The Omaha Daily Bee TIIE WEATHER, (iie day's happening eTfwy day. If folks don't road yonr store nerra erery day, it's your fault. Fair VOL. XLIV NO. 31. OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING, .in A" 124, 1914 TEN PAGES. On Trains and at Ilottl Hews stands, Se. SINGLl.' COPY TWO CENTS. NOMINATION OF JONES WITHDRAWN BY THE RESIDENT Message Reaches Senate While Reed Is Making Speech Against Confirmation. CHAMPION SOKOL OF UNITED STATES, THE FIRST WIFE OF CAILLAUX IS PUT UPON THE STAND The Unwelcome Visitor CIVJL SUIT FILED TO DISSOLVE NEW HAYENJOMBINE Government Alleges Railroad and Associnted Trolley and Ship Lines is a Monopoly. ing Her Husband unfesses Having a Mistress. PLACES PRISONER ON THE RACK ITS DISSOLUTION IS ASKED P Everybody Roads IS ACCOMPANIED BY LETTERS One from Chicagoan Asking Name Be Dropped and Other Accept ing Suggestion. Mill I EXECUTIVE RELUCTANT TO ACT Explains His Reasons for Taking Cou.Me He Has. WOULDN'T HALT PROGRAM Not Willing; In Allorr llnrveiier Mnn to Continue an Font Itnll In Content. WASHINGTON. July 23. President Wilson late today withdrew the nomi nation of Thomas D. Jones of Chicago to bo a member of the Federal Reserve heard. The president's message ending the bit lerest appointment fight of his odmlnln tratlon reached the senate while Senator Reed was making a vigorous speech In opposition to Mr. Jones confirmation on account of his connection with the so called harvester trust With the withdrawal wore sent lotters exchanged by tho president and Mr. Jones, the latter asking that his name be withdrawn on account of embarrass ment It was causing the administration and the president reluctantly accepting th suggestion. President Wilson wrote he was not willing to allow Mr. Jones to continue as a "foot ball" In the contest that had arisen and did not want a per sonal matter to Interfere with a program of great constructive legislation ncarlng completion. President Wilson's letter to Mr. Jones read: "My Dear Friend: Your leter of tho twentieth of July brings to me, I think, more kinds of regret than any other letter I ever received: Regret, first of all, that tho country should loose tho Invaluable services of such a man as I and all fair minded men who know you at all, know you to be; regret that I should have brought upon you so unpleasant an ex perience In which you were treated with gross and manifest lnjustlco; regret that such circumstances should seem even for the moment to bo associated with appoint ment to high office under tho great gov ernment of tho United States, represent ing a generous, fair and honorablo peo ple; regret that the orgonlzatlon of a great Unnklng systwm should be so em btirriif'Md and obstructed. "You need not thliflc that anything In the present circumstances has, embar rassed me In the least. It causes me not the slightest embarrassment. I have no moment o hesitation or flagging enthusi asm In standing by men whom I honor and bcllevo In. It gives mo nothing but pleasure and exhillratlon to stand by them at any time and to any extent. You may leave my feeling (my feelings for myself) out of the reckoning. Seiinte Not to lllrtme. "The aspect of this matter, which seems to me of gravest concern and conse quence, Is that the choice of members of the federal reserve board of the new banking system should have been an oc casion of partisan alignment and action. The adverse report on your nomination to which you Justly refer as unfair and untrue is, of course, not to be charged to tho feeling or action of the senate of tho United States, or to anything for which that great body as a whole can be held responsible. The report Is signed only by the minority members of tho committee 'and by two members of tho majority who havo usually acted with them. There Is I no reason to believe that either dn'lts J temper or in Its conclusions that report represents tho attitude of tho new na tional banking system, a system conceived and enacted with no element of partisan ship In its objects or provisions, might havo been free from this unfortunate and ominous Incident." Ilnliy Drink Carbolic Acid. IjINDSAY, Neb., July 23. (Speclal.) A young son of Joseph Polcln, who lives ' three miles northwest of here, got hold of some carbolic acid that had been used to kill tho small ants, drank some of it and died three hours later. The Weather For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity Fair; no important change In tcmpera- .ture. Tenipernture at Omaha Yesterday. Hours. Deg. 5 a. m TO C a. m 63 7 a. m TO 8 a. in 71 9 a. ro. .... .. 