THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY. JULY 11, 1914. YANCS THERE WITH CURTO! PHILLIES DEFEAT PIRATES Strikes Out Fourteen Batsmen in Sharp Contest with Beatrice. WILD IN SEVENTH AND EIGHTH Fonr linns Arc AUntrnl Quern City nnl Tito lilt Only Mnrkrd Oil York Shuts Ont ' Superior. HASTINGS, Nob., July 10,-(Speclal TelcBram.) Tlic bet Beatrice could do today was to secure two hits off Vanoo, one a scratch. Owing to his own wild ness In tho seventh and eighth Innings, the visitors were allowed to score four runs. Kven with these two- rounds ho struck out fouitcen batsmen and s air tight In all others. The rcorg: nEATRICE. HASTINGS. AD. II O A.K. I'loroy, 2b... 0 1 S OllechtotJ. rl. 3 0 0 1 I 0 4 OShrodr, as z u 5 a l 0 10 0Dnnett. ct.. 1 5 S 0 0 Oil OUrttman. lb. 4 2 5 2 1 0 0 OMcCabe. It.. 4 0 0 0 "0 1 ( S OH. nrown, lb 2 0 Z 0 , llellrlch. u.. 5 Nerr. cf 3 ltUck. rf....i Doc'fwIU, lb 3 Orlftt, 3b.... 4 l.lni, If 3 Visitors Win Game for Third Time in Succession. FINAL SCORE IS FIVE TO TWO Triple liy I'nftkrrt nnit llrUrr nn Iiohprl'n Out .Nl Them Two Hun In the 11 ml Inning;. nalian was sent to tho club house i n 10004000 1 ft .01201004 -11 Tin ton h hittlnr nf SohtiltA ami n inttU hv , fhii... riiciipp la ndrr with dm 1 filial , Tn.iw, uttm - -, u-. featured the Rame. Score: ! J). Good. Thre-baj hits: lMtch, Ijiv- BOSTON CHICIAOO ftulnr. Mnmnvlll. nhiilt lining mm AR It O A H All.H.O A B. I .SVlinltr. Illtx- Off In lirn ! Il one-third InnlnRs; off Cruteher. 7 In flvo Minn, cf.., Ktrrn, lb. PITTSBURGH. July 10.-Phlladelphla defeated Pittsburgh today for tho third tlmo In succession by Ho 2. Triples by Paskcrt nnd Bockor and Iobert's out nettcl tho visitors two runs In tho first Inning. Thoy scored another In tho third ' Inning on Muttlson's double. Vaskcrt's ( single and Becker's sacrifice fly Magoo was hit with a pitched ball In tho sixth and ho scored on a wild throw by Vlox on Ludcrus' grounder. Ludcrus took third on the error and scored on Mnrtln's single. Singles by Wagner. Mitchell and James Kelly, combined with errors by i 10 10 0l..ti .... 3 110 oo.l. rt . . . . s ??J?"r' ! i 0 9 'Slwrnnn. 3b S Mtmjijll- mi i , 7 Mwe.e.jr, lb. 4 JeWt. lb. 4 0 10 3 OOrrMm, as. 3 Whr. rf...4 2 1 l miirmn, t.. t KlMllaR. e.3 0 3 0 Ollertt. p.... 2 .jj... ..1HOO0 S" JL 0 1 0 TotAlt. . . 31 13 37 13 3 Durey .... 1 0 0 0 0 .T?iV." . " o Batted for Cruteher In ninth 1 ! l 3 0 2 3 3 1 14 1 1 1 3 0 1 1 0 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 iand two-thirds innings; off lavender, 5 I in four Innings (none out in fifth); off ' Plercf. 3 in ono Inning. Sacrifice lilt; Sweeney. Stolen bases- Loach, Corrl Ion, father Doublo plays. Maranvlllo to Rvcrs to Schmidt, Lench to Sweencv. Left on bases. Chicago. 7. IJoston, "5. liases on balls- Off Hess. 8; off lav ender. S; off Cruteher, 2. Hit by pitched ball: Hy Cruteher (Corrlden) Struck out: JJy Lavender. I; by Hess. 1; by Pierce, 6; by Crutchor, 1. Passed ball: lOowdy Time. 2.51. Umpires; Byron and Johnson lloilBfru Detent Itetls. CINCINNATI. O.. July lO.-Brooklyn batted hard today and won from Cincin nati, by 11 to fi. Benton, who started for Cincinnati, was hit often, especially in the fourth and seventh Innings. Brooklyn scored four runs In each of these In nings. Iear, who succeeded Benton, was also Ineffective and lasted only ono In ning Knxmann, a rocult, started for Brooklyn, but ho was taken out to allow Dalton to bat for him. Clark had his hand split by a foul ball and wilt be out of the game for eomo time. Score: MIOOKLYN CINCINNATI. AB.II.O A It. An II. O A.B. O'Mirn. m, 1 4 7 Moran, rf... 3 1 0 0 1 Hnmtnel. lb. 4 0 10 0 Methlln. ct 1 0 1 0 0 En, cf 4 13 0 Otterx. M... 4 1 3 3 1 Whttl, It. ( 3 3 0 Derrick, n.,1 t 0 0 Ktcntcl. r( 3 10 0 (IfhUr. If .23100 Smith, lb. . 