Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 24, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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Judges Who Will Preside at the Tel Jed Sokol Trials
Thursday, July 23, 1914.
HE hospitality of "Borgland," the boautlful country home of Outxon
TDorglum, the celobrntcd ncnlptor of New York, formerly of Omaha,
which has heretofore been extendod mostly to society and great
artists, has been offered to tho "Campflro" girls for the summer,
and the camp was formally opened this week.
This beautiful country estate, situated near Stamford, Conn., and
about an hour'B rldo from New York City, has probably boon the subject
of moro magaulno articles than almost any other country place In the east.
Tho artist owner, besides devoting himself to sculpturing, Is also Inter
ested In painting, politics, farming and road-bullding, and In tho Juno
number of World's Work are many beautiful Illustrations of this 210-acre
estate. !
Mr. Borglum has many friends among tho orgnnlaors of the "Camp
fire" clubs for young girls. Dr. Luther H, Gullck of Now York Is the J
founder and. president, and Mrs. Charles D. Lanier, who Is first vice presi
dent. Is an intimate friend of Mr. and Mrs. Borglum.
Little Miss Dorothy Darlow, daughter of Mrs. Alfred Darlow of this
city, Is spending the summor with her uncle, Mr. Gutzon Borglum, and will
bo Initiated Into tho Campflro Girls' organization this week on her uncle's
There are Cnmpflre groups In every state In tho union, besides some
in Alaska, Panama, South America, England, Scotland, Belgium, Holland,
Spain, China and Japan.
When the Campflre was first orgunlzod It wbb aldod financially by
John D. Rockefeller, Mrs. Russoll Sago, Andrew Carnoglo and a numbor
of others, but It Is. the wish of tho organization to become self-suppcting.
The dues of BO cents a' year, avoraglng a cent a week from each girl, will
not, however, pay for tho expenses of vacation camps, so tho offer of Mr.
Borglum was eagerly accepted.
Summer Plai5s.
Mis William J. Hynes and non, WIN
lliini ho have been nt Clear Water
Lake, Minn., for a fortnight are expected
lioire Saturday.
s Katharine Moorhcnd and little
hclcc. Annls DouKal, of Pittsburgh, Ta.,
left toflny fot Lake Okoboll, where they
wltl visit Mrs. Hurley Moorhead and
family at their cottaBe.
Mr end Mrs. Fwd W. Thomas ana
Mr. O. W. LlnlnBer leave this evening
for New York, whero they will meet Mi-,
and Xib, V. L. Halkr, who are return'nc
fi-.,m an extended etay nt Bad Nauhclm.
Germany They will all gj to Atlantic
Oty for a fortnight' Uay before return
Ins home.
European Travelers.
Mr and Mrs. T. J. FlUmorrls, who
have been In London for aomo .time,
have gone to Rome.
Mr Edward Bracey Perkins of New
York, formerly of Omaha, who has
been In London and Paris for several
weeks, will leavo this week .for Berlin,
and will visit points li Switzerland and
Italy before returning".
Dr and Mrs. Harold Olfford and Mr,
J. II. Millard and Miss .Xoaslo Millard ore
among the Omahana spending some time
in London.
At the Field Club.
C L. Farnsworth will entertain fifteen
cuests at dinner at the Field club Satur
day, and C, C. -Hyson will havo eight
guest at dinner.
Mr Jerome Heyn entertained the La
Vota Bridge club at the Field club today
In honor of his mother. Mrs. H. O. llcyn
I'nverzsgt. Pink snap dragons were used
for the centerptec at the luncheon tabte.
The members of the club ore:
Lawrence Traynor,
John Martin,
William Bldney,
John Berger,
K. J. Tate.
J. F. Meyers,
JL O. Heyn-
H. nix.
Ramuelson, ail from Omaha, are enjoy
ing a week of camp life at Valley, Neb.,
chaperoned by Mrs. rtuth L. Bergston.
At Carter Lake Club.
Mr. Fred B. Butt entertained at a din
ner party at tho Carter Lako club Tues
day ovcnlng. Covers were laid for:
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs. It. Allen Orlm.
Mr. and Mra. A. F. MnAdami.
Mr. and Mr. K. K. Halderaan.
Mr. and Mrs. E. It. Moor.
Messrs. Messrs.
C. M. Premeau, Roy Pratt,
L. G. Bratton, Fred B. Butt.
E. Larson,
. Mrs. It- J. Altchlson entertained at
luncheon at the Carter Lake club
Wednesday. Covcra were laid for:
Mesdames Mesdames
H. A. Cameron, Bruce Moffett,
33. V. Arnold. A.. J. Battln,
Kdward Phelan, It. J. Altchlson.
