Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 11, 1914, Page 15, Image 15

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11, 1914.
GOOD barn, room for 8 or 10 hones.
1917 Webster St. Call Douglas a.
Store nurt Offlrc.
FOIl RENT-Store with threo windows:
Dodge Hotel Wdg.; sultahlo for most
anything; reasonable rent. Dodge Hotel.
3137 FARNAM St.. storeroom xSn. $.
4 Deo Bldg Dour. MS.
HOMESEEKK11S' excursion: Gorman
American colony; Urnnt and Jefferson
counties, Arkansas. Uphoff. 409 Times
Uldg., St. Louis, Mo.
FOR Sale-260 acres. 43 miles from Min
neapolis, 1 mile from town: ISO acres
under cultivation, balance used for pas
tures; can practically all be cultivated;
heavy soli; good set buildings, consisting
of S-roora house, largo barn, granary,
corncrlbs, etc.; tho land will produce 90
bushels of corn per acre; telephone In
house; country thickly settled; complete;
set of machinery; 27 head of stock, con
staring of cloven cows, balance 1 and 2-year-olds;
six good horses; 26 hogs; chick
ens; ono-half of this ear's crop and
everything on the farm goes at J0 per
aero, half cash. Schwab tiros.. 102S Plv-
.57-ACRK Highly Improved stock and
dairy farm, 12 miles south of St. Paul
Minn.; 7 miles from St Paul stock yards!
2 shipping points at tho farm on
waUkeo and Burlington; highest state of
cultivation; buildings coat JUvw; except
tlonal opportunity, whero form and dairy
products bring highest mnrket price and
close to advantages of St. Paul and Min
neapolis; low price; easy terms. Fred
Mohl, 611 Capital Bank building, St. Paul.
JOO PER ACHE, Improved farm. Wabasha
county, close to two good towns; will
accept merchandise as part payment (J
A. Hcdln, 615 Security Bank Bldg., Minnel
apolls, Minn.
120-Acre Iowa Farm
on Very Easy Terms
Owner has instructed us to sell 120 acres
near Woodbine, Iowa, n good town on tho
main lino of the Northwestern road, and
about 45 miles from Omaha, at the very
low price of $100 an acre.
About 90 acres under cultivation; 23
acres In blue grass pasture, 6 acres In hog
pasture and small orchard. Has 6-room
house, barn, chicken houso and other out
buildings. Most of tho land is rolling, about B0
acres Is nearly level, high, table land. A
small payment down will buy It An op
portunity to buy nn Iowa farm on easy
terms and low price, and a chance to
make some money on It
Hastings & Heyden
1G14 Harney St.
A 160-acre farm located Just six blocks
from the postofflco at Elkhorn, Neb., has
been ordered sold by the district court on
July 11, 1914. This sale will take place at
the east door of the Douglas county court
house at 10 a. m. sharp, farm to go to the
highest bidder. This Is known as the
John McCormick farm and is a well Im
proved up-to-date place, has a sevon
room house, good barn, hen houses,
doublo corncrlb, hog sheds, orchard, wind
mill and cistern. Water Is piped to pas
tures and hog sheds. The soil Is in fine
condition, farm has been seeded and
changed for thirty years. Como to this
Bala and buy one of the best producing
farms In Douglas county. For full par
ticulars address Clydo Sundblad, clerk
county court, Omaha. Neb.
FOUND 220-acre homestead In settled
neighborhood; fine farm land; not sand
hills; cost you $200, filing fees and alL J.
A. Tracy. KlmbalL Nsh.
ilTOIt SAIiE 160 acres smooth farming
land In Kimball county for $1160 an acre.
$100 to 110,000 maae promptly. F. D.
Wead. Wead Bldg.. ISth and Farnam.
CITY and farm loans, 5, 54. C per cent
J. H. Dumont & Co., 1603 Farnam, Omaha.
WANTED City loans and warrants.
W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam.
flea. CITY LOANS. Bemls-Carlberg Co.,
u7 310-312 Brandeis Theater Bldg.
SEE us first If you want a farm loan.
United States Trust Co.. Omaha, Neb.
MONEY on hand for city and farm loans.
11. W. Binder. City Nat Bk. Bldg.
CITY property. Large loans a specialty.
i ir if -r, i. . ooo l . . ronl ill.)..
vv. xx. x iiuuiua. oiulv xjmiiv jjius,
WANTED City loans. Peter Trust Co,
6 farm loans. Optional payments & an
nual int wm. MccormicK. 1201 farnam.
CMAHA homos. East Nebraska farms.
1016 Omaha Nat Douglas 2715.
FOR. sale on exchange: R. E.
Pianos for other musical instru'ts. V. 017,
Two Bungalows just being
Most attractive bungalows in
Strictly modern, 5 large rooms
and bath, oak finish.
throughout. beam ceilings. built.
In bookcases, window seats, plate
ran; oxi-iooi cupDoaras in Kitchen
with glass doors: beautiful electric llsht
fixtures; sleeping porch; full basement
wun cement floors, streets paved; high,
sightly location at 49th and Burt Sts.,
Can be purchased cheap on easy terms If
taken at once.
Telephone, Douglas 415 or Red 8373.
Just completed; living room, dining
room, finished In oak; kitchen, refrigera
tor room, pantry and bedroom down
stairs; two large bedrooms and bath up
stairs; house entirely modern; cement
basement; complete with screens; corner
lot; paved street Where can you beat It?
Price, $2,800. Easy terms.
310-312 Brandeis Theater Bldg.
3X5 California fit Living room, sun
room, dining room, kitchen first floor;
four bedrooms and bath second floor; full
basement and uttlc. floored all over, first
floor in oak, second floor birch and
maple. Large lot. Must bo seen to be
044 Brandeis Bldg. Phone Douglas 3382.
Will buy that dandy 6-room house Just
finished; living and dining room finished
In golden oak; one bedroom on first floor
two nice bedrooms and bath on second'
floor; paved street; south front corner
lot; all modern in overy detail; cjose to
car line. Cash payment down, balance
essy. Keys at office.
310-312 Brandeis Theater Bldg.
