THE BEE: OMAHA, "WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1914. BRIEF CITY NEWS Hat Boot Print It Now Beacon Press. Ufa Monthly Income OoulJ, Bee BldK SldaUty Btorar Van Co., Dour. 1516. Xjlfht-Xnoh Electrlo ran for home use, I7.W. Burgefs-Qranden Co. Wanted, Good City Loans Prompt closing. First Trust company of Omaha. Wl you know tras lighting you pra ter it. Omaha Oas Co.. 1KB Howard St XTsnrMka Baring's and IrOan Ass'n. mutual plan has helped Its members to save. It Is profitable and safe. IMG Far nam St. Menzlss WalTSs Preliminary Wil liam Menzles, a tinner, held for assault, waived preliminary hearing In police court, through Harry Fleharty, his at torney. Bohllohtlnffs in Omaha H. B. Bchllcht ing and son of Deadwood, B. D., are In Omnha, stopping at. the Henshaw hotel. He Is on of the pioneer business men of that part bf tha country. "Today's Oomplet Vovte Frorram" may be found on the tyrst page of the classified section today, and appears In The Bee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what the various moving picture theaters offer. To Try Hw Salt Lew Blck. general manager of the Bowles Commission com pany of South Omaha, has gone to Pony lake, where he will try out a new kind of fish bait, warranted to land every time. Wew Fourtssn-Foand. Boy A fourteen pound boy has been bora to Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Clin, son-in-law and daughter of City Fire Warden Ed Morris. This Is the second child born to Mr. and Mrs. Cllnc. Introducing: Teas and Ooffeas Wil liam Schwartz of 'St. Louis, representing Blanke Tea and Coffeo company, Is In Omaha Introducing the Faust brand of teas and coffee, as well as the soluble teas and coffees which are becoming so popular. Gallup in Hew Position E. F. Gallup, for six years division sales manager for the American Multograph' Sales company, has resigned to accopt the position of, manager of the new Omaha Conservatory of Music and Arts, with headquarters In Metropolitan hall. Will Spend Two Weeks In Bast Mr. and -Mrs. Joseph Kecnan and Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Tyler plan to leave Omaha Thursday for a two weeks' trip to New York and the east. Mr. Kecnan is manager of the Henshaw hotel, and Mr. Tyler is connected with tho Burlington route. Br. Shearer to Burops Dr. W. L. Shearer has gono to New York City, from whence ho will sail July 18 for Eu rope on the Imperator. He will attend the Clinical Congress of Surgeons of North America and the International Dental congress, both of which will be held in London. Dr. Shearer will be away until September 1. To Wyoming; for the Summer Mrs. A. J. Beaton and children, Orcutt and Anna Jane, left Tuesday evening with Mr. lArthur Kecllne for the Keeline ranch, twenty miles from Gillette, Wyo. In AUgust Mrs. Beatun and the children and Mrs. Kecllne, her sister, will be the guests of Mrs. Gcorgo Voss at Dome Lake. They will bo away all summer. Finally Bands in Jail G. W. Gordon, 1703 South Seventeenth street, nppeared before Pollco Judge Foster for the third time In as many months, on a charge of abusing his family. The first time he Mas discharged, the second time he was given a suspended sentence of 90 days, and this time the 90 day Jail sentence was put Into effect. MISS CHARLOTTE E. WHITE SPEAKS ON SOCIAL PURITY Miss Charlotte E. White, national lec turer for the Child Conservation Iyague of America, spoke on "Social Purity" yesterday afternoon at the North Pres byterian church. Miss White comes from Massachusetts and plana to remain In Omaha several months to organlic branch leagues throughout the city. In dealing with her subject, the speaker warned the mothers of the care necessary in properly bringing up ohll dren. "Arm your cniidren In Innocence that Is not 'ignorance and all the evil of the streets will not harm them," she said. "The greatest weapons of evil are secrecy and deceit, the most powerful armament of good, truth and open deal ing." She advised the encouragement of healthy sports as nature's greatest safeguard. "Fresh air and proper fosd are also factors for purity," she said. Got anything you'd like to swap? Use the "Swappers' Column." Culls From the Wire Ieslle Ragan, who came to Los Angeles Sunday from Tucumcarl, N. M., shot anj killed his wife's stepfather, Charles A. IHvelblss, after a quarrel. Then he started to the telephone to call a doctor, changed Ills mind, kissed his wlfo and shot and killed himself. C. C. Gose. renubllcan national commit. tteman from Washington, died at Walla Walla, foluwing Hn operation for ap pendlcltl performed over a week ago. Out of an estimated total of 140.000 qualified voters in Virginia, (3,936 have signed petitions, calling