rilE BEti: OaiAllA, FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1914. 11 REAL KSTATB CITY PIIOI'BIUTY FOR SALE. ItKAIi KSTATI3 CITY PIlHPKltTY I'Oll SALE. MONTCLAIR Li -Jj-Jjjj lUJliij Li 1 i ! i r T-, HAMILTON -i-L -J GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Farmers Holding for More Money for Surplus Wheat. CORN CLOSES WITH ADVANCE Yellow Cerent, In Knee of Heavy Cnh I) mm ml, Takes Flight to Higher Level on Mont Alt Important Kutnres. .jr! 5 -IK::::::::!, jjjiffl p i --v-s. ' 1 lEciik" x j -i "rt FR'-I-I-I-I-I-I-RH-I-I- -flrjaU l.M::ttti II 1.-L. L. l -I u f II mi w f I T ' BUNGALOW SECTION OF MONTCLAIR originnlly con tained G2 lots. OF THESE 50 ARE SOLD. Prices and loca tion did it. The unsold lots nre just as great bargains as were the sold ones. Prices $700.00 to $750.00' each. Terms $12.50 cash and $12.50 per month. Prices include water, gas, sewer and con crete sidewalk. Only 12 minutes' ride to heart of city. Choice of two street car lines. Grade schools and High school in easy walking distance. Is convenience and close-in location an object to you? If so, you can't afford to pass this opportunity without investi gating. We are going to make a special sale of these lots, Saturday of this week. It is our business and our pleasure to show lots. Put your time against ours and look them over. ONLY 32 LOTS LEFT IN BUNGALOW SECTION. Prices in other section range from $800.00 to $1,300.00. Benson & Carmichael Douglas 1722. 642 Paxton Block, The No Commission Realty Co. located at 316-320 Paxton block, offers a suggestion to thoso wishing to sell or ex change any property or business. Would you not bo where that kind of business Is done? There Is no kind of a proposi tion that Is not handled there merchan dise, farms and ranches, city and town properties, rooming houses, hotels, res taurants: In fact, nnythlng and every thing. If you want to buy, tell the No Commission Realty Co. what you want. If you want to sell or exchange, list your property with the No Commission Itealty Co. Come In and see the greatest assort ment of excellent money-makers that can be found anywhere. We also have cash buyers for properties and business In dif ferent localities; yours may bo the prop erty or business they want. It Is a proven fact that a market place for every kind of property, displayed where the thou sands of people can Inspect thorn, wltn experienced attendants at your service, Is what brine results. Come In or writo for tho only method of buying", selling or exchanging any prop erty or business and pay no commission. This is the department storo for realty and business transactions. Jt' the peo ple's way. They all go to the NO COM MISSION REALTY CO. New Bungalow in Benson With 100-Ft Frontage If you want an Ideal home with lots of ground, close to tho business part of Den son and car lino, you should look at this new E-room bungalow Just being com pleted; ono lot has full bearing grapes, cherry trees, currants nnd several apple trees; three big shade trees In front; high and sightly location; house will have electric light, gas, furnace heat If wanted; city water and bath; part of tho houso la finished In oak. Will sell on a small payment down, balance monthly, about the samo as rent. Hastings & Heyden 1614 HARNEY ST. CHICAGO GRAIN AMI PROVISIONS Kentnrrs of thr Trailing; ntut ("loving Price on Honril of Trnilr. CH1CAOO. .luly .