2116 CASS ST.
Eleven-room, strictly modern house;
well-arranged rooms; six rooms on first
floor, leading up to five large uedrooms
and bath; near car; close In. Terms to
suit. A reasonable offer not refused o
81X-RdOM, all modern house, nearly new,
near car. Dundee. Tel. Harney 266.
THREE bargains In residence, close In.
G. P. Btebblns. 1610 Chicago.
With unusual advantages; Boulevards, Parks, Playgrounds
and near Bathing, Boating, Fishing, etc.
88 LOTS $200-$275 EACH. $5 DOWN, $5 PER MONTH.
Liberal discount for extra cash payments. Located be
tween Florence Boulevard (prettiest mile) and IStJi street and
Grand avenue and Fort street. Take tho Sherman Avenue
car to Sprague street, and transfer north to 16th and Brown
street, then walk two short blocks west.
Theso lots will be offered for sale on the ground on Satur
day, July 11th, 191-1, from 2 P. M. to 7 P. M. and on following
days till disposed of by
Barker Block, 15th and Farnam Sts.,
Payments may also bo mnde at Bnrkor Bros. Paint. Co. 1G09V1;
Farnam Street, Omaha, Nob.
Dundee Homes
To Order
South Fronts
On Burt
50th to 51st Street
Wo will build to order any house or
bungalow on the remaining unsold lots
facing south on Burt, between 50th and
61st Sts. We have already taken orders
for five homes In this block and still
have five unsold lots from which to make
a selection.
By making your selection now, wo will
be able to complete your homo not later
than Oct. 1st and ready to occupy. All
these homes being built to order are ab
solutely first-class, modern and up-to-date
In every detail. Can arrange terms
of small payments down and tho bal
ance monthly.
a nave n. uuuiuci ui jjjiuu avicui
from or you may bring In your own plan
rf irlvA 1 1 n vnltr IttpfiH nnri wo will IhftVA n
plan drawn for you.
Kindly call us up and our representa
tive will make arrangements to call on
you and glvo you all the details of our
proposition and show you the remaining
unsold lots.
Hiatt-Fairfield Co.
Douglas 498. 230 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg.
Special Home
All modern, 2-story, 6 largo rooms, sleep
ing porch; oak finish, with oak floors;
largo living room, 12423 '.feet; bookcases,
window fceat and plato rail In dining
room; newly decorated; modern plumb
ing: furnace heat; also oil burner at
tached; largo garage, room for two ma
chines; fine south front lot, 60x128 feet;
paved street, only H block east of
Kountxo Park. Owner wants offer;
rooms, oak finish, bookcases, window
seat; furnace hest; high grade fixtures;
pressed brick foundation;, lot 40x128 feet;
Street being paved. Price. J3.350; J500
IILLER PARK HOME, new bungalow,
5 rooms, oak finish: largo attic; modern
plumbing; full basement; furnace heat;
floor drain; east front lot, Wxl24 feet;
only one block to car, two blocks to
school. Price, $3,160; 1600 cash.
Rasp Bros.
Benson Home
3 Lots
2 blocks to car, high ground, EAST
FRONT, good homes all sides. House on
center of ground. Has ample furnace,
best plumbing. Double parlor, den, dining
room, kitchen; four largo bed rooms and
closets on 2d floor; combined 2-slall barn
and auto house; chicken house, shrub
bery, cistern piped Into house.
Improvements nearly new; In clean and
splendid order.
$6,000 for all. Might sell for less wlti
one or two lots. $300 or less cash, bal
ance monthly. 6 per cent.
O'Keefe Real Estate Co.,
1016 Omaha Nat. Doug. 2715.
Evenings. IL 333 or H. 5134,
Why Pay Rent?
Write, call, phone or send for our
list of easy payment houses, priced
from JS00 to $1,200. Payments $100 cash
and $10 per month. Now is the time
to get away from tho rent habit. Be
sure to get a list
Creigh, Sons & Co.,
Douglas 200,
BOS Bee Bldg.
The No Commission
Realty Co.
located at 316-320 Paxton block, offers a
suggestion to those wishing to sell or ex
change any property or business. Would
you not go where that kind of business
is done? There is no kind of a proposi
tion that Is not handled there merchan
dise, farms and ranches, city and town
properties, rooming houses, hotels, res
taurants; In fact, anything and every
thing. If you want to buy, tell the No
Commission Realty Co. what you want.
If you want to sell or exchange, list your
property with the No Commission Realty
Co. Come In and seo the greatest assort
ment of excellent money-makers that can
be found anywhere. Wo also have cash
buyers for properties and business In dlf
feront localities; yours may be the prop
erty or business they want. It Is a proven
fact that a market place for every kind
of property, displayed whero the thou
sands of people can Inspect them, with
experienced attendants at your service,
Is what brings results.
Come in or write for the only method
of buying, selling or exchanging any prop
erty or business and pay no commission.
This Is the department store for realty
and business transactions. It's the peo
ple's way. They all go to the NO COM
25th and Chicago
Six rooms and bath, nice lawn front
and back. The present owner rents out
two rooms for $18. AVhy not buy and cut
out this rent proposition?
Douglas 1781. Ware Block.
Owner leaving city, offers for sal the
elegant modern 10-room residence, 121 p.
3Sth Ave. Telephone Harney 1368.
48 feet frontage on Karnam St
for 13,750.
See Happy Hollow
Just east of Uie Boulevard and Happy
Hollow club grounds and north of Dodge
St. Take the West Fnrnam-Dundeo car
and get off at Underwood Ave. and thn
Boulevard, walk south along the boule
vard and notice the many beautiful
homes already built
You Have a
"When you locate l:i Happy Hollow you
know there will be good residences
around you.
You know there will bo no stores or
apartment houses opposlto you.
You know you will be one of a number
of homo owners not among renters.
Excellent School
Dundee has always had a good school,
but now It Is to have an enlarged school
building and playgrounds.
You Wait For
In Happy Hollow, for hero you have
paved streets, sewer, water ahd gas;
schools, churches and easy access to the
center of Omaha.
When You Buy
For a Home
You want the best, both for your children
as well as yourself. Attractive surround
ings, with a clean, wholesome at
mosphere; vlows of country life as well
as the conveniences of a city, and all
yours If you live In Happy Hollow.
