Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1914, Page 15, Image 15

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    llllj L1ji, U-U-MlaA, oAxl WI'avI, l)l 1,1 l.Jii.
Storm and Office.
Must have an
Office with a vault?
Tho Beo Building has
them largo or small,
located on the street
or on tho conrt with
water and freo elec
tric light
$18 - $30 - $40 - $50
Room 103.
J100 to 110,000 made promptly. P. V
Wead. Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam.
CITY and farm loans. D. 6V4. 6 per cent.
J.H.Dumont & Co.. IBM Farnam. Omaha
"VV A N TE D City loans a"ani'
W. Farnam umitn .o., v
SEE us first If you want a farm loan.
United States Truat Co.. Omaha, Ne b.
MONET on hand for city and farm loans.
II. V. Dlnder. City Nat. Bk. Bldg.
OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms.
1016 Omaha Nat. Douglas 2715.
niTY LOANS. Bemls-Carlborc Co.,
0 310-312 Brandels Theater Bldg.
CITY property. Large loans a specialty.
W. H. Thomas. 218 9tato Bank Bldg.
WANTED City loans, reters Trust cjo.
Pianos for other musical Inatru'U. D. 2017.
No Commission
Realty Co.
316-330 Paxton Bloclc
If you wont to buy, sell or exchange
your property or business, go where that
kind of business 1b done. Everybody goes
to the No Commission Realty Co., BE
CAUSE nobody pays a commission-
KERR Tltlo Guarantee and Abstract Co..
a modern abstract office. 306 So. lth
St. Phone Douglas bust
ItEED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of
fice In Nebraska. 206 Brandels Theater.
Buy Acres Now
You never will be able to buy acre near
Omaha for any less money and on easier
term than you can buy now.
You can make tho best selection now
while you can see what the land will pro
duce. Richland Acres
Out benson Way
The now 2. 3. 4 and 5-ocro addition Is
the best acreage proposition on the mar- j
Jet today, whero you can buy several i
acres togother. Richland Acres Is located i
half milt) west of Benson Acres and ad
joins Keystone Park on tho northwost;
lias the richest kind of soil, whero one
acre will produce an much as two acres
will produco In many places.
PRICES $300 TO $450 AN
We havo several choice acre tracts left
In Benson Acres we aro selling for
$20 DOWN $15 A MONTH
Our salesmen are ready to take you out
In automobiles any time.
Hastings & Heyden
20 Acres
Near Benson
W e aro, offering for sale 20 acres of
good level land; richest kind of soil for
gardening; located three miles west of
Benson and within mile of two paved
toads. 1265 per acre.
HASTINGS & HKYDEK, 1614 Harney St
CITY I'UUf rtiti'X k'nu SAL11.
For Sale
A Beautiful Country
Modern in every respect, WITH 12
ACRES OF GROUND, having 8 rooms,
lighted by electricity and tlnished In
luarter-sawed oak and birch throughout.
Large barn or garage, with full cemented
basement. Ice house, cave, chicken house,
"id-barrel cistern, wind milt, tile well and
stock barn; 6 acres ot alfalfa, W acres
bearlnir fruit, balance In cultivation and
pasture, with flno shade trees. Close to
;ement sidewalk and paved road, con
lenient to street car line; can reach the
retail center of Omaha by street car
within 3j minutes, bometning wrv
slrable and must be seen to be apnre
elated: could bo easily sub-divided lnt
could bo easily sub-divided Into
acre tracts. Possession at once. Investl
S"t: . .. . I
Price ana terms upon application.
George & Company
Phone D. 766. 902 City Nat Bank Bldg.
New Kountze Place
7 Rooms, $3,650
Located at 3315 N. 18th St., Just between
Plnknty and Kvans. Has large living
room, sun parlor, dining room and kitchen
on first Iloor. 3 good bed rooms and bath
on second floor. First floor finished in
oak, with beautiful oaken stairway lead
ing to second floor. Full basement, fur
nace heat; In fact, strictly modern
throughout Ono. block from car line.
Can arrange exceptionally good terms
on this property. Call us up and we wUl
be glad to show you this property.
Hiatt-Fairfield Co.
iJOUgiHS 4Jt.
2u Uiuuiiu .at. jik. .,u(-
' Why Pay Rent?
Write, call, phone or send for our
list of easy payment houses, priced
from V to $1,200. Payments $100 cash
and $10 per month. Now Is the time
to get away from the rent habit. Be
sure to get a list.
Creigh, Sons & Co.
Phone Douglas 200.
m Deo Bldg.
2116 CASS ST.
Eleven-room, strictly modern house;
well-arranged rooms; six rooms on first
floor, leading up to flvs large udrooms
and bath: near car; close In. Terms to
sol. A reasonable offer not refused, o
ItEAIj estate
Union Pacific Railroad
Valuable Tract of Land
for Sale in Nebraska
Comprised of Hay, Farm and Pasture lands, along tho
North Platte River, adjacent to railroad and towns.
This tract of land for sale as a whole, or will be sub
divided. Prices, from $H.OO per acre, up.
ONE-TENTH DOWN. Balance in equal annual payments,
spread over a term of ten years nt 6 interest.
For further information, address or call upon
FOUND 320-ncre Homestead In settled
neighborhood; fine farm land; not sand
hills: cost you $200 tiling fees and ulU J.
A. Tracey. Kimball. Neb.
cattle ranch of 2,121 acres, near Valen
tine, Nebraska; only V4 mllo from Fort
Niobrara lands, recently opened 1,100 acres
splendid hay flats, sub-lrrlgutlon and pro
ducing hundreds of tons of hay that
frades "No. 1 upland"; balance pasture;
airfield creek running through; eleven
miles of fence; good, new house, barn,
etc. For quick sale price $14 per acre;
onc-thlrd cash, balance 6 years 6 per cent.
MEAD & COE, 63 W. Washington St..
Chicago, III. o
HOMESEEICERS' excursion; German
American colony; Grant and Jefferson
counties, Arkansas. Uphoff, 4tO Times
lildg.. at. Louis. Mo.
