Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 15, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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Great Mid-Summer Clearance
Sale of Sorosis Oxfords and Pumps
A rnre opportunity to obtain
Standard .Sorosis shoos at
pricoE considerable below
their standard values. AVo
have divided many of our
styles of which we are
broken in sizes and widths
into three lots.
Women's $4 to $G values, sale price $2.95, $3.85 & $4.75.
All sizes in the Ihree lots, but not al1 sizes in every style.
July Clearance Sale of High Grade
Ladies' Wearing Apparel
Decided reductions in desirable worn-, n's wear. All suits are
offered at
$7.45, $10.50, $12.50 and $14.50
regardless of former prices.
The skirt values are exceptional. They arc offered for
$4.25, $6.75 and $7.50
The dresses and coats ure also reduced.
offers dninty blouses for $1.59, $1.85, $2.10 and $3.75.
White Linen Suitings
$1.00 Whito 48-iu. Ratino
Linon 75c a yard
$1.00 mite 48-in. Momio
Linen 75c a yard
75e White 36-in. Linen Suit
ing 50c a yard
$1.50 "White 48-in. Brocaded
Suiting $1.00 a yard
July Sale Turkish Towels.
85o Fanoy Bordered Turkish
Towels 59c
75o Fancy Bordered Turkish
Towels 50o
45o Fancy Bordered Turkish
Towels 25o
50o Fancy Bordered Turkish
Towels 39c
Iewa State Convention Is Likely to '
Be Held in Harmony 1
Not LtkrJr tt Feeling lie Is Striv
ing; to Arouse Will IU'sult In
Any TroutilA In tho
DES MOINES, la., July 14.-(8pClal
Teleram.) Th only new feature of the
preliminaries to the republican itate
convention mi an effort on the part ol
some of the champions of one nf thi
candidates for state auditor to malic It
appear that the line of division Is
' strictly between standpat and proms
slves. Nearly all tho leaders deny this
and declare that no factional llne can
1 drawn as between the various candi
dates for state auditor and assert that
there Is no possibility of nny ructbn In
the convention on that subject.
A new candidate for auditor appeared
In the person of George Wybrant of Du
buque, but this will have little effect on
the situation. A larger sritxr of re-
publicans arts here for the convention
than for many years.
- TWIT DODOEX la., July li.-(Sjicelal.)
E. O. Itolmdahl, born and reared In
Fort Dodge, has been released from a
dunceon at llermoslllo, Sonora, Mexico,
after ten days Incarceration with an
lntan man as cellmate, Holmdahl was
a major with 'Pancho" Villa's forces
and was In charge of the artillery. Gen
eral Alvarado, commander of the consti
tutionalist forces at Ounymas, charged
Holmdahl with 1vln; Americans lnfor
rnatlon regarding the smuggling of arms
and ammunition across the border.
IOWA CITY, la, July H,-(8peclal
Tlegram.)-Tha resignation of Dr. J. It
Guthrie of Dubuque, for twonty-flve
yaars dean of the University of Iowa
college of medicine, was announced her
today. Dr- Guthrie's resignation was
brought about by a rule of the 6tt
Board of Education demanding that all
heads of departments should be resident
I AIRBimT. Neb.. July H--(8peclal ;
Telegrara.)-W. . Cummins, a Nebraka:
dlTlsIon conductor borely averted death I
1 little town of Thompson, six miles
1 L a aSZX? ir0nVth" 0, f
badly bruised und sorlourty Injured, al.
though no bones were fractured. Cum-
"'' was In charge of a looal freight
- train en route to Belleville. Kan., at the'
time of the accident.
BOSTON, July II. John Gardner Ueuli,
founder of the New York Newspaper
t union, and at ono time pal owner of
the Boston Post, died from heart failure
at his borne litre today. He was 78 years
July Clearance
Sale of Women's
Gauze Underwear
12V&e Gauzo Vests, now .'I
for 25c
20c Gauze Vests, now,12c
50c Lisle Vests, now. . . .39c
65c Lislo Vests, now 49c
65c Lislo Vests, now. . . ,49c
35c Gauzo Pants, now. . .25c
35c Union Suits, now. . ,25c
65c Union Suits, now. . . .49o
$1.00 Lislo Union Suits. .79c
California Man is Elected Exalted
Grand Baler.
