Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 24, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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Tlis Boo Puhllshlnp Company. Proprietor.
rntered at Omaha postofflcc as second-class matter.
Hy currier Hy mall
ner month. Etr year.
,.llv and Sunday We $6"D. I
lally without Sunday....' c 4.00" !
livening and Sunday fi.M
Kventng without Sunday 2SJ 4.00
Sunday Hoe only 30c 2.V)
Send notleo of change of address or complaint of
Irregularity In delivery to Omaha Hce, Circulation
Remit by draft, express or postal order. Only two
cent etHtnps received In payment of small ac
counts. Persons! checks, except on Omaha and eastern
exchange, not accepted.
Omaha-The He llulldlng.
Kouth Omaha 218 N street
Council niuffa 14 North Main street.
Lincoln-: Llttlo Building.
Chicago Ml Hearst Rulldlnp.
New York Room HOi. Fifth avenue.
St Loiils-M New Hank of Commerce.
Washington ' Fourteenth Ht., N. W.
Address communications relating to news and edi
torial matter to Omaha Dec. JUlltorlat Department.
Elate of Nebraska. County of Douglas, ss.
Dwlght Williams, circulation manager of The Beo
Tubllshlne company, being duly sworn, says that
the. average dally circulation for the month of Juno,
1311, nni te.ra.
DWIGHT WILLIAMS, Circulation Manager.
Subscribed In my presence and iworn to before ma
this Un day of July. 19U.
ROBERT HUNTER, Notary rublle.
SubscrilioTs lenving tho city temporarily
should hnvo Tlio llco mnllcd to them. Ad
dress will Iio clinnuwl ns often ns requested.
King Corn shows no signs of abdicating his
For staging spectacular murder trials the
French have us beat four ways.
Some of us aro unablo to confirm the roport
that "long-time money Is easy."
And after Carbajal and Carranza como to
torms there aro several others to deal with.
Still, It is to be hoped Colonel Mahcr's type
writer will not go entirely out of commission.
Is there nny other offlco which no one but
one particular democrat Is honoBt enough to
Refugees complain of "robber rates" de
manded for steamship poBsago out of Mexican
ports. History repeats Itsolf.
Tho ultimate effect of tho boycott, llko tho
strike, Is bad to all parties concorned, bocause
based on the wrong principle.
Strango how this burning desire to servo
one's country at tho public crib consumes so
many otherwise selfish Individuals. '
"Jones convicts hlmsolf." Perhaps. Rut
our valiant United 8tatea Bonator convicted him
first without waiting to hear from him.
To aplto his brldo for refusing to llvo with
him, an Illinois man camo nrer visualising nn
old saying by biting off the young woman's noso.
Should Frank Qotch succeed In becoming
governor of Iowa ho would have to clamp his
invincible toe-hold on tho toughest nuts with
which he ovor had to wrostlo.
Tho law which Imposos a penalty upon filing
or withdrawing candidates for offlco for a
monoy consideration might bo extended in ita
application with beneficial rosults.
Omaha's mllllon-dollar school budget moans
an instruction cost of over 5 per month per
child. Nothing parsimonious about our thriv
ing community In tho matter of education.
As a sacrifice to harmony, the Nebraska
democratic btato convention will adopt an omni
bus endorsement for everybody who wears tho
democratic livery, whether it belongs to him or
Now we may expect to got exactly tho truo
Blietup of Senator Stone of Missouri, who says
that if the colon,el haa anything to add to his
already well-airod views of tho Colombian
treaty let him write It out and send it In.
Two of the candidates for" governor In Kan
sas own newspapers and havo opened thoir col
umns to each other and tho third man ln the
race, who is the present executive, without nn
organ of his own. Now wo shall see how the
entente cordlalo works ln bleeding Kansas.
Chicago reports a 50 per cent falling off in
QUoM in one of tho parks where Us ra d
fhefSn Cr0d'.If P88lb, t0 wIWIf
if la on. place, why not ., It lg ft a
and the water is line. Come on In.
On account of bad weather moat or the events In
the firemen's tournament had to bo postponed.
