Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 11, 1914, Page 13, Image 13

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    THE BKE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JlTLY 11, 1014. w
- " - 1 " i . uj ii i 'i i " Ml I .Ml Mi I 'I'll 1 1 II . I'll L,!l. .I I
What Dame .Fashion Is Offering :: Dc':Lby
Two Charming Styles Direct from the aris Shops
W dfsslaar Isbbbbbi
JL a
Tho. most successful modei!fthe sea
ton lias beauty as well as usefulness' to
iSome Plain. Facts About Public Schools
Criticism Recentlyfuttered by, Clergy and a Politician Sounds Goodbut Isn't Based on Pacts
(Coiiyrlght, 19ll. by Star Company.)
Recent utterances' niako It absolutely
necessary that there should be some
frankiVord upon the subject of our pub
lic schools. ...
A Baptist preach
er of New .York
named Chambers,
ttalkln? before an
audience In Tre-
U "
montUemplo, Bos
ton, palled .tho
American public
fcchool system. . all'
sorts , of hard
names; and that
great ' man and
( Illustrious states
man 'whose rising
fame.vthreatcns to
push 'Gavour, Glad
stone and Bismarck from their pedestals,
the eic-Hon. Bird S. .Coler, told the people
of Troy last week that the public schools
were hferlor to the church schools and
were 'responsible for the "absenco of tho
essentials that make for charooter build
lnff." He',.'T. E. Chambers finds In tho de
ficiencies of the public schools the ex
planation of the "harvest of young crim
inals Jn our largo cities, and tho growth
of homicides and suicides far outstripping
that of any other enlightened country on
the sttbe."
The x-IIon. Bird S. Coler has discov
ered jjio fact that the church schools
"have-'the saving principle which has
been ij&mlntued from tho-public schools;"
and. In addition; that 'cntorprlslng fceh
tlematri has found In the church schools
... "a secular education which, in every re-
cent Wt, has shown superior efficiency
over Uje public-, school .education."
.Vow? the plain truth is that these gen
tlemen'; have fo.und no.-such thing. In
other jvords, they don't know what they
are tajking about.
As to nev. air. Chambers, ho should
know ihat the "homicides nnd suicides"
In the' United States do not "far outstrip"
tho rejjprd of "all other enlightened coun
tries on the globe." In suicides many
of the; European nations far exceed us;
and the percentage of homicides in this
country compares favorably, to say tho
least, with tho percentages of the old
As regards the "harvest of. criminals
In the.lig cities' .Mr.. Chambe'rs-hpud
ask lijmself the qiestlonv'v "How much
of th!Ms'due directly to th& big cities,, to
aboutwtho "harvest of criminal," tlte
-flrvn1 'lAun..ii" nnd' ill thnl
of thing-, Is pure twaddl.--K6r Instance,
but ffh Persons out of IDOjOOO.'in the
United' StatV commit uufcjjtyj'' and the
Nguny tor lomiclde W etlll smallr.k,fcMV
rather thJijf"Jiarvi$t," 'a 'rather malf
'floodi" vli'en al)'' thinfeS'are considered.
Ahcn the whole thinK Is taken In'o Ac
count especially tho . promlsrODUs
separable rroinau'grair centers or, jcon
vested;ihu'manlty " , ,
It mights be-'said,'. In. pMsIng.rtlfat' vejy
muchfbf the talk that. ls-LEotng around1
which fills a.', most important position In
!the wardrober
"The model wo show Is of corbeau blue
gabardine; .
Thq. 'bodice Is a bloused kimono which,
depends from a. plain band of tho' ma
terial at tho nock. Inside of this' plain
hand Is a second band of .bnyadore-sllki
And above this stands ii 'Gladstone'' col
lar of organdie to ma(cfi-lhc-4u(toned
cuffs at, the pnds of tho "lo'nirseml-flttad
peeves ' pendant 'from ueep'JruniSr
scams. Tho girdle Is a molrctbtnVwiUi
a bayadere, edge ana is dowoih ai wo
back wltfT two 'Jong ends fInlsherTh"pas
sementcrle tasaols.
character of oUr populatton"In tho big-
cities, where most of the crime Is found
the showing Is a most encouraging one
to .everybody except preachers, and
As to Mr. Coler's obiter dictum about
the "superior efficiency." . ot the church
schools in tho "test of secular education,"
It may be said .that It is not worth tho
breath It took to utter It. Tho statoment
Is positively ridiculous, too funny for ser
ious consideration.
