THE BEE: OMAHA', 'JULY ' 191. WANT ADS Wan ads received at any Utne, but to Insure proper classification ruust b pre sented tctor 12 u'clock noon (or ereninK edition and 7.30 p. in. for morning and (Sunday edition. Vant uda received after auch hours will be under tho heading, "Too Lat to Classify." CASH RATES. One time It tents a, line. Three time within one week, centa a line each Insertion. ,, Seven conseeutu times. 7 conU a line each lruurtlon. CllAROB RATES. Three times within one week, 10 tnt a line each Insertion. ,, Eevwn consecutive tlmea, cnta a line am Insertion. Count six average words to a line. Minimum cnargo. SO cent. Tne Bee will not be responsible lor more than one wrong Intel Hon due to typograpnlcal error. Claim tor error must be promptly made. An advertisement lnrted to be run until discontinued must be slopped by written order. Tou can place our want ad In The Be by lelephono. . TELEPHONE TYLER 1UX Uiicloiiued Answers to thu ' (Swappers' Uoluuiu Hundreds o. otuur answers liuvt. biwu called tor ana ueuvered during Hie ll week. It la ieKnabli U u-pu.u mat all of the peov- blow "tt1 ueslred awapa-thereiore, uu uui cat .tor the baltJUM of. tner answers. Wee vuu. U.C U.U b.U uvl Ut 7v mU W v a ess 710 M t 711 ue niv "US wi 111 71J liUI kiS 717 u 'lis ten n -u VI. M ttz ui tili i bill US I Hi Ui MS 'ii bii ew U4 iu i7 Wl ISS 73 ts m 7U DM 7U1 U til 704 7U t 706 7U B.C. B.C. 6.0. 144 M llJ Kfc ? W ,M M W kil iJu kw M Hi 6V4 va M4 ViJ blj l jl Wl ( v W ui vii n sa uis i kU u n US 91H w- w w DC1 Vtl VH DBATUM XHD FUMKHAl. NOTICES BURMJSSTER Lulu. July 23, UM. ad years, belovod wife of Umis liur- roester. , . tuneral notlci lattr. VONTlUb-Mrs. Elizabeth J., Wodnea oay. Juiy a. residence, 1110 Houth zstn. k uneral privoto. nowcra not oxpccieu. Interment Walnut Hill cemetery. Coun- dt Ututts, la. II1UTHK ASl) DBAT1IS. Blrths-l'rcd and Edna, l'anio, 1721 Pratt. Eirli to und Melon Clcmmor. Si Wortn Mnetcenth, Bill; L,ewiM iuiU qu elle Camp, Mnpltm. ami Jonn and relll uacllt, 4W bahler, Klrl. i.eo and Hianche t'aui, hospital. Kin; n. una I'oiiy I'lke, bnstol, noy; rrca J. ona lleli Vurf,, hospital, ioy. Ueaths A. n.. ilavene, U y.ur, hos pliat; 1.. J. Picottf, ymirs, xih -aiiui avenue. llUIliUIN" I'UUMITH. Oeorga Kovaiik, iT6i Boutli Tnlrtoonth, frame, H,w; Urovc-V niirtou i.onstruiJ tion company, IW- Camden aveuuo, iramo, kJ,ruO: o. la. ivtspii, iwi boutn Mnlrtletn, iramc. 2,; O. ii Kuiu. , "uutn ihlrtleth, frame. I2.UM; M. j. Naylon. 23tl Cass, trame, J,jo; fnu aiik-x instate, liw-Si Farnain, brick More, Vi.jW; ino Atnea Estate. IH to 9i Farnuin, brick store, to,wu. TODAX'S COMPLETE MOV IK PitOUUAMri Kzcluslvoly tu 'lso Ikci lluHaiuHU, CAMERAPHONIS. H03 DOUGLAS. Dolly at tho Helm. Edison. Tho Cross of Crime. 2-rcel Lubln. The Little Captain, vuagrapn. ldUTU NO. 2. 1318 FARNAM bT. in Wolt'a Clothing. 2-rd Kaiem drama. Prosecution. Vltagraph drama. It Was Home Party. Blogrupn comedy. FAIINAM' 1416 FARNAM ST. Value Received. 2-rerl Victor. In the tiultan'a Garden. Imp. bterllng comedy. HIPP THEATER. UTH AND HAUNEY. Mabel's Now Job, 2-reei, Koystone. Star ot th lortn. a-reri, uonunu. I'ARK THEATER, " NO. WTU, Tha Treasure Ship. 2 reel Kulsm. Red lUdlnc "ooa of the Hilts, listanay. ivoineo ana uiiot. mosmim. PARLOR. 110S DOUOLAS. Prowlera of th Wild. 2-rcel Bison. Den of Thieves. Nestor. Sophie of th Films. Nestor comedy. PRINCESS. 1317-1$ DOUGLAS. That Komlkal ICuss, Ford Sterling, In Lve ana L,uncn, a aigesuoio coraoay. The Foot of the Stairs. Rex drama. North. ALHAMBRA THB.VTER, 21th and Parker streets, wcexiy. Some Bull's Daughter, Ap. Com. Like Father, Like Son. American Dr. DIAMOND. 2410 LAKE STREET. Duty, 2-r. Eclair. The Boob Detective, Rex comedy. Cross the Mexican Line, Nestor. FRANKLIN. 21TH AND FRANKLIN. The Chasm, 2-r Kssanoy. A Tiger Hunt, Bellg. The Ethics or the Profession. Blograph. HIPPODROME. 2STH AND CUMING. Finger Prints. 2-r. Kstanay. Who's Boss, Lubln. Hunger Knows no Law. Vltagraph. IT THEATER. 16TH AND LOCUST. Th Gap. Blxth Story-Man Who Disap peared, Kd. Sophie Finds a Hero, Ess. Th Struggle Everlasting. 2-r. Lub. LOYAL. 210J CALDWELL In the Hands ot a Woman, three-reel Universal Ike. Jr.. comedy. I.OTHROP THEATER. 3212 NO. 21TH. ni Hong in tne Dark, s-r., Essanay dr. Th Crime of Cain. Vltagraph drama. The Servant Question Out West. 81. com- 1 'ALACK. 2303 DAVENPORT, On th Verge ot War, 3-reel, Bison, SUBURBAN THEATER. 21TH & AMES. -lght Hawks, 2-r. Essanay. A Train of Incidents. Vltagraph. A Practical Demonstration. Lubln. South. APOLLO THE. 2S21 LEAVENWORTH, llearsl-bellg News No. 33. Bellg. Andy Has a Toothache. Edison. A Diamond in tne Rough. :reei Kalsm. COLUMBIA THEATER, 1710 SO. 10TH aieg u me jiounuuna, :-reei, tsoison Fooling Fanny's Father, Uibln. Broncho Billy's Jealousy, Essanay. COMFORT THEA. 21TH AND VINTON Miss Mary Leonard In "The Awakening oi uowniu isoiia. a reels, Lauglng i-iraii. neysiona comeay. KAVORITB THEA. 17TH &: VINTON The 8badow on the Wall. I-recl Melles, Hearts Are Trumps. Pathe drama. Th Persistent Mr. Prince. Vita, com FAV. AIRDOME AN. 17TH & VINTON, in waywarti uaugnter. :-r. Vltagraph The Test of Courare. Lubln comeilv. The Wooing of Sophie. Essanay comedy, GEM THEATER. U6S SOUTH 1STH tm j-opara s rounaiing. z-reei. Iig. Tho Bear Facts. Vltagraoh comedv. Th Daring Voung Tenon. Ess. drama, LYRIC. J17 TNTON. Lucille Love Series No. II. Luck of Hog Hollow Guloh. Joker com. HANSCOM THEA.. 2STJI & CABTELLAIl Th Natln's Peril, reel Bison. Roll Your Peanut. Joker comedy. GEM THEATER. 