KorenauGh's circus drew a bis crowd and carried
toff a. bunch of money. '
Tho Union Paclflof did It to the Evaruvillea again
bv the score of to J. Attendance about 1,000.
Mlsa Zerllna Friedman of Detroit Is visiting her
i ster, Sir. Morris It. Bloman, ms Capitol avenue.
Little Bessie and Beulah Leavttt, daughters of
county Clerk Leavttt, gave a birthday party to about
twenty little friends.
General Cowln and family left for Spirit lake for a
few days' pleasure trip,
Mrs. Kamuel Burn haa pone on a month's sojourn
n Colorado. Including- Denver, Leadville and Manltou.
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Ambrose left for a few
weeks" visit to Boston and other eastern cities.
The Maennerchor soolety, under the leadership of
h jiaven, discoursed its choral muslo at the Tlvoli
tarden as a surprise to the proprietors.
The aehool board Is having & fuss over the bide of
u. J'otvm, trading- contractor for the and
Jeavenworth schools, refusing- to accept them for not
lt;ng up to specifications.
Giving Their Whole Case Away.
Tho most eignlflcnnt political straw that has
como to our notlco Is a suggestion by tho Outlook
in Its current Issue. Remember that It Is the
Outlook from whoso staff Colonel RooFcvelt has
Just retired as contributing editor, with mutual
assurances of continued co-operation. The sug
gestion Is that it is Incumbent upon President
Wilson to fill tho existing vacancy on the su
premo bench with a domocrut.
That tho president will appoint a democrat
is naturally to bo expected, but the reasoning
offered by tho Outlook Is particularly Interest
ing. "Tho Biiprcmo court should bo made up
for tho sake of avoiding nny question of polit
ical bins," It tella ns, "as nearly as poBslblo of
an equal number of democrats and republicans.
It is not only proper, but desirable, that tho
new Justice, whoovor ho may bo, should bo a
democrat." Thoro's no contention whatover
that tho supremo court should bo made up of
an equal number of republicans, democrats and
bull mooBors. Not n hint Is conveyed that, to
avoid political bias, tho bull moose party should
have recognition.
If tho bull moose party wore regarded as a
permanent political factor, would not the Out
look, which ln politics voices tho Bcntlmonts of
its recent contributing editor, bo urging the ap
pointment of a member of that party to the
prcnent supremo court vacancy? Tho very fact
that It is making no such domand is convincing
proof that it boos no basic political division ln
this country except between republicans nnd
Tel Jed Sokol.
Tho wolcomo to tho Tel Jed Sokol, moro
than 1,000 of whoso members are attending
thoir national gathering here, is both charac
teristic of Omaha's hospitality and tho Hohotn
lan typo of citizenship gcnulno and strong
These athletes aptly typify tho virility of tho
race rooted ln ono of the proud ancestries of
Europe. History reflects Its own tributes upon
tho Bohemian. Ho has met tho ordeals and
vicissitudes of tlmo about as well ns nny other
nationality, and had moro of them to meet than
most others. Ho has come through tho cruclblo
with nntlvo powors Intact, with spirit roflned
nnd Invincible, and so he is giving ln a very
largo measure to his adopted Innd of Amorlca
"whore persecuted liberty finds a pcacoful homo
and froo institutions flourish unmolested" the
fruitful results of his experiences of old.
Here In Omaha and throughout Nebraska
wo know how to value and appreciate these
traits, for they havo helped in the fructifying of
grent purposos, of solid Interests, of thoso things
Hint go to mako up strength and sobriety and
culture in socioty. Whoro bettor could these
societies go for thoir national assemblage than
horo in this thriving city of tho middle west, ln
whoso veins courses so much of tho blood of
thoso Bturdy pooplo? And how appropriate
that our city, which has sent out nnd still holds
bo many conquering Bohemian athletes, should
have tho honor of entertaining tho tumors from
all states.
For a New Convention Apportionment.
Am,ong other duties devolving upon the com
ing republican stato convention is to roglster
approval or dlsapprovol for Nobrnska of the pro
posed change In apportionment of delegates to
futuro national conventions.
