Omaha Daily Bee FARM XiAXD AArartfeed in Tlie Hoo Is the, vtarf essence of productiveness. Real farm facts will interest a Urge and appreciative audience. THE WEATHER. VOL. XL1V-X0. 30. OMAHA, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 23, 1914-TWELVE PAOES. On Trains ana at Hotel Hews standi, Be. SINQLEJ COPY TWO CENTS. to t T. R. WOULD TELL SENATORS WHY HE OPPOSES TREATY Bequests Be Given Opportunity to Appear Before Foreign Rela tions Committee. WRITES A LETTER TO STONE Says Would Like to Be Heard From In Pact Likely Favorably Acted On. TAKES FULL RESPONSIBILITY Had Knowledge of Everything and Solely R.nponsible. CHAIRMAN IS AGAINST PLAN 3IIssonrlnn la Opposed to Letting; Colonel Voice Ilia Vlewa In ncgnrd to Colombia Con Tentlon. WASHINGTON, July 22.-A request from Colonel Roosevelt for an oppor tunity to appear before tho donate for eign relations committee In opposition to the Colombian treaty wan considered to day by the committee, without action, however, as Chairman Stone was unable to marshal a quorum. Colonel Roosc vtlt wrote Chairman Stone ho wanted to tell why he opposed paying $25,000,000 to Colombia for the partition of Panama. "I replied to Colonel Roosevelt's letter personally, saying that I would submit the matter of hearings on the Colombian treaty and his appearance before It to the committee," said Senator Stone. "I don't know what they will do about It" Hasn't Set Dnte. The Missouri senator said he had not net a dato for another meeting of the committee. Later Senator Stone made public Colonel Roosevelt's letter. In which the former president wrote: "If there Is any intention of your com mittee to act favorably on the proposed treaty with Colombia, by which we are to pay Colombia $3,000,000 and to express regret for the action taken In the past, I respectfully request to be heard thereon. "I was president throughout tho time of the negotiations, first with Colombia and then with Panama, by which we acquired the right to build the "Panama canal. Every net of .this government In connection with thcseWegotlatlons and with other proceedings for taking posses sion of tho canal zone and beginning the building of the canal was taken by my express direction or else In carrying out the course of conduct, I as president, hod laid down. Had FntI Kumvlerifre. "I- had. full knowledge, of everythlptg- of any Importance that wns done In regard thereto by any agent of the government, and I was solely responsible for what was done. Tho then "secretary of state, John Hay, who Is now dead, tjnd'alinost an complete a first hand knowledge of what occurred; but no man now living, except myself, has this first hand knowl edge, and no man, living or dead, shared with me the responslbllllyfor the action I took, save In a wholly minor degree. I "I request to appear before you, to I make a full statement of exactly what I did and of what was done by my orders, to state the reasons therefor and to an swer any questions that your body or the members of your body choose to put to me." Oppoaen Hrarlnir. Senator Stone Indicated that he person ally was not Jn favor of hearings. "Tho question 'to be considered by this committee," said Senator Stone, "Is not so much what happened In Colombia ten or eleven years ago. The subject for us to consider Is how to adjust our relations. Colonel Roosevelt has said time and again what he had to say about Colombia, if he has anything further to say, as far as I am concerned, let him write It out and send It to the committee. I am not much In favor of turning the foreign rela tions committee of the senate Into a town meeting." Hebron Man Injured. HEBRON. Neb., July 22. (Special Tele gram.) Carl Lennon received a broken arm In a runaway accident yesterday and narrowly escaped drowning when his buggy turned a somersault throwing him Into tho Bluo river. His arm Is fractured in the elbow Joint. The Weather Forecast till 7 p. m. Thursday: Tor Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity -Fair. Temperature nt Omnlia Yesterday. Hours. Deg. 5 a. m ft ii. m 76 7 a. m 77 s a. m 73 0 a. m 73 10 a m SO 11 a. m SI 12 m 88 1 p. m W 2 p. m 92 3 p. in 91 i p. m 81 5 p. in 92 c p. in Dt 7 a. in .4) 8 p m Si Comparative Local Record. 