FOR Sale 260 acres, 45 miles from Min
neapolis, l mile from town; 160 acres
under cultivation, balance used for pas
tures; can practically all be cultivated;
heavy soil; good set buildings, consisting
of 8-room houjfe, largo barn, granary,
corncrlbs, etc.; tho lond will produce 60
bushels of corn per acre; telephono In
house; country thickly settled; complete
set of machinery; 27 head of stock, con
sisting of eleven cows, balance 1 and it
year -olds; six good horses; 15 hogs; chick
ens; one-half of this ear's crop and
everything on the farm goes at 50 per
acre, half cash. Schwab Bros.. 102S Ply
mouth Bldg., MlnnoHpolls. Minn.
SALE, RENT Good farms, corn belt
Southwestern Minnesota. Owner, Box
116, Lake Wilson, Minnesota.
Garden Lots
in Omaha
Two blocks of lots.
Large 50-foot lots.
1-evel lots, fine soil.
For garden purposes they
can't bo beat.
The prices wilt sell them;
$145 to 1100.
You will pay as much per
acre ono mile further out.
Notice they are close-In
lots nt acreage prices.
Why not call by phone at
once and make an appoint
ment. Wo will send a sales
man with an automobile to
take you to sec- these lots.
If you can't go In the day
time wo will tako you In the
By all means see these lots
If you want a bargain.
H. H. Harper,
1013-14 City National Bank Bldg.
Best Bargain in
West Farnam
District r
3Sj7 Jones St. (Just west of 38th
Ave,, on Jones St.), 6 rooms, com
pleted this week. First floor fin
ished In oak. Second floor hard
plno: whlto enamel bath room.
Sleeping porch KxlO feet Full brick
cellar, cemented floor, sloped to
drain. Improved ventilating sys
tem through garret makes cool
bedrooms In the afternoon and
One-half block to school, 1 block
to Leavenworth car, 4 blocks to
Inquire at 90" So. 17th St., or
phone Doug. UST or Harney 6903.
West Davenport Lot
With navlnar nnd walks paid for.
ground, close to best additions In Omaha.
Have tour lota left at $35 to $45 per ft.
To sell these
lot sold. $500
on first
cash, balance
O'Keefe Real Estate Co.
101 G Omaha Nat'l. Phono Doug. 2713.
Evenings H. 838 or H. 6134.
Two Bungalows just being
Most attractive bungalows in
Strictly modern, 5 large rooms
and bath, oak finish
throughout, beam ceilings, built-in book
cases, window seats, plate rail, 6x7-foot
cupboards In kitchen with glass doors,
beautiful electric light fixtures, sleeping
porch, full basement with cement floors;
streets paved, high, sightly location at
4Sth and Burt Bts., Dundee.
Can be purchased cheap on easy terms
It taken at once.
Telephone Douglas 415 or Red 8373.
West Farnam
Modern, S-room cottago on SMh Ave.,
between Jackson and Jones strewn. Closi
to car line, school, stores. Will sell at
low figure. Apply to owner, II! So. Jth
Ht. Phone Harney "165.
MUST be sold, o-room, now, moiern
restdance In Morning Side add'.tio:.;
cost 12.(00 to build, mutt sell at a lota
Phone D 3607
7-KOOM house, rents for llS.bO, must be
sold at onre ijiv v..n nantii- ii u itil
heal estate
r'AIlM .t IIAM1I LAND roll 5AI.M
In dlano.
A splendid opportunity to buy a farm
In the corn belt of Indiana, where land
will double In the next few years. Farms
from 40 acres up to 2,000 acres. Write
Newton Bros.. Knox. lnd.
FOR SALE 1.6S0 acres raw land In Ham
ilton Co., Kan. Price 5 per acre; Terms;
will divide. Address P. O. Box a, Lin
coln. III.
Ml sat, art.
FARMS for sale J5 down, 15 monthly buys
40 acres. good timber land, near town.
Texas county. Mo.; price (200; perfect
title. J. B. Jarrell. Ml Vernon, 111.
IOR PALE Wheat land, poultry farm;
100 acres, deeded land, two miles from
Harlowton. well Imoroved. H0 nn acre.
Terms eusy. Wrlto for particulars, P. O.
Iiox , llariowton, Mont.
A snap, 100 acres 1)4 miles from thriving
vllluge oc utciivie: W acres unuer Plow.
most of balance easily cleared, good
house, other buildings fair condition; cow
barn for is cows, horse Darn tor norses,
M-ton silo (new), on state road. Farmers'
Telephone line, R. F. D., near rood
Man 1
Farmers' co-operative creamery.
with 10 to 15 good cows can easily pay for
this farm; 60 per aero, 12,500 to $3,000
cash, balance to suit. Reason ror selling,
other business. F. A. Kettle, Ogllvle,
Kenebec Co., Minn. o
Dundee Lots on
Easy Terms
$1,000 buys a lot COxl36 ft1., facing north
on Nicholas St., which is paved, between
61st and 62d, by paying $100 down and $10
per month, with a 5 per cent discount
allowed for nil cash. Theeo are high
sightly lots and are tho cheapest prop
erty, considering location, offered today
In Dundee. Only ftve lots remaining un
sold. Investigate.
George & Company
002 City Nat 1 Bank Bldg. Phone D. 756.
Attractive Homes
Fivo large room.", best condition; lot
uuAiM, ouuki, iiuiii, bviiicti. n uina, auauv, -
shrubbery, etc.; a neat, comfortable nomo. i
well located, near with and uaondo. uood
valuo at $2,100, easy terms.
Five-room cottage, partly modern,
newly repaired, near 17th and Vinton;
bargain at $1,400; $100 cash, $20 per month.
McKitrick Real Estate Co.
310 Ramge Bldg. D. 14S2. 15th and Harney.
$250 Cash
Price $2,350
Will buy a new 6-room house, modern
but heat;, rooms large and well arranged;
nicely decorated; dandy east front lot;
nice shade and fruit trees and shrubbery;
only Vj block to car; good location and
neighborhood. Will sell to colored man.
