion.
WEEPING WATER, Neb., July 24.
(Special.) Mr. and. Mrs. W. II. Lyman,
pioneer citizens of this place, are to en
Joy during the noxt ten days, a family
reunion. Their six children and all but
two of their slxtecen grandchildren will
To Keep Skin White
Velvety, Wrinkle-Free
C M. W. says: "I perspire so exces
sively that powder makes my face
streaky these days and creams moke It
Kreasy and shiny. What can I dor Try
the treatment recommended to "Anise,
A. F. O, writes; "My skin seem mt
loose and wrinkly In hot weather. What
"will help It?" Use a wash lotion made by
dissolving 1 or. powdered saxollte In yj
PL witch hazel. This Is Immediately of
fectlve In any wrinkled or flabby condi
tion. Use daily for awhile and results
will astonish you.
Anise: A simple way to keep your Bkln
smooth, soft and white Is to apply ordj.
nary mercollred wax before retiring,
washing It off In the morning. This
keeps the face free from the particles of
lifeless cuticle which constantly appear.
The wax absorbs these wornout parti
cles, so the younger, fresher, healthier
skin Is always In view. An ounce of
mercollzed wax may be had at small cost
at any drug store. Use like cold! cream,
I Aunt Sally In Woman's Realm. Ad
vertisement. Sale of Dresses
Our entire stock formerly sold
up to $15.00, divided into two lots,
at $3.05 and $3.05.
Up to $2.00 Waists at 85c.
ORKINS, 1510 Douglas Street
mi, mm m
The knowledge that every suit involved in a King-Peck
is through and through a "Quality" suit, a garment from our regular
stock and the production of the world's foremost tailors, make this
event doubly attractive to men and young men who seek good
style and
for Al
terations be present. The names and residence ot
the six children are as follows: Mrs.
Ida Neuachafer. city; Mrs. T. C. Kunklo,
Madrid, Neb.; Mrs. O. O. Cogllzer, city;
Mrs. J. C. Undburg. Spear Fish. 8. D. ;
Mrs. O. it. Lamb, Lincoln; Vomer Q.
Lyman of China; Charles Lyman, Mel-
bcrta. Neb.; will Lyman, lloiyoke, uoia,
and Miss Anna Lyman, city.
Note from TCxeter.
EXETER, Neb., July 24. (Special.) The
work on Exeter's new J40.O00 high school
building Is progressing fairly well. Tho
footings are all In and tho contractor Is
ready to put in tho concrete walls of tho
basement. A little delay was occasioned
by delay In getting tholr material on tho
('. C. Smith, proprietor of tho Adjust
able Index Tab factory here, gave his
sixty employes a picnic outing at Beaver
Crossing Thursday. He arranged with the
Northwestern to attach an extra car to
the morning northbound train to take tho
crowd up and bring It back In the even
ing. He also contracted with the women
of the Christian church at tho Crossing
They Are All
Annual Sale
of Low Shoes
One customer said: "I wait for this sale because I get Just thu
shoo I want at greatly reduced prices, and I get a fit. Your shoe
flttcrs know their business."
Cut Prices For Men
Edwin Clapp's $7.00 imported
Russia calf and gun ftp nr
metal oxfords, pair . . . ijO.BjQ
Hanan & Son's $C.OO and $0.50
Russia and gun metal calf and
vlcl kid oxfords, per
McDonald & Klley's $6 Russia
calf and French calf rt ir
oxfords, per pair t9Tl4u
McDonald & Klley's $5 and
$5.50 regular Russia (jn QP
calf oxfords, pair WUiUU
Ton lines of Howard & Foster's
$4.50 Russia and gun Afl nr
metal oxfords, pair. . .Jpy.Q
Ten lines $4 and $4.50 oxfords
In Russia and gun n nn
metal calf, patent colt. . JqU
Ton lines of Russia gun mutal
calf and patent colt, $f) OC
Palr 0.bO
One hundred pairs broken
lots, small sizes, In tan and
patent colt, regular $4 and
$5 oxfords no charges, ex
changes or deliveries yofiV
20 OK
on all our Boys', Misses' and
Children's Low Shoes, Pumps
and Sandals.
1419 Farnam Street
dependable quality
Many Thousands of World's Best Suits
Are Now Offered at Exactly
All the season's most favored novelties. All "True
Blue" Serge Suits; models for both young and old men,
in either two or three button effects, as well as our en
tire exclusive stock of Rogers-Peet & Co. celebrated clothes
$10 to $40 SUITS
Can Now Be Bought
Entire stock of low cut shoes in all leathers and canvas havo
been bo reduce in price ns to insure the quickest possible
$1.50 Oxfords, now. . . $1.15
$1.75 Oxfords, now. . . $135
$2.00 Oxfords, now. .' $150
$2.25 Oxfords, now. . . $1.75
$2.50 Oxfords, now. . . $1.95
at Howard"
to furnish dinner and supper for the
party. . ,
There has been an unusual amount m
ui,,v ihrsalilnir this season around here,
mhui nvnmelnir nround twenty bushels.
or from five to ten bushels less than the
estimate before harvest
. ,.. llBnntiilpnnll Meet.
fiTOClCVI LLK, Neb., July 24. (Special.)
