Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 24, 1914, Page 10, Image 10

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    HIE BEE: OMArLA, FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1014.
Carothcrs Says Reports of Friction
Between Them False.
Drlraratr from Cnrlmjnl I,enve
Vrxa Crna lo Meet Cnrrnnm nt
Tnmplco linrly Settle,
tnent Bxprctetl.
WASHINGTON'. July . - 8e-rctary
Bryan, encouraged by hi late! ttlfpat h
from Special Agent (.'arethcrs, today
Issued this statement-
"Carothcrs, special representative ot tho
State department, telegraphed from El
Paeo that he consider as unfounded nil I
rumors of another break between llln
And Csrranxa. Ale.i Plates bonier situa
tion Is much lmproee.-'
A delegate authorized by Provisional
President Carbajal to negotiate for terms
of peace with General Carranin was due
to leave Vera Cruz today for Tnmp'co.
IWlthln two or three days nn arnlHtico
suspending hostilities throughout Mexico
Is expected. Carranza already has noti
fied the State department he will agree
Messages from Provisional President
Carbajal to that effect wetc shown tod.iy
by his iH-rsonal representative, Jonc t'ns
tellot, to Secretary Bryan.
Mr. Castellot said the report. from
Mexico City to the effect that an stm""'
tlce already had been signed were pre
rrature, but with the nrrlval of the Car
bajal delegated at Carranza' headquar
ters such a truce would be made
Word was received from General Car
ranza by his agents here that he Intended
to spend but a few days In Tamph'o. re
turning then to Kaltlllo. He wired that
ha had ordered General Gonzales and his
forces at San Luis Potosl to proceed at
once to Qucrctaro to form a Junction
with the forces of General Obregon. No
mention was made of orders to Villa,
but a brigade haa occupied Agua Call
cntes. Carranxa's telegrams spohe ot the
occupation of that city by constitution
alists, but did not oay who was In com
mand, Cnrrnnm Ailrlcr Mnrtrrntlnti.
VICTORIA, Mex., July a -(Via Laredo,
Tex., July a.) General Carranxa today
advocated leniency In "treatment ot tho
conquered by the victorious constitution
alists." His statement was made In a
speech at a banquet tendered by Vic
toria citizens
General Carranza said It must never be
forgotten that all Mexicans are brothers,
but declared he could not extend tho hand
of brotherhood to those directly Impli
cated In the deaths of Francisco Madera
and Pino Saurez. No leniency, he said,
could be expected for those who took an
active part In overthrowing the constitu
tional government of Mexico and the
murder of Its president and vice president.
Tho law would be observed strictly, ho
said, and those charged with participating
In the crime would bo Judged according
to the law.
Bmbnrgn oil He vnlntlonliil.
EL PASO, Tex., July 23.-A double en
forced embargo on munitions along the!
Texas-Now Mexican border went Into ef
fect today. General Course Hell, Ji., In
charge at Fort Miss, Issued orders that
no revolutionary officers be allowed to
cross this sldfi of the international line.
Those already on this side will bu de
ported by the military. The border patrol
also wna reported as having received new
orders regarding munition smuggling.
General Villa, who Is visiting his former
mountain homo In western Chihuahua,
haa remained silent regarding what papt
his troops will play In the entry Into
Mexico City. Villa's forces could not
move south within threo woeks, It was
estimated. Announcement that Villa would
visit tho border hern before Koliiff south
completed tho belief that he would take
no part In the provccdlna'-
Carranxa's agents here today said thnt''ow among tho general public as to the
the commandcr-ln-chlef would return I
frohf Tamplco, visiting Saltlllo and cast
orn Texas border points before going to
Mexico City. It was snld that Carranza
had left matters pertaining to the situa
tion at tho capital In tho hands ot Gen
erals' Obregon and Gonzales.
Banker Given Three
Years for Falsifying
Report to the State
ABERDEEN, . D., July 3.-(Kpcc'.al 1
Telegram.) In circuit court for Corson
county at Mcintosh late yesterday after
noon Harry A. Lamb, fotmcr president of
v eted or rn, "V,:,n !