upon Governor Henry C. Stuart to call a state-wide elec tion to decide wnetner liquor snail con tlnue to be sold in the state. Because Alfred Tuftenes, third officer of the collier Htorstad. held a Norwegian navigatot's certificate, the Canadian maritime Parliament, it was announced at Ottawa yesterday, has found Itself un able to punish him as the man held responsible for the sinking of the Em press of Ireland, with the loss of mora tnan j.wu lives. AFFAIRS ATJOUTH OMAHA Dr. Faulk Present Hitching Post to Board of Education. NO BIG BOOK ORDER IN SIGHT Mike Zlirlch, Who Wa Acquitted on Mardrr Chance, Pnt Under Bonds to Appear In Dis trict Coart. Dr. W. J. Faulk, newly elected repub lican member of the Boaro or Education, presented the school district with a hitch ing post at the high school building last night. Faulk Introduced the resolution commemorating his generosity. He has a team himself and Is a busy physician. Ho figures that when he attends board meet ings he must needs be ready for duty and to that end he needed a hitching post. Tho doctor has a sense of humor and he denies that the post has any political sig nificance. Koutsky-Pavllk won Uia school repair contracts for repairing Jungman, West Side and high schools. The sum involved is $2,360. The board required a 12,000 bond for the work. July 27 was set as the day upon which the bids for supplies and coal were to bo received. A letter from Mayor Hoctor about playgrounds was read by the board and then stowed away. The board has paid no attention to the mayor's playground stuff. It may be that his honor will be able to scrape enough together to buy a fow slides for the parks should he succeed In winning tho case that will take 0,000 out of the Interest and sinking fund and dispose It handily In other funds Nothing if doing on big school book or ders according to President of the Board F. a Richardson. The board adjourned last night and Immediately after the meeting went Into executive session to discuss purchase of school books and tho appointment of Janitors. It Is understood that the board has put Its foot firmly down upon the attempt to spend a lot of money for school books. It was also Bald by members of the board last night that there would be few If any changes among the Janitors. "We made the civil service rule," said one of the board members, "and we will enforce It. To get rid of a man good cause will have to bo shown. Charges will have to be made and proved before a Janitor can be removed under the new rule." Tx Henri nir Proceed. Hearing of the mandamus proceedings brought by the mayor to compel the city treasurer to pay over the $20,009, money collected in back taxes and paid Into the interest and sinking fund. Into tho de pleted funds will close today before Judge Leslie of the district court. Judge Sears yesterday turned the case over to Juigj Leslie to complete the hearing. The morning was devoted to a showing on the part of John Paul Breen, Hoctors Omaha attorney, that the law which com pelled the money to be placed In the in terest and sinking fund was unconstitu tional. The argument was continued un til the afternoon and City Attorney Mur phy and Assistant City Attorney Winters will conclude the argument today. In their opening statement to the court yesterday both Winters and Murphy told the court that to grant the mandamus sought by Mayor Hoctor would be to take more than 120,000 of the taxpayers' money and turn It to the continuance of a political machine that has afflicted the people of South Otnaha for a period over- long. The council postponed its. meeting from yesterday until today In tho hope of hav ing a decision on the ease. It Is said. Mayor Hoctor has been telling people In different oarta of the city what Improve ments he will make if he wins tho suit nnw in court. It Is said. Some of the ad ministration crowd express great confi dence In the outcome of the suit, while the taxpayers at large are with tne city attorney and the city treasurer. Zllttch Pot Unur Bond. Mike Ziorlch, young Austrian, employed as a driver by a local Ice company, was bound over yesterday morning to the dis trict court In the aum of 11,000 for carry ing concealed weapons by Judge James Callanan. Witnesses testified that Zlirlch killed a bad dog. Others insisted that he had threatened neighbors. Friends of Zigich say the man . has suffered re morse since he killed Pete Bablch, a countryman, some months ago. On the murder charge Zlglch was acquitted, but It Is said that he dreams of the dead man and that for this reason many of his klnaneonle fear him. The case was ap pealed and Zigich released under bond. Mar Get Incinerator. South Omaha Is to have a