73 10 a. m. ...... ...... 75 11 a. m 77 12 ra. 81 1 p. m 83 2 n. m ss 3 p. m 89 p. Ill 91 5 p. ra 91 6 p. m 90 7 p. m 90 8 p. m so Comparative Ioenl Itrcord. 1914. 1913. 1912. 1911. Highest yesterday 91 78 101 81 Lowest yesterday ..0... C& 64 76 6. Mean temperature....... SO 71 88 TO Precipitation 00 .14 .00 .08 Temperaturo and precipitation depart ures from the normal: Normal temperature 77 rcxeess ror me aay 7 Total excess since March 1 301 Normal precipitation 12 inch Deficiency for the day 12 Inch Total rainfall since March 1... 14. 49 Inches Deficiency since March 1 2.73 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1913.. 2.66 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1913. . 7.46 Inches Reports from Station at 7 P. 31, Station and State Temp. High- Rain- of Weather. 7 p. m. est. fall Cheyenne, part cloudy... 72 78 Denver, part cloudy 80 86 'Dea Moines, clear 91 96 .L.ander, clear 8i 84 INorth Platte, cloudy 82 86 -Omaha, clear 90 91 Puoblo, clear 80 84 Rapid City, clear SS 66 Salt Lake City, clear.... 84 $4 Santa Fe, cloudy tfi 74 Sheridan, dear 84 88 Rlou'x City, part cloudy.. 90 90 Valentine, rain 72 8G T .43 .00 .00 .02 .00 .00 T .00 T .00 .00 01 hank i-um.k Ail-Around Athlete from t'edar Rapids, Iowa. VISITING ATHLETES AT WORK National Tournament of Tel Jed Sokol Opens with Parade. THOUSANDS OF GUESTS IN CITY Jlrncek, Present Champion, Paul mill Itrlz HeKurilejl n'n Trio of Winners In 1Mb Nation Content of Hohemlnnn. After a parade of all contestants from Turner hall to Rourke park at 7 in tho morning, tho national quinquennial tournament of Tel Jed! Sokol began, with 189 Turner men, 140 Turner girls and several score of Juniors entered, thou sands of out-of-town Bohemians attend ing, Ideal weather prevailing and every indication pointing to tho best tourna ment ever held In the United States. Many Omahans went to tho pari: to witness the feats of the sokol gymnasts and athletes, who put on exhibitions that surprised tho spectators. A still larger crowd attended tho afternoon session, and as the finals In tho various events are reached and the competition -becomes keener It- Is expectd that the grandstand and bleachers of the ball park will be filled with admiring throngs. The tournament will conttnuo all day today, a big street parade will bo given Saturday afternoon, and tho main ex hibition, announcement of winners and awarding of diplomas will occur Sunday afternoon, when a special program of entertainment and speaking will end the affair. Three Preiltnlile Winners. Contests In the morning brought out the three most-talked-about Turners, who are touted by those wrto know, to bo tho probable winners of tho tournament. They are Frank Jlrasek of Cedar Rap ids, present Turner champion of Amer ica; Frank Paul of Plzenskl Sokol, Chi cago, and Frank Krlz of the New York Sokol. Jlrasek and Paul ranked first and sec ond in the morning In the finals of tho contest on the side horse, making 24.1 and 24 points respectively, out of a possible 25. That was tho only apparatus compe tition that went to a final this morning. Jlrasek and Kris tied In the horizontal ' bar competition between their two teams, and their scores of 24.2 points each on that apparatus aro expected to stand as tho best in the finals on the horizontal bar. Those who know these three men and the conditions of the contests predict that each will placo first, second or third in the tournament, with lively competition among the three for tho premier position. Every man in the tournament must enter every event, so that only all-round ath letes and gymnasts have any chance to win honors, and the man who gains the coveted first place is Indeed an athletic wonder. Jlrasek of Cedar Rapids, the present (Continued on Page Two.) Barnes Says He Will File Suit for Libel Against Roosevelt NEW YORK. July 23.