0 TILE BKK: OMAIU, FRIDAY, JULY 124, 1014. July Clearance Sale of Suits An unequaled opportunity to purchase a fine suit for travel, outing- or street wear. Every suit in stock goes in this sale at $7.45, 910.50, $12.50 and $14.50 The Store for Shirtwaists Dainty Blouses at Reduced Prices. Friday Specials Which So Many V omen Have Waited For Such values m you will find Friday nre not ob tainable elsewhere nt nny tJmo. . Xot oven hero, when present lot nre dlpocd of. Frlday'n extraordinary values: yards Novelty Voile, $1.25 quality, color blue, for 81.61 7 yards Mercerized Foulard, reseda green, for 982 7 yawls French Voile, 75c quality, color old rose, for SI. 10 1 1-0 yards French EnonRC, !2lnch, $1.25 qual ity, color blue, for S1.00 a yds. .Drown Novelty (for skirt) , remnant, for JJ4ti 5 yards Floral Crepe, 75c quality, remnant, for 98 44 yards French Vollo, 42-lnch, 75o quality, color heliotrope, remnant, for Sl.QO OH yawls Imported Voile, 42-Inch, color maize 75c quality, for 81.30 4 94 yrds Navy Poplin, remnant, for 79J HUNDREDS OF OTHER REMNANTS to cbooso from of llko value. Main Floor. HCMARI AND SIXTEENTH CIVIL SUIT FILED , TO DISSOLVE NEW HAVEN COMBINE (Continued from 1 ate One.) line of Connecticut to the. St. .Lawrence river and the Canadian border. The New Haven, the bill declares, re torted to many elusive and roundabout methods to cover Us tracks In perfecting Ita combination, tt acquired properties, got stock control. Impoverished competi tors and bought them In, and resorted to many Illegal practices to attain Us end. New England makes, tho bill says, about ,000,000,000 worth of products an nually and there Is consequently heavy movement to and from that section, so that a transportation monopoly there Is of vast Interest to every section of the I nltcd States. The government nllcRes that existing tc millions havo led to unreasonable, delay In delivering frclRht, use of Inferior and unsafe rolling stock, the lack of roper signal systems and safety dovlces, the destruction of tho autonomy of the units new combined In making rates, the sup pression of competition among theso units, the diversion of freight traffic- to the New Haven company, Bn effort to In 'Tease freight rates and dilatory and arbi trary methods In dealing with patrons. Demands) at the (lovernntr lit. The brief ts one of the most compfchen slve filed by the government In any simi tar suit. Today's bill asks that the New Haven bo stripped of Its ownership In the New England railroad, which parallels Its famous shore lino from Uoston to Now York, and that It be mado to give, up Its so-railed Sound steamship linen, the re tention of which was under the agree men', to bo loft to tho Interstate Com merce commission. It the court takes the view of tho case presented In the bill the New Haven may find Itself divested or almost everything but Us main line along the Connecticut and Ithode Island coast between New York and Boston,. with tJ-ort projections Into the Interior of these states. No mention Is made In the bill of the rights which the state of Massachusetts I aa in regard to the Uoston & Maine com pany, but it Is believed that Massachu setts will ask and receive the govern- ir-nt permission to Intervene In the esse ta preserve those rights. VISITING ATLETES AT WORK (Continued from rage One.) '('.imp. whose team was also the best In the tournament five years ago, Is 33 years old. and a native-born Bohemian, having been In the United States only eight years. He comes of a family of turners and has two brothers and a sister In this tourna ment Tbey are Charles. : Vaclav, , and !tose. 30, all of the Detroit Sokol. The champion lived at Detroit also, until his rcmantlo Sokol marriage and his removal to Cedar Rapids to take a position there. Wu Wife Willi- t'liaiiolonahlli. The girl he murrlMl was a turner girl, and he had known hsr only three weeka. When he entered, tho Amatbur Athletic i)!i n meet at New York he declared he We Offer You The Choice of All Our Mid summer Trimmed Hats Friday Hats That Were $12.50, $15 to $25 at the Low Prices