Annnnl Ilr.port of Grand Secretary
ltoiva ISleven Jtmvr Lodges
Inatltnted In Last
DK.NVlOn, Colo.. July H.-Ilaymond
Benjamin or Napa, Cal., was elected
grand exalted ruler of the Benevolent
and Protective Ordor of Elks today by
Other officers elected are:
Grand loyal knight, B. M. Dlckcrman,
Tucson, Arlx.
Grand lecturing knight. W. F. Schad,
Grand secretary, Frederick C. Itobln
ecu, Dubuque, la,
Orand masurer, Charles A. White, Chi
cago. lirund Inner guard, Thomas C. Donohue,
New London. Conn.
Grand trustee, Calvin Klngsley, Water
loo, la,
Grnnd esteemed leading knight, L. It,
Maxwell, Marshailtown, la.
Los Angeles was Mlected as the con
vention city for the 1915 reunion.
The annual report of Grand Secretary
Frederick C. Robinson, submitted to the
grand lodge, showed that eleven new
lodges had been Instituted In the last
year; that tho membership totalled S,tT9,
a net Increase In twelve months of .2
and that the net assets of the subordinate
lrdgen aggregate $22,463,900.
The report of Grand Kxalted Ruler
Edward 1-oaoh urged action agulnst the
tendency of aome subordinate lodges In
erecting clubhouses beyond their financial
( resources, lie suggested changes to
, prevent lodges In local option communities
I front developing the "club" feature to an
extent that It might become a subterfuge
for selling liquor.
till in TP. Mchtiirlael.
TOIIK, Neb., July l(.-(Hpeclal )-Adam
V. Bchmelsel died at the home of his
brother, Androw Schmelxel, Sunday
evening, July I!. He waa K years of rufe
and unmarried. The body was taken to
Oenoa, Neb., for burial.
l Sir. S. G, Mrndenhnll.
OBNEVA, Neb., July ll.-(6peclal,)
Mrs. N. O. Mendenhall. aged M yoars,
died at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
M. V. Fustell, Sunday night. The funeral
took place this afternoon at the Fussetl
(illrfnrd Sadler.
Clifford Sadler, aged 1, died at a local
hospital ut o'clock this morning from
appendicitis. The body wilt he shipped
to Dunnegan. Mo., for burial.
n.vl.1 City Mrlek Yur.l Sol,.,
DAVID CITY, Neb.. July H.-(8pecUl.)
-Tho David City brick yards, which have
been owned and operated for more than
wr ,old t"-day to Henry Ole.on &
j Got anything you'd like to awapT Use
i tho '-Swappers' Column."
D-n-riment orUe,..
Utor llltrheork Dr. W T. Hurst has been
M'-Jclntsd tension sur ,n at Broken Uow,
&fr- m uiiiv- ...
Pf tinaster at AMib ook, Hloux county,
Nf,V;,w'''.T?0,n.M Stlgers resigned.
i William fcl Blater haa been re-appolnted
' jiiiiner ai oiaier, fiatte county, wyo,
Former New Haven Head Says the
Charges Are for Campaign Use.
Ilnnkrr Sr ",d Know Ki.
nmlnrm llml tlrm Withdrawn
from III Office liy the
NEW YOItK. July 14.-Whlle .1. P.
Morgan & Co. consistently refused
to dlsciifs the report of the Inter
state Commerce commission severely
censuring tho directors under the ad
ministration of Charles 8. Mcllen for
"reckless and profligate" financial oper
ations, estimated to have cost stockhold
ers from fiS,000,000 to 90,000,0, J. P.
Morgan, himself, denies the charge that
tho commission's examiners were not
accorded full access to the firm's books
bearing on the New Haven. Corres
pondence made public at Washington
told of Commissioner McChord's direct
ing the chief examiner to cease the work
as It was "useless."