To remove tho objection to the overweighted
representation of southern states, tho reDubllcon
national comltteo has formulated . revised plan
taking Into consideration tho vote for president
as woll as tho representation of tho rospectlvo
states In tho electoral collogo. Bforo It can be
offectlvo this apportionment must, by its terms,
bo ratified by tho states comprising a majority
of tho present electoral representation. A
number or republican stato conventions havo
already formally approved tho new apportion
ment plan, Including ono or two of tho southorn
states whoso voting utrongth is cut down.
Although for tho present it makes no differ
ence In tho convention representation accorded
to this state, tho plan should b0 approved by
Nebraska republicans because It Is In tho direc
tion of fairness In fact, because It is the first
stop by any political party to correct an unsat
isfactory condition existing ln the national con
ventlons of all the political parties.
Enforcement of Dead-Letter Laws.
Ono of tho easiest things to do In this coun
try is to get a law enacted. The average Amer
ican community is too indifferent to the work
of its legislators, it seems nolthcr to know nor
care what tho motive, character or influence of
a law IUOy bo. The result often is that statute
books are encumborod with a lot of freak or Im
practicable legislation without any 80 lou
bought of ever being enforced. Some o U e e
laws nro ral roadedi thr.,i, .o ... ese
.... iui spue gome for
ket while It is easy to slip freak legislation onto
LTZ ttSimdajr ,aw ln ol. is of a vT
u tZ tV0? aUllU8h n havoTo
bo told that to know it. Gnlesburg like thl
auV,rBHtmer,r C,ty' 8trUBK,e1 alon placet
Zl ZtehTa !n OUUy,nK secUon8
city began to enjoy too much advantage over
tho larger dcajer downtown, who invoked tho
dead-lotter law and insisted on a test. Tho
downtown merchant, of course. l8 not permitted
to open Sundays, so tho other fellow must close.
The mayor has called for moral and financial
support In enforcing tho law to tho letter. Tho
pollco officers, thereforo, are instructed to pre
vent so much as tho sale of a newspaper, soda
water, ico cream or a cigar on the Sabbath day
Of course, this does not mean any excep
lonal moral uprising on the part of Galesburg.
but simply, aa reports indicate, business Jeal
ousy and retaliation. It is the inevitable con
sequence of freak law-making.
President Wilson is said to be looking to the
vote of the middle west an the barometor of his
political fortunes. Then, in view of what his
tariff has dono to middle west producers, ho Is
likely to look ln vain for comfort.
Mr. Jones characterizes that senato commit
tee roport as "grossly unfair." The report also
characterizes the attempt of the president to
turn tho federal roserve board over to beclouded
trust magnates as grossly unfair.
Brief contributions on timely
topics lnrlta. TbeBea aastunM
no responsibility for opinion of
correspondents. All letters sals
Jeot te condensation y sditOT.
Onr Municipal Unfiling Bench.
OMAHA, July 23. To the Editor of
The Bee: Here Is an Item from your
paper announcing tho appointment of a
watchman for the new municipal ImthlnR
beach. Will you kindly answer at your
convenience the following- question:
1. Where Is the municipal bathing
2. What car line do you take to g-et
3. What Is the charge for a locker or
room, where you can leave your clothes
In safety?
4. Can you tiao your own bathing- suit?
Thanking you In advance for your usual
courtesy. I am yours, FOR CMiANU-
Xote: 1. Carter lake. 2. .Sherman
Avenue line. 3. No charge. 4. Tea.
Pool I'roTc'n nn Alibi.
LINCOLN, Neb.. July 23. -To the
Editor of The Bee: In tho odltorlal
columns of your valued paper Monday
you charge that figures Issued by tho
state bureau of labor and Industrial
statistics pertaining to tho alfalfa crop
are not In accord with those figures Is
sued by tho government census. I regret
that you fall to give years that theaj
statistics wero gathered.
The legislature of 1913 placed the gath
ering of farm statistics In the State
Board of Agriculture, removing that duty
entirely from the bureau of labor and
Industrial statistics. Perhaps the depart
ment charged with the gathering of sta
tistics concerning alfalfa could give ad
ditional Information which would con
vince you that the report Issued by that
'department ln 1913 was as nearly ac
curate ns that Issued by tho general gov
ernment. I am catling your attention to this
matter In order that you may do justice
to the department and place the blame
or credit, aa the case may be, where It
Deputy Commissioner of Labor and In
dustrial StatlstcB.