of $1.50 and $2.95 $3.50 to $8.75 Untriramed Hats, all col- QCc ors and black; fifteen good shapes, for A Value-Giving Event That You Should Not Miss SUGGESTED AS BULL MOOSE AS SEMBLY CANDIDATE. MIIS. O, H. IN BELMONT. NEW YORK, July S3. Along with the names of former Governors Odell, Dlx, White, ami Suiter that of Mrs. O. H. I. Uelmont Is suggested by George Henry l'nyno as a candidate for tho assembly on tho bull mooso ticket, provldod that ticket Is headed by Colonel Roosevelt for governor. In a lengthy letter to Roosevelt Pay no saya: "Tho assembly of this stato Is a Joke, It Is a training school for boss' fledglings. If 100 men wcro willing to gtvo up-ln the spirit of Jury duty-a portion of their time to the state, the session would not last fifty days, the state would bo saved hundreds of thou sands of dollars, absurd legislation would be laughed to death nt its birth, corrup tion would become a Gargantuan mem ory and perhaps, who knows? we might have that strange and unheard-of thing a legislative body with an Imag ination and an Idea." would marry bis sweetheart If he won the championship. He did so, 'and was married the next dsy. fcver since then his wife has been till most ardent sup porter. In the morning contest the pre liminaries were held In callsthenlc drills by teams of six men from each city represented, and In all the apparatus work and the JOO-yard d'uah. Finals in tho side horse apparatus contest were reaohed. and the other apparatus finals were completed this afternoon. Running high and broad Jumps, ring work, pole vaulting, shot putting and other events were also held In the afternoon. Twenty-six Judges and numerous scor erf, timers and other officials were kept busy all day, and the big meet went off smoothly, with no hat prostrations and only one minor Injury, a slight ankle sprain sustained by one of the visiting athletes. Drs. Kalal and Louis and Frank Hwoboda were on hand, with a hospital tent and full first aid treat ment In case of emergency. Mrs. Dr. Stastny will look after the turner glrU when they compete Friday. Entries In the tournament Include the) Special Announcement 1,500 Remnants of beauti ful Wash Goods, everything from a waist length to a full dress pattern, for Monday's selling. See Sunday's papers for particulars. July Sale of White Goods 50c White Checked Dlinlty 35J J'nrd 5o Whlio Checked Dlinlty 25i '"l a5c White Hllklzcd Taffeta 15 yard 25c White Itcpp Suiting a yard July Sale Shirt Waist Linens 50c atMnch Linen Walstlng 25 yard 05c .10-Inch Linen WnlstliiK 332 ynrd 00c no-Inch Linen Wnlstlnjr. , 3)i n yard July Clearing Sale of Middy Blouses-Basement Final 'July Clearing Solo of high grado gala tea Middy Ulouses; some slightly mussed, in two lots, Friday: LOT 1. mouses values to $1.08, Clearing Sale. 08c LOT 2. Ulouses values to $1.00, Clearing Sale aoc STREETS following first and second division teams, In addition to a number of girls and Junior teams: First Division New York, 7; Chicago, 7, Baltimore, C; Cedar Rapids, 7; Long Island, 1; Omnha, 3, Second Division Now York, 3; Detroit, 7; Cleveland, 7; Chicago, 8; Oklahoma City, 1; Ccdnr Rapids, 7; Omaha, 4; South Omaha, 7; Milwaukee, ; Schuyler, 1; Bal timore, 1; Iowa City, 3; long Island, 1; St Paul, 1. ' Girls Knle rtnlneil. This afternoon thy visiting Turner girls woro the guests of tho local girls nt Carter lake for swimming, boating, a dinner and dancing In tho early evening. At 8:15 this evening tho singing club of the Omaha Sokol will give an entertain ment at Turner ball, followed by a dance. One of the features of tho tournament. wlll bo tho swimming contests to bo held Friday afternoon, cither In tho Young Men's Christian association plungo or nt Carter lake, That tho Turner contestants are sturdy and need no special training table or diet Is shown by t(io noonday meals fur nished thorn at Turner ball between tho morning and afternoon contests. Their menu today wus as follows: Breaded veal, cold baked beef, boiled potatoes, potato salad, bread and butter, oranges, bananas, Jelly rolls and coffee. Haw to Cure u Sprain. A sprain may be cured In about one third tho time required by the usual treatment by applying Chamberlain's Liniment and observing the directions with each bottle. For sals by all drug gists Advertisement Beatrice Loses Coal Rate Contention WASHINGTON. Jujy I.