Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 23, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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Colonel Declares He Has No Reason
Now to Make Fight.
Dr.clnre He I.cnven Hnop Ilecnue
' Time Una Kxplrril nnil I'rlncc
I'hnrlm Declined to Throw
llrlmrt Inllr Hope.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., July 2.-(Speclal.)-Tlie
final epistle of St. John to the
rhlllstlnea has been Issued. At least It
Is the last that Colonel Manor will deliver
as u candidate for tho democratic nam!
nation for governor, though It Is expected
that at the state convention he will de
liver one which will make tho corn In
l'lntte county curl up as If a Kansas
breeze had struck It and cause the demo
crats to thirst for something to alleviate
the condition. Colonel Mfihor says:
I havo withdrawn as a candidate, for
the democratic nomination for governor i
because the time for making filings has
elapsed and Charles W. Dry an has not
filed. When I became a candidate, I did
so because Mr. Bryan was then an ac
tive candidate and his lieutenants wcro
circulating petitions to put his name upon
the ballot. I knew that ho was endeavor
ing, through the use of federal patronage
and otherwise, to keep other candidates
out of the field, and to secure tho nomina
tion without giving the democrats over
the state an opportunity to express a
preference for somebody else. 1 knew
that he favored woman suffrage and pro
hibitionpolicies which are not favored
by a majority of the democrats In this
state, and I knew that while a prohibi
tionist himself, negotiations with certain
brewery Interests were being conducted
to secure the liquor vote for his candi
dacy. The Illse of Chnrlos.
Since brother William became rich and
famous brother Charles has set himself
up as a boss, attempting to rule the
democrats of Nebraska with an Iron
hand, and I am opposed to bosses. When
W. J. Uryan first became prominent In
politics Charles Bryan was unknown,
having no political acumen, or talents,
no skull cap and no money. In the years
that havo intervened Prince Charley has
never performed an act that advanced
any democratic principle, never wrote an
editorial or made a speech In support of
anv democratic candidate. Ho has novor
written a line, spoken a word, or ren
dered a service that helped the demo
cratic party. Ho has Imposed upon his
brother, given him falso Information and
bad advice, and In doing this he has
dona Irreparable Injury both to the
brother and to the party, and If there
Is any lock of harmony in the demo
cratic party In Nebraska today Princo
Charley Is chiefly responsible for It. Like
other newly rich, as his wealth has
grown and his power Increased, he has
come to look upon himself as a great
man, assuming an air of greatness an
attempting to road out of the democratic
party every man who has opinions of his
own. or who refuses to eat out of his
hand, if some democrat shows a dispo
sition to think for himself, Prince Char
ley gravely adjusts his skull cap, wrin
kles his forehead, draws down his eye
brows, looks wise and denominates him
" reactionary."
Friend of Wilson.
When I filed 1 stated that I endorsed
the administration of Woodrow Wilson.
which I do without reservation. He has
shown qualities of atatesmenship' not
seen In a president since Lincoln. When
his secretary of state went out deliver
ing Chautauqua lectures and we became
involved In oreat International problems.
President Wilson took over the active
management of the State department
himself, and the outcome In Mexico
. Atamps him as the. greatest character or
our time. I knew that the Bryan family
was- plotting to bring about the retire
ment of this great president with but
a single term, and in my platform I de
clared In favor of a second term for
(President Wilson, and I shall demand
that the state convention at Columbus
go on record In favor or wuson ior iit.
Deleiratea nnd People,
t elan Horlnrxii In favor of a law mak
Intr if ft flnnv for delegates to violate the
instructions of the people, and I hopo that
ilm nil Inclalntnre will uut through an
uct of this kind, so that never again will
Dy naving ner
Thayer Republicans
Endorse McOuistion
HEBRON, Neb.. July . -(SpoclaU-A
republican county convention was held
In this city yesterday at which a full
delegation of lJt delegates were present.
The convention was made up of
straight republicans and progressives,
but a spirit of unity v ailed and tho
convention passed off without any un
pleasantness. J. T. McCulstton was unanimously en
dorsed for tho office of attorney general
and he will rccclvo a ery largo volo In
this county.
Tli following wcro elected ns dele
gates to the state convention:
Alexandria P. W. Cory, Georgo W.
Helvldere-Thomas Lahncrs.
Bruning-H. R. Park.
Carleton CJ. W. Bailey.
Chester and Byron A. n. Hellmer.
Davenport J. II. Bberman.
Ollenil D. W. Walker.
HebronFirst ward. H. F. Willis, Peo-
ond ward. C. M. Llgglt; Third Ward. J
. McCulstton.
Hubbell-P. Wilcox.
Spring Creek John Rodenburg.
Hose Creek and Stoddard Jacob Boyd.
H. L. Boycs was choson as central com
Church Howe Hcaj Delegation to
State Convention.
II. Thnntpann In Kleeted Chairman
of County Committer Sevcrnl
Cnnillilntrn tor Office
Mnkr Atldmt'ftns.