Don't Miss This
But pick out your locaUon now; If you
haven't all the money we will mako tho
terms easy.
Then you will soon own your own homo
In Omaha's best new residence district
a good place to live, a safe ploco to In
vest George & Company
902 City National Bank Bldg.
Phone Doug. 768.
Vlorenoc Ileal Eatntw for Sale.
C. L. Nethaway. suburban prop. Vlor. 271
KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co ,
a modern abstract office. 305 So. 17th
St Phono Douglas 54S7.
REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of
fice In Nebraska. 206 Brandeis Theater.
(Benuine (Berman Rouble tym
Rectal Diseases Cured
A mild treatment, that cures Piles, Fistula and other Rectal disease In a short
time, without a surgical operation. No Chloroform, Ether or other general anast
hetic used. A cure guaranteed In every case accepted for treatment, and no money
to be paid until cured. Write for book on Rectal Diseases, with testimonials.
DR. TARRY Be Building-Omaha. ,
Selling of Wheat by Country Over
balances All Else in Trade.
llllth Tetnperntnres mill l.nck of
Itnlti Ilrlnic About n Itlithrr
Let el nnil Help Out Hull.
In thn Pit.
OMAHA. July 10, 1914.
Black rust reports were nlreil on the
Board of Trade again yesterday, but they
wore contradicted as rapidly as they came
lo the wheat pit The selling of wheat
by the country counterbalanced all else In
the trade and there were net losses of
nearby months of ItfUc. whllo the de
ferred werw unchanged. It was claimed
that fully 1,500.000 bushels of wheat were
purchased by Chicago concerns lit the
southwest and ono of tho largest cash
handlers said that while It was gener
ally believed that export takings were
being reduced from day to day that this
was not a fact as sales every day this
week havo bwn largo and that tho bids
from abroad have been at or close to a
working basis all the time The actual
sates reported yesterday for exiort were
SO0.0UO bushels and tho total business was
much larger than tho figures given. Mill
ors bought SS.PW bushels of whest. the
demand from that source being small as,
Interior makers of flour arc able to secure
nearly all tho wheat wanted at their
The feature of tho wheat market wss
the continued hea y buying by Thomson
Jfc Mcklnnon. This buying helped to
hold values. Tho uheat was purchased
In order to secure profits.
Corn shows advance of fcSNio yeotoi
day on a rush of shorts to cover. High
temperatures and a lack of moistures In
many sections of tho com Iwlt were the
controlling bullish Influences. Tho cash
trade was small at 85.1W bushels, but
Buffalo. Omaha and Kansas City re
ported a good business In tho actual
grain. The southwest was a buyer of
futures hero and tho offerings woro small
and held tightly by the mnss. A well
known cash grain man In the Chicago
trade nays that no matter what the slie
of tho coming crop may be. It will como
In on empty cribs, and anything undor
an ayoniRo outrun will be below our do
'"pst'c requirements under normal con
ditions. Oats ruled strong-partlally In sym
pathy with corn, but mainly because of
ho" covering m tho bellof that prices
are likely to advance still further. There
wen, scattered rciKJits from parts of
Illinois claiming that oats aro rusting
badly and that thorn will bo crop losses
of considerable site.
Thoro was a partial reversal of condi
tions surrounding tho provision market.
Tliero was more breadth to the genernl
situation and Boptemher pork was active
and thoro was a hctter trade In ribs,
whllo lard wis rather slow. The further
upturn In hogs because of the lighter
western run was one of tho bullish Influ
ences. Smaller packers Bold lard and
pork. Cash trado was fairly Rood In
moats, but slow In lard.
CaBh wheat was VtfNo lower.
Cash corn was Wl'Ja higher.
Cash oats wcro lo higher.
ijrJwfril!!cfi', of wheat and flour wcro
Crn bUShel,, oala'
cohUer?nt Cl0flt1 m h,Bher!
Primary wheat receipts wore 1.274.000
bu. and shipments 663,000 bu.. against ro
pPt8 or 1.02,.000 bu. and shipments of
610 000 bu. last year.
Primary corn receipts were 335.000 bu.
ftmL5hJl"lBnt'' 310.000 bu., against receipts
of 3C9.000 bu. and shipments of 322,000 bu.
last year.
Primary oats receipts wero 452,000 bu.
and shipments 47S.0OO bu., against re
ceipts of 684,00 bu. and shipments of 446,
000 bu. last year.
Wheat. Corn. Oats. Ryo.
Chicago 419 118 12t!
Minneapolis 77
Duluth 7S
Omaha 10 76 62 2
Kansas City 143 11 4 i ...
St. Louis 168 IS 23
Winnipeg 178
Theso sales wcro reported todav: Wlimt
No. 2 hard winter: 2 cars, 74c. No. S
hard winter: i car, 739ic; 1 car, 7S&o.
Oats No. 3 white: 2 cars. 35Hc No. 4
whlto: 3 cars, 3Uc. Corn No. 2 whlto: 1
car, 7mc; 3-5 car, 71'Jc. No. 1 yellow: 1
car, C6'4c. No. 2 yellow: 3 cars, C6c; 3
cars, 6ic. No. 2 mixed: 3 cars, Cufio;
3 cars, C5Hc No. 3 mixed: 1 2-5 cars,
EHo; 4 cars, 65c. No. 5 mixed: 1 car,
64?4c. No. 6 mixed: 1 car, C3&c; 2 cars,
Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 hard.
7SH5'77o. No. 3 hard. 72H76c; No. 4 hard,
eHi74Hc: No. 2 spring, 79HSS0Ho; No. 3
spring, 78ttiaTO4c; No. 4 spring. 75Hfl77tto;
No. 2 durum, 71fl72c: No. 3 durum, 7071c.
Corn: No. 2 white, 71?4S?nHc; No. 3 whlto,
70;71c; No. 4 white, C0O7Oc; No. 2 yel
low, 65?4C6c: No. 3 yellow, C5Vi0,CrHo; No.
4 yellow, 64S6c; No. 2, 65V5W5ic; No, 3,
66fr65Uc: No, 4. 63S6o. Oats: No. 2 whlto.
