THEBWh: OMAHA, WJKjII.MdaY', .H lit 1,1, wit. Nebraska RUSH TO GETJUNDER WIRE Many Petitions from Candidates Received by Secretary of State. FOR PLACES IN LEGISLATURE E. K. liar of Chndron Will Make Trr 'or nrpnhllrnn Nomination for Stale Superintendent of Pnbllc Inntructlon. (From a Staft Correspondent.) LINCOLN, July U.-SpecIal.)-Flllnss for nominations to different offices are coming In fart, only five days belns loft In which to get Into the game. This morning; the secretary of state was In receipt of the following. A petition and ucceptanco by Congress man Moses P. Klnkatd for the republican nomination for congressman In the Sixth district. Representative F. It. Bollln of Crofton, one of the numerous democratic leaders In the last session, flics for renomlnatlon from the Seventeenth district. A. H. Lewis of Sutton files for the pro gressive nomination for representative from the Forty-third district, composed of the counties of York, Fillmore and Clay. Oscar M. Jenkins of Wallace files for representative from tho Seventy-seventh district, composed of the counties of Keith, Lincoln and Dawes. C. E. Sand all wants the nomination for representative from the same district rep resented by Mr. Bollln, the Seventeenth. Ho Is a republican. Senator Charles Krumbach of Shelby would llko to come back to the senate from the Elovcnth district. Garret Folnen wants the democratic nomination for senator from the Tenth district, composed of the counties of Mad ison, Colfax and Stanton. He lives at Schuyler. Senator John F. Cordcat, the little giant of the last session, has finally concluded to file for renomlnatlon from the Twenty-sixth district. Mr. Cordeal Is a re publican and lives at McCook. Ho Is a business associate of Senator Norrls. Hayes for Superintendent, E. EX Hayes of Chadron files for the republican nomination for state superin tendent. C. U Mayes of Rushvllle files for dem ocratic nomination for state Benate, Twenty-eighth district. W. C. Parrlott, Auburn, wants demo cratic nomination for representative, Third district. T. B. Conley of Beatrice flies for the republican nomination in the Thirty fourth representative district, composed of the counties of Gage, Thayer and Jef ferson, represented In tho last session by J. F. McKlsslck, a democrat, who has filed for the democratic nomination for land commissioner. Representative George' W. Fuller, au thor of the county telephone bill, wants to represent his district, the Thirty eighth, in the lower branch of the Ne braska legislature again and has filed for the democratic nomination. ... Ernest F. Munroe will try again to land the nomination on the democratic ticket for state superintendent. He tried It two years ago or more, but failed to land it Titttr Danlca Formed. The Farmers' State bank of Polk, for merly the National Bank of Polk, has been Incorporated and chartered with a capital of $30,000. The officers aro .1 W Wilson, president; Charles Nlermann, vice president; C. C. McCune, cashier, and T A. Lundburg, assistant cashier. Articles of incorporation for the State Bank of Litchfield with a capital of $25,009 has been filed with the state banking board. Tho Incorporators are M. B. Myers, H. B. Schaberg and L M. aiyera. BArton Files. - Silas R. Barton, present congressman from the Fifth district, has filed for the ' republican 'nomination -for congress. With his filing is a petition from numerous citizens of his district asking that he be given a place on the bull moose ticket for nomination for the samo office. It is said that Ashton Shallenberger. demo cratic nominee. Is also to file a petition for the bull moose nomination. Mumlinll for Unity In First. C. C. Marshall of Nebraska City, candi date for the republican nomination for congress in the First district, has writ ten a letter to all of the other seven can didates asking that they pledge them selves to hold a ratification meeting at 'tho Lincoln hotel on August 24, after tho primaries are over, in which a feed will be prepared to be paid for by the suc cessful candidate, and In which all will Join In a good fellowship time pledging themselves to work for the successful nominee. Pnya Corporation Tux. The Omaha Gas company has sent In a check for $806 to the seretcary of state to pay Its corporation tax on a capital stock of $3,750,000. Food riepnrtntent Ite.celptn. The receipts of the fodd, dairy and oil departments of tho state for tho month of Juno were $6,397.54. There were 1.420 Inspections made. 106 sanitary orders written, 177 chemical analyses made, twenty-one complaints filed and four prosecutions. New Depot Ordered. Tho State Railway commission has is sued an order to compel the Burlington railway to build a new depot at David City, ub the result of a complaint made by the business men of that city somo time ago. Ther company Is given ten days to notify tho commission of acceptance of the order. SUCCEEDS YEISER ON THE STATE PARDON BOARD Nebraska PAWNEE MASS MEETING FAVORS H0BS0N BILL PAWNEE CITT, Neb., July H. (Gp clal.) Following a temperance lecture delivered by Rev. Harry F. Huntington, pastor of tho Methodist Episcopal church of this city, at the regular union meeting of the churches Sunday ovening, a com mittee win selected to telegraph the United States senators and congressman from the First district of Nebraska urg ing their support for the Hobson 'bill. The messages, which were sent yester day, read: "Mass meeting of citizens at Pawnee City, Neb., petition congress to submit amendment prohibiting importation, man ufacture and sale of Intoxicating liquors." There have been no Baloons In Pawnte City for about thirty years, the sentiment seemingly being strong against them. Table Rock and Stelnauer are the only towns In the county at present licensing saloons. DR F A. SEDLACEK. Dr. F. A. Sedlacek to Succeed Yeiser on the Pardon Board LINCOLN, July H. (Special Tele gram.) Dr. Frederick A. Sedlacek of Omaha was appointed today by Governor Morchead as a member of tho State Par don board, to take tho place ofJohn O. Yeiser. whose term had expired. Dr. Sedlacek has been a resident of Omaha for six years, coming hero after living fourteen years In South Dakota, where he held several public offices, In cluding that of coroner. Ho Is an active member of the Social Service board of Omaha and Is well versed In civic and sociological problems, as well as in crim inology. Dr. Sedlacek was in Lincoln at the Ume of the appointment and just returned to Omaha at noon. Ho Is par ticularly pleased that he received the ap pointment, as the competition was hitter among the people out In the state and he has declared that he will lend his every effort In Wb new office, toward the betterment of both the state and Omaha, Government Has Plenty Water, but Ditches Are Empty (From a Staff Correspondent.) L1NCOIA'. Neb.. July 14.-(Speclal Tele gram.) Notwithstanding the heavy rain fall In Nebraska this season, State Hn glnecr D. D. Pierce reports that Irrigat ing ditches aro running out of water from Kearney west on the North Platte river to tho state line. In order t- al leviate the condition as much as poslb.e, tho stato engineer has Issued ordoM foi tho closing of all ditches except thoo which come under tho head as first ap propriations, Though settlers along the lower riatie are liable to suffer, tho government reser voir In Wyoming Is better supplied than ever before, and has water to spare, hut It wants pay for what It has. It Is hild that there Is sufficient water In the res ervoir. 1.098,000 acre-feet, so that the gov ernment could lot out sufficient to rellove the distress to the settlers below and then havo plenty left to keep over for next year. IRRIGATION CASES TAKEN UP TO SUPREME COURT From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, July 14. (Special.) Two ap peals from rulings of the State Board of Irrigation were mnde to the supreme court today. The Frenchman valley irrigation dis trict nnd others appeal In the case of Gearhart and Benson against the abovo appellants covering appropriation of wa ter from the Republican river. The Becond Is an appeal by the some. parties from a decision of the stfnte board favorable to Guthrie & Co., which also coveers water rights on tho Republican rlvor, the latter company claiming tha right to divert 800 cubic feet of water near Superior. Ciiilnic to the Sltirlen! If you want to know In advance what pictures are going to be shown at your favorite theater tonight, read "Today's Complete, Movie. Programs" on the first want ad page. Complete programs of practically every moving picture theater In Omaha appear EXCLUSIVELY In Tho Bee. Nebraska Willis E, Reed Runs For Attorney General (From a Stnff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. July H-tSpeclaD-WllllB K Reed of Mndlson. who at one time aspired to serve the democratic party In the United States senate, has filed for tho democratic nomination Tor nttorney general, or at least sends In an acceptance of a filing petition which came to the office of tho secretary of slate today. Tho petition bears twenty-eight names, twenty-four of which llvo In Lincoln. Tom Allen. Dr. P. L. Hull and Samuel Patter son being among the number. 