3 10 0 lNlchoff, 3b..3 0 3 3 0 McCarthr. c. I 4 2 0 Ontrk. e ... 2 0 3 0 0 r.mmfton. p. I 0 0 1 lnonul, e.. 3 1 3 0 0 Droim, p.... 1 0 0 0 OOroh, 2b 3 13 3 1 IUin. p.... 3 10 0 OHobllticl. lb 4 111 3 0 Ilaltim 1 1 0 0 Xroai, ct.,.. 2 0 0 0 0 Allen 0 0 0 0 0I,hr. Cf 3 0 1 0 0 IKnton, p.... 3 0 1 3 1 Total! 10 14 37 11 3Itr. p.-... 0 0 0 1 0 Itowia. p.... 0 0 0 0 0 Miller 0 0 0 0 0 nrithmr .0010 rtawllno ,.0 0 0 0 0 Total 34 3 37 17 4 Batted for Rnsmann In the fourth, nan for Walton In the fourth. Batted for Laross In the sixth. Batted for Denton In Uie seventh. Ban for Moran In tho svon'-h. rtrvnttvi nnniant i.ii Cutihtw. 2b. 3 1 3 3 trworoMr. II. 1 0 0 o 0 Cincinnati 1100004006 Two-baso hits: Qhoh. Iloblltzcll, . Carty, O'Mara, CuUhaw. Three-b.i hits! Dalton, ilcCarty, Moran. lilts, i.'i Knzmann. 3 in two inning; off Brown, j In three. Innings (nono out In seventh , off Rag&n, 3 In throo Innings; off Bent") . 0 In ecven Innings) off Loor, 4 In ono l . nlng; off Rowan, 1 In ono Inning. Ha' 1 rlfleo hits. Bgan, Hummel, Hacriri 4 files: Cutshaw, Oroh. Stolon bases; C-ul-shaw, Herzog. Hummel, Qroh (2), Uhler, 1 lagan. Double play; Cutshaw to O'Mara to Hummel. Left on basus; Brooklyn, Cincinnati, 9. Bases on balls: Off En.i man, 1; off Benton. 4; off Brown, S. HU by pluhcd ball By Knzmann (Moran. Herzog); by Brown (Towmbly). 8tru H out; By Brown, 3; by Ragan, 1, by Rowan, 3. Time: 2 33. Umpires. Hnrl and Rlclcr. 1 Ut'iA-ki4 ISO 0MtUcki. 2b. 3 s 1 2 01 i.uflprus and Martin, uuve I'utsnurgn two 1 Coe, e. 4 0 10 OJ'.lch'rJton, C'2 1 II 1 01 , .. ninth limine Kt'orc Ilrlin. p 3 0 0 .3 OVance, p 3 1 0 1 o,nlna ,n tl,e n,,Un lnmn- -orp ' 1 I July Clearance Values Extraordinary SPLENDID ASSORTMENTS, ABSOLUTELY DEPENDABLE QUALITIES WITH PRICES SO SMALL ATTACHED THAT QUICK CLEARANCE IS CERTAIN McDonnell 0 0 0 0 Total ....U 10 27 12 3 Totala.. . .31 3 24 13 0 McDonnell batted for Brian In ninth. Beatrice 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0-4 Hastings 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 - Three-base hit: Mnttlcks. Two-base hits: Bennett, Oettman, Richardson, Vance. Sacrifice hit: Bennett. Stolen base; Bechtold Struck out: Bv Vunco, 14; by Brian, 0. Bases on bBlla: Off Vance, 7; off Brian, 6. Double play: llell rlch to Florey to BockewltK. Hit by pitched balls:. By Vance. 2. Wild pitches: Vance. 2. Time: 1:C0. Umpire; Meyers. This "trmps" lMenncs York. YORK, Neb., July 10. (Special Tele gram.) Haley held Suporior to threo scat tered hits today and York shut them out, 4 to 0. Weldman weakened In the second and two singles, a double and an error netted four runs. The work of Um pire Posatcrl, who was shifted here from Hastings after they lost to Boatrlco yes terday, was entirely satisfactory. The ttcoro: BUTBIUOR. YORK. AB.II.O.A R. AD. H O. A.K. Obrt, Jb..v.4 10 1 Juice, as. 4 0 3 3 0 Ofr. 2t 4 0 1 4 OMurphr. cf. 4 1 3 0 0 Owne. e.... 3 0 7 3 OTottcn. 3b... 3 0 14 0 Thelselni. cf 4 1 2 1 Ollalah, rf....4 1 3 0 0 Brown, 3 0 5 3 OChano, lb.... 4 OHIO Landrelb, rf. 2 0 1 0 OClarke. If.... 3 3 10 0 Monroe, If... 3 0 0 0 OFIcrcc. 3b.... 4 0 2 3 0 Hlldbr'nd, lb 3 0 8 1 OSchlmcl. c... 3 1 3 1 0 Weldman, p.. 3 1 0 4 ltlaley, p 3 0 12 0 towi j 24 13 3 Tola! 33 S 27 14 0 oupenor 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r 0 York 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Two-base hit: Clarke Stolen bases: Rice, Schlssel, Murphy, Clarke. Double play: Green to Brown. Bases on balls: Off Haley, 3; off Weldman, 3. Left on bases: Superior. 