-Rates on coal from Milwaukee, Chicago, East St. Louis, southern Illinois fields, southern Iowa, northern Missouri, the Kansas-Missouri and Spadra. Ark., districts to Beatrice, Neb., were pronuunced not unduly pre judicial as compared to lower rates to Lincoln, by the Interstate Commerce com mission today, and a complaint by the Beatrice Commercial club was dismissed. Untitle rhaiiKri In lixeter. HXETBR. Neb., July 33.-Speclal.)-F. C. Meltner has disposed of his hanl waro business to James T. Hourvicks of Beaver Crossing, who Is now In charge. Mr. Meltner Intends removing to Kansas where he will engage In the lumber busi ness. W II. Taylor haa transferred his gen eral storo to his daughter, Ida M. Tay lor. Mr. Taylor was the longest In busi nes of any business man In Exeter. t.ood Outlook for furnoi, CAMBRIDGE, Neb.. July BS.-(Speclal.) This section of the state received MS Inohes of rainfall last night, which as sures the greatest corn crop ever raised here. The corn Is fully two weeka ahead of tho ordinary season and with the pres ent abundant moisture the most reserved estimates places the crop at a fifty to sixty-bushel average In Furnas county. Bee Want Ads are ot Inestimable value to both employer and employe. They cost but a trifle and urn nulrk In tirlnulnv returns Advertisement MAY USE THB6BHERAL FUND Board of Control Finds Way Out of Deficit Dilemma. MARTIN MAKES NEW RULING Stale Instllnllons thnt ro linn. nlate Low to llnre Help from Fnrty-Tiiiiasnnd-Ilollnr Appropriation. fFrom a Staff Correspondent 1 LINCOLN, Neb., July 53.-fSpc. lal ) A solution has at last been found by the Stato Board of Control of tho problem of making up deficits In the maintenance ! funds of the various state Institutions. Attorney General Martin has given out an opinion In which he says that It Is within tho power of tho board to use lo.CJU of Its general appropriation for the purpose of making up the deficit in the maintenance fund for the girls' Indus trial school This principle will apply equally well to deficits' occurring In the maintenance funds of the other state In stitutions under tho control of the board. Tho appropriations for several of theso Institutions, including tho penitentiary, aro running low, and tho ability of the board to use the general appropriation of IW.OOO solves the entire problem. Where Money Comes From. The attorney general rules that the last legislature mado on appropriation of H0, 000 to the board of commissioners of stato Institutions for the miscellaneous ex pendltures of the board, and for Inci dental expenditures for tho various In stitutions. The appropriation authorised the board to expend tho JW.OOO for such purposes as It might deem necessary. The attorney general makes It clear that in his opinion tho board may use this fund to mako up the deficit In tho school maintenance fund, but states that the altering of books and records In tho stats auditor's and state tracsurer's offices Is a question of bookkeeping with which he la not familiar, although these offices may recognlzo vouchers drawn on tho general appropriation for the maintenance fund of tho Geneva Institution. IlrnliuiKr, Suit Aiipenleil. Drainage district No. 1 of Richardson county has appealed to the supreme court from a Judgment of 7,000 returned against it by a Jury In the Richardson county dis trict court In connection with the straightening of the Nemaha river. Al bert S. and Roy Daggett were awnrde.t 1,000 damageH by the Board of ADorals- ers for damage done their mill, which is situated on tho river. The plaintiff do clared tho dralnago ditch took the water from the river nnd deprived their mill of power. Tho brothers appealed to tho dls trlct court and a Jury returned a vordlot awarding them 37,000 damages. The dralnago board Is shortening the river through