2 July Clearance Sale of Fine Dresses 8:30 A. IVI. SATURDAY We offer three exceptional values of FINE SUMMER DRESSES: 66 Colored Crepe and Voile Dresses in plain and figured patterns, that formerly sold for $10.50 to $17.50, Saturday. at $3.75 White Voile and Crepe Dresses, slightly soiled and mussed. These white dresses formerly sold for 812.50 to $27.50. There are 27 in this lot and priced f or Saturday at 3)0UI) WAR CLOUD IS OYER EUROPE i ! Austria's Ultimatum to Servia Causes Apprehension. ALL EYES ARE ON THE CZAR Should Ifr Hack Ui Servia Cenrrnl War In l',trrii Knrapr In I'rolmlilc I'nnlc on Ilrrlln llnurse. Sale Starts at 8:30 A. M. 52 Silk Afternoon Dresses of crepe de chine, pop lin and taffeta; exclusive styles, (hi I r7f worth $27.50 to $55, Saturday at. Sale Starts at 8:30 A. M. Because of the values offered, we cannot make alterations, send on approval, or ac cept the return of these dresses for exchange or credit. Specials for Saturday in the Men's Dept. f $3.5 I at 50 and $4.00 Shirts, on sale Saturday $1.79 5 Special Sale of Wash Ties, worth 35c, at 15c; 2 for , 25c Sale of Silk and Silk Mixed Coat Shirts, $3.50 and $4 values, all good patterns, sizes 14 to 17, on $1 7Q sale Saturday at this VERY SPECIAL PRICE P 1 ' 75c High Grade Belts, Saturday. . .3714c Shirts and Drawers; values to 75c, at 35i5 $1.00 Athletic Union Suits 65c 50c Silk Hose, 35c; 3 pairs for $1.00 25c Paris or Boston Garters 17e $1.00 Muslin Night Robes, full cut and extra long, Saturday 85c In The Store For Shirtwaists You will find many July bargains. Dainty, exclusive blouses are marked at great reductions: S24.50 Blouses . . . .$12.75 $17.50 Blouses $9.25 $12.50 Blouses $6.75 $6.50 Blouses $3.95 $3.50 Blouses $2.10 $3.00 Blouses $1.85 $2.75 Blouses $1.59 Special on Women's and children's Gauze Underwear 12l2c Gauze Vests, now 8 Vic 20c Gauze Vests, extra good quality, now 12V&C 35c Lisle Vests, plain or fancy tops, now 25c 65c Gauze Union Suits, fitted or wide knee, now 49c A small lot of Boys' Shirts and Drawers, regular price 25c, now 10c Saturday Hosiery Values Black Lisle Hose, 50o qual ity, 35,c pair; 3 pairs.. $1 Black Cotton Hoso, 18c a pair; 3 pairs for 50c White Lisle Hose . . 25c, 35c, 50c a nair Sale White Em broidered Piques $1.25 White Embroidered Piques $1.00 a yard $1.00 White Embroidered Piques 75c a yard $1.50 White Embroidered Piques $1.25 a yard Kayser's Long Silk Gloves, $1.50 a Pair For genuine good service, buy a pair of this excellent quality. This is a glove value, being firm and of heavier texture, it insures you wiih a good wearing, good fitting glove. Black, white ar.d colore $1.50 a pair Ask to see this number. July Sale Bath Towels 45c Turkish Bath Towels at 25c each 50c Turkish Bath Towels at .39c each 75c Turkish Bath Towel3 at 50c each 85c Turkish Bath Towels at 59c each Toilet Articles Peroxide Bath Soap 8VsC a cake Wildroot Shampoo Soap, 2 cakes for 25c Nail Piles 10c each Rubber cushion Hair Brush es; double bristle, 79c each I HOWARD ..AND SIXTEENTH JJTFCEETS HKHL1N. Julv 24. The crave noaalblll- ' ties connected with the strong Austrian noto to Sen In, which virtually took the form of an ultimatum demanding the suppression nf the pan-Servian movement and tho pun'shment of those concerned In the assassination of the late Arrhduhe Francis Ferdinand, are recognized In of ficial circles here. It ts teallzed that fur ther serious developments In Austro-Ser-vlan relation! are Inevitable unless Ser via complies with the Austrian demands. It is believed in authoritative quarters that the Servians will yield unless as sured of BUpport from outside, and for this reason official' eyes here are today turned less toward Belgrade than to St. Petersburg, where the council of minis ters Is expected to settle tho question of peace or war. Germany Approves Action. It was stated tliat Germany had not been consulted regarding tho Austrian note to Servia before its delivery, but that it thoroughly approved the step taken And was prepared for all the consequences that might ensue from It. It was pointed out that should Russia tuka part against Austria, Germany was fully prepared to draw the aword on be half of Its oily in accordance with the terms of the triple alliance