12 THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JITLY 15, 1914. LOCAL GRAIN STOCKS LOW Over Half Million Less Than Cor responding Date Last Year. BIG DEMAND. FOR NEW CROP JVehrnsk Wheat In nHnK IlapMIr from Ilnlf a Down Mlll Ins; Center. Grain stocks In storage In Omaha ele vators are more than WO.000 bushels less than on the corrponlln(r data ot lait year, but from now on they are ejected to Increase and If prices remain down, It Is expected that before the end of the month elevators will be pretty well filled. The following shows the atocka en hand now and on the corresponding date of last year; Now. WOO bushels (33.000 bushels STiO.ffl) bushels 10,000 bushels 15.(00 bushels "Wheat Corn . Data . Rye .., Barley Last Tear. 307.000 bushels 704.000 bushels 0)0,000 bushels non none Total . .1,026,000 bushels 1,601.000 bushels HrorlplK for liny. Grain receipts at Omaha Tuesday -were,: Wheat, forty-five; corn, ninety, a ad oats, thirty-two carloads. The corn and oats went Into storage, though little of the wheat remained longer than to be sold, transferred and switched. The outtld demand for the Nebraska wheat, owing to its superior milling qualities Is constantly growing In demand. Buyers frost half a doien milling centers are hare and are buying In and shipping out tfel cereal about as rapidly as It comes l into the market. Forty-Two Editors Write Samson They Will Be on the Job Forty-two editors have so far written Gamson that they will be glad to accept his extended Invitation. "I will bring myself and satchel; I have no dog," Is the reply made by J. 15. Pat more of Mllford, Neb., In accepting the Invitation of the publicity bureau of Omaha to come to Omaha July 30 for the editors' day of fun and frolic ' 1 wouldn't miss It for a farm," writes W, H. McGaffln of Belwood. Charles Kevin of Laurel replies with the two words, "Tou Bet." "I am bringing a clear conscience with me and will stay till I have to leave," writes L. J. Mayfleld of Louisville. W, If. "Weeks of Norfolk says, "I'll come and stay till It's all over." Harry 31ralnard of Hebron, president ot the Nebraska Press association, was among the first to accept the Invitation. The acceptances are coming In rapidly and In good numbers, considering that the invitation was sent out only Friday. Invitations went to editors In Iowa and South Dakota, as well as to the editors Df papers In the towns and cities ot Nebraska. Waits for Official Omaha to Wake Up An excited young man walked Into City Clerk Tom Flynn's office, pulled out his watch, studied the dial an In stant, and asked the city clerk for a marriage license. "Court house. County Judge's office," tald Flynn. "Supposo they're open over there this early In the morning?" "Sure. It's half-past eight" The excited young man looked at his watch. "Iff only 7:80," he said, "I set my watch last night at Denver and I know It's right" Then it dawned on him that there waa an hour's difference in time between Omaha and Denver. "I've been walking the streets with my girl for an hour waiting for official Omaha to wake up. Ooodbyl" T TRAVEL HOTKliS TRAVELS All MUKt NEW YORK America's Latest and Most Refined, and New York's Centermost Hotel Only hotel occupying an entire city block, Vanderbllt and Madison Avenues, 43d and 44th Streets, adjoining und connected with the Grand CentralTermlnal, of New York Central Line and New York, New Haven c liartiora k. k. 100 ROOMS OPEN TO OUTSIDE AIR 989 VY11M UAltl ROOM RATES FROM $2.50 PER DAY Writ for UUutrated folder and map of new sotk CUSTAV BA.UMANN President JOHN McE. BOWMAN VlcFriMnt THE BILXMORE CIGAR Cmn dv F1AI DTHC A FTP D CJCHM 1510- FAR N3VNT. CHISAM WRITES NUT CROP WHOPPER THIS YEAR Assistant General Freight Agent Ghlaam of the Great Western railroad, ljow In southern California on his an nual vacation and who la the owner of one of the large walnut groves theru. ono that has been netting him 12,000 to. J 2,000 annually for several years, writes that prospects for a big walnut crop this year are the beet Mr. Chlsam estimates the walnut crop this year at 10,600 tons and asserts that prices will be higher this year than last due to