-Chairman Wil liam Barnes of the republican state com mittee announced today that lie had in structed his counsel to bring suit for libel against Theodore Roosevelt, based on Colonel Roosevelt's statement of last night attacking Mr. Barnes and endorsing the candidacy of Harvey D. Hlnman for the nomination for govcror at tho repub lican primaries. The amount of damages for which Mr. Barnes would sue apparently had not been determined at the time he Issued his statement. It was said, however, that It would be for a substantial sum. The suit will be brought In the supreme court. Mr. Barnes announced, within a few days. "I have nothing whatever to say In reply to Sir. Roosevelt's diatribe except that it lacks dignity, self-restraint and Is without foundation," reads Barnes' ! statement. "When an Issue of this kind is raised by a person of suah prominence one has but one of three courses. To submit to the aspersion, to enter into an unseemly personal controversy, or to appeal to the courts, in order to enable that ierson who utters the libel an op portunity to produce legal evidence. "I deny the truthfulness of every state ment made by Mr. Roosevelt in his publi cation this morning and have-instructed my counsel to bring an action for libel without delay against him." Spectators Greet Her Words with "Bravos " Evidently Taking Fancy to' Her. CANNOT REFER TO HER NOTES Casts Long Glance at Defendant After Making Spiteful Remark. RULING CAUSES MURMURING rinvil Objects to .Inilnc'n Oevclellnir (lint Jury f'nn Settle for Itself nn to Truth of Rvl ilenee. PARIS. July 23. -Judge Louis Albanel's -rurt in tho Palaco of Justice, whero Mine I'aillaux. wife of the former pre mier. Is undergoing trial for the murder .n March 16 of Gaston Calmettc, editor ' ihp Figaro, was as crowded as ever v lien the fourth hearing started today. Many of the people had come to see Jo seph , calllaux confronted, according to tho practice of tho French courts, with former Premier Louis Barthou, who had been subpoenaed as a witness. Mmo. Calllaux took her placo tn the prisoners' enclosure punctually at noon. Sho carried In her right hand a little vial of smelling salts and a notebook. Tho testimony of the first three wit nesses today concerned the two private letters which the defenso seeks to show Gaston Calmctte Intended to publish. Gaston Dreyfus, a banker and a friend of tho murdered editor, came to the stand and explained that the ftienttst, Paul Painleve, who had yesterday testified that M. Dreyfus had told him tho Figaro was going to publish a number of private letters, must havo misunderstood him. He had referred to the Vlctorl Fabre ro ports on tho Rochetto swindle affair and not to tho private letters about which he know nothing. Threat to Print Letter. An official of the Treasury department, Andre Rclssler, testified to being present during a conversation of a group of Journalists In the lobby of the Chamber of Deputies when It was stated that let ters shortly would be published. Francis Dcsclaux, chief private secre tary of M. Calllaux, when minister of finances, declared that Andre Vervoort, editor of the Paris Journal, came to him and told him Madame Gueydan had pro posed to him to publish two letters which she produced. He had, he said, informed M. Calllaux of this and he exclaimed; "But those are letters which were stolen from me. I hope no newspaper man can be found to publish them." Tho rapid succession of witnesses was Interrupted by tho comfrontatlon of Gaston Dreyfus nnd Paul Pnlnleve, both of whom maintained tho accuracy of their deposition with considerable heat. Amid much murmuring among tho pub lic. Judge Albanel ended the Incident by saying tho Jurors must be left to decide for themselves as to the accuracy of the evidence. First AVIfe of Cnlllaux Appears, Mndamo Gueydan, a slender woman of medium height, then camo Into court. She was dressed simply In black and woro a small blue hat with blue feathers. She looked to be 33 or 36 years old. Her face was drawn In tragic lines, her black eyes showing from great sockets In her wasted cheeks. Sho seemed 111, but cho walked with calm dignity past her former husband, standing In front of the Judges1 and the Jury. Tho witness asked If t.he might refer to her notes, but tho request was refused by tho Judge. "Thero have been so many lies told," said Madame Gueydan, "that my notes are absolutely necessary If only to fix dates. Was not M. Calllaux allowed to read from papers? I am confronted with a mountain of lies which I must climb and break to pieces one by one. I nm alone. I havo no husband to defend me." In saying this, Bho cast