19H. 1913. 1312. 1911. Highest yesterday 91 01 02 vt Lowest yesterday 75 05 01 fiS Mean ttmpcruture 81 so 7n "Precipitation T .0? .J) .1! Temperature and precipitation depart ures from the normal: Normal temreraturo 77 Excess for the day 7 Total excess since March 1 , 2$ Normal precipitation 13 Inch Deficiency tor tho day 13 inch Total rainfall since March 1... It. 49 Inches Deficiency since March 1 2.01 Inches (Deficiency for cor. period, 191.. .ii inches 'Deficiency for ror. period, 1812. 7.31 Inches Ilcport.n from Sfntloim ill 7 l. 31, Station ai.d t'tate Tomp. High- Rain of Weather. 7 p. in. eat. fall. Cheyenne, pt. cloudy HS en .Ort Donver. cloudy . 70 . Des Moines, cloudy 91 fts 'f Dodgo City, clear SS 91 . I-aniier. clear 74 76 .0 North Platte, clear W 7S . Omaha, clear fll T Pueblo, rain 70 7 T Rapid City, clear 74 71 .24 Salt Lake City, clear 7 7 3tf Banta Fe, cloudy 76 .as Sheridan, rlar 7S SO .(n Sioux City, ouear 76 Si Valentine, clear 7S V .00 T" Indicates trace of precipitation. I A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. ASSAILS PRESIDENT'S NOMINEE ON TRUST RECORD. fat: , . -Zf rr SENATOR JAMES A. REED. "WASHINGTON. July 22. Taking bits of testimony from tho record of Thomas D. Jones' testimony beforethe senate com mittee and bits of President wiisons letter urging that Jones do connrnicu no i of nn aOBo(1 conspiracy among dealers a mombcr of tho federal reserve board. f nnd cxpor(crs o whent at Kansas Clly. Senator Reed of Missouri has compared : Mo tf depress prices to fanners, was them in a lengthy statement and draws j pr0V,jcd )n a resolution by Represents the conclusion that "no democrat can , Uve DomtIo of Kansas, favorably re .conslstently confirm him." Reed bases j J)ortC(J (odny by tno interstate comrV.'o his nttacK on Jones recora as n, innnuur of the board of directors of the harvester trust and Intimates that tho president's recommendation has a double meaning. IOWA DEMOS MEET-TODAY Delegates of Hawkeye; State to As semble at Council Bluffs. MUCH HARMONY EXPECTED Vnrlona Lenders of rolltlcnl Con vention Can See Nothing Else Ahentl Rut Easy Aixreement , Amonir All. Now that the delegates for the Iowa state democratic convention have prac tically all .arrived In Council Bluffs for tho convention, which is to bo hoW In tho Auditorium there beginning at 10:30 this morning, there Is much talk of state harmony and only an undercurrent that savors of possible fllssentlon arising over the question of state wide woman suf frage and, state wide prohibition. Several hundred of tho delegates gathered at the Grand hotel during the day yesterday, and discussed politics freely. They are enthusiastic lot this year, and all declare the democrats In the stato have a better 'chance this year, than they hays had .for many years. . For Iown is a republican state, and since the days of Governor Bole twenty years ago thcro hao been no democratic gov "W, . , . , "Yevof'course,'the opposition la active," admitted tho democratic .candidate! for governor, John T. Hamilton of Cedar Rapids, In his room at the Grand hotel when nsked if he anticipated any hard fight against the present republican gov ernor, George Clarke. "But, we'll make the fight." Mr. Hamilton was on tho ground early and engaged a spacious room where he was in, almost constant conference with his friends. Expects llnril Flifht. Maurlco'connolly, temporary chairman of tho convention, congressman from Iowa, and now candidate ror the senate against Albert B. Cummins, also nvrlved early in the day and engaged a large room. He admits tUat he will have a hard fight, but he and his friends say that Cummins has been In the senate so lone that thore aro many things that can be) pointed out against his record. Connolly Is not alone at the Convention. He has a particularly active sister. Miss Eleanor Connolly, who wants to see him elected to the United States senate. This sister came with him to the convention.' Women In the big hotel lobby, crowded with burly doublefisted politicians, slipped In nnd out among tho crowd talking politics ns freely ai the men and more Intelligently perhaps than many of them. Miss Connolly Is n great