Call Owner, Webster 1460
5-room cottage, at 628 South 19th Ave.;
cool bedrooms, pleasant dining room,
newly flttod bathroom, with hot water
connections; new cellar; full length front
porch and full length covorod back
porch; permanent cement walk, steps
and new brick retaining wall. A splendid
Investment as it Is; increasing In value
from $300 to $S00 yearly. A bargain price
as It is; easily worth $4, ISO. To close
quickly, $3,000. Terms to suit Owner,
AV. A. Hlxeubaugh, 628 South 19th St.
Douglas 42M.
BY OWNER, new 7-room house, near
Lothrop school; big bargain. Address
B 303. Bee-
Florence Ileal ISstat (or Sal.
C. L. Nethawuy, suburban prop. Flor 216.
Missouri Partite
DrptrU AiTlv.
K. C. tc B L. Ei;ri a H:ir0 ua a 7:11 am
K. C a Bt, L. KiprtM allilt pm :J3 pm
K. C. A St. Pul U;J0 am t l:M pm
Chicago Great Western
Twin City LlmlUd a l:0 pm a 1:10 am
Tvln City Eiprtu a :M am a 6: to pm
Chlcato EUprMi a 1:0 pm a I:t9 pm
Union Pacific
OrtrUnl Llmltt4 a 1:00 am a 1:45 pm
California Mall a 4;M pm a l:4 am
Omatia ISxprea a 6:10 pta
Atlanta Eiprwa a 6:10 am
O Ixa Aaslti umitta au:u am a pm
I Denver hpeciai a f-.ra am a a:u era
I Colorado Expre a 4:M pm a 4:00 pm
tSa! rmnaio Limiui'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.aio':o am
Pacific l-iouiea aji: am a :n pm
Oreiran-Waaolnstoa UmUl..aU:M am a I:IS pm
Kortn IMalta Local a l:U am a 4 Hi pm
Orto4 Ielan4 Loral a 1:10 pm alO:M am
Stronuburg Loral bllMl pm b 1:10 pm
Chlcaso, Milwaukee fc 8t. Paul
Pacific L)mlt4 a 7:10 pm 11:15 am
Cbloaxo Special a l:W pm T:zi am
Ban FraaoUco Umltea aU:ti am 1:11 pm
CbleaxO Dajrllfbt Special a 1:10 am 11:15 pm
Manila Local a t:00 pm 11;W am
Chlcaso A Northwestern
Twin enr Kipraaa a 7;S ain alO:0 pm
Dakota Faiaengcr ,..b 7:15 am a 1:45 am
Hloui'CUr Local , a 9:t pm
Minneapolis Eipreaa ....a : pm all:10am
Dakota Ejprcaa a 1:4 pm kiO-.tO pm
Twin Cltr Limited a :H pm a 7:11 am
Denver Special a 1:41 am a 7:0 am
Carroll Local ...e 7:00 am a :00 pm
Hawker Eiprna a 7:40 am alt:M pm
Chleaio Local ...allsMpm a l:t pm
Carroll Local a 4:M pm 10:00 am
nlct Special a:00pm a7:Mpm
Han rraneleoo Limited a 1:13 am al0:li am
Oi.rltnd Limited a ;00 pm a 7 10 am
Oregon-Waihlaitoa Limited-.a 1:11 pm alO lt am
Loe Anielei Limited a : pm all:tl am
Chadron Local
.a 1:00 pm .
a 1. 1.0 am a 5:20 pra
. .a 2 15 pm alO II pm
b 2 15 pm b 5.20 pm
..a 3:U pm a I 10 pm
a I It pm all :O0 am
b u 5) pm b 1 li p.-u
Llscoln-Dallai .
Llaeoln-Leng Pine
Dadaod-llot Springe
f ADD AM7A DUATW Tft DADI rV'Jrovllonil president of Mexho. today nit
I vr..- e. .1 - ir-.t -n.
uuuuuuiuuiiHi umicuuci mini JJIi
Basis of Negotiations.
Will Tnrn fioTrrninrnt Over to Hie
Chleftnln on Terms hnt Will
I'rcTfst Farther lllnoil
sheil or Looting..
MONTBHUV. Mcx'co. July 17-l'lght
lug by constitutionalists Is over In Mexico
It plans announced hero today by
Venustlano Carranxa no Into effect. Gen
eral Carranxa declared his main object
now would bo to conduct negotiations
tor tho constitutionalists to enter Mexico
CHy and establish their government
without further bloodshed or damage to
General Cnrransa was tiunblo to say
whether these negotiations would be con
ducted through tho A. U. C. mediators
or direct with the federa..-. Unconditional
surrender, however, will be the only con
dition on which these negotiations will
be successful.
"The rt'Htgnatlon of Huerta and the
substitution of Carbajal in Itself will not
causa the constitutionalists to com
promise, on a single point, tho principles
upon which tho movement was founded,"
ho said. "If tho government machinery
through which ttioio ends may be ob
talred Is not surrendered voluntarily by
tho party ot Huerta, It will he obtained I
by force."
Because of tho effort to make the In
stallation of the constitutionalist govern
ment a peaceful one, General Currania
said he expected It probably would bo
a month beforo he entered Mexico City.
He stated that he did not believe Car
bajal was stropg enough to handle ef
fectively tho reins of power passed over
(o him by Huerta and that ho expected
that tho new president would open
negotiations with htm at once.
In view of tho situation facing Carbajal,
General Carranxa declared It might be
necessary to send constitutionalist troops
to Moxlco City to preserve order and
that such a situation was being pro
pared tor.
General Carranxa announced today that
ho had received advices 'from an unoffi
cial sourco that a commission already
had left Mexico City for Celeya to meet
constitutionalist representatives to ar
rango for the orderly entry of the, con
stitutionalists Into the capital. General
Carranxa has not as yet named a com
mission, hut it Is believed he will do so
immediately after formal overtures are
Not Seeking- Presidency.