Late last night Mr. Morgan Issued
this statement In reply:
"The Information with regard to the
withdrawal of the Interstate Commerce
commission's examiners from the examl
nation of the books of our firm Is the first
Intimation that I have had that they
have been recalled."
The New Haven situation Is now out
of tho hands of the Interstate Commerce
commission and what action, If any Is
taken on tho recommendations that the
directors be prosecuted, lies with the De
partment ot Justice and the district at
torneys In the states In which the sys
tem has lines.
Prosecuting attorneys at New York,
Boston, Hartford, New Haven, New Lon
don and other points had received no
copies of the evidence today, it 12 un
derstood, however, that copies arc on
the way. District Attorney Whitman,
who has been In Newport, was expected
here today.
Mellrn Calls It Politics.
Directors ana former directors of the
road genordlly have refused to discuss
the commission's report. Mr. Mellon,
however, under whoso administration the
nlleged acts complained of were com
mitted, branded It as "a report of a polit
ical tribunal made for political purposes."
Tho full board of the present New
Haven directors Is to meet In New York
on Thursday. At that time aome Uate
ment bearing on the charges may be Is-
Mr. Mellens counsel. J. W II. Crlm,
has Issued a statement defending Mel
ten's actions. He said that Mellen's pri
vate fortune when he took charge of the
New Haven was a million dollars. Now,
he added. It waa far less than that. He
added that If tho government or the
stockholders began action against tho
directors of the Now Haven railroad as
suggested by the commission, the direc
tors would retaliate with what he termed
an affirmative action In which the other
action would be nullified, and much to
the credit of Mr. Mellen and the directors
would bo established.
Ilnctla Silent for Present.
J. II. Huttls, president' and acting
chalrmah of the New Haven stated yes
terday that until after an official corjy
ot the report ot the Interstate Commerce
commission was received, no statement
would be Issued by the company.
The directors of the New York. New
Haven & Hartford railroad, as last con
stituted under the presidency of Charles
S. Mellen, was given out today at the
New Haven offices. The complexion of
the board changed from time to time
during tho years preceding this and the
men named her were not necessarily
members of the board during all the prac
tices complained of by the Interstato
Commcrco commission. The names
William Tine Urllr ?s.,i- n.i,. r
F. Uropker, Ansonla, Conn.; Kdwln Mil-
iir. fiooiun, v-onn.; yviuiam BKlnner.
MoiyoKe. Mass.: u. Newton Ilarr.oy,
Karmlneton. Conn t rh.ri.. a in:.
New Haven. Conn.; Robert W. Taft.'
providence. It. I.; James H. Klton,
i.nioiuuijr, v,uim.i jninea it, Heming
way. New Haven; A. H.nlnn nnir,..,,
New Haven; Frederick F. Iirewdte-, New
Haven; Henry K. McIIarg. itanirord,
Conn.: Alexander Cochrane, Uoston; John
L. nillard. Meridian, Conn.: GeorKe K.
llaker. New York; Samuel Hhea, Phila
delphia: lurence Mlnot, Uoston; M. F.
Plant. Groton, Conn.: J. de V. wrner,
Ilridgeport, Conn,; Thomas de Witt Cuy
lor. Philadelphia: Edward Mllllgan, Mart-
lora. wonn.; ineouore n, vsji, uoir.jn;
Francis T. Maxwell. Itockvllle, Conn ;
Sidney W. Wlnalow. Uoston. and Jnht,
T. Pratt. New York.
Minority Holder to Sue.
BOSTON, July U.-Whlpple, Bears and
Oyden, attorney representing minority
stockholder ot tho New York, New
Haven A Hartford railroad have de
manded that the director Join their
clients In the suit to recover about J125,-
000,000 alleged to have been 'vnstod by the
management. The suit, wnlch It Is said
will be filed tills weeK, Is to he directed
against the estate ot J. P. Morgan, Will
iam ItockefclUr, Lewi Cass Leilyard
and others, who were members of the
New Haven directorate at the time when
transactions that have been the subject
of Inquiry by the Interstate Commerce
commission were made. In a letter to
the directors made public today, tho at
torneys refer to the testimony concern
ing New Haven investments which
proved unprofitable, brought out by the
Interstate Commerce commission.