favorite of her brother as he Is of her. Tho father of j the two Is not living, and the. two have made chums of one nnother for many years. "Oh. I came Just because I like to be with hlm.V .she said, speaking ,of her brother's campaign. I am very anxious for him to bo elected." Interested in SuffrnKC Miss Connolly says sho Is not a suf fragette, as 'she cannot approve of some of the violent methods employed, but says she is interested In the woihan siiffrace i movement in so far as It might better 'and Fred L. Sargent, two Omaha saloon tho conditions. of the wording glrh. "It's: keepers, and their surety, the Illinois a woman's privilege." she said, "to get Surety company. Murray alleges that ho whatever sho can from a man without; was set upon by four or five men In him even knowing she is getting It.' I the ualoonB of the nbove defendants and Judge Martin J. Wade of Iowa City, j seriously hurt. He sued for 20,0i democratic national committeeman from ' damages and received a verdict In favor Iowa, arrived early and began to ho!dif himself for fl.GOO. conferences, to Insure the uncompromising. ..... . .... i..rriw endorsement of tho national admlnlstra- PRINCE WILLIAM TO MARRY tlon. Most of the delegates declared. I DAUGHTER OF LUDWIG however, there could be no possible fight' r on this matter, as the whole democracy; Ml.s,rHi ,,avarla. July 22.-The be U ,eSr; HW?A'.'lan mOU80nthl"Pu0,nt 'trothal of Prince William of Hohensol Nick Reed of Ottumwa. present chair- l , fathcr., of former King Manuel man of the state central committee came 'f ,,ortlli?al to a daUBtcr of the king to the hotel lobby wearing a smile that Lf Bavor,a, , understood to be Imminent, wouidn t come off. Why not? He has nrrlvotl nt ,;cus,Pttcn neRr o worry aoou, en is one or , muse it uauu iiciaiiciicu uciuuuruis, unu he doesn't want tho chairmanship again. He was appointed United States marshal for the southern district of Iowa and has already served long enough to draw sev eral pay envelopes. Happy democrat! Connolly to Preside. As to who shall preside over the con vention there can be no fight. Happy democracy of Iowa, again, for the state central committee decided upon Maurice Connolly many days before the conven tion. As to who shall be elected chairman of the central committee for the ensuing year, the delcgatea again declara there can be no fight on this, as he Is all picked I and there Is a unanimous sentiment for Dr. J. W, Reynolds of Creston. He has been o nth estate committee ofr six (Continued on rr Two.) WANTS "PLOT" TO DEPRESS WHEAT PRICES PROBED Riolution Calling for Investigation of Alleged Conspiracy at K. C. Approved. COMMITTEE ACTS FAVORABLY Dealers and Exporters Accused of Holding Down Quotations to the Farmers. D00LITTLE OFFERS MOTION Redfield Says He Will Send Two Inspectors Out to Kansas. TO MAKE INQUIRY AND REPORT President of Knn'an City Hoard of Trnile nml Olhcr Grain Men Deny dinners nrouttht Against Them. WASHINGTON. July 22. -Investigation committee. Secretary Rcdflcld of the Department of Commerce assured Mr. Doollttlo ho would at once send two Inspectors to Kansas to Investigate and report. Mr Doollttlo told the house that for a wheat crop of 180.000,000 bushels producers were getting 63 cents at loading elevators In Kansas, whllo large quantities were being sold for export at Kansas City, Mo., as high as 86 cents. Deny Charges. KANSAS CITY. July 22.-Questloned regarding the resolution by Representa tive Doollttle of Kansas, which provides for an Investigation of nn alleged con spiracy among dealers and exporters of wheat hero to depress tho price to fann ers, A. U Ernst, president of the Kansas City Board of Trade, and other locol grain dealers today denied the charges contained In the resolution and assorted that tho competition on the local market this season was the keenest ever experi enced. Control Impossible. "Kansas City pays tho highest price of any market In tho country for grain," Mr. Ernst said. "Kansas City could not control wheat prices It It would. The prlco of S3 cents given to tho farmers nt loading elevators In Kansas, mentioned by Mr. Doollttlo, was tho low market price. This has Increased since his In