TIIK BKK: OMAHA, SATl'KDAV, JLVLY 11. 19U. BRIEF CITY NEWS Sara Root Print It Now Beacon l'rrs. Xlfa Monthly Inoonia Gould, Heo niUs ridellty Storage & Van Co., Dour. 1316. Clffht-Inch Illeotrlo rana for homo use. i 50. Burgpss-Graiulcn Co. Wanted Oood City oana Prompt closing Klret Titiet Company of Omaha, Whtn you know g-aa llRhtltiR you pro fer It Omaha Oas Co.. 1509 Howard St Nebraaka Savlng-a and Loan Aia'n. offers Investors complete security, a ronvfnlnf form ot Investment anil Hhoral arnliiRs. IRK Fsmnm St. "Villa" at Carter lake Or K itolovt ehlner Is completing; the construction ot a largo "villa" on the Carter Lake club Kmunds, five lots north of the entrance. Wants to locate Her Father Mlsrf I'.tnel Slolghtholm of Kansas City, Kan., writes to the police aaklnK that her step father. Robert XV. Ulake, a hou?o painter, bo located. "Today's Cowpleta Morle FrofTam" may bo found on tho first paa of the classified section today, nnd appears In The Ueo EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what tho arlous moving picture theaters offer. Charged with Fortrlnc a Oheok Cliff iiiatle was bound over to await action of the district court when lie was ar raigned In pollco court for the forgery of a signature to a $14 check. Vliltlntr In Criaaha Mrs Wnnb n-,..,. Kwasscr and daughter May of Pittsburgh. Pa., Is tne guest of Mrs. M. Newman, 2M Ilurdctto. t stret Mr. A. Newman and little daughter Sadie of Sioux City, la., are the guests of Omaha Newmans also. Walker on Camping Tour President C. T. Walker of tho Hoard of Education and his family will leave Sunday for an extended automobllo tour through Kan sas, Mliaourl and Iowa. Mr.Valk'er vlll carry tents and full camping-out equip ment. Women Aak for Divorce Mrs. Ufav Karct Hill has miod James Hill- for di vorce, alleging desertion. Mrs. Alice Dil lon has brought suit for divorce agalnBt Alfred Dillon, alloglng failure to support her. She asks that her maiden name. Allco Cdrter. bo restored. nig Bupply of Calendars The Union 1'aeifio has placed tho order for tts an nual supplvof calendars for 1915. Last year the order was for lTS.OOX This year It is for 200,000. In style and color tho calendars will be tho samo as In tho past, except that tho worlds "Union Pa cific System" will bo added. Knocked from Bloyole K. Evers, 3062 AVoolworth street, was seriously hurt when ho was knocked from his bicycle at Twenty-ninth and Farnam by the auto driven by Joseph Pick, Uintah apart ments. The, Injured man was taken to the Nicholas Senn hospital. As it was evidently a caso of unavoidable accident, no arrests were made. Comba Baok from Denver T. L. Combs, president of the American Na tional Retail Jewelers' association, has just returned from Denver, where ho at tended the annual state, convention of tho ( olorado Retail Jowelers association Monday and Tuesday last Ho says that Henver Is -in golden nttlro for tho Elks' Golden Jubllep 'and that the decorations nro wonderfully beautiful. 11 WHAT RATS COST THE NATION Three Hundred sixty Million Year l Plxril nn l.onn Thronuh Ito. dents Depreilntloim, Hats. mice, files. niDsnultocs and the various forms of body parasites have al ways been held In contempt and disgust, 1 alnd always and everywhere have been regarded as vermin. Crowlna knowledge of the Impsrtunt role played by these lower forma of animal life In the trans mission trf disease I ample Juttltlcatlon for this feeling. They are exceedingly expensive. The Journal of the American Medical association comments on a recent article In the Farm and Fireside, which dls-' cusses the amount or damage done in this country by rats, and estimates that thero am In the United States at least 3WW0.0M of theso Animals, alike destructive to property and dangerous to hettlth. Rata are said to destroy IIWAO.OOI orth of grain every year In this country, or enough to feed one hen for every man. woman and rhlld In the nation. The an nual cost of inrs to the nation Is estl mated at 8tf.O0OOM In addition, the rat population of th. country forma a fertile field for the dis semination of bubonlr Plague, which only heeds a starling point In any of our sea ports to spread throughout the coutilrv and cause the loss of thousands of lives. In the same Issue of the Form nnd Fire side, b-it in n. vrrcrcn: rtpaitmnta Ap pears an artlile on the cattle tick. In , which it is vstlmated that the dltfctenre , between the market .slue of an animal I free from this parasite and one infested , vlth It Is about M a inw. nnd that the i ' cattle tick Is today .