-Corn took the lead on change today, both In activity and strength. Drouth damnge as well as the bullish construction placed on the govern ment report prepared the way for a de cided bulge. Tho market closed strong. Ntt24c above last night In wheat the outcome was unchanged to 44f4o lower OMAHA, July 9. 19H Farmers of the winter wheat belt are refusing to let go of their surplus wheat around tho presen price. Tho large handlers of cash wheat, not at Chicago, but In tho southwest, claim thev ore un able to fill tho ordors held by them, owing to the tightening grip on tne now crop llng held by tho producers. This Is tho caso not only In tho winter wheat country but tho small surplus In tho northwest Is being held for higher prices. When the fact Is considered that this country has a prumlsoof MO.OOO.OOO bushels of wheat, and or this amount ras,.ww uro creuuca to tho winter wheat states, It would seem that there would bo more wheat than could possibly bo taken caro of It must not bo forgotten that foreigners nro In need of tho surplus wheat In this country and that they have bought a great deal moro wheat on this crop than was ovor purchased In former years dur ing the same period. Some In the trade believe that 06,000,(0) bushels have already been sold to iro abroad but tho general estimate of wheat sold Is not placed above .oono.wo bushels. Tho whnut market at Chicago closed with losses of H&too yesterday and rest ing Bpots were at tho lowest pi ice seen here. The trade was prepared for a bear ish government report, but It was n littla moro bearish than somo belloved It pos sible. News from tho spring wheat country was of about the same kind an that re ceived for several days, with scattered but unconfirmed reports of black met In the country. There were many reports of rtvd rust, but no damage was claimed by cither except In scattered districts. One or two of tho best crop experts now In the spring whoat country says that tho plant Is too far advanced to be hurt to any extent by theee plagues. Corn closed at advances of 44f4o yes terday. Special strength wbb shown In ti, luK- whii'ii wa difficult to secure whllii RAntember ruled relatively firmer ti.on o.a lumhor There was a much better cash demand and this helped th situation moro man aio. in; tonin . shorts. Reports from west of the river In dicate a decidedly greater Interest from feeders. Cash markets were higher. Ad vices received from Philadelphia ay Uiat a parcel of corn received there from Argentina arrived in a bad condition. Cash sales of corn were .000 buahels. Oats showed gains of 44c for nearby futures, whllo the deferred were He lower. Realizing transactions on tho advance was the feature. Crop reports from 1111 nols were less favorablo and country of ferings wore lighter. ... Hogs at tho yards wero higher and the provision market was strongor. rat Cudahy, tho well known Milwaukee packor, was at Chicago yesterday and was quite bullish on provisions. There was some support In tho market from brokers who generally act for tht pack ing Interests. Cash wheat was unchanged. Cash corn was 401Vic higher. Cash oats wero 2c higher. Clearances were 1.000 bushels of corn. 3,000 bushels of oats and wheat and flour cnual to (.00.000 bushels. Liverpool closed 4d lower on wheat and 4w4u higher on corn. Primary wheat receipts wero 1,008,000 bushels and shipments wero 643,000 bush els, against receipts last year of 791,000 bushels and shipments of 461.000 bushels. Primary corn receipts were 378,000 bush els ana snipmculs wero 3s,ooo bushels, against receipts lost year of 406,000 bush els and shipments of 225,000 bushels. Primary oats receipts