6: York, 7. Struck out: By Haley, 1; by AVcldman, 3. Sacrifice hits: Brown, Haley. Time: 1:37. Um pire: Posatori. Islnnilera "Win by Homer. GRAND ISIAND, Neb., July -(Special Telegram.) Ward's home run In the tenth Inning with two men out and two strikes, won the game for Grand Island today. It was an uphill game for the locals. Stevens, who relieved Hatch In the fourth, allowed only two hits. Lane relieved Wallworth In the eighth, when the bases wero full. Towne was benched In the eighth for crabbing on Black's de cisions on bolls and strikes. Score: KOItFOUC. OIUND ISLAND. An. II. O. A E. AD. II. O. A.K Honrs, If.... 2 13 0 Oliobcn. 2b. . 4 2 2 3 1 nei, Zb 4 3 14 OWallacc, rf 5 2 2 0 0 Melkcr. 3b... 4 0 3 2 Oraync. If.... 5 2 0 0 1 Kcmpln, aa..S 3 2 3 lSebonm'r. cf 5 0 1 0 1 Brignii cr...l 0 3 0 OWard. an 4 3 0 0 Towne, lb.... 4 1 0 OVance, c 4 0 9 0 0 OeUhell, rf.. 1 0 0 0 OSmlth, 3b.... 3 0 0 0 0 llamacy, rflb 4 0 4 I OCIalra. lb. ... 4, 1 1C 0 0 Miiwcr, c... 4 17 5 dutch, p 1 0 0 3 0 Wallwortb. p3 1 0 0 OSteron!, p...! 0 0 4 0 Lanc.'p 00100 . . Totali 37 10 30 16 3 ToU 35 3 1! 1 Norfoftc 104100000 06 Grand Island.... 000200040 17 Bases on balls: Off Wallworth, 4;, off, Hatch, 2; off Utevens, '1. Two-base hits: w an worm, iqwne, lioucn, 1'ayne, Wal lace. Three-base hit: Robcn. Home run: Ward. Double plays: Ward to Robcn to Clalrc. Melkcr to Rq's to, Towne. Hit by pitched ball: Roben. Smith. Pas3cd balls: Vance, 2. Earned runs: Norfolk, 2; Grand Island, 3. St nick out. By Wall worth, H; by Hatch, 4; by Stevens, 4. Left on bases: Norfolk, 7; Grand Island, t. Sacrifice hits: Rcls, Mcllcer. Walworth. Stolen base: Kcmpln. Time: 2:00. em pire: Black. ColaniluiK Winn from Kruriipy. KEARNEY. Neb.. July 10. (Sneclal Tel egram.) Kearney was defeated today by Columbus, after having taken the lead IMItl.inKl.mttA IMTTlll'llOll All H O. A n. AH H o A K Ilirne. lb. ... S 1 1 4 OOrcj', H 3 0 3 0 0 Pn!km. cf.. 4 2 2 0 olowrJ". 3b 4 0 12 0 Ilcckfr. rf....3 1 3 0 OWagntr. . 4 1 2 1 0 Ibcrt. 3h .. 4 0 0 I OVIot, 2 ..40152 Mauce. If.... 3 14 0 OKonctcli). lb 4 0 9 1 0 Ludcrus, lb.. 3 0 1 lMltclicll. rf. 4 ! 0 0 0 Martin, s... 4 2 4 S Uo Kelly, cf 1 10 0 Dnoln. c 4 0 5 1 OOlboon. c... 1 1 8 S 0 Mattlxm. p.. 10 0 OMm Kelly. .1 1 0 fl 0 Oilmian. c 0 0 3 0 0 Total! 34 S 37 12 2'I.conar.t . 1 0 0 0 0 Harmon, V 1 0 0 0 0 Kantlchnr. p 0 n o 0 0 Hyatt ... 1 0 0 0 0 McArthur. p 0 0 0 0 0 Harkc .. 1 0 0 0 0 Total! .34 37 II 2 Batted for Gibson In eghth. Batted for Coleman In ninth Batted for Kantlehner In elg'itb Batted for McArthur In ninth Philadelphia 2 0 1 0 0 2 (1 0 0--.. Pittsburgh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 Hits: Off Harmon. 1 In thteo innings; off Kantlehner. 3 In five Innings, oft McArthur, 1 In one Inning. Two-buse hits: Mattlson, Martin. Mitchell ThreS baso hits: Paskcrt, Becker. Stole" bases: Carey, Wagner. Sacrifice fly: Becker Hit with pitched ball: By Kantelhner (Magee). Bases on balls: Off Kantlehner, 1; off Mattlson. 2. Base on errors: Phila delphia, 1; Pittsburgh, 1. Left on bases: Philadelphia. B; Pittsburgh, 7. Struck out: By Mattlson, 5; by Harmon, 2; by Kantlehner. G; hy McArthur. 