LAREDO. Tex., July 16,-General
Venustlano Carranxa, "first chief" of tho
constitutionalist army1, has no ambition
to be president ot Mexico according to a
c.tatement he made ycrterday to a friend,
a foreigner. Adlvces to this effect reached
tho border today.
llnertn'n Debts.
"General Carranxa wilt not recognlxo
tho validity of tho debts of Huerta after
he enters Mexico City nnd establishes, a
constitutionalist government," was the
statement mndo hero today by high con
stitutionalist officials, it was In answer
to questions concerning a statement said
to have been published in the United
States that foreign nations had made a
demand through Washington that Car
ranxa agree to recognize the legality of
the debts ot Huerta and grant amnesty
to all political prisoners.
The greatest troop movement In the his
tory of the constitutionalist army was
started today when General Pablo Gon
zales left Saltlllo with the remainder ot
his forces for San Luis Potosl and the
south. Hixty-clght trains were required
to transport tho troops, which Included
Infantry, cavalry and artillery.
WASHINGTON, July 1G. Francisco
Carbajal, successor to General Huerta as
ChlciiC", Hock Island A Pacific
Itockr Mountain Limited a!2:U am ell:0l Pm
Chicago Local Paesfngtr bl0:00 am bl0:(l pra
Chicago Day Exprex a 0:10 ant a 4:40 pm
Chicago Nlgm itipreiu a :iu pm a i: pm
n. Molnea Local i auenger.a 4:11 sm all II am
Chlcajo-Nebratka Limited a :01 pm a 1:10 im
Cbl.-Neb. Lim. to Lincoln. .. .a I;i am a (147 pm
Colorado Ik California Kip. .a 1:40 pm a 4:00 pm
Oklahoma Texae Bxpreee...a 4:iO pm all:10 am
Ilocky Mountain Lirallea...
Illinois Central
Chicago Limited
Chicago Express
Oraaha-Ht. Iuli Eipreaa...
U.ll end ExDrsia
..all:17 pm ai::27 am
..a 3:00 pm a 1:20 am
..a 9:50 am a 1:50 pm
a I: JO pm a 8:15 am
a 7:01 am all:e pm
HUntxrry Local from C. 11.. .b 6:00 pm blOUi am
Ilurltnirton ,
Depait. Arrive.
...a :0 am a 1:00 am
a 0:10 am
...a 4.10 pm a 8.50 pm
...a 4:10 pm a 1:30 pm
...a 1:20 am a 6:10 pm
Denver Limited
Denver and California.,
ltiget Sound Kxpreee.....
Necraaka lulnta
Black Hllla
tV.,iE2 ".'.if? ?m
Northwevt Kxprese
all. S6 pra h 7:00 am
Nebraaka Kxprcea
Lincoln Local
Schuyler-l'lattamouth ...
Bellevue-Plattamoulh ...
Chicago Special
Denver Special
Chicago Kipree
Chicago Fast Eipreaa..
Creetort Local
et. L. & K. '. Special
K. C A Ht. Joaeph....
K. C. a rlt. Joaeph....
Llncoln-I'lattamoutli ...
...iu:it am a s;lo pm
..a 7:13 pm b .M am
..b 3:01 pm M0;20 am
..a O.U am a 1:10 am
. al2:10 pm a 1:40 pm
. .a 7 15 am all.;o pm
..all 15 pra
..a 3.45 pm a 1:11 pm
..a :M pm a 1:00 am
..b 1:15 pm bll.OO am
..a 4:10 pm all .60 pm
..al0:4S pm a :I0 am
..a 9:11 am a 1:10 pm
..a 1:30 pm a 7:50 pm
, 1
teenth und Webster.
Missouri Pacific
Depart. Arrive.
Palls Cltr Paeienger b 2:41 pm bl0:45 am
Local Freight b 1:10 am b 4:10 pm
Chicago, Ht. Paul, Minneapolis at
Twin City raatengtr b 1:56 am b 1:26 pm
Sioux Cltr Kxpreaa b 2:15 pm bll:(l am
Hloux City Paaeenger 1:H am
Emerson Local b :00 pra b til am
Deoda (lied for record July 17. 1014;
0. O. Redlck et al. to C. Kopald, .15 feet
of lot 4 and nlO feetof lot I, block 10, J.
I. lUdlck's aubdlvltloa 1 1,450
F. A. King to O, T. Wilson, eVi of lot 3.
Donfleld'a add 1
E. A. Iegaa to N. II. Crane, lot II and a
feet of lot 11. block 3, Norwood 1
Joeeph Barker, truatee, to O. Mlederwleaer,
lot and 40, Iloanek add 115
L Carter to M. Carter, lot 7. block C,
I'rovpect Place 1
OlalMon Townill company to Howard Btov
Works, block 54, ICalaton 1
1, Levy to Jacob fSchmld, two-thlrda Intertat
In lot 11, block 6. Kulphur Spring add.... 1
J. Thorn to Flrat Lutheran Church of lien
son, lot 21 and 21, block 14, H let on
Height q c d 1
R. Oroman to E. O. Mount, block 2, Blur
lain l'lace 1
J. O. ltlngwalt to It, J. Drown, lot 3 la
Hlllild Heeenr 2
I, Harnett to W. II, Kareelt, Iota II. 11. 20,
21, 22, 22, 24, block 27. Halcyon Holghte,. 1
Kenwood Itralty company to F.. II. Edward,
lot CS and Si. Kenwood add 41S
United Heal Bitnte and Truat company to
S. Bborg. lota 17 and II. block 2, Kounts'
Fifth add 1,200
II. Iamb to Iena Goo, nt, of lot . block,
I, Armatrong' Flrat add 1
M. M. Markey to A. W. Johaoaon, lot 241.
Fairfax add If I
M. CbrUtenaen to II. C GlUiuntna, part of
lot 2. block I, Brooklln 41
W A DeBord. truatee, to A, V. Snyder,
lot U. block II. Wet End 1,100
M, M Mackey to A. Bbeeta, lot i, Fairfax
add 201
a, Ketienden to 8. II. Llndbrrg, 177 feet of
ei:U f"t of will', feet ot let 4. Kills-
tone Park Place add f5"0
lied the United Slates government In
formally that he Intended to retire In fa'
proclaimed and protection Riven to the '
property of those who opporcd tho con'
Tho United States tins made Its posi
tion clear with respect to recognition.