. n,nii.,
state banking department and
to serve three years In the state
tlary at Sioux Kails. Tho trial
Intosh had been on for a week.
Jim Martin and W. K. Coulter aro
under arrest charged with trying to pass
a forged check at Columbia, B. D. Mar
tin Is alleged to havo copied a check
given him by a farmer for labor and
Coulter Is accused of trying to cnih tli
Louis Nloht, a farmer near Frederick,
missing for a week, was found In a local
hospital suffering from blood poltonlng.
He entered a hospital a week ago.
neglecting to get anyone to look after
his live stock or growing grain or to
tell anyonu of his whereabouts.
" .
YANKTON., 8. D.. July 3.- Special.)
WV. . Y....I .. nH .11 1 .. ......... ,A n
...... . ,. '
6( waa found Wednesday three miles
below Tankton. qulto nude, and In a sit- -
no signs of clothes anywhere uround
and the nlann Im nnn nf th mmit lnldt-t
along the river, with no toads and with tOLUMUUB. Nnn.. July .-(Ppecla
a luxuriant growth of underbrush and ' Telegrnm.)-The Platte county democratic ( NORFOLK. NK, July J..-(Si-clal Tel
weeds. Parties going down tho river In I convention held hero today elected dele- (ogram)-Harold Oldham of Winner K D.,
a skiff found the body. The man had evl-! gatoa to the state . convention and gave 'today won tho tennis singles ohamplon-
dently been dead a few days. He was I
. . ... .... 1
short and heavy set, with gray lialr. He
mark&bly small and white hands, well
cared for were a notable feature, about
the unknown. There was no tlgn ot foul
Play and the absence of clothes ncl the
posture of the body makes tho affair
quite mysterious.
Bee Want Ads are read carefully by
finders of lost articles, and have been
the means of quickly reslarins many an
article of value to its rlnhtful owner.
Unrnrll Defrnta trntrnl CM v.
BURWBLL. Neb.. July 3. -(Special i master at White Ciay, Sheridan county,
Telegram.) Burwell made It straight by I Neb., vice Charles B. Ilrooks. resigned.
defeating Central City today, to I The j Bids were opened today at the Treas
features of the game wore the rleUllns ury department for the construction ot
and batting at Smith and the baltlnc ot , (de public building at Iemars, la. The
Murnhy ot Uurwell. Hoore: U.1I.U 1 i,i(!Hnt nnd the class of stone bid UDon
Burwell 10 3 0 0 0 8 1 0-4 11 J
Central City .0 0001010 0-S7S
Tnbie Rock Defmta TfcomifU,
TABLE JtOCK. Neb.. July Sl-Table
m Itock ball team went to Tooumseh Tues
, day fteouoj and defeated that team T
Called Strike of All
ft VHlHjjK ' ftYPflPHr aalLaLaLaLaV9f
.President Players' Fraternity,
Impression Gains Ground that Solu
tion Will Be Reached.
Hiiiiii- Inillcntlnnn thnt MlirrnU mid
t'nlonlNtu Will Itrnrli A nr ref
ill Mil Outstrip Conference
Culled by Kin ir.
LONDON, July 33,-The tiding over of
today's critical scrslon of the conference
at Buckingham palace on the Ulster situ
ation without tlio occurrence of n rup
turo created a decidedly more hopeful
outcome of tho discus? Ions between the
statesmen representing the different par
ties. Among Liberals and Unionists thero
exists an linpresxlon that a settlement
will bo reached, If not by the conference
Itself, then outside of It. Tho National
ists show less confidence.
The finding ot n solution' still hlngcsj
eniirniy on mo niscovcry oi a compro
mise In icgard to the' thorny problem' as
to whether the coilnlles of Tyrone and
Feimanagh shall bo Included In the aren
which the adherents of Sir Edward Car
sun, the I'Ister Unionist leader, demand
shall be allowed to vote as a wholo on
the subjret of exclusion -from tho control
of the Diiblln Parliament.