1. Time: 1:43. Umpires: Klem and Emslle. Cnrds neat CSInuts. ST. LOUIS, JUly 10. Dolan's ability to hit Demarco's curved ball, while Perrltt wns pitching nlr-tlght ball nnd receiving sensational support, gave St. Ixiuls Its third successive victory over New York today. Tho scoro was 2 to 0, and marked the champion's fifth loss In ns many days. Scoro: NEW YORK. 8T. LOUIB. An.H.O.A.E. An. II O A 12 ncscher cf. 4 0 3 0 OIlUKSTlna, 2b.. 3 2 14 0 Hurna. If.... 4 0 2 0 OMagfc, cf... Fletcher, as.. 4 12 1 ODolan. If... llobertaon, rf 4 1 0 0 OMlllcr, lb. . Merklo, lb.. 3 111 2 ODoyle, 2b... Wllaon, rf... 4 3 1 0 OBeek, 3b..., Stock. 3b.... 3 01 1 OWInso. c... Meycrf, c... 3 1 4 1 OButler. m. ., Pier 0 0 0 0 OPerrlt, p .., Demaree, p.. 3 0 0 S 0 Donlln 1 0 0 0 0 Total! McLean, c. 0 0 0 0 0 Frommc, p. . 0 0 0 2 0 Totala.... 31 I 24 li 0 Ran for Meyers In eighth Batted for Demaree In eighth. New York A ,0- 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 St. Louis 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 Hits: Off Demaree, 6 in sf.ven innings; off Kniinmc. 3 in one inning. Sacrifice hits: Magce (2). Perrltt, Beck. Stolen lascs: Dolan. perrltt, worKic. wouoio play: Butler to Hugglns to Miller. Loft on bases: New York. 4; St. Louis. 8. Bases on balls: Off Demaree, 1; off Perrltt, 2. Wild pitch: Demaree. Time: 1:49. Um pires: Bason nnd QUiglcy. Culm Crush Braves. CHICAGO, July 10. ChicaRo defeated Boston today by 11 to' C. .The' locals made their runs by bunch ing hits. In the fifth Inning Kvcrs sin gled to left. The ball hit third base and hounded to the outfield. Umpire Byron called It a foul and Boston protested, with the result that the umpire reversed his decision. The Chlcngo players swarmed around him arguing and Brcs- 0200 .43000 . I 1 16 1 0 .31130 .30180 .4 0 2 0 0 ..2 0 4 3 0 .10 0 10 .26 9 27 17 0 ORIGINAL GENUINE In the first four innings by three runs. t r.KfyW!ffl!w Rhoados, while wild, put up a good game, r.' .-.. i iwi but ragged fielding behind him helped to throw the game In tho fifth, when five runs were scored. A three-base hit bv IPratt and good catches by Acock, Drumm and Dygert. featured. Score: COLUMBUS. KEADNKY AB.H.O.A.E. AB II O A E. Rondeau. 2b. S 1 2 0 .Odynek, 3b.... 3 0 2 2 3 Dyzert. cf.... 4 0 4 0 OAcock, 2b... 6 1 1 4 0 Pratt, rf 3 10 0 ODrumm, lb.. 5 1 14 1 0 Deal, lb..... 6 3 6 0 Oi'cheuren, ct. 4 1 0 0 0 Adama, a... 4 0 3 0 SPlympton rf 3 1 0 0 0 CYan, If 4 2 3 0 OMatney, It.. 4 3 0 0 0 Clark, 3b.... 4 0 3 3 JWoo.lruff, ia 3 0 1 2 1 Is'ee, c 3 17 0 OErlckion, c". 3 0 8 0 1 Klerachn'r. p 4 1 0 2 0Rho3de, p. . 3 0 0 4 -Berte 1 0 0 0 0 ft Total 81 27 C 4 Batted for Rhoades In the ninth. I'raw out, nuntcd third strike. Columbus 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 1 17 Kearney 02010001 04 Tworbase hits: Matnoy, Rondeau. Three-b4s hit: Deal. Struck out: By Rhoades, 6; by Klrschner. 6. Boats on balls: Off Rhoades, C; off Klrschner, 2. Stolen bases: Matney (2), Drumm, Ron deau, Dygert (2). Sacrifice hits: Wood luff, Erlckson, Nee. Earned runs; Kearney, 1; Columbus, 1. Left on bases: Kearney; 1; Columbus, 1. Lett on bases: Klrschner. Doublo play: Woodruff to Drumm. Time: 1:60. Umpire: Qulgley. Terrapins Blank the Buffalo Federals OMeMe$mttatwn& The Food-DrlnK for all Ages Rich milk, malted grain, in powder form. For infants, invalids and growing children- Totals. .. . .si "736 li "5 1 Purenutrition, upbuilding the wholrbody. invigorates nursing motnereana tna Bgea. More healthful than tea or coffee. ako no substitute Uk for HORUCIC- BAIITMORE, July 10.