Note The figures were for years prior
to 1!)13 and taken from reports of the
labor bureau.
Letters From n Political Heathen
SOMEWHERE. July 22.-To the Editor
of Tho Bee: Maximilian as stated In a
previous letter landed at Vera Crux May
, 1S64. He was shot at Queretaro June
19, 1807. So his career In Mexico was ex
actly three years and three weeks In
length. It is not my purposo to re:ord
the details of that career. Your readers
can find the outline In any popular en
cyclopedia, or for a more thorough study
look to Hall's "Maximilian" and to tho
"Diary of Princess Salm-Salm" for his
trial and last hours; to "Taylor, Maxi
milian and Carlotta." and to Burke's
"Life of Juarca" for the record of his
unhappy career.
ln Maximilian of Hapsburg there Is
little to admire. lie possessed physical
courage that commodity is as cheap as
dirt. Most men possess It; and nono
possess it In a more remarkable degree
than pirates and buccaneers.
In London stands a statue of Arch
bishop Cranmer holding his hand in the
burning flame. That act redeemod the
fame of u vaufllatlng time-server. De
spite the elocvent tirade of Macaulay,
and the cold facta recorded by Llngard,
such allusions as the line from Tom
Hood: "And my red right hand grows
rasing hot like Cranmer's at the ataUe,"
awukens a thrill of admiration, which
eclipses tho record of a misspent life.
Nothing In tho llfo of Charles I became
him like his death.
So with Maximilian: he deserved his
fate. By the Infamous Black Decree, ho
had ordered, the shooting without trial of
any Mexican found In arms against his
so-called government. This threat had
been carried out by the butchery of as
bravo men as fell at Thermopylae or
Oeltysburg. Maximilian was as vacll
latlng as James Buchanan. He straddled
between the clericals and liberals, until
Louis Bonaparte deserted him, when his
desperate situation coerced him to make
terms with the churchmen. What secret
promises he made them will never he
known. On that beautiful June morning
when "they led hlin out to die," he
showed to good advantage. The three.
Maximilian, MeJIa and Mlramon, took
their places. Maximilian took Mlramon
by the arm and moved htm to the right.
"Take the place of honor," he said. He
told- MeJIa a pure Indian and the most
decent man of the three to took for his
reward In heaven.
Maximilian was a great dealer In fu
tures. He had secretly mortgaged Mex
ico to France. The ruling passion Is
Ktrnng In death. When the officer of
the squad, according to custom, asked
Maximilian's pardon for what he was
about to do, he replied that there was
nothing to forgive; an officer must obey
orders. He handed a gold coin to ea.h
of his executioners. When Maximilian
was thot, he turned upon his heel and,
uttering some exprcsalcn In German,
died Instantly. Pome understood him ;o
say: "Arme Carlotta," but nt the .time
he thought the empress dead. What he
really said was: "Oh Mann! O Mann!"
A Jlerirr Hnnatrr nt lint.
LINCOLN, July S3. To the Editor of
The Bee: In a recent Interview Mr.
Metcalfe haa classified himself ns the
candidate for governor who will har.
monUe "all factions." I would llk
"Met" to tell us why he thinks htmsett
so popular with all factions of the demo
cratic party. Is It because of his hav
ing Injected himself Into the senatorial
tight In 1910 as a county option candi
date against Senator Hitchcock, thus
trying to drag a state Issue Into national
pclltlcs? Or perhaps it was that har
monising speech that he made at tha
Bryan birthday banquet when ho styled
all democrats who had opposed Mr.
Bryan at CJrand Island a lot of "Jay
birds pecking at a wounded eaglet"
Doubtless Mr, Metcalfe wlshea us to
forget these little discrepancies of his.
Just aa 1 have no doubt Mr. Morcheadi
would like us to forget his broken promise
and his vetoing the civil service bill;
also how he used his official position as
governor to defeat the Keckley freight
rate bills. Of courss, ho does not wish
the railroad officials to forget this val
uable service which be rendered them,
and, Judging from the active part they
took In getting Mr. Morehead Into the
! raeo for governor they have not forgot
ten. I W F PORTER.