Earl Llnlnger, I J. Healey,
Tlie Carter Lake Swimming club bad
luncheon at the club Wednesday. There
was also a bowling match between the
two teams captained by Mrs. W. J. Cat
tin and Mrs. J. A. Frceland, at which
Mrs. Cattln'.s team won high score. The
guests of the club at luncheon were:
Mesdames Mesdames
H. Ilohlff. T. W. Cox.
CM. M. Welch, George Victor,
D. C. Day. W. D. Kck.
Lowell Dunn.
The members of the club are:
Harriet Walker of Council Bluffs, la.,
and Mr Durrant nice.
The cottagers of Feymour Lake Coun
try club were surprised early this morn
ing by tho Nymphs of the Forest appear
ing on the golf links.
Mrs. George Francis entertained at a
swimming party and luncheon today for:
Mesdames Mesdames
W. Nltachle, F. Ames,
is. u. K'uren, J. Jlusrh,
JJ. manehard. G. Davis.
F. Trucka,
At the Country Club.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McCord will enter
tain at dinner Saturday evening at the
Country club for noger Morton of St
Joseph and Jarrot McCord of the samo
place, who are coming up this evening
to spend the week-end at the McCord
home, and for Miss Kllxabeth Evan of
Washington, D. C, the guest of Miss
Marjorle McCord.
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Mrs. Claire K. Ooddanl has returned
from vlaltlng friends at Prophetstown,
Mr. Lester Heyn, who Is spending his
vacation at Charlevoix, Mich., Is ex
pected home In two weeks.
Miss nose Newman left last week for
Chicago and Cleveland, where she will
visit friends and relatives She will be
away for one month
Mr. and Mrs. Sol Degen and daughter,
Miss Hazel, leavo Friday to spend three
or four weeks at Yellowstone Park and
other western points.
Registering at tho Hotel McAlpIn, Nw
York City, from Omaha during the week
have boen Mr. E. Bradford, Mr. and
Mrs. A. W. Hunt, Mr. James Menagh,
Mr. David Menagh, Mr. and Airs. A. L.
Krause, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Williams and
Mrs. O. A. Scott.
The Benson library board, recently ap
pointed by the city council, organized
Tuesday evening. ReportB of tho bylaws
and the obtaining of bonds were road.
The library quarters will be at Sprague'n
pharmicy until a permanent building
can bo erected. The secretary was ln-
Earl Htcrrlcker,
.1 P. Flndley,
C 8. Andrews of
Council Bluffs,
II. G. Matthes,
Herman Peters,
T J Foley,
II. Beselln,
Philip Wlndheltn.
At Happy Hollow.
Mrs J. A. Fuller entertained at
luncheon at the club today for six guests.
Mrs. A. G. Edwards will have four
Juests at luncheon at the Happy Hollow
iyman S McConnell will entertain six
guests at dinner Saturday at the Happy
Hollow club and It. U noblnwn will
have a party of five guests at dinner.
Camping at Valley.
A party of young girls consisting of
Misses Alma Gustation. Myrtle Anderson,
Esther Helgren, Selma Jerpo and LUlla
A. F. Ritchie,
C, K. Fanning,
D. R. Cogswell,
Henry Keating,
F. C. Best,
B. A. Hwanson, -J.
A. Freeland,
C. H. T. Rlepon,
8. C. Loverlng,
Miss nuby Boye.
Mrs. W. T, Bourke entertained tho
librarians from the Omaha public library
at dinner Wednesday evening. Covers
were laid for:
Sol 8. Goldstrom,
David M. Meyer,
W. J. Cattln,
Alexander Jetes,
H. L. Underwood,
N.' Mi Bassett.
Carl M. Johnson.
W. H. Dorranoe,
C. H. Izard,
Fashion Hint
Edith Tobltt.
Mary Bourke.
Bertha Bruncr,
Jessie Soott,
ATorJorle Morse,
Kate tiwartsiander,
Rena Walker,
Mesa times
E. Hammond,
Mary T. Little.
Llla Bowen,
Graco Langdon,
Man' Woodbrldge,
Blanche Hammond,
Mabel Worth.
Ituth Howard,
W. T. Bourke.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Qulnlan entertained
at dinner last evonlng, when their guests
Chief of Poltoe Henry W. Dunn and Mrs.
Dr. and Mrs. II. M. Fitsgibbons.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Malone.