-Baltlmore shut out Buffalo today, 4 to 0. Suggs pitched a masjterly game, two singles, two bases on bajls, and a hit batter affording tho visitors their only opportunities to get on the1 bases. Scoro: V RUE Baltimore ....0 0103000 -4 72 Buffalo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 2 1 Batteries: Baltimore, Suggs and Rus sell; Buffalo, Woodman and Blair. BROOKLYN. N. Y., July 10. Knetzer was sis effective as Juul was wild and Pittsburgh today won from Brooklyn, 5 to 3. A wild pitch nnd an error scored the three runs. Scoro: .' R U.K. Pittsburgh ....1 001 00 30 06 y 0 Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0-3 S 2 Batteries: Pittsburgh. Knetzer and Berry r Brooklyn, Juul, Peters and Land rag ANY "MANS straw Hat r BTuCK. .?ATIJDOAV A SXANDCIS STOCS. 5 1 ami;si;mi:nts. Official Standing of the State League HASTINGS, Neb.. July 10.-(.peclal Telegram) Following Is the official standing of tho State leugue teams to and including games of Thurtday, July 0: 1 Won. Loft Pot -.3. ::8 21 - IS S 21 10 : 125 .G .c:o ..OJ .10) .1 7 ."46 Hastings . Beatrice York flraml IclAll 1 Columbus i (superior Norfolk ' Kearney ; Win" Binily. - Bl lbWKI.L, Kfb.. July M S-tii Telrgrpni.i-Bt.rv ell iafc.1.' von e-.ii Conutnek her today l'-ri t ir-. i, great ibnll -r.U-hruM Imp I vC IL'I out. Uurwtll hit l.e y 't n I tun,... The fatur. cr t v." 1 h Benyon, Bunnell's llt f !U.r I'.t- t'ore. I Corratock 0 '. 0 8 V 1 ; 4t i:urwll . .ft C rt 1 1 ' s Sttuofc rati - : y Hohh Bc.t'i-iej. Bu-1 Ii.'m t. Comstock Hill and Hold Your Picnic at LAKE IANAWA I)aiicln, lloutiii!! and Other , Attractions. l"rHi MOviiiK I'ictures Every Kvcnlng. Krc tlanil Concerts Kvery Sunday. Don't Miss These Clearance Snaps 50c Patent Loatlior Bolts 25c $4.00 S-strnnd Switches $1.98 2oc Wide Tnffeln Kibbons at 12i2c 50c Organdlo Nockwcnr U5o $1.00 Orpnndlo Nockwenr fJOc $1.00 Silk Girdles 50c $2.00 Silk Girdles $1.00 15c Linen Handkerchiefs. . ..7 Ho Clearance Bargains in ihe Ladies' Under wear Dept. Muslin gowns nnd combination suits, odd l'ots and broken linos values to $.1, at . .98d-49 Jersey Knit Union Suits, 73c values, In all styles, at. 35J CTilIdrens Muslin Drawers nnd bloomers, to 50c values, at, each ...... 25d nnd 12 U Womcn'i Iliitliinj; Suits, tho most popular "Swim Easy" brand, to $7.50 values, at, per K1.V,"-.$.5, $3.98. S2408 Children's Untiling Suits, to $3 values, on salo 75. SI. 50 Corset Overs nnd Drmvers, big assortment, to 7Gc .values, on fe aJ 50d. 25d Iliingclow Aprons, 75c values, all sizes, on sale, choice 35c Itallnn 811k Vests, to '$3.60 values, band embroidered, at S1.45. S1.08 Scores of other special bar gains In muslin and knit undergarments. Thousands of Beautiful Summer Dresses on Sale Saturday at Half and Less Than Half Actual Worth Dainty Summer Dresses Made to sell nt $10.00, $12.00 aud $15.00, at $4.95 Pretty stripes, dainty flowered patterns and plain colors, in crepes, Swisses and other popu lar summer fabrics, brond as,l sortment of styles and color ings, choice $4.95 Summer Dresses That sold at $18.50, choice' $9.25 Summer Dresses That sold at $20.00, choice $10.00 Summer Dresses That sold at $25.00, choice $12.50 $30.00 Dresses, choice, $15.00 $35.00 Dresses, choice, $17.50 Handsome Tailored Suits- That sold up to $45.00; your choico, at $10.00 Hundreds of Oloth Coats and Silk Coats on salo at Just Half Nobby New Wash Skirts All choicest materials and stylos splendid vnlues at $1.95, $2.95, $3.95 and $4.95 Now Mid-Summer Waists Jnp silks, crepos, organdies, oto. nobby now effects, most attrac tive bargains at $1.95, $2.95, $3.95 and $4.95 Thousands of Children's Dresses at Less Than Cost of Making Children's Dresses that sold at $15.00 $7.50 Children's Dresses that sold at $10.00 $5.00 Children's Dresses that sold at 7.50 $3.75 Children's Dresses $2.50 values, choico .95c Children's Dresses that sold at $1.50, at 65c Many other rousing spe