a long glance at Madame Calllaux, who, however, did not look at her. "You ore not hero to accuse." Interposed Maltre Labor). "You will find nothing but courtesy and deference for yoursolf If your role Is simply that of a witness. But if you conio hero to accuso then you will find me In front of you as a de fender of my client." Madame Gueyden: "If you have spoken of me to M. Calllaux he will havo told you that at least I have courage." This was spoken In a challenging tone and called forth "bravos" from the spec tators, whore sympathy sho semed to havo from the moment sho entered the court room. The Judge then, himself, addressed the witness, saying questioning In order to give her a start: "Disagreements arose n your homo?" "There were no disagreements. " She continued: "Our domestlo llfo was tender. No one knows. Not even ye u, Mr. President, and absolutely no one knows about this affair." Got Letter from llntinuel. Judge Albanel: "Nevertheless you and your husband had a reconciliation over something anil the letters wore burned. Will you explain?" Madamo Gueydan: "The first letter which appeared do you know who gave i that to mo? M. Calllaux. Ha did It at tho ministry of finances In 1908. i Madame Gueydan: "I had never sub i pected that my husband had a .nlitress. ' I first knew it when he threw himself at my knees and asked my pardon. He hiiin- bleel hiuiEOlf and i pardoned him. but I the day after ho returned to this person. I did not cease to believe his lying talk I believed that the evil surrounding my home had gone, for I thought I saw the bottom of his heart In his tears." lomi rnilets Appointed. WASHINGTON, July S3. Among candidates for admission to Wont Point Military academy in 1915 already ap pointee), the War department announced today are: Iowa Clyde Pelly. Cedar Rapids, la.; Vincent Balrar. alternate. Montlcello, Merlyn Bridges, alternate, Monteur. '' -I sontJHm ) S Drawn for Tho Beo by Powell. RUSMISEL WITNESSES WEEP Tell of Alleged Abuse by Attorney for Complainant'j. MISS ALDERMAN TAKES STAND Chief Witness Amilnxt llend of the C'eiinnierce School Testifies After Ilepcnteel Deinanels from I)ef enilnn t'R Attorney. Weeping witnesses camo out of tho Board of Education rooms, where charges of 'lidlBcreetiiess" against Principal L. C, HuHmlsol of the Omaha High School of Commorco arc being eecrotly heard. Attorney K. V. Slmeral, for tho prosecution, had nbuscd them, they said. Chairman A. C. Kennedy and other members of the' committee threatened to put Mr. Simernl out of tho room "If he did not calm himself." "ll"e apparently Is Incapable of con trolling, himself when tho evidence goes against iilm," said Attorney C. A. Gosn, for Mr. Rusmlsol. Mr. Slmeral came out of the room greatly excited. "Even If It's so," ho exclaimed to Phillip Horan, a party to the complnlnt, "even If It's so " Seeing reporters he addressed himself to Mr. Horan In a lowereel voice. Mrs. N. H. Nelson, president of tho Omaha Woman's club, who hoard tho clash between Mr. Slmeral nnd tho Rus mlsel witnesses, was also weeping when she camo out of tho trial room. "Slmeral called mo a liar, a scalawag and a scoundrel," said I. L. Urawfonl, a teacher at tho Omaha High School of Commerce. "Ho lost his head compfotoly. There Is no telling how much further he would have gone If the members of tho board had not threatened to throw him out if ho did not desist." Chief Wltnen Kxninlneel, The trouble startod following the grill ing through which Miss lidlth Alderman, chief Informer ngalnit Mr. Rusmlsel, passed at the hands (ft Attornoy Goss. Miss Alderman had refused to go on the stand, but such pressure was brought to bear by Mr. RusmiHol and his attorney that the complaining attorneys yielded and permitted her to testify. N. C. Wood, a teacher at the commerce school, and his wife went on tho stand tn discredit Miss Alderman and tho re ports sho had spread. They testified that sho had "gossiped about every school official from Superintendent Graff down." Mr. Wood said his wife had forbidden her to come to Mrs. Wood's china paint ing classes lccauso of tho manner In which she gossiped Mr. Brawforel and Miss Alice Belle Hoskln gavo evidence reflecting on Miss Alderman's standing. This evidence, was what started tho vtolenco with which Mr. Slmeral handleel the witnesses. Miss Hoskln waa weeping violently