of Germany, Austria and Italy. Comment In h rsr. man press today strongly supported Aus tria, The stock market broke badly under the fear of general Europoan ' complications. Securities In large amounts had been unloaded at the declines and the breaks In Austrian and Russian specialties as sumed almost a panicky form. Demand of Austria. VIENNA, July 23. An Austro-Hungar-lan note to Servia, containing demands for the suppression of the pan-Servian move ment and tho punishment of those con cerned In the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand, was presented to tho government at Belgrade this evening. Tho note request a reply by o'clock Saturday evening. i MEDIATION BJH BALANCE Attempt to Compose Hailroad Wage Issue Kear Failure. 5 DAILY MEETINGS FOE WEEK Farther KegotlnUone , Depend on Answer of KnirlnMen r to J hmirxl Note Submitted I by the Hoard. E CHICAGO, July W. Continuance of ne- t gdtletlona by the federal board of medla- tlan and conciliation In the attempt to J compose the wage differences between I the engineers and firemen of ninety-eight 5 western railroads and tho railroad man- S agers' committee hung in tho balanco to- j Blnce Monday there have been dally t meetings of the board with the labor offl- clals and the railroad managers, each I meeting separately. As matters now stand the federal toard is awaiting word from the engineers and firemen, and on their message depends t the continuance of the meetings ot the board, ' 8 The men seek changes In service rules jf and Increases In pay, principally in the overtime schedule, and declare their re 's quests arc Just and reasonable. e The railroad managers insist that to comply with the requests would' bo to lnr.AniA Hi,. nM.Aiil nRVrrilli htf ISt Y)0 ' LOW. Arbitration of tho differences hns been repeatedly refused by the head of the unions on the contention that In pre- vious cases me ran rot-as nave noi neia If themselves bound by the arbitration awards Nearly U,(fx men are directly concerned In the outcome of the dispute, and a much (, greater number would be affected should :j the differences lead to a strike ot the ' employes, Negotiation between tho employes and the managers' committee have extended , since last October and were suspended Ust month during the taking ot a strike II cte. It was announced by W, 8. Stone, grand . chief engineer of the Brotherhood of I- ; romotlve Engineers, and W, 8. Carter. l.airman of the Brotherhood of IxconK 'J live Firemen and Englnemen, July M that the vote in favor of a strike if the re- iuests were not complied with, was nearly unanimous. The railroad managers then appealed to the federal board of mediation and con ciliation and the union officials accepted the proffer of the federal board's services, body of the little fellow was blistered to such an extent that physicians, called Immediately In an attempt to savo him, wero unnblo to do much to relievo his agony, Colombia Treaty Roundly Denounced WASHINGTON, July :t.-Uenounclng tho. administration's attitude toward Central America ns a "policy of sur render and national degradation," repre sentative Humphrey, republican, of Washington today attacked the proposed treaty to pay Colombia 126,000,000 for the 'partition oC Panama. He defended the methods by -which the United States dur ing President Roosevolt's administration took control of the Panama canal cone and declared there was nothing in the) transaction which demanded an apology to Colombia. it would indeed be a fitting climax to discreditable foreign policy," he de clared, "should this administration that has surrendered the Panama canal to purchase the friendship ot Oreat Britain and tho Influence of the transcontinental railroads, that practically caused this great nation to declare war on an Indi vidual, that still continues Its stupid, vacillating blundering policy in Mexico, to now add to this policy of weakness and surrender, the additional degradation of having this nation apologize for de feating an attempt at blackmail and to pay the nation that failed In Its criminal undertaking ot 25.00O.Q0O, to help the hurt that honor feels.' " Dor Hcalded to Death. l.BOLA, 8, P., July :.-8peclal.)