J. ill j LtXuU. KtmtAi, ki. i J, -IJ. CHOICE OF The HOUSE SALE HEN'S and YOUNG MEN'S Spring Suits Continues One More Day SATURDAY, JULY 1 1 Absolutely no Suits Reserved in This Here the Suit The sale which permits you unrestricted choice from the finest suit stock in the west at $15 Saturday is the Big Day of the Sale Men who have attended one of these semi-annual sales will not need urging to como Saturday it is known as the big event of the entire sonsou. Pick yours out early! Not a Suit Reserved All the $40 Suits All tha $30 Suits All the $25 Suits fa J. . 1 l J. ISik Boys' blouses of imported madras, 1 ft IT H ij bojbkoucs, porcaios ana pongees with uanjr fcj ifcjMIJCl separato or attached collars nud f vSl turn-back cuffs, ncgular $1 and E C SfaSq $1.25 valuoa, on salo ono day only i?52rF5 at . Jrdr Hoys' Htorc Second Floor. 2C2 ouVe Been Waiting for! The Best Hand Tailored Suits Made Hirsh- Wickwirc Suits Hi-Art Suits Society Brand Suits Adler's Suits L. Abt & Son's Suits Saturday Your Choice of Any Straw Hat In our entire stock 1 Bangkok and Panama Hats Not Included 1 I -.1 . . . . ouwrujiy wu iubo piat'o on stilo a large Jot of $3.50 $1 and $4.00 Japnneso Panama lints for onlv 1 95 Sale rf Silk and Linen Shirts Saf ;fand 3-50 : . Tliore are nlcut 540 o!f these highly dosirable silk and linen shirts in the F cool, comfortable, suimnbr ptylcsr Home witli ' soft ntt'neliod collars. Others in tft ! iiuumm otviw wiui riuiiuii euiis. xno pnuorns ni"o tne very nowost ms.'slioWn in high grndc shirtings. Sfr.es 14 to 171L. Not a shirt in the entiro lot worth less than $2.50, Many worth $.'5.50. Come early while varieties are greatest. They will not last long nt this prico A Bi$ Group df Shirts Worth Up to S2.0Q. On Sale Saturday at 75c (SL $1.00 in tnin special lot cr 1itgU nrfttlo shirts -you'wlM find- Just the stylo you wish and tho same ,.i"u fk puma a mcu .lugn or pricos. nicy are raosuy samples. Made with collar attached or neckband ntvln. aims i t tn is Onniitioi. r artuntiv nr. nn .cholco Saturday for .77. . 7 ' Sale of SI .00 Shirts nt 45c AVq'acdJiVod 125 doicn mon'o shirts, mostly sam- 'pt. from a' largo shirt ma'Ucr at a fraction of tholr .vajue. iNcgngco ami outing atyles In noat pattorns. Theso lyo actually tlfo best values' Wo huvo over querea ai mo prico. worm , AH rm to $1.00', Saturday " " Wy G Special lot of inaa'a nail bays.' bathlnij suits. Extra wolj mado from fine quality Jersey aud neatly trimmed. Worth tn $1.00, nt Kfl $1.25 Union Suits. Only 65c Fifty dozen meq's union suits, Including samples and broken, jots.ot our $1.25 union suits. Athlotlo and regular style.' Mado of fine' nainsook, poros mdsh and llslo'rlbbed. Whllo they last 65. Two BiH Specials in Men's Socks S.llk and silk plaited men b hose, In white, tan, navy. grey, black, worth 50c pr., cholco at. . 19c Silk plaited and lisle hose, In tan, black, navy and grey. ueguiariy wortn O 1 to 25c, at pr... ll&C I . . ff, -, , ,. , - ...... ,-, , , . - - . iH! 3 m I SIl MONDAY 1914 MILK FED SFRHJG CHiCKEMS, !b 29 1-2c 1913 Fresh Dressed Ohickens,Ib. 12 3-4c I'lB Pork Ttoast ll?o Pig I'ork Hutu I3ic Choice SUr 1'ot Roast . .laVie, HHo Vount Veal Itn llo Lamb Lego 13Mo Mutton Chops 12V4o Mutton Httw. 0 pounds S8c Kxtiu LitM Hams 10?c Kxtra Lean Ilacon hwiffa Winchester Ilacon S7XCZA.B Tpm Q P. M. to 9 T. K. Somb ,Ohope So Trom fl P. sr. to 10 p. k. a.ponnd Pail Compound 303 SK lb. Bent Suenr 8I.00 t narD. C. Soap 83a With 1 lb. Tea or Coi4 69 o With Wtuhlng; Spda ........... ,10o Calumet Ilaklnc 4'owdfr. lb lOo S.,b" JaP 3o Banto. torfee. IU S0a Heat