when she camo from the examining room. All of the witnesses were greatly in censed. Representatives of ar. RUBmlsel Inti mated that the "whole thing had been a framcup and that tho case against Rus. mlscl had been thoroughly exploded." Miss Alderman was on tho stand for half an hour. Attorney Slmeral said her testimony was "meager" and donlcd that sho was the prosecution's chief witness. Superintendent K. u. Graff returned from OkoboJI, where ho Is spending his vacation, and went on tho witness stand. James Knotts, a teacher nt the Omaha (High Schoeil of Commerce, returned from Ids lionoymoon to testify In Mr. Rusmlsel's behalf. Mr. Rusmlsel wont on In his own de-1 fense at the afternoon hearing. Mrs. Rusmlsel also took tho stand. The hearing was adjourned until today to glvo Mr. Slmeral an opportun'ty to present witnesses In rebuttal. The Judiciary committee will report Its findings to the entire board August 3. COMPLETE HARMONY IN ADAMS CONVENTION HASTINGS, Neb.. July 23.-(8peclal Tel egram.) Completo harmony prevailed to day In Adams county republican conven tion. I. D. Kvans presiding, declared the gross extravagance of the last legisla ture would bo a factor In a sweeping re publican victory this year. The stato delegates chosen aro: Jacob Holler, Henry Boeder, Adam Urocele, J. W. Shaw, W. G. Saddler, J. N. Clarke, M. A. Hartlgun, Ralph K. AclHinn. I. D. Kvans. II. F Smith, U. A. Mom oo. F.rirk Johnuem, Nells Nicholson, II. U. Smith, V. J. Coatcs, C. It Hart. WANTF.D YOt'NG man over 23 year of .mo with experience in city or coun try bank cm obtntu permanent Rtid highly remunerative position. Give references and full particu lars as to previous employment In first letter. Correspondence confi dential. For further information about this opportunity, see the Want Ad Btotlon of today's Funeral of Fried Is Held at Fremont FREMONT, Neb., July 21.-(Spcclal Tel cgram.) The funeral of William Fried was held from his late rcHldcnco this afternoon nnd was very largely nttendcdi Tho services wero conducted by Dr. F. M. Slsson of tho Methodist Episcopal church, of which Mr. Fried was a mem ber. Fremont lodgo Ancient Free ami Accepted Masons attended In a body and took charge of the services at the grave. A delegation from- Mtf abo'r cormnanderyr Knigms Tcmpiar, noted its escort. J no buriul was at Rldgo cemetery. In compliance with the proclamation of Mayor Ucrro the flag on the city halt was displayed at half mast and the banks and business houses wero closed from 1:30 to 3 o'clock. Tho offices of tho Nye-Schnelder-Fowler company were closed during tho day. A large number of relatives and former buslnoss associates from out of tho city wero present. Tho 'pallboarors were L. D. RIchurdB, T. L. Mathews, Frank Fow ler, Paul Colson, Ray Nye and Kccno. L. M. Governor Welcomes Highway Boosters (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, July 23.-(SpocIal.)-Gov-ernor Morchead and a party of nowspa per men this morning departed for tho Kansas line, where they will meet Go vrnor Hodges of Kunsas, who. with a number of Kansuns composo a bodyguard for tho Meridian road boosters, who there will complcto their tour of Kansas. Tho road boosters aro composed of Toxans and officials gf tho Meridian road, which runs along the sixth meridian from Dallas, Tex., to Winnipeg, Canada. Governor Morehead nnd his following of newspaper mon will conduest the bejoBtors across the state to the South Dakota line, whero tho governor of that state and a party will meet them. Tho Nobrnska men will conduct the boosters to Hebron, whero a meeting will be held tonight. Another meeting will ! 1,0 hcld nt lumhus Friday night and mo boosters wm do lurnca over to me South Dakota men Saturday night Madison Democrats Endorse Morehead NORFOLK, Nob., July 23.-(8peclal Tel ogram.) Madison county democrats en dorsed Governor Morehcad's administra tion In their resolutions here this after noon. DEGREE OF HONOR DELEGATE FROM SIXnTH DISTRICT MEET KEARNBY. Neb.. July 23,-(Bpocal Telegram.) Tho annual convention of the Degree of Honor lodgo of the Sixth Ne braska district, comprising thirty central towns, convened here today with fifty delegates In attendance. A two days' ses sion will be held, during which Interest ing business Is to be transacted. The National Capital Tlnirnetny, Jnly -.'