How It Feels Up Sky High
In an Airship of Zeppelin's
Bver since, as a lioy. I rode with Blndbad the
Sailor on the back of tho roc, I have longed to fly
once more. Of course, we all fly In our dreams,
which sclcnco says Is our Inherited memory of the
time when we were birds, but I novcr see a solid
little white summer cloud sailing overhead of a hot
afternoon but I wish I might tour the blue sky on It.
Now It camo about In the pleasant land of Zep
pelin one day In June aa I sat under my favorite
bronze beech In Nauhelm's lovely park that I heard
Just above my head the pleasant humming of a
smooth running automobile engine. Wondering what
buztlng beetlo made such a sound, looked up where,
Just above the tree tops, cruising In majestic splendor.
In full flight, flags fyllng and passengers waving,
was the "Victoria Lulsc." Count Zeppelin s "Flying
Dutchman" of the air. As I looked, fascinated at
the sight of the great airship sailing on a perfectly
level keel tike somo great "Imperator" of the sea, I
saw the bow slowly Incline upward and soar tike a
bird toward the zenith. Maneuvering In turn, when
at the desired height, the prow was depressed, and
the ship turned on a pivot, presenting the least re
sistance to atmosphere. it waa done with remark
able neatness and dispatch. As day axer day, out
of tho quiet evening air that great bird beckoned me
to fly, I felt tho turo of adventure draw me unlit
temptation, encouraged by many nn abject surrender
ln my past, overcame the last resistance, I. e 100
marks (25). the cost of a two-hour flight. Burcly
tho days of enchantment are como again, for as I
gazed upon that 100-mark note, lo, It became the
magic carpet of Bagdad, ready to carry me through
th air over the cities of earth.
What danger do we run, was naturally our first
concern. Tho Victoria Lulsc, ono of tho four Zep
pelins operated by tho Hamburg-American Steamship
company, has made nearly COO trips, and with Its
threo sister Bhlps fully 1,500 ascensions, carrying over
&0.000 passengers, wthout a single accldont. There
must bo a dozen odd dirigibles of all kinds that have
carried somo 50,00) passengers without a mishap a
record of safety of 100 per cent that challenges com
parison with any form of mundane transportation.
Tho fatherly German government that fusses over
Its people as an old hen over Its chickens, burdening
Itself and them with a thousand "verbotens" (restric
tions), placarding mall boxes with "stamp and address
your letters," will not allow any one to take tho
slightest risk as a passenger on an airship. So after
successfully quieting, the last apprehension of my bet
ter half by assuring her that If she fell overboard
that I would Jump out and rescue her, we were ready
to start.
An auto ride of fifteen minutes from the Kelser
hoff hotel at Frankfort brought ua to the Iron and
concrete airshed, where we found the Victoria Lulse
moored with rope and tackle to a miniature railroad
extending several hundred feet outside the shed. The
pilot Is taking the sun with a sextant. We see being
posted reports of tha velocity of the wind and condi
tion of the ntmosphero being constantly received by
wireless from meteorologlc stations alor.g the well
charted route we are to travel. Unless the weather
conditions are entirely favorable no ascension ts per
mitted. Fortunately the weather conditions are perfect.
Tho pilot In tho forward gondola tests the steering
gear, which, by the way. Is tho same as on a. yacht;
tho powerful gasoline automobile engines of 145
horsepower each, one In tho forward and two In the
rear car, are started, to sea that they aro running
smoothly. The wireless operator from his cabin on
board sends his first message, and we are Invited to
come on board. We mount the aluminum ladder to
thq mahogany finished cabin amldshlp, which Is built
Into tho keel of tho airship Instead of being sus
pended below as aro the two cars (or gondolas, as
they are called) wheh contain the engines and crew
of eight. The comfortable wicker chatrB will accom
modate twenty-four passengers. As tho passengers
embark enough water to counterbalance their weight
Is let out of the .reservoirs situated ln the keel of the
ship, the englneti are started and we back slowly out
of tho air shed. A. small army of men hold onto the
ropes that dangle from the ship to control It when
the cables that attach It to the railroad are cast off.