Tho Xutlonaltrts are. ready to allow tho
four eastern counties of Ulster to vote
- ""nglo nro. but claim that Tyrone
aml ''rmanaKh must each be allowed
to rnHl (.cparute county voto ru ug-
kri o"6r': 1M
The meeting today was a little more
piotructed than tho previous ones. It
wbn attended by Premier Asqulth, chan
cellor' of the exchequer, David Lloyd
George, representing tho government;
Andrew Honnr l.w and the marquis of
Lansdowne, representing tho conserva
tive opposition: John K, Iledmond and
John Dillon of tho Irish Nationalists,
and -Sir ISdwurd Carson und Captain
Jambs Cralgtof the Vlster Unionist.
From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. July .-(Siriclnl Telo-
tram ) The comptroller of the currency j
nan approved inn aypiiimii'ii iu umnuiav
tho First National bank of Dundee. Neb.,
- .k.i tviwv n t i,r.rtt V ! nodce ,
capltol S.0!. G. IJbscM. I. I . "oa
1r L. Snoncer and F. . Clarke are the
Jr" , 0'VI,lcr n,m
Chris Oruenther a very strong enuorse-,
. . 1 . . 1 lUtn'.
inont for the Internal revenue collector's
Mrr Ilnln in Gnue Connty.
H1SATH1CR. Neb., July Sl-tSpeclU
Telegram.) The drought was broken here
this evening by a nice rain. Showers are
reported to have fallen at itockford, Fil
ley and other ponts In Gage county.
.Urpnrtiucjtt Order.
WASHINGTON, July. 23. Spcclal Tele
nram.) Nebraska pensions granted: Otto
,F. Illlyeu, Omaha, tlO; Sarah (.'. IJndi&y,
CrolKhtou. Ill
otto A. liatel has been appointed post-
, were B, foUows Herman Construction
company, m. Iouls. mo., xor limestone,
Jtt.970: Klnc taimber company ot Char
lottesvllls. Va.. for limestone, W.400; for
sandstone. ,600.
Dr. Leopold Phelan haa been appointed
aa pension aurgeon at Grand Island, Neb,
on recommendation, of Senator Hitchcock.
Big League Players
Australasia Defeats
Canada in Tennis
CHICAGO, July 23, Australasia scored
a one-lded victory over Canada In tho
first clash of the Davln cup elimination
matches hero today. In Btrulght sets,
Anthony F. Wilding of New Zealand de
feated n. F. Powell of British Colum
bia, 6-1, 6-2, 6-2, 'and Norman Brookes
won from B. P. Hchwengers, 6-1, fi-2, 6-2.
Outclassed practically In every depart
ment, the Canadians played dosicrutcly
for every ,6lnt.
The result gives tho Australians a
big advantage, since to win thu scries
now the Canadians must take the double
tomorrow and both the singles mutches
un Saturday. After the lay today crltlcls
wore unwilling to concede the latter any
thing, but an outside chance.
PITTSUUncm. July 23.-Tbo Pitts
burgh team In an elghth-lnnlng rally
camo frome behind In the gar today
with Indianapolis and wont out, C to 3,
Kcoro: K.H.E.
Indlariapolls ..1 0100010 0-3 93
Pittsburgh .. .0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 -6 9 2
Batteries; Mosoloy and-Toxtcr; Dickin
son and Knotzer; TtobertH and Berry.
Baltimore, July 23. Baltimore was
luckier than St. Louis nnd won today's
gam8,'8 to 4. St. Louis' single error per
mitted tho locals to score two runs In
the fourth Inning, when they should have
1 been retired without a run.. Score;
. 'V't13;
IMS!!? :::: mom? JImJ!
TtaitnrtrH! naltlmore. Sutras and Jack-
lltsch: St, Louis, Groom and Chapman.
I , ;
tlloomflMd -Vletnrluua.