-nullng the storkmm of tho country I.O00.rtffl,Xt each deiade. or I lino,co3.(M each year. Tho l'8ioer and tV .elopirent of boi tcHologv showed tliat man had been carrying on fui enti'riea an enc insi Ion Mrtigg'e with the lower foims of vege table life. Retont additions to knowledge of the habits and characteristics or ver inln show that an equally relentless strug gle has been going on between man and the lower forms of animal life Barbecue to Be Feature of Meet of Republicans The barbecue and ox roast of the Doug las County Republican lcaguo at Florence h a suro thing. At a meeting ot the league last night at faarlght hall it was ileftnltelypde'clded upon. It is to bo-held Saturday, August S. It is to be a big af fair and a crowd of thousands !s ex pected. "Enough m?at will tie prbvlded- xo lupply a. crowd of this-magnitude. The three candidates for governor on the re ubllcan ticket John? O. YeUer,..Ross L, Hammond and J, 'H. Kemp will be In vited to address tho gathering. Other Breakers will bo called' upon also. Lemon ade Is to be -furnished In great abundance nnd everything Is to bo free. Dr. Harry A. Foster was made chair man of the barbecue committee. Besides Foster, the commltteo consists ot John McArdlij' ,F. S. Tucker, Henry F. Myers, Senator JoTin McFarland and James IVVnlsh of Benson. Jamea Walsh Is a 'veteran In the man- ox roast at Benson that drew 15,000 peo ple andwaa an affair lone remembered nnd talked, of as a wonderful success. Sheriffs to Meet at Lincoln Soon Uus Hyera lord high, sheriff of Lancas ter county, is reminding his friends and sheriffs tn'-general of the Impending gath ering Lincoln, which Is the scat of his shrievalty,' of the International Sheriffs' association in this wise: J600 REWARD for the 'capture and conviction of the sheriff who falls to attend the Interna tional Sheriffs' association which meets at Lincoln. Neb., July 21 to 23. Inclusive. Governor -Morehead and Mayor Dahlman will be the principal speakers. One hun dred dollars' reward for the arrest of the sheriff who falls to bring his wife along. 1Y0U will meet more stars here than you ever met in your life. Ne braska "sheriffs will act as hosts. Make this yodr vacation. Drop me a card (t , you are coming, uus hxjshb, tnerin. Lincoln, Neb., July, 1914. jrllc Miimiuotn Microbe, Tho '.microbe craze Is a good thing," said Dr. Egbert R. Hewlttson, the well known nlstologlst. at a dinner In Atlantic L'lty. Va V. I .. V. I 1 i v-p. me iuiuiuuc naze IB tx )uu millet It bus cleaned un the world. It has nut a lot of diseases on thevrun. But ,at the same time, it has Its humorous side. I frequently urge my little on to have nothing to do with dogs or cats because they are full of microbes. This morning, however I came on him on the leach playing with n stray mongrel. But lust as I came up he quitted the mongrel hurriedly? " 'Papa,' he said, 'it's true about dogs having Vilcrobes. A big black microbe just Jumped out of that dog's coat and lighted on my hand,' " The Nmv Ciwwn. daby Deslys said In New York of the 1914 fashions In gowns: "These revelation gowns, evil as they are lor ever uuay najra uiey ro evil, 80 It must be true these revelation gowns on a beautiful woman are, alas, unques tionably becoming, "nut they're unhandy things, too. A bootmaker showed me the other day a supper witn a tiny purse-pocKet hidden In the heel. ' 'An absolute necessity,' he Bald, 'for the preaent-day gown affords no cbanco for the purse's concealment on any othor part of the person.' " VJtANrrtANS STRAW HAT :atupday A &ANOCIS STOtCS. Saturday, July 11, 1914. BURGESS-NASH COMPANY Y iTTimi urn wiiii imii'iwMn STORE NEWS FOR