Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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    11 Ih Ul'A'l. UMA11A, SA1TRDA1, JULY 18, 1914.
.. 1
Postoffice Will Be a
Help Handling Mail
rorterhouse Steaks Now Cost
Cents Per Pound.
PRAISING PRPSIDPMT WI QfiMden,0,1"trMe, to ''uth America our t As far as my position la concerned, I ' a divorce to Jnme Murphy, who alleged
1 IMllLMUU I 1VU01UD1H HlUOVU 1 friendship. Botith America, did not want took mv nosltlon years aro on thla mat- that his nlfn. Pearl. drlrt hi.,, m
friendship. Botith America did not want
us to Intervene In Mexico. We have net
Metcalfe Declares South Americans P,0"e Aml l!t we "rfi bringing about
a peaceful 'ettlement or the troubles in
By the savernment and the street- rail-
; wav company co-operating the handling
IVnmfaenn Are Cbejp nnil Al.nn.Iunt, i f car mn t the Omaha postnfflee 1
nm Are Alio Cnenmhera Home J going to lie greatly facilitated. At leoat,
limnn Tomatoes Are AUo ll"t ' THnlon of Postmaster Wlmr-
At the pt-ent time there Is but one i
track on the Seventeenth street aide of ,
tho federal building. The plan aa pro
nn the MnrWct,
Are For Country's Head.
Kx-I'nnnnin llmrmnr fames tn e
Iirnakn to Mne Vp Ilia Plnns
or Vote Mlinulil Pri
maries I'nror lllm.
Meats have made another substantial
advance In pr'ee during the last week.
poyed eontemplBtrs a double track, ex-
Sirloins that cost the consumer 2 cents I tending from Dodfro street nlmoHt to Cap-
s, week ago. now are costing tfi cents.
I'orterhouee that o.t him . cents a
A-tk ago, aro now costing him 3 cents,
ll'jund steaks that cost cents, are
'.'st'nK C", enls. There Is a big demand
for round stenk. So ureal has been the
leuiand for round steaks since meats
iavc Rone nt high, that round steak hns
lutually climbed to a point of equality
n prt' - to some of the meats that were
mre -considered Its superior. -In Chicago
ouml metik la Actually selling higher
ban flrloin at present.
In the wholesale market bt-ef has
imped 11 pf hundred nhd that Is why
the retnH BtlCM lws followed. IJeef sold
last week at wholesale at 113.50 a hundred
s' jw the same beVf'coM stl.n and even
fr, fox some. Cliolco corned beef la said
o be somewhat scarce.
lirk Ailvnucliia.
Pork that -Was wholesale n week ago
t 15 ccnta, new eoM 17 ccn's. Pork thot
was retailing JJH cents, Is now re
tailing at 20 t ents.
Lambs are W cents a hundred higher
than a week ago. and are stilt source.
Smoked meats aro advancing In the
wholesale market about (1 a week. Hams
are gicatly In demand.
Much nice fruit la still on the market,
although apples are nrarce nnrt still n
nickel a pound.
Clear red Jelly plums nre on the market
nt 25 ccnta a basket, llurbank, Tragedy,
n ixl Italian pjums aro gn .tho, market at
price varying fiom ft cents a basket to
60 cents a. basket
Sclzsors-cut'chcrrtes nra of good quality
and selling nt 10 cents r quart. Oregon
nwcet cherries aro selling at 10 cents a
Cnntnlunpea Are Mcnrcr.
t ant.Uoupea have made a big bound.
Tho California cantaloupes nre growing
a triflo scarce, and the llochy Ford or
Colorado! have not begun to como In yet.
Thus far not a single Colorado canta
loup has been .on tho market this year.
Cantaloupes that sold a week ago at G
cent apiece, are now selling nt "14 cents,
or I1RJ a crate.
Large green cucumbers are abundant,
nt ." cents a. basket.
Michigan, California nnd Denver celery
Is on the market at three bunches for a.