vestigation. Further, tho 85-cent prlco mentioned by him was not the price of tile 4'heat here, tyy.'Hie prlco delivered at a seaport town, ready for export." Norris Has Bill to Prevent Railroads Owning Outside Stock WASHINGTON, July 22,-Ownershlp of stock by interstate carriers in other cor porations without sanction of the Inter state Commerce commission would be made a criminal offense by a bill Intro duced today by Senator Norris of Ne braska. Disclosures of the New Haven investigation and the Now York Central railroad Interest In coal companies prompted the measure. Any official using a railroad's money for campaign con tributions or for procuring franchise rights would bo criminally liable. Three Damage Oases Taken to High Court (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., July 22. (Speclal.) Two cases were appealed to the BUprome court today as a result of the wroclt which occurred on the Rock Island rail road on August 12, 1913; when Barnum & Bailey's circus train was run Into by a Rock Island freight. The Rock Island appeals In both cases. the "r8t ca8e ,n ,'rous,,'t Jiy ,J,,,"e8 ?ro,Kan- rpenter. for ISO.000 for In- juries rcccivcu uil hvuuuih u; iii.j and who received a verdict for $15,000 In tho case which was tried In tho district court of Douglas county. Tho second case was brought by Jo seph Mnncher against the railroad for JSO.000. a Judgment being given for JlO.OuO. Manchcr was a cook. Another case appealed from tho dis trict court of Rock county Inovlves Omaha parties and was brought by AVI1- Ham Murray against Lewis A. Adams Munlchi today n a Mslt to the Bavarian royal family, and It Is bollevcd the of ficial announcement of the engagement will soon be made. Prince William, who is SO years old, is a wldowor, his first wifo having died in The prince's future bride Is said to bo Prlncehs Adclgundc, King Lulwlg's oldest daughter, who was born October 17, H70. WANTED AN experienced man as financial secretary, soliciting, keeping ac counts, etc., for an educational in stitution; good salary to right party; give age. qualifications, etc. ror further Information about this opportunity, see tho Want Ad Bactlou of today's Bee. Mm BN&W 'i S) I m IM I du uQuc coo, i aonc waned i aHH i At iitin- jtjvh w v - . rvT r. -r . v i Drawn for The Rco hy Powell. SOKOLS GREAT ATHLETES Visitors Give Exhibition at Y. M. C. A. and Astound Spectators. ALL READY FOR BIG MEETING Opening I'roixrnm of Itahenilnn Olympic nt Turner Ilnll, "While. Outdoor Events .Nlnrt In 4 lie Mnrulncr. Wonderful nthletlo development and gymnastic prowess by tho visiting Tol Jed Sokol teams, who arc hero for the national tournament, which begins at Uourko park this morning was demon strated to Omahans at the Young Men's Christian association. Fifteen men of lh Now York City toafii. iiiidr Aij-cctof Joe riregbr' nml Captain Anton Klar, secured permission to practice) on apparatus In tho associa tion gymnasium. Tho team and Indi vidual stunts put nn by tlio Turners wero a revelation to oven tho physical ill rectors at tho association, while tho or dinary athletes thoro and a largo gallorv of spectators wero nwe-strlckcn with tho oaso and skill of tiio Rohcmlan gymnasts, and loud In their praise. All Itencly for Event Everything Is now In readiness at Rourko park for tlio first events of tho big tournament this morning. Na tional Leader nml Director Frank Flllp of Cedar Rnplds, la., und his assistant, Joe I'okorny of Chicago, spent tho morn ing nt tho park, "making uro that all tho details were attended to. Whllo thoy looked after that end of tho preparations a largo reception com mltteo of local Sokols met Incoming dolo gatlons with nutos at tho depots nnd es corted them to their hotels, to Turner hall, the Bohemian headquarters nnd to Hotol Rome, whero tho leaders maintain their uptown headquarters. Ilnll In fin in Attire. Turner hall, where the preliminary opening of tho tournament and tho "wel come" speechmaklng was hold last even ing, has been entirely repainted nnd redecorated, Inside and out, nnd Is now In gala dress with many Sokol flogs and tho red and white bunting of tho Turners. In front of tho building is a largo elec clectrlc sign, spelling "Vitnmo Vas," the Rohcmlan expression for "welcome." All over tho city are tho Sokol flags, with "Na Zdar." or "greetings" painted on them. South Thirteenth street Is cspe rlully well decorated with tho Sokol color, and last evening it was a regular maze of red and white electric lights In the neighlHiihood of Tumor hall. Beatrice Couple i Denied License CKDAR FALLS. Ia., July 22.