SATURDAY. BURGESS-NASH COMPANY Sixteenth and Harney Streets. our Choice From Our Entire Stock of Women's Youl! Appreciate These BLOUSES Saturday at 95c, Instead of $1.50 THE offering embraces a wide selection of the season's newest ideas evolved in 'sheer fine voiles, lawns and organdy, exquisitely trimmed in a variety of charming ways, with laces and embroidery. To attempt to describe the daintiness of these blouses would bo an almost endless task and jou can see more In ten minutes than wo could print hero on a page. All go In the clearing sale Saturday, formerly ?,;.B0, choice ORc Dainty Summer Blouses Were $2.50 to $2.95 for $1.89 Sht;qr, BUinmery materials in whlto and u pretty ossortmont of. colors, embroidery or lace trimmed, also with plain organdy collar anl cuffs; wero 2.60 and $2.95, clearing sale price, Saturday $t.8w urgress-Nash Co. Second Tloor. TAIL0RE UITS That Were $30, $35, $40, $45 and Even to $79.50 H VERY suit in stock that was formerly priced from $30.00 to $79.50 is included in this great clearing movement. It's your one great oppor- A SALE that stands out for real value giving, owing to the supe riority of ovr garments, head and shoulders above any offering announced in town. tunity. VERY" little, indeed, need be said about the unusual bargain possibilities this clearing sale presents. Suffice to say that the suits are all this sea son's very latest ideas, individual and distinctive in style creation; many of them imported models, suits that will servo your every purpose for mountain, seashore or early fall wear. 25c Linen Finish STATIONERY, 10c LINEN finish correspondence cards and envelopes, 24 cards and 24 envelopes somo with gold Initial;, regular 25c a box, deal ing price, Saturday, 10c. Burgrtn-ITaih Co. Main rioor. BOOK CLEARING A big assortment including books for boju and girls, gift books, fiction, etc, such as "Tho Motor Boys," "Frank Armstrong sorlos," "Book of Swoot hearts," "Treasure Island,' Road to Paris," "Flam sted Quarles," etc., were 50c to $2.00: choice Buriraai-Haih Co, Main rioor. 25c Are plain tailored or fancy coat effects, with tunic skirts, plnin and combination colors, THE STYLES checks, stripes, etc. Tl 7 fUS A TtTl?! A I Q Icl"(1e imported crepes, gabardines, I JLlHi lVl I JL.lJLtCj taffeta silks, moiro silks, serges, whip cords, oponges, worsteds, etc., all sizes for women, 3fi to 50, and misses, 14, 1G and 18. Barffaaa-XTaih Co, Sacond Tloor. Women's 50c Black Silk Lisle HOSE, Saturday 35c MADE of best quality silk lisle, with high spliced heel, double sole and garter top, a very thin but firm quality and actu ally worth 50c, at, pair, 25J. Women's 25c Hose for 10c. White, mercerized and seamless, high spliced heel, double solo, doublo garter tops; regularly 25c, Sat urday pair Ifc Women's Thrend 811k Hose, -lOc. Plain black, full fashioned, regular made foot, mill Imperfections of tho $1.00 Quality. Women's BOc Swiss Vests, 35c. Low neck and sleeveless, swlss ribbed, fancy crochet fronts; very special values. Child's 25c Union Suits, vt7c. for boys and girls; high neck, short sleeves, drop seat; made of white cotton. Burgeis-XTaah Co. lAaln rioor. A Remarkable Clearing of HAND BAGS at $1.00 Involving Bags That Were $1.50, $2.50, $3.50, $5 and Some at $6 A MOST unusual offering. Fine staple shopping and novelty shape hand bags; 9, 10 and 11-inch leather covered or fancy German silver frames, real seal or goat seal bags, silk or leather lined, round or broken bottoms, with double. strap handles, small plaited real pin seal or Persian pin seal, silk or leather lined, some have four fittintrs, others purse and swinging mirror martv have tho pannier handles: black and colors. Tho most remarkable bag values wo nave over orreroo. $1.50, 92.50, 83.50 nnd to $5.00 nnd $0.00 values SAT- IvDAV, CHOICK, Sl.OO. TJnrreaT " - ! Oo. Main rioo". m a m$i.no, 92.50, $.5( and to $o.uo nnu $i.oo values vi jMiM m m A I II I 'HDAY, OHOICK, 81.00. I WwM M 111 Here' : Are the SeasonV Biggest Values Wpmen's $4.iK PGJMPS Saturday for $3.25 A N1 OFFERING of snappy footwear that is out of tho ordinary, consisting of the new "Cleo" colonial with side ornament; tongue and buckle trim colonials .and flat bow pumps in bronze kid, patent, gun metal, cravenette and satin with flexible Goodyear sewed soles and Spanish Louis and Cuban' heels. Theso are our regu lar $4 lines, specially priced for July Clearing sale, at pair, S3.25. Women's $4.50 Pumps, $3.05 Women's dress numns in tbls season's best selling styles, made from patent and gun metal leathers, with two straps or flat bow trim; full leather Louis and Spanish heels, clearing sale price, pair "3 . . . .