THE BKK: OMAHA, WKDVKSP W. ,11'LY l.", 1014 11 SWAl'1'KRS' COLUMN wou L d TTwap good Iiasounb range (or eat ranee; would also civs : somo cash In trade Address H 0 '07. . 1.120 ACRES M PHKHiJC'iN COUNTY. Nebraska, land, fenced and cross-fenced . three good houses and three good barns, highly Imp.ovjJ. Mtg. $,000, run five years at 6 per cent Will give a good trade on Omaha property. Ad dress 8 C 89), a FOR BALE Oil TRADE: 1 HAVE A fine assortment of fine American lrcsh wtr nHrl; mnh VAliiu fhiin itlamimi What liavo-you to offer, t'all or address ! J, Mongene, xil Williams St., Council Bluffs, la. ENGLISH STYLU HAUY CARRIAGE nnd high chair, one dome and one shower of electric ' fixtures, H white enamel bed and electric Iron. S. C. 1151. Bee LIBRARY OK" 215 HOLLS lATHST POP ular and classical music foi 88-note player-puno, all in perfect conultton und almost new; cost uvor $200. Will tiudo for anything 1 can use; make m an offer. Addiess S. C. OCX.'. lice. MUST SELL. MY NO. 5 PRINTTYPU Oliver In nest few days. What will Vu'l give me? Address H. C W5. Uee. io ACHES7 Fit U IT FAII.M, 10 "MILES from St Lauder Dale and city lot In una, all clear. Want . auto, or what have you. Address JJ C Uee. "IV ILL SWAP A WELL LOCATED AND beautiful lot aa part payment on a good Ford 6-passenger mr If you hae such a trade. Address S, C. ViW, care lice WILL EXCHANGE A GOOD MOTOR cycle business, built up and a guod pay Ing business. Kxchailgo fur good house and lot or what havo you In exchange, or sell for cash and terms at a reason able price. Address S. C. 1169,Uce. 320 ACHES IN RAWLINS COI'NTY, Kansas. Clear, for a stock of gcnerl merchandise. All level; In crop thsear. Address B C 992. Bee. 115 ACRES IN DECATUH CO.. IA., LIEd ono mile northwest or l'leuuanton, nns a 3-room house, burn, 40x40, with drive way; three wells, about 2 acres orchard, nil fenced hog-light, with ono liog-tlght cross fence; yards and orchard fenced ith 4-foot tvoven wire; about 40 acres under the plow; 15 acres timber, balanco pasture; all rolling land, l'rlco 775 per acre; mortgage, 12,300 at 6 per cent. Owner wants a grazing section in Neb., clear, for his equity. AddteBw S. C. DS8. WANT GOOD AUTOMOBILE, 6-PAS-senger, tor good store building and $t,W0 worth of machinery, on business street; property rented by year. Must go at once. Address, S, C. 9J2. Omaha Bee. ANOELUS PIANO PLAYER AND A large assortment of music. What havo you7 S. C. 70S. Bee. WANT W i&TKKN LAND-7 NICK LtiV el lots In good central Nebraska town, worth $2,100, and $300 caBh tor u good, clear, level piece of land western Neb., near some railroad town. Give full par ticulars of what you have in llrst lettor. D. It. Buck & Son, SIS Omaha Nat Hk., umatia. Neb. WHAT HAVE YOU TO EXCHANGE , for $2,200 second mtg. on 240 acres ot hay land, due Dec. 22; Int. ti per cent.? 8 C 997. Bee. ONE PARLOR REQINA. WITH FORTY records, Burton mandolin, and ono lot lu Kenwood Add. Casper, Wyo. tor what. Address. 8. C. 1104 Heo. WANTED TO BUY LIGHT DOUBLE harness, or will swap western saddle, almost new, for the same. Ad. S. C. 999. MKTZ "22" RUNABOUT OR RACER. wanted. Must be 1914 model, In first cIubs condition. Describe fully and give lowest cash price. Ad. S. C. Ili6 Bee. 120 ACRES, LYMAN COUNTY, SO. DAK., fine grass; will exchange tor Mdoe. or city property. Address H. C. ML Bee. CLEAR LOT NEAR CARTER LAn.13 Club, for auto, diamond or piano. Ad dress S. C. 932. Bee. $0 ' ACHES, 3 MILES WEST OF ASH land. Neb., impiovt-d, all level, woith $160 acre. Will trado for Omnna property up to $3,000. Mtg, $3,WW. Five year o Per cent. Audress b C991. Bee. LET ME FURNISH PAINT AND PAINT your houi.u; will taKo in exchange any thing 1 can use, or will figure low tor cash. Address S. C. HJiS, Bee. EDISON PROJECTING KJNKTOSCOPE, convertible lor gas or electricity, with .20 reels, film and slides. Worth about $300. Complete except tuke-up Will sell or trade Make ofier. Address S. C. BN). Bee. 1 HAVE O0 GALLONS OF PAINT IN 1 gallon cans. All colors. Will exchunge nt wholesale price In uny quantity de sired fof diamond, piano, or uuto. Tills paint Is first class nnd sold in Omaha. Address S. C. 1152, Bee. 1 HAVE FINE UPRIGHT GRAND Pi ano, will exchange for a nlco diamond. juqresw p. i... hoi, uee. Want a good late model two- cyllnder motorcycle, or small runabout; have a single-cylinder machlnu. Just over hauled and worth $125, also u new Un derwood typewriter worth $75. which will trudo for right machine. Addrnsu S. C. 1102, Bee. FINE MULL1N STEEL LAUNCH FOR sale or trado. Consider unythlng. Ad diesa S. C: Ifttt. cure Bee. HAVE TWO LOTS IN SOUTHERN Texas neur Houston, cost JiSO; all clear and good title", itiso neatly urand nev peerless refrigerator, capacity lw pounds, would exchange for concrete macntnery, office furniture, or what tmvu you. Au cress S. C. 