ARAPAHOE, Neb.. July 22.-(SpeMan
An even forty candidates have filed in
Furnas county for tho primary election
to be held August 18. Tills county will
bo rcprewsntod on the ballot for nearlv
every office from governor down. John
Slovens, ex-county attorney, Is out for
tho governorship. James John of Cam
bridge, state representative In the session
of tho J911 legislature, has filed for the
senate. Platform Kelley Is again seek
ing election to the house. There are
seven candidates for sheriff, four for
clerk, two for treasurer, four for county
judge, four for representative and two
for tho senate. Even tho county com
missioner job has Its Inducements There
are vacancies to bo filled in the First
and Second districts and ten men have
volunteers' their services. Furnas
county voters will havo a matter of some
eighty names on the primary ballot from
which to make their choice.
AUni'RN. Neb., July 21. (Special.) Tho
republicans of Nemaha county assembled
In convention at the county court house
Monday afternoon. The following dele
gates were elected to the stato convention
at Lincoln.
Church Howe. B. K. Oood. A. L. law
rence. T. J. Majors, Ed Ferneau. Frank
Woodward. R F. Neal, L. E. Castleman,
L. F. Maynard. Walter Klochcl. J. A.
Doremus, Wllber Whltten. M. O. Randall.
C. B. Thompson was elected chairman
of the county central committee and W.
B. Fisher secretary.
Following the election of committeemen
speeches were mado by the various can
didates, there being a great number of
them present. The principal speakers
were, Frank Reavls of Falls City and
James K. Delscll of Uncoln. candidates
for congress from the First dlstrk't. Rob
ert I. Elliott of Lincoln. candidate for
stato utorlntendeut, spoke a few words
In behalf of tho piblle schools.
The convention Is considered one of the
best In recent vara, party enthusiasm
and harmony of principles running high.
The assemblage was closed with a rous
ing speech from Church Howe, mayor of
Auburn, and or of the leading politicians
of this county for years.
Throtvn from Motoro jplr.
OHIOWA. Neb.. July 22.-(Speclan-Rnlph
lluchtol of Tobias was thrown off
his motorcyclo-R half mile north of hero
yesterday, lie was giring at a high rato
of speed. His machine struck a rut and
became unmanageable, throwing Its rider
off. Ho was severely Injured Internally,
but no bones wet broken.
liood Croro" I" (tiirflrlil.
Rt'RW'ELL. Neb., July K.-CSpvolan
Over an Inch of rain fell hero last even
ing, which lnsuros nn excellent corn
crop. Corn Is u little late and Is lust
shooting and tassellng. The groirld has
been In good shape and today's rain will
make tho best crop In yours. Tho liay
crop Is In excellent condition.
'NTnhranlffl h lllfUTrftCCd
delegation repudiate a. solemn pledge
given at the polls.
T)tn,.. nharUv. Vinvlnc seen the hand
u rifi,.f. sin thn will. haB withheld his
petition and It Is now too late for htm
to tecome a candidate; but the democrats
hao three splendid men In the field. Rep
resenting illtrerem, aoaaes ui upiimm, m
the do, the democratic ovters will have
a full and fair opportunity to express
tholr choice In the primaries and It Is no
lonyer necessary that I should remain a
I "hank my friends for the generous
support which has been offered from
every county In the state and beg to as
sure them that I have no desire to hold
oitlce. but have a desire to serve my
Hollenbeck Files
for Chief Justice
FREMONT, Neb., July 21.-(Speclal.)
Judge Conrad Hollenbeck of this city will
file for tho nomination for Judge of the
supreme court. Petitions for that pur
pose are In circulation and will be filed
In proper time before the primaries. The
judge was talked of for the nomination
last winter, but on account of poor health
did riot consent to run until recently.
He has now recovered and Is receiving
strong support In this district irrespective
of politics. Ho nas been on the' district
bench for eleven years and though a
democtrat In a district normally close or
republican has never had any strenuous
opposition. He has bten a resident tf
Fremont for almost forty years and is
a veteran of the civil war. It was in his
court that Judgo Estello of Omnhn got
his 25,000 libel verdict against the Dally
New s.
ARAPAHOE, Neb., July 23 -(SpcclaU-
Final arrangements for the Furnas
county sociability tour Friday were mado
at a moss meeting of business men and
citizens last evening. The boosters, with
band and ball team, wilt line up for the
start from Arapahoe at S a. m. Friday.
The score of automobiles loaaea wnn
live citizens will make their first stop nt
Edison, where at least one car will Join
the procession. Oxrord, lieaver cuy,
Hendley and WllsonvlUe citizens will help
swell the 'round county parade. Concerts
will bo given by Arapahoe's thirty-piece
band at all towns along the route. A
ball game will be ployed at Cambridge,
and Holbrook will be treated to an
evening concert. The nlnety-mllo sched
ule covers thirteen hours. The roads a o
In good shape following reoent rains.
Notes from finite Conntr.
BEATRICE, Neb., July 22. (Special. -Flro
Tuesday evening broke out In the
rear or Julius Schellenburg's store at
Wymote, and before the firemen suc
ceeded In subduing the flames the stock
was damaged to tho extent of J300. The
origin of the fire Is not known. The loss
Is covered by Insurance.