Richardson county from a length of slxty-flve miles to a length of thlrty ono miles. Approvnl of Reapportionment. Chairman Epporson of the progressive wing of the republican party haa let It be known that he will move In the com ing state convention to put Nebraska re publicans on record as approving the re- aportionment lan of the national com mlttco for the next national convention. Appeal from Judgment. The Gagnebln-Wells Engineering coin any, Edward J. Cornish and Scllna C. Cornish have appealed to the supreme court from a Judgment of J7.60O obtained by Mike Dudslnzkl, for Injurlos received through tho alleged ncgllgonce of the de fendants. Dudzlnzkl was a carpenter em ployed by the engineering company In Eaat Omaha near Carter lako In tho construction of an Ice house, owned by Edward J. Cornish and Sellna C. Cornish. Call for State Warrant's. All outstanding state warents, total Ing about 3a,000, have been called In by Stato Treasurer George. These war rants have been Issued since July 1, all prior Issue having recently been called In. Large remittances received from various county treasurers. Including thoso of Douglas and Lancaster, has made pos sible the taking up of the warrants. In addition to these remittances the treas urer has been using the money In the univorslty building fund. UeTlsliiK Ilurnl Study. The stato committee on the revision of tho rural school course of study, this morning mot in the office of State Su IKHlntendcnt Dclzell. The members of tho committee present were: W. A. Voder, Claud I Alden, Mary E. Foster, Aletta Neff and Edith A. Lathrop, Ynrdsge Hearing Set. The state .railway commission haa set October C, as the date for hearing the Union Stock Yards company of Omaha In the matter of yardage .rates. Neiv Phonei System. Tho Stato Board of Control this morn ing awarded thee ontract for the installa tion of an Intercommunicating telephone system at the Norfolk 'hospital for the in sane, to the Stromsburg-Carlson Tele phone company of Dea Moines, la. The contract price was a little 'iver $1,000. The Norfolk Institution fa operated 00 the cottage basis and a largo number of tcolophnes aro necessary for the various buildings. The state has been paying tel ephone rontats to tho amount of $300 a year besides rentals for the cable. Knox Flttnres Lower. The total valuation for Knox county this year la $5,821,733, according to tho re port of the assessor of that county this morning received by Secretary Seymour of the Stato Board of Equllazatlon. The decrease for this year Is about $17,000, tho figures for 1913 showing $5,8U,S97. These figures aro on the assessed valuation which Is ona-flfth of tho actual valuation. No Mor Distilleries The Stato Railway commission has can celled the date of the hearing on distil lery products from Stoux City to Omaha, because the distilleries no longer exist Candidates In Arthur, In Arthur county, the new county created by the last legislature, a full set of candidates are out for the various of fices. Both democrats and republicans have full tickets In the field accordm,? to a private list of candidates that Is be ing tabulated by Deputy Auditor Minor. In Banner county the list of candidates Is far from complete, there being no can didates for some of the offices and but one candidate for others. The republican and socialist parties are the only one having candidates entered. Ilualneka Changes at Laurel, LAUREL. Neb., July 23.-(Speclal.) The clothing firm of Henry Bros., Laurel and Wakefield, was dissolved today. A, T. Henry, resident manager at Laurel since the establishment of the store here five years ago, retiring. Elmer Henry, son of C. A. Henry, the Wakefield partner, succeeds to the management here. Work Is In progress repairing the school building and furnishing a room In the basement as a gymnasium. About $1,000 will be expended. ALIENS ABOLISH RACE SUICIDE PERIL, SAYS SHE. EbbEIb1&. " ' Isbbbbbb!? 