-Fll. ins into a pall of scalding' water while playing about the house, Frederick tfchoenfelder, the S0-roontb-old son of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Sohoenfelder, was liter al!:' boiled alive, receiving injuries from which he afterward died. Tha entire DEATH RECORD. f Choice of the House lj Your unrestricted choice of any L Woman's Suit. Coat or Drees Jo our "'entire stock, Saturday at $10. ORKIS, 1510 Douglas Street Kdsr I nnttn. CAM II RIDGE, Neb., July M.-SpeciaU The funeral ot Edgar La. Butts, who died at his residence in this city on July SO, was held at the first Methodist Episcopal church of Cambridge Wednesday, Rev, Allen D, Rurresa, the pastor, and Or, John Oallagher conducting the services, and tha Ancient Order United Workmen, ot which he was a member, participating In a brief service at the grave. Mr. Butts was one of the pioneers of OanXridge where he has been actively engaged in business for twenty-nine years. lie was aged 53 years. 'His widow and five daugh ters survive him. Cyrus IS Boyd. Cyrus P. Boyd died at a local hospital In Omaha yesterday. He Is the father of Frank Boyd, assistant cashier ot the Omaha National bank. The' body was taken to the old home at Alnsworth for Interment. Five children survive him. They are; Prank of Omaha, Mrs. Lloyd Hanna, Mrs. P. A. Baldwin. Charlea J. Boyd of Alnsworth and Mrs. It. H. Cook; and Mrs. John Huffman ot Pes Moines. Mr. Charlea Peterson, YORK, Neb., July S4.-(8peclal.)-Mrs Charles Peterson died Wednesday at toe country home, five miles northwest ot the city. Bhe was IS years old. The fam ily were early settlera in this city and removed to the country only a few years ago. Thomas ration. HOLBROOK, Neb., July S4.(6pclal Telegram.) Thomas Patton, an old resi dent living two miles northwest of town, died early this morning after ssveral months of Illness. Czar Uses Cavalry and Machine Guns to ' Suppress Strikers ST. PETERSBURG, July 2.-Strong measures were taken by tho authorities today to suppress the strlko riots which have been In progress for several days in the streets of tho capital during which a large number ot casualties have occurred In the conflicts between the police and Cossacks and the striking workmen. Considerable leniency wns shown during the presenco here of Raymond Poincare, president of the French republic, but im mediately after his departure four regi ments of cavalry ot tho guard and two regiments ot cuirassiers under tho com mand of General Kasnakoff arrived from Krosnoye-Selo to assist in suppressing the disorders. They brought with them a number of quick firing machine guns. A squadron of the newly arrived cav alry at once came Into contact with the strikers, charging and dispersing a crowd ot them. The authorities estimate the number ot strikers at 185,000, but it is believed the total Is greater. The street car service, which lias been Interrupted for forty-eight hours, was restored today. This fact Incenxod the strikers, who hurled volleys ot stones at the cars and their drivers as they pro ceeded through the streets. Several dem onstrations were attempted, but the tnanlfeatanta were quickly dispersed by Cossacks. In the meanwhile the police fired a few shots at the windows of private homes from which stones had been thrown down at them. One feature of the strike ts that the movement has been Joined by many government employes. tpn Thursday, aged U years. Ho Is sur- vveu uy a widow and three children. J he business men of Do Witt win Servo AUgUSt C as "Skirt ntlH Tllnnrr... Day," tho principal feature on that day ucing a oaii game between a local nice of bloomer girls and a picked team of old tlmo ball players. The DeWltt boosters will mako an automobile trip through Saline and G air ft cmintlon nn July SO to advertise the big annual event. airs. Clyde Neff, wife of Centerflelder Ncff of tho Beatrice league ball team. was removed to tho Monnonltn hrnitni Thursday, where she underwent a serious operation. WEST NEBRASKA DOCTORS FORM ASSOCIATION AINSWORTII, Neb.. July 34,-(8pecial.) The Brown, Rock and Keya Paha Counties Medical society met at Long Pine Wednesday evening and had for their ruesta the doctors up and down the line of the Northwestern. They or ganised the Western Nebraska Medical association, with Long Pino as the an nual meeting place. Dr. James M, Tlsche of Woodlake was elected presi dent. Dr. W. O. Colburn, Stuart, vice president. Dr. J. C. Tucker, Iong line, secretary and Dr. T. J. Iawsoii. I-ong Pine, treasurer. O'Neill will be the next mid-year meeting place, meeting ot which will be held tho third Tuesday in No vember. Note front Bent rice. BEATRICE. Neb., July M.