gigantic garbage incinerator If the plans of pro moters and capitalists do not miscarry. Headed by Beach Taylor, a number of Omaha capitalists spent yesterday after noon In South Omaha going over the matter of a franchise for a new in cinerator plant. It Is understood that the Washington Affairs . A conference will be held at the White House tonight to smooth out differences over conservation legislation now pending In congress, mong the participants will be, President Wilson, Secretaries Lane and Garrison, Democratic Leader Under wood ana tiepreseniatlve Ferris of Okla homa. Senator Reed of Missouri, democratic member of the Judiciary committee, urtred that the Interstate comnurcn nnrf Judiciary committees should work out the trust legislation Jointly, with a view of consolidating all pending measures on the siiDjeci. The senate confirmed the nomination of Ira Nelson Morris of Chicago to be minister to aweaen. Movements: of Ocean, Steamers. Tort Arrlred. StllM. LIVERPOOL. Mcgtntle PLYMOUTH K. P. Wlltwlm.. NAPLES Npoll. HONKKONO h Pnl. HAVRE - Cirollnt. flOUTHAMPTON- Prw. Grant. 8HAN01IAI,-. Dn of Rutbrui OLASOOW Campula ANTWERP ,"rdlgnhlr... COPENHAGEN... .Frederick II.... NAPLES Oceania LONDON Mlnnewaika. . . . BREMEN . . ...JUrbroa......O. Karfont. OHERBOl7Ra.,...K. P. Wllhtlm.. CHERBOUlia... .Vaterlaod , FinaUARO......VIanituU. .. ST. Mtchaelt.. Bonn. NEW YORK . . ,LpUnd BOSTON uCUrlud DOVER , JCroonland . - plant wilt be a targe one. The council did not meet yesterday afternoon, however, as per schedule and the promoters con tented themselves with going over the matter Informally with city business men. It tho plant Is constructed It Is said that it wilt give employment to a largo number of men and at the same time will clean up the city. Since the Union Stock Tards incinerator plant has been turned Into a potash manufactory for hog cholera treatment the hope of the city to dispose of Its garbage to tho stock yards has been dissipated. Mower tor Police J mine. Fred Mower, well known Ivagle and prominent In local republican politics, will enter the race for police Judge, It is thought, some time this week. Mower Is well known In South Omaha and lias worked In the packing house and at his trade as a painter. He Is one of the stal wart workers of the Eagles and Is now trustee of the local lodge. He has served In the office of tho tax commissioner and In the county court house. He has been urged to enter the police Judge race. Mower stated last night that he had not made up his mind to run, but that he had the matter under consideration. H. W. Iteed, Jim Austin and J. B. Heath are also candidates for the republican nomination for police Judge. Mastic City Gossip. The Mystic Worker will meet tonight at Odd Fellows' hall, Twenty-fourth and M streets. George H. Brewer left yesterday on a business trip to Columbus, O., and other eastern points. Office space for rent In Bee office, JJ18 N street Terms reasonable. Well known location. Tel. South 27. Chester Chliek, who lives In the west ern part of the state, is the guest of his uncle, J. V. Chliek. The Merrymakers' club will give a dancing party at the Moose home Wednesday evening, July 16. James KraJIcek hns returned to his work In the city treasurer's office after a vacation of two weeks. Inquests upon the deaths of James Ham ilton and Clarence Jones will be held this morning at Larkln's parlors. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Lades laus Wolskl died Saturday night. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon. The Misses Julia and Hannah Bronsi nan have returned home after a visit of two weeks spent at Wntson, Neb. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bheldon of Per clval. la., are visiting at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Chlzek. Woman wants to take washing Into house. Telephone South 028 There will tut an Ire cream social at the Christian church. Twenty-third and i streets, on next Thursday evening. Tho funeral of Jnmes Lawler was held from the St. Agnes church Sunday after noon. Burial was In St. Mary's ceme tery. Joe Vocasek, former councilman In South Omaha, Is visiting here with his brother, Frank Vooasek, Joe Vocaack now lives In Dodge. C, M, Rich, former member of the South Omaha School Board, has filed for the republican nomination for county com missioner from the Fourth district. Mrs. R, C. Brannan and her two daugh ters from Fullerton nre visiting with their uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Wright, 1.126 North Twenty-eighth street. Tho funeral of Clarence Jones, who killed himself yesterday, will be held this morning at 11 o'clock at Iukln'a parlors. The body will te sent