If Carransa Insists on pushing his way
by force Into Mexico City, the American
government will withhold, recognition tin
til an election Is held to Indicate whether
or hot the Miplo approve of the new
regime. If a peaceful transfer of power ! WASHINGTON. July 17 Admlnlstra
Is effected, tho United Slates will at once Hon senators who are urging the con
recognize tho resultant government. flrmatlou of Thomas 15 .'ones of Chi-
I'nf Cordnhn.
VERA CRUZ. Juy IB. Tho special train
said to be I'onvoyluK (lenernls Huerta
and Hlauqtiet front Mexico City passed
through Cordon at 2:30 o'clock this af
ternoon on Its way to Puerta Mexico,
according to Lleutennnt Colonl launza,
commander of tho Mexican federal out
Huerta Expected to Reacli Puerto
Mexico Early Today.
Expectation They Will lie Asked to
fin to Some Nentrnl Port (hat
Will Permit IJnrljr Trip
to Knrope.
PUBRTO. Mexico, July 17.THls family
and others dear to him, already hero out
of the zono of possible danger, ox-Prcsl-dent
Huerta l moving toward this port
tonight In a special train that should
land him here early tomorrow morning.
Tho train Is moving leisurely making a
number of stops, and the Incident thereby
is robbed ot much Hint otherwise might
characterize General Huerta's departure
Irom the capital an a flight.
Huerta's friends hero point to the man
ner In which he stood back urging those
for whom he cared to leave- before him
and refer to him ns "the officer who com
mands the rear guard movement."
As It appears tonight there will bo llttls
tomorrow to bring to mind the departure;
from Mexico of Porflrlo Diaz. It wus
Huerta whom Diaz chose to escort him to
Vtra Cruz from tho capital, Huerta to
whom the deposed president uttered
words which subsequont developments
havo mado appear prophetic. No one
here knows Just where and how and when
Huerta will say good bye, but the ma
jority bellevo that his departure will be
as unostentatious as he can make It.
The orders of tho Dresden and Bristol
German nnd English warships, still place
them at tho disposition of the executive,
but nothing more definite than this la
known. It Is understood generally, how
ever, that most ot the party, probably the
women will be cared for on tho Bristol
while General Huerta and General Blan
ouet and perhaps the other men will be
taken abroad the German cruiser.
Senora Huerta had lost her buoyancy
of tho morning nnd spent tho greater
part of the day In her section talking
very soberly to her sons, Jorge and Vic
tor. She rofused to see anybody nnd
members of her party described her as
showing considerable uneasiness regard
ing her husband, lleports from tho train
on which Huerta Is traveling were shown
to her from time to time, but even the
fact that tho train was moving steadily
forward was not sufficient to reassure
Iter. Her mood extended to the other
members of her Immediate family.
Lnsy and somnolent Puerto Mexico has
regurded with only languid Interest her
unexpected guests. If tho Inhabitants aro
' revolutionary at heart they havo not
shown It. nor havo they evinced any
opposite emotion.
Tho arrival at Puorto Mexloo of the
ex-president nnd the ex-war mlnUtor is
looked for botween 8 and 9 o'clock tomor
row morning. It Is oxpocted they will
ask the Dresden and Bristol to carry the
refugeos to some neutral port, whero they
can transfer to a regular Btoaraer for
Kurope. Tho Bristol scheduled to sail
from this port via Buenos Ayres and It
Is not duo here until July SL. it is
thought Huerta will not core to wait that
length of time.
Austrian Uses Gun
to Settle His Rival
Steve Yousalack and Bam Doras n, Aus
trian laborers living at 1214 South Thir
teenth street, got Into an argument
Thursday night over n girl in whom it
la said both 'are deeply Interestud. and
after a battlo of words Dorsan pullid
a handy gun und peppored uway at his
rival. Yousalack tried the rapid dis
appearing uct, but could not get Into the
clear beforo ho was hit by a bullet In the
leg. Ills wound was dressed nt th
: ',ollce station by Dr. Kdstrom. Police
are looking for Dorsan.
Trolley and Freight
Crash; Three Killed
NOHPOLK, Vn July 17.-Thito per-
sons wore Killed and forty Injured to
night when a trolley car collided with a
Virginia railway freight train at a cross
InrT three miles from Norfolk.
1TL PASO, Tex , July 17. Aguas Cullen
tes, 400 miles north of Mexico City, was
evacuated today by the federals, accord
ing to private messages recdvt-d here.
Aguas Callentns was fliht evacuated
shortly after Zacatecaa felt Into Villa's
bands. Two weeks ago Huerta's troops
reoccupled the town.
NACO, Arlx., July 16. Mexican troops
evacuated Quaymas at 11 a, m. today,
according to advices received here by rail
road officials.
Musings of a Modern Maid.
Cast your bread upon tho waters of a
summer flirtation but don't expect it to
return to you in the form of a wedding
Matrimony is a surgicui operation hy
which a woman bus her vanity removed
without an anaesthetic.
The flower ot a man's love Is not an
Immortelle, but a morning glory; which
fades the moment the sun of a woman's
smile become too Intense and glowing,
Making a grass widow out of tt green
eyed woman Is carrying coals to I'ennsyl
vanla. . .
Qlrls are tho milk and honey which
sweeten a man's life; widows, the caviare
and wine which relieve Its flatness and
glvo It plauancy.
It Is a waste ot time to attempt to get
a girl to take any vital Interest In the
woman question until she has settled the
nian question one way or another,
There may be men sufficiently broad
minded to concede that a woman knows
enough to vote, but there never was a
married man who would concede that his
wife's dresses fitted In th back.
