10 THE BEK; OMAHA, SATIUBAV, JULY 1914. Bringing Up Father. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus " " Ornltht. lilt, talrraatteaal Ntwi grrlt. . " aa a f EMT FATHER f ' N f -Af - FRiptHn - 1 f NO -SIR- ' TZ " " "1 DOWN TO THE OOCK TpVi rJc HE&E cO AOOAD J ( ' " i - TOWBJPWB. MY- MY - p"E"D THE KAtSER 1 . JOLl v k,c 1 HELLO -MACIE I DON'T CAM 5ET PASSACE H , ' VOHDER IF HEY 0 OIS VlLHELM DE OT ?o rTft 'L T,NK ' KIN IT ANTmLs ONTHECOfMP.C! loH'F.r ' "THEsE. ARE. , I OLVMP1C, ER - bAJLINj ThSKNE N E 0l-vSSc Jo ''WMWWS UttrSi COIN ON THE J Vk I , ' J , JK .OUhTO Jhf. OLYMPIC I V y -pX V ' A vI?'ANOTR WEEK - 'LOPES POLLJDT IN TENTH Game with Omaha Tight One, End ing Two to One. EHHAN HOLDS UNTIL EIGHTH ovinia Stiurta tar Omaha aad la Itr plaeed by Slaarle Imtn In Con- teat, TOiMe First Ball nit for Winning Ran, LINCOLN, Neb., July 54, -Special Tel egram.) After pitching superb ball for eight Innings, Ehman weakened in the ninth and allowed Omaha to tie tha noorc, but Lincoln won In the tenth, J to 1. Until the eighth, the Rourkes could Rather but two hits off Bhman. a Kcratch by Congalton and a double by Schllebner, which reiiilted In an out, when the flrnt baseman attempted to stretch It Into a triple. He fanned five and iMued no passes. Lincoln ooored In the third on Willis" generosity and an error by Graham. Both aides went down one two three until the ninth, when, .with one down, Ehman throw Knit'i grounder wild to first. He passed Tbomasoo. and when 'Schllebner slashed out a (Ingle to left, (Kruf cored. Congalton and Thomas were both easy outs, however. Omaha threatened again In the tenth when Krug .singled to left and Graham to right, but Miller made a great catch of Kruga long fly, which was tagged for a triple and ended the rally. McOafftgan opened the tenth for Lin coln with a single, but was out wtion Xrug took Lloyd's grounder and threw to tecond. Collins singled to center and when Thomas let the ball get through him on the. throw In, Lloyd went to third. A hot day calls for a cool, mild cigar, not a strong cigar. The Robert Burns ia mild delightfully mild as well as com pletely satisfying in mellow flavor. Why not get more comfort from your summer smoke? -t GdbBums Cigar JO imieBabhieJf Conway Cl;ar Co.. Sioux .. lews Harlc-Haas Drug Co. far man aatJ Council Bluffs MlUer hit tho first ball, Slagle pitched for two bases. Schllebner played a great game for Omaha and staged some beautiful field ing on the Initial corner. LINCOLN. QuIlUn.lb .A(P' jucuarrigan, s 4 Lloyd, 2b 4 Collins, If t. B Miller, rf 8 Kchrelber, cf 3 Williams, lb 3 iBehor. o .1 Blackburne, o , 0 Ehman, p 4 Totals ., 34 2 OMAHA. An. R. Krug. 3b.. A 1 rrhomason, ef 3 0 Thomas, lb 4 0 fchllebner, lb 4 0 Congalton. rf 4 0 K nicer. If ,, 4. 