-(Speclal Telegram.) A young cnuplo from ' Beatrice, Neb., were denied a marriage ; license In this city today becaune a tclo ' gram came to the llcenso clerk from tho ! man's mothor stating ho was under ago. ! The man's namo Is Hryson Burroughs I and his mother Is Mrs. D. N. Burroughs. It Is believed sho mnt dispatches to other county clerks sttic groom-to-be was heard to say to hU sweet heart. "We will go to Minneapolis for our license If we can't get one In Iowa," they sold. Young Burroughs has loen employed In this city for tho last year and a half. The couple aro both dlmlnltlve In size. ATTACKS DRUGGIST WHO I WOULD NOT SELL HIM BOOZE 1 BROKEN BOW, Neb.. July 21.-(Spe-, clal.) Because ho refused to fill a booze , prescription. A. H. Souders, n prominent .druggist here, was assaulted by Albert i Chrisman, a young farmer, living Key I oral miles north of town. The assault took place on thn street near Souders' j drug store. Chrlsmun striking the drug , gist in the fare anil then making his escapu on a liorsn he had In readiness. Sheriff Wilson and Constable arable gava chase In an automobile nnd caught up with the fugitive about a mile north of town, the sheriff having to pull the young man from his horse bofore he would sur render. When taken before Police Judge Kchwlnd, Chrisman pleaded guilty to the charge of assault and received a generous fine at the hands of the court. Mr. Sou ders was not seriously Injured. Johnny Won't Play Any More OLDEST TURNER COMES TO THE TEL JED S0K0L MEET. lows cX WokaZ Sr. POLITICS IN CAILLAUX CASE Government Denies Existence of Dooumentis Quoted by Calmettc. DAY FULL OF SENSATIONS Defendant's Ilimlinml nml Lawyer for Klunrn In Nenr l'hyslenl Clash Purchase of Oiui , Is Described. PARIS, July 22. Politics was tho pre dominating factor today In connection with the trial of Mmo. Cnlllaux for the murder of Gaston Calmette, editor of tho Figaro. Tho Frencn government won under stood to be greatly concerned In regard to tho diplomatic documents mentioned at yesterday's henrlng as having been In tho possession nt the assassinated editor. Those documents. It was stated, wero later handed over to President Polncare, who passed them on to the foreign office Senator Blenvonue Martin, acting min ister of foreign affairs, was up most of tho nlKht nnd nn activo InterchanKO of telegrams took placo between him and Premier Reno Vlvlanl, now In Russia, with the president. Joseph Cnlllaux, the prisoner's husband, and Fernand Laborl, her counsel, mado a vehement demand that the documents should le produced In court It Is under stood that tho premier, anticipating such a domand, left Instructions with his sub stitute nt the foreign offlco as to what courso should be pursued with the papers, which arc In tho foreign offlco archives. noriimenU Do Not KxUt. The moment after the rourt had been (Continued on Pago Two.) The National Capital Welne.dnt Jnly 2: The Sennte. 101-1. Met at noon. , . The conference roport on the Indian bill was computed. ... A democratic caucus to expedite the trust bills and dlcsuss adjournment was called for tonight. ... A Debate was resumed on the river and harbor bill. . . ... 'Hie foreign relotlons committee con sidered without action, a request from Colonel lloosexelt an opportunity to dls cuh tho Columbia treaty- Investigation of charges of discrimina tion by a coal trust against Charleston and other southern ports waa continued by a committee. The llonae. Met at noon. . A bill to extend from ten to twenty years the time within which settlers on Irrigation projects may repay the govern ment was debated. Interstnto commerce committee re ported resolution for investigation of al leged depression of wheat prices paid to Kansas producers. Itrr'tr ha ffnv maTf WITNESS FAILST0 APPEAR Miss Aldcrmnn, in Omaha Tuesday, Goes to