97P. Bee. WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE FOR A good grocery and meat market, involcu auoui u. u. a a. uee. FOR SALE AT BARGAIN iTURNlTUHE and complete equipment (j-room bncK flat, walking dUtaiice, on car line; two looms pays the rent, $:"0 with water; furniture was bought May 15; death In family reason for selling at half or real value; halt cash, bal. like rent, $10 a month. Leaving town. This la not au agent's prop. Address S. C. Ksi, Bee. HAVE GOOD H C SMITH TYPE wrlter that will trade for u second hand motorcycle; will pay some casn. Ad drcsa S C 'J06. Bee. ivi ACR3 UNIMPROVED LAND IN Butte Co., So, Dak., to trade for UmaliR jjruiJeri? r. 11 Mure, Ait win, Mixv uanK, 10 ACRE TRACT AND 2 CITY l,OTS, IN gc-oa town in Texas, tor rooming nouse. Addiess S C 990. Bee. FOR SALE OR TRADE 120 ACRES land 2Vi miles from Griswold, lu., well Improved; new 7-rootn house, largo barn, woven wire fence; about 17 acres pasture, balance In high state of cultivation; worth $150 per acre. Want cottage up to $3,000, or what havo your Address ti C 78. Boa. U CITY BLOCK, NEB. COUNTY SEAT town, clear, for piano or uuto. Address 8. C. 983, Bee. OFFERED FOR RENT Apsriiurm. nnd tlma. St. modern flat. $21. 2308 8. 24th. H 4711. OGDEN ANNEX looms, with kitchen ettes. Council Bluffs. Gordon Van Co.g 219 H, 11th St Phone D. 394 or H. BM St. Clare Apartm'ts 23d and Harney, just completed J. 4 and i rooms, liar. 647 or Douglas 6505. Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packs und ships; 2-tiurse Van and t men, $1.25 per hour; storage $2 per month Satisfaction guaranteed. Vhone Douglas 433$ and Tyler 230 FOR RENT Double brick flat, 7-r,. east front; fine location. 4009-4011 Izard St, $35. H. 2572. ALL kinds ot flats. 1601 Vinton. Tyler 1771, CLOSE In, modern 5-room flat six blocks from postofflce, cheap rent 1917 Web ster St. Call Douglas 43 4-ROOM apartment, modern except heat, 1051 U.i,l), Tirantv.llllh K 514 SO, 22d street $45, modern 12-room flat good location for rooming or board ing house; 6 blocks to Court House. Call weoster 3045. WANTED to Rent Two rooms and bath, second floor New Hamilton. Telephono nftitta jiavT or inqmrt m ohicu. TWO 4-room apartments, are nicely fur nlshed. 5G3-7 H. ZSth St Phone It. 4141. CLOBEIN APARTMENTS. 3 and 4 rooms, modern, either furnished or unfuinUhtd. at moderate prices. Wright Block, 318 N. 16th St. 8e today. CREIGH. SONS & COMPANY. Douglas 200. 508 Bee Bldg. OKKKHKI) FOR HUNT Aw.irlmcnts nnd Pints. For Rent New, attractive, double house In West Farnani district; Just building; can make slight changes to suit tenants If leases arc signed at once. Heady October 1. Phone Harney "St. 7 ItOOMS, modern brick flat 2S14 Dodge, js. call uougias v. t Ult UtSiN I f UA IO, 2968 Harney SL, 6-r., partly furnished $47.50. 294.2 Harney St , 8-r., modern, 145. 29il Harney St., C-r.. modern. $37.50. 215 Dodge St., 6-r,. modern, (35. 2u9 So. Zlth St., 9-r, modern, $J5. 1717 So. Mth Ave,, S-r.. modern, $. 628 So. 29th St.. 4-r., mod. ex. fur.. $12. StfO Lake St., 5-r., mod. ex. fur., $12. 3014 Ames Ave., 4-r., city water, $11. 2204 No. 27th St., 4-r., city water. $9. GARVIN BROS.. S45 Omaha Nat l. Bank Hldg. Kllrnlnhrtl Ikunac. 5-riOOM furnished houst. rrom July 15 to September 1. H. SS70. ll.mnl mill llunnis. REEDI1UKST V?KTXr& FOR RAILROAD MEN. Good rooms, with excellent board; rates very reasonable. 1611-13 Howard. D 6810. l'uriilalieil HoimeWL-cnlnir Rooms. A SUITE of rooms, strictly mod; refer- ences. lau rnrnani. aiiui, uaviusu urn. FARNAM. 2I3i. Flat .1 Three modern nouaeKeepme rooms, i yieruio. I iitiirnlslit-il lloiiNeUeepInu Iluonm. THREE unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. No children. Harney 43CM. Iiirii::i'il ltuoiim. LARGE sleeping room for two gontlo men. Meals If desired. 2227 Jones St. ROOM In private family, ono or two gen tlemen, or man nnd wife; with board If desired. I'hone Douglas $071. COOL, all modern, .newly furnished rooms, south and cast windows, on Har ney car line. 2024 California. H. 24tS. FURNISHED rmn, prlvato family, walk ing dis.; no children; nice parlor, piano; large ground?; board If desired. Tylei 2234. llululx null AiiurtiiMMit. DODGE HOTEL Modern. ReHbonable. CALIFORNIA Hotel. ICth and California. Weekly rates w una up. uoumm m.-. OODEN HOTEL, rooms $2 per week. Council Bluffs. UunitekrrpliiK Huome. 725 S. 1STII St. Housekeeping and sleep ing rooms; mod. house. Phono T. lOil-W. Houses nnu CuttiiKF. 1 P PT'l7TlExp. Co., piano ft furnl d . U. lUL'VjU.ur m0ving D. U14. W. 2718 -ROOM cottage, rear, 1033 N. 29th, 6-ROOM house, nearly row, all modern; near park in Dundee, xei. riarney axu. U-ROOM, completely furnished house. 1SU Blnney. W. 394. . HOUSES for rent. 2507 Pierce St. modern. Phone Tyler 2402 W Part 2531 SPENCER, 5-r., mod. ex. heat, $15. 