Miss Nellie Smith.
With Dr, and Mrs. E. Holovtcblner wtre
Mr. and Mrs. E. U. Graff.
Other reservations were made by J. A.
Reed, who bad five guests; C. H. T. Rle-
pen. three; Henry Keating, six; W. II.
Lewis, two; Fred B. Butt, two; D. B.
Crane, two; Arthur J. Jackson, two; Vin
cent Hascall, two; W. M. Wharton, nine.
Two hundred reservations for the visit
ing Tel Jed flokols havo been made for
dinner this evening. They will be enter
tained all afternoon at the club,- when
swimming, boating and bowling will be
the attraction.
Seymour Lake Country Club.
Mr. II. C. Forster and famllv
cottagers at Seymour lake. This week
they have as thtlr s-ueata Mr. ni,n Mr.
Julius Lyon, Mm. H. Jorgenson of Chi
cago ana Dr. oro d. Clark and family.
Air. ana Mrs. l m. iora are entertain
ing Mr. J. R. Bewick of Kansas City at
their cottage. He will spend a couple of
weeks here.
Children's day Is CTowlnr In favor nA
each Tuesday finds the club house filled
witn youngsters. The little girls were
given favors this week In the shape of
doll hats. In a floral miemlnr Mnt..t
for older girls, Miss Marjorle Current
won tne prise, a silver spoon.
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Dodds had Mr. and
Mrs, Rawson and daughter as house
guests this week.
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Tates had thl.
guests at dinner:
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thlem.
Mlsa Gertrude Thlem.
Messrs. Messrs.
Edwin Clarke. Will Hetherington.
W. B. Cheek entertained at a stag din
ner Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Rroadwell enter
tained at the dinner-dance last evening
f Livingston of Clayvllle, Vs.
Miss Alice Livingston of Clayvllle, Va,
Mr and Mrs. George Damon of Omaha.
Mr and Mrs. A. F. Stryker of South
Messrs.- Messrs.
Fu A . rA"" 01 p Al Broadwell. jr.
South Omaha.
Mr George D. nice entertained for Mra.
Shipments of cltrun fruit from Call
fornla are nearly finished for the sea
son, there being only a limited quantity
of oranges, and lemons yet to come.
Peaches, plums and pears, however, are
coming through In large quantities, the
shipments reoelvod over the Union
Paclflo ranging from 160 to 175 cars dally,
nearly all of which come to Omaha and
are distributed from here.
Advices to the Paclflo Fruit express
offices Indicate that the California peach
crop la the best In years. This Is alao
true 'with reference to the plums. The
Idaho, Washington, Utah and Colorado
peach crop, although not quite ready
for the market is said to be about ZS per
cent greater than last year, while thu
crop through Texas, Arkansas and Mis
souri la said to be practically a failure.
structed to begin correspondence with
the Carnegie library hoard at once.
The officers elected were: Charles
Haafke, president, and John Spcedle,
secretary treasurer. These officers will
confer with the Omaha library board
concerning the proposed building up of
the branch library. 'Die name of John
Gleason was recommended to the city
council to fill tho vacancy on the goard
made by the resignation of Rev. Father
RJBottled Where ike Rest Hf
Drink That
Links Health
With Sociability
Bee Want Ads appeal to tho thought
ful, painstaking workers who are ever
or. the lookout for advancement and ap
preciate the responsibility of good posi
tions. Advertisement
A big plcnlo and "BeUman" festival
will be given at Spring lake at Florence
Sunday afternoon and evening by the
Norden Singing society. All Swiles of
Omaha and vicinity are expected to at
tend. There will be races, contests and
amusements of all sorts, with a singing
program, two band concert", refresh
ments and dancing. The. committee In
charge consists of F. A. Nelson, John
Schell, Oscar Kallvllc, F. Selbers and
John Larson.
Your Complexion Can Be Made
Fair and Lovely
THE RIGHT USE of a good faco
powder benefits a dry, sallow
or rough skin.
Mme. Ise 'bell's Exquisite Face Pow
der is chemically pure and wholesome.
It does not contain an atom of any
substance harmful to even a baby's
tender skin.
It has boon analyzed and tested In the fore
most laboratories of Europe and America,
and is universally endorsed and recommended.
Mme. Iso'boll'B Exquisite Face Powder comes In three shades
Naturello, Brunette and White and one of these will blend perfectly
with tho natural tone of your complexion.
This powder keeps tho skin beautifully fresh, soft and clear, with a
delicate and dainty lovllnoss conveyed by no other powder.