0 Crosby, c I 0 Graham, .2b 4 0 wiiiis. pr 2 0 Single, P.. 2 0 Score: II. O. A. 1 1 1 2 2 3 0 2 4 3 2 0 2 S 1 0 3 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 10 2 1 30 U It. O. A. 0 1 r 0 3 0 0 3ft 2 11 1 0 1 0 13 0 13 0 13 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 "IS KH lfi i winning 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1' Standing of Teams WKST. LBAGt'K., NAT. LEAGUK. W.IPrt.' W.L.Pct 8loux City. .57 33 .5931 New Tork...W M .614 NORFOLK HAS GAME OWN WAY Denver 64 40 . 574 St. Joseph.. 62 42 .EM Chicago 60 37 .676 Bt Louis.. ..49 40 .651 Totals 3ft 1 One out In tenth when scored. I Lincoln 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 umana 000000OOI 01 Karned run: Lincoln, 1. Two-base hits Ehman. Schllebner. Double play: Wlllln to Thpmaa to Schllebner, Loft on bases: Lincoln, 11; Omaha, 6. Stolen base: Cfol llr.s. Miller. Kruger. Sacrifice hits: Mc Gaffigan. Miller. Struck out: By Ehman. 6; by Willis. 3. Tiases on balls: Off Ehman, 1;., off Willis. 4; off Slagle, 1. Time: 14. Umpire: Fife. INDIANS BEAT GRIZZLIES Brara Rally In Seventh, bnt Pall to Get nans EnoaKB, DENVBR, Cola, July 34. Bloux City won a awatfesl from Denver today, 14 to 10. Tlte locals rallied In the seventh and scored seven runs, falling three runs short of tying the score. Each tram used three pitchers. By winning today the visitors took four games out of tha six played and tightened their hold on the first place. Score: 8IOUX CITY. AD. R. H. O. A. K. Cooney, 3b 6 2 4 4 2 0 Clarke, rf (12 10 0 Kane. lb 6 3 3 10 1 0 Leleune. cf 6 4 3 3 0 0 Callahan, s.. ....... 4 3 3 2 4 0 Slalrd, lf-3b 6 12 13 0 emun. id 000100 TUmble, If 4 , 0 3 0 0 0 Murohy. c 6 114 2 0 White, p 000000 ciarK, p 400010 Woodburn, P 1 0 0 0 0 0 Davidson, If.., 0 0 0 2 0 0 Totals 44 14 DENVER. AJl. It. iFaye, 2b 6 3 Cassidy. rr 5 1 Eddlngton, of....... 4 0 Butcher, If 6 2 Block, c 4 1 Coffey, as 4 3 Mccarty. ".- 4 1 Barbour, 3b 6 0 Gaakell, p 0 0 Mitchell 1 0 King, p 1 1 Spahr 1 0 Harrington, p 1 0 20 27 13 H. 3 2 o. 3 0 1 7 6 7 1 0 0 A 0 0 B. 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 40 10 1 37 10 2 Batted for Gaskcll in fifth. Batted for King In seventh. Sioux City 0 0 0 3 4 6 0 1 114 Denver 1 1 0 0 0 1 7 0 0-10 Stolen bases: Balrd. Ramble. Calla han. Cooney. Clarke. Two-base hit: .Murphy. Three-base hits: Coffey, l- )eune, hiock, uaroour. nuiira rwi, Kane, sacrifice iiy: uaviuson. oacn flee hit: Gaskell. Btruck out: By White, l: by Clarke. 2; by Gaakell, 2; by vin l- hv Harrington. 1. Bases on halls: Off Clark. 1. off Woodburn. 3; off Gaskell. I; otf liamngion. . nin pitches: Woodburn, Harrington. Double play: Coffey to McCarty: Hits. Off White, 8 In bne and one-thtrd Innings; off Clark, f In five and one-third Innings; off Woodburn, 2 In two and one-third In nings; off Oaskell. 9 In five Innings; off King. In two Innings: off Harrington, 3 in two innings. Time: fcl. umpires. Uarr ana uwon. KAWS BteAT Tine WICIIES Forsyth's nomrr Wins Foot-in ol Se.rlea. WICHrTA. Kan., July 4.