the fact that the crop of Europe and Manchuria la almost a total failure. The quality, too, he says, will be better than last Last year 2S per cent ot the ruts were No. i and the estimate is that this year not to exceed 6 per cent will be of that gTade. This year the nuts are fully 35 per cent larger than last STENQER OF ST. JOSEPH ROAD SEES GOOD BUSINESS Ernest Btenger, general manager of the St Joseph & a rand Island railroad, la in town, in conference with officials of the Union Pacific. Mr. Btenger sees a good business ahead for the Bt Joseph road, an enormous small grain crop having been harvested in all the territory tributary. Just when the segregation ot the St Joe and the Union 1'aclflo roads will occur, the general manager of the former is unable to state. lie has made no ar rangements looking to separation, owing- to the Union Pacific having appealed from the federal court decision, ordering that the Bt Joe become an independent line. THEOLOGICAL STUDENTS SEEKING SUMMER WORK Tniinr nrai'hrfl- mlftilonartAS and theological students are quite numerous In rtmahfi. this summer, according to A. A Remington, employment secretary ot the Young Men's Christian association, whom they have asked for temporary worK. ftrun of thn embryonic religious work era desire work for only halt ot each Ahv ms that thev ran rifi slum or tnlulon work the remainder of the time. Others want clerical worK, soliciting or similar employment to do for the summer, until their college or seminary resumes Its courses in the ia.il. Hotlor. Commencing June 1st, Nickel Plate Ko4 sells tickets Chicago to New Tork and return, 127.00, Boston and return, C0, Also variable routes. Liberal stop oters. Inqulro local agent or address Jphn T. Calahan. A. O. P. A., M W. Adama St, Chicago. HOTELS TRAVELS "Pacific Limited The distinction of this splendid train its superb steel equipment its numerous comfort features its directness of routeits fast schedule make it the Premier train to Chicago. Leaves Omaha daily at 7:50 p. m., arrives Chicago 9:15 a. m., via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul Railway Three Other Daily Trains to Chicago TICKETS: 1317 Ftmim Street. Omaha W. E. DOCK, City Passenger Agent Where to Go In Summer The Great Lakes and Atlantic Coast Region has innumerable attractions to offer tho vacationist Low Farts Now In Effoct via the Chicago and North Western Ry. to Chicago and choice of routes therefrom to all important points east. Round Trip from Ommhm Detroit, Mich. Boston, Mass. New York, N. Y. Niagara Falls, N. Y. Toronto, Ont. Montreal, Que. Atlantlo City, N. J. Portland, Me. Buffalo, N. Y. S42.IOto 48.50 to 33. SO to 31.IO to 36.50 to 45.60 to 43.83 to 33.50 to $27.50 40.5O 46.50 35.50 33.SO 40.35 46.00 47.85 35.50 Ticket on sal dally from June 1st to September 80th Kturn I'mlt 60 days, not to xced October 31, 1914 FavorabR stopover privileges. Urjaqualtd wrvics to Chicago and direct oonotcdooa with fast trains on all lines east. Fox pattkaUn cW7 a Chloago and North Western Railway 140MW3 Fsram Strati, Om&fca. Ntfc. Kwm ALL'S WELL WITH THE WORLD Hotels arc like folks. They have personalities pleasant and otherwise. The Hotel Martinique, on the centermost spot in New York, is a pleasant and friendly sort of hotel for rest, recreation or business activity. "Ihe Martinique gives the man and woman from out-of-town a sense of security and cheer. Often this spirit is a blessed and beneficent thing to the individual away from home. Whether you pay $2.00 per day or $3.00 or more for your room or suite, you are made to feel that "All's Well with the World." 