cials in Children's Dopt. A Big Special Purchase of Womon's, Misses' and Chil dren's Middy Blouses all sizes, pretty patterns, are greatly undorpriced, at 49c, 95c and $1.25 J Seven Rousing Clearance Specials 50o Ploatings at 25c 25c Ploatings nt 15c 10c Embroideries at 5c $1.00 Hand Bags at. . . .49c $2.00 Hand Bafs at 98c $1.50 Hand Bags at 75o 35o Fancy Veilings 10c Clearance Bargains in Corsets & Hosiery $5.00 Fancy Brocade Cor sets In pink, blue or white, very finest quali ties at $2.79 $2. no Camisoles of laco and not, ribbon trimmed; on salo Saturday at 551.50 Sanitary Knickerbockers, com fortable cool and mora prac tical than tho aprons; special t 98i Snnltary Napkins, regular 40c dozen values; on sale, at, per dozen 25 Hoys' Wash Suit, made to sell at 75c; snap at 452 Children's Rompers, 50c val ues; amoukeag, ginghams; all colors 25d Keep Cool lluy n Net Corset; just tho thing for July and August days 60S 98i lino Onyx Hosiery, 35c to $1 quality; on salo at 4 Other Housing Hosiery specials 50. 35S 25S 12 9S. 25S 15d. Silk Lisle Union Suits. White or flesh, in all styles, to $3.50 values. On sale at $1.45 and 98c. Union Suits made to sell at 75c and $1.00, all styles and colors; on salo 49c, 35c $1.00 Night Shirts at 49c. $1.25 Night Shirts at 69c Men's $1.00 to $2.00 Shirts. Made with or without col- Fine Silk Shirts $3.50 to $6.00 values, in all colors; a big special pur chase. New goods; tho very finest qualities; every gar ment guaranteed perfect all sizes at $2.50 and $1M Men's Summer Shirts. In fine silk madras and soisettes. All newest colors. Soft cuffs, fine patterns, to $2.50 values. Choice, 98c lars; newest styles and col ors; all perfect, at 69c and 49c. Men 's Shirts or Drawers. To $1.00 values Balbriggan Lisle, nt 45c and 35c. 50c quality stock, 25c. 25c quality stock, 12MjC. Night Shirts and Pajamas, $2.50 and $3.00 values, $1.45 and 98c. Big Shoe Values in Our July Clearance Savings You Can't Afford to Pass. See the Goods Men's and Women's $3.50 and $4 Shoos and Oxfords, new styles and lasts, at $2.50 Women's and Men's $3.00 Shoes, Oxfords end Pumps, 1 and 2 straps, good, dependable shoes, clearance prico $1.98 Children's $1.50 Whito Canvas Button $1.00 All kinds of Barefoot Sandals, all sizes, up from 50c Women 's 1-strap and bow turned sole Street Pumps, kid uppers at $1.50 Women's Sorgo House Slippers tho 50c nnd $1.00 kind, at... 75 and 3f)d One big tablo women's whlto canvas but ton, velvet colonials, tan pumps and lace oxfords. Not a pair worth less than $2; to clenn up 952 For this hot weather nnd for absoluto foot comfort, use Grovcr shoes or ox fords. Stetson and Crossott shoes and oxfords for Men. Grovcr and Queen Quality shoes and oxfords for women who "want the best. If Day Saturday in Millinery Department The Bargain Event of the Season Cost has been ignored in pricing for this sale complete and quick clearance the only consideration. 500 Trimmed Hats, worth to $7.50 Satin shapes, worth $2.50 Panama Hats, worth $2. Children's trimmed hats, Milan straws, worth $2, Untrlmmed hats worth to $3.50 Ostrich Plumes, worth to $2.50 u ASE BALL 0 i -- 5 3 .juir y. in, tt '1 by Kll 5.f -'-Friday, July 10, nv-Htt had I'.os- " ,, ' Glbblns. j Clwues Called Omaha vs. Denver IICUEXH PASS, July 9. 10. ll, !. Lad les' Day nt a p. ox. Travelers' Goods 20 Discount Any Trunk, Bag or Suit Case In stock at ono-fifth off tho regular price during this sale. Trunks $5.00 to $-15.00. Introducing a splendid line of fine Wardrobe Trunks. Suit Cases $1.50 to $18.50 Bags from $2.00 to $18.50 Big Bargains in Summer Hardware I This Is our annual CIe,rano Bala and w are offering: omo rare tmrffalm. ... BCBEEN DOOHS. $1 25 preen finish Hardwood doorn, any size 09c J1.60 fancy oil finish Hardwood Doors, any Rile $1.19 11 75 extra fancy oil finish Hardwood JJoors, any size 51.33 s cnziiT wirroows. 