-Cy Forsythe's i Ml- in ihc unnivl lnnlnc. with two men on baaes. woo the fourth game of the aeries for Topeka and iohlta. Jlmmle Durham was knocked out of the box In two Innings. Lambert then held the Kaws hltless for five Innings and he was pulled to allow a plneh hitter to bat. Scott gave two hlU In th last two In nings. Wichita rallied in the seventh and produced thre scores, but could net produce another rally- Score: WICHITA. AB. R. Oehs. Jb 3 0 Nicholson. If 2 0 Rapp. 2b..... 4 1 Bossolonl, rf 0 Henry, lb 1 Bills, cf 4 1 yitxilmmons. as..... 4 1 Jones, c Durham, p. Lambert, p 1 0 Scott, p 0 0 Graham I 0 Totals . i TOPBKA. AB. R. Cochran, 3b 4 1 Rapps, If - 4 1 Korsrth. rf 6 2 Koerner. lb. . 4 Lincoln 60 44 .632 Boston 40 44 .478 D. Moines. .49 4 .616 Cincinnati ..39 47 .463 Omaha 45 48 .484 Thlla. 37 4 .44 Wichita ..... 67 ,4Mil'lttaburgh ..37 .446 Topeka ....33 63 .344 Brooklyn ...35 45 .433 AMT3R, LEAGUE, AMER. ASB'N. W.L.Pet.l W.L.Pct. Thlla. 63 32 .KM i Ixiulsvlllc ..66 43 .571 Boston 41 40 . 645, Cleveland ..62 44 . 663 Wash 40 .ftSSi Milwaukee .51 43 . 643 Detroit .....47 42 .528' Kan. City... 51 48 .615 St. Louis... .44 42 .5121 Columbus ..47 48 .495 Chicago ....44 43 ,5r'.iIndlanapolls.49 49 .500 New York.. 43 .4171 Minneapolis 45 60 .474 Cleveland ..29 57 .3171 St. Paul fiO,36S FED. LEAGUE. I STATE LEAGUE. W.U Pet., W.L.Pct. Chicago ....50 3fi .5S1 Baltimore ..47 37 ,.VW Indlanap'ls 45 37 .619 Brooklyn ..43 X .544 Buffalo .. .41 40 .606 Kan. Cltv. .38 49 . 4371 Pittsburgh .81 47 .420 81. IJ01...X 62 .409 nrntrlce ....46 25 .648 York 42 31 .675 Hastings ...40 30 .671 Superior ....5 3fi .500 Columbus . 35 38 . 479 Gr. Island. .35 37 .486 Norfolk 29 39 . 426 Kearney ....22 49 . 310 Vesterdny's nrsults. WESTERN LEAGUE. Omaha, 1: Lincoln, 2. St. Joseph, 0: Dos Moines, 1. Topeka, 7; Wichita, 4. Sioux City, 14: Denver, 10. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Pittsburgh, 3: Philadelphia, X FEDERAL LEAGUE. Indianapolis, 4; Pittsburgh, 5. Chicago, 4: Brooklyn. 6. Kansas City, 6, 13: Buffalo, 3. 5. St. Louis, 0; Baltimore, 4. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Columbus, 0; Minneapolis, 1, BL Paul, 3; Cleveland, 0. IxiulBVllle, 1; Kansas' City, E. Indianapolis, 7; Milwaukee, 0. Grand Island. 5; York. 1 Norfolk, 9: Superior, 3. Kearney, 1; Hasting 4. Columbus, 1-1 ; Beatrice, 4-2. Games Today, Western League Sioux City at Llncolm St. Joseph at Wichita, Des Moines at Topeka, Omaha at Denver. American League New York at Chi cago, Washington at St. IauIs, Phila delphia at Detroit. Boston at Cloveland. National League Chicago at Boston, Cincinnati at Brooklyn, Pittsburgh at New York. St. Louis at Philadelphia. Federal League Kansas city at Buf falo. Indianapolis at Httsburgh. St. Louis at Baltimore. Chicago at Brooklyn. American Association Cleevland at St. Paul, Columbus at Minneapolis. In c'lanapolls at Milwaukee, Ixmtsvllle at Kansas City. Nebraska State League Kearney at Hastings, Norfolk at Superior. hits: Koerner, Talllon. Home run: For sythe. Hits: Off Durham, 6 In two In nings: off Lambert, none In five Innings: off Scott. 