3 Ike HOTEL MARTINIQUE "Tha House of T.jlor" ON BROADWAY, 32d to 33d STREET NEW YORK CITY Wolttr Chandler, Jr., Man.gtr II 1 1 ii Have An Island of Your Own Up in Canada For sensible, safe, promising investments, look over Real Estate Columns ef The Bee You tan, up In the beautiful Georgian Bar Country, right in the heart of the "bright waters and happylands" of Indian days. The ideal racation spot, and not too far away. Camp out among the pinei, or put up at one of the excellent boarding houses. Canoeing Motor Boating Bathing Fishing Get away from the city noise and dust today. The Canadian Pacific will take you. Send for illustrated Georgian Bay Folder No. 122. Write at one for all particulars to , Geo. A. Walton, Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept. 224 S Clark Si. Opposite Pott Office Chicazo, Illinois TeUphona Wabwb 8800 VGHHfcf $27 "The Scenic Route of Eastern America' Chicago to NEW YORK and return CORRESPONDINGLY low fare round trip tickets to Boston and the Jersey Coast Resorts variable routes long return limits. Tickets on sale June 1st to September 30th. It's a trip of delight every mile of It a constant unfolding of mountain and meadow, with orchards in fruit, and the restful green of forest foliage rivers sparkling in the sun and a sky as jewel-blue as that of Italy. Whether on business or visiting, make a pleasure trip of It. Save expense money by the low round trip fares. Tb Intmtat Spadal LTe Chlcaao 1 1 a. ra. Masnlnent !ee-trlc-llthted steal train With modtrn coaches. Drawlng-rooro and compartment slaeplns cars and observation alcepinc care. Tha New York Limited Leaves CUcaa B4S p. m. 8plendfd elec-tiic-llf hted eteel train with modern coaches, drawing-room sleeping cars and observation parlor cars. The WaabJntton.New York Express Leavaa Qilcaj-o S a. m. Steel drawing-room sleeping cars to New York. Coaches to Washington. Night Expreea Leave Chicago 9:30 P- m. 8tel drawlng-roem sleeping care to New York. Coaches to Washington. All trains leave Grand Central Station, Fifth Ave. and Harrieen St. H. C STROHM. Traveling Passenger Agent, U Woodmen of the World Building, Omaha, Neb Baltimore & Ohio "Our pa$MngcT ore our ftiest" Stopovers at All Points En Route Our Annual Sale of Men's Separate Trousers Begins Thursday We Close at 5 P. M., Excopt Saturday at 9 Highlands of Ontario f ? Low Round Trip Fares from Chicago Meu&ofolaltes $15.95 Timagasii . $21.60 Algonquia Park $18.75 jNipiuing . $19.25 They will sooth your nervee, drive away the blues, ctsar the cobwebs off your brain and strengthen your physi cal make-up. The wilt prepare you as nothing ale will lor a return to drudg ery and routine. Canada awakens In I IHHiliiMW French River . $19.10 Georgian Bay . $15.65 Lake of Bays . $16.95 Kawartha Lakes $15.90 you a love for the beautiful and sub Ilm In Nature! you need not travel farther In .carcb of Nature's chlefeet pearl. You should see this Unspoiled Wilderness for Its own sake and for your own saks. f mtarnatlonal Zdmlted new train. Leaves Chicago Bl4B o. m.. arrives Toronto Bias a. m., Montreal Si5 p m., Portland 7:30 a, m Boston 8105 p. m. Write today for comprehensive Illustrated free guide books. v j, Addnea J. D. UeDoaeld. Aetbtaat Gea'l Fw Ai.at aa4Traaka4ttmyaftaa,tuw. aauuMMKa(a,u eifriiilfiiiiiir i fiiiiiiirii M A flu ill i n mh Oi tYmtU Watch for the igSale in Dress Skirts Thursday. Remarkable Wednesday Clearance Bargains in Ladies Suit Department, Goats, Suits and Dresses To $30.00 valuec, from our boat lines, the very newest deslffna Clearing Sale Waists Worth to 14.00, In uiaa, salines, chiffons, etc., eta.j all colors and sizes; A A Clearing Sale prlco. . 4 J, iUV Crepo nnd Percale 1) r o 8 b 1 n ff Sncques Some satin trimmed, to $1.00 values; Clear- nr ing price tUjC Misses' and Juniors' Wash Drcsscn Ginghams, madrases, percales, etc.; to $2.50 values; on op sale e30C All Finest Children's Dresses Half Price and Less. In tho Infants' Dcpnrtmcnt. To 35c values, in dresses, skirts, Ruben shirts, silk hose, h rj bibs, Ruben diapers, etc. 1 C White Wash Skirts on sale at 95 S1.45 S1.95 to S3.95 Just About Half Worth. To 65c values In Infants Cashmere Sacques, Dresses, Toilet Sets, Soft Sole Shoes, Ruben Shirts, etc.; ut sJ t C AH Finest Wash Dresses Laces, crepes, rice cloths, etc.; to $40.00 values; on sale to (fj-fl A QC close, choice aplHr UJ Children's Dresses Made to sell at $1.50 to $2.50, good CA assortment; sale price. . OVC A Sweeping Clearance of Straw Hats All tho noy's and Children's Straw Hat that sold to A t toe $1.50; your choice. . Chlldrong ROc Straw Hats, 25c. IKN'S STRAW HATS All best shapes nnd weaves, to $2.00 values; to close, 7K choice OC duly Clearance Wash Goods 36-lnch Plain Crepe de Chine, worth 75c, for Wednes- gA day, one day only, at. . J-IJEC 36-lnch Figured Crepe do Chine, worth 85c, for Wednes- Q day, ono day only, at. . 