Not much less amusing Is Mr. Coler's
pronunciamento regarding the "savlnff
principle" which ho professes to have
found In tho nonpublic schools.
It Is well known to all who have gone
to tho trouble to Investigate that matter
that the morality, decency and all around
civic fitness of the graduates of tho
public schools need fear no comparison
with tho graduates of other schools. Fur
thermore, It may bo said with perfect
truthfulness that the young people turned
out by the public schools do not furnish
the majority of the criminals.
"Saving, principle" or no saving prin
ciple, this statement Is absolutely correct
an"d'"ca"ri "be" proved tp"be correct:
Ip,fact, It'ls about tlmo that this slan
dering of the. public schools and their
teachers and pupils had ceased. It Is a
monstrous shame, as falso aa It is In
famous, and there should be no more of It
Q. "You atated that 'mind created elec
trons,' which In time develop bodies. How
do you account for the fact that it is
necessary to have a body in order to havo
a mind? Ordinary common sense should
show that If there wero no bodies thero
would be no minds."
A. I print, In different porta ot the
world, that nothing exists but 'electrons,
and expect to publish this basic truth
dally until I tumble out Jit my chair, it
follotfft' Mat, -since nothing else exists,
all .bodies -ara-mado up of electrons.
Inhave-never published or stated In my
le'etureHthit bodies havo'been-developed
frohf. eledtf'o'nU. I always say "formed'"
..J21ctrqh are pure electricity, but I do
not know what electricity Is. I publish
loontlnually that mind created electrons,
jandcreted nothing else besides, My
reason for stating this Is that mind Is
jthoYouiy entity wlthjn" the entire" rang
tpf'altfhuman experience that- has the In-
dfngto Itself by thinking thoughu that
hdy2-never been thought before,. This
process I call "creating."
True, common sense tells us that bodies
are required to havo mind, nd Just com
mon Bfinae teaches that the entire aid.
ieraal.'unlverte turns around tho earth
ence dally. Common sense tells us that
heat ahd light reach tho earth from tho
sun; when' energy only arrives. Common
. Mind As a Creator
Tho oversklrt Is; plaited. The under- .
skirt Is pfaln 'and round and fastens In
.front under a stitched seam.
As a charming reaction, against some .of
ihe exaggerated chapeaux of' tho early
jjumtnor,". pomes fhs . delightfully eano
"eldcho" shape, sponsored' by a roprcsen-j
tativo. French house. It Is a Bmoll bonnit
of Italian straw faced In black velvet.
A wreath of roses, daisies and eaVs of'
wheat encircles tho crown.
' "fhe 1IM "qneraftt? blouse Is, of fine
net cut Jn a doop-.V ln.front and ruffled:
along'' $ ribbon pftUrquosgf blue. Toe"
sleeves are -maae in m same way ana
havo blue bows tying tho fullness. Oliv
ette What do'i these gentlemen want? Do
they want to haVe religion taught In the
public schools? They will never llvo to
seo It. A pretty mess It would be, with
200 or 300 different and bickering creod
lsts pulling uway at the children, en
gendering confusion, fostering- ill-will and
muddling the young-mind like a stlrrcd-up
duck pond.
. The men who made this nation and
established Its Institutions were wise.
They knew history, and thoy did not need
to bo told that to mix up church and
stato Is to commit national suicide.
Bo they decided that the people should
have no official copartnership -with tho
churches, and that the people's- schools,
like all the other public Institutions,
should bo secular purely and simply
secular, rather than half secular and?h'alf
And tn this they did well. To havo done
less would havo been In the end dis
astrous. If tho day ever comes when the people's
money Is appropriated for sectarian pur
poses, and sectarian shibboleths aro per-l
mlttod to Invade tho precincts of our pub
lic .school system, the great experiment In
democratic government on this continent
will have foiled and the curtain will hava'
fallen upon the attempt at free and pro
gressive government In our beloved coun
try. sense receives teachings from youth to
death from all manner of sources by
seeing, hearing, reading and hearing
words spoken. Hut at least half of this
Is known to be false; better, three-fourths
The entlro clvlllzod World Is now
flooded with books, papers, magazines
and letters by hundreds of millions, giv
ing testimony In every pobsIWo way, In
numerable and, varied ways. In thousands
of cases, where proof is as accurate and
full as any testimony In any court; that
mind, or at least a force having every
known property of mind, aots outside ot
any known body.
Now, the cause of these excessively
wonderful things Is mind, or a power
having every proporty of mind that ha
ever been discovered. Then mere, ordi
nary common sense would say tho force
Is mind.