25c Rlze adjustable Screens 19c 35c size adjustable Screens 39c 40o size adjustable Screens 33 o 45c size ndjUBtable Screens 39c LAWS MOWERS. Any size "Kutezy" or Clipper Mower, worth to 3.76, for :ai.98 Any size "Congress" ball bearlnc mower, worth to J5.75 $. Any size "Director" hlch wheel, ball ncarlnjc mower, worth to $7 00.. $5.98 Any size "Admiral" heavy high wheel, liall bearing mower, worth to J8.25, for S8.08 WHITE MOUNTAIN IlErRIOER. ATOKS. Bargains in this line are too numer ous to mention. We still have a nice assortment of style and slies, all marked down for qulolr clearance. The chert with the chill In ft. Best since 1874. OAS SAKOES, Big Special Bargain Price Clearance Sale ITow Oolnir on. Small size khb ranges $9.50 Full size gas ranges, 18-Inch oven and 32x33 top, reduced to, ... ,$13,35 Full size gas ranges, 18-Inch gven and 32x33 top, oompleto with broiler oven, for ...915.00 $30.00 high oven range, full size oven nnd broiler oven, for .,.$26.00 $37 50 high oven - cabinet ranee, a beauty and a bargain at ......533.00 We etU Oarland and Badiant Borne Oas Bantrei. OAS IRONS B-BCTBIO XBOITS COMMON MBS POTT'S IRONS mew WrlaTht" Oas Irons. Ilurim 70 jer cent air and 30 per rent gas, Costs 4 cents to run ten continuous hours. Reduced Saturday, to $1.98 -Ideal" tad Williams" Electric irons Fully jruarantewl, $3.50 values, your choico Saturday at $3.79 Mrs. Potts' Irons, a five-piece set of Ugh grade, nickel plated, irons, 79o In Our Popular Domestic Room Saturday is Ecndy-Made Day. Buy your sheets nnd pillow cases ready made; it is choapor than buying tho matorial and making them. 50c grade, 00x90 sheets... 31 59c grade, 72x90 sheets 42 Hi 08c Br ado, 81x90 sheets 51c 79c grado, 81x90 sheets 5 Pillow Cases. 10c grade, 42x36 7c 12M:C grade, 42x36 f)c 15c grade, 45x36 llc 20c grade, 45x36 15c 59c Bed Spread, slzo !I83 75c Bed Spread, full size 59c 98c Bed Spread, full slzo 75 $1.25 Bed Spread, full slzo 08c $1.48 Bed Spread, full size 81.10 We have three lots of Mercerized Bottom Cloths that wo will sell at about cost. 8-4 size 70c 10-4 size 98t 12-4 size 81.15 During this hot weather you will need a lot of towels. We have fifty cases we will close out at onco. 5c Huck or Turkish 10c Huck or Turkish 6?C 12 c Huck or Turkish Qc 18c Huck or Turkish 12 V4 zoc muck or 1 urKinii 7 Vi 22c 35c Huck or Turkish. Don't Pay More Than These Prices for Your Drugs and Toilet Goods Note Prices tor Saturday Ivory Soap, tho 6c size, at eight (8) bars for. ...25o Twenty Mule Team Borax, tho 15c size, for 5o Jap Rose, Palm Olive or Saymon's Soap, per bar. . .5c Two (2) bars of Williams' Shaving Soap for ,.0c 10c Shlnola Shoe Polish for ........5c 25q slzo Hire's Root Beer Extract for 10c Houblgant's Ideal Perfume, per ounce $1.'0 Azurea or La Trefle Perfume, per ounce ..60c White Rose or Locust Blossom Perfume, per oz. .25c La Trefle Azurea Face Powder for 75c Monnoa's or William's TalcUm Powder for. . . .,. .10c 25c face chamois or wool powder puffs for. . .. .,.15c 26c Sanltol Tooth Paste or Powder for 10c Oriental Face Cream (Gourard's) for 08c 50c Lablanche or Aubry Sister's Face Powders for.aOo Scott Sealed Tourist's Case containing six soft white Scott-Tissue Towels, ono Scott Sanitary Comb, one clean whito Wash Cloth, ono portion of Toilet Soap and one Sanitary Drinking Cup. Each, 5c, per dozen, 50c. Four dozen of 5 grain Aspirin Tablets for -So 100 Dr. Hlnklo's Tablets, rogular price 25c, our prico, 10c. 25c size Peroxldo or Pond's Extract Face Cream. .15c One lot of 25c and 50c Face Powdors, all colors. Per box lOo Four 10c rolls of Crepe Toilet Paper for 25o Star Powderod Ammonia for washing, per pkg. . 