1817 N. Zlst St., 7-r., parity mou., tu. 3S10 Camden Ave., 5-r., well, $11. 34C3 Miami, 6-r., well, $9. 3723 Ohio.. 8-r., well, $. CRE1GH, SONS & COMPANY. Phone Douglas 200. 60S Bee Bldg. Fidelity Storage Co. Storage, mowng, packing uuu shipping. 16 & Jackson Sts. Phone, Doug, lSlti. $42.60 Brick, 130 S. 35th St., Just north of Farnam. Owner, 205 Ramgc Bldg., Phone Douglas 2221 Hnnooo I" al1 l,arta of the clty- . . XlUU&La crelgh Soiib & Co.. Bee Bldg. FOB RENT We havo a comnlote list of all houses. apartments and Hats that are for rent. This list cun ba seen free ot charge at Omaha Van & Storage Oo.. 800 S. 16th St. FOR RENT All modern 0-room bouse. 2617 No. 20th St. Tel. Web. 5975. A. P. TUKEY & SON. FOR RENT. 2500 Farnam, 7-r. modren brick flat, $50. 313 N. 21st, 9-r. mod. brick flat, $50. 1301 8. Soth Ave., 8-r. modern house. Apt. 1, Clarlnda, 6-r., 2 baths, mod., $63. 712 N. 23d, 6-r. mod. brick flat, $2a. 170S Burt, 3-r. modern apartment, $20. 721 8. 17th. 5-r. cottage, partly mod., $15. 2222 N. 19th, 3-r. apartment, $10. 419-412 N 14th. 10-r, modern flat, $60. ea. 1013 Burt, 8-r. modern flat, $45. 3112 Leavenworth. i n" uee, $37.50. A. P. TUKEY & SON, 111-412 Board of Trade Bldg. Phone Doug. 602. 7-ROOM house, facing Hanscom Park, I a..,- .A t-ll lt..n.. . TAC moqern, .ii.w. riiuiiq namr n r 1 Van and Stor- Maggards FREE RENTAL LIST. Complete "for rent" list of houses, apartments and flats on file at our office; no charge whatever. Union Outfitting Co.. ititn anu Jameson sin. E ROOMS, modern. 2d floor close In, $16; 2056 Dodge. Tel. liar. 5763. G. A. Eckles.' 10-RM. house, barn, 5 lots, fruit, In good condition. 2330 S. 41st St. Tel. Fior. 80S, C-ROOM house, electric light, gas and water. $15. 3334 Munderson St. 6-R and bath, strictly modern; walking distance, nlco yarn; nne location. H. 3756. Stores nnd Office.. Must have an Office with a vault? The Ueo Building has them largo or small, located on the street or on the court with wuter and free elec tric light $18 - $30 - $40 - $50 The Bee BuildingCo Room 103. OFFICE with reception room; reasonable, 614 State Bonk Hldg. FART of good new store. 1622 Chicago, llarna. GOOD barn, room for 8 or 10 horses. an weuster at. call Douglas u. REAL ESTATE FARM IlA.NC'll J. A. NHS KOIl 8AI.I3 HOMESEEKERS excursion: Germnn American colony; Grant and Jefferson counties, Arkansas. Uphoff, 409 Times JllUfi,, Dl. 1XJUIH. JIO. tulornuu. FAR;I AT REFEREE'S SALE A ICO-acre farm located Just six blocks iroin me postoitice ut IS khurn. Nb. has been ordered sold by the district court on July 11, 1914. This sale will take place at the east door of the Douglas county court nouse ai ju a. in. snarp, larm to go to the highest bidder. This Is known us the John Mccormick farm and Is a well Im proved up-to-date place, has a seven room house, good barn, hen houses double rorncrlb, hog sheds, orchard, wind mill and cistern. Water Is piped to pas tures and hug sheds. The soil is In lino condition, larm has ben seeded and changed for thirty years. Come to this sale and buy one ot the best producing larms in Douglas county. For full par ticulars address Clyde Kundblad, clerk county court. Omaha. Neb. luivu. GET AWAY from the HOT. DUSTY, SMOKY CITY, Where sun shoes, breezes blow and crops grow, twenty acres on one ot the main roads out oi our city; five acres fruit, balance fine farm land, good 5- rootned huuse; good Darn, well, cistern, nice shady front yard. Price, $5,000. Let us show you. A. F. SMITH CO. (Fay Smith.) 3 Peaxt SL HKAIi ESTATE achu.kji: i-oit sali:. Richland Acres The New Acreage Addition SUBDIVIDED INTO 2, 3, 4, AND 5-ACRE TRACTS. If you haven't seen Richlnnd Acres, you should arrange vs'ith ono of our salesmen to take you out in an automobile, and show you ono of the nicest acreage additions near Omaha. The soil is rich and the location is desirable. There are many homes surrounding Richland Acres. paved roads and joins Keystone We havo made the terms bo advantage of this special offer. on terms of $10 per acre down thereafter. You should make next spring. We have a few choice acres that we can sell you on terms one acre; and $20 down, $15 per Our salesmen are ready to the day, any oveninc or Sunday, whichever is the most con venient for vou. Hastings & Heyden 1(314 Harney St. HEAL ESTATE KAIIM A UA.NtJll LANDS iron SAI.U Ion a. 34-ACHE FARM 4 miles of Council Hlufls, Vi mile from railroad station; 7 acres bearing orcimro, small vineyard und other fruit for home use. S acres timothy und clover, 3 acres alfalfu, balance of place lu cultivation, moat of which is rich upland valluy land. No buildings. This Is a good, nil round little farm and worth $5,000. Owned by heirs who want to sell. Let us show you. McGEE REAL ESTATE CO. 1 Pearl Stieet, Council Uluffs. Nebraxka. FOR SALE-1.C00 acres flno, rich valley land In western Nebraska. $20 nti acrn. Owner might consider Omaha properly or small farm in part payment. HIcks Lund Agency, 440 Hoard ot Trade aulldlng. FOUND 320-acro homestead In settled nciKhboihood: tine larm land: not sand. hills; cost you t'jM flung lees and till. J. A. 