were 468.000 bush els and shipments were 6S4.O00 bushels. against receipts last year of 5T6,000 bush els and shipments or 700,000 bushels. CARLOT RECEIPTS. WheatCorn.Oats. 101 61 18 21 97 Chicago 244 Minneapolis 77 Duluth 45 Omaha 4 Kansas City 93 St. Louis lis Winnipeg 17S These cash sales were reported today v neai no. a nam winter: l car, new, itrti-. vmis oianuaru: i car, aiftc. No. 3 white: 2 cars, 34V4c No. 4 white: 1 car, 3414c. Corn No. 2 white: 4 cars, 71c. No. wniie; i cars, uc. jvo. 2 yenow; 2 cars. wc. no. j yenow: i car, Wic. no. mixed: 1 car, C44c; 1 car, 64c. No. mixed: 1 car, 644c; C cars. 644c No. mixed: 2 cars, 644c 6ZO. No. 5 mixed: 1 car. Near 37th and Farnam Sts. New This Is one of tho choicest homes in Omaha. Every convenience. Living room, sun parlor, den, dining room, butler s pantry and kitchen on first floor; 3 extra large bedrooms, tiled bath and enclosed sleeping porch on 2d floor; maid s quar ters and storage space on third floor. Finish Is the best of quarter-sawed oak, beamed ceilings, panelled walls, artistic fireplace. Second floor finish is birch. Mirror doors In bedrooms. Fine corner lot. garage. You will like this. The price is right, $9,000, but make us an offer. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 1636. 208-10-12-1 State Bank Dldg. DUNDEE Two Bungalows just being completed. Most attractive bungalows in Dundee. Strictly modern, 5 large rooms and bath, oak finish. throughout. beam ceilings. built- in bookcases, window seats, plate rail; 6x7-foot cupboards In kitchen with glass doors; beautiful electric light fixtures', sleeping porch; full basement with cement floors; streets paved; high, sightly location at 49th and Burt Sts., Dundee. Can be purchased cheap on easy terms If taken at once. Telephone Douglas 415 or Red 8373. Homes For Sale A real homo with a beautiful lawn, flowers, shade trees, shrubs and agree able neighbors; 7 rooms, modorn. Ideally situated, two blocks from street car. There is also a barn or garage. Ask us for full information. Hero Is a houso with a downstairs bed room and bath; 7 rooms and hall; strictly modern, beautiful hard wood finish In tho first story: lot 43x138, front ing on paved street and boulevard. Pav ing all paid. Price. $4,600. Eight rooms, strictly modern, oak wood work and oak floors In first star; pine, with birch doors upstairs; full cemented basoment; floored attin: hot water heat: south front lot, 60x120 feet; paved street and cement walks. A very desirable home in a good neighborhood; convenient to street cars, public and parochial schools, churches and parks. Price $5,GM. J. H. Dumont & Co. 1603 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 690. Bargain for Some one; Old House and South front lot 52x150 at 3411 Cass, for only $750. W. IT. GATES, C47 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1204. $350 CASH $35 MONTHLY For your choice of 4 brand new homes, B 11 strictly modem, oak finished, full two storleB and never been occupied: living room, dining room, den and kitchen on first floor, 3 good bed rooms, bath and screened-ln sleeping porch on second floor; stairway to attic; full cement base ment, cement walks, screens, sodded ard, water meter and window shades; decorated throughout; combination light fixtures; guaranteed furnace and plumb, li g; located on paved street at 2437 to 2443 Laurel Ave.; prices $3,800 and $3,900. If you have looked the town over take ono more look and you will see some homes worth the price we ask. For more information phone owner, Harney tao. $1,100 Cottage Six nice rooms and large front lot, plenty of shade, barn and chicken house. Only 3 blocks from the west side car. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Doug. Vil. Ware Block. Kountze Place Home NEW. fttHPtlv mmUrn T.rnnm el. Ished entirely in ouk' downstairs, blrcrt aoors; upsiairs yenow Pino trimmings; 14 blocks from park. This Is a bargain ana lor erne ny owner. Aiusi sell. Terms, 2204 Evans. Tel. Webster 7892. Great Bargain 1522 S. 28th St., Hanscom Park district, very kuuu o-ruuin huuiw, an modern ex ccpt heat; nice east front lot, 36x150, pav ing an paid. li sold In the next ten aays ow cann, oaianco $20 pel month. Lot alone worth $1,000. P. J. Tebbens Co. 750 Omaha Nat'l Bank. Phone D. 2182. 25th and Chicago Cottage Six rooms and bath, nice lawn front and back. The present owner rents out two rooms for $18. Why not buy and cut out mis rem proposition? PAYNE INVESTMENT CO Douglas 1781. Ware Block. $2,800 Will buy that dandy 6-room limi.n ii,.t finished; living and dining room finished In golden oak; one bedroom on first floor two nice bedrooms and bath on second' floor; paved street; south front corner lot; all modern in every detail; close to car line. Cash payment down, balance easy. Keys at office. C. G. OARLBETiG, 310-212 Brandel Theater Uldg. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat, No. 2 hard. 71f77ic; No. 3 hard. 7376Ho; No. 4 hard, 70y75c; No. 2 spring, 8081c; No. 3 spring, iwuow; no. i spring, iowioc; no. & uuruin liUFiic: no. 3 ourum, imnc. corn: No. (63Hc; No. 2, C4Ua4Hc; No. 3, 64&4yo; No. 4. 61H2c. Oats: No. 1 white. 34ir36c: standard. Ui(03iKc: No. 3 white. 34Uift 34',4c; No. 4 white, 3434'Ao. Barley: Malt S0;i54c; No. I feed, 5tfoc. Rye: no. z, REAL, ESTATE CITY VIUH'EIITY rim SALE. OMAHA L1YE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Are Light find Val ues Are Higher. RECEIPTS OF HOGS MODERATE Drninnd In Hood ami Prices Are. . Nickel to Dime Higher Train of Idnho l.nmba Ilrlna Nine Ilollnrs. SOUTH OMAHA. July 9. 1914. Itecelnts were! Official Monday .... Offlrlnl Tuesday .... Official Wednesday, l.stlmato Thursday. Cattle. Hogs. 8hjv . 2,070 2.W9 7.STO S.4S9 6,200 1,118 LOW !00 8.409 2.00J and for oats a gain of mjhUc to e. Provi sions wound up with fHftOUic net ad vance. Hlght from tho start thorn was a rush to buy corn. Tho fact that the govern ment estimate of the ylold for this sea n proved to be much under what tho trade In general had been led to expect was tho orluln of the stniiutedn. Then camo damage reports from southern Illi nois ana otner Parts or the Ohio valley, from northern Texas and Oklahoma. Dis patches showing an excellent cash de mand In virtually all markets caused bull ish sentiment to become more rampant and confined sales largely to the profit taking account. Highest Prices of the dav formed tho rule In the corn nit ns the session drew to a close. It was pointed out that In addi tion to tho orfect of the government re pott nnd to tho Injury duo to widespread! dry, hot weather, the Argentina situation could not be Ignored. Buenos Ayres sont word that tho corn coming from tho In terior wus rilKiuinnhitlnii In nunlltv. and 1 .... 1 . . t . . i i , 1 w. tnni CAi'una t:n, inr living itiri j m , i ftiim .... . 11 ro with nnthlnir hemln.1 tnwnrd th ttnllr.llllnb .1.4I1.70S LRJJ.047 ",' oneer 3,7. 