WaX beons- nro cheap nnd ammdant.
Whll$ they were selling for 6" cents a
basket when they first came on the mar
ket -week ngd. they can bo had now nt
IJ ccnta a basket, or cents 'a pound.
Denver cauliflower Is hern nt 10 cents
a. poilnd.
Home grown rlpo tomutoes are selling
at 74" centi a pound.
Itol avenue, with a switch nt the north
end, thus enabling the running of sev
eral cars onto the poatoffice trneks, In
stead of but one, as at the present time.
In addition to double tracking tho post
office line the alley will bo raised some
six Indies nnd repaved with vitrified
brick. Tho street railway company
stands the expense of putting In the
double track and the government the ex
pense of Improving .the alley
Mexico. It Is a great stroke."
Here for t'ampnlmi, '
Sir. Metcalfe la In Nebraska to look
after hh Interests In the campaign for
the democratic nomination for governor I
of the state. He will be In Nebraska tin- i
til after the primaries now, he says. He j
wilt go to Lincoln to speak before the
Commercial club on the "Panama Canal.-'
Next Wednesday noon lie speaks at the
Commercial club nt David City on-lhe
same subject. Mr. Metcalfe will attend
took my position years ago on this mat- mat his wife, Pearl, deserted him. .Mrs.
ter. and have not changed It slnte. 1 Mutpiiy tailed to appear, and so Murphy
have been In favor of giving worn in suf- got the dtvtec by her default
frage, and I have never seen anything
that appealed to me as nn argument
against the rights of women.'
From the. Winnebago reservation in
Preliminaries for
Tel Jed Sokol Meet .
Next Week All Set
Joe Mlk has the ntnTinliiiirli- pietty
well nrnuiRed for the start of the tnikol
"All Boilth America Is singing the
praises of Woodrow Wilson." said nicli
ard L. Metcalfe, who arrived In Omaha
from WnahlnRtan Friday morning. Mr. I tho democratic state convention nt Colum
Metcalfe warmed up well to the subject i bus July if.
of the pending pence in Mexico. Jle
j pointful out that there sit- no people on
earth that are
1 Answer Clinrisni,
i til rntv to t h (.libra mfiiln mm. ilavfl
to bo much governed In , i. i. u..i . i.-.t i.
their commercial relations by friendship Ywvw harmony among party lesd-rs.
!!" p!f",.e ?! St!"h ;Vmcricn' und lie said he was not trying to bring about
.,, ii.v.d.t, uiui me ur miinK Run nr
peace in Mexleo
would so seal the
harmony among leaders, but that he was
I nnlv trvlnir tn t?nl thn Imnnnnv whtrli
i..enUO,..p m rum , hf knoWR , , Ule rnnk an(, fe ,)f tn0
wltliout intervention
America for us aii to Insure lis gienter party ttJ otrrcss Itself at the convention, ifee-rted him. he allege, and also called
uatie in wiose countries than Wp liave i -Vhat do I
Alleging that she was deserted by her
husband, Joeeph Pekar, alias Joseph
Vopakn. In Hohemla twenty-five yenrs
ago. after only one year of married life,
Mrs. Karollna Pckarova has brought suit
for divorce In tho lotfal district court.
She says they were married In 1SSS In
the old country, that her husband left
1 her In 18S0 and has been guilty of mis-
conduct since then, and that he now
i has $10,000 worth of real estate tn Ne-
hrnaka. Shi; asks for nn absolute divorce
and $!,I5i) permanent alimony.
1 Charles A. Ogilbfo has petitioned for
divorce from his wife, Lola It., whom WM,. ,,,-
h rhurni will. .Trm rniH.. en,. " . ""unmng lO
x.M.rsion ami uanoin coumies, .ei.rusKa. moetlng next wol; and Is now waiting th,
Deputy United States Marshal Sides has I arrival of tv.i.i, i.i.iin,,. BnVnl
who will arrive from Cedar Hnplds. la .