1 DR. S JOSEPHINE BAKER. NEW YORK, July 23. As long as for clgn Immigration continues there can be no race sUlcldo In this country, says Dr. 8. J. Baker, head of the bureau ot child hygiene. "Allen women rear larger fam ilies than Amcrlcan-born women," she says, "but even without them I should not fear race suicide, because I believe people aro as Interested In babies as they ever were." Sheriffs Will Meet in Cincinnati Next LINCOLN. Neb., July 23.-Clnclnnatl, O . was named ns tho next annual meet ing place ot the International Sheriffs' association at the final business sesston of tho convention, which closed hero shortly after midnight. Amalgamation with the International associations of po lice chiefs and railroad special agents, was discussed, and a committee appointed to confer with committees from the other organizations with a view to forming an International peace officers' association. The convention of tho sheriffs In 1915 will be held at the same time tho other offi cers convene at Cincinnati. Officers elected at the closing business session were: Louis Eckhardt of Daven port, la., president; L. G. Calder, Saska toon, Canada, vice president, and Wil liam A. Gerber of St. Paul, Minn., sec retary. All wcro re-elected. Eight Drug Victims Ask to Be Locked Up ROCHESTER, N. Y., July 23.-Driven desperate by their Inability to purchase heroin, cocaine, morphine and other habit forming drugs since July 1, when the new state law prohibiting the sale of thoso drugs becamo effective, eight victims of drugs, nil young men, applied to tho po lice yesterday and today and asked to bo locked up. Several of the men declared that If they were not placed In confine ment they feared they would cither com mit murder or self-destruction. To meet tho situation steps have been taken to open a hospital for the detention and treatment of the victims and others who may apply. DEATH RECORD. Sir. SuMnnna II. Slnkelln, MADISON. Neb., July 22.-(Spoclal.)-Mrs. Susanna B. Makelin, wife of Will lam Makelin, passed away yesterday af ternoon at the family residence, death re sulting from general complications. Pu rlin na Batten was born December IS, IS&t. at Schamburg, 111. She was married to William Makelin in 1S75. In 1SS3 the deceased, with her husband and young family came to Madison county and took up their home on a farm a few miles south of Madison, where they lived and prosperled until some four years ago, when they retired to the pres ent residence In this city. The deceased Is survived by her husband, William Makelin; five daughters, Mrs. Joseph Llnder, Mrs, John Jacobsen, Mrs. Den nis Vanoyen, Mrs. Will Harvey nnd Mrs. AValtcr Loutch and two sons, John W. and F. C.; nlso one sister, Mrs. Mark Richardson of this city. David Scott. NORTH BEND, Neb., July 23.-(8pe-clal.) The funeral of David Scott, who was tho oldest resident of North Bend, took ploco this afternoon. Mr.. Scott, who was born In Ireland In 1R21, had lived In Dodge county since 1S63. His widow, four sons and four daughters sur vive. HYMENEAL. neeker-IIanimmiU. EXETER, Neb.. July 23.-(Speclal.)-Mlss Anna Margaret Hammond, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hammond, pio neer residents of Exeter, and Mr. Matthias Becker, also of Exeter, were united In marriage by Rev. Father W. McDonald, pastor ot the Catholic church here, at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning. A recep tion and dinner was given them at the home of the bride's parents at noon. They will mako their home here. Note from II eat rice. BEATRICE, Neb.. July 23.-(Speclal.)-Charglng that on two occasions her hus band threatened her life with a revolver, Eunice Brown of Bameston Wednesday filed suit for divorce from Charles E. Brown. She prays for a divorce and ali mony. Dr. D .A. Walden. who located In Bea trice In tho early seventies, died suddenly at his home In this city. Ho was one of the bebt known physicians and sur geons In this section ot the state and was prominent In Mason circles, being a Knights Templar and a Shrlner. Ho Is survived by his widow and two sons, County Judge H. D. Walden and Dr. C. W. Walden. both of this city. nrrge Speaks at Albion. ALBION, Neb.. July a-(Spolal.) George W. Berge spoke here last evening to a fair sized crowd on the court house Mjuare. He dovoted his entire time to a careful analysis of the state expenses and outlined his Ideas for an Improved administration of economy INYESTIGATEPATIENT DEATH Coroner of Des Moines Looking Into Clubbing Man to Death. OFFICER USES HIS CLUB Eye-Witness Declare Pollecmnn AV'nn Extremely Rnuah In Hand ling John Doyle Pntchln Detailed to London. (From a Staff Correspondent DES MOINES. July 2J.