S50Go; standard, SSttflc; No. 3 white.
aav4Wc: ino. i wnite, .ivojovic. uariey:
Malting, 60Q64o; No. 1 feed. 45(8c. Rye:
No. 2. KW3C6c; No. 3, 6565V4c
Omaha real eatato Is the best Investment
you could make. Read The Bee's real
estato columns.
M . Saturday
mtkm Skanocis Starrs.
ICImuu cad txaulUUs l&t fc.l
irromoUf a uunilut erowtk.
I1tw nils to IiMtor Qrul
Hair to its Youthful CoVorVi
irrtonia tuur rxjnnr.
w, arm lioo omnrtirta,
Features of the Trading and Closing
l'rlrrs n Hoard of Trade.
CHlCAtlO, .Tilly 10-Skeptlclsm In re
gard to tho chances of widespread dam
age by black rust brought about a lower
ing of values today In wheat. Tho mar
ket although steady at the close, was
halt to Mic under last night. Corn fin
ished HlrM"- off to e up, oats He to He
higher, and provisions unchanged to a
rise of 30c
Notwithstanding that hot weHtber
northwest and bullish cables gave heat
prices some strength at tho start, selling
pressure enlarged to an unusual extent,
and thoro was decided heaviness In conso
qutneo throughout tho greater part of tho
day The selling was much Influenced by
seemingly excellent assurances that un
less the black rust spread rapidly within
tho next ten days tho spring crop would
bo out of danger.
Kxporters generally agreed that the
Kuttipean demand for wheat was much
less urgent than heretofore, and that for
eign requirement wcro fairly well filled
up for tho present. It was said that ex
ports sales Hero totaling COMM) bushels
wero doubtless Included In the R00.O00
bushels nott-d at tho senbonrd as the
day's export aggirgate.
Corn Was a tvnlcnl wonthei ninrknt
Drouth and heat reports made prices
average higher, but considerable weak
ness was finally shown as n rturnlt nf
dispatches telling of rains In Texas and
wKianoma. uriK cash demand lifted tho
price of oats. Shorts covered frroly.
Provisions ruled firm owing to thn
scantiness of hog receipts and bocaliso of
high prices for feed. Profit taking by
longs, however, wns noticeable on all tho
hard spots In the market.
Options closed ns follows:
Artlclel Open. lllgh. Low. Close.l Yes'y'
Corn, i
7S 79
7S', 7
67V4 (V.
38, 374
35', ,Ti
28 70 22 60
20 084 30 57J4
10 12H 10 10
10 25 10 25
It 95 H M!4
11 90 11 90
Sept. I
Pork i
20 76
22 7ti I 22 00
20 75 I 30 00
10 15
10 2741 10 30 10 2S
12 00
11 95
12 00
11 96
It t
Chlcasn PhuIi Prla vi k? o
WWflSlc; No. 2 hard, SOHWHo;' No. 2
iui mum, .wiivg; io. i Npnng, HTSrsSC.
Pom: No. 5 vi.llntv M;ln. v
7O370;,io. Oats: No. 3 whlto, 37fejasUc!
standard, 39o. Rye: No. 2. 6Se. llarlcy;
49fiMc. Timothy: $4.3ffl.60. Clover: 10.(X)ir
CHI31CSK - Lower. daisies, S0't4o:
twins, mfl.tlir: Anifrlf-A WU1 lllr.. 1.
noma, HiiffMHc, ' '
juup uigner; receipts. 11,771 cases; at
mark, cases Included, 17fM8Hc: ordinary
firsts, 1717Kc; firsts, uipc. '
I'nTiTllE.M livnr- r.n.l,... nr.
Vlrirlnla cobblem. 11. IMil U- iHnn,ni,V
POULTRY AIlvo lower; fowls, 15c;
springs, 18i$21c.
Novr York General Market.
steady; molasses, 2.61o; centrifugal, 3-2c.
Rotlnod steady.
HUTTKR-Creamory, extras, 27hC7Hc;
firsts, 2imi2Gc; seconds, 22lftHc; process,
extras, 2202214c; ladles, current make,
firsts. 2021Kc; seconds, 19Ho; pocking
stocks, current make. No. 2, 18Hc.
CHHESE-Htate, whole milk, fresh,
whltcrt, specials, 144c; same, colored, 14VA
014V4c; Bamo, colored, averngo fancy, 14c;
same, white, WifWAc; ski ins, GQllHc,
isaas Fresh gathered, axtra, 23025c;
extra first. 22j21o: firsts, 2042l4o;
soconds, 171120c; Pennsylvania and
nearby henneries, whites, 2&tf29c; same,
gathered, whites, 22927c; same, hennery,
browns, 24!oi same, gathered, browns
and mixed colors. 20ir2Sc
POULTRY Dressed quiet; western
cmcKcns, rrozen, ltvtwwc; fowls, iitw
19c; turkeys, 25tS26c.
POULTRY Live. Irregular: western
chickens, broilers, lOtiOOOc; fowls, 164SP
lie; luracys, idotiiic.
Knnans CUT Rraln mill Provisions.
hard. 76tfi83c; No. 2 red. 75Wc: July. 72V4o:
September, 71',wn$io; December, 74HB
CORN-No. 2, CSV4; No. 2 white, 77c.
September. C5c; December, 63Ti.Q64c.
OATS-No. 2 white, 40404oi No, 3
mlxod, 35337c.
IWTTJ3R Creamery, 23c; firsts, lie;
seconds, 18c; packing, 17c.
EGOS Firsts, 184c; seconds, 14c.
POULTRY Hens, 14c; broilers, 24c.
Mliiurniio'lla ftrnlu Mnrket.
July, 864o; September, 79Hc; No. 1 hard,
91-Hc; No. 1 northern, SSfttfvOHc; No, 2
northern, F6HSHc
FLOUR Unchanged.
CORN-No. 3 yellow, 6Gfi54o.
OATS No. 3 white, SSflS&Hc.
Omuliu liar Mnrket.
PRAIRIE HAY Cholco upland, old.