The I'nrm is Ileal Life.
' iWhy Is It that railway magnates, presi
dents of banks and headi of great enter-
'prises who must perforce do business in
cities,-almost' all try to have homes on
farms In the country, where they le-
ciui iuiia, pinm crops ana oreea ani
mals? It Is because thoro Is wearisome
monotony In p)led-up brick and . atone.
Thero Is confusion in crowded streets and
clanging trolley cars and hot, smoky rail
ways. These things man has made, and
they nro heedful, hut they are not life,
much bs th. farm boy may Imagine thorn
ttf lfe TlrecJerS' Garcttc.
We Have 29 Women's Spring Suits Lett
Take Your Choice of Them Saturday at
They aro absolutely all
wool materials, in jierges,
oropo popUag, gabardines
and Bedford cords, and
thoy portray tho season 's
best stylos; values range
to $27.B0, at "
Up to $18.50 Summer Coats
SB50 Tnoro nro osaotly 12
JjCt coats iu this lot. Half
of them are silk linod.
Thoy como in ratine, poplin and
novelty coatings, in tan, leather,
M i a 11 it -
Uopcn ana tango, ah inc Benson s b
best styles. I
Silk and Wool Dresses
4 95 Valncs to 519.50
A romarknblo offor-
ln.jr of stylish nfter-
noon and s t r o o t
drosses In serge, wool crope, taf
feta and cropo do chtno, in tho sea
son's best models and In all tho
now shades. Nono worth loss than
112.50 and up to 19.50.
Worth $1.50
Saturday wo will put on salo ovory pleco of porch furnlturo
shown on our first floor furnlturo suited ,to Indoor or outdoor
use at prices way below our regular low prices.
33) Discount Saturday
Cretonne upholstered chairs and rockers; settees In brown
or ivory, big swings, stands, tdbles, flower boxes, baskets, foot
stools, etc,, In green fibre. Everything to mako your porch beau
tiful and comfortable. Como Early. Tho opportunity of tho en
tire supmer;
See real estate columns for bargains
Do you carry an "lm'aglnary mop" In
your head, and If so, do you know to
what extent It Is erroneous?
If It is as far wrong as It Is fjulto
likely to be It
would pay you to
get It corrected at
any cost of time
and effort.
It sepms . to bo
due to "Imaginary
maps," which haye
got caught llko
cobwebs In people's
brains, that so
many full-grown
and highly Intelli
gent persons are
unable to find
their way unas
sisted In a strange
city, a strange country, or oven In their
own homo town If they happen to emerge
from an unfamiliar door.
. A correct sense of orientation, or of
direction, is a gift possessed by relatively
fow persons. Those who havo It seldom
go astray, no matter where thoy are.
Put them In a strango city which they
have never visited before and. they, find
their way about, with .astonishing case
and certainty. They appear to know
north, east, south and west by Instinct,
as If they carried some kind of a com
pass In the head,
On tho other hand, those who are not
born with or have not acquired this
faculty are ashelpless as InfanU after
you have taken them Out of sight of' their
home and turned them around, a fow
times. ....
These are persons who get lost In the
woods; traveling round and round In
circles Instead of pursuing a direct' route
in any fixed direction." A permthUs
afflicted, as Prof. C. C. TrowbrMgo ha
shown, is likely to turn the wrbiig, way
when starting to. go home from tho
theater, or when emerging from tho sub
way at an unfamiliar point.
The subject of "Imaginary mapa" Is,
then, a practically. Important ' one, ' and
Prof, Trowbridge's Investigations, of. It
are highly Interesting for every thought
ful reader. Two principal and radically
different methods of orienting one's -stilt,
that is, -of getting a right sense of direc
tion, aro shown by him to exist. Ono
he calls the "doml-centrlc" method (from
ComUs, 'homo"), uttd the other the "ego
"hero will bo 20 happy
II II women Saturday; who buy
thoso buUb. Thoy are all
desirable colors
and thoro aro
every size from
Up to $12.50 Linen Suits
G tyR About 15 linoti suits in
j.1 French and
Hi W1UII-, Kill, vujiuu
and leather shades. They como in
Norfolk, capo and novelty styles,
and offer exceptional values. About
five modols to chooso from.
