Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 15, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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Tuesday, July 14, 1914.
TIIE new dances aro changing too quickly for somo of the club mem
bers, so the Happy Hollow club entertainment committoo an
nounces that ut each dinner danco night thore will ho throe or
four Just plain old-fashioned two-steps and waltzes, so that every
one may dance, especially the older members of the rlub who do not care to
keep up with all of the new danco.
According to tho New York papers, cunclng is still popular in the
east, and they are constantly changing,
A glance in hotel ballrooms at Asbury Park, K. J,, is evidence of the
waning popularity of the tango here. The half-and-half, which is a vari
ation of the tango steps, is replacing the former craxo in nearly all of tho
smart hotels, though the tango is still the popular dance !n the Boardwalk
casino. The West End hotel has added a tango matlnoo as an attraction,
while in the New Monterey an after-breakfast dansant is a feature. The
Coleman house tango tea Is still popular. Wednesday nights are given
orer to informal dances.
Watch Hill, It. I., Is a favorite summer resort with a large colony of
Omaha people, including Mr. and Mrs. F. 11. Davis and tho Misses Eliza
beth and Mono Davit.. Dancing will bo tho favorite- pastime thoro this
summer. The Seaside tea room, one of tho Innovations at tho New Watch
HJ11 houso this season, was opened to the guests of tho hotel and to the
cottagers last Saturday. It was the first real society event of the present
season. Mr. Hamilton and Miss Jaokson of Drlarcllff, N. V., gave a series
of exhibitions of dancing. This afternoon Miss Margaret Hawkeaworth
and her dancing partner, Basil Durant of Now York, took part in the
Such it Title to Article on This City
in Chicago Paper.
Gives Srrlea of Picture of NebrnaW
A Ion with Statlatlral ttrc
orda of I'nwllillltle of
the Hlnle.
"Omaha, the Gateway to the West,"
with seven big Illustration" Is featured
In a big display occupying- a full page In
the Saturday Blade, published In Cht
Chga. The feature oc-urs In the Issue
of June 11. The sent a staff man
to gather the material. The material
and photographs were furnished him
Girls Try Military Camp Life.
Camp Laf.O'Lot was pitched at Child's
Point, and a delightful day apent there.
The slrl's were assigned to different
ranks and duties ai follows: Major
Keneral, nuth Hutton; camp physician,
Captain Grace Orogan; camp photo
graphers, Lieutenants Martha Meyer
nnd Edna Ohlendorf; official fireman.
Corporal I.ydln. Halyard; rjimp Jester,
Major Katie KrlRler; camp orderly, 8er
Keant Amanda Ohlendorf; camp chief,
Corporal Haxel Hutton; camp water boy
Private Katie Hayes; bugle corps, Prl
vato Josle Hayes; Kuord of the arsenal,
Bergcant Nell Kenvln; camp attendant.
Captain Kathcrlno McOovern; outalde
picket. Colonel Jessie Pennington, The
main amusement of the day wss the
Initiation of the membtra.
Seymour Lake Country Club.
C. A Mangum has had his cottage at
Seymour Lako club remodeled and Im
proved and moved hla family out yester
day. The Illness of their little" daughter
has delayed their plans for norne time.
Mayor James C. Dahlman has Just com
pleted a unique cottage, which takes the
plsico of the temporary structure which
he has occupied with his family for the
last two summers. Tho new cottage Is
eautpped with a spacious fireplace and
many of the unusual features. It will be
in readiness for occupancy this week.
Tho office employes of the Omaha Elec
tric Light and Towor company will enjoy
a field day at Seymour club next Saturday,
Mrs. John Douglas will be hostess at a
large luncheon party Thursday
At Happy Hollow.
Mr. Paul Bhlrley will entertain at ono
of the larger dinner parties at Happy
Hollow this evening. Covers' win do
placed for:
Marlon Tow),
neglna Conneii.
cr home In Hammond Ind., after spend
ing two weeks with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. II. KrltenBririK. She was ac
companied by her sister, Mrs. Carl Peter
sen of Obert Neb.
Little Misses Betty and Wynne Fair
field spend last week In Lincoln with
their aunt, Mrs. A. W. Field. Mrs. E.
M. Fairfield went to Lincoln Saturday
to accompany her little daughters home
nd wm guest of honor at a dinner that
evening at the Country club given by
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Field.