4.O014.60; No, 1. $13.00914.00; No. 2, J10.00
Cll. 00; No. 3, ja.ww.w; ino. i to cnoico
midland, U.004lH3.60j No. 2, 10.0011.);
Nn. a. i5.00ft7.00: No. 1 to cholco lowland.
n0.005fll.00; No. 2. W.008.00; No. 3, tl.OO
6.0). New: unoico, none nere, wanieu ni
1S.OO13.60; No. 1, J1LOO12.; No. 2,
STRAW Choice wheat, J5.60O'6.00.
ALFALFA No. 1, cholco now, J13.00O
14.00; No. 2, tl0.0011.00! No. 3. unsale
able; No. 1, cholco old, 21S.0O314.00.
Number of sales and leading quotations
on stocks woro as follows:
Half., tilth. Low. CIoh.
nAM 20
Amalunud"Oopp.r ... U.M 10 M4 H
Amrrlcan IHt Hugar .
American Oan H 4
Amtrlcn 8, H H 14
Amrlcn a. ft H. pro "
AmSlesa T ft T 1.100 J50 ISO 120
American ToUcco ..... -
Anaconda Mlnlos 700 11(4 0J WJ4
Atchlaon I.00 ' H Ml
vr.,r.. ; om. s.000 aiK oou mi
nrooklm nnpta Tt r M 91H 914
California I'eiro aum
;C..j..r T..,Uln 11 TOO 11 1M 1M1
n..i too ii'i. a KK
Chwapnaka & Onto n,uu tin ; j
CTnicaso o, w
Ctllcalo. M. & St. P.... 1.700 M4 4 H
rhlcao ft N. W I"
Chlno tVppr l.W 404 4
Colorado Fuel ft Iron -4
Colorulo Ic Houtham t 23 2) 21
Denttr ft IUo Qranda... 1.000 CT. H tH
T)nvr ft n O. ptd 1.901 124 11 Ui
Dlatlllfra' Bcurltlca 1JS
Krla 2, WW 2IH 24 4
Oaneral Bloctrlo 400 H H 1J
Oreat Northara Ptd m 122i 1224 122S1
Oreat Northarn Ora ctfa "H
nurnDbalm Biploratlon . 601 MS US4 644
Illlnola Cantral aOO U 111' 112
Interboroufh MM. pld... 1.D00 614 "H
Inaplratlon Coppar 1H
Intrrnatlonal IlarvaMer.. 400 1074 107U 1M
Kanaaa Clly Soulhara... ,00 tl 214 21i
I-ehlgh VaJlar .100 1J14 1M. HI
lxjultTllla ft Naahrtlla 114
Mailcan rctroleum 300 61u I1H II
Miami Copper 600 224 224 S2(i
MUaourl. K. ft T :.. 1.100 It 114 S
Mlaaourl Picltlf. 41,700 114 4
National Ulacult 1M
National Ia4 41
Narada Copper VK 11'4 114 1IH
New York Onlral 2,00 H N tH
N. Y. N. II. ft II ll.W 1H HH lVi
Norfolk ft Weatarn 400 105 1044 105
Northern P&cUlo 1,001 lit 1IU UOH
Pacine Mall 2.1
Pacltlo T ft T 28
Pennirlvanla 1.600 1124 111 llltt
Pullman l'alaco Car. 11414
liar Con. Coppar 200 214 IHi HSk
Heading 11.40) 144(4 1134 1U,
Itepubllo Iron ft Bteil 11
Itock laland Ou lu
Itork laland Co. p(d , 2-W
Hi. la. ft H. K. W pM ,4
Boutriarn Pacific 12,000 97S SIS i'k
Southern Hallway .... 700 tU 21 211,
Trnneame Copper 404 3) 124; JIVi
Txm Company 300 1(1(4 Hl't 1(1
Union Paclfle 11,100 1U4 lll'i mu
Union Pacific pfd 3,200 12H 12(, 12
Unllad Rtatea Ktral 11 I Hi 6(i eiU
U. H. Steel pfd 101V,
Ulh Copper l.D 174 174 17(4
Wabaia pfd , Jju
Weatera Union J.CO MH 11(4 lv
Waettnihouee Blectiio .. 10.0U) "IH 77 78(4
Total aalea for the day, 2&1.IO0 aharee.
nrapornted Applr-a mid Dried Frnlf
DHIBD KTtmTS-Prunes. steady; apri-
cots, quiet; peaches, barely steady; rai
sins, dull.
Cattle Receipts Extremely Light,
Prices Generally Steady.
Klirrri ii nd l.nmtm Arllir n( tlooil,
Stroii Prices, All Selllntr Itnrly
Tiii Triers HlRltrat on
Itrrorit for .Jul).
SOUTH OMAHA. July 10. 1314.
Ttornlnm ..r..; Cnttln. Hoc. Sheep
Official Monday 2,070 S.W 9,012;
Official Tuesday 2,H ".380 9.l
Official Wednesday.. . l.oilfl S.4W Mjo!
Official Thurrdoy 9W 6.011 2.4M
Bstlmato Friday 245 5.715 6.0S2
Five days this week. 6,416
Same days lust week.. 11,486
Same days 2 wks. ago. 11,399
Same days 3 wks. ago. 12.095
Same days 4 wks. ago. 11,397
Same days last year.. R.603
Tho following table shows the receipt
of cattle, hogs and sheep at the South
Omaha live stock for the year to
date as compared with last year:
. . . 1H WW inc- Ht.
C'attlo 412.61 4.Vttl
Hogs UUaU 1.511,977 124,. 13
Sheen 1.132.6P2 971,192 161.60)
The following tublo shown xno range of
prices for hogs ut tho South Omaha live
stock market lor thu last few days, with
Date. 1914. 1913.m2.1911.HB10.1909.1908.
U 421 I 6 00
9 40 7 65
9 161 7 45 S 66
9 lut 7 451 6 84
9 24 7 40 5 SJ
9 26 7 4& 5 87
7 bSJ 5 S3
9 13 I 6 66
s 00 7 64
1 7 34 6 1S V9 7 621 5 99
9 R2I
7 661
6 03
io no
6 73
7 63
& 70
C 06
S 79
7 67j
6 321 8 S3
8 96
8 78j
7 76
7 69
C 18
6 25
6 15
8 66!
