1 GARBAGE DEAL IS UP MONDAY Commissioners Then to Consider New Contract for Removal. TUB BKK; OM AHA, SATURDAY, JULY . 11, 11)14. BUTLER WANTS A SHORT DEAL One or Tno-Vfur Contract Is Mnch Preferable to One far n Period, of Fire 1ar. City commissioners will consider tho request of the Omaha Henderlng and Feed companj' for a flve-yonr extension of the garbage removal contract, at tho meeting In committee of the whole Monday. Com missioner Dan II. Butler haa opposed a flveyar contract "I will not be hero to fight n five-year contract. If It should come to a point where flrhtlnfr would be necessary, said commissioner Butler, " but I nm opposed to a contract for a period of more than two years at the most. A one year contract Is preferable. "This company eaya It will not consider anything less than a five-year contract. That 1 Just talk. They will accept what they can get or somebody else will step In and assume, the Contract." The contract with this feeding company expires wfthlfi a few weeks and some move Is, now necessary. The company haa been removing tho garbage, free of charge -and feeding It to hogs kept In tho Missouri river bottoms. Commissioner Hutler opposed n five year contract when the application was first made .nearly a month ago. The Commissioner goes to Denver Sunday, to attend (Tie Elks' convention. Waldron Fined for Burning Bumps Off Lincoln Highway The Ncbraski state consul for tho Lin coln highway, It. B. Waldron, waa com ing In from his ranch In the western part of the county Wednesday evening and when at about Forty-second and Farnnm streets. City Marshal Dunlap of Dundeo dropped down In front of him, apparently out of a clear sky and without' tho usual warning of thunder. Marshal Dunlap then very politely delivered to Mr. Wal dron an Invitation to appear at 8;30 o'clock Friday morning at tho capital of Dundee and there partake of the hos pitality of one rtaymond M. (Irossmon. police magistrate for the quiet little burs of Dundee. Mr. Waldron appeared there at the appointed hour and explained to his honor that, In his Judgment, tho road authorities of Dundee had accomplished considerable for the I-lncoln highway, but wore somewhat derelict In their duties In that they left a few bumps on that por tion of the great transcontinental route and, as state consul, It waa tils' duty to burn thera off. Tho court thereupon In formed Mr. Waldron that ordinance No. 233 of the village prohibits the burning off of bumps on the Lincoln highway, es pecially It the burning takes place In the presence of City Marshal Dunlap, and assessed tho damage at $10. Mr. Wal dron paid tho assessment under protest and with the understanding that the court shall Invest the amount In Lincoln high way certificates. New Books Arrest of Woman Lays Bare Mixup 1 of Two Families When Motorcycle Officer Lyman Wheeler arrested Johanna Jokowskl, 1830 Vinton street, Thursday, on a chargo of disorderly conduct, little did he rock that when the case came up In police court his prisoner would be the stormy petrel In the domestlo tragedy of two families. Mrs. Jpkowskl had finished explaining that her husband, John, had ac complished He ain't your husband, he's my hus band," interrupted Mrs. Mary Lurkows lau. ( utile stars represent turmoil. Lack of space prevents publica tion of proper number of stars.) When the affair simmered down, the battle was declared a draw by the pollco magistrate. Mrs.. Jokowskl was flnnd $10 on the disorderly conduct charge, and tho bigamy complaints were Ignored, Mrs. Lurkowalau says her husband de serted hln family In Poland twenty years ago and came to America, and since mar ried Johanna. Johanna says this Is all wrong. Tht names used here, and In any other publication, are probably wrong also. No one Interested could be found who could spell their own uahies properly and the ?ourt officials resorted to guess work. Bank Stock Doubles in Value, as Shown by Recent Sales Fred Thomas, well known and