By tho time a man has discovered that
he Is In love with a woman she In usu
ally fagged out waiting for the phenom
ena that she la ready to topple right over
into his arms from sheer exhaustion.
Philadelphia Inquire.
Says He Will Welcome
One at Any Time,
Clnliit The)- Have f'nouali Demo
eratu til Confirm Nomination t
4'hlcnnonn, While Other Side
Also Confident.
csgo ns a member of the Federal lleserve
bosrd worked strenuously today to bring
Into line some of their democratic col
leagues who havo expressed opposition to
tho president's nominee.
Tonight some of thoo who havo been
mart nrtlvo were more hopeful than they
wore yesterday nnd one senntor mado tho
detlnltn assertion, that Mr. Jones would
bo confirmed by a majority of two votes.
Opposition tender still Insisted, however,
that tho banking commlttoe's adverse re
pott would be adopted.
Whatever the outcome. It was msil
practically certain that then would be
no vote for evvernl days, the ndmlnlstrn-
tlon fenators being determined to hold
the voto off while they aro endeavoring
to win over support. Henator Hltrhrock.
acting chairman of the banking commit
tee, who leads) the opponents of Mr. Jones,
said that he wai ready and anxious for a
voto at any time.
Onlrah)' Sees llltciiiMM-k.
Tho administration will not push Its
fight for the confirmation o the nom
ination of Paul M. Warburg of Now
York until the Jones nomination hns been
acted upon. Representative Oglesby ot
Now York had a talk with Acting Chair
man Hitchcock today and strongly urged I
a favorahlu report upon Mr. Warburg.
regardless of tho tatter's refusal to ap
pear before tho committee to be ques
Mr. Oglcsby spoko of tho qualifications
of the banker for the post and of the
sacrifice he would have to make to ac
cept it nnd Henator Hitchcock got the
Impression that Mr. Warburg declined to
accept tho committee's Invitation because
he thought ho would be uselessly heckled
and embarrassed.
Iteportn of this Interview reaching Mr.
Warburg caused him to send this tele
grsm to Representative Oglcsby:
Warburit'n Mpnsatrr.
"I have Just been shown a dispute!)
from Washington which .will doubtless
appear In tomorrow's papers, stating, In
substance, that you have opened negotia
tions In my behalf with Chairman Hitch
cock, looking toward my appearance be
foro tho committee nnd that you have
stated that my Unwillingness to appear
beforo tho committee was duo to fear ns
to tho scope of Its sessions. I nm sure
that this report Is Incorrect nnd 1 very
much hopa that you will correct It In
tlmo to prevent Its publication in tomor
row's papers, making It clear that 1
neither authorized nor encouraged any
negotiations on my behalf. It la very
Important that this should be dono clearly
nnd promptly Inasmuch as the report
which has already been sent out gives an
cutlroly Incorrect statement of my posi
tion, tho publication ot which I should
sincerely regret."
Representative Oglesby Immediately re
plied, ndvlslng the banker that he had
opened no negotiations In his .behalf, as
he had not been authorised to do so, and
had not attempted to state his position
because ho did not know what that posi
tion was.
Two Automobiles
Are Wrecked When
Woman Loses Nerve
A powerful six-cylinder machine driven
at a fast clip by a woman driver under
the tutlage of a demonstrator collided
with another machine, carrying C. C.
Beaver, a real entitle men In the Omaha
National Bank building, nnd Mr. and
Mrs. A. 15. Spinner, at Thirty-third nnd
California streets yesterday, with the
result that both machines were more or
Ion wrecked and Mr. Beaver and Mr.
Spinner were scratched and cut, while
Mrs. Spinner was more serlouslr 'irulsed.
The woman, who It is thought was
Icnrnlng to drive the big machine, and
tho man, purported to be a demonstrator,
escaped li a passing mnchine and their
Identity is unknown,
Tho heavy machine was going west on
Cullfcrnta and Mr. Beaver wus traveling
south on Thirty-third. Ho saw the car
coming at a lively speed and lie Instantly
shut down. But tho woman dilvlng the
ether car could not stop and It crealiod
dlicctly Into the noso of Iho llcavcr ma
chine lipping the wheel off and throwing
the nccupuntH out. Her own ar was
carried by Its momentum over the curb
und up on the lawn of a residence
The domohstrator hulled a parsing ma
chine anil the woman und lilmtclf were
cairled away beforo Mr, Beaver or Mr.
Bplnner could tintnugtu themrclves and
niHlto Inquiries.
The license number was ll. The license
-.umber of the car which carried the
woman nnd man awoy was 1OT0I Ne-
Oscar Llnd, the 18-yoar-old boy shot
through the stomach In the battlo
Wednesday night between the Bouth
Omaha and Vinton street gangs, will live,
according to physic:ar.s at Bt. Joseph's
hospital last night.
The bullet that struck Und caused no
less than fifteen holes In his Intestines
and It appeared at first as If bo hod no
chance for recovery, but skillful s wing
nnd surgical work by Dr. T. T. Harris,
head police surgeon, appears to have
given him a new lease on life. Llnd Is
the son of Nels Llnd, 3737 Bouth Twenty
fourth street.
John Itahn. charged with having shot
I urcar Ltna, in me gang iignt on Vinton
street Wednesday night, was arraigned
In police court and bound over to the
(itrlct court on tho charge of shooting
vlth intent to kill. The young man en
tered a plea of not guilty, and his bond
was fixed at $2,S04.
Klght other boys and young men, who
are said to havo participated In the battle
Wednesday night, were arraigned and
their bonds fixed at t&00 each, until their
hearing, which will be Monday morning.
Charles Passlch, U3S Vinton street; Ned
Aim, 37CT South Nineteenth street; James
73. Hansen, HCS South Seventeenth street;
Seldon Smith, K09 Leavenworth street;
George Furse, Raymond Noon. William
Samuelson and Hugh O'Nell ot South
Omaha will face the charge ot rioting.
All of tho boys, excepting Charles Passlch
and Selden Smith, furnished bonds and
were) released.
Hevleir ot Uperntlonx on Sioclc Kj
change 1) tiring- tho Day.