When free of everything we pause Just long
enough for the photographer to get In his work the
captain calls out. "Cast off," tho floor slants upward
at anything but an alarming angle, tho earth slips
gently away from under you and ln the twinkle of
nn eye you are sailing 600 feet over tho spire of the
cathedral, with Jiot the slightest feeling of fear or
dizziness. Should your heart como up Into your mouth
the waiter stands ready to servo liquid refreshment
to wash It down again. The other lady passenger on
our trip availed herself of this gooa excuse to take
a nip of that Justly celebrated German apricot
"schnappa" for ladles, a sort of "spirits of the air.''
Madame Joncs-Smlth-Brown aspires to
social honors high,
So scans the social columns each morn
ing with a sigh:
The while that Mr. Jones-Smith-Brown Is
working day and night
To find the means for Madame Brown to
make her upward flight.
As she slowly sips her chocolate and
toasts her dainty feet.
Her bright eyes flutter over the closely
printed sheet.
She takes note of the headlines, but
leaves out all between
Until she finds what Is to her the essence
and tho cream.
That Is but the Introduction, what mat-
ters that to her?
Her Interest begins with 'Among those
present were:"
Among the various doings of the socltl
set, perchance,
At Kerry's was a dinner, at the Rakeoff
was a dance.
But scarce a Rlance vouchsafes she to
tho minutes or menu!
Her time Is much too precious; she has
other things to do.
'Tls not to be expected that she'd read
them, no, Indeed!
She skips preliminaries and rushes on
with sneed
Adown the line until she finds what does
appeal to ncr,
Tls somewhero near the end, 'tis this,
"Among those present were:"
There Is the weekly meeting of the ilub,
M. T. 1. D.,
Whoso members meet together to discuss
And means to mako It more select. Then,
there's tho l.". N. I,
On charity Intent, ln whose bazars great
method lies
To coax the golden coin from those whose
aspirations lead
Them for the nonce to mingle with the
few, and thus, indeed,
Amid the ups and downs of life, it may
somo day occur
That Madame Jones-Smith-Brown maybe
"Among those present were:"
Ambition wag not born today. Ah, no.
'Tls nothing new.
It lived long centuries ago. 'Twas Cae
sar's falling, too.
'Twas born" when first the race appeared
upon the earth sublime,
'Twill only die when one Is left to say
"Tlio world Is mine."
Then should It mean to forge ahead and
push the rocks aside
To block the way of others who aro
struggling with the tide
Of humanity, and through the suffering
of tho weak
To gain the summit of tho hill, the goal
for which wo seek?
Does It not really matter what sorrows
may occur,
If one but find his name Inscribed
"Among those present were:"
Should not ambition be todsy to cheer
one's J-!iow man:
To comfort grief;, alleviate pain, and do
the good one can 7
Should It mean to love one's neighbor;
stand by him as a friend,
And In the tlmo of trouble a helping
hand to lend?
And when this Journey's over and tho
Book of Life unrolled
To find "Among those present" one's
name ln flaming gold? DAVID.
A gardener Just outside of Boston has
a magnificent field of Bren peas
"Do thy taste as good us they look""
I asked him Jokingly.
"Bless you.1 he replied. ' It "would bo
like eating money for me to use them on
my own table. I haven't tasted a pea,
except out of a can for five years."
Boston Post.
Mrs. Clark (engaging a new parlor
maid) Mrs. Yapp says she discharged
you because she frequently caught you
listening at the doors.
The applicant Oh, really. Mum
Mrs. Clack Well. I'll engago you on
one condition. You'll have to tell mo
everything you overheard nt Mrs. Yapp's.
London Sketch.
"What's the discussion?"
"Tho boys had assembled to lynch a
horse thief."
"But now a knotty point of Juris
prudence hai come up. feems ho stole
an automobile." Ix)ulsvllle Courier
Journal. Helen Why, 1 never could marry that
Hazet-Mercy! Why not?
Helen Why. he wears a wig!