popular assistant cashier of the Live Stock Na tional bank has been named a director to succeed A. L. Bergqulst, who has dis posed of his holdings In the bank. L. M. Lord, who has been cashier for some time, will also be vice president hsreaftsr. While the exact figure Is not given out it U said that Bergqulst. the retiring stockholder, eold his stock for something In the neighborhood of 3W a share. When the bank waa organised the stock sold for $100, It la asserted. The election of. Fred Thomas to tho directorate nlgng with hs duties as cashier brings out one of the promising young bankers of this section. The added responsibility Is looked upon as a. distinct compliment to his ability and success In building up the Live Stock National bank. C F, McGrew, former state and national bank examiner, and leader In the western banking world, is prsldnt of the bank. SOME MORE CANDIDATES FILE THEIR APPLICATIONS Th following additional candidates Have filed their applications to have their names submitted to the voters at the August primaries: Jamta r. English. Judge from Fourth Judicial district! James O'Hara, demo crat, sUU senator; Fred J. Warren, socialist, congressman. Second Congres sional district! Frank n. Kennard, repub lican, county commissioner from the Third district; James Austin, republican. police Judge ot South Omaha Frank C. Morgan, republican, Justice of the peace; John T. Dillon, republican, state senator; Joseph Stein, republican, lustlce of the peace. Omaha real estate Is the best investment you coma tnaxe. J If ad The IWj real Fk'llon, THM IN'CANDHeH'MNT L1LV. lly Ueuverneur Morris. 314 Pp. $1.. Charles fcerlbner's Sons. Ten short stories make up this volume, the first one giving the title to the book. They are fascinating and unique and eacb ono Is "different." CltOSS TRAILS, flv Hoi-man -Vhltk r. rp. itarper & uros. Tho socne Is a lumber camp, snowed in by winter snows. OabrMIe, the only woman In tho camp, daughter of wealth and of civilization though she Is, proves to be as human and as primal as tho others. Lost on the trail by which she Is trying to reach a friend at a Hudson's nay company station, she Is caught In a blizzard and found unconscious In a snow drift by the man whom she thinks sho hates more than anyone else. He takes hor to tlv lumber camo, and there sho la forced to stay for weeks, In his constant presence, while strange, wild things hap pen, culminating In a riot of tbo lumber? jacks, and sho gains new knowledge of her own nature. THE LOST PAflfTJf MlSVr. 1W tr.n,,,. jiuurc. u. . uuiingnam company. The plot Is rather ingenious and con cerns a lost will, which has mysteriously disappeared. The mystery Is continued to the end of the tale, which represents Mr. Humo In tils best Vein. ' and starts a mutiny whlrli falls, but, not he finally proves that he has discouraged, he repeatedly makes trouble well as superhuman strength. uunng xne rascinatlngly exciting treasure hunt, eventually kidnaping the heroine -a deed of scoundrel tarn leading to hit death. a soul as UB.NIIV OP NAVARRE OHIO. By llntM.nL.1 IT . II . .... "r nail. i. me uentury com- tl.l.MI I - . . . .... j":ui in n zona sort, una th x u a Jolly little account of how he went to Harvard, fell In love many times, became a football hero, had facetleus argument with his roommate, was tho social arbi ter of Navarre when ho went homo on va cation, and altogether had four whole 'ini'py. roiMCKing youthful years. Ho Is Just an average American youth. with endless froth all around and about turn, but whenever It Is necessary he sizes up as a real man. TUB STRENGTH OF THR STRONG, lly .Inclf Ixmrton. 157 pp. n.35. The Mac mllllan company. A volume of short stories, two of which are in a class by themselves. "The Sea fanner and "Samuel" being little talcs ot a lltllo island off the coast of Ire Innd. The stories nil teem with llfo real life. THB PIRATE OP PANAMA. Tlv Will. Inm McLcod Ralnp. 