'irncey. Kimball, Neb. RANCH FOR SALE. SCO-acre ranch located in Dawson County, Neb., lo miles trom town; 7-room House, largo barn, granary una corn crib combined, blacksmith shop, chicken house, hot house, implement sned, 2 wind mills, large cistern, water piped to the house, iced lots and pasture; I'OO acres farm land, some altulfa, ba.uncc all fenced and cross-fenced. A moiicy-maklug proposition, $35 per aero. For full par ticulars write II., Hox P, Cozud. Neb. Ulnueauln, FOR Sale 200 acres, 45 miles from Min neapolis. 1 mile trom town; J(W acres under cultivation, balance used for pas tures: can practically all be cultivated: heavy soli; good set buildings, consisting of S-room house, large barn, granary, corncribs, etc.; the land will produce W uusncis oi corn per acre; telephone in house; country thickly settled; complete sot of machinery; 27 head of stock, con elating of eleven cows, balance 1 and 1-year-olds; six good horses; 25 nogs; chick ens; one-half of this year's crop und everything on tho farm goes at 50 per acre, halt cash. Schwab Hros., lozs I'Jy mouth Hldg.. Minneapolis. Minn. 463 ACRES Minnesota laud worth over $75 ner acre. Must hn ei,i . , $2,000 cash, Douglas 79UW-5. Missouri. FARMS for sale-$5 down. $5 monthly buys 40 acres, good timber land, neur town, Texas county, Mo.; price $200; perfect title. J. H. Jarrell, Mt Vernon, 111. HEAL ESTATE LOANS $100 to $10,000 mado promptly. F. u. weau. weau mug., mil nnd Farnam. CITY und farm loans, 6, 6H, 6 per cent. j.ii.uuinoiu a: t;o., iwa r arnam, Omuha. HARRISON & MORTON, 816 Om, Nat. W'ANTISD City loans ami warrants. w. rarnam tsmiui a co., 1320 Farnam. GARVTN BROS and up. ' ' ' JJitV7J. omuha Nat. Hani. SKK us first If you want a fnrm loan. v. iiucti timita irupi tu., umauu, iNOO. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. II IV. 1 1 1 .I... .... r. . . ... Jiiiuer. i. ay im. iiK. iiinir. CITY property. Largo loans a specialty. W'. II. Thomas. 228 State Dank Hldg. WANTED City loans, Peters Trust Co. 67c q v.- ucilllDV.ttllUi:i u . , aivait urunuciB i neater lilug. 6 farm loans. Optional payments & an- niinl Int Win MrPnrmlnl t,.a..a,.. OMAHA home's East Nebraska farms. ci lV,rl C. JtCALi JSbXATJS CU 1016 Omaha Nat. Douglas 2715. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE R. E. Pianos for other musical Instru'ts. D. 2017. 315 ACRES, Worth Co.. Ia.; 4 miles from railway division point; deep, rich, hlnclc soil, some rock, good set new buildings; $14,000 Incumbrance at 5 per cent; will sell or exchange for Iowa or Mo. fruit farm, J. R. Van Fossen, 123 Hyland Ave., Ames, Iowa. o REAL ESTATE sr.MMKH HI2KOKT.S. ONLY 18 camp sites left; 100x20 front ing the wnter on beautifully wooded Itland at Lake Vermilion, Minnesota. Hunting and fishing unequalled; delight ful cool climate, excellent train service to Tower. 160 each; your own terms: good Investment for you and your children. Qiay-Wertln Company. 403-6 Alworth Hldg,. Duluth. Minn. -o REAL ESTATE A1ISTIIACTS OF TITLE. KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office. 305 Ho. 17th St. Phone Douglas 54S7. REED Abstruct Co.. oldest abstract of fice in Nebraska. 208 Urandels Theater. CITY I'HOPKIITY FOR 9 A LIS. KOUNTZE PLACE BARGAIN The owner's absence from tho city makes it necessary for him to scrlflca his beautiful home at 1907 Emmet. Con tains 7 large rooms, finished tn ok, fine lawn and hedge and screened-ln r rch. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Ware Ulock. Douglas rsi. West Farnam BARGAIN Modern, 8-room cottage on 3M!i vc . between Jackson and Jones street. Cljse to car line, school, stores. Wl'l sell at low figure. Apply to owner, 712 So. asth St. Phone Harney 71G6. FOR QUICK. bALE, HY OWNER. 2116 CABS ST. Eleven-room, strictly modern house; well-arranged rooms; six rooms on first floor, leading up to five large oedrooms and bath; near car; close In. Terms to suit. A reasonable offer not refused o MUST t sold, t-roora, new, modern residence In Morning Bide addition; cost $2,800 to build, must sell at a loss. Phone D. 9007. HEAL ESTATE ACHl-.AdH "Oil HAI.R. This addition is close to two Park on the northwest. easy tliat anyone should take "We are going to sell these acres and $7.00 per acre a month your selection now and plan for left in Benson acres Addition of $10 down, $10 per month for month for two acres. take you out anytime during citv proper i'V van SAI.K. Garden Lots Two blocks of lots on 36th and Corby Sts., In Omaha. Less than acrengo prices, $115 to $100; terms, $1.00 and $1.00 per week. I-arge 00-ft. lots, a