to ih fid home of the Jones family at Lveland, la. Miss Isabelte Flaherty, stenographer to City Attorney Henry C. Murphy, will leave this evening for a fortnight's vacation In the Black hills. She will visit Deadwood and Hot Springs. S. D., with her aunt, Miss Nellie Lavelle. A. C. Watson of Plalnvlew took the hlcftiest prise of the year yesterday when ho sold a load of cattle on Mon day for prices ranging from 17 to 1SM0 per 100. The last named figure is the blue ribbon price for the year. The funeral of James Hamilton, who was killed In an accident at Armour's plant Bunday. will be Vld Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock at his late residence, S11S IT street. Rev. Dr Robert U Wheeler will preside nt the funeral services and Interment wilt be made In Iaurel Hill cemetery- Mrs. W. Frisk, 4S10 O street, celebrated her forty-seventh birthday by giving a dinner for her friends. Those present were! Mrs. P. Nounds. Mrs. J. Blrda. Mrs, R. Hathaway, Mrs, O. B. Bruce. Mrs. Chealk. Mrs. Finley, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Nugenburg. Mrs. J, Smith. Mrs. J. G. Jacobson, Mrs. B. Homenuent, Mrs. G, Pearson. Mrs. ft. Rlsley. Mrs. Swan son, Mrs. J. Natchtlgall. Mrs. De Mory, Jiaason nna .miss .Madson Jerry Howard Gives Five Dollars for Irish Defense Fund "By way of example find enclosed JS, my humbto contribution," writes Jerry Howard, "please forward It to Michael J, Ryan to assist In arming and equipping the Irish volunteers." Jerry sends a Ions explanation along with his money, part of which follows: "I desire to cnll attention to these long distance Irish warriors hillside men who are everlastingly finding fault with tho Irish Parliamentary party, and continually shouting physical forco for Ireland's emancipation that the time Is ripe for action. "The Irish nationalists should be grate ful to Sir Edward Carson for setting th example by organising tho landlords' tools, the Orange fools, at the dictation of the English torles to oppose with arms homo rule. With such precedents who shall blame the Irish people for organiz ing and procuring arms to add emphasis to their contention for self-government. John E. Redmond has commissioned Michael J. Ryan of Philadelphia, presi dent of the United Irish league of Amer ica, to appeal to the Irish In America to participate In Ireland's defense by con tributing towards the arming and equipping the Irish volunteers, "Tho rank and fllo of Irish-Americans are alt right. However, there la a little coterie, or clique of them, having head quarters In New York, and clsowhere, who claim to be the legitimate owners of the Irish cause, although these fellows never did anything practical In their lives towards tho frewlom of Ireland. This clique of dictators have a few disciples too In the two Omahas who are likewise obstacles obstructing Irish-Americans from doing something tangible towards Ireland's emancipation. The proof of the pudding Is In the eating, consequently I desire to put theso 'Moryagh' hillside warriors on record." FAMILIAR PORTRAITS IN LESLIE'S WEEKLY The current Leslie's Weekly contains portraits of two faces familiar In Omiina, President A. L. Mohler of the Union Pacific, referred to as having begun his career as a clerk, and Averell llarrlmai, von of the late K. II. Hnrrl.nan. Just appointed vice president of the load at the age of 23. and Chnmberlnln'a Colli1, Cholera Dlnrrhora Hemnly. "I advised the 'boys' when they en listed for the Spanish war to take Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy with them, and have received many thanks for the advice given," writes J. H. Houghland, Ktdon, la. "No person whether traveling or at home should be without this great remedy." For sale by all druggists. Advertisement. White Footwear Is Popular And toe show 30 styles in this cool and attractive color. White Nu- ', linen or canvas. tL Vt Abuck If you want other styles in other leathers, they are here In an assort ment Just aa complete. Every shoe we sell It made under our rigid specifica tions. Priced from $0-60 UP Moat Wtll-Gawned Women Prefer Fry's Footwear NMKtlavJPCXjWfcML& A Profitable Investment The greatest possible care should be used when you are investing your money, ai your future profits must rise or fall according to the amount of care used at that time. Omaha Real Estate is one of the safest and most profitable investments on the market today. You can rest assured that it will not fail to pay dividends on your investment at any time. WHY? Because Omaha is only beginning to come into its own as a market city and dis tributing center of the great central west, the greatest agricultural and stock raising district of this country. Because