The republicans of Frontier county held
their county convention hero Tuesday aft
ernoon. There was a good attendance.
Hon. John C. Gammlll-was chairman and
gave the convention one of his strong
characteristic talks. Tho following dele
gates wcro clocted to the state conven
tion: W. B. Votaw, L. H. Cheney, V. C.
Bchroeder, L. O. Richardson, D. O. Nel
son, L. O. Taylor, W. F. Toung and 8.
(W. Gilbert. Tho central commltteo was
organised with J. A. Williams chairman
and L. II. Cheney secretary-treasurer.
Knr the AVenlt mill Nervous.
Tired out, weak, nervous men and
women need Electric Bitters; helps tho
nerves and tones up the system. COo and
$LO0. All druggists. Advertisement.
Pleased With
Cut Prices For Women
Hanan & Son's IB.DO and $6.00 gun
metal calf and patent
colt pumpH and ox
fords, ner nulr ....
15 50 kid
ood 19.50
Hanan & Bon's $5.00 and in 50 kid
and patent oxrorns, Hand
welt Holes, In lace,
ner nalr
Latterman. Croxton Sc Wood J.60
patent vesting quarter
and gun metal Colonial
I'umps, pair
Gun metal and patent
colt Colonial pumps,
JB.00 values, per pair. . .
Cousin's white craven
ette, in button, high or
low. 15 values, ner nalr
netal calf
white nu-
Foster's Russia and gun metal calf
and patent pumps, J&.00
and J5.60 values, per
I"atent and gun metal
calf oxfonlA and
iramni. Tier nalr
All our 14.00 and 4 60 white nu-
buck boota. In button
or oxfords, per
600 pairs small alied oxfords, In
gun metal, Hussion calf, patent
colt, bronie, blavk and gray
minde, and white sea lslantl
duck, $4.00 and $5.00 valuen.
no charges or 1 fifl
deliveries I.1U
ZOO pair oxfords, all sizes, up to
8tt In double AA, 13 rand C, )3.E0
and 14.00 values. No en
cliarvca or deliveries "vyt
200 pairs of misses', chlldron'x
and young ladles' pumps amt ox
fonUi: regular 12 valuen; KQ
no charges or deliveries.....,.'11'
Shoe Co.
as well as best values in their apparel
Oxfords, now. . . $2.25
Oxfords, now. . . $2.65
Oxfords, now. . . S2.95
Oxfords, now. . . S3. 35
Oxfords, now. . . S3. 75
This $46 Maple Dresser
for $30
6ne of the many big values in our
Sale of
Bedroom Furniture
Tho surplus of two big factories
bought to soli for
1-3 Off
$3(1 Oak DrosRors
$35 Oak Chiffoniers
$80 Oak DodH
$30 Maple Princess Dressers. ,JR2
$48 Walnut Princess DrossorB. jgJJJj
$30 Mahogany Princess Dressers. .
$60 Mahogany Dressers Hjtjf
$37 Oak Princess Dressers. S24.50 Rase, 44x21; Mirror, 1840
Curtain Remnants at 5c Each
For Saturday wo will put on sale a quantity ot Swiss, Scrim, Gren
adine, Madras, Net, Voile, Etamlnc and Marquisette
romnants In longths to 2V4 yards; materials priced from -r
25c to $1.00 per yard. All to cIobo out Saturday, each
Window Shades 19c
Odd shados made from workroom
remnants of shndo cloth, up to
3G Inches wide and 5 feet long,
worth C5c to $1, to close in
out, at, oach JLlC
Orchard &
Contractors or Builders
are nearest headquarters
when located in
"Th building that it always new"
Leases, deeds, abstracts, lot lines, mortgages, liens
nnd n hundred other- things are matters of record at
tho Court House.
AU the littlo details of the city's ordinances, regulations and
requirements are necessarily looked after, and Building, Boiler,
Sewer, Steam, Street, Electric and other permits are obtainable
only at the City Hall.
Offices adjacent to these two buildings will, there
fore, save timo for yourself and patrons.
The Bee Building is most conveniently located.
j Swap Anything in the "Swapper's Column"
Sample Bedroom Rugs
S1.50. $2.45. $3.45
for rugs worth $2.25 to $6.36,
all in reversible patterns and
good colorings.
Wilhelm Co.