"We, therefore. In behalf of our cli
ents," the letters reads, -respectfilly do
rnind that you tnstltute proper Ugal pro
ceedings to enforce the liability ot di
rectors to the corporation which we have
pointed out, nnd such other liability as
may be disclosed as a result of a care
ful and thorough Investigation of the
company's affairs."
Notice of the proposal c? the minority
stockholders to file such a suit waa given
several weeka ago.
N'Ht Notes of Mllfortt,
MILFOllD, Neb., July R-tSrwclaD-Wheat
along the bottom land Is turning
out at tho rate of thirty-five to thirty
eight bushels per acre: upland twenty-
rive to thirty-two bushels per aero.
Many summer partlivi are camping
along the Blue. The cottages near the
Bhogo spring have all been engaged up
to September and the erection of more
cottages Is In contemplation.
Man Una Thumb Torn Off,
YOItK, Neb., July l(.-Speclal.)-
Jamea W. Kvans and Tom OUUgan at
tempted to get onto a moving freight
train of the Northwestern last evening.
Kvans missed his hold and fell In such
a way that the wheels caught him, bruls
Ing him about tho body and cutting a
gash across the head and tearing the
right thumb from the hand. He gave
his address fa Liverpool, England.
A Consuutptlr Cough.
6 tap It and get relief tor weeJc lungs,
coughs and colds with Dr, King's New
Discover', S0o and It- All druggists.
District Court in
Session in Gage
I1EATIUCK. Neb., July H.-(Speclol.)
In tho district court Monday Mrs. Zoo
Wallln was granted a divorce from J. E.
Wallln, given the custody of her threo
minor children and V) a month alimony.
Mr. Wnllin Is a traveling salesman and
formerly resided In this city. He Is now
living In Seattle and did not contest the
Charging that his wife has cruelly re
fused to live with him, Charles Ucrrlsh
filed suit for divorce from Belle Gerrlsh.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerriah were married at
Falrbury on August 4, 1913, and as soon
as the parents of Mrs. Gorrish learned
of the marriage the young woman was
taken home and he was not permitted
to fee her. Later sho stated that she
preferred to live with her parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Loeper, who reside near
Dlller, and has rofused to have anything
to do with her husband.
Two Mexicans, Frank Hcrmandes and
Manuel Delfino Uarcla, both of whom
aro In tho employ of tho Bock Island
road at Clatonla, took out their first
naturalization papers in the district
court. This Is the first tlmo In the his
tory of the local court that Mexicans
have declared their Intentions of becom
ing citizens of the United States.
T. a Conloy of this city filed Monday
for the republican nomination for float
representative, which Includes the coun
ties of Gage, Jefferson and Thayer. The
filing was sent to the secretary of state
yesterday forenoon.
Girls Hurt in Auto
Upset Near Brainard
nRAINARD, Neb., July 11. (Speclal.)
Whlle attempting to turn a corner nt
high speed Sunday ovenlng a touring car
containing a party of Brainard young
folks turned turtle one mtlo west of here,
throwing the occupants Into a roadside
ditch. Miss Mary Kulhanok sustained a
broken shoulder and Miss Bosnia Janou
sek a broken wrist The other occupants
escaped with minor bruises. "The driver.
with the aid of nearby fanners, righted
the machine, which then proceeded under
Its own power.
PONCA. Neb., July R-(Speclal.)-The
republican county convention haa been
called to meet at Emerson July 20, at 10
o'clock a. m.
The democratic county convention haa
been called to meet at Emerson July 25 at
10 o'clock a. m.
The following have filed tor office here:
H. P. Bhumway. republican, state sena-
toh, G. L, Wood, republican, member leg
islature: C. A. Kingsbury, democrat
county attorney: A. II. Maskell. demo
crat, sheriff; F. D. Fales, county Judge,
by petition, nonpartisan; Owen McLull
tern, republican, treasurer; A. N. Porter,
repuuuean, county ciem; a. v. i.ew,
republican, superintendent schools: I.