8 661
7 cr.
7 65
C 15
70 7 241 6 33
7 071 6 iM
Sunday. "Holiday.
ltecclpts and disposition of live stock at
tho I'nlou stock yards In South Omaha
for twenty-four hours ending nt 3 p. in.
C M. A 8t. P 3
V abash 3
Missouri Paclflo 4 1
Union Paclflo 15 20
C. & N. Wl, east 4
C. & N. V west 2 35
C, Ht. P., M. & 0 3 7
C, 11. ft Q.. cast S 1
(j., 11. & Li., west n 2
C. II. I. A P., east R 1
Illinois Central 2
Chicago Great Western 1
Total receipts 14 90 21
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
Morris & Co
Swift & Co 1.960
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour ft Co 71
J, W. Murphy '
Lincoln Packing Co 7
llnnton, Vnnsant ft I.. 19
McCreary ft Kollogg.... 9
Other buyers 1
Totals a0 6,624 4,960
CATTtiH ltocolpta this morning were
oxtrumely small; in fact, so smull that
thoro wero really not crtough on sale to
mako a market. All told only ton cars
wero reported In the yards, which leaves
the total for tho flvo days this week 6.415
Wiul Imlnxr thn smallest for many weeks
back, and smaller than n year ago by
1,100 head.
Therm wore no especially new develop
ments In the trado this morning. Such
cattle as wero offered generally changed
hands In fair season nt steady prices. As
there wero really not enough on salo to
mako a killing for any ono house, some
of tho buyers did not try to got any cat
tle, so that the trade was not as snappy
as yestomay, iiui aim u was in a neaitny
condition considering the light run.
Thero wero no choice steers In the yards
to mako a high top, but a two-load bunch
of c.iolco cornred heifers sola up to J9.W,
being tho highest price ever Paid on this
market for u carload or more of either
cows or holfors.
Quotations on cattle: Oood to choice bef
steers. J8.76frJ.55: fair to good beef steers.
J8.35J18.75; common to fair beef steers, J7.75
fl8.3R; good to choice cornfud heifers, J7.25
lf&,K; tair to good graues. i.iiuu7d; com
mon to fair grades, J3,7?33.76; good to
cholco ttockers and feeders, J7.MMI8.00:
fair to good mockers and feeders, JS.76(1
7,60; common to fair stockers and feodors.
16.2600.75: stock cows and heifers. J5.0CO
7.(ju: stook calves, J6.60i87.75; veal calves,
J7.wtriu.(iu; nuns, stags, etc., tn.eawi.'xt.
Representative sales:
No. At. I'r. No. At. Pr.
I 7t 1 00 11 lore I TS
11 7t 1 10 M 1131 I 65
1 ISO I 25 1 KM 1 In
27 1240 1 71
1 1030 6 60 1 1120 1 10
1 1220 1 20
15 1t0 I 60 41 7W 9 00
1 1M0 7 IS 1 1120 7 25
I Ill 10 00 1 110 10 10
i no io 60
721 6 W
HOaS Receipts were very moderate for
a Friday, only about nlnflty cars, or 6,715
head being reporteu, xne ioibi recouna
for the five days aro 81,344, being about
14,000 hood smalller than last week, and
about 9,000 head short of the same period
last year.
Shipping orders were not so largo as on
the last few days, but there was a good
healthv demand In evidence, and trade
opened strong with most bids around a
nickel higher. With everything In such
good shapo sellers were rather slow to
cut loose, and played tno market for all
It was worth, but In the end tho bulk of
thn sales moved at prlcea fully 6c higher.
There was not a great deat of activity In
evidence at any time. Hulk of the sales
were made at IS.tftftS.EO, with a top of
13.6V, top ror tno weeK to aate. prices
have been going up steadily all week and
today's flguron are 20Zr25c higher than a
week ago, with tops aoo higher, quality
of the hogs has born very Rood all week.
A few loads of rough, undesirable hogs,
mostly on tho heavy order, are still un
sold at the tlmo of closing this report
Most or. tnese tniien to oven attract a
bid all morning, and up to midday not
an offer had been made on tho majority
of them. Shippers would do well to re
member that wnuo packers are at pres
ent willing to pay higher prices for da
slrablo hogs, the common heavy sows are
In vory noor demand, and. as has bee.i
the case for several days this week, have
to ne neiu over.
Representative sales:
U ..
42 ..
At. Sh. I'r. No. At.
..S07 200 1 20 tl S67
..215 120 11(V4 (1 4
Sh. Pr.
40 I 42
1 41
..111 ... 20 1 in 40 I 4!
..410 ... 0 tl XI 40 1 41
..117 .. 1 70 Ml 40 1 41(4
..271 10 I 25 71 214 120 1 47(4
..237 20 24 U I7t 1M 47(4
.107 20 I JO J07 joo ( 47IX
.213 ... 40 14 351 120 1 4714
211 120 1 40
211 40 I 40
M I 47(4
.. I 10
40 1 10
40 B 60
1 40
111 90) 1 40
.147 110 1 iO
ISO 110 1 40
.227 40 1 40
271 10) 1 60
347 140 I 10
10 1 UV
44 I 41H
40 1 11(4
0 1 42(4)
40 1 So
M 1 60
... 1 SO
80 1 SO
271 110 I ii
40 I SO
..111 120 1 SO
. Wl . . 1 SO
. .214 120 1 60
M 1 41
124 240 1 41
Hi 20 1 IS
140 40 I lo
40 1 it
t 10
I 41
1 41
June 20. 8 vr 8 401 7 351 6 )
Juno 21. I 8 431 7 401 6 1SJ
June 22. 8 23U 6 441 ( 29
Juno 23. 8 091, 8 441 I 6 20
Juno 21. 8 094 8 61 7 46 6 14
Juno 25. 8 11 8 6J 7 86
Juno 2rt. S 17U 8 621 7 30 6 IS
June 27. 8 164 8 46 7 901 C 14
June H R ul t sil A (H
June at.) 8 1841
June ai. s n s bi u au
July 1. 8 17k 8 85 7 78 6 51
July 2. 8 20U 8 68 7 19
July 3.. 8 214 8 69 7 18 6 46
July 4 1
July 6.. 8 71 7 23 6 32
July 6.. 8 25 7 25 6 26
July 7. 8 26 8 81 6 31
July 8.. 8 31 8 82 7 21 6 55
July 9.. S 39i 8 761 7 191
July 10. 8 471 8
..140 1M I SO
M 1 II
.221 40 1 SO
10 I 41
1 Ml,
. .220 SfiO I 42
.m iio i tin
14 ...