-(8peclal.)- Flre of unknown origin destroyed the large barn of D. N. Burroughs In this city early Thursday morning, together with ten tons ot timothy hay, harness and other contents. Mr, Burroughs suoceeded in saving hla touring ear, and In do ing so waa burned on the right arm. The loss is placed at 11,600, with F700 Insur ance. Miss Marie Lambertl of this city has been electtd principal ot the lfolmesvllle schools for the coming year John Oneas, formerly of Beatrice, died at his home three miles north of Swan- LAUNDRESS WORKS FIFTY YEARS FOR ONE FAMILY ATCHISON, Kan,. July 21. Atehlaon claims the most reliable washerwoman n this country and the record of Mm. T. H, Bailey is produced to bock the assertion, iast night when Mrs. Bailey took down the family washing from the clothosllne at tho home ot O. B. Buck sho completed tior f'frih i-nnwiii,' year as the Buck family washerwoman. SACKETT WILL MAKE RACE AS PROGRESSIVE BEATRICE. Neb., July 24.-(Siiecial.)- II. E. Sackett, candidate tor governor on the progressive ticket, Thursday had City Clerk Garrett chango his party designation on the registration books from republican to progressive. II r. Lovell Bound Ovrvr, YORK. Neb., July S4.-(Speclal Tele gram.) Dr. Roy Lovell was bound over to the district court by Judge Wray on the charge of shooting at Edward Ashley in a livery barn at Bradshaw about a month ago. His ball of S900 waa con tlnued. TO EXONERATE RUSMISEL (Continued from Page One.) Into fact, but this effort waa defeated? Mr. Ruamlsel will be exonerated. There Is nothing else to do but exonerate him." Attorneys Forftet Krlendiihlp. Miss Edith Alderman, the chief In former, a teacher who wns discharged from tho faculty of- the Omnha High School of Commerce, was discredited by Mr. Ruemlsel's witnesses. This turn of the case caused a bitter controvereey be tween Attorney C. A. Goss for Mr. Rus mlsel and Mr. Blmeral. At one point In the taking of testimony Mr. Blmeral de clared he would have "busted" Mr. Goss' nose "If tho table had not been between them." Mr. Goss nnd Mr. Hlmeral have hereto fore been friends, but oach ewiiu vnrv caustic toward tho other, and threats and promises of dire things were hurled back and forth durlnff the examination of witnesses. The caso closed with the testimony of Mr. Slmcral's character witnessed, in I rehuttal. Among these were Miss Louise j biegner. Miss Susanne Redfleld, C. M. uush, Rev. Thomas M. Evnnit. Ml Pauline Devereese, Miss Lota Huth nnd Miss Chappell. Two members of the Omnha Wnm.n', club Mrs. N. H. Nelson and Mrs. J. H. uumont, who attended the henrfnir mm- Issue a statement covering thedr Impres sions of the evidence. This statement, by order of tho chairman of the judiciary committee, will bo withheld until th. coinmltteo'a report has been submitted to i no Doara. Store of the Town Browning King &? Co. Make the Most of Your Money Merchandise Values were never greater nor prices lower than now. Our End-of-the-Season Sale is .the wise man's opportunity. There nro still good selections in our Men's Fancy SulU Itcduced from $20, $25. $30, $35, ?40, to $14.50, $18.50, $24.50 All Boys' Wash and Wool Suits at 20 to 50 Discount Straw Hats yz PRICE Bangkoks, Leghorns and Panamas Greatly Reduced Geo. T. Wilson, Mgr. UNIONISTS FEAR ASQUITU HAS TRICKED THEM. IB Tf HIM I tflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl 11 BBBBsMpWBJfl I aaaaaaaaaM7J--,r iiiTW PREMIER ASQU1T1I. LONDON, July 24.