real bargain. I have been told to sell every lot. Ask any real estate dealer about the value of acreago on S6th and Corby Sts. These lots will go quickly. Phone at ence, Douglas KM. H. H. Harper 1013-14 City Nat'l. Dank Hldg. GOOD Boven-room modern house tn Den son, on the best residence street with ground 100x127. All covered with fruit. A fine home. Will exchango for ten-room house In northern part of city. W .H .Gates 047 Omaha Nat. Hank Hldg. D. 1294. North Side Bargain KTH AND EVANS STS. 7 rooms, strictly modern and practi cally new; nice corner lot; paved on both streets. Tho owner of this property will be In tho city for a few days and will give someom n bargain In this property. O'Neil's R. E. & Ins. Agency 1505 Fnrnnm St. Tel. Tyler 1024 $3,850 Best Bargain in West Farnam District 3R57 Jones St. (Just welt of 3Stli Avo., on Jones St.), 0 rooms, com pleted this week. First floor fin ished In oak. Second floor hard pine: white enamel bath room. Sleeping porch 8x10 foet. Full brick ecllur, cemented floor, sloped to drain. Improved ventilating sys tem through gairct makes cool bedrooms In the afternoon and night. One-half block to school, 1 block to Leavenworth car, 4 blocks to Farnam. Inquire at 305 So. 17th St., or phono Doug. 5487 or Harney 5903. JUST LIKE PAYJNG RENT 4 rooms, with stairway to largo floored attic, suitable for two largo additional rooms; cement cellar, cement walks, city water, electric lights, two large lots for plenty of garden. Only $1,K50; $100 cash, 1'i.liuico $20 a month. Here lu au oppor tunity to get u home. located Just south or nuw r ontenelie park. C. G. CARLBERG, 010-312 RramlelB Theater Hldg. 7-ROOM house, rents for $18.50, must be sold at once; $300 will handle It. II. 4711. The No Commission Realty Co. located at 2lt-3ZO J'axton block, offers a Buggistlon to those wishing to sell or ex change any property or business. Would you not go where that kind ot business Is done? There Is no kind of a proposi tion that Is not handled there merchan dise, farms and ranches, city and town properties, rooming houses, hotels, res taurants; In tact, anything and every thing. If you want to buy, tell the No Commission Realty Co. what you want If you want to sell or exchange, list your property with the No Commission Realty Co, Come in and see the groatest assort ment ot excellent money-makers that can tiM fmmil nnvurliaM VK it I un Vi u , ' n.ul, buyers for properties and business In dif ferent localities; yours may be the prop erty or business they want. It Is a proven fact that a market place for every kind of property, displayed where the thou sands of people can Inspect them, with experienced attendants at your service, Is what brings results. Come In or write for the only method ot buying, selling or exchanging any prop erty or business and pay no commission. This Is the department store for realty and business transactions. It's the peo ple's way. They all go to tho NO COM MISSION REALTY CO. SIX-ROOM, all modern house, nearly new, near car. Dundue. Tel. Harney 2t6S. Florence llml ISstttlw tor Sale, C L. Nethhway, suburban prop. Wlor. 211. HARRY D0NAVAN INJURED WHEN TEAM RUNS AWAY Harry Donovan, 4251 Lake street, was painfully Injured at Eighth and Jackson streets when his team ran away and be was thrown from the wagon. He was brought to the police station, where be was given medical attention. DEATHS I Ooronrr's Jury Recommends Pal motor for Carter Lake. MIGHT HAVE SAVED SPRAKTE8 WllnniM So Tretlfr nt the Hear Ins: Sign Nhimlnir Depth of Water Arr A Inn Recom mended h- the Jury. "I am posltlvn that William Spraktes was allvo when I found him at the bottom of Carter lake, but he had his arm hooked through & wire left nt the bottom of the lake after dredging, and I couldn't loosen that hold, though I felt his fingers wiggle, when I tried to unhook his arm tho first time," declared. Uralnard Miller, $930 North Twonty-second street, at the coroner's Inquest over tho bodies of Harry Haverly nnd William Bpraktes, who wre drowned In Carter lake, near Lnrsrn'fl landing, across the lako from tho Carter Lake club, Sunday afternoon. Fnnlt of tlic City. It wa the fault of tho city thnt tho boys were drowned. Thero wns no life saving apparatus there nnd the watchman at tho dredge and ovor the swimming hole Is asleep half ot tho tlmo. This watch man would let kids ot any age go In swimming there. "Thero Is n good swimming hole where they nro building the city bath house, but tho wutchman drives tho kids down east na far ns lio enn, and thero the bot tom of tho lake Is covered with weeds and various kinds of plnnts nnd rubbish, "Do you bellovo tho death of these boys was duo to the negligence ot tho city?' Mr. Miller was asked. l'lilmotor Is Needed, '1 certainly do," ho leplled. "If there had been any pulmotor there 1 believe