311 Pn. U.K. n. w. Dillingham company. Infatuated by the heroine a young law yer starts on a romantic search for the ot pirate gold of "Doubloon Spit." Both- well, who had attemptod to get tho man Showing the location of the gold, hides himself upon the treasure hunter's shin By Edtcar . C. .MC- TAItKAX OF Tlfrs xvv.a Rice Burroughs. 401 pp. 1 30. Clurg and company. Lord Oreystroke and hla wife are ma rooned on the African Junglo const. A son Is born and the mother dies. A herd of giant apes Invade the cabin, kill Lord Ortystrokc. take away tho child, and rear It tin their own. When the child has become a man he possesses tho hab its, tho language, nnd the great' strength of the apes. One day a white woman Is PUt nahore from a ship, and the ape man falls In love with her. and rescues her from many porlls. He also plays the part of Instructor to n sclontlflo expedi tion. The sceno then shifts to Wisconsin, whoro the heroine Is rescued from innm porlls. Meanwhile tho aDe man h.m , educated in the culture of his kind, and THM TORCH UBARKR. By Relna, Meleher Marquis. J16 pp. ja.' rj. Ap pleton and company. can a woman serve two masters, one being her husbsnd and the other her pen? Mrs. Marquis has written A pretty, apptallng story about It. but, although hor solution of the question Is far-vlsloned ana examng, her treatment falls to carry conviction. The rcene of the story Is laid In a quiet, old-fashioned country town of Kentucky, and the whole story is written with much poetic feeling, with sensltlve jioss to dramatic values and with an abll Ity to portray emotion simply that prom ises well for the author's future work. THR RETURN OF T1IK PRODIGAL " ""jy .Sinclair. 3tt pp. $l.M. Tht Macmlllan company. A collection of short stories and novel- cues, mo tiue story pronounced by I.on u"i. reviewers "a masterpiece." How ever, they are all interesting, and quite " wne. aa ansa Sinclair's name al ways promises a talc well worth reading. pu. ii.as. i7'a;;;i..""" .u" ""n- fi';iuu unu company That Inspiring something which many singers and actresses lack Is usually said to bo an Inexperience In lov. hut h author herein proves It may bo somthlnff else. .Jarla Dullo, an Kngllsh girl with a fine voice, but singing without Insplra tlon meets a royal prince who u n-t. Ing Incognito. He makes lovo to her frhe discovers his 'true rank. A morgan atic marriage Is at last contemplated, vhen tho prince Is called v wij oi mo tialkan states nnd ulti mately marries a princess. Later the girl snd the man, who is' now king, meet In Paris and renew their love.nmiHno- hm,- Klrl promises to go with him back to hlc n...suoni o ne nis Helper and sweetheart. she lets him go back to his kingdom Its people s tney are alone. Then It Is that the Inspiration shows ruins of the cornea to her voice not the inspiration ' peopled by long-gone clvlll au.ms of love, but ot renunciation and self sac rlflce. .Mlacrllniienn. A LIS Herschel Coffin. 3 Pp. St.M. THE fOCIALIZKD CONSCIKNCE. Bj A- York. Wat fWlCK The author holds that the moral slttia tlon Is always a social situation. anU that moral conduct Is the reaction of a rslf to a vital social problem. Accordingly, the two factors i pon whleh ethical theory is based are selfhood or personality, and the moral situations which arise In con nection with the Institutional life of society. eMitalr- Many Complain of Torn-Up Condition of Farnam Street WAYFARER. By Virginia Corry. Sherman, French fc Company. A collection of miscellaneous poems. $1. TEACH INU PKX HYGIENE IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. By Dr. E. B. Lowry. 0 cents. Forbss Company. The relation of the home and the school to the subject Is discussed, and methods suggested for proper Instruction. A very helpful book for those Interested In child welfare. HOW TO APPRECIATE THE DRAMA. Bv Thomas Llttlcfleld Marble. JM Pp. $115. Hinds k Eldrldge. A book designed for lovers of the drama In general, for dramatic societies, for the study sections of reading clubs, as well as for classes In schools and col leges. MKMATtONS. By James Allen. 