Mis, republican, eupervlsor: Al York,
Newcastle, republican, supervisor.
BEATBKt'I, Neb., July H.-(SpeclBJ.)
Tho figures' upon the attendance at tho
State league ball games on the Fourth
of July have been compiled and It Is
shown that Beatrice hart larger crowds
and took In more money than any other
two towns. Beatrice had an attendance
of J.T3I, with receipts of J012.TO; Hastings
had an attendance of 1,091, receipts $125.23;
Orand Island, 1,029, receipts, 37.06; Co
lumbus, 869, receipts 1338.60, The net re
ceipts amounting to S2,0G5.6O haa been
divided among the eight clubs of tho Ne
braska State league, each receiving for
Its share I2CC.M.
LINDSAY, Neb., July H.-(Bpeclal.)-
Llndsay will celebrate this week enter
taining the people for miles around and
from visiting towns. The main features
will be base ball, Lindsay against Hum
phrey first day, for 375; Cornlea against
St. Edwards the second day, tor 176, and
the third day the winners of the two
preceding days for a purse ot 1100.
Frldayi July 17, will be governors day,
when Governor Morehead will be here.
The Madison band wilt also be here on
that day. Free attractions will be fur
nished. Notes from IlarttnKton.
HABTINOTON, Neb., Juy 14.-(8peclal.)
Editor Stone ot the Hartlngton Herald,
who recently underwent an operation for
a complication ot bowel troubles at St
Joseph's hospital In Sioux City, la con
valescing nicely and Is expected to be
able to return homo within two weeks.
The Hartlngton Chautauqua opened
here In a Urge tent today. The program
contains soma very strong features. The
committee has sold a large number of
season tickets and a large atttendance Is
The republicans and democrats of
Cedar county will hold their respective
conventions this week, the former on
Tuesday afternoon, July 14, and the lat
ter on Saturday afternoon. July 18, at
the court house In Hartlngton. Both par
ties probably will have full tickets In the
field this year and an active political
campaign Is expected.
Anto Wrecks Duggr.
C LARKS, Neb.. July 14.-(8peclal.)-An
auto driven by Gerrltt Voss ot Silver
Crek and going at a hlh rate ot speed,
ran Into and upset a bujuy occupied by
Hugo llolx and Miss Hensen Saturday
night. The young people had been nt a
country dance and weres returning home
when the noticed the auto lomtng up
behind them. They turnjd Into the ditch
at tho side ot the road to give tho auto
room to pass, put Instead of keeping to
the road the auto followed them into the
ditch. Tho buggv waa completely de
molished, one horse seriously hurt and
the young people badly bruised.
Aimrliiio Pioneer Critically III.
ANSELMO, Neb., July 14.-(Speclal.)-
Mrs, C. W. Bohart, wife ot Itev. C. W.
Bohart, a pioneer settler ot northwest
Custer county, lies critically. Ill of can
cer of the stomach at her home In West
Ansel mo. For more than two months
she has been battling with the disease
and no hopes of recovery are entertained.
Ina Flllnira In Colfax,
SCHUYLER, Neb., July 14.-(8pcll.)
Oarrett Folken yesterday filed fo? the
office ot state senator from tli4 Tenth
senatorial district, affiliating with the
democratic party.
I. V, Funk filed for the office of county
surveyor, affiliating with the demo
cratic party.
Got anything you'd like to swap! Vie
the "Swappera Column.'"
Half Million Parisians Celebrate
FIlR-ht of Twenty Aeroplanes In
Perfect Allo-nnse-ni, Folio etl
by 30,000 Troops, Sets
Crorrd Wild.
PABIS, July li-Half a million Par
isians celebrating tho anniversary of tho
fall of tho Hostile at the president's an
nual review of the Paris garrison today
saw twenty military aeroplanes rise at
tho far end of the Long Champs race
courso and In perfect alignment ot fours
fly at full speed past tho presidential
A mighty roar of cheering swept over
tho grounds and kept on as 30,000 troops,
comprising cavalry, artillery, Infantry
and other branches, marched In closo
order before tho reviewing stand.