11. R. Rcquartte of York nnd V. D. Oldham of Kearney are among the others BL00MFIELD MAN ENDORSED FOR RAILWAY COMMISSION HAUTINGTOX. Net... July 14 -(Special TeleRrnm.) Tho republican county con vention was held here this afternoon, tho best of harmony prevailing. Tho convention endorsed S. O. Reese of Randolph for representative from tho Nineteenth district nnd Henry C. Peter son of Btoomfteld for state railway com missioner. Itesolutlons of sympathy In lehalf ,f F. D. Stone, county chairman, who Is sick In tho hospital ut Sioux City, wcro adopted by tho convention. I Notes front Mndlson, MADISON. Nob., July U.-(Spoclal.) Mrs. Myrtle Higgenbotham of Norfolk hus begun notion In district court for dlvorco from her husband, William W. lllggonhotham, charging lack of support. The plaintiff nnd dofendnnt wero mar ried at Norfolk In 1S0S and havo a boy, 11 years old. Ous Franz, proprietor of the Kessler barber shop, disposed of his business today to George Rees of Tlldcn, who took possession. Mr. Franz will return to Hamilton, Neb. The new shoo store recently opened up hy J. A. Jensen In the Clausen block changed hands today, O. N. Ilnmmerlun of Norfolk buying the stock nnd taking charge of tho business. B. H. Bnker, a well-to-do farmor. re siding north of Tllden. has filed for com missioner of tho Third district and will contest the democratic nomination with Henry Rundcrman, tho present commissioner. Nebraska NATIONAL BANK AT H0LDREGE TAKES OUT STATE CHARTER 1IOI.DUKOI4. Net), JUly U -Spe lal the City National Iwnk of this city, hav ing a capital of JW.0OO nivl onr of the most Influential Institution in tills re, tlon, has gone Into voluntary llqmdallmi and reorganized under the stale law as tho Holdrege State bank. Tlv dlnvtors and officers aro the Ainie. "In rhnnifp was made that the liank nwrut uvall It self of the guarantee of deposit fe.tnrf Ilex. II. ('. Holme FAIIlltt'UY, Neb.. July 14. -(Special Tho body of tho late Rev. II. O. Holmes was received In Falrhury from Watson- llle, Cul., and the funeral services were held at the. Christian church today. Rev 11. t Holmes was pastor of the Chris tian church nt Falrhury for seven years, leaving here In isos. Ho was horn In Fairfield, HI., and as 41 .years of age at his death. Ho died from the effects of an operation at Watsonvllle, Cal. He Is survived hy his widow and daughter. I OMAHA'S LARGEST STORE for MEN AND BOYS "I6tt affoMisrcf "-Home of quality clothes" Fnink Utewnrl. GENEVA, Neb.. July 14. -(Special.) -Frank Stowart, aged IS years, son of Mr .and Mrs. Gregory Sklnkte. was burled this afternoon. Ho died last night after an operation for appendicitis and was sick hut a few hours. JULY CLEARANCE SALE BOYS' H SUITS NOW ON AT HIGH SPEED i This semi-annual clearance in our Boys' clothes shop hus al ways pi oven a groat drawing fl card with knowing parents. V The values are decidedly tho best in the city; the styles, workmanship and fabrics aro second to none. Thursday BEGINS THE GREAT Annual July Clearance of Mien's Trousers HAYDEN3 See 16th Street Windows. Watch Papers for Particulars and Prices. $3.00 Wool $4.00 Wool $5.00 Wool S6.00 Wool $7.50 Wool $9.00 Wool $10.00 Wool $1.00 Wash $1.50 Wash $2.00 Wash $2.50 Wash $3.00 Wash Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits now. . now. . now. . now. . now. . now. . now. . now. . now . . now. . now. . now. . .$2.25 .$2.75 .$3.50 .$4.00 .$5.00 .$6.00 .$7.00 .$ .65 .$ .95 .$1.45 .$1.65 .$1.95 J tfalfci if. JWi. frTO'n, Bedroom Furniture y$ Off Regular Xou Yardmnatrr at Pnlrhnrv. FAIRBURY. Neb., July H.