Cp on the reservation, north of Pender,
Deputy Hides found two Indians, Henry
arayhntr- and Peter Rhnrpback, who are
nccuseJ of Introducing liquor into Indian
territory; and u white man, Henry York,
who fs uccused of eelllng liquor without
a license.
The Omaha Humane society hns started
an advertltlng campaign
of Old Dobbin. Mia
the instigator of the mov
i Iteos Printing company
largo posters, which aro being placed lnt
vnrlnus nnrts nf tho cltv on billboards. I
They are entitled "The Honc'a Prayer.
M3 Omaha Natlnnnt
liatlL I il I U rl t M M ' r. m .,..11... t .
ihi.i, n i him ,ll t,.n,. .i I... I " o.oiiuiiin in ironi Of
ever enlnved hfnr. "w h.v. m o... - . , t.,. . ... . . ounaing at ik
- - " - ,11111 iur woiimn auiiragof en, so xnr as a" -memm inuicr on nim, lie asia ro.
nue now for that trade through life I'nn- , that Is concerned," he said, "I have not custody of their 2-year-old son, Max
ama canal." he continued, "nnd we have Itead Mr. Bryan's statement this morning Tliey were married In 1911.
District Judge A. L. Sutton has granted
Capitol avenue.
thieves with wrenches stole the cr-
buretor off the machine early Thursday
I evening.
Monday to take charge of the details.
On Monday base ball will be off th
schedule nt Hourkc park for a whtlfr.
and during tho afternoon the Hokols will
begin converting It Into nn athletic field..'
Klectric wltes will be strung und lamps '
Installed for the night ' entertainment?. :
, The lighting system will lie In operation
and then all Monday night, Tuesday ami
Tuesday night a largo force of men will
be kept at work getting things In nhap
; ror the Wir meet that starts Wednesday.
All tho athleth events will be held at
1 tho ball park, where hospital tents, dress-,
j Ing room's and restaurants will be lo-'
' catod for the participants. Headquarters
1 will be In the Sokol building ut Thirteenth
and Doccoh streets, where the Tegular
j meetings will be held and tho literary and.
musical programs put on.
rVeSrrVme'i Ribbon Special flfll Calling Car
Frying Pans
98c f
Aluminum Fry Pang,
ebony handles. No. S
Worth 2. Special Sat
ttrdny nt
85c Pans, 39c
1,000 onamel dlnh or preserv
ing pans. 17-quart. OA
Worth 8Gc. Choice, en.
French carv
ing sou with
Two-ploce nets
special nt
Soven - pteco
coaster tots
with fancy cut
stars. Worth
$2,45. Satur
day, per BOt
Guernsey casseroles with
nlckle plated frames. Mn.
Ire. Very special at 0c.
Wizard Oas Irons. Fully
guaranteed, 91.00.
Horaem Crttly $aU4,l uant at my Mow whilt writing, thrtt
botMt Dictionary, Atlai and Eneycloptdia of not ovr three volttmti
on would be better.
An Encyclopedia for 58c
Saturday we hold this
wonderful sale of
20th Century
A large one-volume
quick reference work
A comprehensive, accurate
and dependable, storehouse of
universal kuowjedgc, embrac
ing tho 10,000 subjects that aro
known to be encyclopedic.
Historical, Biographical, Scientific
All subject treated In simple language and without cross
references, no Greek, Latin or technical words; concise and com
pact; tp fact. "Knowledgo In a Nutshell " Just the thing for the
business man or schoolchtld who wants Information quickly obtained.
lot lasts, at the low price of only
A great big book, site 9x11
Inches, 3 inches thick, l.0p
pages. 2,000 IlluHtrullotiE
weighs Gipoundm Hound In
Tan Duchram. Marbled
edges, leather lands, arid
stamped In gold. - .