BLOOMKIELD. Neb., July 23. (Special
Telegram ) IHoomfleld defeated Hartlns
ton on the home grounds. The tcorc:
nioomflcld .. .0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 3 -3 6 3
llartlngton ...0 nOOOlOO 0-133
lJatterles: Hloomflold, Hires and l'at
ten; llartlngton, Adams and Wyman.
' ' Laurel Oiitplnya HnnUolph.
LA I'll HI,, Neb., July 23.-(8pecttt! Tele
gram.) Laurel defeated Randolph today
In a battnlg Hwatfcst, lu to 6. Anderson,
I'eok nnd Depew were the Laurel battery;
Cortney and Tift for Randolph. Hits.
Luurcl, 12", Randolph, 6. Umpire: Pom
c roy.
Ilnmltler AN-nut Cntne.
The South Omaha Ramblers are with'
out a game for Hunday, July !o. and would
HKe to hear from any fast team. In or
out of le city. Address M. Prucha, 918
North Twenty-first street, or tall South
38 after 6 p. m.
Bi,ip 0f tho Norlhwosiern .-senrasita
. . 1 .... .1 -. I .. (M..irU. r
uoplntloo, by defeating Churles M.
Mathewson ot Walthlll. in thft xinaw
and then beating the aup holder, nev. K.
M. Drullner of Plattsmouth, Neb., In
straight sets, 6-!. 6-1. 6-!.
Commencing June 1st, Nickel PlaW
Road Ua tickets Chicago to New York
nnd return, itT.OO. Boston and return,
135.00. Also variable routos. Liberal atop-
ovtrs. Inquire local agent, or address
John Y. Calahan. A. G. P. A.. 60 W,
Adams St. Chicago.
Inna New Notes.
DBNISON The Chautauqua at Denlson
which 'closed Thursday night has been
a, decided success. A sufficient . guarn
tee has been made for tho securing ot
the chautauaua next vear.
IOWA FALLS K. M. Thompson, who
wa run 'down by a switch enslno In thin
city several days ago, died at tne tills
worth' hosrrftsJ. In thla city. Wediieodav
Jte was about 60 year old and lived in
TCaat Iowa Fall where he waa engaged
in trucx gardening.
Five Workmen Killed 'in Street
Clash with Cossacks.
llnndrp ilsnil Twenty Thnmsnd 3Ien
Are Idle In Cnpllal -Attempt
to Destroy tlir Water
ST PETERSBURG, July -At leaat
five striking workmen woro killed and
eight seriously wounded during tho fight- i
Ing In the streets of SL Petersburg be
tween strikers and Cossacks, which con- j
tinned throughout tho night and ceased I
only at dawn Hits morning. Throe police
officials also are known to have been se
verely Injured.
Tho figures quoted are official, but It Is
generally understood that tho casualties
as It la thought thoy concealed a number
of their dead and wounded.
Official returns of the number of men
who have quit work glvo the total of 120,-
000 In the city Itr.elf. These Include the
street car employes, but do not comprise
a la gc number of skilled laborers In tho
building and other trades.
Troops lie troy Ilnrrlrndr'n.
Men carrying red flags spent the night
marching and singing revolutionary songs
In the outlying open spaces of tho capital,
while In the Vlborg district they cut down i
telegraph poles and upset a number of
vans, with which they constructed bar
ricades across the streets, from tho shel
ter of which they stoned tho pollco and
I Cossacks. Tho mob Is also accused ot
having fired somo revolver shots. Tho
strikers, however, eventually dispersed,
' and the barricades were destroyod, but
only after the police and soldiers had
been subjected to hot attacks with vol
leys of Btonrs In four different parts of
tho city and had fired volleys from their
revolvers In return.
At nn early hour this morning the strik
ers attempted to set fire to the Samson
bridge leading across tho river to the
Vlborg district, nnd they also tried to
destroy the neighboring water works, but
a strong detachment of pollco arrived In
time to prevent It.
l'lirm Iloiiftp II n run, 1
EU8T1S, Neb., July a (Special Tele- I
gram.) Tlio farm house of Prod Puis,
iouth of Kustls, was complotely destroyed 1
by flro of unknown ciiuse Into this aftor
..oon. Tlio men were away threshing.