-(Speclal ) James Richardson of Phllllpsburg, Kan., has been appointed night yardmaster for the Rock Island at Falrbury. succeeding Lon Hlnltt, who has resumed his work as a trainman on the Nebraska division. Mr. Hlnltt has been acting yardmaster at Falrbury for the last six months. .Mr. Richardson has been working- In ne Phllllpsburg, Kan., yards for several years. Dr. Klno-'s N'ew Life I'll.!, for constipation, torpid liver, sallow com plexion. Their frequent use will strengthen and add tone to your system. Sc All druggists. Advertisement. THE most complete and practical series of articles ever published on hog cholera has just been completed in the Twentieth Century Farmer. We have taken this matter up in the inter ests of the farmer and stock raiser. We have put at the head of this investigation a practical man a man who has had twenty five years experience in raising hogs and has been a successful competitor for premiums .in the state fairs of Nebraska and Iowa, a man who is recognized by the hog raisers of these states as a practical hog man. He has not taken the matter up from the stand point of the veterinarian, though he has consulted veterinarians in the employ of the government, the colleges and the states, as well as many veterinarians practicing independently among farmers, and has given careful consideration to their opinions. He has not treated the subject from the standpoint of any one farmer, or the farmers of any one locality, nor based his judgment on the experience of men under identical conditions. He has personally interviewed farmers and breeders in three states Nebraska, Iowa and Kansas. The writer's years of experience in the hog raising business have enabled him to weigh this great mass of information collected and draw from it conclusions that should be of great value to any man interested in keeping cholera out of his herd or combating it once it gets into his herd, in a rational and practical manner. The writer is not a scientist and has not written titic treatise; he discusses this vital subject m the plain, every-day language of the farm and market. u i.Thete articles have been so persistently called for that we have collected them into pamphlet form, and this pamphlet is now ready for distribution. We are making a charge of 5c each, to cover postage and hand ling If you want one of these bulletins, fill out and owm LUO ttuuuueu coupon oerore they are all gone. Address we ntieth Century Earmet Service Department $25 TOILKT TADLK $16.50 Quarter b a w o il g o 1 d o n oak, French mir ror, polished fin ish, ro g u 1 a r ly $25, sale prlco $16.50 1 't $.in nnEssER To Match g24 $35.0() CHIFFO NIER to match, S23 $30 WOOP IIED, to matfch Sf,20 $30 PRINCESS DRESSER, to match g24 1 V , r . The Surplus of Two Grand Rapids Factories Bought for Cash at 1-3 Off Fresh, New Pieces Now Is Your Opportunity The Selling Is Brisk The Selection Is Very Large Our July Drapery Sale is proving n big saving for many. The clearance price on lnce curtains, curtain materials and all drapery goods moan real savings to you. Come in, there are many tilings you may want that wo are unablo to mention here. 25c Scrim, yd. 170. 40 ins. wide, white, cream, ecru. Remnants 5c, 9c, 19c, 29c, 39c. -Orchard & Wilhelm Co. 414-416-418 South Sixteenth Street Twentieth Century Farmer O A H A. Enclosed find to cover mailing" or copies hog cholera booklet Name . City 1 State I O AA A HI A Dr. A. T. KliiNloy of Ktuisns City Tells of Need of Inspection. Milk, its linportanco an a food, tho eao with which it can bo con taminated, and tho necouslty of thorough and scientific dairy in spection, wero discussed in an in teresting manner and Illustrated with atercopticon slides hy Dr. A. T. Kinsley of Kansas City, at tho annual banquet of tho veterin arians and their wives, held m Hotel Romo last ovening. Ho is president of tho Kansas City Vet erinary collogo and deputy stato vatorlnarlan. Dr. Kinsloy declared that 30,000 babies under 1 year old annually die of tuberculosis contracted from milk from cows afflicted with tho disease About 2 per cent of adults who have consumption get It from infected cows' milk, ho said, and many other diseases, in cluding rahlos, anthrax, cow pox, typhoid fever and soro throat aro traceablo to milk. About 100,000 babies die overy year from tho uso of putrid milk, he assorted. Not until millennium haa been atttained will inspec tion give safe milk. Not that inspection cannot bo efficient, but it is not enough to make milk al ways safe. You may got wholesome milk from pro pel ly tested herds today, tomorrow some cow in this herd may became diseas ed. The need of protection for children against injur ious milk has been brought out at the latest meetings in Omaha. Gov ernment authorities and many large eastern cities have long recognized tho necessity of proper pas teurization. uy ALAMITO PASTEUIUZEO MILK. Ilcforo Ilrcakfiust Deliveries. S6 the Quart. Douglas 400. ALAMITO DAIRY See real estate columns for bargains