Another mlnuto of excitement wae pro
vided when at tho closo of tho review
2,009 currasslers, in bright steel breast
plates nnd brass helmets, charged, swords
In air, to within thirty paces of the presi
dent Brilliant weather brought out a largo
number of distinguished guests, Includ
ing most of the diplomatic corps, tho
French cabinet ministers, tho speakers
of tho Chamber of Deputies and Senato
and a host ot society people.
The troops of all tho garrisons In
France also paraded and the military
authorities calculated that over 400 urniy
aeroplanes were on tho wing nt one tlmo
In various partB of the country.
Fireworks displays, military bands,
publlo dancing, freo performances at
theaters In Paris and nil tho other cities,
towns and villages of Franco were pro
vided at the expense ot the government
(Continued from rago One.)
Omaha railway, chairman of the con
ference committee of the railway man
agers, said that the next movo ,'n the
negotiations was up to tho cmployos. Ho
said the managers' committee would
await a formal statement of the present
requests of tho employes and official
notification of the strike 'ote. Ho do
cllned to discuss tho announced refusal
of tho employes to ucceDt possible fedorul
arbitration and said that no definite tlmo
had been sot for another conference
Onawa Farmer
Commits Suicide
ONAWA, la., July 14.-(Spoclal Telo-
Cratn.l TV TTar1V Tlrorllm, . v.
- . . u.uu.v, u, iJiunyojuus
farmer ot this city, shot and killed him
self at Ifntet T.n Bnlla "'M ..
day, because of business trouble and 111
VtAlU K n vtaA ir. T T 1 . . . i - . .
I , - . .o a TV iuu UUU
Bumper Crop in Hills;
Rain Breaks' Drouth
ELLSWORTH, Nob., July 14.-(Speclal
Telcgram.)-The heaviest rain of the sea
son VlSlted thO sand hllla thla nftomnnn.
More than nn Inch of rain fell In less
man nn hour, breaking a dry spell that
promised a serious drouth. Condition
are now nt their best with a bumper crop
in mo nius in prospect
SIOUX FALLS, S. D., July ll.-(Spc-clal.)--For
several weeks a government
detective has been operating along the
northern boundary of the Pine Ridge and
Rosebud Indian reservations for tho pur
pose of putting a stop to alleged whole
sale smuggling of liquor from the border
towns to tho Indians across tho line In
the reservations. Thus far several ar
rests of mixed-blood Indians and others
have been made, and additional arrests
will be made as fast as the necessary evi
dence is secured and until tho Illegal traf
flo In liquor Is effectually and perma
nently atopped. The detective recently
made a raid on some of tho stores at tho
border town of White River. At several
places ho found supplies of lemon extract,
which he confiscated on tho ground that
they contained liquor and wero largely
used by the Indians as an intoxicant The
proprietors ot the stores were warned!
that they must not carry such liquids In
stock. It Is said these extracts contain
a large per cent of alcohol and the de
tective, accordingly placed a ban on them,
so far as tho sale ot the extracts to In
dians la concerned.
BEATRICE, Neb., July 14.-(SpecIal.)-The
first progressive party county con
vention to assemble In Gage county was
held here today. Dr. Boggs ot Fllley was
elected chairman and W. II. Davis, sec
retary. The convention adopted resolutions re
affirming their faith In the lnfallablltty
ot Roosevelt and their belief that the re
publican party Is a complete wreck from
Insist Upon
Absolute Security
for your vnluablos. A
place where they aro
beyond the reach of
fire and theft is the
Fire and Burglar
Proof Vault of the
Omaha Safe Deposit
Company. Safe Do
posit Boxes for rent,
$3.00 per Year.
which no progressive service can be ex
pected. The candidacy of II. K. Sackett
for governor was endorsed. Tho call for
tho convention contemplated S4S delegates,
but only thirty-three were present.
WEST POINT, Neb., July ll.-(Speclal
Telegram.) Tuesday's races at West
Point drew a good first day's crowd. The
track was lightning fast. No accidents
or untoward features marred tho pleas
ure of the day. Thirty-three horses faced
Starter Ronln's flags. Tho summaries:
Trot 2:30: nine entries: Johnstown Bau
her, b. s., first; Anton Psota, blk. g., sec
ond; Decoy, s. p., third: Urbanus, b. 8.,
fourth. Time: 2:17U. 2:174. 2:19.