Needier Fonda of Bt. Albans. James
Kllleen of New York, John Johnson of
Boston and Donald McMurray of Chi
cago, tho Dartmouth college men who
spent the week-end here, left Sunday
afternon for Chicago. Emmett Barrett
of Boston, who came out with the party,
left Friday evening for California to
spend the summer. They were the guests
of Miss Marlon Kuhn, Miss Eugenie Pat
terson and Miss Stella Thummell and
were much entertained while here.
Alice Coad.
Naomi Towle,
Claire Daugherty,
Daniel McCarthy
of Chicago.
Charles McCarthy
of Minneapolis,
Douglas l'oters,
Isabel Vlnsonhaler,
Philip Chaae,
Harold McConnell,
Jabln Caldwell,
Clarence Petera,
Paul Shirley.
Dining with Mr. and Mrs. M. Bhlrley
this evening will be:
Dr and Mrs, H. L. Arnold.
Dr. and Mrs. B. A. McDermott
Mr. and Mrs. C-eorge Shirley.
The Tuesday Bridge club had luncheon
together today at Happy Hollow. Covers
were placed for eight.
Mrs. Joseph I'olcar entertained eight
guests. Miss Henrietta Bees nlno guests,
nnd Mrs. Sweeney twenty-eight guests at
luncheon today.
This evening- Bobert Dempster will
have twelve guests; Senator Korrls
Brown, four; W. C. Bultard, nine; W. E.
Chambers, four.
Prof. Chambers and six assistants will
nivo an exhibition of the newest dances
this evening at the club,
Thursday Mrs. Eira Millard will en
tertain twenty-six guests at luncheon at
Happy Hollow.
Attend Party in Lincoln.
Mrs. Olive Watson of Lincoln enter
talned a dozen children Saturday after
noon for her daughter, Latta. The out-of-town
guests were Bettle and Wynne
Fairfield of Omaha, who aro visiting
their aunt, Mrs. A. W. Field; Susan
White of Esthcrvtlle, la., who Is the guest
of her aunt, Mrs, Lew Marshall, and
SJartha, Wilcox of Clarlnda, la., who la
visiting Mrs. W. W. BJchardson.
atM uuu wst W V - VI V ASVW
The Mlasvs Welty of Fremont spent the
week end as the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
J. B. Hayne's.
Mrs. W. H. Blood loft today to visit
her former home In Kansas City.
Mrs. A. L. Casey Is entertaining her
sister, Miss Mildred De Courcy, of St,
Mr. Arthur Keellne has returned from
his ranch In Montana, and after spending
the week here -will return west for the
rest of the summer.
Mrs. I. If. Crawford and children left
Monday for their home at Genoa Colo.
after a weeks' visit at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Oeorse W. Lancaster.
Mr. and Mrs. It. C. ftowe with their
daughter. Miss Marian Howe, and son,
Bobert Howe, will leave August 1 for
Colorado to spend the remainder of the
Mr. Robert Dempster has returned from
Montreal, where he met his nephew. Bob
ert Martin Dempster, of Huntly. Scotland
who accompanied him home for a visit
Miss Molly Corby leaves today with
Mrs. A. B. Alplrn and children for Den
ver and Colorado Springs for the sum
mer Later they will go to Kansas City
and St Joseph for a visit
Mr and Mrs. Carl A. Pedersen and
little son, of Obert Neb., made a motor
trip to Omaha In their car and will visit
for a few days with the tatter's parents,
Mr- and Mrs. X H. Kritennnnk.
Mr. Nathan Merriam returned Sunday
after spending a few weeks at the Eng.
lsh seaside resort Torquay. Mrs. Mer
riam and Miss Mildred Merriam will re
main abroad a few weeks longer.
Miss Helen Prall left Monday for Lodge
Grass Mont, where she will camp for
two weeks with Mrs. Willis Spear, her
cousin. Miss Prall will spend some time
in Cleaxmont, Wyo., before her return
Mr. and Mrs. If. C. BJtwe returned to
Fred Browning Is
Second Victim of
a Run-Away Horse
irea urowmng, sm Fowler avenue.
driver for the Evans Laundry, Is the
second victim In one day of a horse, which
become frightened at Sixteenth and Leav
enworth, and after running north, down
the west sidewalk to Stryker's shoo store,
between Farnam and Harney streets,
threw him out nnd fractured his shoul
der. The waeon struck the projoctlnsr
front wtndow and eewered the front axel
so that the animal headed light Into the
tore, and became effectively blocked so
that It could bo hold and unhitched from
the wrecked conveyance.