3S pp. $1. Thomas Y. Crowell company. To each day in the year Is assigned one page, which contains material for thought during that day. THE POWER OF MENTAL DEMAND. By Herbert Edward Law. $1.. Paul Elder fc Company. In this volume of essays the author's effort Is to stimulate and Inspire the In-' dividual to desire and demand success; to demand It of hlmseelf as an obligation of his being, and so to put himself In harmony with the law of success. FARNAM STREET PAVING DELAYED BY SHIPMENTS A petition of protest against the con dition ot Farnam street from Eighteenth to Twentieth streets Is being circulated by property owners nlong the street and will bo filed with the city commission. This street haB been torn up for several weeks and travel over It is very dir Strange how great minds run In the same channel. A dozen letters from dozen Individuals nil cam. to Robert H. Mnnley, commissioner of the Commer cial club. Frldny morning. All were aboil' the same subject All had the same com plaint. All complained of the torn-Uf condition of the pavement at Nlnetecntl' and Twentieth and Farnam streets, an asked that the Commercial club do some thing about it. since the city council had been appealed to and had done nothing. Even H. B. Waldron of thu Lincoln High way assoclnt'on was among the wrltert of the letters. "Well, well," said Manley. "It's so darn hot I Just don't feel like putting on my overalls and Kolng out there to fix that pavement today." THB DEAF. By Harry Best. Kl pp. Thomas l. Crowell company. The object of the present study l to consider the attitude of society In Amer ica toward them, tho duties It has rettn nlzed In respect to them, the status It bus created for them, and the extent anJ forms, as well as the adeouacv nn,i mr. fioult rectnese. of this treatment. The boo' Is ! Watson Townsend, city engineer, said separated Into two divisions, the flrnt the reason the work had not been com devoted to a discussion of the position of pleted weeks ago was that the con the deaf In society and the second to the tractor, Hugh Murphy, had been unable Provisions made for their education. J to secure material, shipments of which had been delayed. SRIA. By Lewis Oaaton Leary. 21$ pp. $t.Iu. McBrlde. Naet and company. A land, of contrasts, with a history full At tho last moment her better .ir Z """"R picturesque events. Syria dlate. the contemplated relationship and ' ruTVX ,'1 ....... ii... ,v uilU Driven SlcJt Ilcndnche Airny. Agonizing sick headache cured by using Dr. King's New Life Pills regularly. Keep liver and bowels In healthy condi tion. 25c. All druggists. Advertisement. Judge Foster Puts Brakes on Cooley "Judge" J. S. Cooley had Just estab lished a new altitude record for oratorical flights In police court while defending a peddler named A. Cooper, arrested for short-weighting, when JudgJ Foster In terrupted him before tho former could volplane back to earth. "Cooley, you're arguments make me tired. Mr. Court Sergeant, escort Attor ney Cooley from the room." Cooley. crestfallen, left. His client was discharged. The part of Cooley's argument that garnered hlzzoner's genus capra was when the former compared Abe Cooper, peddler, to Abe Lincoln. "Honest Abe" was what Cooley was saying when Judge Foster threw on the emergency brake. ' I Long Silk Gloves Women's 10-button length silk gloves In black or white. Double tipped. MotiBnuotairo C A cial for PUf6 dy sUk' 8aturdR ' "Pe-OllC Pretty Summer Neckwear Among tho pretty new novelties In summer neckwear are the Normandy collars of soft embroidered Swiss, linen and pique. Also soft rolling organdy collars with vestee. Large selections. Specially priced at 25c. Saturday Will Be a Day of Tremendous Importance in July Clearings ii iv n -j iv II Z . aiT .IP Quick Disposal of Summer Wash Dresses--at Two Prices or Sif rtt.i'.S? i1'!" ordinary oUorlaZuSrSS foctnrcr at about one third thoh- ,mlT,i , , .1, ,, '"arca "ample drosses icli wo secured from a New York manu . :..,.