3.S.1C0 3. Si, MS S7.0M 29.249 20,423 12.06.H 12.43 30.4T6 Plntos. Although wheat broko sharply as a re sult of the largo crop Indicated by the government report, the setback was al most overcome. Kxtremcly high tempera tures prevailed In the northwest and wero accompanied by the first authori tative reports of serious damage from black rust. Mitchell, 8. D.. was where tho significant news came from in regard to rust. unfavorable weather nnd the corn binge governed oats. The government report had little Influence except nt the outset. Khorts In July pork found the markot suddenly baro ot offers and had to faco a rapid ailvunco In values Rising prlcen for hoes and corn helped give tho rest of the provisions list a moderate upturn. wuotalions ranged as rouowa: Artlclol Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.i Tes'y. Wheat I I July. 7S'4 79ti 7S'(, 79i Sept 78 78'i 7S' 7SI Corn. I I July. GWi CRTs Mk WSI Sept 66H C6T .? 6CM Oats. July. S7 S7H 37 S7H BepL 35U 36 SMil SS Pork (III, July. 2200 2260 2200 22 CO Sept 20 60 22 60 20 40 20 57H Lard July. 10 10 10 124 1010 10 10 Sept. 10 23 10 27H 10 2241 10 25 nibs. I July 11 93 11 934 11 924 I 11 874 11 !"0 11 84 11 W 7H 78i 684 65 S74 54 21 S74 20 374 10 074 10 20 11 S74 Four days this week.. 6.14 Samo days last week. 12.2S1 Haine days 2 weeks ago 10,934 Bame days 3 weeks ago 11.386 8amo days 4 weeks ago 10,814 Un..... . . u n, ..!. !1 The following table mown inn "V'V,,: of cattle, hogs and sheep at the South Omaha live stock for the year to dato aa compared with last year. ifti Inn. IlSC " 4S.1.W7 "; ''.wi,4 nntM 1K7.244 t. -II 1 ,l,l. .hnn'd MAA ffttlKt OX prices for hogs at tho South Omaha live stock market for tho last few days. wn comparisons: - Date. I 1814. I1913.lim.llll .'mo.liw.liw. June 18. June 11 Juno 20. June 21. June 22.1 June 23. June 21. June 2S. June 26. June 27. June 23. Juno 2). June 30, July 1 July JUiy s. July. July 6'.. July 6.. July ' July 8 July 9 landed at JS.3t.4S, whllo a wider range of K.DOJS 5o takes In practically every thing. Tops ate 74c higher than Wednes day, several loads selling nt high at $8.86. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red. 8l4fiS3c; No. 2 hard. 81fcJ?82Ko; No. i northern. 84?K4c; No. 2 spring. 87CWlc. Corn: No. 2 yellow, 70467040; No. 3 yel low, 89fl9-)ic. Oats: No. 3 white. 37483Sc: standard. S8Vi03S4c. nye: No. 2, nominal: No. 3. 04c. Barley: 48S68c. Beed: Tim othy. $4.2WSG.60; clover, $10.00tfT13.50. Pro visions: Pork, $22.60; lard, $10.10; ribs. 11.87H12.124. CHKliSK Lower: daisies, 13iJH4c; twins, J3fl3Uc; Americas, 144144c; long horns, 14'44jl44c. KG4JB Lower; receipts, 10,918 cases; at mark, cases Included, lKIISc; ordinary firsts, lTstnc; firsts, 1819a. POTATOES Ixiwer; receipts, 25 cars; Arkansas and Oklahoma Triumphs, J1.60M 1.65: Toxos Triumphs, $1.HS431.4&; Virginia tbbls.). $4.6(VH.66; old. $1.25$1.40. POVLTHY Alive, higher; fowls, l&4c; springs, 2CXSJ21C Corn nnd Wheat twtarton Ilnlletln. Corn and wheat region bulletin of the United States Department of Agriculture, weather bureau, at Omaha, for tho twenty-four hours ending at 8 a. m., 75th meridian time, Thursday, July 9: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. llaln- Htgh. Low. fall. Stations. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .06 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Sky. Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloar Clear for twelvo-hour Kaln fall. 18 92 66 .00 22 9S 70 .00 13 Vi 66 .00 24 84 60 .00 18 94 68 .00 24 M 64 .00 62 M 62 .10 32 !S 64 .00 17 90 60 .00 Two Houses Close-In, $500 Down We are offerlnn for sale ono S.ronni house and one 5-room cottage, located on 33d St., between Burt and Cuming Sts., on a ver.y small payment down, balance about the same as rent. These houses Yin.,.. ,.,n.AM a t. . W .1 I. n . 