500 Wavy Hair
Switches on Sale at $1
JJeautilul wavy human hair
switches of refined qualitv. 2
incnes iont-. van he worn sen-
.araieiy it (lcBircu. Won- rf
derful values, ut w 1
J6 and J7 Triple stem ito at
jwltches, at PJHtO
Regular 1 4 triple stem to AC
iwltches, at ptD
Transformation made or finest
French convent curly hair To go
around the head. Our regular tF-
IV HO quality, at tbt)
W Jlatr drtming, facial muttwt. tiu incur nwV
tngand thqtnptoina: don by expert oner. WiB
Mwtotily JiAllt OOOliS PA HLUliti,
Among the many exceptional val
ues In ribbons for Saturday, wo feat
ure Xo. 9 black volvot
nt yard IOC
Sale of Aluminum
c x
3,500 garments, representing sample lines and special purchases to
be disposed of Saturday at three extreme low prices. Do not miss it!
WE iregf this, pense 0U.P of dresses as one of the most attractive we have ever
"l," ;1"1 wekB of cn.1?i1 Pinft "d the results of thorough search in of the countrv's nnukeLs for wn ni l '
Li-i niiiMMi in mil ico line mi nvnnt rimt n-nn i. i tt 11 . .
annr;7;i i .injurea. xiunareas ana iiunureds of gnraients gathered fr
n 1,11 1 P r T iruV S,"TC Jinee' lrom our regular stocks-all assembled here for this huge Mid-
linn all n.1. smnll frnpfinnu nf rnirn i it.m.fl. mi.,... j 1 ... . .. ' 1UIU
.InW. nn i w ii " .Z Z""" l w UI,U " " m every particular, Having the latest ideas in
AW4S .IHIIOOItlJI L. 141 J 1 10- .
Every Dress in the Lot is a Rare Bargain at the Price!
Choice of
' 1
1 1"1J.VU
Calling Cards J
Saturday we offer fifty high grade ?'
linen calling cards with card case
(Main Floor), for nn X'
only iby mall 3c extru) . . . otC 4'
ummer Sale of Wash Dresses
om numerous
Summer Sale',
tiered and ruffled
Every Desirable Material of the Season
Summer Silks
Fine Laces
If you w.ll make an mvpse
tion of theie ditties, we'd
not need urge you to, buy.
Hundreds of Dresses
Regularly Worth
up to $10
Select From
Beautiful Dresses
Regularly Worth
up to $15
I Black and White Hats
I Are the Thing Just Now
Lovely Dresses
Regularly Worth
up to $25, choice. . .
They are faeed with white hemn and
satin, some trimmed with white satin ears,
t ornaments 01 eordoM rinlions, ro
t settes of ribbons:, smart band-
ings, ete. There is a sneeial dis-
:J pluy i)ntj)ared for Saturday, at.
inn ears,
o wAM
2,400 Pr Famous L & L Gloves
Worth to $U5
This moat extraordinary purchase embraces nverv
gloves wanted nt this season." Here are the different styles:
Women's 12 button silk glove
Women's 10 button silk gloves.
Women's 2-clnsp silk glove.
Women's 12-10 button chamolsettc.
Women's 12-lo button real lisle.
Women's 2-clnsp lisle gloves.
Women's 2-cIasp chnniolsette Klves
Black, white and good assortment
of colors. All perfect. Some
slightly mussed as they aro samples.
The values are indeed remarkable.
The majority of them are worth $1
a pair. Many 1.25 nnd oven more.
Choice of this lot, at pair
Saturday Parasol Specials
A sample line of silk parasols in
all colors and manv stvlesd1 no
worth to $3,00 regularly. . tj)l ."5
An extensive assortment at this price,
representing nil stylos and colors.
uuiuren's parasols n a big assortment
'J5c, 50c mill 91.00.
Clearing of Hammocks
Je have divided ihe entire hammock stock in
two groups at two extreme low prices for quick
selling Saturday.