Cream cheeae, lb. . . . . . . . .800 bouKht tli bankrupt atock or . . Wnl -h. :Uh and Farnmn. con alaUne of iancy fc-rocore all the leaUnit branda This will b placed oh eale lU our tor omuieniitiff Wedneaday, July Uth. at 0c on Uti dollar? PUBLIC MARKET Jg.10. S.VAV , ScdsodflblG Dm NggcIs As you step off the hot pavement you find our welcoming cool stores filled with thousands of summer comforts SATURDAY SPECIALS 25,0 Frostllla for 14c 25c Mistletoe Cream at 14u 26c Packers' Tar Soap for.,. He Rexall Violet Talcum lfic 25c Lyon's- Tooth Powder. . . . 14c 10c William's or Colgate's Shav ing Soap, cako 3c $1.00 'Now England Toilet Water for 7ftc 26c Dabcock's Corylopsts Tal cum ISt. 50o Cucumber, Denzotn and Al mond Lotion for ;!c Godot's French Perfumes; per bottlo, at . , 9t.Ua Rexall Hair Shampoo, per bot tle . . . , SBo Rtguad's Mary Garden Perfume, per oz. $1.10 Rexall Cold Cream, lb.... 35c Rexall Tooth Paste 10p Cutlcura Soap 17c 50c Shah of Persia Soap for. .10c White Cross Cold Cream .10c, USc, 50c 25c Pond's Extract Cold Cream at 14c 2 cakes Wool Soap, 2 cakes Ivory Soap for 15c 50c Ingram's Milkweed Cream at 20c Jap Rose or Peroxldo Bath Soap, per cake 7c 50c bottle Day Rum -5c Violet Ammonia.' .... 15c and 25c $1.00 PInaud's Lilac Vegetal. 40c Colgate's Violet, Cashmere Dou- quet or Dactylis Talcum for. 13c ur Soda Fountains arc- .tho chilliest, coldest, frostiest propositions in town. "Tho Sodaosls," 10th nnd Dodge Down Stairs. "Tho Owl's Nest." JOth and Harney Down Stairs. SHERMAN & McCDNNELL DRUG GO. tou bust xmtra stores i Donxn 18th and Dodr Streets. Xarrard Pbarmaoy, SMtb and rarsam. Owl Xrar Co, lSUi ana Xarnar Bts. lAlyal Pnarxaaoy, 807-S 09 XT. 18th. Great Sonsalional Event Suits that sold at $18.00 Suits that sold at $20.00 Suits that sold at $22.50 Suits thatsold at$25.00 Suits that sold at . . . Suits that sold at Suits that sold at . . . Suits that sold at . . . ALL GO AT ONE All the Fancy Suits, all the Blue Serge Suits, all the Black Suits, all Dress Suits and Tuxedos at the one price, fully 80 per cent of the en tire stock being the world famed Hart, Schaffner & Marx clothes, absolutely guaran teed by both ourselves and the makers. Never before in this great sale have lines been so splendidly complete as now never be fore has such a splendid op portunity for selection been offered you. Sure, buy where if you see fit, but for own personal satisfaction y HAYDEN'S .... $27.50 mil L $30.00 IK? JiS r $32.50 JAf '4l $35.01 H I vr jpi PRICE, J KjfeypTA 50i 1 'LWw Copyright IlaxtSclMSsar & Karx The Drexel Kid The marble season is hard on shoes, but not on the shoes the Drexel kid wears. TEEL HOD HOES They outwear two pairs of ordinary boys' shoes; button and blucher; boys' 1 to 5, $2.50; little gents', 9 to 13,6, $2.35. Mall orders prepaid. Drexel 1410 FARNAM. S JULYllth Almost 100 in the Shade Mr. Slimmer Man here is real news, SATURDAY Every straw hat in our entiro stock, regard lessof former price or value will be sold for $1.00 How is that for news at the height of the season? BRANDEIS STORES "if it hat merit. Merritt hat it." YOU are cordially in vited to attend our infor mal opening Saturday, July 11th. Merritt's Pharmacy STORE NO. 2. Cor. 20th anil Fariiam Sts. Phone D. 2548. Flowers and a box of candy for the ladles. A l'Oc LaTruda Cigar for the gentlemen. Tan Black or White Likeable Low Shoes $3.50 51.00 $5.00 Mado by tho best makers. Their style, comfort and wearing qualities have won for them an enviable place in masculine esteem. Every style of shoe for every style of man. 'SHOE- GQ 16 US 6t DOUGLAS.