5c 25c size Flavoring Extracts, all flavors, for 10c $1.60 3-qt. Combination Syringe and Bottle for.. 70c $5.00 Wellington Syringe and Bottle guaranteed for five years for $2.00 Genuine Thermos Bottles: Quart size, $2.10; pint size, $1.20. no pnoNB on o. o. n. orders taken. Your Neighbor is Saving 25 to 50 on Living Expenses by Buying at Hayden's, if You're Not You Certainly Are the Loser urane Nuts, pkg loo i z rrean imcumDers ror oo No. 1 back Bacon. Ib 14i no. l smoked Jowls, lb. 13U No, 1 Plcnlo Hams, lb, I3?J 4S-lb. bag Diamond II Flour, made from old wheat, nothing better for bread or pastry $1.06 20 lbs best granulated Sugar. .$1.00 1-lh. cans choice Alaska Salmon,. lOo 7 lbs. bulk Laundry Starch S5o Yeast Foam, pkg 3o 6 cans Potted Meats 85o 3 3-lb, cans baked Deans with tomato pauce for 350 10 bars Heat 'Km All, Diamond C or Laundry Queen White Soap 35o 10 bs. White or Yellow Commeal,25o 1-Ib, pkg. Macaroni or Spaghetti for 7Wo 6 cakes Sllexo Scouring Soap..., loo Diamond II, special blend for ice tea, ?er lb 35o lerschey'a Cocoa, per lb SOo Golden Santos Coffee, lb 8O0 Com Flakes, pkg. 60 cliir. BITXTZIB, OH EX! EE AST) BOO SZTPAB.TUXI NT. The beat creamery Butter, bulk or carton, lb. 3o Country Creamery Butter, lb 37o Fancy Dairy Butter, lb 31o New York White or Young- America Cheese, per lb aoo Fancy Brick Cheese, lb 18o Neufchatel Cheoie, each 3o Strictly Freah Eggs, dozen 33 0 rUXT AND VEOETABB UEFAKTMENT. New Sweet Corn, dozen lOo New Potatoes, 15 lbs. to the peck, -Wo 2 fresh Cucumbers for Bo 6 bunches Leaf Lettuce, Oreen Onions or Kohl rtabl for So 4 bunches Beets, Carrots or Turnlpa for 5o New Cabbage, lb. OHo 2 Green Peppers for 00 3 baking Sou ash for lOo Fresh npe Tomatoes, b 7Mo Imperial Valley Cantaloupes, each Bo Fresh roasted Peanuts, quart So Red June Plums, basket 30o Large juicy Lemons, doz. BOo and 35a SPEOXAX.S ZB BAMS ABD BACON. No. 1 Diamond C Skinned) Hams, 19Uo No. 1 lean Bacon, lb 33ftO Us TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST PAYS IT PAYS no. i dock uaoon. id. .......... 1410 o io Tor unches and Monica TV Hayden's Cooked Uoats It Pays. BFBCZAX.S TOB SATTTBJOAY IN XAYDBZT'S MEAT DEPABTJtENT. No. 1 Fresh Dressed III. Chicken, lb 1 1720 No. 1 genuine Hindquarters Sprint; lamb, lb. 140 No. 1 genuine Forequarter Spring lamb, lb 10o No. 1 small Pork Shoulders, lb. 11 'io No. 1 Pork Butts, lb 14Uc No. 1 whole Pork Loins, lb..,.16Uc No. 1 Steer Pot Roast, lb. Ho . 12Hc No. 1 bulk Sausage, lb 10c No. 1 Steer Round Steak, lb zoo No. 1 home made Hamburger. '.) 10c Men's Straw Hats Less Than Half Your choico of our entire stock of straw hats, values to $3, Saturday $1.45 Fine Panama Hats In two lots; choice of en tire slock $4.00 Panamas $2.95 $5 to $7.50 Panamas, $3.95 Saturday's Spe'ials Linen Department Imported Marseilles Bed Spreads, fringed or scalloped; values to $6.00. Each, salo price. .83.98 Assorted lot Crochet Bed Spreads, full slzo; values up to $2.00 each. Sale price, each S1.25 Bed Sheets, extra large, made from heavy weight seamless sheet ings; values 98c. Each 65c Bod Sheets, 72x90, heavy weight, well made, free from starch; worth 55c. Each 39c Heavy weight Table Padding, ex tra good quality, off the bolt 39c grade. Yard . . 25c