1 1 1 1 . u ui; " i. . w . it.: mi, RUf, uahll nim I IU. water heat; east front; big shade trees; on paved street. Price for the two houses $.',600. Hero Is an opportunity to get two pieces of property on a small payment down. You can live In ono and rent the other one. See us about this at once. Hastings & Heyden 1614 HARNEY ST. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT New. up-to-date home, oak and birch finish; sleeping porch, floored attic, pressed brick foundation; first class ma terial and workmanship throughout; cor ner lot, fine location; best In Omaha for the money. Owner. Douglas 152. Florence Heal ICatate for Sale. C. L. Nethuwuy, suburban urop. f lor. 271 ACnUARE FOR SALE. ' Acres Out Benson Way We have the best list ot acreage prop crty for sale anywhere near Omaha. You will find acres out Benson way are con venient to car and In a direction where It Is building up fast. We can sell you tracts from ono to five acres each on very easy term?. One-acre tracts: $10 DOWN, $10 PER MONTH TWO-ACRE TRACT, $20 DOWN, $15 A MONTH. Why not start now ana buy acreage property a long as you can buy them on such easy terms? Our salesmen are always ready to take you out at any time, Hastings & Heyden 1614 Harney SU Ashland, Nob... 87 60 Auburn, Neb... sii fit B'ken Bow. Nb 89 66 Columbus, Neb. 86 68 Culbcrtson, Nb. 93 65 Falrbury, Neb.. 91 6S Fairmont, Neb. 86 69 Or. Island, Nb.. 91 61 Hartlngt'n, Nb 89 60 Hastings, Neb.. 89 60 Holdrcge, Neb. 92 62 Lincoln, Neb... 86 62 No. Platte, Nb 90 80 Oakdalc, Neb.. 92 60 Omaha, Nob.... 85 66 Tekamah, Neb. 87 68 Valentine. Nb. 94 66 Alta, la 85 61 Carroll, la 84 61 Clarinda. la.... 90 62 Sibley, la 86 69 Sioux City, la.. H 60 Minimum temperature period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp. District Stations. High. Low, Columbus, O Louisville, Ky.. Indla'polls, Ind. Chicago. Ill St Louis, Mo... Des Moines; la. Minneapolis Kan. City. Mo. Omaha, Neb Temperatures have risen slightly In the corn and wheat region within the last twenty-four hours. No precipitation wor thy of mention occurred in any portion. Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. New York (Jrnrrn lMnrkel. NEW YORK. July 9,-SUOAR-Raw steady; molaBses, 2.61c; centrifugal, 3.26c. Refined steady. BUTTKR Creamery, extras, 2Ci&C7Uc; firsts, 2449264c; seconds, 22f24c; process, extras, 22ti224c; ladles, current make, firsts, 20&214c; seconds, 194c; packing stocks, current make, No. 2, 184c CHKESE Btate, whole milk, fresh, whites, specials, 144c; same, colored, 144 ai44c; same, colored, avorago fancy, 14a; same, white, 14144c; skims, 6ll4c. EOaS Fresh gathered. xtra. 2325c; extra first. 220214c; firsts, 204$f214c; seconds, I&32O0; Pennsylvania and nearby henneries, whites, 2C(jxSc; same, gathered, whites, 22027c; same, hennery, browns, 24026c; same, gathered, browns and mixed colors, 20f25c. POULTRY Dressed dull; western chickens, frozen, HWCOc; fowls, 124019c; turkeys, 26ff26c. Alive weaker; western chickens, broilers, nuvoc; fowls, 16H( 17c; turkeys, 16c. Omaha liny Mnrkft. PRAIRIE) HAY-Cholce upland, old. $14.00gil4.60; No. 1. $13.00S14.00; No. 2, $10.00 mil, 00; No. 3, R.W,I; No. 1 to choice midland, $13.00013.60; No. 2, $10.0fill.0); No. 3. $5.00Q7.00: No. 1 to choice lowland. $10.0011.00; No. 2, $6.0088.00; No. 3, $4.00 6.00. New: Choice, none here, wanted at $13.00(313.60; No. 