Mrs, ruin and small children were alone
when It was discovered that tho entire
roof was ablaze. Neighbors saw the
smoko and gave tho emergency ring on
tho telophono line. Practically everything
In the houso was saved. No Insurance
was carried.
Not So Strnnffe After All.
Tou may think It strango that so many
people are cured of stomach trouble by
Chamberlain's Tablets. Tou would not,
however, If you should glvo them a trial.
They strengthen and Invigorate the stom
ach and enable It to perform Its func
tions naturally. Mrs. Roots Hish,
Wabash, Ind., writes. "Nothing did mo
the least good until I began using Cham
berlain's Tablets. It Is decidedly tho best
medtclno for stomach trouble I have ever
used." For sale by all dealers.
NfiW VUKK. 1' iv "
physicians say 1ip Im dlng of tuber
culosis, Mrs. Grace Kltrh t'jimer. through
her attorney. Miss Lucllo Pugh, Is press
ing her divorce action against Itoy W
Conger, son of Edward Hurd Conger.
United States minister to China during
the lloxcr rebellion. Mrs. Conger, who Is
n niece of the late Clyde Fitch, the play
wright, declares that her husband gave
her but 110 a week to live on; before
their marriage he said he waa esormoualy
It is wise to get rid quickly of
ailments of tho organs of diges
tionof headache, languor, de
pression of spirits tho troubles
for which tho beat corrective is
71U larsi SaU of A my UtdUint in tk TTVrtJ,
eM TcxjTrtr. is boxes, 10, 2 Sc.
I lHHH ill
Mi;.- v i. -U 1 1
Vlthouh three II
We Extend a Hearty Wel
come to Omaha's
Make Yourselves
Perfectly at Homo.
Don't Miss Friday's Sale of Blue Serge Suits
Wonderful SilkGlear
ance Bargains Friday
Over 3,000 Yards of Remnants of 20 to 36
inch Silks in lMi to 10-yard lengths, all
kinds of weaves and colorings Pongees,
Taffetas, Novelties, Jap Silks, etc., 50c to
75c a yard values, in two f Q- 2ftft
big lots at, yard IOC"W0
Fine Silk Poplins--$1.00 quality, in 36 to
46-inch widths, good line of the most pop
ular colorings; at. yard 68c
on to 80-inch Tub Silks, in all silk and silk mix
tures, beautiful patterns, will launder perfectly
yard 38ci and 68
$1.00 Mock Chiffon Dress Taffetas, messolines and
peau de Boles, 36 inches wide; on sale, yard.7gi
59c quality, 27 Inches wide, yard 38i
75c quality, 27 inches wide, yard 48
$1.00 quality, 30 Inches wide, yard 68
EtesnEiaiit Oay in Our Popular Domestic Room Friday
Thousands upon thousands of long remnants of Poplins, Lawns, Batistes, Ginghams,
Linens, Towelings, Crash, etc., arranged for quick sale on five big tables
Remnants worth 5c to
10c yard; all at ono
price, yard ...3J4c
A big shipment of those beautiful new Prlntod
Crepes bo much In demand Just received, 25c yard
values; ono day, Friday, at, yard 15J
18c Printed Crepe, small figures, yard 10t3
$1.25 Pure Linen Table Cloths, at 79c
$1.50 Pure Linen Table Cloths, at
$1.98 Pure Linen Table Cloths, at SX.35
Underwear Seotion
Domestic Room. Friday
's, Ladies'
dron's Hosier', all sizes,
12Mc values at SVsC
Ladies' Mnsliii Combination
Suits, Gowns and Skirts
lace and embroidery trim
med, 75c values at 49c
Men's Balbriggan Union
Suits, all sizes; regular 50c
values, at 35c; 3 for $1.00
Ladies ' and O h i 1 d r e n 's
Gaiwc Vests, 121i;c values,
at 5c
Men's Blue Chambray Work
Shirts, all sizes, 14 to 17,
guaranteed perfect, 50c val