13$ SOUTH 1STH. Hearat-Sellg News No. 37, Sellg. a Train of Incidents, Vltagraph. The Doom or Duty. Lubln. Her Spanish Cousins. Edl. VENEZIA. 12U SOUTH 1STH Renunciation. 2-reel Eclair Beach Romanes, sterling comedy. TODAY'S COMPLETE .MOVIE PROGRAM ICxclusU cly in Tho lleo Month. PASTIME THKA. 2 & LKAVBNWORTH Four reels of Mutual pictures, comedy and drama, S cents. Weal, AIRDO.MI5. KAUNAS! AND rARIC flippcry Slim; Diplomat, Essanay com. The Right to Happiness, Sellg drama. One Suit of Clot.ias, Melles comedy. MONnOK THKATIOIC Xtf, FAIUNAit. The Mystery of Wlckhatn Hnll A powprful three-reel society drama with Clfo Madison, also a Rood comedy. llctiann, BENSON. 8!35 MAIN ST. Tho Old Cobbler. 2-reel nison. Tho Awakening. Ilex, with Bob Leonard. Sterling comedy. South Omnhn, nU3B. IITH AND N. Rube the Interloper, K'aleni comedy. A Diamond In llio Iloupli, 2-r. Kalcm dr. The Fatft of a Bquaw. Kalcm drama. DALE THEATER, ilTU & J 8T& Pirates of the 1'lilns, m three Krlpplng parts. Hnd two comedy pictures. MAGIC. iMTy AND O. Lucille Love, No. IS. Johnny From Jonnsboro. Front comedy. OHPJIEUM TIIEATEn. 21TH & M 8TH. Tho Million-Dollar Mystery In two parts will bo shown Wednesday only. Four reels of pictures. Including Keystone Com. One act of vaudevlllo. ANNOUNCK.MKNT8 Public Audlion tVidny aud Saturday, July 241h and 25th, at 2:30 p. m. at 1311 Douglatf street. One of the most high frade stocka of tailored suits, overcoats and bolts of suiting In the city. This stock will be '1 by. tho piece to the highest bid der. This excellent stock ot rood la valued at K.OOrt and must be sold. Owner, formerly reliable tailor. Is re tiring; and has asked us to dispose of these suits, overcoats and bolts of suit Inc. In tho quickest way possible. These suits and overcoats Include tho latest styles and nro of tho best wool material and certainly worth tho marked price. If you wtro to buy tho same at your store you could not buy them for any thliut less than 110 to W. These rare bargains will not Inst Ion on auction. if you are in need nf a Rood suit, now Is tho time to tnlio advantage of this ble f.nlo and get one if these fine all wool suits at the low rices thoy will s;o for. REMEMBER This auction will bo held Friday and Saturday, July U4tn anrj L'5tn at 2:30 p. m. at 1311 Douglas street. II. A. ROTH, auctioneer ... "ihuu w una mi uio uxiuros Ihnt malfA . n n V. I n V. .. . - - . -1 1 i will so to the highest bidder. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. ORPHEUM BUFFET 1S09 Harney St Business men's lunch. D. 8. Griffith, wig mfgr.. 12 Frenzer Blk. KT nriVAta tlullh 1li n... .llt ......... . Hww. ,,, .... ft 1 11 1 IUUIII lUi noon lunch. PETE LOCH. 313 S. 17th St HAZEL Leaf I'llo Cones. Best remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding piles; McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. LUCKY wedding rings. Brodegaard's. MY NAME will appear on the republican primary uiinoi as canaiaate lor renomi nation for Secretary of State, at primary election August 18, 1914. Addison Walt, Secretary of State. nELP WANTED FEMALE. AsXClltm nnil .Sitlftaivninn. TIIonoUOHLl' experienced toleslady 44u BiutimtTinr, no inner neea apply, 'ftrv hif nf rArttnrA r(tiils t .rti... berger & Son Co. WANTED Idy solicitors to call on local uM.tiir.n iiiuu, OIUCIIUIU ITUpUBIUOn lO lisht nnrtv. Xtnhlfn - rn ima i.i.mj Ave.. Chicago. 111. o Housekeepers mid Uoiuestlc. THE servant Girl Problem Solved. Thu .run u B"vnt "in wanted AU FREE until you get the desired results. This uonlles to residents nf nmihi nm.ih Omahu and Council Blutfa, Bring ad to 'Ph Tl.. nlflM nv (.1 ... . . 1 ,aaa 'w .m urn., ui fcq.Piiiimip iDr COMPETENT maid for general house wofk; good wages; Ho washing. II. U96. 106 8 Iwd St, WANTED A neat girl to assist with nuuseworK. wi oo. sln St. WANTED Girl for general housework. iiu no. aisi tsu 11. IMS. A YOUNG girl for general housework, wun reierences. trail Vi eo. 33d St Phono H. UU. MAID wanted at one; no long hours; no iniuiii. u m nt . svin oi. COMPETENT girl for general housework. i an at tiw t-ass St, or Harney 338, 12.00 UP: gas. telephone, free refrlg.l everything clean, no Junk. 400 s. 24th ah.; mso sleeping. W AN TBD-Compotent girl for general I.TJ J0. Jt 111 U Allicellaiiejiua. WOMEN wanted for government clerk- CM riJI ' S70 mnnlhl Ortmha Avn... Ih.I . soon; specimen questions free. Franklin lnltlll lln ?Jv.s i, .7 . . . -w,. ... wj-w. iiwHcaicri ll, x. VOUNG women coming to Omaha as Mtrantrnra . r. Invllul , . i. . . : , - " . . . . . . u .ton. , it u xuuns; A omen a Christian association building aL .Vs,u.ry',i Av.eJ an1 1J,n St.. where ii.cjr niu u uirccica 10 suuaoie boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers- guiue at union Station. LEARN halrdresslug. Opcnheltn par lor a HELP WANTED MALE Asents. SalrameJi muiI SulU'ltors. "WANTHIV-Th II... .-i that can-.eli;"Ko limit talhVSSSunt of uhi uox on inn u".Tw UnftZl1?" 