Counoil Bluffs., OUT OF BOARD'S JURISDICTION Altnrni'ri for IIiimiuIrpI Jtny Pub licly (lint the Prnecutlon lias Thu'a I'nr Confined Testi mony o Humors. The chief complainant against Principal L. C. Ilnimlsel of tho Omaha High School of Commerce, charged with being "In discreet," has icmoved herself from the Jurisdiction of tho Board of Kducatlon and 1ms refused to testify. Mr. Rusmlnct and his attorney havo pwadpd with tho prosecution to produco her! they state publicly thut tho complainants have thus far confined themselves to vague rumors and heat nay und that this, chief witness W responsible for all of tlicfcy rumors. Miss Kdth Aldermnn, the witness In question was told by tho Judiciary coin mllteo of tho Hoard of JSducntlqn which Is hearing thrt charges, that unless she re turned from lior mother's home In Iowa to testify the board would go to her and tuko her testimony. She came to Omaha. When tho cninmltteo met yesterday Mies Aldcrmnn, known to hnvo lccn In Omaha Tuesday night, had disappeared. Sho was located In Council Bluffs, beyond the Juris diction of the committee, and sho abso lutely refused to go on tho stand, unless Miss Kllnn 15. Drummond, now In tho eust, and Miss Kathorlne White, now In Chicago, wero brought back. "Sho In resorting to subterfuge," said Attorney C. A. Qoss for Mr. Rusmlsol. Refuses lo Come llnelc. Tho chairman of the Judiciary com mltten wired for Miss Drummond and Miss White, offering to pay their return expenses If they would come back to testify, but they refused, saying they know mo llttlo of the rasn that It would not be worth whllo for them to return. Attorney Kd Simeral and tho other com plainants nro making no effort to Induce Miss Alderman to go on th estand. Mr. Simeral said he did not know what Miss Alderman Intended to do. Mr. Rusmlsel's friends declared Miss Alderman was afraid to subject herself to thn grilling examination' Attorney Qoss had prepnred for her. Sho was formerly a teacher at the Omaha High School of Commerce nnd her services had ben dis pensed with because of alleged Ineffi ciency. All Avnllnhle Witnesses Kmnilnetl. Tho defense, which has assumed the at titude of the prosecutors, has little hope of securing Miss Alderman's testimony now. Tho Investigating commltteo will complete Its work today, all of tho avail able witnesses having been examined. Mr. Rusmlse), himself, went on the stand In his own defense. Others who testified for him wero Miss AUco B. Hoskln, Krvlng L. Brawford, Lloyd Bertschl and M. C. Wood, teachers at the Omaha High School of Commerce. Twenty-two teachers and pupils have appeared before tho Judiciary committee to testify In Mr. Rusmlsel's behalf. Dr. K. Holovtchlncr, chairman of the Judiciary commltteo, sold the committee's report would probably be submitted to the Board of Kducatlon nt a regular meeting the first Monday night In August. Tho committee will meet at 9 o'clock today to flnlnsh the esse. YOUNG DES MOINES MAN SAYS THAT HE TOOK HORSE BOONK. Ia . July 11. (Special Telo gram.) Klllfi Needles, who was landed In Jail here this morning, confessed to steal ing n valuable horse during the night from tho Gust Ostberg stables at Day ton. Ho Is a we lldressed young man living with lus mother In Des Moines. He says) he needed ready cash so appro priated a bridle from one stable and a horse from another. His statement was mado to Chief of Police Moyer. IVullvnl Dates dimmed. HARVARD, Neb., July 2X (SpeclaD The dato of Harvard's Fall festival has been changed from August 13 and 13 un til Augiist 19 and 20, to prevent oonfUet with other events. Drowned nr Mellieta. GI5RING, Neb., July 22. (Special Tele-gram.l-Conrad Henry, aired 23 years, married and a native of Rugila, wan d row nod in tho Jake near Mclbota lost night whllo bathing. UNITED STATES IS ASKED TO INSIST ON GUARANTEES South American Mediators Request Wilson to Obtain Amnesty for Huerta Followers. CARBAJAL 19 READY TO 0.UIT He Insists that There Be No Whole sale Executions or Confisca tion of Property. POSITION OF ADMINISTRATION Will Not Recognize Government that Refuses to Give Quarter. CARBAJAL COMMISSION ON WAY llniunr that Conferenee. Will Ho Held nt Snllltlo Hope Is ex pressed that There 