Bpraktes would havo been nllvo today Wo worked with him the best wo could after wo got him out of the water, and ho seemed to breathe onco or twlco, nnd oven half opened his eyes. Wo had him out ot tho wnter within fifteen minutes, but It was hnlf nn hour or more before the police surgeon arrived with the pul motor." Several other witnesses testified that the Hpraktes boy might havo recovered If proper treatment had Dcen available when he was first taken from the lake. Tho verdict of tho coroner's Jury lnrtl rated that they believed the city In some degree responsible for the numerous drownings which have occurred on the west sldo ot Carter lako this season. lCxtrnet (row Verdict. An extract from tho verdict follows: "We find that Harry Haverly and Wil liam Spraktos came to their death on Sunday, July 12, 1914, at about 3 p. m. nt about 100 feet from Larsen's landing In tho city of Omaha, Douglas county, Ne braska. Wo further recommend that the city of Omaha provide signs showing tho depth of water and provldo a life saver, also a pulmotor for such cases." Sidney Smith Will Withdraw His Name as a Candidate Sidney W. Smith, republican candidate for tho nomination tor county attorney of Douglas county, says he will shortly withdraw from the race. Ho was & candi date for the office two years ago and was defeatod by George Magney. He refuses to comment on his reasons for withdrawing. "I entered tho race for personal rea sons," ho said, "nnd I withdraw for per sonal reasons, and It Is roally no ono's busings but my own." Asked how he would go about U to vlthdraw from the race, he mil J he hardly know, but ho would consult with miction Commissioner Moorhead abou the matter, and would ser" to learn the exact formalll'' which must be observed la withdrawing. Sandoz Attacks Man Who is the Principal Witness in His Case Percy Bnndor. of Niobrara had little respect for his liberty which was granted last week, when he was released on his own bond by government officials, nfter having been arrested on the charge of selling liquor without a government re tailer's license. Sandot, shortly nfter his release from Jail, went to Niobrara and, according to advices received by the United States district attorney, attacked one of thu principal witnesses for the prosecution. A second warrant was Is sued for the arrest ot Sandoi, and he was taken In custody by Deputy United States Marshal John F. Sides nnd placed lu Jail at Madison to await his hearing beforo the federal grand Jury. ELECTRICAL WORKERS HAVE FINE PICNIC AT RALSTON The Electrical Workers' union, local No. 23, of Omaha, held Its annual plonlc Saturday at Lakeside park, Ralston, with 100 members and their families pnrtlclpat lng. The sport events resulted as fol lows: Married ladles' race! Mrs. C. K. Dohn, first; Mrs. D. L. Calilll, second. Single ladles' race; Miss Alllngton first: Miss allloutte, second. Ladles' ball throwing contest: Miss Alllngton, first; Mrs. D. L. Cahlll, sec ond. Married men's race: Richard Land rock, first; Dr. Beaton, second. Single men's race: T. Mtslevy. first; C. Horwell, second. Men's ball throwing contest: Dr. Sea ton, first; T. Mlslevy. second. After the races a ball game was played, I In which the Watts were defeated by the Kilowatts In a very close game by a score of 7 to , the umpiring ot Jim Drown being the feature of the gome. The evening was devoted to danclmt, which continued till 10 p. m. MAHRIAtSi: LICKNSKS. The following licenses to wed have been Issued: Name and Residence. Age. Randolph Svatos. Omaha 24 Hasel Dene McColl, Omaha 30 Claude White. South Omaha 21 Agnes Bills, South Omaha 20 Pete Targacewskl. Omaha 21 Martha Honowskl, Omaha 22 Herman Walters, Falrbury 23 Margaret Daety. Falrbury 19 Hollis M. Durland, Vllllsca, la. 43 Cora H. Rogers. Red Oak, la W Henry Rlmerman, Omaha 45 Pearl Clersteln, Omaha 44 August F. Nickel, Ouray, Colo 23 Alalia I. Jarrad, Omaha 23 Samuel C. Johnson. Omaha 31 June Oreevy. Omaha 22 Stanard H. Moore. Omaha 2i Genevieve M. Jones, Omaha 23 Kdmrnd A Kalb, Denver, Colo . . 23 Mildred K. Met'omb, Omaha 18 CITY BLAMED FOR Sovereign Council of the Woodmen to Meet Wednesday T.10 members of the sovereign council, Woodmen of tho World, or rather, board of directors of tho order, are arriving In tho city for the regular semi-annual meeting that convenes this morning and which will remain In session for a week or ten days. At tho coming meeting of the sovereign council, reports of officers will be re ceived nnd acted upon. Now policies for tho coming half year. If thero are any, will bo presented for action. The sovereign council of tho Wood men's Circle, the women's nuxllllary. was to have convened Wednesday, but the date has been postponed one week. N. U. Maxey. member of tho sovereign council from Oklahoma, win) has been In an Omaha hospital for