'rom to tl pe? ttZt3; F;.Co,l'er S08 Balrd Thl"' 1 11 ttna - v.iuuhn w WQ1K On commissions. Each man has received for mo inoi live uays worK over K0. This money has been paid him. "Would Ilk to . . incniseives capable of earning from 380 to 376 nor i, ti ui , ...... . .TJ., '.- 1 1 1 i iJ vuumuii a: Bjct, jk Ualrd UlUft. HOUSE-TO-HOUSE work; nothing to sell; hours, 8 a. in. to 2:30 p. m. ; pay each night Apply 330 Paxton Blk., 8 to . in. IEN OR WOMEN To sell goods from house to house In small towns In Iowa and Nebraska. Sal lary and commission; experience not necessary, can at male Hotel, r. 211, Omaha, from ti to 9 p. m. this week only. After Friday address J. I. Slmcok & uo., jiaei. jowa. SALESPEOPLE to work In city; quick saiva. t-aii ueineen a ana 1U a. m. Mr. jiemsnagen. uiuiana hotel. WANTED Agents with Ford auto to sell newly patented attaohment. Hgents mak ing 3100 per week. Call L II. McConney i ivin anu j ones ois., ttacins-cattiey X1U(. HKIiP WAXTHI) MAI,l; ArfiiIs, nnil riolloltiim. A ItlOII-01Lni; Jewish salesman will find It to Ids advntage to iw what I hare to offer, A splendid opportunity with one of the oldest and the largest buslnoss organizations in tho country. Write or see personally O. 11. M., 7 ymana national lianK ldg. WANTED Several young men to travel wun managerj steady position and good pay. Apply 83 Urandels Theater Uldg. promptly at 8 a. m. Clerical una Office. YOUNO man over 23 years of nge with experience In city or country bank can obtain permanent and highly remunera tive position. Give references and full particulars as to previous employment In first letter. Correspondence confidential. Address K 312 Bee. IF you are looking for a high gfade posi tion see the CO-OI'RtlATIVB nHKtKIUiNCBCO.. 10m-lC CITY NATIONAL BANK BLDO. I'nclory nnil Trades. Drug store snsps; Jobs. Knelst, Be Bldg. Hurry! Hurry! Oet a full knowledge of tho AUTOMO BILE BUSINIC8H, such as only we are eoulpped to give you. The auto season is open and tho demand Is great for such men ns we turn out NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING ASSN., 2HU N. 20th 1st. Omaha. Neb. MEN to learn the barber trade; tultlonT (25; set of tools given; wages paid. Trl Clty College. 12thnnd Douglas Js. l'AXTON Illk., Lettering School. Rm. fill. WANTED Two good machinists at once. Address Fiemont Foundry and Ma chine Co . Fremont, Neb. Miscellaneous. MEN with patentable Ideas writ JU.w dolph Hi Co Washington. D. C. Sanitary Baths, lie; shave. 10c. 820 N. lfith. THE NEBRASKA AUTOMO BILE SCHOOL has turned out morn surcossful grmlunteH than any school in this country. "There s a reason.' Wrlto today for our catalogue v i, mi jjofige. yniKiiR, .eo. I 'J .mam a man carrier examinations com ing; isu month, me jobs; vacations; "pull" unnecessary: specimen questions free. Apply immealately, Y 101. Bee. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE. 15,000 GOVERNMENT jobs open to men and women; 165 to 1150 month. Writ for list Franklin Institute. Dep't 221-0, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED SITUATIONS POSITION wanted. Competent woman stenographer not nfrnlil nf wnrlt. ilrw sires position. Address L 313, Bee. DAY work, good reference. Call W. &K2. WANTED Situation as housekeeper or companion. Havn had years of experi ence both In hotel and prlvuto house, Best of references. Address, 1900 So. 11th St.. Omaha. Neb. LAUNDRY and family washing wanted. Tel. 11. 7379. GERMAN chauffeur, 21, wants to drlv . pleasure car or truck; do own repair ing. E 306. Bee. YOUNG German, 21. wants work In city or out of town. E 306, Bee. WORK by day. II. 1337. WANTED Position by young German American In general merchandise busi ness; 5 years' experience; speaks good German; country town preferred. Address Box 221. Wayno, Neb. SITUATION wanted by mlddlo-aged woman: housework without writhing. AOdross, II 327, Bee. AUTOMOIJILKS Qretnough Omaha Red, Hop. Co. 2020 Far. WE make a specialty of auto foredoor uouy ounainc una painiing. Highest auallty work. Win. prifrr r-.rri.r. Wks. b. 6922. 2Cth Ave. and Leavenworth. WANTED To buy light automobllo roadster. State ccat price, year manu factured and lowest cash Price. Answer. J 311, Bee. CUT PRICK niieumatlc tires. 318 Ho. 20th. STORAGE batteries recharged and re- puireo. urr aioior sales Co., 3116 Farnam 1100 forfeit for any mugnsto w can't r- pair. t-on repurg. o. naysdorter.210 N.18, "Llndberg"Fore door, body bldg.,10 ft Far. InduHrlal Oarage Co.. 20th & Harney Mt. AUTO storage. $S to 38 per mo. Johnson- uaniorm uo. uarnge. 1623-31-33 N. 16th. HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In used machines, Victor Roos, iim muiunytn man. t(uj Licavenwonn, ropo Motor Co., 2573 Leavenworth. ItTlOj. 1911 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready; bargains In used machines. OMAHA n.n.iit, uu., ictti ana Chicago, u. 3728. Llndborg Bros., 2023 Cum. (Flying Merkle) BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business, call on unBUMiou, tot JIM mac, u. 3177. WANTED To sell, trade or leaso a til,!). In r 1 1 XT.l. .1.1... . . ..... m wuiii u u., (1 w 11 1 ft t KUUU nllR nnsfl rinlv atmllA In lr,. ,.li.. Itased must be up-to-date photographer u uuiu ma imuo. rar terms wruo 1.. A. aicvoranin, uunis, iNeu A SUBSTANTIAL corporation wants re liable llArtv I fl natnllllal. nlfln nn.l n.nn- age salesmen. Should pay 33,000 to 315.000 annually. $300 to ll.Bco will finance busl- uco, jou nanaie own money, neier ences exchanged. Sales Manager, 406 Fisher Bldg., Chicago. Ul.