$3.95 Women's $3.50 Dress Pumps, $3.85 Women's dress pumps in the colonial and fla t bow styles, made from patent, gun metal, kid skin and satin with both hand-turned and Goodyear sewed soles; full Louis, Span ish and Cuban heels. These are dur regular $3.50 lines, specially priced for July clear ing sale on Saturday at, pair $2.85 Burffeaa-Naah Co. Main Floor. It's Doubtful if You Ever Shared in Better White Silk GLOVE Values Than These . for Sat. THE result of a special purchaso by our Now York representative. They nro silk gloves of the better kind and extra quality. Long or short, lC-button or 2-clasp effects, white only with plain whlto or black embroidered backs. Gloves that sell regularly at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75, but owing to slight imperfections, wo of for Long" White Silk Gloves, Pair. Q&fi uuu Short Silk Gloves, Pair. . . White Durtr-MaBh Oo. Main Ploor. Clearing WomensNeckwV 15c Including embroidered cropo. collars, whito and colored, net, maline and chiffon neck ruffs, all oolois, tango bows, etc., all less than half price. Bury aa-Maah Co. Main rioor. Fancy 25c Silk Ribbons at 15c Fancy floworcd all silk ribbons, taf fetas and satins; 1 inches wide, regular 25c; clearing sale price, yard, 15c. Bnrgaaa-Waah Cc .Main rioor. Women's Handkerchiefs at 7 he Pure linen, plain hemstitched with em broidered corners and colors; clearing price, each, 7Vo. Burra-WaaU Co. Main floor.. Pretty New Mid-Summer Trimmed Hats in the Clearing Sale at $495 and $6.50 IT'S indeed a pretty collection of new midsum mer ideas in a fascinating array of shapes and styles of trimming And in all the collec tion there are no hyo hats nliko. Many of them are just out of their boxes and tissue paper and will recoive their first showing Saturday. New Satin Hats at $1.49 Satin hats are in great demand wo have just received many now shapes, all white or white and black, made of guaranteed sntin and offered very special at $1 ,49i nurzesi-ITtuh Go. Bonafl rioor. Men, Here Are Great Soft Shirt Values at 69c and 89c 'THEY are every one $1.00 and $1.50 values; soft 1 ahlrts In a great variety of good desirable styles. Made of madras, solesette, chovlots and other fine materials; positive $1.00 and $1.50 val ues, on sale Saturday at ODc and 80c Men's Wash Four - in - Hand NECKWEAR, 50c Values, 25c WASH neckwear, made in Do Joinville styles, every one new and fresh. Figured, panel and plain stripes in a wide selection of pleasing values that are guaranteed to wash. Como Saturday morning and pick out a generous supply wear a clean tie every day; positive 50c values at, choice -3c Bnrffaii-Naih Co. Main rioor. Womens $3 00 PUMPS in the Basement at $1.39 "XTOMEN'S colonial pumpB with tonguo and buckle " trim, gun metal and patent leathers, light weight soles and Cuban heels. Theso pumps were mado to sell at $3.00 and aro one of our very spe cial July clearing sale offerings; sizes 2 Vi to G, wnlcn gives a splendid oppor tunity to outfit tho growing girl as well as tho grown woman at the low price of, oalr $1.30 Bnrsrea-wah Co. Economy Uaaament. You Should Take Advan tage of this Luggage Sale if you are going away. The clearing sale prices in this section afford splendid sav ing advantages. Canvas Covered Trunks, $5.00. Good basswood canvas covered with stained hard wood slats; heavy harness leather straps, fancy pat tern lining; 32, 34 and 36-inch size, clearing sale prlco Saturday $5.00 Leather noes, $4.05. Leather lined, wero $7.00, " Leather Suit Cases, $0.08. Fancy cloth lined, were $10.00. Muttlng lings 50c Suit Cases, special ... 