-,.", '; vuue, mailing in oil ouo of tho most attractive solos i.vuav,a uiu juL-tuiiuu m mesc two lots: uu Dresses Previously Priced up to $15 at $075 This lot represontn many of tho moat artistic nnd pleasing summer styles in ratlno, vollos. cropes, tissues, f .n Tpi u?d othor dlnty 8U,ner rlcs In white and all desirable summer shados. These aro dresses ril-aaThav! boen 8ell,nK B,t nBn up to S15. Cholco Saturday for Dresses Previously Priced up to $10 at $375 Several hundred very attractive dresses are hero for your selection Saturday at this extremely low price. They are all in desirable, new stylos, featuring the long Russian girdles and tunics, and the latest effects in blouses. These drosses are regularly worth to S10. Cholco Saturday for . 97 Summer Tailored Suits Worth to $30 $9 67 Summer J Tailored Suits Worth to $20 0 Clearing Knit Underwear -"..11 1 y ' Women's mercerized nnd French llslo vests, Kay ser or 8wan makes, hand crochet laco Jfi yokos, worth $1, special UT7C Women' a sheer lisle vest with dainty hand cr onot laco yokes, beading tops and mor- or cerliod tapes, 50c values ZC Women's Munslng union suits, mercerized nnd plain lisle, cluny laco trlmmod. Worth r r up to ?2, on sale, at ZJOC Women's union suite of fine lisle nnd cotton, cuff or urabfdlla knees,' full taped; on 50c values at 37C Women's flno cotton union suits, cuff or urn. brolla knees, full taped, regular rr 50c values, at iOC Hoys' genuine Poroaknlt union suits, high neck, short sleeves and knee length, Ages jq 8 to 10 years. 50c values, at , , uC Women's fine cotton union suits with i r umbrella Unoes, full taped, SGc values,. IOC Saturday You May Take ihcsiuucu vjiuice of Any Summer Hat in Stock All the Dress Hats All tho Street Hate All the Panamas All Styles & Colors $5 All the $25 Hats All the $20 Hats All the $15 Hats All the $10 Hats This great aeml-annual millinery offer for which hundreds ot women eagerly wait. Select from hXiniiniot llni ose trlmmod with paradise, fancy ostrich, aigrettes, etc., and many 0f the now hemp faced black velvet hats, white satin hats, silk and velvet combinations in the very latest summer styles. Any misses' or Junior's hat In our entire stock, re- a a gardless of former selling price, on sale Saturday, at. . I'X White mllan hemp, hemp and white chip untrlmmod hats In an ondless -variety, at 49c Silk and Wool Coats and Wraps Worth Up to $20 at $5 Wo haVO lUBt received n nllmVior nt lm ul-i. .in. ........ . . 9 bocomlnc- so vopv non, in. . i i L. u,"y voivet, sauors, iacea wun wnite hemp, which are oocoming so ery popular among fashlonablo women. These new modlunt and small shapes Saturday at 92.BO. Mary Jane Pumps, $2.48 mm. mm Here is the Cool New Nemo Corset for Summer Wear Those now Nemo corsets give summer comfort with perfect stvlo. made of a now mntrrin1. tt not, but serviceublo ns cnnfil Ti loso their shape, nnd combines oxti-omo licrhtnoss and long service. Very low bust with long skirt and lightly boned, making them ideal corsets for summer-wenr. Thin' mmlnl lo ...,r... i.. i . . . lit i. j ! J "";uny suuea ror tno grow- 11 ID IT Birl and fnur nut ,tnn. .nn.i- -.. j ., "V NLCOlae' Shown ,n P,nk or wh,to. t pair p5 July Clearing of Hosiery 50c Clever Mary Jane pumps, very popular style' for misses as wen as ror women. Soft patent leather or dull leather with hand turned soles, broad toes, low heels, ankle strap with soft flat silk bow. AH sizes Saturday 92.48 Women's Bathing Shoes. Bathing Shoes In all colors. Tango lace ef fect. Cork soles and sateen tops. All sizes at 48c. Sale of Hand Bags All the newest styles In hand bags are Included In this lot of real 6eal, real pin seal, real morocco and real walrus leather bags. All colors. All are silk lined or leather lined. Regular ?5 dQ 17 i and 96 values, Saturday for pO i Women's Dure thrnail nil W- t lisle garter tops, double