-o. Rastaurant candy and cigar store. Soles. rtnllv. Rnr,n.nn rjll 11 Qn nmul... JOHNSON. S23 PAXTON BLK. RED M39. FOR SAIJS Cigar store and pool room In good live now town of Kflo lnhnhllnntn In San Joaquin valley, 100 miles from San Francisco; business good, month of June 330 per day; good clean placo and mug ica on uuuuing. win invoice J,wo. If you haven't money and don't mean business don't apply. Address Box 123. Patterson. Cal. FOR SALE Bottling works; good pay ing business. Good openiug for prac tical nsittA VT. .....Mk. 1. ,.t-.. Address Harry Thlele. Alliance, Neb. WILL trade for a good moving picture show business and outfit, or will sell good country newspaper nottlng $3,000 per year. Y IS. Bee, HIGH-CLASS business openings. Western Ref. & Bond Ass'n. 761 Om. Na. Bk, Bldg. TO QUICKLY sell your business or real estate., write Kenneheck ""o.. Omaha. FOR SALE Hotel and restaurant busi ness In Nebraska town of 1.200 Inhab itants; price right; reason for selling, poor health. Address Y 126, Bee. BANKRUPT SALE. Stock of hardware and farm lmDle- ments Invoicing approximately 31,(00 to ue soia at public auction at Beaver, la., July 38, 1911, at 2 o'clock p, in., by the unaersignea. sudjoci to tne npproal or the referee In bankruptcy. Terms, cash, A. M. BURNSIDE. Trustee, Boone. Ia. BUY, lease or sell your theater, muchlnt and supplies through Theater Exchange Co., 1106 Farnam St Douglas 1K. WANTED An idea. Wn can think of some simple thing to patent? Protect your Ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write for "Needed Inventions" and "How to Get Your Patent and Your Money " Randolph & Co.. Patent Attorneys. Washington. D. C. lloomtnir llouaea ror Sale, 1219 North 21th St Web. 8S7S. Buy from owner; rooming or boarding house, IS rooms, gooa location, at a Dargaiil. EDUCATIONAL. MOSHEli-LAMPMAN COLLEGE SUMMER SCHOOL Every day Is an enrollment day Un surpassed classes In all buslnoss and Eng lish branches, shorthand, stenotypy. tel egraphy and typewriting. Students ad mitted at any time. Graduates guaran teed good positions. Places provided for young peoplo to work for board. For a now. free catalogue addresa MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE. UU Faxnau Btrwt, Omaha, Neb. KDUOATIOXAIj SUMMER SCHOOL NOW OPEN in Both the Day and Night Sessions. BOYLES COLLEGE ENTER NOW. Business practice, bookkeeping, penman ship, salesmanship, banking, stenography, atenotypy. typewriting, telegraphy, ac counting, filing, private secretarial work and many other courses are opan to you here. You may work for board while at tending. Call, write or telephone for latest catalogue. BOYLES COLLEGE, Ulh and Harney Btrecta. Omaha Neb. The Van Sant School STENOGRAPHIC COTJRSE Summer sessions, 8 a. m. to 1:13 p. in, 15th and Farnam. Douglas 6647. FOR SALE at a discount, a full unlim ited scholarship In Boyles Business col lege, Omaha; good for either shorthand or business courses, Apply at the office of Omaha Dee. LOST AXD FOUND OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS 8TREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it In tha street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company I anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call liug- 1KB 13, LOST A small storage battery. Reward. i-none uenson 7. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE. Ilnraea and Vehicles. LARGEST stock of delivery wagons In the city; all kinds of blacksmith work, painting and lettering. Johnson-Danforth Co.. new location. 1323-31-M N. 16th St. WAGON' unibrellns. "Wngnor. SOI N 16th. .MEDICAL. DRUSE HOSPITAL A hospital opened to meet the needs of any case; strictly modern building, all conveniences; all outside rooms. 28th St. and Dewey avo. Tel. Harney 7393. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures pllea, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writ for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. K. It. TARRY. 210 Bo Bldg. .MONEY TO LOAN NEED MONEY7 See us. Quick servloe. Half usual rate. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 308 Paxton Block. Douglas 1111. OFFERED FOR SALE Furniture. Public Auction of unclaimed household goods of all de scriptions at the Omaha Fireproof and Storage Co., S06 So. 16th St Borne more bargains; don't miss this sale, beginning 10 a. m. Saturday, July 26. New & 2d hand furnlt'e. cash or terms, reasonable. Amer. Furn. Co., 605 N. 16th. SEVERAL van loada of furniture and somo pianos. Omaha Van and Storage Co., 806 So. 16th St TvnntvpllUM. TYPEWniTEItS sold: rented, repaired. onixm xyuowrucr icnange, 307 H. 17tn. HENT Kensingtons, Monarcha and Smith PmmlArii nf thsvlr m a tn rni,. rAmi.. tnn Tvnatvp (am rp .L. rt 1281. Rental credited If you purchaso. and uuiy -ivry ucwest ana nignest grade ma chines sent out Rates, three months for is for understroke machines or 33 per wuiim mr nicai inooei visioie writers. RENT An