And then the dear creature took off a
rat. some puffs, a coronet, a braid, a
pompadour and a switch, and sat down
to pcrure a, novel. Illinois Siren.
"I can't do anything with Johnnie.
Why, he'd rather go hungry than work.
I don't see what's to become of him."
"I suppose wo must face the Inevitable "
"What's the Inevitable?"
"Looking' forward to having a soap
box orator ln the family." Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
A Groat Magazine
Storlos by
Articles by
Baautlfwrt PSoturos In Oolor
The predominant sensation of flying is buoyancy
you are soap bubble In the air you are swimming
again on Inflated bladders ns when a ooy In the old
swimming hole you have lost gravitation weight ts
annihilated your fear is not that you may drop to
earth, but that you are never going to light again
you have become a satellite to momer earth and
you don't care a darn. Tho air you breathe Is ael
rated champagne It makes you do you can hardly
want to talk all the time and you do you can hardly
keep from singing. I didn't, I hummed an old song:
Up tn a balloon, boys;
tip in a balloon;
I'p among the little stars,
- A sailing round the moon,
of the vintage of '7J-you remember It?
You gaze down on the most fascinating kaleido
scope of the world and fjr the first time realize what
a "bird's-eye" view really Is. You see an entire city
at once. In one glance you see what It took a thou
sand years to build. It looks like the blue print of
an architect-only the buildings are not drawings.
they aro real. The river Is not a crooaed line, It Is
riinnlng water. The trees are real trees, and that
little man on the funny, narrow street Is alive. An
octagonal skyscraper looks like a briclc well pulled
out of Its hole and set to one side. You see Into the
heart of a solid city block and find pleasant gardens
and trees and a fountain In the hidden court. The
ruined castle perched on a mountain peak, green with
ivy and moss, with Its lookout tower high above the
trees, shows its loveliness on all aides at once when
seen from above. The fields of green and yellow
grain form the strlpen of a great floral banner, and
the scarlet popples In fields of green carpet the earth
with colors that ravish tho eye. Forest trees from
above look llko a cluster, of domes on a great mosque
and miles of the Rhine with Its bridges and bouts
reflects the sun like burnished silver.
The shadow of the airship on the mountainside
makes us realize that we are traveling at the rate of
forty miles an hour. The faint barking; of a dog
tho cheers of school boys out at play the waving of
handkerchiefs and hats from below add to the pleas
ure of the voyage. What a race of midgets your fel
low men aro! How slow the toy trains wind around
the hills! And for once the automobiles are not ex
ceeding tho speed limit! You write and mall airship
postcards with the rubber stamp of the aerial post
office quite plainly Impressed and they go to friends
at home. You may eat and drink, but not smoke, on
an airship. A courteous guide points out Wiesbaden,
bad Homburg, the Rhine, names a score of villages,
mountain pek and castles aa we fly overhead, and
tells you when you are 600 feet, 700 feet or 1.000 feet
high, etc, etc
As we descend In long spirals to the green meadow
which t our landing place the engines are stoppd
and we hover ovr the men waiting until they catch
the cables with their sandbag anchors to tow us to
the alr-sheo, which we enter with our own power
after the airship has once more been attached to the
miniature railway. We have flown seventy-five miles
tn two hours that seemed but thirty minutes. We
descend the ladder we shed our winged feet and walk
the earth again with leaden shots.
Bade-Nauhelmeln, Germany, FBANK U HALLER.
Don't Say, "I Want
a Box of Matches"
Would you go into
a grocery store and
say, "Give me a
cake .of soap?"
No! You would ask
by name for the
kind of soap that is
best adapted to
your needs.
So with breakfast
foods. Youwouldask
by name for the
kind that has the
pleasantest taste or
is most nourishing.
Followthis rule with
matches. Tell the
grocer you want
If you ask for
"matches," good
ness knows what
you may get
Ask for Safe Home
Matches and you will
that money will buy.
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spark don't sputter
don't break a real
safety strike-anywhere
match. Inspected and
labeled by the Under
writers' Laboratories.
5c. All grocers. Ask for them by name.
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way tttttaintd at Aomt lictit oltictt ty askinr
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Sold Dally Until September 30th, inclusive
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