ues at 35c; 3 for... $1.00
Children's Gauze Union
Suits, sizes 2 to 10 years;
25c values at 10c
Towels, assorted bath towels
and huclc, worth 15c, ca. lOf
Pure linen hemmed Huck Tow
els nnd colored bordered Bath
Towels, values to H9c, on sale,
each 25d
Toweling by the yard, pure
flax, 15c values, yard. . .10i
Pattern Table Cloths, bleached
or silver bleached, puro flax,
$2.98 values, each... $1.98
Tablo Padding, off the bolt,
heavy and double faced, 29c
values, yard 21i
20 Pounds
The best high grade flour, maile
from No. 1 selocted wheat. Nothing
finer for bread, pies or cakes, par
48-lb. sack L05
10 bars Beut 'Era All, Diamond C,
Lenox or Laundry Queen White
Laundry Soap . . ......... ,85o
10 lb. sack White or Yellow Cornmeal
for 190
6 cans Oil or Mustarrt Sardines, .aso
A cann Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn. .250
The best Domestlo Macaroni, Vermi
celli or Spaghetti, pkg 7Mo
Tall cans AlaHka Salmon ...lOo
6 lbs, choice Jupait Hlco .350
4 lbs. Fancy Japan nice. 10c quality.
for a5
K. C. Corn Flakes, pkg. ...6o
Fancy Quoen Olives, quart ..... . ?5o
McLaren's Peanut lluttor. lb... 130
Large bottles Worcester Sauce, puro
Tomato Catsup or Pickles, assorted
klndh. bottle ;.V80
3-lb. cani Baked Beans, with pork,
at ; 8
1-lb. can Baked Beans, plain 4o
Wild Cherry Phosphate or Root Beer
t. - m-a .ummnr rirlnk hnttln TOO
32-01. Jars puro Fruit Preserves. 33o
? y
Yes, they're wool serge, well tailored with hand
padded shoulders, hair cloth fronts; coats mo
hair lined. The greatest snap ever in Omaha
at the price; sizes 33 to 44 bust
Values In
TABLE 2. ,
Remnants worth 7 Wo
to 16c yard; at ono
price, yard 55
Romnants worth 10c
to 18c yard; at one
price, yard . . .7
$1.00 Bed Spread.
In the Domestic Room
Cloak Department
100 Nobby Tailored Suits
and Silk Dresses that sold
at $10 and $12, at. .$3.95
Silk and Net Waists Up to
$3.00 values, at 95t5
Silk Underskirts, in all col
ors, to $3.00 values, at 89c
75c Summer Waists, sateens
and -white, all sizes, pretty
stylos; choice 192
75c Petticoats, black and col
ors; on sale at 35 i
75c Bungalow Aprons. . .35
Ladles and Children's Aprons,
15c values; Friday at. . . .5
Children's 35c Play Dresses,
at 15J
Ladles' AVash Waists. .. .39
Wash Dress Skirts, worth to
$1.50, pretty styles, at. .39
$1.00 Long Kimonos, lawn and
challles, sale price 49
House Dresses, made to sell at
$1.00; sale price 39
Friday Specials in the
Busy Crockery Department
On Fou
Fancy China Sugars and
Creamers Big assortment
of $1.00 values; over
400 pairs at, choice.
Sanitary Jar Caps Fit
Mason jars; on sale JIft
at, dozen IWv
Good Quality Jar Rubbers
5c lend, two dozen
Granulated Sugar for $1
Hershey8 Breakfast Cocoa, lb. ...20o
The best Tea Sittings, lb 10c
Drummond Blend Tea, for ice tea,
per lb 35o
Golden Santos Coffee, lb. ... . . . ,30o
The best strictly fresh, guaranteed
Eggs, per dozen 33o
Full Cream White or Colored Cheese.
per lb - 20o
Jennlng Bros. Famous Brick Cheese,
lb 30o
Roquefort or Imported Swiss Cheese,
lb. 35o
Nothing finer grown. Now is the
time to put them up, if you want
California fruit Wednesday, ner
crate .. ... .......... .B5o
15 lbs. XTaw Fotatoss for,.......30o
it tdv uAYnBtye mmr it
Any Accommodations We
Can Offer Will Be Freely
Granted. Let Us
Welcome You at Omaha's
Bargain Counter.