Oliver typewriter, 3 months lor i. x n unvir i ypewnter Co. D. 2319. AH makes typewriters rented, sold, terms. ximia lypewmcr, uho ! amain. L, C03L sllscellaneons, FOR SALE at a discount, a full, un limited scholarship In Boyles Business college, Omaha; good for either short hand or business course. Apply at the office of The Omaha Beo. OTTO Gas Engine, 21 horse power. Good cuiiuuion. .aieizger iiOKing Co., Mynster St. Council Bluffs. Ia. 2-hand mch, Gross Wreac, Co. 21 & Paul. A NO. 1 BATH TUB. 5, reet Trester SLIGHTLY used Douglas 2017. high grade pianos. FOR SALE Now and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories: bar fixtures of all Kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co.. 107-103 a 10th St PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial homo sv Helta your old clothing, furniture, mag axines. We collect We distribute. Phone Douglas 1133 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1111 Dodge St YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers aro Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th St. and St Mary's Ave. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid ut the Union station. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES B1LKO chick food. Wagner. 801 N. 16th. STEREOTYPE matrices make the boat and cheapest lining lor poultry houses. They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and more auraoie man tarrea leu ana practically fireproof, 75c a hundred at The Bee office. AGENTS, Investigate; 100 per cent profit; season now on; get. Dusy. wnicKen tue Saver Co., 2021 Cuming St. SUALMER RESORTS OKOBOJI LAKE COTTAGE FOR SALE or for rent One of the finest on Hay ward's bay (one mile north ot Tha Inn); two lota If desired 100x600 ft; elevation about 2& ft, with easy approach to boat house; all equipped, Including boats, etc. Write Lock Box No. 223, Ocheyedan, la. o. WANTED TO BUY SLIGHTLY used piano. Web. S?. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST SHIP live stock to Soutn Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. Lire Ktock Comtulaslon Merchants. MARTIN BROS. & CO.. Exchange Bldg. SWAPPERS' COLUMN CHALMERS SIX. NEARLY NEW. Fully equipped, run leas than l.y) miles. Will bell or trado for smaller car. Win not consider uny real estate offer. Ad dress. S. C. 1213. Be. GOOD TYPEWRITER TO TRADE FOR uttyining mat i ran use or win sen lor . . , , ,,ri . .. t . .. ti IRS 11. o. V. 1117, uumiia ivr, WILL EXCHANGE A GOOD MOTOR- . - V. .. -1 .. ,...!. . , .. - .. .1 , CCI3 UUVII1VBO. utuii 1. anu U KLKX1 paying business. What have you In ex change, or sell for rash and terms at a reasonable pncT Aaaress b. l: im. ee lea ACRES UNIMPROVED LAND IN Butte Co.. So. Dak., to trade for Orasha tropurtr, F. II. Mors, 211 Oat Nat Bank. SWAPPERS COLUlN L. C. SMITH TYPEWRITER FOR diamond or equal value; bargain. Ad dress A. C, 1177, Bee. DAVENPORT AND COUCH WITH linlp nm In exehanee fnt im.MrL D. "Has. PAINTER AND PAI'ERHANOER CAN rent 6-room house, near 3Gth and Maple for several months In return tor work. Work can be done at odd times. Refer ences required. Address S. C. 1178. Uee WHITE SkyWINU AlAUllUMc li Uuuu running order; American cut glass water set. eight-day clock, nearly new, to ex change for anything that can be used In the house or kitchen. Address S. C. 1001, Bee. LADIES O SIZE WALTHAM WATCH, 17 Jewels, adjusted, to exchange for good guitar, banjo or clarinet. Address S. C. 1002, Bee LET me repair that house; will do all carpenter work; anything of value taken In exchange. Address S. C. 1176. Bee. MOVING PICTURE FILMS FOR SALE of a failed road show. Must sell, $10 per reel it taken at once Banners and papers with each reel. 8. C. 1176. Bee. WANTED, FOR CASH, A GOOD Mov ing picture machine. What have you for jtu Address S. C. 1213. WANTED ROADSTER AUTOMOBILE, wide seat, standard m&kc; must be re cent model, perfect condition; will pay to $100; dcscrlbo fully. Address H. C. J173. WILL SELL TWO-SEATED HAND made rubber tired buggy for , or will swap for carpenter or mason work, B. O 703, Bee. FOR HALE OR WILL TRADE, TUFTS 10-syrup soda fountain with counter, for a National cash register with cheok printing device. Address S. C. 1172, Bee. ONE PARLOR REGINA, WITH FORTY, records. Burton mandolin, and one lot In Kenwood Add. Casper, Wyo. for what Address, S. C. 1101 Be. WANTED TO BUY LIGHT DOUBLE harness, or will swap western saddle, almost new, for the same. Ad. 8. C. 19. WANT W MfcKN LAND 7 NICE LEV el lots In good central Nebraska town, worth 12,100, and M cash for a good, clear, lecl piece of land western Nob., nca.