2 In two Innings. Double plays: Relslgl to Koernr; Relslgl to Cochran to Koerner, Struck out; By Relslgl, 2; by Durham, lj by Lambert, 2. Bases on balls: Off Relslgl. 3; off Durham, 1; off Lambert, 1. Tlnrc: 10. Umpire: Mc Cafforty. BOOSTERS DEFEAT DRUMMERS Des Molnea Makes It Three Out of Fonr. DES MOINES. Ia., July 24, The Boost ers made It throe out of four with SU Joseph today by finishing on the long end of an airtight hurling duel. In which George Ilogan bested Paul Brown, 1 to a Score: DBS MOINES. . AB. R. H. Hahn, rf 4 0 1 Hunter, cf 2 o l Burrell. Sb , 4 0 l Jones, lb .1 0 1 Haley, c 3 0 0 Lwaldt. ss... 3lj Breen, If 2 0 0 Hartford, 2b , 3 0 1 Hogan. p. 3 0 0 Totals.... 37 1 ST. JOSEPH. R, IT. Shows Superior New Pace on the Bote Ball Field. HTGHEBS DO BEST TO WIN Errett Molccjs Home nan far Nor folic and Long for Superior Rspa Ont Three-nasTRrr rfaatlnK Wins from Kearney. SUPERIOR, Neb., July 24.-(Speclal Tel egram.) Superior Is short on pitchers and wild pitches helped tt swell the score for Norfolk, who had everything Its own way today. Wet grounds made It bad for the Infield. A home run and a throi-base hit was made by the pitchers of both teams. Score: NonrouK. surEnicm. AB.II.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. B. Brows, it I I 0 T lUlldbr'nd. lb J IS 0 1 Jb I 0 0 t 00rr, Jb 4 0 1 2 1 Mclk.r, b..l 0 I 1 Oliwne, c... 4 0 4 2 0 nnir.. cf....S 12 0 onrawn. 4 12 4 2 Drltht, If.... 2 10 orhelMtnc. If 4 0 1 0 0 Bmlth. lb.... B 0 11 0 Ot.indrtth, rf . 4 2 1 0 0 Turpin. rf... 4 2 1 0 0 Monro, cf... 4 2 2 1 0 Muuer, e.... 3 0 I 0 Otmltb, 2b.... 0 12 0 L"f. P 1 0 0 Otrrrtt. p. .31040 , L. p t 0 0 1 0 o 1 it 11 1 . ToLI. u T 27 17 4 Norfolk 0 0 2 1 0 1 3 0 29 Superior 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 03 Home run: Errett. Three-base hits: Lang. Turpin. Two-base hits: Lang. Mon roe. Stolen bases: Melker, Turpin, Mus ser. Sacrifice hit: Bright. Bases on balls: Ofr Lang, 3; off Errett. 5. Struck out: By Lang. 8; by Errett. 2. Wild pitches: Errett (2). Double play: Errett to Smith to Hlldebrand. Hit by pitched ball: By Errett, Brown: by Lee, Turpin. Umpire: Qulgley. Froblbs Are Trimmed. YORK, Neb.. July 24.-Speelal Tele gram.) York lost to Grand Island today through Inability to hit in tho pinches. Both Bverdon and Osborne pitched good ball, but Everdon tightened when hits meant runs. Ward waa benched In the eighth for disputing a derision of the uni-l pi re. core: ORAND IFLASV. YORK AB H.O.A E. AH.H O A.E. jiorn, t 1 z z inlet, 5 0 2 3 uowntr, rt. . 1 1 0 OChaif. lb....K 0 14 1 mme. 11.... 1 1 oroMrn. Jb... H J 1 sio O.larke, If.... 322 3 0 2 llltlsb. rt.... 3 11 0 OMurpkr. cf.. 2 1 1 Vra7, cf... 2 'n'lrd. s. ... . 4 fltereus, lb.. 0 0 0 0 3 1 1 0 0 0 Cltlr. lb-u. 2 2 11 Ertrdra, p.. 4 1 0 4 0 1 ' vnc. e 4 0 1 01. HirrU. 2b 4 1 I 1 1 Ohtt, 3b 2 0 0 1 OSrhlwl, e. . 