NKW YOHK. July 1.-Lalest develop,
ments In the affairs ot tho New Haven
road were reflected In the eratlc course
pursued by the stock today. Opening
with a fractional Ids, It soon rose a
point, at which n block of 1.W0 shares
chtingiHl hands. From thin level, how
ever, the stock soon yielded all Its ad
vantage. C'ankdlan Pacific rose ltt. but
the movement among other leaders called
for Itttlo comment, except In tho case of
Baltimore ,fc Ohio, which soon fell a,
t'olnt to a now low record, on selling of
tho character recently noted. By the enI
of tho first half hour tho entlro Ut
showed marked heaviness.
Number ot sales and leading quotations
on stocks were as follows:
Halea lllth. Lnw. ClM
Alarta Bold 1,700 374 2S 2-
Amalgamated Copper . . . S.IW "0V l .
American lleet Bugar. .. to 23fc U Ml.
Aroerlon Ctn 2.JO0 2I 1S 24
American ft. 41 It 1.40) S
American S. A It ptd... 100 101'. tOJVk 102
Amer Sutar lltflalne, 1051,
Amerlon T. T SO ll't 111 111',
American Tobnrco .... M 3Ml, 22! 124
Anaconda Mining M0 M'i 104 lot.
AtcMon t.TM Mt IT" 971,
lultlmcr a OM,. la.ttk) US'. US U ,
Hipoklyn Itapl.l Tr 1.700 90 fO K',
California I'Mmleum .. 23H 22 11
Canadian l'aclflr 5.n 117', 154 1!V,
Central Is-ntier !.) 31 M', 1',
... lk A Ohio ... . ?.00 4'i 45U
(lilcxa 1 W 10 IIS HH HV
fnlcag?. M. c Ht 1..., 2,100 M". 8? ST,
Tl!no Al V. W 0 111H 111 IM
Chlno rvpper l.JoO 40 lt !
Colorado Kuet A Iron 2k
Onh.radjt A Kouthnm 21.
Denver A lllo (Iran,!.... 400 I 44 41,
Denver a II 0 pfd. . . 2.240 10t l
Illttllleri' Securities II
Krle 11,100 214 25tt J'.
General Klertrlo 1I7U
Orent Northern pfd 4M lltti 121. Ill
flrest Vartlirni Ore rtfy. 1,00 0S 2 K
Guggenheim Kxplorntlon 5
llllnole Central Ill
Interbnrough Met. pfd el,
tnrplratlon Copper 1,200 UU 114 HU
International llai-ieeter .. 10JS
Kanua Cltr KonthTn .. 1.100 27 ;4 M,
lhlgh Valley 1.100 W 111 111
LiuUvllle a Naahvllle... 100 lit 114 1.5i
Mexican relroleum 3,f4) 4 U4 V,
Miami t'orper too Ui 21'i 12
MImouH. K. A T 1,600 13 lo,
Mlraaurl l'acltlo S,i UVk ID", 11
Nation,! Ulectill 1101,
National Iad 45
Nevada Capper US lilt U".
New York Ontrul 14,700 J 14 4'
N. V., N II. II Ml BlH 1
NXwfvIk A Wratern 500 104 109! 1MU
Northern 1'aelne ,U 100 lots 10'U
I'acltli Mall 200 22( 21 H',
Pacific T A T
l'ennylvanla 12,700 HOT 10ji, Wi
Pullman 1'alars Car 155
Ray Cxi Corper 500 20, 204 lOVi
Heading 24.100 1S 10 111
llepubllc Iron I Steel... 400 21 , 21 21
Hock leland Co IM I 1 t
nork Inland Co. pfd IM 31 1H 2
rtt. L A ft. r 2d pfd st
.Hotithern rarlflc f.100 MH Kti 6t,
Houthern Hallway I,7f0 22H SS topper 23
Textii Company 7 IWtl 1 IM
t'nlon Paririo 20,M 1HI 111 154U
t'nlon Pacific ntd... 400 H UH
fnll-.l Btatea Steel 12.500 0 SJ, (0
t'. 8. Hleel pfd 0lti
Utah Copper 2.1W CIK H I4,
VaU,h pfd 3W
Weetern Union 1,100 Ht, MVi U
Weatlnglieuae Electric .. 1.400 7IH 77 H 7!
Total tale for the day, 111,100 thsret.
New York Monrr Market,
NKW YOHIC. Julv 17. MONKY On rail.
fltni. at 2V.tr2 per cent; ruling rate, 24
Per cent; closing. per cent Time
loans, easier: slxtv davs. 2'ia2i onr cent
ninety days. SMgja per cent; six months, 4
per cent; morcantlto paper, 4SH;i per cent
mr.uijtiNu iiiAi itAiNuri Heavy; sixty
days,,; demand, 114.8(95; commercial
bills. S4.K4M4-fi.84.
H1LVUH Bar. C4'.c. Mexican dollars.
ItONDS-aovefiimenl, steady: railroad,
C oslng quotations on bonds today wer
as follows:
V. H. ref. 2a, reg.. MVUiretl M. &... 112
do coupon 51 Lorlllard la 102
U. P. 3a. reg 101 LAN. unl. 4 Mi
do coupon 101 m. K. & T lit I.. M
V. H. 4. reg lvl'tMo. I'ac ev. 47U
to coupon jw n. Y. C. g. 3H... I2W
l'tnatna Sa. coupon. .100 deh. I.i 19 U
Amer. Ag, 6 ,W.,N. Y. a 4H. Il42..l0;i
Am. Cotton Oil 6.. 5JN. Y. NtaU 4U... ,110V,
A. T. a i. ct. '.. ., N. Y. Hy. ad, la... 14
Amer. Hmeltlng e,.104VN, Y,, N. II. A II.