several days, Is Improving nnd will probably be out this week. However, It Is not thought that he will bo able to take part In tho deliberations ot the council. He will prob ably return to his homo as soon as ho Is ablo to travel. Colonel Jewell, who has been motoring through New Gngland, sends word that ho Is on his way homo nnd will bo here to meet with the council. Lewkowitz May Be Freed as Result of Woman's Confession A belated statement from Police Matron Simmons of Kansas City regarding the allegod assault of Mrs. Oertiiido fihledler. a nurse, at 1224 Qrnnd nvenue, may savo Morris Lcwkowltr, former Omaha news boy, from serving a nlncty-nlne-yenr sen tence by District Judgo Latshaw there. Four other men, one sentenced to hang and tho test to long terms, may also be freed. Mrs. Hlmmons story Is that after all of tho men had been sentenced, Mrs, Shlcdler confessed to hor that she had accompanied Iiwkowltx to the Grand avenue place of her own free will, and that becauso some ot Lewkowlts's friends threw cold water upon them she "framed" the story. The police matron was plodgcd to silence, but the pledge was broken after a wcok or eoi All of the men have ap pealed thotr cases to the hlghor courts and the statement will be brought out when tho retrials come up. Lewkowlti was arrested In Omaha. Ho Is widely known here. Nebraska Railway Commission Issues New Rate Alignment From tho Nebraska State Hallway com mission tho freight offices ot the Omaha roads have received the now alignment on dlfforental rates that It It expected will be applied to Lincoln, Fremont, Hastings, Norfolk nnd Qrarld Island aa jobbing points. Tho request comes from the commission to check up the rates, but with this re quest thero Is no order promulgated, In dicating when they will become effective Tho checking ot the proposed rates with those tn effect at the present time Indl cates that on the whole there Is a lower Ing, but It has been Impossible to tell Just how they will affect Omaha. The check lng Is an enormous task. There are ten freight classifications and more than 1,000 towns In tho itatos to which tho rates will bo applied. The rates aro pro posed to bo mado offectlvo from every station In tho state to every other station, which brings tho rate Items up to some thing like 10,000,000 In the aggregate. No Car Shortage in Sight if Shippers Will Help Railroads 8nm Miller, general freight ngent of tho Northwestern was In town trom Chi cago yesterday, looking after business mattets and Is loaded with stories ot great crop yields all along the company system. While Mr. Miller expects all the western roads to be pretty close run for freight cars soon after the wheat commences to movo to market freely. However, he does not anticipate any serious car shortage, If people at terminals will aid tho railroads In keeping the equipment moving. Ho asserts that tn tho past, shippers have frequently been slow In un loading cars and this year road officials nro seeking to ovcrcomo this. They nro sending out notices urging tho necessity ot hurrying tho unloading In order that cars may bo constantly kept In service. Ware Enthused Over Business Outlook on Union Pacific Road General Manager Ware Is back from his western trip and returns feeling convinced that tho Union Faclflo Is going to do a big business during tho fall and winter hauling grain out of Its territory. All along the Union Pacific, Mr. Waro states that he never saw such bumper crops as are being garnered. This, he aa serts, applies equally as well In Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming as lu Nebraska Whilo In Colorado Mr. Ware did a little trout fishing with remarkably good luck and ono day took a fow hours oft to go to the top of Pike's Peak. Powell and Adams Doubles Champs Ralph Powell and Will Adams defeated ,Io4 Adams and Robert McCaguo In tho final round of tho doublos match for the city tennis championship at the Field club Monduy. The score was J-8, 6-4, 6-4, 7-5. Powell and Adams defeated Larmon and Ted Potter and the semi-finals Just previous to tho big match. Kennedy and Madden won the consols. tlon doubles from Hums and Powell, C-0, 6-2. LOUIS STUFT SUFFERS BROKEN LEG IN RUNAWAY Louis Htuft, 4919 Patrick avenue, suf fered a fractured leg when the team he was driving past Thirty-third street and "Wool worth avenue became frightened at a steam roller and threw him from his seat. He was taken to a loesl hospital where he was given mcdlral attention. Names Submitted for Child Welfare Exhibit at Expo The local Association ot Collegiate Alumnae, which Is Interested In the Child Welfare exhibit which will be held In the Templo of Childhood at the Panama exposition, has been asked to designate twenty children whose pictures are to be hung In this building. Tho following names havo been submitted to