2 1 1 4 0 OOeborne, p... 2 1 1 I 0 0 ToUl. . .11 10 27 18 3 Total!.. ..23 10 37 li J Grand Island 1 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 06 York 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 0-4 Two-base hits: Schlssel. Totten (2, Taync, Everdon. Three-base hit: Clarke, Home run: Downey. Stolen base: Tot ten. Double play: Clarke to Chase. Sac rifice hits! Murphy (2). Halgh, Osborne. Downey (2), Claire. Bases on bolls: Off Osborne. 4; off Everdon, 2. Iveft on bas-s: Grand Island, S; York. 8. Struck out: By Otborne, 1; by Everdon, 6. Time: 2:00. 1'mplre: Black. Victory for llnla. HASTINGS. Neb., July 24. (Special Telegram.)-Wllley with errorless support heJd Kearney to four Scattered hits, tho Reds winning. 4 to 1. Irion had poor support In th Infield. Wllley fanned thirteen men and never once was In a hole. Score: KEARNEY. HASTINGS. AB. H.O.A E AB.H.O.A.E. Rrn.k, 2b.... 4 0 0 2 lBerbtold, rf. 2 1 1 0 0 3 28tQio;r, m. . . 2 0 0 0 0 crs In tho wcoinl game, Brian having tho better of It, He held th virltors to two hits, the game going only seven Innings, by agreement. The Holding of the locals tn both games featured, as they made only otic error In the two games. Score, first .game: COLUMBUS BEATRICE. AR.ll.O.A.K. An w rt A V llondeaa. Ib. 4 PrU. rf..... 4 Deal, lb 2 Clarke, 2b.... 4 Cran. If 4 Adama, as... 2 Kranlncr, c 3 Klrchnar. p. 2 Kee. e 1 HOOFEDS LOSE TO BAKERS ; Pittsburgh Make it Three Straight from Indianants. 0 OKInrr. Ib... 4 3 2 2 llUllrlrh. m.. 2 1 0 0 0Nff, cf 4 .2 2 0 oniack, rf.... 2 '0 I 2 ABoc'rwIti, lb 3 0 11 0 01,1ns. If 2 1 2 lOrlrtt, 2b.... 3 0 0 3 OC'oe, c 4 0 1 1 lM'Drcmcll. p3 0 0 0 Total! 30 S 27 10 1 Total! 22 4 24 It 3 Batted .for Deal In-the ninth. Columbus 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 O-l Bf-atrico 1 0 1 0 0 1 t 0 4 Stolen bases: Adams, Neff. Sacrifice hits: Hellrlch. Black. Sacrifice fly: Bockewltz. 1 ome run: Hellrlch. Two base hit: Neff. Double play: Clarke to Rondeau to Deal. Struck out: Bv- Klrch ner, 1; by McDonnell, C Rases on balls; Off Klrchnr, 2. Wild pitch: McDonnell. Hit by pitched ball: Adams. Passed ball: Coe. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Posateri. Score, second game: COLUMBUS. BEATRICE. All H O.A.E. AH.ll. O A E. TERRAPINS BLANK ST. LOUIS Acock, Ib. . . 2 Drumm. lb. . 4 0 4 1 It 0 OBennttt. rf . . 1 2 n n Schurcn. cf. 4 1 1 0 OOtttman. lb. 4 2 1 0 Rami, rt 4 10 0 lMcCabe. If.. 0 2 0 0 Matnrj. If... 1 0 10 OBroan 2b... 4 0 12 0 nooaruir. ia 1 0 1 ZMattlcki. 2b. 2 1 0 1 0 ORIcbrdaon, c 4 2 12 I 0 I7rt. cf... 3 Rondeau, 2b. 2 Pratt, rf . . . J Peal. lb... Clarke, ib. Oan, If.... Adame, e. Nm, 0 Corey, p. . 1 0 1 1 0 0 OFIorer. 2b... 2 1 I lllfllrlch, ai. 2 0 0 INeff. cf 2 0 1 OOlerk, rf.....1 1 1 ORoc'ewitt. lb 2 0 12 lLtnr. It 3 0 2 ooriett. 2b.. 0 oe, c ODrlan, p.,. Ertckaon, c. J 1 2 Irion, p 2 0 1 t o.viiier. p... - J 0 1 1 0 .22 2 II I 2 TWali 21 4 34 17 Total! 11 7 27 0 Kearney 0 0 0 0 0 u 1-1 Hastings 00102100 4 Two-base hits: Bennett, Ramsey, Eric son. Sacrifice hits; Stoloft (2), Stolen bases: Gettman. Bennett. Wllley, Acock, Schueren. Struck out: By Wiley. 