. .241 14 I 41
. .M7 100 I 41
...217 10 I 41
. . .113 220 1 41
...200 40 1 42
...-221 ... Ill
...2 40 1 41
. Ill 200 1 (i
...20 200 I 41
..2TI 111 IU
1 IS
.299 210 8 16
..127 40 III
..210 200 I 6ft
..2uO 10 1171,
..222 .. lift
.211 ... IM
. Ill ... I 40
M . . .303 H 141 T 220 40 I (4
11 49 ... I 00
SHEEP Tho packers havo not gotten
what they wanted at any of the markets
this week, so wero afoot early this morn
ing and cleaned up a liberal run of lambs
In a few minutes at good, steady prices,
On paper lambs sold a dlmo higher, bu
this was due to a dlfferenco In quality,
which, generally speaking, was better
than any previous day of tho season. Tha
offerings moved scaleward almost as
soon as they came, with very llttla at
tempt at sorting, and what few seconds
and culls wero taken out sold around 16.50
6.76. Included among the sales wero
eleven oars of lambs that readied 29.10
and two cars at V3.
The aged sheep, practtcalty alt ewes,
sold at firm prices, there being two loadi
of Idaho ewes good enough to bring 13.10
Prices at the closo of the week arc atltl
10)20o better than a week ngo and have
attained the highest level ever known In
July t'ntll tho western crop shows up
In larger proportions than nt present no
serious depression In values is looked
for. The Improvement this week Is at
tributed to the short supplies. On Mon
day, with a moderate run at the disposal
of buyers, prices on both sheep and lambs
moved up lOfllSc. which wos followed by
Tuesday with moderate receipts' knd
prices strong to a dime higher. Since
then tho market has remained steady for
tho rest of tho week, though under pres
ent conditions tho undertone Is strong
and Is likely to continue that way until
larger runs put In nn appearance.
quotations on rsngo sheep and lambs;
Lambs, good to choice, J8.85J19.10; lambs,
fair to good, SS.ooB8.S5; lambs, feeders.
Jo.75fi6.50; yearlings, good to choice, J6.C5
di6.Hu; yearlings, fair to good, J6.vu3U.35.
wethers, good to choice, 5.455J6.70; weth
ers, fair to good, JS.35t(C45; ewes, good
to choice, J4.00tJ4.90; ewes, fair to good,
114 Montana wethers
116 Montana wethers
115 Montana wethers
Av. Pr
.103 5 90
, 104 6 90
.101 6 90
. 102 5 90
.57 8 60
,94 3 60
. 12) 6 10
,76 9 10
.30 6 25
. 114 6 10
. fg 9 00
.70 9 10
. 70 9 10
. 70 9 10
100 Montana wethers 102
48 lambs
64 ewe
394 Idaho ewes
55 Idaho lambs
120 feeder lambs
Ill Idaho ewes
1660 Idaho lambs
604 Idaho jambs
856 Idaho lambs
Cnttlr Slrndr to Stronir Hons
Htcndy to Shade Hlnlier.
CHICACO, July 10.-CATTLE-Recclpts.
2,500 head: market steady to strong,
beoves, J7.60t9.7S: steers. J8.404rS.35: stock-
crs anil iceuors, xo. iuu-wj nm
era, J3.7Ctl9.00; calves, J7.6010.R5.
11UU iteoeipts, m.wv noau, iiuHnei.
steady to shado nigner; duik oi jui".
J8 6OtjS.80; light, J8.45W8.Wl: mX.iK3&p
8.S3; heavy, JS.20dJS.GS; rough, J8.20JW.3...
purs, i7.j.u. . .
BtiEEP AND IxAMDS-Recelpts, 12.W0
l5.3ra2r; yearllnRB. $0.00f7.W; Imiibfl, $6.50
ir ivcau riTv Initf 1ft H A,lwTTal5-i.n-
colpts, 1,100 head; market, steady; irrlmo
r..i t vjna rr.. ,yrnmmnA hewf steers.
JS.00flfl.15; western steers. .K-Wffi
stockors ami teeuors, o.uwuo.w; uum, eo.
7.00; calves. J6.6OS10 00.
HOU8-ltecclpts, i.hjo ncau; maraet, ivo
ki-i.A, l.,iiv fa rjll 7R tiAdw S.7fif?R.75 ?
IIIHIIV . T. " , liv..,f , ' - ' .
nnnknra nml hlitehnrs. JiLGiw8.75: light.
JS.661t8.70: pigs, J8.0Ctr8.S5.
Klllilvl' lieceipis, km nraix; marnei.,
steady; lambs. JS.60?W.OO; yearllnga. J6.25
qi'i.w; woxners, ai.iiii..w; on", e"
5.00; stockers and feeders. J3.6OIT7,00.
' St. I.onls I.lvo Htoclc Market.
UT TJ-.ITTH -Tultf 1ft fiATTT.R Tt.
colpts, 1,200 head: market, strong! native
Deer Steers, xi.wxipj.rj; tows anu iipiien".
J5.00fl0.00; stockers and feeders, J5.00R7.60;
southern steers, J5.754T8.40; cows and heif
ers. J4.6CKil6.6S; nutlvo calves, J3.0OtT10.60.
HOtiR Receipts, 4.200 head; market, 10c
higher: pigs and lights, J7.25ftH.90; mixed
and butchprs, J3.76J8.0; good heavy, 13.80
SHEEP Receipts, 6.000 head: market,
steady; muttons, Jt.75QO.O0; lambs, J8 00
flo in City Live Stock Mnrket.