-(Speclal Tele gramsCoroner James Lee and the po lice department nre today making two separate Investigation Intn the rinth nt j John Doyle, escaped patient from the In- sano ward of the county poor farm, who wp.M ctubbed to death last night by Mounted Patrolman William Bahlor near southwest .Ninth street and Caulder avenue, whllo resisting arrest. j One of the only two eyc-wltneses to tho ciunoing 01 uoyio 101a uoroncr Lee this morning that Bahler had used his club I cxeccsslvcly and that If he bad been I able to get out of the house In time she would have prevented further clubbing, Tho eye-witnesses Mrs. Tom Glllcsplo, wife of the custodian of South park. Patchln to London. Phillip Patchln, former well known Des Moines newspaper man, has been made London correspondent of the New York Trlbuno and with his wlfo and baby will sail for England shortly. Mr. Patchln has but lately returned to New York from Mexico, whero he was one of the ten men representing big eastern papers to Interview Huerta. Prior to that ho was the Tribune's correspondent to China. PLATFORM OFJOWA DEMOS (Continued from Page One.) child labor in such a manner as to abol ish It; pledgee painstaking Investigation of the roads question In tho state, so that money spent for Improvements may bo spent to the best advantage: favors changes In the workmen's compensation law so ns to do away wtilt the present unjust discrimination In favor of un married men; declares for physical valua tion of railways of the state as a means of fixing on adequate rates; favors gov eminent ownership of telephone and tel egraph lines that private monopoly of thcso means of communication may bo abolished. The platform opposes the contract labor system In tho stato reformatories and declares that prison labor should not. be brought Into competition with freo labor; favors legislation that will give the traveling salesman, railroad man and others whose employment keeps them almost constantly away from home the right to vote wherever they may Chance to be on election day. The New Committee, Dr. J. W. Reynolds was chosen chair man of the new central committee for tho coming year. This was dono at an even ing meeting of the new committee. Reynolds Is from Union county. The now central committee by districts Is as fol lows: Second District, August B. Balluff, Scott county. , Third District, Charles Rogers. Harden county. Fourth District, Tom Donovan. Chlcwa sow county. Fifth District, S. C. Hub, Tama county. Sixth District, L. S. Ivcnnlngton, Jasper county. Seventh District, H. H. Crenshaw. Dal las county. Eighth District, Dr. J. W. Reynolds, Union county. Ninth District, J. J. Hughes, Pottawat tamie county. Tenth District, W. J. Branagan, Palo Alto county. Eleventh District. Earl Uronson, Clay county. Stnml by 'Wilson, While tho convention waited for the report of the resolutions committee, sev eral speeches woro made. National Com mitteeman Martin J. Wade spoke In bo halt of the democracy In general and President Wilson In particular. He also announced that ho had not been for Wil son in the primary campaign In 1912 but had been a Champ Clark man, "How ever, after tho convention," he said, "every true democrat In tho land was for Woodrow Wilson." He was cheered on this, point. John T. Hamilton, candidate for gover nor spoke, saying he had no quarrel with the rank and file of tho republican party, but felt that he and his party could administer a better nnd more economical government for the state than the re publicans had done. Henry Volmer, congressman from tho Second district, grow heated In his speech snd echoed some of tho religious fight