27-lnch Silk Striped Voile, 35c value, for Wednesday, i o ono day only, at lOt 1914 Novelty Crepo, 27 Inches wide, worth 35c, for OQJL. Wednesday, at t2.- 10-Inch FlBiired Ilatlno, medium weight, very suitable for outing Butts. In all shades, worth CQn $1.00. "Wetfnesdnv nt... UJU Wednesday's Linen Specials $2.90 Bed Spreads, full size, assorted white and colored, 7C values to $3.98, each 4ee D Pattern Table Cloths, pure flax, full size, values to to $5.00, each Belfast Dew Bleached Satin Dam ask, 2 yards wide, QC values to $1.75, yard P 1 esJO Quilted Table Pads, taped ready for use, round or square worth $1.85; on sale, each $1.50 Atlnci v- Bargains , Busy Domestic (too Tuesday's Specials on Whit Goods continued Wednesday with the addition of several other numbers In white and colored dress fmhrlrs. linnt.i. towels, etc.. at irrefitlv below worth. dio Stieets, vzxau Bizo....tfAC 76c Sheets, 81x90 size . . . . 59 $1.50 Pattern Cloths, 12-4 size, $1.3.5 Pattern Cloths, 10-4 size, 95 Pattern Cloths, 8-4 size, 18c Checked Ginghams, all col ors: on sale, yard lOd 18c Pllsso Crepe, in all colore; at, yard 12 H 2 ie (ros Grain Voiles, yd j Ud 18c Wm. Anderson's Ginghams, yard 7Me 18c Printed Dress Crepea. .10d 98c Table Damask, bleached or unbleached; on sale, yard 69(J $1.25 72-lnch Damask, bleached, yard 89c for $1.25 for , $1.00 for , 25c Turkish Towels. ...... 15 d 15c Turkish Towels lu 12 He Turkish Towels. .. -7Hi 10c Turkish Towels 5 796 Every Thrifty Housekeeper Appreciates Price Savings Where No Sacrifice of Quality is Necessary. That's the Reason You Can Meet Them All in Hayden's Grocery Dept. 48-lb. sack Diamond H Four nothing finer for bread or pastry 81.03 10 bars Diamond C, Beat- Em-All or Laundry Queen white Soap....35o 4 lbs, fancy Japan Head Rice 3So ! lbs. broken Hice 3So Hnnd picked Navy Beans, lb Bo 10 lbs. White or Yellow Corn Meal 19o 6 cans V Oil Sardines 28o 3 pkKS. Yeast Foam 10o 3 bottles Wild Cherry Phosphate a very cooling summer drink S5o 6 cakes of Sllcxo Scouring Soap..3Bo 8 lbs. best Breakfast Rolled Oatmeal for 35o 8 3-lb. cans Baked Beans 35o 20 lb"!, best Granulated Sugar. .8)1.00 The best Tea Slf tings, lb lOo O od en Santos Coffee, lb sua HeribeT'e Ooooa, lb , 20 o BUTTER, OSSEBE and EOO MT, Tne best ureamery uuiier, canon or bulk, lb 39o Th hut Country Creamery Butter. pound ...87o Choice Dairy Table Butter, lb..-, ,84c Tho best full cream .Cheese, white or colored, lb SOo Fancy Brick Cheese, lb. .18o Neufchatel Cheese, each 3o The best strictly fresh Egss. dor. 22 o VEGETABLE and XTOTTXT DEPT. 15 lbs. New Potatoes SSo 3 large Cucumbers lOo 3 Baking Squashes lOo 6 Bunches Leaf Lettuce Bo 4 Bunches Beets, Carrots or Turnips So 2 lbs. Green or Wax Beans Eo New Cabbage, lb alio New Sweet Corn, dozen lOo Ftancy ripe Tomatoes, lb 7 Mo California Red June Plums, basket 30o Berries, all kinds, at lowest market prices. 'pays Try HAYDEN'S FIRST MVS VIA ROCK ISLAND LINES Now York and Return S43.50 o S46.50 New York and Return S48.90 to $52.50 (One way via Buffalo, other way via Washington.) New York nnd Return S50.90 to $52.50 (One way via Buffalo, other way via steamer Norfolk and Wash ington.) New York and Return S51.90 to 56.20 (Ono way via Montreal, other way via Buffalo or Pittsburg.) Roston nnd Return 842.10 to S46.50 Boston and Return S50.80 to 59.85 (One way via Montreal, other way via Buffalo and Albany.) Boston and Return ....54.80 to $50.30 (One way via Buffalo and Albany, other way via New York and Washington.) Boston and Return . 56.70 to 50.10' (One way via Buffalo and Albany, other way via steamer New York, Norfolk and Washington.) Our list Includes points in Michigan, Ohio, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Virginia Long Limits and Liberal Stopover Privileges. For information in detail, inquire HlVliVi J. 53. MCJNiLLiLiY. a OBI . . I'lliiaWl division i-assenger Agem. 14th and Farnam. mi Swap Anything in the "Swapper's Column"