13; by Irion. 1. Bases on balls: Off Wllley. 1. by Irion. 3. Hit by pitched ball: By Irion. 1. Wild Pitch, Irion, 1. Time: 1:45. Um pire: Meyers. Donhle-Ifeader to Lenders. BEATRICE, Neb., July 21. (Special Tel egram.) Beatrice took a double-header from Columbus this afternoon by the scores of 4 to 1 and 2 to 1. .In tho first game the visitors were unable to hit Mc Donnell, then- only score coming in the fifth, when Adams stole home from third. Brian and Corey were the opposing hurl- 2 1 1 .0200 .2 1 0 4 01 I Total! 20 4 21 12 0 ; 0 0 () . 1 0 0 0 -2 .1 ....1 0 0 0 1 Total!.. Columbus Beatrice Stolen base: Florey. Sacrifice hits: Rondeau, Hellrlch. Two-base hit: .Brian. Double plays: Adams to Deal; Clarke to Deal. Struck out: By Corey, 6; by Brian, 2. Bases on balls; Off Brian, 2. Hit by pitched ball: Florey. Time: 1:CC. Um pire: Posateri. EARL DENTON PITCHER FOR KEARNEY IS DEAD NORFOLK, Neb., July 24. (Special Teuegram.) Earl Denton, a Norfolk boy, who pitched for Norfp'lk and Kearney Staae league base ball teams, died today following an operation. JneUlltsch Srnila In nnn Abend of 111 m When He Lifts Tlnll Orrr I Fence In Fifth Frnme of Content. PITTSBURGH. July 21. - Pittsburgh made It three straight from Indianapolis today by defeating the visitors. 5 to I, In twelve Innings. Tho winning run was scored on Jdncs' triple and a single by Lennox. Campbell of Indianapolis made tlirc hits for a total of eight bases Score! . . R.II K, Indianapolis ...I 1 1 000 1 00000 4 19 1 Pittsburgh 00012100000 1- 5 10 3 Hattorleo- Mullln, Blllard and Textcr; Bnrger and Horry. Slnfeda .Mint )nt. BALTIMORE. July 2t. Conley pitched a shutout game for Baltimore against St, Louis today, 4 to 0. Jacklltsch sent In a run ahead of him when he lifted the ball over the fence In the fifth Inning, f-corej 1 R.H.E. Baltimore ....0 0003100 4 8 1 St. IOUis 0 0000000005 1 Batteries: Conley and Jacklltsch; Cran dall and Chapman. nnffrdn Rrjit Tlnx. BROOKLYN. July 24. The Brooklyn Federal!! overcame Chicago's lead today and won, 5 to 4. In the seventh inning the locals tied the score with three runs by censistent batting .and a pinch hitter, Griggs, batting for Somers sent in the de ciding tally with a single through the box. Score: R.H.E. Chicago 0 10020100492 Brooklyn 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 1 6 11 3 Batteries: Klsk, "Watson and Wilson; Lafitte, Somers and Owens. . I.eJdli Piles Up DIsT Score. , LEIGH, Neb., July 34. (Special.) Leigh defeated Lindsay here yesterday. 14 to 9. Leigh featured at the bat, getting nine tfen hits off of Brewer Lindsay's star pitcher. Batteries: Leigh, Hahn and Hache; Lindsay, Brewer and Lee. Lattlmore. Jb i Talllon. ef 4 McAllister, c Bowen, ss 2 Relslgl, P t H. O. A. E.'i 11)1 0 4 0 0 1110 0 4 0 0 710 14 0 0 1 4 t 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 16 100 "i n 1 H. O. A. E. 0 3 2 12 0 2 4 0 e 1 11 4 1 2 34) III 1 I 4 4 ... All il. watson, Zb 3 0 r ox. ir 4 0 Sehang, lb-c '3 0 G. Watson, cf 3 0 Brttton. Sb l 0 Williams, rf........ 3 0 Wall, ss s 0 Griffith, c 2 0 Stener. p 1 0 Brown, p 2 0 Pettlgrrw 1 0 Totals , ji 0 s Batted for Brown In ninth. Des Moines ... .0 1 000 St Joseph 0 0 0 0 0 fni a. ... iiirTtrju nir iifirirAj a. balls. Off Hogon. 