Handkerchiefs Friday
A great sacrifice sale of Women's
and children's Handkerchiefs. It's qual
ity that talks.
15c Pure Linen Handkerchiefs at 7c
An immense lot of pure Irish linen
handkerchiefs, hemstitched with V or
Vg-inch hems as shown in windows, 15c
values, sale price 7MjC
Oc Handkerchiefs, in sheer lawn with i-inch
hemstitched hom
10c Handkerchiefs, with dainty embroidered
corners on fine Swiss, on sale 46
15c Handkerchiefs, very sheer lawn and fancy
embroidered, on salo at 7J4J
7c Handkerchiefs, children's good quality and
regular 7c values, choice 3Ji
10c Handkerchiefs, very large flowered, suitable
for facing caps and aprons 5
BBc Handkerchiefs, high grade fancy embroidery
goods, slightly mussed, at, choice 10i
10c Handkerchiefs, initialed, with fancy colored
border and fancy colored initial 5J
Romnants worth 12 c
to 30c yard; at emu
prlco, yard ....10t3
48c values, 72x90 Sheets...... 33
65c value 72x90 Sheets 47J
$1.00 value 81x99 Sheets....... 79
$1.98 Bed Spread ........ . .. . . -SI. 48
$1.50 Bod Spread. ,.,..........81.15
. ........ u . -.-,
Dii'f Pay More for
Your Drugs and
Toilet Goods
2Tot Our BpooIaJ for Friday and
and Saturday.
25c sire Sal Hapatlca for lOo
11.00 size for G7o
100 Dr. 1 1 Inkle's Cascara Tablets 10c
S60 aire Baby Brand Castoria for ISo
75a Jad Salts for the kidneys for 6O0
Houblgant'o Ideal Perfumes, oz.
for 69c
Ono full ounce of White Roae or
Locust Blossom Perfume and one
Daybrooka Daisy Porfumo Atom
iser for 3Bo
BOo Java lUce or Pozzonl's Face Pow
der for . ...85o
26o Tls or Caloclde Oompound for
Ured foot for .15o
Two bars of Williams' Shavlnc Soap
for 4 Go
26c sire Tooth Paste or Powder loo
36c bar of pure white or green Cas
tile Soap for 150
$1.00 Shower Bath Sprays cut to 79o
60o full length Fountain Syringe
Tublns for 20c
J3.00 3-qt. White Combination S
rlniro and Bottle, guaranteed to you
for one year, for 08c
H.00 Wellington Syringe, and Bottle,
guaranteed to you for five years,
for $3.00
rth Floor
Green Glazed Earthen Water
Pitchers M gallon size
on sale Friday, "flflU
each ItfQ
Glass Salt and Pepper Shak
ersWith nickled
tops, per pair
Vinegar Bottles Made to
sell up to 25c, Friday, JP
each 3
!FhA law Mfltttw. 1 r , 1 .
peck. Demand It
Sweet Sugar Com. doien 7140
New Cabbage, per head..3Ja and 5o
6 bunches fresh Radishes.. ao
bunches fresh Beets and Carrots' 5o
6 bunches fresh Onions 50
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb sc
heads Fresh Leaf Lettuce iao
Fancy Denver Cauliflower, lb 100
Fancy Denver Peas, quart 00
Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb.. ,3Vlo
large-Green Peppers , 30
Fancy Large Cucumbers, 3 for. . . 5c
Large Hbad Lettuce, per hea1..7Uo
Large market basket Cucumbers. 300
Large market basket fancy Rpe To
matoes 450
Large market basket Wax or Grenn
Beans 30c
OAxxroBirxA baxtuttt FBABS
Extra fancy fruit. 48-lb. in box.
for - $2.35
Put them up now. Pears will be
much higher.