And all the time you are conscious that Its use actually benefits the
skin, for it is wonderfully clean, wholesomo and soothing.
Unit, tM'tell's TurkUh luth Oil, too ind SL
Mm, Iit'txll'a ExhuUUb Kice rowdtr, Mc
Mma. Ilt'UII'i Cola Crfam, Wo and 11.23.
Mm. lM'bli'i Natural Blush Rouse, Mc.
Mm. iM'txU'i Ilosa DIuti stick Houie, tSe.
Mm. iM'bcll' L.II10 Hind WMtnr, SSa
Mme. Iie'txll'i Skin Food and Wrlnkla Parte,
too and It.
Mme. Iia'baU't Fltsh Worm Eradlcator, II.
Mma. iM'bell'a D. C Depilatory Ponder, IL
Sold by Good Stores Everywhere.
Made by Mme. Ise'hell
The World's Most Famous Beauty Expert
352 North Michigan Ave., Chicago. 111.
' harming gown of trreen crepon with a 1
tunic of wblta epowre clotb, embroidered
jrlth crcen wool.
Your father and your father's father
will tell you that
has been good since years before the
war. An honest product of the soil.
Wholesome, healthful, unequalled in purity and
delicious flavor. Ideal fot the home table during
the summer. Your dealer will keep you supplied
John Gund Brewing Co.
La Crosse. Wisconsin
rtMI BJtWUjUli AatMaatkA'UU
CARL FURTK. Distributor
., 7IS S. let Stmt, Oaaaha, Nab.
The Big Garment Event
of the Season Saturday
Your Unrestricted Choice
Any Dress
Any Gown
Any Suit
Any Coat
in Our Entire
Stock for
All Expenses Paid
They have become Immensely popular vacations,
because the fare includes both state-rooms and meals
aboard ship, passengers knowing beforehand exactly
what their expenses will be.
Then, too, these cruises are cool and invigorating,
there is no chance of being disturbed by business, and
they appeal to a high class of patronage seekers of a
complete change of daliy habit. The ports of call in
clude the big cities on the Great lakes and some of the
foremost summer resorts where either long or short
stop-offs can be made without additional expense.
Then there is the constantly changing panorama of
passing craft and shipping scene In fact the joys,
which, before these 7 day lake cruises were inaugu
rated wero known only to wealthy yacht owners.
The Chicago Great Western, in a constant endeavor
to popularize Its travel service has undertaken to act
as the Omaha agent of the line running these cruises.
We have diagrams of the boats, can make reservations
and minimize the details of a boat trip. Step In and
let us give you complete details and printed matter of
the following trips:
Cf fi Omaha, Chicago. Milwaukee. Mackinao island.
DUU Buffalo and return with day for Niagara Falls.
Leave Chicago Saturday; back next Saturday.
4Cft or) Omaha. Chicago. Mackinac Island, the Soo, Ft.
Vuu William. Dulutn, Owen Sound. Alpena. Leave
Chicago Saturday; back next Saturday.
CCH On Omaha. Chicago, Mackinao Island, Alpena, De- trolt. Buffalo, Owen Sound. Leave Chicago
Wednesday; back next Wednesday.
CCft Oft Omaha. Chicago, Glenn Haven, Charlevoix. Pe
?u'u toskey. Harbor Springs Mackinaw, Klllarney.
Parry Sound, Colllngwood. Leave Chicago Saturday; back
next Saturday.
:fifi 9ft, Omaha. Chicago, Green Bay, Mackinaw, The
vUU.iU g00i colllngwood. Parry Sound, North Channel,
Harbor Springs. Leave Chicago Saturday; back next Sat
urday. Hoat may also be taken at Duluth, round trip from
Omaha J61.04.
Get in touch with us for popular outings. It Is our bus!,
ness to make your trips satisfactory. We want a continua
tion of your patronage and confidence.
1622 Fanum Street, Omaha.
Phone Douglas 200.
(Emphasize the "Great")
That Home of Yours
which you are some day planning to
build will be twice as valuable if you
give it the right surroundings.
Real estate dealers of today are
planting shrubs and trees on their
suburban holdings and offer you
the opportunity of securing on
terms within the reach of every
one, building sites which will soon
be as valuable as city property.
It will be well worth your while to look
at some of these suburban lots and the
day you buy one will mark the begin
ning of a comfortable fortune, for good
real estate investment is the basis of all
For the best values in suburban
property, either for building sites or
investment, read the ads in the
Want Ad Section of
Ewybody Rtadt Bet Want Ad