-That they have arreln been outmaneuvered by the call for the home- rule conference Is the belief expressed by the unionists, here. They believe that the Initiative for the confer ence was talfen by Premier Asquith and not by Kins George. The premier's one object, they say, was to Kaln time and prevent a provisional government In Ulster being constituted until after Par liament had adjourned, thus avoiding criticism and the possible defeat of division. OFFICERS OF OMAHA-DENVER ROAD ENTERTAINED AT STER STERLING. Colo.. TelejtranO-Offloers of the executive com mittee or the Omaha-Lincoln-Denver highway consisting of 13, A. George, Lin coln, president; C. W. Meeker. Tmrw.Hol U. H. Urown, Omaha, vice presidents; V. A. Taylor, Hastings, treasurer; Adolph it. fteiu, lioidrege, ecretary, and A. B. Bannttt, Fiank Bannott, C. P. Lehn, Mc Cook; and W. A. Reynolds, Indlanola, reached here, this afternoon at 1 o'clock and were entertained by the Commercial club and citizens at luncheon. On a trip oer the highway. Lincoln to Denver, they left Lincoln Wednesday morning and are due In Denver Saturday noon traveling In auto. They ray the trip Is Interestlne, the road splendid and they have been en tertained royally along the route. 2,475 for First "Pickwick." At Sotheby's recently a first edition of Dickens' "The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club" brought $2,475. The pur chaser wns Robson. The copy contains all the wrappers and advertisements of the original edition, and Is regarded as the finest extant. London Cable to New York Times. MAY SUE THEBURLIN6T0N Action Said to Be Ordered Over Keokuk & Western Branch. UNDER ANTI-TRUST LAWS Declaration Mnde that System I Destroying- Competition, and Cnsr Mast Be. Settled In the Conrts. iKrom a Staff Correspondent.) DBS MOINES, la., July U. (Special Telegram.) The matter of tho nevoranco; of the Keokuk and Western broach of Old Burlington system, from tho Burlington, may be settled in federal court, as it! Is declared hero that tho government legal department has Instructed District At torney Porter for th southern Iowa dis trict to investigate the cpmplalnts made that the Burlington Is destroying com petition by operating parallel roads. This would be a first step to bring suit under the anti-trust law to have' tho Burlington sell the road. LABOR! REFUSES TO READ GUEYDAN ' LETTERS' TO JURY (Continued from Page One.) Maltre Chenu: "Give me the letters to tear them up," Judge Albanel disposed of the question for the time being by saying the let ters would be confided provisionally to Maltre Chenu as representing Mme. Uuey- dan and to Maltre Labor! as representa tive of M. and Mme. Calllaux. The Judge took occasion to announco that in accord with the jurors and tha attorneys, tho arguments would not b finished tomorrow, nor would the court sit on Sunday. Charles Foil of the Figaro, Etlenno Grosclaude, chief editor of the Journal, and Gustave Vlterbo, a writer, thert testified to their conviction from their? Unowledge of the late Gaston Calmettd that he would not have published purely private correspondence. Power of Wealth. "Wombat's wife wants to go on thn Bt"vfell, he's rich enough to build a thea ter for her." "Yet. and to hire an audience." Kansas City Journal. lluertn Ilenches Klnuatoii. KINGSTON, Jamaica, July 24,-General Ituerta and the party ot fugitives from Mexico accompanying him arrived here at noon today on board the German cruiser Dresden from Puerta Mexico. Department Orders. WASHINGTON, July .-(8peclal Tele gram.) Abna C, Boper has been ap pointed peatmistreas at Lneey, Stanley county, South Dakota, vice Rose Ashby, removed. The Merchants Exchange National bank of New York has been approved &a a re serve agont for the First National bank ot Stromsburg, Neb. Choice of the House Your unrestricted choice of any Woman's Suit, Coat or Dress In our eutlre stock, Saturday at 110. ORKINS, 1510 Douglas Street I J 4V slYM L4cW . Y4H IM-JiT li IT 11 J Julius Orfcin 1510 3OTTGIA.S ST. Semi-Annual Offer: Your Unrestricted Choice of any "SUIT, COAT or DRESS in our entire stock regardless of the former selling price, cost or worth, Saturday, at $10 This sensational offer means that you can come here Sat urday and select any wo man's or misses' tailored suit, coat or dress, no matter whether the former price was $25, $35, $45 or more f or . . . $2.00 WAISTS 85c Saturday we will Bell 50 dozen fine waists in scores of 6tyles and ajl sizes. QC nctually worth to $2.00, at OoC Up to $15.00 DRESSES $3.95 and $6.95 All our summer dresses that sold for and up to $15 will be divided Q QC OC into two lots Saturday. . . J OT-DW JULIUS ORKIN, 1510 Douglas Street it