2; off Brown. 2. Ult Tjme. i;36. Umpires: CuUen and Stock. 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 O. A. E. 1 0 0 3 0 0 1 1 0 5 0 0 3 3 0 6 1 1 2 0 0 3 2 0 0 4-0 37 U "l O. A. E. 3 0 2 0 0 12 0 0 2 0 0 0 4 0! 0 10 2 3 0 2 10 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 24 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 ! 0 0-0 Drahrr Takva CI oar One. DBSHLKR. Neb.. July 24 f Special. 1 Deshler and Brunlng battled for ten in- ljtmb cleaned th. bae Desbler oreroomo a four run lead 15? "ti ,n Txh on "Tor and nrt Tttts circa T-Mr wn ... . ln rVes wtth Brunlng. Deahlr his w?n n4n of the last tn games playwd: ooore" t it y De.hlr 1 4 e 1-,5 Bruolng ...MMIIMIMKl BatterUjr: Deshler. Jepaxm and 3il. sehang; BranlDg. Luby and Durham. Totals. S 3 11 Aaarrlran Scores: 1 Coiauabv! MtaaeapoHs Aserlatla Batted for Lambert la th tventh. iSPCKaV vi, a -.J Wlehlta 0ISv-l, 1,54, Sacrifice hlU. Bowen. Ocha, Xtehel-, Kansas Cty son. Two-oase niia f ortyraa. Taiuon. i inoianapoin I Henry, Oohs. MeAlUster. Three-kate j Mttwaakee Hesmlts. R-H E. a s 1 1 4 0 4 3 S . .. 1 611 T . 1 ! I X Price I 1 mjLcr 1 2- llLa liiMHsHMaMW Every wool suit in the store Mohairs, flannels, fancies, blues and blacks in all weights Sale starts Saturday morn ing. July 25th, at 8 o'clock Extraordinary Sale of Men s High Grade Clothing at One-Half Price "We say extraordinary because we include every wool suit in' our shop. All Kensington, Kenmors and L System, in all weight and patterns are offered. Not n snit is reserved. No matter if you want a mohair, flannel, skeleton, medium or heavy weight. They all go at Vb price. , MHaHHHHB? , There are no jobs or special suits bought for this sale. Every suit is our regular stock, bearing our own- labels. We give you the same guarantee of fit and quality as always. This is a wonderful opportunity to buy the finest ready-to-wear clothing made at exactly one-half its worth. Look over the prices we quote and figure your savings. All mohair, flannel, skeleton, worsteds and serge two-piece suits selling formerly at $10.00, $14.50, $17.00 and $20.00, now $5.00, $7.25, $8.50 and $10.00. All Medium and Heavy Weight Suits, blues and blacks included, formerly $20, now $10.00' All Medium and Heavy Weight Suits, blues and blacks included, formerly $25, now $12.50 All Medium and Heavy Weight Suits, blues and blacks included, formerly $30, now $15.00 All Medium and Heavy Weight Suits, blues and blacks included, formerly $35, now $17.50 All Medium and Heavy Weight Suits, blues and blacks included, formerly $40, now $20.00 We make small charges for alterations to cover actual cost only. 1 Pormerlv' Maree Formerly Magee & Deemer. 413 SOUTH 16th STREET