F. M. Barnes, founder of the town of
Bameston and one of the early settlers
of Gage county, was brought here Tues
day to receive treatment at a local hos
pital. He Is 80 years or age.
Mrs. Augusta Heldecker died suddenly
Tuesday evening of heart trouble at a
local hospital, aged 62 years. She leaver
no ramlly except her husband. The body
was taken to Hallam today for Interment
Gentlemen, you can now buy King
Peck Suits at Half their actual worth
Do You Realize What Our Great
Means to you and to every other man
hereabouts; it means two Quality suits
for the original price of one.
No limit to selections You choose from thou
sands of world's best suite. Every suit included
in snle is n thoroughbred Quality suit, down to
the minute for style, fit and finish.
SIO to $40 $
mm a
For Every Cooking Purpose
Whether for cakes, puddings, custards, cream soups or
gravies wherever you have been using bottle milk or cream
you can get better results with Cottage Milk.
It is more economical than bottle milk every drop can be used. It it
always on your shelf ready far use so you don't have to plan your cooking
and baking a day ahead.
It is good to the last. drop. In bottle milk the richncii goes into the
cream which Is generally used for coffee or cereals while the blue milk is
used in baking and cooking. And this blue milk hasn't tho proper food
value to insure satisfactory and uniform results. With Cottage Milk you
can use part of it full strength for cream and dilute the rest for cooking
purposes and always have the proper food value.
Cottace Milk Is of the highest quality and uniformity at all times.
Our policy of selling direct from the Condentcries to the grocer Insures
your getting it always fresh. Urder a supply today.
Once you learn the quality, convenience and economy
of Cottage Milk you'll never go back to bottle milk.
The Milk Without the Cooked Totta
In Two Sizes 5 and 10c
At all Good Dealers
If your grocer does not sell Cottage Milk, phone
DouRlai4413.orwriteour!ocalrepresentatlvM, Cullen
Brokerage Co., 215 Urandeis Theatre bldg.. (or name
or grocer nearest you wno Goes.
Peck Go
-Home of Qljality clothes"
Loi grocer neart
3 I ZZ I-
Milk Company, Chicago
Fremont, Neb., Aug. 17-22, 1914
Twenty -five are tho newest
typo farm tractors with pbwor
11ft plows, which havo never
before been seen on a publlo
800 ACRES ;
will be plowed, harrowed, disced and pulverized during tho week.
Make plans to spend tho week nt Fremont nnd so- '-'
lect the tractor and plow beat adapted to your form.
Twentieth Century Farmer
If speed is what you want
in tho delivery of cuta, wo
can Batisfy your wants.
We have pinto going
through oar plant which
muat bo turned out for wo
in our own publication sod
in most cases your work
could bo modoat thoewne
time. Our own outa show
up well in the paper, why
not havo yours made un
der the same-conditions 1
Information and estimates
furnished upon request
140 Beo Bldg., Omaha.
Omaha Real Estate is the Best Investment You
Gould Make. Read Tho Bee's Real Estate Columns.
Drawn For The B
The best newspaper uttai ( tke
ooaatry eoatribst terir beat
work for Be reader.
TECUMSEH. Neb.. July 22. (Special.)
Sheriff Aldrlch of Falls City has caught
the negro, Ixuls Brown, who It Is c'nlmcd
shot and robbed William Rossler at Salem
Friday night. Roasler, who claims to be
a laborer from St. Joseph looking for
work In the harvest fields, was In a box
car on the Burlington when the nesro
entered the car and robbed htm at the
point of a revolver. A few dollars and a
watch were secured. A struggle ensued
in which Brown shot Rossler In the
throat. Inflicting serious Injury. Rossler
was taken to a hospital In Falls City and
his chances at recovery are hardly even.
Rossler has identified Brown as being has
That's where the
is pre-eminent
The proof is in the hear
ing. - Any Victor dealer will
gladly play your favorite
music for you.
There are Victors and
Victrolas in great variety of
styles from $10 to $200.
Victor Talking Machine Co.
Camden, N. J.1
Wlirnl Yield Xer Primrose,
PRIMROSE. Neb., July K.-(8peclal.)-Davld
IJrlmrosa threshed a seventy-acre
field of wheat lying Just west of Prim
rose yesterday that uveraged thirty
seven bushels to the acre and tested
elxty-two nounds. This is undoubtedly
one of the best fields of wheat In this
vicinity, 'lie also had a small field of
oats near the wheat Held which averaged
slxty-ilx bushels per acre. The general
average of the wheat In this vicinity U
from twenty to thirty bushels per acre.
For noma, limine and Sorra
The quickest and surest cure Is Buck
len's Arnica Salve; every household
should have a box on hand all the time.
25c. All druggists. Advertisement.
Have you anything
you'd like to swap?
If so, offer it through
the "Swappers' Col
umn9' of The Bee.
The'Swappers' Column" is now known from one end of the country
to the other and is being widely copied. It fills a human need the
need of getting into instant touch with people who have something .to ex
change. Come in and find out how easy it is to get into the Swappers Club
and how much you can get out of it.
Telephone Tyler 1000
Everybody reads Bee Want Ads
Victrolo XVI, $200
Mahogany or oak