Voile and Tub Silk Waists
$4.25 & Middy Blouses
1 VaIucs 10 52-50
An unusual waist ban
gain. Tub silk waists In stripes
and solid colors. Voile waists with
colored embroidery, and middy
tllrtll... ( n nn.fnll. !! m Jt .1 -
.wvai-v., im nullum Bllul QI1U H 1 U H O m
that luoo up the sides. Values rang 1
from (8 to 12.60, and offer excep- I
tlonal savings. I
Maps and Their Harm
contrlo" method (from ego, I, myself).
Civilized man uses tho ego-centric
method, which Is usually based upon the
four fundamental points" of the compass,
north, east, south and west, as related
to the observer's own person, no matter
whero that person may be situated.
Tho lower creatures, and men also In
certain circumstances, use tho doml
centrlc method, In which all directions
are reckoned with rcferenco to tho posl-
Advice to the Lovelorn
He rntlent.
Dear Miss Fairfax: I atn a young girl
and I am very fond of u fellow of about
my own age. This fellow travels and I
do not seo much of him, but when he is
with mo he acts us though he cared for
mo. Wo did not nee each other for a
week, and when I did see him he auld hu
wuh very lonesome for me. A follow
friend of his told my girl friend that ho
cared for me. Of course. In ills truvelH
he. seed very ninny girls, but ho claims
he likes nono as well its myself, and he
rays ho wishes that I traveled with him.
The question Is, How can I find out It
he cares for me as I think ho does?
Don't attempt to hurry matters. Accept
the friendship that Is offered you and
make yourself as tweet and agreeable as
possible. When this man Is ready to
xpeak to you seriously he will do so. In
the meantime don't frighten him off with
a show of over-anxiety.
The Art of Con vermilion.
Denr Miss Fairfax: Today I read your
article on "Tnlk and Popularity." It Is
Imlecd Interesting to real your articles,
and In every way try to follow your
valuable advice.
I'm far from an Interesting talker. I
can express my feelings much better on
jwper. When It comes to tulklng per
sonally with some chap I'm afraid they
find me dull, I lovo to llrten rather than
talk, for every time thut I wish to talk
on some subject I cun't find words to
express myself. It all sticks In my throat
and the words Just won't come. Will
you advise me personally? DAWN It.
A girl who writes as will as you do Is
suro to learn to converse If she tries
faithfully. Talk slowly and express your
meaning In short, simple sentences. The
art ot listening well und sympathetically
Is a. rare gift Since you havo this, why
rot follow the conversation of others In
stead of trying to lead It? Head the old
dramatists and some of George Mere
dith's novels. In these you will find con
vocation as a fine art.
nnd Btyles,
some in
34 to 46,
rntnio linen,
Dainty Summer Dresses
$K98 Va'ncs 10 $7-50
jOm . Th,B ,ot contains
wJp dainty wash dresses
In lawns, voiles and
cropos, In tho latest summer styles
with long Russian tunics, etc. In
solid colors, stripes and tho new
awning stripes. Values rango from
16.60 to 17.50.
Worlh $2.25
A Face Powder
L )
the Complexion
THERE IS A RIGHT nnd n wrong
way to apply fnco powder. Somo
women merely "dnh it on" to cover
a "shiny no8et' or to give a white ap
pearance to the skin.
Others apply a fuco powder to actually .im
prove tho complexion. And thoy succeed.
Dut theso first got tho right powder.
Mmc. Iso'boll'B. Exquisite Faco Powder will
Improve any cojmplexlon. It softens tho skin
whtlo beautifying it. It is so pure and whole-
soma that It will not harm tho tender skin of a baby.
Mmo. Ise'boll's Exquisite Faco Powder comes in threo shades
Naturello, Drunetto and White. You can got Just tho shado you should
havo and it will blond so perfoctly with tho natural tone of your com-,
ploxlon that its uso Is not detected yet gives your face that fresh,,
soft and delicate loveliness that every woman desires.
Mint. iM'tell's TUtklih lUth Oil. VXs nd It.
Mm. Itl'tMiri Exqulilte Ptc IVwder. 60c.
Mm. Ii'bir.Co14 Cream, C0 and tl.l).
Mme. iM'MII't Nalunl niuita Roui, Mc.
Mim. lM'ball's Xlo Blush Stick Ilouff, Mo.
Sold by Good Stores Everywhere. , .
Made by Nme. Ise'bell
The World's Most Famous Beauty Expert
352 North Michigan Ave,, Chicago, III.
tlon of the Individual's dwelling place,
which Is taken as the center, Instead of
the person.