Omaha has only started to develop its own indus tries, such as its packing industries, its railway facilities, its grain and live stock market, its jobbing and retail business in all their various lines. "Well located Real Estate purchased today will steadily increase in value and within the next five years, allowing today's purchaser to take a substantial profit, after paying a good rate of interest on tho investment in the meantime. A large number of the representative Real Estate dealers are offering choice lists of Real Estate bargains in today's BEE. Spend the next fifteen minutes in reading and studying them, as every one of them are at bargain prices. You will never buy Omaha Real Estate cheaper than you can today. ' Telephone Tyler 1000 THE OMAHA BEE Everybody Reads Bee Want Ads Store Hours, 8:30 A. M. to 5 P. M. Saturday till 9 P. tvt BURGESS-NASH COl "EVERYBODY'S STORE" Tucedrty, July 14, HIM. HTOHK NKW8 FOU WKDNKSDAY. Sixteenth nnrt Hnrncy Ktrccta. Our First Great July Clearing of TAILORED MILLINERY Formerly $7.50, $10 amd $15, Choice Wednesday, $4.95 IaNUIjI DM) m this great clear-way is every trimmed f Smf hat as well as pannmn in our slock, together with SSJy about J 00 new models received this week white hemps with velvet facing ami velvet crowns, pnniftnas, Milans and a score of pretty new .Milan-hemp hats. Exquisite New Individual Midsummer Creations at a Fraction of Former Price All now, clean goods, ninny of thorn entirely new and different foaturoe, Including tho "DO-DO" Sailor. You nre especially invited to corao and boo theso now creations; thoy nro well worth wullo. Satin Hats, 95c A special lot of un trimmcd satin hats, formerly priced at $2.00, clearing sale price 95c New White Flowers Pond lilies, roses, clusters, fancies nnrt mnnv new berry ef fects, 98c, 79c and 49c In the Economy Basement $3.98 Trimmed Hats, $1.98 Now hemps and Milan hemps, also Import od chip hats trimmed with wing and flowers, regular prlco $3.08; clearing sale prlco, Tuesday $98 Pretty New SUMMER DRESSES That Were $7.50, $8.50 and $10 in the Clearing Sale Wednesday at Choice S095 TTIESE dresses are new and stylish Rus sian tunic models predominate made of dainty summer materials, including voiles, crepes, linen, figured silk crepe, lingerie ma terials, etc., striped and flowered designs, as well as other pretty offects. More Than a Score of the Newest Styles for Selection nuMlan tunic or plain skirts, with the new waists In the bloiiBo styles. Thoro Is a complete assortment of sizes, Including oxtra sices up to 46 bust measure. The collection, is lndood, a charming one, and you must see it to fully appreciate tho real beauty nnd bar gain importance. Bur(fi-NaU Co. Stcond noor. Summer Porch Rugs in the Clearing Sale POliCII 1UGS made from wire grass, with double twisted into warn, heavv ' 4 I and durable. Original Price. Size. Clearing Price. GO 18x86 in S .3(1 .80 27x54 in OB 1.50 3x6 ft 05 2.80 4-6x7-6 ft 1.0B 5.00 CxO ft .B0 7.00 8x10 ft B.O 9.50 9x12 ft 7.50 Those Cawnpore porch rugs are as durable as Iron. Made from Hast India fibre, with genuine vegetable dyes. Colors, green, brown and tan. Make jour porch look cool and inviting. Orlginnl Prlco. BIze. Clearing Price. I 2.65 3x0 ft. fl.OB 4.00 4x7 ft 2.75 7.95 0x9 ft 4.50 11.50 6x12 ft 7.00 1.1.60 7-6x12 ft 8.50 Burffau-NftiU Oo. Xhlrd rioor. Mbre rugs for sun parlors and sleeping porches, made from heavy twisted wool yarn, with fibre'fllling. Colors, blue, green and tan. Original Prlco. SUe. Clearing price. 10.00 6x9 ft 3.50 8.50 9x12 ft 4.05 7.00 8-3x10-6 ft 4.50 Radical Clearance Aluminum and White Enamelware Just the sort of ware and tho kind of pieces ovory homo has need of; very specially priced for clearing Wednesday. $1.75 Aluminum Sauce Paa Sets, 98c $2.75 to $3 Alumi num Tea Kettles at $1.69 Aluflnum tea kettlub, assorted sizes, 7, 8 and 9; regular prlco J2.7f and 3.00, nn e 1 e a n ng uj 1 sale each prlco, 4 Exactly as Illustrated aluminum, with cold 1 ft, 2 and 3-quart price 1.75, Wednesday $1 White Enam elware at 40c Including tea or cof feo pots, 6 and 8-qt. Berlin lcottles, with enamel covers, also. 10 Va -quart sauce pots, to $1 values, A fil clearing r7C price. ..... :ed, made of 1". . mil I handles, in 1, AO Vfi Wi sizes; regular ZjQl, ,'.' 3? day, set of 4. " 50c White Enamel ware at 25c Including 3, 4 and 8 qt. Bauce pans, 3 and 4 qt. Berlin Bauce pans, soup strainers, sink strainers, wash basins. puuatng puns, etc., were to 50c, choice Wednesday. . , 25c iBurgess-NaBh Co. Everybody's Store 16th and Harney.; CRUSADCRS ON THE MARCH THE TRIUMPH Of THE EltVCNTH CENTURY THE SEER OF ABSOLUTE FUftlTV' A TRIUMPH OF TODAY EVERYBODY READS BEE WANT ADS