!, I. The Senate, Met at noon. Investigation of discrimination In south ern coal rates was contlnuod by an in vestigating committee. Tho administration trust bills awaited formal consideration. The llnnae. Public lands sub-eommlttee dlsoussoel with Secretary Daniels a bill for tempo rary development of disputed oil lands In California. Judiciary committee favorably reported bill to create additional federal Judgeship In southern district of Georgia. PLATFORM OF IOWA DEMOS Meeting Outlines Declaration Principles for the Campaign. of SIDESTEP SUFFRAGE UESTI0N .No Mention Is Made of the Tem. pernnce hiinri Pronlilrnt Wil son In Given tin lCnilorae iiient. The. elcmocrats of Iowa left the liquor Issue entirely alone. In the platform adopted ut tho slato convention at Coun cil Bluffs yesterday nfteruoort. They left the miff rago question .an .good as alone, since all they did In their platform wns to Insert a plank admitting that they bellovo tho Initiative and referendum to bo tho best method of submitting- "such matters as woman suffrage, questions of extraordinary state expenditure, and similar questions of state wlda Im portance." This, was all the women got after a do'zc'ft 'zealous workers lingered In tho aisle outside the. door pf (he resolutions committee In (lie Grand hotel for four hours while the committee members, hot, thirsty, nnd lunchless totted over' the I planks of tho platform that Is to guldo!:""" v" . "7 the democrncy of the state In the cam palgn. This was all the temperance workers got nfter having the Woman's Christian Temperance union represented before the committee; after having the Constitu tional Prohibitory Amendment a.isocl- atlon. nnd the Iowa Business Men's'?"'1 from 'n Rhdo Tomperanco association represented be foro tho committee. Dlnnerlcss sat tho dozen women In the nlslo waiting for an audience with tho committee and dlnnerlcss sat the repre sentatives of tho temperance organi sations In tho hall until I o'clock In tho nftcrnoon. And dlnerless tolled the reso lutions committee until It finally reported to the convention at 4 o'clock. But tho woman suffrage people had no largo vote with which to threaten the democrats this fall. Tho prohibition workers had no espe cially solidified voto tlioy could threaten tho democracy with. IlnrUe.n t olhe Voice's, On the other hand, the German Alliance! eif Iowa had a large and solid vote. Rev. G. V. Braun of Atlantic, appeared be fore the committee, holdlnk 10,000 vote! of tho German Alliance, and asked only tl at tho democrats bo "sane" In handling tho liquor epiestlon. Ho wanted "sane laws, not prohibitory laws The committee barkened to the voice of 40,001) votes, and refused to touch tra : secured the lines south, and .after the the eiuestlon In the platform nt all. ' Boston & Malno had taken up most of On a single plank alone did n little fight 1 those north, In turn took over the Boston occur vhcn It came to tho convention & Maine- and became the almost undls floor. This was on whether or not to ' puled master of the field from the coast favor pensioning school teachers In the I state. Tho platform, as read, favored it. Charles Miller of Waverly moved this plank bo stricken enit, and mado a lengthy speech, llo held that since the. teachers In tho stato nrc already pro tected by graduated minimum wage law there Is no call for a pension and a pen sion would be a great burden on the tax payers. Mlko llealy of Fort Dodge made a plea In favor of the pension. "For God's sake, I "he cried, "let's get economy some other way than attacking the school teacher." i T. J. Fltzpntrlck of Duhuquo also made a plea for tho pension. It carried by an overwhelming vote. Immediately following tho vote on the adoption of tho platform as a whole was i taken and almost unanimously carried. ; I'liuikN eif the Plntfeirm. I The platform endorses the national ad- . ministration, specifying details of the 1 work tho administration has accom- ' pllshed. It censures Senator Cummins of ' Iowa for his rocent attack on President Wilson. It pledges Itself for a female labor law to prohibit the working of girls and women moro than ten hours in any one day and more than fifty-four hours In any one weok. It advocates a free labor exchange for the state; favors In- ' troductlon of Industrial and technical ed ucation In the reformatories;, favors ex- , tension of the school system