that had entered Into the state primaries. Connolly Is a Catholic. He defeated Meredith, a Protestant, in the primary fight for the nomination for the United States senate. He said there was really no occasion for making it a religious fight, nnd announced that all tho talk of a "monaco" is Idle, and that "the only menaco I lecognlze arc the conscience less A. P. A. assassins." Bee Want Ads are an Index of today's necessities a tabulation ot the things that are the most sought for, the most needed In the business world and the realm of the household. Advertisement. GRAND ISLAND COUNCILMAN DIES FROM HEART FAILURE GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. July 23.-(Spe- cial Telegram.) Ras Rasmusson, council- man, was found dead in his barn this I morning. Rasmussen, who conducted a j retail grocery, arose early to feed the! delivery horse and, as Investigation j shows, waa stricken with heart failure. Ho leaves four children, the oldest 11 years. The wife died two years ago. The coroner found no Inquest necessary. New Mnaontc I.odae at Rzeter. BXETKR, Neb.. July 21-Speclal.)-( The Masons of Exeter and vicinity have completed the Institution and dedication of their lodge and the election and in stallation of the officers. Grand Master Thomas Davis and Grand Custodian Rob ert E. French conducted the ceremonies before a very large number of delegates and visiting members from other neigh boring lodges. The following officers were Installed: Worshipful master, II Jennings; senior warden, Frank Alns- ntortli; junior warden, A. 8. Ingels; treasurer, W. H. Taylor; senior deacon, J. R. Klotz; secretary, George Sprague; junior deacon, Fred Neumann; tyler, W R. Graul. Ilncklen's Arnica Salve Should be in every home, ready to apply to all burns, bruises, sores, cuts and scalds, heals quickly. Sc. All druggists. Advertisement v. az d-f m ii vim Dr. Bradbury, Dentist 1S0S Farnara. Phono 3. 17S? 21 Tears Same Offlcs. SAFETY FIRST PAINLESS OPERATIONS Money-Back Guarantee If we cannot please you ACrown or Bridge Tooth $2.50 Up Dost Work Warranted 10 Years. Send for Illustrated nooklet nre. V SPECIAL TRAIN TO Lake Okoboji For the accommodation' of those wishing to attend the Woodmen of tho Worlfil Encampment at Lake Okoboji July 27th to August 1st. the CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. FAUX BAHWAY will run a npeclal train, leaving Omaha at S A. M. Monday. July 27th. to arrive at the Lakes about 5 P. M. same day. Special train return ing will leave Okoboji at 8 A. M. August 1st. arriving at Omaha about 5 P. M. Round trip fare 8.20. Information andi tickets at CITY TICKET OFFICE 1317 rarnom Street, Omaha W. O. W. Bldg. W. E. BOCK, C. IV A I TEETHING BABIES SUFFER IN HOT WEATHER USE Mrs Jinsfow's Soothing Syrup A SPLENDID REGULATOR PURE! V WFCCTHW PMOT UADPnTIO SCHOOLS AND COLLEOES NEBRASKA MILITARY ACADEMY It is time to select a school for your boy. The Zfsbraska Military Academy offers healthful location, modern fire proof buildings, the best cure and in struction. Good roams, good beds and good things to eat. Prepares for col lege nnd business. Knrolliuuiit has be gun. School opens September 16th. For information, visit tho school, talk to our patrons nnd address B. B, HAYWAED. Superintendent. Lincoln, Nebraska. DUBUQUE COLLEGE DBf0r (Formerly SL Joseph's collect) BoardingSchool for Boys K m I II eh b'chool tnd Collet Courses letdlni to Dschelor of Arts. Uacbelor of Letters ni riictnlor of Hcl-noo dtsrees. Illustrated Soureuir sad Csttlocus Seal on rn quest Finlay Engineering College AM Bruchet EBctnserlnf ; enrsU sy lira; nschloery in errstios; std nljhl seuws. Plnlsy Bids.. 101k ul Itidltru. K. C Me. Att rof caltlegs A. nunc test S9k.J AMl.SIJMISNTS. Tel Jed Sokol Gymnastic Tournament at Rourke's Base Ball Park JULY 23-26 Inclusive, 9 A. M. to 6 P. K, Tickets on sale at Myers-Dillon Drug Company. Townsend Gun Company. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co, Mosher Cigar Store. 13th and Farnam, Cermak. Druggist, 13th and William, Qsneral Admission, 25o and 50c B erred Seats 75c. S 4