Am. Tnlacco .,.. Ill . cv. t 102V,
Armour A Co. 4H.- '!, A. W. cv. 4li...10)
Atr.hlaon gen. 4a 5tNo. I'aeltle I f
do ev, 4, 1W0 4U .do la .,., ., . it
A. C. L. clt. 4i... 1 o, B. L r. 4... .. CO,,
Ul. A Ohio 4 1 po. T. A T. 6i.... K
do cv. 4Vi 50 penn.'cv. 34, 1115.. I
lutli. steel r. 5.... M .io con, I loot
llroak. Tr. cv, 4. . M Hay Con. la .114
On. of Ga. Si 101 n.dlnr ean. a... . 0.1'.
Con. of leather I.. Hep. iTteel , tli. 4
Chea, Ohio 4H... 18. U A 8. F. r. 4a. SOU
do ov. 4M 7JS8t. L. 8. W e. 4. lit,
C 0. A Q. J. 4.... 1W8. A. L. dj, .. . 754
do gen, 4e..., 3!i8o. Hell Tel. 5 7
Chlciign O, W. 4i... 71 So. l'c. cv. 4a IS',
O M A H P o 4H.-101U dO ref. 4t Sl.
do gen. 4H 101 So. Hallway 1 104,
C It. I. A r. e. 4t. 4,8o. C. 104S
do ref. 4i 74 do gen. 4c 71.
CAN. W. ltt UliTeia Co. cv. a....10t
u. a b. rr. t,im & p, it... .loot,
D. ft IL 0. ret. 6.. 4S!4Thtrd Are. dj. 5.. lit,
DUtlllera' 8eo, (... STMllnlon I'aclHo 4a lit
Krl ev. ta, ser. D.. "0 do cv. 4 , 10 1,
do ten. 4a 724,1. fi. Rubber i, 1094.
0n. Electrlo (a 10HtT. ft. Hteel 5,.., ...1021,
Ot. Nd. 11 4U 100T4V..C. Ctem. f,,.. lit.
III. Ceo. ref. 4 Ml,,Wabah lit S 112
Inter Mat. 414,. .. 7CVOt. Unlen 4H.... I:
K. C. Ho, ref. (.. N'.Wcjt. l'.lcc. cv. (,. K
L H. deb. 4a. 12314 I
Bid. Offand.
Local Securities.
Falruont Creamery pfd, 7 per cent..
Kelnnont Creamary g. S per east...,
Omaha A a n. Bt. It. pW
Omalia & C. II. It. A 1)
Omaha K. LAP. pfd
Union Rtock Tarda. Omaha
Swift A L's T per cent
Skinner Macaroni, I per cent pfd....
Bancroft, Neb., li. 1113
llloomlngtou, Neb., K L. la, 113....
Chi. eiec. Ry, t. lll...
Dusde raving warranU, T per cent..
Dundee Iteally Co. It, 1122........
Fll Hirer Co.. ft. D., li, IMS
Oerlng, Neb., Water. , 111)
Kanaaa City, Mo.. Tai bills, 7 J. c
I-lncnln Traction Ca, 11-7.
Northern 1 iclflo 4Vi. 2047
Omaha K. L & I. ta, 1211
Omaha Qaa 5e, 1117
City of Omaha 4Sit, ml
Omaha A a II. Ht. Hy. ti, 1121
l'uget Bound T. U A r. 5i. 1211. ...
Kcrlbner. Net,.. 6, ll!t...., ,
flIt L.k School tt. 1130
Swift A Co. it, 1144 '
t'. 8. Smelting t- Refining U. nil,,
Wayne, Neb., Bfbool Dlatrlct ta..,..
Bid, Aaktd
l 100U
2 100
U l
71 12
II tl,
1C4 1011s
Boston Copper Ntoeiks.
BOSTON, July 17,-Closlng quotatloas
on stocks were as follows: HUVla"oa
"' .,,''TI-d Co" Uli
.. mUNIplaalng lllnra ,. u. !
HUNorth Butt 1411
4 lM.North Lak.
.. H01d Dominion 44
...4U Oaceola Tt
let,-..., ..............
Amal. Copper
A. Z. L. A H.
Arliona Com...
Cel. A Arliona
Cat. A llecla..
4pper itange c. C. SSVjSbannoa"...'...!!.'.' 1
Kaat Butts C M... M.HupeVlor . ." 27
"ranklln 4 Superior A B ii it:
?,y f 7IHTirnarI ... 23 '
Greene Otnanea .. 3U4U. 8. 8. It. & M 34.
le Royal. Copper. 131 do pfd ; 'u
Kerr Lake UiVUh Con. " JSu
ikt.M;:. :" ... W.
Miami Conner uv.i 1-- "..
, . , . - - "ui.UIIU, ........... SJM,
MohaaV 41 Hntie i- K,,...i.. .I.T
London Slock aiarKt-.t,
LONDON, July 17. American securities
vrv mil .hH r..iMHi... 1 . .
"r "'-; uuring ill
"rly trading today. At noon prices
It"! uum unensngea to j above par-
Iowa News Notes.
ONAWA The third annual chautanua
opened here today with the lunbar
orchestra, Dr. Kmll lieltsel und Dr
Frcdorlo Poole. Owing to the fact that
so many of tho neighboring towus have
recently adopted the Chautauqua system
the attendance here Is not quite as large
us In previous years.
BEKBEETOWN - Promoters of th
rural consolidation won with hands down
here yesterday In the special election.
The territory embraced for consolidation
ot "rot schools was carved from Union
and Lcurangb of Harrison county and
Boomer township In Pottawattamie
county and Includes seventeen sections
of land
ONAWA The Onawa Regulars defeat
the Turin base ball team by a ,'ort of
B to 2. Batteries- OnaWa. Delashmutt of
Whiting and Wall; Turin sTaeffer M
Btirges-. I'mplre; Sago of Omaha, in
the Hivenlh Inning Wall, the Onaiva
catcher, was Injured in the neck. Met
KlroytnkLn'r hl8 PM'tn. TherT will i u
School Kids Go Pre.
Ninety thousand school boys wtlf im
the Plttsfeds p'sy tree of charge this
season. That many tlekata have. bon
given Superintendent Davidson and ars
being distributed throughout th districts.