1VIU lie . Nn Bloodshed. WASHINGTON, July 22! Ambassador Da Gnna of Brazil and Ministers Sunrz of Chile and Naon of Argentina, the three mediators In tho Mexican affair, ap pealed to President Wilson today to hao the United States use Its Influence with General Cnrranxa to obtain a general amnesty for those who supported the Hunrtn'gnvernment It wns tho first formal call of the three mediators since tho conference at Niagara Falls adjourned. They wero accompanied by Secretary Bryan and for nearly nn hour discussed the Mexican situation In all Its phases. They expressed the view that Francisco Carbajal was ready to turn over the government to General Car ranzn, but wanted guarantees that the- would bo no wholesale executions, ar rests or confiscation of property. Thoy told President Wilson that Car bajal would not surrender uncondition ally and that unless these guarantees for tho protection of tho lives and prop erty of those who supported Huerta wero given would concentrate all tho military forces and resist to the utmost any ef fort to Invade Mexico City. Statement by Diplomats. Tho president nnd Mr. Bryan listened attentively to tho ivlows of the South American diplomats, especially as they Indicated that their governments proba bly would be unable to recognize any ad ministration In Mexico which refused to give quarter to Its enemy or establish Itself by peaenful means In accordance with civilized practice among nations. After their talk with the president Sec retary Bryan and the three diplomats went to tho State department for a con ference. That the Influence of the United States, was being relied on by Provisional Presi dent Carbajal to obtain satisfactory terms frqnl ,tlio constitutionalists wns explained also by Joso Castellnt, personal rcpre sintatlvo of Carbajal. The mediators conforred not only with Mr. Cairtellot, but also with Emlllo Rahassa, head of tho delegation which represented Huerta I nt the Niagara conferences. j Mr. Castellot was confident the Amer- 1 lean government never would permit an arbitrary entry Into Mexico City. He said tho Carbajal government wanted no share In tho fut nro administration, no valida tion of tho acts of Hucrtn, but simply guarantees for lives nnd property. Commission on It's Way. Word that tho commission which will represent Carbajal In negotiations with Carrnnza had left Mexico City came to Castellot today. Tho commission departed without obtaining credentials, but since Carranxa Indicated to the American gov ernment that ho would receive the com missions full instructions and authoriza tion wilt be sent them. General Carranza :.ns suggested that ths conference take placo In S<lllo. WILLIAM ft. SMITH, BANKER OF ST. EDWARD, IS DEAD ST. KDWARD, Neb., Juty 22.-(8peclal.) William R. Smith, uon of rierson D. Smith, died at Coronado, Tent City. Cal., this morning. Ho was educated at Iaw rencovlll, N. J., and Anapolls naval academy and was cashier of the Smith National bank for four years and one of tlio directors at tho time of his death. Ho was u mombcr of tho Omaha club. Tho body will bo brought to St. Edwards for burial, complete arrangements not being madn nt this time. MRS. BULLARD MAY FILE FOR JUDGE IN WASHINGTON RLAIR, Neb.. July 22.-fSpeelal.)-A pe tition Is being circulated for Miss Grace Ballard to fllo as a candidate for the offlco of county Judge. Miss Ballard was graduatod In law Trom the University of Nebraska this year Sho was born and raised In this county and Is the daughter of tho late Attorney M. Ballard. She will be tho second woman who has ever filed In this county for a county office Here's a Dollar You're Welcome Mr. Dealer: If you saw a dollar bill lying on tho pavement, would you pick It up? Even though you had lum bago, you'd make an effort. There are dollars plenty of them lying within easy reach. Thoy are yours honestly auu easily, If you want them. Every product you handle that Is advertised by the maker in The Boe represents your, opportunity for profit. Make a list of these products today sort them out put them in your show windows and "cash in" on the domand. Let people know you sell the goods for which the manufac turer is creating a market in this city.