The same liorco ran away In the morn
ing, near Thirty-third and Woolworth
nvenue, when driver Louis Stuft, 4919
Patrick avenue, suffered a broken leg,
largely by the publicity bureau of Omaha. J
The Omaha Bee's great photograph
showing a panorama ot the business sec
tion of the city occupies the top of the
pnge. A large photograph of a section
of the stock yards Is another feature. A
picture of the Missouri river bridge is
nicely reproduced. Mayor James C. Dahl
man's picture occupies the center of the
psge. Other business and residence
property Is featured also.
"Omaha has prosperity In greater
measure than ever before," run the ar
ticle. "On every side thcro are the evi
dences of It, In the great freight yards
with their Jam of wheat cars telling the
story of Nebraska's record-breaking
wheHt crop; In tho paoklng Industry at
South Omaha furnishing a living for
40,000 residents of the city and Its sub
urbs; in tho manufacturing and Jobbing j
uousep, everywncre um
Omaha can be found.
worxers ji i
And the story
Is told again In the happiness and con
tentment of the people."
Mighty Inland Empire.
The Immense Inland empire lying be
tween the Mississippi river and the
Rockies, between Canada on tho north
end Mexico and the gulf on the south.
Is the most productive area of its size
on the face of the globe. Here, for In
stance, Is grown more than scven-tnth
of the foodstuffs exported by the na
tion. Hero Is four-fifths of tho m -at
production. Since the time the first ra I
rosri was put through. Omnha. brca isc
of Its important position, has bean known
as the "Gateway to the West" The de
velopment of the Inland empire Is re
fected In the wonderful growth o' vhe
city which lies at Its door. Through
Cmaha tho products of the rich territory
find their natural outlet to tin narkts
of the world nnd bark In tho same way
coma tne necessities wnicn tne ' ti.rire
buys. It can thus be seen what ?' :,n
development of tho fertile soil, "with im
proved methods of cultivation, means to
the "Gate City."
See real estate columns for bargains.
Extensive Changes
Being Made at Rome
Extensive changes nnd Improvements,
costing thousands of dollars and requir
ing a month or more to complete, have
boon started at Hotel Borne.
The big ball room Is being entirely
made over from floor to celling, and the
latter Is being raised several feet A
new heating system Is being Installed for
the ball room, on which over 110,000 will
bo spent altogether.
Diarrhoea QaloUlr Cared,
"My attention was first called to
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy as much as twelve -years
ago. At that time I was seriously ill
with summer complaint One dose of
this remedy checked the trouble," writes
Mrs. C, W, Florence, Rockfleld, Ind.
For sale by all druggists. Advertisement.
Fashion Hint
JaawSPEsaaf "2 '
aaaaVsaaaaaaaaar st?3CT
.sammmmmmmmmmmmmv w I
tfdgiflr gsVggsKigsftBbw&w7
A somber-hued cape for afternoon wear
can be oaally converted Into a gay satin
evening wrap by turning It Inside out,
as illustrated by this picture.
This cape Is made of two materials, the
dark on a Vlolace crepe satin, to be
worn for afternoon, the tight satin side
to be turned out for evening.
Wednesday Comes a Sale of Fine
Sun Bleached Jap Panamas
Worth $3 and $3.50 at
There are twenty dozen of these hats for women who
come Wednesday, and we expect to be sold out before tne
day is over, as they are doubtless the best Panama values
we have offered. And it seems that every woman must have
a Panama this season.
They are all good new shapes and are excellent qual
ities such as have heretofore been sold at $3, $3.50 and even
more. Truly exceptional at $1.79
Sale of Women's Wash Dresses Worth $5 and $8
A big special selection of attractive summer dresses for Wednesday's m aq
selling. They are dainty embroidered voiles, stripe tissues and stripe voiles, T M f$
aim aiiuw Uic vcijr litiai dijrica mcoo in giiuic cucuia, iu39iui muiia aiiu
blouses. All are worth $$ and $6. Choice on second floor, at
Wednesday-a Sale
Washable Skirts
Worth to $1.50 for
These are all right-up-to-the-minute
styles, carefully tailored of good reps,
pique, cordallne and linen in white and
colors. Some have pearl button trim
mings, many are trimmed with folds and
straps. All are worth up to $1.50.
Choice Wednesday on second floor. .49c
Wcdnetday Is Ice Cream Day 49c and 69c RIBBONS, at
a.!, tl , Ribbons up to 8 Inches wide for sashes,
,tne r Ompeian ROOm girdles and millinery plain moire and g ft
t, i t,i , - j satin in all colors. Also fancy byadere and JPUjA
Our Usual High Grade Cream warp print ribbons. 4o and 63c quai. ML i7I !