the ex position board- Beryl Hatesman, Evelyn Newbrnneh, Richard Mason Sandberg, Georgo Kennedy, Ruth Dunham, Virginia Harkcr, Kathryn Odell, Marguerite Klewlt, Vorn Sunderland, Lloyd Wilson Lea Abbott, Alice Lester, Esther Smith, Margaret Leo Burgess, Virginia Monre. Walter Preston, Jack Hongland, Kdgar Scott and Arthur Dunn. Howard Finds Crops Generally Good m Wyoming This Year Immigration Agent Howard of th Bur lington Is back from nn extended tour through tho Big Horn country nnd brings reports of tho most wonderful crops that havo over been ralstd In that section of the central west According to Mr. Howard, this year there aro no bad spots In Wyoming. Kvorywhero the crops nro ot the bumper variety In tho bnsln, where threshing has been done; wheat Is turning out from thirty-five to forty-flvo bushels per acre, aomo fields running ns high as fifty. Oats are yielding from 100 to 13ft bushels per acre nnd corn promises to be n bumper crop. South Omaha Boy Dies from Effect of Kick of Horse Victor Scdlocelc, need 6 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank fccdlocek, 492 South Twenty-first street, South Omaha, died from Injuries he recotved when he won kicked by a horse hitched to an Oakdale dairy wagon. The younster was trying to recover his hat, which hod blown off, when tho animal became frightened and struck him with a hind hoot. Dr. Ed ward Choloupka attended the Injured boy, who was token Into his home Imme diately after tho accident Mr, Cepleoha's Hat Still in the Ring Another letter from John Ccplecha of Uurwell, who has filed for the republican nomination for governor. Informs The Deo that his previous letter was not In tended to announco his withdrawal, but to say that on account of the death of his wlfn he would not be able to do any cam paign work for himself, but would de pend on his friends to do so for him. REV B. R. VON DER LIPPE IS CALLED TO CLIFTON PULPIT Rev, Benjamin R. Von Dor Llppo has been called by the congregation of Clif ton Hill Presbyterian church to become Its pastor. It Is expected that he will accept. Ho was pastor ot the Presbyte rian church at Karlvillo, 111., for twelve yearn until ha resigned to take a post graduate course in McCormlck seminary, Chicago, whero lie Is now. Rev. Thomas B. Greenlee was pastor of tho Clifton Hill church until last spring, when he went to a church In Iowa. Rev. Mr. Von Der Llppe's father also was a minister, he has two brothers who aro preachers and hie slater Is the wlfo of a minister. The Clifton Hill church Is at Forty-fifth and Plnkney streets. Hev. Julius F. Schwnr presided at the congre gational meeting which elected the Chi- cago man unanimously. ELM TREES ON PAXT0N SIDEWALK SUCCUMB Tho elm trees that for years have stood at tho curb line on tho east side of the. Pnxton hotel hove succumbed to the Inevitable and havo withered and died. Thoy put forth their leaves last spring, but they were sickly ones and not long ago began dropping off. Now they are all gone anil the trees are dead, Lost summer Ralph Kitchen, proprietor of the Paxton, noticed that the elms showed symptoms of going Into a decline. A professional tree doctor com along nnd the trees wero given heroic treatment nt $8 per tree. Serum to rejuvenata was Injected Into the roots, but It failed In Its results. REV JOHN AND MRS. C0RKEY STOP IN OMAHA FOR DAY ltev. John Corkey and wife ot Bejfast. Ireland, wero In Omaha Monday, stopping at the Paxton hotel. Rev. Dr. Corkey will preach In the pulpit of his brother. Rev. Alexander Corkey, at Wayne, Neb., for four Sundays, while the latter Is on the Chautauqua platform, Their father and five other brothers are also Presby terlan ministers. FAIRBURY HOT SPOT IN THE STATE MONDAY The maximum temperature Monday wns again reported from Falrbury, where the niorcury reached W degrees. The aver ago maximum temperature from seven teen government stations In Nebraska was 92 degrees, white Omaha recorded only SI degrees. WILLIAM SPRAKTES TO BE BURIED AT LAUREL HILL The funeral of AVllllam Kprnktes, who was drowned at Carter lake Sunday af ternoon, will be held from the family home, 971 North Twenty-seventh street, at 10 o'clock this mornylng. Itev, Mr. Otto will conduct the funeral. Burial will be at Laurel Hill cemetery. Acute Indigestion. "I was nnnoyed for over a year by at tacks ot acute Indigestion, followed by constipation" writes Mrs. M. J. Gal lagher, Geneva, N. Y. "I tried every thing that was recommended to me for this complaint, but nothing- did me much good until about four months ago I saw Chamberlain's Tablets advertised and procured a bottle of them from our drug gist I soon reallred that I had gotten the right thing for they helped me at once. Since taking two bottles ot them I can eat heartily without any bad ef fects." Bold by all druggists. Advertisement