"Imaginary maps" are mental repre
sentations of tho bearings, or directions,
of distant places, which have become
fixed In the mind through early educa
tion, or through later Impressions, and
which aro sornotlinvs so Incorrect that
the points of the compass aro completely
reversed with respect to their proper di
rection. Prof. Trowbridge distinguishes more
than a halt dozen different types of
Imaginary maps, nnd soma of them are
very curious.
One typo is that in which the possessor
of tho imaginary map always thinks of
north as being directly In front of him
no matter which way he may happen to
face- Starting with this fundamental
error he places nil the other points ot the
compass In their correct relative pos
tlpns, east being always on the right
hand and west on the left. Dut, owing
to the original mistake, he may be com
pletely turned round with regard to
actual directions.
Another typo Is that In which all dls
tqnt points seem to lie either toward the
east or the west. Prof. Trowbridge has
found two cases In this city In which the
persons afflicted with an imaginary map
of this kind think ot both Madrid and
Ban Francisco as lying west from New
In some cases the Imaginary map
changes with the locality In which tho
person happens to be. Thus Prof. Trow
bridge mentions a person whose Imagln-
ary map Indicates the directions of dis
tant places as Its degrees west ot their
real bearings, when he is at One Hundred
and Sixteenth street, and only 90 degrees
west when he Is at Forty-second street,
while, when he arrives Fourteenth street,
his Imaginary map disappears, or, In
other words, he conceives of directions
as they really are.
It appears to be possible to get rid of
an Imaginary map by careful education
of the eense of direction, and that being
so It behooves overyono who finds hlm
seir contused this way to take the neces
sary measures to correct his false Ideas.
In fact, about one-half of the mental
effort which Is now wasted by everybody
In consequence of erroneous notions
would bo saved, and th affairs of tho
world would run along much faster and
more smoothly. If oeonle would onlv take
ns much care of their mental mechanism
as they do ot their clocks and watches.
33 lB-WBk V "HB". IMmntarMIWI
Tlio printer cannot pro
duce good printing by use
ing cuts which nro mado
in n "devil may care"
mnnner. Neither can a
newspaper show good il
lustrations unless tho cuts
for this purposo nro mado
"Wo know tho require
ments of newspapers when
it comes to making cuts
and will glvo you tho benefit
of our long experience. We
employ tn our ongravlng, art
and photo department, the best
workmen that can bo found for
tho class of work required.
Zinc Etchings, 10 sq. In. or
less, 60c.
Nowstoncs, CO or 85 screen,
10 sq. In. or less, 80c
Copper Halftones, 10 sq. In.
or leBB, $1.50.
The Bee Engraving Dept.
ISO St BIdff., Omaha, Nb,
That Beautifies
MM 13. 1813'BKtiU
Mm. I'bell' J.llic Hind Whlttncr, e.
Mm. I'bir Skin Food nl Wrtnkl rtite.
Mo and L
Mm. Im'IhII'i Feh Worm Eradlct'ter. ft.
Mm. iM'btll't D. C. Depilatory Fo'wdtr, IL
Madame, fse'Iell'f
m3eauy Lesson
I.12SSON xl l'AHT V.
'h ileal Culture,
Suppose tho care of a. house and small
family devolves upon an' intelligent wo
man who believes It her duty to keop her-
' self as well and strong aa possible. Hpw
would she go about this, regarding tho
home as her gymnasUm and her bropm
and other household Utensils as her ap
paratus? This Is tho.regUno I outline for
After a good night's sleep In a well
aired room, rise sufficiently early to do
ten minutes' breathing exercises, take a
cold bath or salt rub and dress properly
for housework. Uy" this I do pot mean a
loose wrapper thrown over an uncorseted
or badly corseted figure and run-over
shoes. A woman who attacks her day's
work clothed In sucn fashion hampers
herself as much as If she were to tie ono
arm to her side. Think a minute of tho
many discomforts and useless movements
that como from such slack dressing and
you will see that this statement Is tnot
an exaggeration. Tomorrow I will de
scribe what I consider .. proper working
Lesson XI to be continued.
Mrs. F. II. U asks me about liquid
rouge and if it is harmful. There Is noth
ing In the best quality of liquid rouge
that can btjrt the skin and for some rea
sons I prefer It to tho powdered or greaso
rouges. It Is apt to be more natural In Its
effect and adheres - better, but a liquid
rquge ahould be applied wUh care. Put
a small amount on each cheek Just below
the cheek bones and then rub lightly In
circles over the entire cheek. Be sure tho
color does not end abruptly. Apply pow
der after you hava put on tho rouge.
fail iiinuiiuiii