so that all children, rich and poor, shall have equal i advantages In the pursuit of academic, I Industrial and technical training; favors i revision of tho banking laws of tho state so as to give the people the advantage j of tho new currency and banking bill; churgos the present state administration with extravagance; favors child labor law and would penallzo employment of (Continued on Page Two.) New Haven and Boston & Maine- Divided New England. EACH ABSORBED COMPETITORS Southern Half of Combine Then Swallowed Northern Half. CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS ON WAT Anealstant Attorney Oenejrnl Who Drew Ilrlef Will I,ny neanlt of Inveatlant Ion Ilefore the Fedrrnl Crnnd Jury. NH3W YORK, July 23.-Clvll suit to force the separation of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad com pany from Itn subsidiary rail, trolley and steamship lines under the Sherman anti-trust act, was filed tn the federal court here today by Attorney General McRoynolds. The suit begun today has no aotual connection with the criminal indict ments, which the attorney general will ask a federal grand Jury to return against New Haven officers and directors exm corned In upbuilding of the alleged un lawful combination In restraint of trade. The criminal proceedings will be con ducted Independently of the civil stilt and tho failure or success of one Is not' expected to affect the other. T. W. Gregory, special assistant to thei attorney general, who wrote and filed the brief, nnd F. M. Swacker, an export from the Interstate Commerce commis sion, who has .worked many months on tho caso, aro expected to lay the evt- denco before the grand Jury here on which Indictments will be asked. It was 'understood herftoday that these offi cials feel they have sufficient evidence to make out a prima facte case against many New Haven officers and directors, and If this view Is correct, lndlotmentfl may be returned within a few weeks. Such action will mark the beginning' of what may prove to be tho most important- criminal proceedings ever under taken under the Sherman anti-trust act In tho twenty-four years It has been on the statute books. To the civil suit the New Haven may not offer any great de fense, but government officials would be greatly surprised If ,the attempt to convict directors and officers does not lead tp a groat legal battle, which probably wilt not end this side of the United States supreme court. Btateraents In Hrlef. The brief written by Mr. Gregory charges the New Haven with being an V.mttW'"1 """Py. " control, mat. trolley traffic of all New England and morn than per cent of the steamship transportation of that region. The court Is nsked to restoro competition by or dering the separation of the New Haven from the Boston ft Maine railroad, from Its sound and outsldo steamship lines Island and Connecticut. The brief suggests that If the court deems best It appoint a receiver to take over the property and bring It In har mony with the law and asks for the cus tomary "general relief" It the court finds It necessary. The brief carries with It an exhibit purporting to be a copy of an agreement between representatives of the Now Haven and tho Boston & Maine, railroad, made on March 6, 1893, by which thoso two roads divided New England between themselves. This agreement pur ports to have been made at the home of the lata J. Plorpont Morgan In New York. At that time the two roads con cerned 'were entirely separate. IHvUtnn nnel Addition. Under the agreement the New HaverJ was to aid the Boston & Maine to ac-J quire transportation lines north of a cer tain line, the Boston & Malno to aid the New Haven to the same end south of that line. The bill does not show any termination of this agreement, but years 1 nfterwards the New Haven, nfter It had (Continued on Pago Two.) rr That Position You Prefer is open ninny moro times than you suspect. And each time it oes to the person who is on tho look out constantly. Persons employed have many, ninny times obtain ed better positions by be ing on tho lookout con stantly by reading the ' ' Help Wanted ' ' ads every morning on their way to work. And tho suro way is to rend them regularly. Just reading once a week or only occasionally may never got you anywhere, but to tho persistent, daily render of Beo Want Ads opportunity is sure to oomo. t