- some railroad town. Give full par ticulars or what you have in tlrst letter. D. R. Buck & Son, 912 Omana Nat Hit., Umatia. Neb. WILL SWAP HOUSEHOLD FURNI ture for good residence lot; would be willing to pay dlfferenco In payments. Furniture good as new. Address S. C 942. Bee. 320 ACRES, LYMAN COUNTY, SO. DAK., fine grass; will exchange for Mdae. or city property. Address S. C. 981. Bee. "WILL EXCHANGE ALMOST NEW heavy Concord harness costing (65 and tne good working horse for a good cow. Address S. C. 11M), care Omaha Bee. WILL EXCHANGE 6x8 VIEW CAMERA for smaller size; also One-Mlnuto post card camera; will go cheap. Address S. C 1167. Bee. 14 CITY BLOCK. NEB. COUNTY SEAT town, clear, for piano or aula Address 6. C. 983. Bee. HAVE TWO LOTS IN SOUTHERN Texas near Houston. Cost 32S0: all clear and good title, alro nearly brand new pteness refrigerator, capacity iuu pounds, would exchange for concrete machinery. offlco furniture, or what have you. Ad dress fc. c. viv. Bee. WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE FOR A good grocery and meat market Invoice about 3Z.00U. a. c. am, nee. WILL EXCHANGE A NEARLY NEW No. 6 L. C Smith typewriter as pay ment on piano. Address S. C 996. Bee. 920-ACRE IMPROVED RANCH. CLOSE to Scott's Bluff, Neb. Would accept merchandise for part payment, vzi per acre. Twenty acres and two town lots In Monto Chnsto, Tex., lower Rio Grande valley; unimproved. Price, $1,200. About two dozen roll paper printing machines; n flno machine for live mer chants. Will furnish one or all with ad, as desired. Prlco each, 315. Will make a special price on the lot, or more. Address. B C. 1170. Bee. 1,920 ACRES M'PHERbUN COUNTY, reartuBK&, ianu. tencea una cross-xencea three good houses and three a-ood barns, highly Improvou. Mtg. (9,000, runs five years at 6 per cent Will give a good trade on Omaha property. Ad dress S C 991. Ba BAKER ELECTRIC. IN GOOD CONDI tlon. for sale or exchange. Make me an offer. Address S. C. 1000, Beo. HAVE PRACTICALLY NEW STAND- ard vlslblo typowrltor; will trade for diamond, cut glass, furniture or any thing can use about tho house. Ad dress 8. C. 1203. care of Bee. WILL EXCHANGE A HEAVY 2-INCH Concord double harness, almost new. for light work harness. Address a C. 999. WOULD SWAP GOOD QASOLINE range for gas range; would also give .. I . . 1 . .... l , .v, BOIllu uaail ill iraur auuiraa o. t.. ,vi. 10 ACRES. FRUIT FARM. 10 MILES irom hl uauaer uaie anu city lot in same, all clear. Want auto, or what have rou. Address S C 903. Be. LET ME FURNISH PAINT AND PAINT your houno; will take in exchange any thing I can use. or will figure low for cosh. Address H. c. 11.S3, lie. 10 ACRE TRACT AND 2 CITY LOTS. IN ood town In Texas, for rooming house dress S C 990. Bee. WANT GOOD AUTOMOBILE, 5-PAS-senger, for good store building and 31,000 worth of machinery, on business street; property rented by year. Must go at once. Address. 8. C 092, Omaha Bee. I HAVE FINE UPRIGHT GRAND Pi ano, will exchange for a nice diamond. Address S. C, 1151. Bee. ANGELUB PIANO PLAYER AND A large assortment of music. What have you 7 s. u. 70s, nee. FOR SALE OR TRADE 120 ACRES land 2H miles from Grlswold, Ia., well Improved; new 7-room house, largo barn, woven wire fence; about 17 acres pasture, balance In high state of cultivation; worth (ISO per aero. Want cottage up to (3,000, or what have you 7 Address S O V78. Bee. EDISON PROJECTING K1NETOSCOPE, convertible for gas or electricity, with vi rreU. film and slides. Worth about 3300. Complete except take-up Will sell or traae Mane oner, uurcaa o. v. pou. xicc COAL AND FEED WANTED I WANT to do painting or papering In exchange for coal and feed. Address S. C. 1229, care Bee. 330 ACRES IN RAWLINS COUNTY. Kanjaa. Clear, for a stock ot general merchandise. All level; In crop this year. Address S C 992. Bee. I HAVE 100 GLI.ONS OF PAINT IN 1 gallon cans. All colors. Will exchange at wholesale price In any quantity oo slred for diamond, piano, or auto. This paint Is first class and sold In Omaha. Address S. C. 1152. Beo. MUST SELL MY NO. S PRINTTYPE Oliver In next few days. What will yo-l give me? Address S. C 995. Bee. WANTED TO DO PAINTINO AND PA. penng for groceries and household pro visions. Address S. C 1191. care Bee. WANT TO TRADE SEWING MACHINE Tor steamer trunk as part payment 601 S. Kth St. WANTED - TO TRADE PAPERING and painting for auto or truck. Ad dress, fi. C. 1206. euro Bee. WOULD SWAP 20 ACRES GOOD Ozark fruit land for small car or motorcycle and differences. "C" Bee, Council Bluffs Ia. CLEAR LOT NEAR CARTER LAKE Club, for auto, diamond -or piano. Ad dress a C 9i2. Bee. HAVE GOOD u. C. SMITH TYPE wrlter that will trade for a second band motorcycle; will pay some cash. Ad dress S C 966. Bte. t) ACRES. 3 MILES WEST OF ASH land. Neb., improved, all level, worth (1M acre. Will trade for Omaha property up to (5,000. Mtg. 33.600. Five year t per cent Address S C93L. Be. WANT A GOOD LATE MODEL TWO cylinder motorcycle, or small runabout; have a single-cylinder machine, Just over hauled and worth J 115. also a new Un derwood typewriter worth (76. which will trade for right machine. Addross S. C 1102. Bee. FOR BALE AT BARGAIN FURNITURE and complete equipment 0-room brick flat, walking distance, on car line; two rooms pays the rent, 320 with water; furniture was bought May 13; death In family reason for selling at halt of real valua; half cash, bat like rent. (10 a montlu Leaving town. This Is not aa gent's prop. Address 8, C. W9, B. LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN of Omaha A. B. C. of Omaha BEN FENSTER. 1110 N. 2Uh St W. T77T. OMAHA PILLOW CO., 1721 Cuming Florists. Doug. 2167. Renovates feathers and L. HENDERSON, 1M9 Farnam. D. 133S. . mattresses of all kinds, makes Member Fldrist Telceraph Del. Assn. feather mattresses. Call or write for prices. r' ! 