lisle soles and toos. high spliced heels. There are black, white and all colors. All 76c and $1 values at this low price, pair 50c. Hosiery at 25c Womon'a pure thread silk boot and fibre boot hose, with wide lisle tops, double soles and toes, and high spliced heels. Full fashioned. Ulack, tan, white or col- ey r ors. 50c values at .... QC 25c Hose at lUc Women's fast black., tan or white gauze lisle mercerized finish hos iery with double spies, spliced hoels and doublo tops. Regular 25c quality, special for Sat- - r)l urday. at pair 19 C Children's 25o Hosiery on Sale at 12V$c Fine mercerized lisle finished and cotton ribbed hosiery in all sites for children and boys. Double heels and toes, Gauze or medium 1 ni weight. Wack, tan, white, sky and rod. 25c values, at, pair.... JL'SfC 40o Hose at 29c Fibre llk ribbed hoso for misses and cheldren with reinforced lisle spliced heels and toes, AH slzos. Theso aro the 40c quality, nn Priced Saturday at d&ZC Men's Socks at 19c. Men's pure thread silk boot hosiery with lisle double soles, heols and toes. Black, tan and navy. Seconds of the SOo 4 r quality, at pair 15 C Muslinwear Clearings Princess Slips trimmed with laces and embroider' and worth to $2.08. On sale Saturday, at $1. Night Gowns with kimono or set In sleeves, lace or embroidery yokes. Worth 11.50 and $2. Saturday for 70c. Combination Suits In princess style with Knickerbocker or Marcella style with closed drawers; also envelope and Teddy bear styles. worth up to ?2. On sale at 85c. Underskirts trimmed with dainty laces and embroideries. Slightly soiled, but regularly worth to $5. On salo Saturday at 91,00. Women's Pajamas of plain or striped madras and fine nainsook. Worth to $3. On sale Saturday, at 80c. Night Gowns with low or high necKs, Kimono or set in sleeves, trim med with laces or embroidery. Worth 50c. On salo at 20c. Important Items far Summer and Vacation Use From Toilet Goods and Drug Section Cn T X 12.1 in . . j , , r.' . . . : 2 wv-w if 50c Jar Ingram's Milkweed Cream at Universally endorsed by all leading beauties, A both off nd pn the stage. With each Jar ot this vO cream sold 8aturdy we will give free a Guest Lsmjf Rooai package of toilet articles, all for, A Brush for Particular People If you are particular about the brush you use, let Us show you tbe genuine. ''.Hughe's Ideal." We know It will please you. We offer this fine brush at a really surprising price. A quadruple bristle Hughe's Ideal Hair Brush of the very best quality, made to sell d 1 in at $2; specially priced In our drug section, at pJLl7 Vacuum Dottle Pint size, heavily nioklo nlatod. iiko cut, regularly worm si. go; specially priced miUit n i r i u racKers Tar tin ai..88c kind Horllck'a Maltad Shamrock Corn r.xrr...c.., 6o Manicure Buffer, regular 7 to OQn kind w0 I! Naptha 3 bar for Old Monk Oil. Medium slse Bon p. lOo 39o Witch Iltuel, full pint I5c Boap, 25c cake 1-lb. Peroxide Q. of HjMrogen,... u Cold 22o Theatrical Cream, 54 -lb. can Jsrpvn'a 3Sc Oenxotn Almond I Cm IUU lotion . I'ln ami's Quinine, site S-Cf. Aspirin Tablets, 1 dot. eau (Oc 1 33c I So Pure Kpsom 1-lb. jke. for Halt, Asurea Fuce Powder. All atiades for 4711 White Olycerine Boap. cake.. FYeeman'a Powder. All shades ..... Faro 18c Seldltts Powders. 10 In box. I . at 110 SOe Tebeco Tooth Paste.. 3o II Jl I Listerine Llstorlne is the original, best and safest as well as the most agrb able of all non poisonous anti septics, The Ideal wash for the mouth and teeth. Useful In treating cuts, bruises and sk 1 n eruptions; 11.00 bot tle for. 53c $1. 60 Worth of 20 Mule Team Borax Products lor 1-lb. pkg. 20 Mule Team Soap Chips, worth 25c i10ihbarZ 2r,MUl? T1ea.m Dor Sff worth 50c 1-lb. pkg. Boraclc Acid, worth 35o. Total combination value l.C0. All for 80c. (Only one combination to a pustomer.) FREE, Mme. Yale's Face Creme Saturday we will give a large size Jar of Mme Ya e s Skin Cream free with each Jar of Mme Yale's Face Powder at 42c. state columns. 8S