SI6UX C1TV. July 10. CATTLE Re
ceipts, 3no bead; market, stendv: native
steers, J8.0OW8.D0; butchers, J6.0OiiJ6.15i can
nors, J3.DOlfTi.00; hulls, stags, etc., J6.00
II043S Receipts, 6,500 head:- no tone;
hoavy, JS.374fff.45: mlxod, J8.324fi8.374;
light. J3.30fiX324: bulk of sales. JS.30-38.40.
SHEEP Receipts. 5.000 head; market,
steady: fed muttons. J6E0fj7.25: wethers.
J5.25iTC.75i ewes, JJ4.0O35.00; lambs, J6.OO0J)
Nt. Joseph Live Stock Mnrket.
RT JOSEPH, Mo.. July 10. C ATT L.E
Receipts, 200 head: market steady: steers,
J7.2W.25: cows and heifers, 24.0009.00;
calves. JO.fjOOlO.OO.
HOtiS Receipts. 2.R00 head; market
higher: bulk, JS.45fl8.65.
head; market steady; lambs, J7.W3D.0O.
Coffee Market
NEW YORK. July 10.-COFFEE tower
European cables and. slightly easier cost
and freight offers combined with a de
cline In tho rate of Urazlllan exchange
encouraged bearish sentiment In the local
coffoo market and after opening nulet nt
a decline of 4 points, active months sold
about 6ftl3 points net lower. Partial ral
lies followed on covering with the close
at a not loss of Zffl points. Sales. 18.000
bags; July. 8.53c; August, 8.41c: Septem
ler. 8.6I0; October, 8.61c; December, 8.8O0;
January, 8.83e; March, 8.93o; May, 8.97c.
Spot, easy; Rio No. 7. 84c; Santos No. 4.
114c7 Mild, dull; Cordova. 12ttlo, nom
inal. Cotton Mnrket.
tures closed steady; August, 13.26c; Oc
tober, 12.21o: December, 12.3Sc; January.
12.31c; March, 12,36c: May, 12.68c, Spot,
quletj middling, 13.25c; gulf, UCOo. No
Cotton closed very steady at a net gln
of from 2 to 12 points.
easier: good middling, 7.85o: middling.
7.S3d; low middling. 6.85d; sales. 6.000 bales.
St. I.onls Oenernl Market.
ST I3UI8, July 10,-VHEAT-No. 3
red, 7Mt194o; No. 2 hard, 79306o; Septem
ber, 76VMT6Kc. . w.
CORN-No. 2. 704c; No. 2 white, 77oj
September. 64Tic. ......
OATS No. 2, 5S4c; No. 2 white, 40c.
Nivr York Money Mnrket.
NEW YORK. July lO.-MONEY-Call,
steady, at 24Q2 per cent; ruling rate,
t per cent; closing bid, 24f?2 per cent.
Time loans, steady; sixty days, 24 per
cent; ninety days, 24 per cent; six
months, 3414 per cent.
eeSTERLINa EXCHANGE Easier: sixty
days, J4.8560; demand, J4.b"60; commercial
bills. J4.S6CH.S54. rr w ,
SILVER Bar, KJic; Mexican dollars,
BONDS-Oovernment, steady; railroad,
Closing quotations on bonds today were
as Jw KVLIftatt U M. 1.., -102(4
"do colpont... Lortllard 1. 1CU.
U 8. laVrei; 1 I- N. unt. 4i.. ., Sil,
do coupon 101 ,M. K. 4 T. irt 4,. Ml
U 8. 4. Ttt lMSMo. rac. ct. Sa 7U
do eouuon 110 N. V. C. f. IH 114
Panama Sa coupon.. 101(1 &a oeb. 4, Vi
Arner. At. Sa 100HN. y, e. 4(la. 182..17(,
Am CVtlon Oil la.. 1V'. Y. 8tate 4Ha....U0(
AT&T cv. 4Ha (iN. Y Ity. adj. 6... 64U
Am Smeltlni la... l04V,N Y.. N. H. 4V II.
Am. Tobacco a. .-I"., ct. la 1074
Amour Co- 4(i. JiN. W. ct. 44i..1J4
AtehUon 10. 4t ... HSNo. Paclflo 4l JS
do "t. i?. 4 do 1. 17
A C. U clt 4a.. . 1H"0. B. U raf. 4,... 2
Pal. a Ohio 4(.a.... l'4Pac. T. T. 6a.,.,, 97
lieth. Steel r. S MHPann. ct. ma. 1111. 9Ji,
Urook. Tr. ct 4. . W(i do con. 4a ,.100(,
icn. of a: Sa. .104 .Rar Con. I, 113
On leather la MUIteadlnt ten. I, MVi
Chea. &. Ohio 4Vii.- 94,llp. Meet Sa, 1J40.. 4(
do ct. 4".4a l"iS. I & 8. V, r. 4 70(,
C II. t Q 1. 4, ... IKiSt. U S. VT. . it. m,
do ten. 4a W W. A. U adj. la.... 77',
C. a. W. 4, 74 So. Hell. Tel. Sa.,.. 91
C M & B P c 4Ha.10lJ.So. Pae, cv. 4s It
do ten. 4'4 1MJ. do raf. 4a...,...,., 9114
C. It. I. & P- JSV30- Hallwar ta . .I04f
do raf. T7I do ten. 4a i
C. N. W Itta.... 11 Taaa Co. ct. ta.,..103
P fc 8. ref. 4Ha.. 15 Texaa p. m
D i II. 0. ret. I SO Third Ato. adj. la.. ;u
Plttillera' Sec. la... Hit Union Pacific 4f MU
Erie ct. U. aer. D.. 71(4 'do ot. 4a SI
do ten. 4,.. Tl'.iU. S, rtubber a,,..i0SH
Clen Electric Sa 0iW. 8. Sleel Se... , 10114,
Ct No. lat 4(4,... 100T,'.-C. Cham, la 171,
III. Can. ref. 4a llklWabaah lat Sa 1021.
Inter. Mat. 4Ha. .... 714'Weat. fnloa tUs... Ill,
K. C. Po. ref. la.. 91 Wert. Elee, cr. Sa.. 9S4I
U S. deb. 4e. 1MI . M4
Bid. Offered,