75c nurg-eii-Haih Co. Economy Baiament. . II, Men's "Arrow Brand" "Barker" and "Holmes & Ide" 2 for 25c Collars, 5c GOOD news, men an oppqr tunity to secure a generous supply of good collars of standard make at but a frac tion of the regular price. About 250 Dozen, for Saturday Only, at 5c Every collar strictly perfect In tho best styles, all sizes 14 to 18 rep resented, but not all sizes in every style. Plan to be here early for at this price they will go like the proverbial '"hot cakes" and tell your friends about the good news, too, they'll thank you for it. Choice, Br. Burrass-zraah Co. Main rioor. Men's Nettleton Oxfords that were $6, Now $4.45 TmiHN we mention tho name "Nettleton" it Is a guarantee of quality, stylo and comfort. Sat urday, we offer you the unrestricted choice of any $6.00 Nottloton oxford in our entire stock, includ ing gun metal, tan Ilussla, black kid and tan kid leathers, latest English and round too lasts at the very low price of $4.45 Men's $3.50 Oxfords, $2.85 We mak.e a special offer for our July clearing, sale of any men's $3.50 oxford in our entire stock, both button and lace styles, made from patent, gun metal and tan leathers, Goodyear welt oak soles for Saturday, at, pair V-.H5 Burffasa-Naah Co. Main rioor. 'WW Great DRUG and TOILET GOODS CLEARING Saturday Is the Last Day of Our Big 3-Day Sale slinv- ! 20 - Mulo - Team O , i Moray, ono Palniollvo aohp, I Household Ain- specinl, g inonla, cake OC big hot. 14c I. & (i. Nnphthu , KIcctric H l a r Ic 1 Williams' sonp, per A sonp, h nr nig wiap, . , rSr rakes for cake. I per cuke . pound . 9c PjI8hfor! lSjli it'1 WT WtS: 1 -7 Fcls Xaphtha Jap Hose soup, 3 rakes -i rj 1 C llorax largo size pneknge 19c for Ivory soap, 5c size, 0 cakes. Java lUce pow dor, 50c OO i toilet size for. Ut, water. . . Toilet Goods. Banltol tooth po. I Jlasaatta tier Op puste, 25o 2Bc size mze lor 100 in 1'ompelan masHAir JS2 29o P 1 n a u d's lilac 19c 54c talcum. 130 Peroxide cream. 26c size .90 Monoxide tooth, powder. 25o slzo I for 14o I 10 oiora perfume. SOc dize La Trade at I.a Trefle fume, oz. powder, . .. aso powder. 740 regular 50c, rour Theatrical cream, choice, oz. .. .30o' Vi-lb, for 38o 49c J ad Salts, 75c bottle, I) 1 a m o u (I "C" laundry soap, to rakes rn for ttO, Patent Medicines. O a s 1 1 1 o soap, K..b.a.r. . 49c L 1 q it id Veneer, 25c slzo 1 ry Hat. for. 1 t C I Canthrox sham- I poo, 50c 1 six Peroxide of Hy drogen, r lb. hot. for. OC 29c I Woodbury's faci al crenm, 25c slzo. 16c Hair llrushea, :;r.$,:49c Selillltz powder, 25c package . .Ho Mentholatuin, 2So size for IBa Syrup of F 1 K h, 50c size 33c Itorllck's maltu'l milk, fl.on bottla for 04o Swamp Hoot, 11 bottle for ,,.0So Ilorlltk'B malted milk, S3.60 bottle for 83.7 nmt. win. n rwl ' Iron, pint bottle ror 43o Sal Hepatlra, 65 size for 14o Scott's Kmulalon SOc size 34o Sundries. Alxorbent cotton. 1 lb. for 33o Kubber ponfru, il kind for . .790 IJijuIrt veneer, S0' bottle 37o lluhber Rubber h'loyes, while they last, COc kind for . .19c 3-ln-l oil. 2(c bot tle for 17o Whlalc brooms, 2Ho kind for 19o Chloride of llin, 1 lb. for 90 ('oods. Water bottles, value to 11.10. Saturday for. 69o BURGESS-NASH CO. Children's SOc Rompers and Creepers, SatcPy 35c MADE of chambrny, striped or checked ginghnnia, also cotton crepe, piped with plain contrasting colors; beach and bloomer styles, were HOe, for ,.35c Children's Hats, were to $4.95, for $1.00 Hand made straw braid, straw shape and lingerie styles, daintily trimmed with satin ribbon bands, ros. ettes and flat bows, others velvet trimmed. Children's Dresses,' were $1.25 to $4 95 for 69c to $1.95 JVhite lawn, voile, batiste ond V linen, elaborately trimmed with fine lace and hand embroidery; some slightly soiled. Children's Dresses, were $4 to $25, for $1.98 to $10.50 Good quality lawn, elaborately trimmed with lace or embroidery insertions, tiny tucks, skirts of allover embroidery or Insertion and ruffle of em broidery, all slightly soiled. Bureau-Hash Co, Second rioor, ' 11... STORE NEWS FOR MONDAY