'arlgt lflogr"p" "'' M " , . ; ; HESS SWOBODA. 1113 Farnam St IANO tuning. It. Brandon, 7 years at - . Haydcn's. Recommended bv best A. DONAHUE. 1622 Harney. Doug. 1001. musclans. W. 1382. 1618 N. 28th Ave. BATH'S florists. ISO! Farnam Pt VACUUM cleaners, (5.9.-.. (6.9S. $7.89: a c.enr Cutting ltgrTger'v'ic-e nF" AMERICAN MACHINE CO.. 110 8. 11th. WE rent repair, sell needles and parts "lp I,"",,,.,t for all sewing machines. Nebraska Harper Method. R. 6, Balrd Bldg. D. 361U Harney0!?." n0,,Mll.1'8," '5th LIKhtln. Fixtures nn.l WIi-Ibb. Harney Ms. Douglas 1 THOMAS DUBKIN Adding ainchlnea. Electric fixtures and supplies, contract- ralton Adding Machines. Ill S. 13 D. 1119. in JS.PA SST.7JnJ!.L Adder Mch. Co. (Wales) W. O. W. 57155 2119 CUMING. DOUGLAS 2313. .., . Live Mock Remedies. MehlUe D. Thomas & Co.. 601 City Nat.Rk. OMAHA Remedy Co, 607 8. 13th. Red 18a. Advertising Mnsscoscs. J. B. HAYNES. 718 Om Nat Bk D S27 Mlgs Bei' 832 Saundors-Kennedy B.lS&Dg Vl, .,. ; -L " ' Turkish bath, mass. Davldge blk. D. 6895 Magneto repair work a specialty. D 2118 H'ttenhouso Co.. 211 Balrd Bldg.. 17 & D. Auctioneer. " ANNA Ia SMITH. Scientific Massage and V Chiropody. Office. Rms. 6-6. 2205 Farnam Dowd Auction Co.. 1123 W. O. W. Red 32S5. St., 2d floor. Hours. 1 to 5 p m, Walk In. Architects. TTPTttTP MASSAGE BATH, Miss Clarence W. Wlgington. 220 S. 13th. D. 1287, L.JjIjV- - tVXli upehurch, 211 Balrd Bldg. Everett S. Dodds. 612 Paxton. D. 2981. Miss Fisher, mass, elect, treat't Red 6036. Attractions. AVNA MARKS BATHS. SCIEN- OMAHA film exe 11th anil nmic Mtinn 'n-iN-ti -'Li-LV.liO TIF1C MASSAGE. . PlctuA machine' and lfllm bargains.0"0" im Farnam St' A E' M "oor. D. WS1.. Barbers. " MASSAGE. 309 8. 17th. Mrs. Steele. 12 Chairs. 10c shave, neck shave. 1617 Far. Mrs. Snyder, elec. Trt 1103 S. 8th, D. 13S0. Bottled Good.. ' MASSAGE S ThS'' CONCORDIA Park, 6911 Center. Har.SCS. T, Bee Bldg. Douglas 63,2. brnss Foundries. .MmmW. Miss Walton. R. 221 Novllle Blk. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 27th and Martha fits. "RINN nttlcJTft. D. 8751. H..ll.llnIr nd Itepalrlns. " MAShAGE' M8S Olt,30n- Nevlllc D!k- E. FRANTA. 611 Paxton Blk. Doug. 2157. . California i n,..i. SWITCHES from combings, 31.50. Psyche w H,nm r- free. Mrs. H. M. Eck. 3009 foarcy. H. E615. W. T. Smith Co., 1111 City Nat Hk It r . . y f"' "K" Moving:, Storage anil Clcanlntr. Mns"'. W. c. FERRIN, 15th and Cnpltol. Ty. 1200. MRS. F. A. WOOD. 3401 Parker. W, S293. ocullats. Chlronrautors. Eycs examined, glasses fitted, pay as you J. C. Lawrence, D. C, 2322 Howard. D.8I61. can. Dra. McCarthy. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg L. Geddls. D. C 228 Bee Bldg. Doug. 4233. Patents. W. E. Purvlance. D. c, 109 Pax. Blk. D.1912 H. A. Sturges. 636. Brandels Theater Bldg. L. C. HAYES. D. C, 650 Bee Bid. It 8756! P. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. Cleaning and Dyelntr. Patent Development. C'orbett cleans everything. 1506 Harney St AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 a 11th St China Palntlns. " 1'rlntlnir. F. C. Haynea. decorating, firing D WATERS BARNHART Ptg. Co., quality Ruth Letchford.decoraU ,gr. "n:-. Printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 621 bo. Uth. Concrete Engineers. ' ' alS '""ng Co. Tel. Doug. 614. Qagnebln-Wells Co. 120 State bank D r65 COREY & M'KENZIE PTG CO. D. 2614. Cream Separators. i-1 R1ES-HALL Ptg Co. 1620 Capitol P. 1102. The Sharpies Separator Co.. 13th & Farn CENTRAL PRINTING CO.. DOUG. 8731. Collectors. " ' 1 Ilonch Exterminator. Mutual Rating & Adjusting Ass'n.. Bee. B- D- B- Roach Powder at your druggist. Cnrtnlns. . . gee nnfl TlmelocU Kxnerts. Washing & lace curtains done Tvler 1114 S A1TE Jco.9lJlnitlons ch&hsed, opened, re- c' xyltr u4, 0 paired, F. E. Davenport, 1106 Dodgo.DlS3l Dancing Instrnotlon. "rr Si;pr,'T;M,ctlt,''D'Hft co Tjirpin,, DanclnE Academy, zstn & Farn, REASONABLE) F m Rfp, Co, 2,3 s, Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pqln. 1506 Farnam. CARTER 8' Metal Works. 110 8. 10th. ""3'' ' a d!"Ugtry' m Brande"': Store and Office Fixtures. Bailey, the Dentist. 1O6 City Nqfl Bank. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv Taft Dental Rooms, 1517 Douglas. D. 2186 lnS. etc- w buy. sell. Omaha Fixture : and Supply Co., 114-16-18 S. 12th. D. 2721. Detective. Towel Supplies ' J d"fe8 secured'n afl "le Tyler 113QV'' OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 S. 11th. D. 523. Dressmaking. Trunks und Snltcaara. Terry Drcssmak'g college. 20th & Farnam. FRELINO & STE1NLE. 1S06 Farnam St SUMMER dresaea'a specialty! Web-8070 Vcterlnr,ans. MISS STURDY. SsTsoTTith sT Doug. 7314.' DR- Q- YOUNG. 1602 Center. H. 6062. Drags! AVnll Paper. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on (10 KAOLK CO.. :Wt N. 24th. W tM. orders, catalogues free. Sherman & VtK Mnketa, McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. D. S. GRIFFITH. 12 Frenzer Blk. D. 4566. Electric Supplies. Wlndovr Screens. Nto?:d n&fnh?ttiv$ m- wlnflow Scr,;en co-1322 N"-ho'a- 12th. Douglas 2176. Wines and Liquors. LEBRON Elec Wks.. 318 a 12th. D. 3176. Sro? vffij o&M$toV?g "graTS'a,. . . 