Qaart Bncka. . . .20c 1 Pint Bricks 10c ItleB. yard w
500 Pairs of Women's Pumps and
Oxfords Worth Up to $3, at
Those are odds and ends of stock, but aro ,
excellent bargains Tor people who can be
fitted. A blc variety, but not all sizes In i
each lot They are patent and dull leath
ers In many styles, all worth up to $3, on
sale In Basement Wednesday, at
Sale of Boys' Wash Suits
Regularly Worth $2 to $3, $1 25
L Manhattan or Cadet Makes I
This sale Includes several hundred suits in the Oliver Twist,
Balkan and Middy styles, either short or long sleeves, with Balkan
or Russian blouses. Linens, reps, madras, crepes in all the new
shades. Ages 2 to 10 years.
Every mother of a small boy will want to take advantage of
this sale Wednesday.
Boys' Section Second Floor Old Store
Timely Reductions on Good Bath Towels
15c Bath Towels 10c
These ara plain hemmed
towels; also a few f rinsed.
hnrr wnlirht. double thread.
18x86. Recularly worth 10c.
Bale price, each.......
20c Bath Towels 17c
Heary double ply twisted yarn in
bleached or unbleached. Plain white
or colored borders. Hemmed. Tow
els that always sell for 20c j
July sale price, each .1 1 C
29c Bath Towels 23c
Extra heavy, fluffy bath towels In
plain white or with colored borders.
Size 22x48 Inch sUe. A Tory desir
able towel which usually OQ
sells for 29c. at 6JC
35c Bath Towels 29c
These largo, fluffy snow-white bath
towels are made from extra quality
yarns. Size 22x4p Inches. Regular
35o towels, in this sale, at, on
each , ZSfC
Towels Worth SOc to 60c at 39c
Very fine quality Turkish bath tow
els, In plain white or with fancy col
ored borders. Very largo sizes and
desirable quality. Worth 60c on
and 60c, at OuC
Bath Sheets Worth $1.50 at 60c
Fine, soft snowtlako bath sheets.
Size 54x72 Inches, Always sold at
II. so. special in our juiy
sale at, each
Warm Weather Bath Specialties Much Reduced
Bath Cans
Tight fitting.
All rubber,
Bath Brush
Detachable nan
die. Extra, good
60c value
Mill lkJUl .
1 mvjw
nath Sarar
Rapid flow tubing-.
Very service
able. A summer
TalUt Water
4 7 11 toilet
water, too bot
tles, on sale at
l bath necea-on n
alty HeKujyc OtlC
lar $1 value'' i v
Bath Forrder
Borazo bath
powder, 3Se
site, special
He can Tetlow'a
Borated Talcum
Q- I Mosquito Puffa. lc I Witch hssel. pint It- I
"C keeps them away ." I bottle at . I
Verbens, bath sosp,
round caJte, at
Phone Doug. 1889 and Have a Case Sent Home
Good chances
The "FOR SALE" column of Tho Beo "Want Ads is j
one of the most valuable in the service it renders to ourjjh
Just as bargains are found in the display
ads of big stores, so does the "FOR SALE" col
umn carry similar offerings from small merchants i
and private owners.
Bargains in household and office furniture, musical
instruments, typewriters, machinery, nnd dozens of other
useful articles may be found every day in this column.
It will pay you to keep posted. Watch the
'FOR SALE" column for bargains. . ,
Telephone Tyler 1000
Everybody Read Bern Want Ads.
Nebraska Buick Auto Company
Lee Huff, Mgr. 1912-14-16 Farnam Street.
, Maxwell Motor Sales Corporation.
205-207 State Bank Building.
Van Brunt Automobile Company,
2010 Farnam St., Omaha. 18-20-22 4th St., Council Bluffs.
Van Brunt Automobile Company,
2010 Farnam St., Omaha. 18-20-22 4th St., Council Bluffs.
E. R. Wilson Auto Company,
2429 Farnam Street.
Van Brunt Automobile Company,
2010 Farnam St., Omaha. 18-20-22 4th St., Council Bluffs.
The best office location
for a lawyer is
" The building that it alwayt new "
You can save time by be
ing near the court house
For offices apply to Superintendent, Room 103.
No Money Till Cund
n"'" All ST.ctal Blsaasea cre4
uttbakalfa. PeriiuwantcurvanarMi
Dlaaaaaa urn taatisaeaiaia et ---
e cre4 wMfe-
DR. E. R. TARRY . 2tO lu Mldau