Pacing 2:22, fourteen starter:
nlta V, h. m.. flrrti gnes W, br. m.
second: Redwood, s. g., third; Dan I
b. g fourth.
Tlmo. 2:15Vi. 2:12tf, 2:15.
Trotting 2:19:
Lord Duke. b. g., first; Chief, blk. a.,
second: Nan Patterson, blk. m., third;
Mrs. Boswell, br. m.. fourth.
Time, 2:1U. 2.16, 2:16U. 2:17.
Hiintlicrn Asnnclntlon Iteanlta.
NnsHvllle-Montgomcry; rain.
Birmingham, 4; Atlanta, 5.
Chattanooga. B, New Orleans, t; (called
end seventh; darkness).
Memphis. 1: Mobile. 10.
'o Yourself
by keeping in. good physical
trim and you will be the best
friend to yourself and a pleas
ure to others. Most sicknesses
begin in the ordinary and
minor ailments of the digestive
organs, and for these ailments
have become tho most popular
remedy, because they are so
safe, so certain, and prompt
in their beneficial action.
They tone tho stomach, stim
ulate the liver, regulate the
bowels. By cleansing the
system and purifying the
blood they prove that they
Are the Best
Of Good Friends
Lareett Sale of Any Medicine In tho World.
Sold everywhere. In bexeti 10c, 25c
Dr. Bradbury, Dentist
1500 rarnam. Phone D. 17SS
-1 Tears Same Offlos.
Money-Back Guarantee It we cannot
please you
A Crown or Bridge Tooth $2.50 Up
Best Work Warranted 10 Years.
Send for Illustrated Booklet Free.
teething Babies
Hrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup
PIIRFI V UFr.-Trini c wot MfiDrnnr;
(Kormerlr Si Joph'i cotttft)
Boarding School for BoysM'tSi aREE
HUh 8cbo.ll ml Colin CourMa leading ta
Buhtlor ot Arta, Dacliclor at Lattact ta4
Bachalor of Scl'nco drums.
Illuatratad Bounnlr anil CaUlotua Scot ea
Fire, Tornado, Liability, Plate Glaus,
Burglary. Accident and Automobile.
VV. Charles Sundblnd
411 Stat Bank Bldr. Pnoaa Std 1393.
Gknuine Id (Bermati Rouble 38eer
Studebaker SIX
value is real "Six"
It asks but ono profit,
nnd iu return gives
you hotter steels, heat- '
treated parts, scien
tific accuracy, greater
strength with less
weight, and longer life.
You find these qualities
expressed in tho per
fect balance of the
Studebaker SIX in its
perfect roadability, in
its economy of gaso
line, oil and tires, in
its riding ease.
No mothod short of Stude
baker completo manufac
turing can combine all
these elements of value
into ono "Six."
This Is a fact you can read
ily prove by demonstration
and comparison; and by
talking with ownors, whose
names we will givo you.
Send for tho Studebakor Proof
Book, Tvhloli descrlbea and
pictures ' Studebaker manu
facturing processes.
F. O. B. Detroit
FOUK Touring Car J10SO
SIX Touring Car 1S7S
SIX Sedan 2255
2429 Farnam Street
Local Dealer
"Quantity Production of Quality Gars"
July Clearance
Men's Trousers
See 16th Street Windows.
Watch Papers for
Particulars and Prices.
Hot weather sense
Eat cooling foods in clean
sanitary places.
The Pure Food Sign.
Quickserv Cafeteria
Basement City Natl Hank Btdg
Or Boston Louche.
210 South 10th St.
1400 Douglas 8U
1408 Farnam St,
Hold Your Picnic at
Dancing, Boating and Other
Free Moving Pictures Every
Free Band Concerts Every
Omaha vs. Wichita
atouBXB rui.
July 13, 14, is, 10.
Monday, July 13, Ladles Day.
Games CaUed at 8 p, m,