1 UVvreaHr?te4 ,7,s?tSDb r&t SWAPPERS' COLUMN' OFFERED FOR RENT ENGLISH STYLE BABY CARRIAGE . ! and high chair, ono dome and one S,"ktep,,,,tT nom" shower of electric fixtures, white 1STH St. Housekeeping and sleep- enamel bed and electric Iron. S. C 1151, mg rooms; mod, houso. Phone T. 1021-AV. Bee- 4 1"00?18 01,(1 J101" 'or "Kht housekeep. , xJ28rkiVeY.ctJ?.l: noaern except heat - ftOS No. 21th St. Phono Webster 6687. OFFERED FOR RENT 312 so- 2TH-Nlco cool housekeeping 'xoat . T003- nt very reasonabla Tel. Dougl Apartments and Flats. laa Mil. (19 Strictly first-class, 4-room St. Louis Hotels and Apartments. flat, brick. 1718 So. 27th St Harney 3SS6. CALIFORNIA Hotel, 16th and California. CLOSE in. modern 6-room flat six blocks Wtkly ratc' nnd up" 7083. from postofflce, cheap rent 1917 Web- DODGE HOTEL Modern Reasonable. ster Bt Call Douglas 13. OODEN HOTEL, rooms (2 per week. s-y-i 1 Tr O Oi Council Bluffs. Pr WK Cjlobe Vancfebtorage unfari.ned noom.. Stores, moves, packs and ships; 3-hors Tli5E cellent, iitrictly modern rooms. van and 2 men, (1.25 per hour; storage (3 2813 Poppleton Ave. per month Satisfaction guaranteed. ir ...... ., r-.... Phone Douglas 1333 and Tyler 230 TlmPP "" "J n aSutuK.Z' , PLE-V8ANT 1 and 6-room apartment,; TnRflwtEx. crodulw newdecomtili walking distance. 401 No. 21th St. and cleaned. (8, 310. (l Phone W 6m- 6-r. modern flat. (21. 2308 8. 21th. H. 4711. 7-ROOM house, all modern, 2232 Meredith OGDEN ANNEX looms, with kitchen- Ave.. $25. Phone W. 3335. ettes. Council Bluffs. J Q REDP' Co- P'- & furnl- VERY choice 1 or 6-room steam-heated . ture moving D. 6116. W. 2748 jtf&&mxt FARNAM BT. gmg "j '"""ed house. 11 ry-Ari Von r-N W2.60-Brlck, 130 S. S5th St, Just north of v wvx,storage. Phone Douglas 2221. 219 N, 11th St Phone D. 394 or H. 6913 t? , . - : j-rr . Houspq m a,t Parts of the city. DAVENPORT. 2408-Elegant 9-room brick; Crelgh Sons & Co., Be Bldr. cement sleeping porch; Janitor service. FOR RENT All modern 6-room bouse.' FURNISHED apartment newly furn- mi No' 20111 Bt Tl- We- 697C. lahed, five-room apartment to Novein- "TA 1 t, r T-y. " ber 1 to family of adults. References rc- H 1nPhr7' StfirOfTO lr quired. Apartment 1, The Browne, 122 A AU-CllLjr OLUItaytJ LU. North 10th St BtonKO. moving, packing and shipping. ALL kinds of flats. 1601 Vinton. Tyler 1771. 16 & Jackson Sts. Phone. Doug, 1518. 1111 N. 22d St. neat 2-story brick flat. 1-r., FOE RENT modern, steel range, gas stove, kitchen tw u . . cabinet and water paid. (17. JVe. nav? a complete list of all houses. RASP BROS., Douglas 1653. "-n8!'"?'."18 un flats tnat are for rent This list can be seen free ot charge at "D O Omaha Van & Storage Co., SOt! S. 16th St. Kentai oervice r ree t-rpm tt?" "ancom park. Why go to different real estate offices mod,8rn- 1 h0"a Harney for rental lUts when we havo complete AT rfrrovrl'n Van an Stor- rental lists pf every real estate office. tCtdlQ S ag0 Co- Reduced For further Information telephone Joug- , . OO rates for 60 days. las 1177. Fidelity Storage and VatCo. kVLsetS""l Lme';?5 nr.; dray. 3 1 men. per hr. 1713 Webster. Douc 1496 Board und Ilooms. ' REEDHURST TyN0our25th"sl thtlV,;airnornextfnd,, ac . 'Atn L ln? entl;e front of the house. Oak finish n FOR WORKING MEN. v M,nnt.1noperln5s- ,Four ed roms and Good rooms, with excellent board; rates DaU1, tino neighborhood. Ncur car very reasonable. 1611-13 Howard. D. 6810. t? vi v ROOM with board for two gentlemen: flffi'h7b& Sjjjj Pn"on-o ggflSg. 'TTncoln hT Sr? F-rn..hed ,lu... .0 OakTZor lltlZ' a'r 6-ROOM furnished houso from July 15 line. Near good school ,ou"18- un lnr to September L I L 6870. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY, Furnished Rooms. ....-..., 3121V4 CALIFORNIA-3 rooms, furnished. 17th and Douglas Sts. Douglas 6013 modern; nice yard; first floor Har. 1001. 000Uanfeanromate.eri"!? & FREE RENTAL LIST. Furnished room. S. 25th Ave am. a'n'flaK f.,.,e"tato,urhofUf?cV: FURNISHED rms, private family, walk- no charge whatever. Union Outrunn ing dls.; no children: nice parlor, piano; Co.. 16th and Jackson Sts. large grounds: board If desired. Tyler 2231. . TWO rooms, private family. Har.W Vj' I"""' Ur barn" ""Canton. H. 1919. TWO nice, airy rooms, newly furnished, mbta Wa"cr- W1 N In private family, 2120 Douglas. Red 3C3S. -ROOM house, electric light, gas and ., water. J15, 3331 Mandersoa Kt Room In private family. I or ! gentlemen, - . or man and wife: board If desired, D. 8071. olx-ROOM house, nearly new, all mod. , , ; ; em. near cars. Dundee. Tel. Har Z&L TWO nicely furnished rooms In private . nnnl., . ; .. family. Excellent neighborhood. Board 6-ROOM house, nearly new, all modern. If desired. Har. 72a. near cars. Dundee. Tel. har. a38. GOOD room. H block from South Omaha KIX-ROOM house, nearly new, all mod- car Una 1910 Elm Bt Phone D. 6198.' ern, near cars. Dundee. Tel Har rvis. Furnished Housekeeping Room.. gg ehoomr7nodemndern J2 A SUITE of rooms, strictly mod: refer- lm N' "Vg CAIILBErg '' ' M encos. 1802 Farnam. Apt 7. Davldga blk, I 310.8l; Bralideg Theater 'llldg lloosekeeptnis Itoums. FOR RENT-Ijirge 7-room bo-i flr J, Three cool rocms with bath, furnished modern, 1 blork from 1 n -,r for light housekeeping. Front parlor and August 1st. Located 2752 M i dth A - board for two. all modern. Tel. W. 8070. Call Florence 267. Au