All the hammocks
previously priced at $3
to $6.50 including many
styles, at
All the hammocks
previously priced,
$2.60 nnd $2.7'5, a good
atsortmcnt, at
$2.50 $1.59
I Special Values in Hosiery
Women's good quality thrrad
nilk hose, IJOc Silk boot and
all silk to the knee, In black,
white and many fancy colors.
Qouble soles, high spliced
heels. Many are EA.
the Ji quality OUC
Women's BOc pure thread silk
boot hosiery, Bc Also fibre
silk, with double soles, high '
spliced heels. Full fashioned
and seamless. Wide double
hem and garter tops, ng ,
Mack, white and tan. . OC
Mi-irn rum Thread Hllk Hose, 10c. Double heels and
toes. Jllack and tan. Regular 50c values at. Dalr
Kayaer lur Hllk Hos In
black and a complete range of
!olora. Heavy weight, su
perior quality the very d
iest to be had at J X
I and tan. A big special lot, In
cluding qualities worth up to
25c to be on sale at,
pair . , . . ....
Drugs Toilet Goods
60c El Perfecto
Veda Itouge ..
75c White tvary
Manloure Filee .
SOc La Kloris
Kreckla' Cream
Intratn's Aahes
of Roses House. .
47tl Violet Veg
etal. Tfic sUe, . . .
Freeman's Face
Powder t......
Uathaitweet Hatir
Powder ut ; ... ,
Mlvtletoe Cream,
350 slie, ........
!5c WooUljpry'e
Kaolal Cream...
Tooth Bruxhei.,
40o Peroxide
Qreoaeless Cream
StlUmsn's Freckle
Cream. JiOe slie. .
Cucumber Cresm.
HOC else ...... ,
Maxtnn Klllot
Soap. 10a cake. . ,
Kirk's Juvenile
Soap 10c cake
Powder Puf fa.
15i kind for... .
. So
. 9o
i Heef, Iron and
, Wine. Qt. bottle.
j LMell's Traiirng- MQn
Arbufs perfme. ox"
Piver'a Ln, Trefle Efln
perfume, ot .... OOu
Dab rook' a Locut OK
ntoss'm perfe. ox fcOU
WaU" Lilao or t ft-
' vollet perfume, ox I UU
tt KatH Caps. 7n
I Alt rubber
; Camphor Ice. Iteg- On
ular lOo'klnd for.. Oh
5-sr. Asprin tab- I Cn
I letn, dozen.... 1 "
Mercollxed Wax. CQ
75c alxe OOU
Jamalcn Ginger 1.
1 2-ox. b'ottte I
Toilet Paper, 10c f rt
rolls, S for .... 1 bli
Bath Butt ' Hag, Q fl
at Wo and....... 5OU
Traveler' Hponge I O.
bags at I OU
Pullman Travel- QO.
ra' Aprons at.,.. OU
Special sale on white
tvory brushes Regular
i aa .
$3.50 and $5 Pumps, $285
About seven hundred pairs of
women's ftnp pumps worth $3,50 to
$5 a pair. There are patent and
dull leathers, suede, etc., in all thi3
season's styles, and sold all soason
at regular prices. Not all slzos in
every style, but all sizes
are In the lot; priced
Saturday, at
Straw Slippers for men and wom
en. Toweling lined. Most com-
lonanie ror bedroom, porch or
lounging wear. Worth $1.
All sizes, at
Summer Knitwear Underpriced
Women's fine lisle and cotton union suits with
cuff and umbrella knees, and full taped tops.
Excellent 50c suits, In regular and extra sizes, on
sale Saturday, at
Women's union suits of tine
cotton In cuff knee and um
brella styles with full taped
top. iteguiar and extra slzos
Values up to 50c,
on sale at .......
ijoys- uenuinq I'oros-Kuit Union Hults. .Made with
ntgn nccK. snort sleeves and knee length. 50c quality
Women's vests of fine lisle
and cotton. Round or comfy
cut necks, also shaped vests in
extra sizes. Regular 25c
values, on sale i o 1
at each iiC
. sr.