1, $11.00813.00; No. 2. $10.0011.00. STRAW Choice wheat, $5.6OI.0O. ALFALFA No. 1. choice now. $13.00 14.00; No. 2, $10.00311.00: No. 3. unsale able; No. 1. choice old, $13.00314.00. S 1041 8 1VA 8 J34( 8 00i 8 094 8 i:s c nil 8 151 8 1841 8 21H 8 25 8 26K 8 31H 8 1S4I 8 33 S 41 8 40 8 43 8 44 8 44 8 El 8 (3 8 tt t 46 8 441 8 Ell 8 85' 8 68 8 69 8 71 S 81 8 82 8 76 7 13 V 301 7 611 6 31 7 36 S M 4J ) 6 64 7 40 1$ 40 7 63 No. At. 8h IT Nv A sh. It. 17 ... I li M HI ... I I) 64 aw SW t 174 W .... Ml 40 41 II 0 M 1 W M . ...Ill ) 4(1 J1 . . M m . I 40 m in h s an m .... 142 10 11 40 71 M ... KM 7-, nt . I (0 s m ... 1 so m tsi tie w W Ml ... IN CI m M 41 14 ? M ft ",t 1M K 8 40 71 Ill I IK (..' 34 HI lit m Hi no 1 w 11 r 40 I 49 M Il W 71 HI 19 S 40 19 tn ... IS H ... 8 40 M l'T m IK 94 7 H I 40 97 81 I M M S xj I 40 U SIT M I Ml (ft til . . I 40 79 :0 190 is Tl lit 40 I 11 M .... HI llM IX (.4 Xt 119 I 19 II .... 171 140 IW W Ill H) 140 71 49 :l I 99 (6 XC 49 I 40 71 at :i0 9 X HI . 8 4(1 to im ... i m 7i no m Mm 99 14 49 I St 71 24) W I 431 17 tf . . II! 9 K9 . I 414 It 141 IN) I H K 209 399 I 41' M 14 W l 99 U4 10 I II li 114 . I II iS 1.11 19 I 41 M Ml . 18 'A Ml . . I 41 90 X3 MIS M Ml . I IS 41 K0 .. I II l ItO 1 4S 51 Ill ... I SI i0 J 9 0 I IS 71 17t II I M 0.1 197 110 8 41 99 14H 71 391 M 1 i It HI 10 I li 9 1 ... U 7l' Xi SO 19 04 Ill 10 4 41 19 Ill I It 91 399 1C0 ', 19 171 10 T9 91 171 I 49 9 100 400 I 19 99 399 110 471 11 Ill 130 9 17t f Ill 10 1 17 1 H .... 17 M g 374 4 341 IM Mitt 70 S9 19i) 1171, 70.. . 140 ... 190 II.... 741 M 9 37, It 399 ... 1 90 11. .. 179 10 1 371, 17 .... 30 KM 17 109 10 S 40 73 390 11 Nl 11 Ill ... 40 97 3l 190 I SO U 119 9 10 11 !7 13) I S. II ... 30& 90 9 4 0 91. ... 131 . I II II 314 ... 1 49 71 137 ... I 99 (I IX 40 I 40 6 tOI S 151 7 45 7 49 6 14 24 7 40, 7 Jfl 9 26 7 4S 7 30 11 7 68, 7 JOf ( 14 r i 341 0S 9 00 7 64 7 661 6 731 7 63, 7 67 7 731 7 19 7 18 7 23 7 25 7 23 6 30 9 62 6 37 10 (10 8 79 46 '632 '889 6 26 8 96 C 31 8 78 6 866 8 66 7 71 7 75 7 69 7 65' 7 66 6 8( S 92 8 87 1 83 6 6 6 03 6 70 697 606 6 1$ 25 6 15 6 16 Sunday. Holiday. Ileeelnts and disposition of llvo stock at tho Union stock yards in South Omaha for twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. m. yosterduy : DISPOSITION HEAD. CattlcHogsSheep. C, M. & St. P. Ry 1 J Missouri Pacific Ry i i Union Pacific Ry J 8 C. & N.-W., east 3 10 C. & N.-W., west 15 2S C , St. P.. M. & O. Ry 1 J C, 11. ft ij., east i i C. II. & Q , west 15 C. R. 1. & P.. east S Illinois Central Hy i Chicago O. Western Ry... 1 2 Total receipts 3S 93 RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. Mnrrl. .t- (-o 191 1.007 159 Swift it Co 274 1.44.1 1.783 Cudahy Packing Co ira s" J Armour & uo jim i.iai i Schwartt A Co 2 ... J. W. Murphy i.kJ S. O. Packing Co s Ilonton, V. S. & Lush.. 26 Hill & Son 12 F. R. Iewls 6 Huston & Co.... 8 McCreary & Kellogg.... Mo. & Kan.-cal. tro Hlgglns J llnffmnn In Roth H GlassberR 4 Tanner Hros 3 fnlit, 1 1 n niftV . 13 ... . . Other buyers Tni.i. 1.026 7.241 2.932 fATTt.R Rncelnts were extremely llsht again this morning, only thlrty- vn nm belnir renortod In the yards i,-w ih fnTir ilavs this week tho total amounts to only 6,144 limit, being only ai.mii linir ni In nro as fo r TilOdt recent weeks, nnd smaller than a year ago by almost 2,000 head, Iluyera were out In the yards very early this morning, some 01 mom ueing m saddle before 8 o'clock. With so few cat tlo from which to make selections the market opened very nctlvo and every- l(nir wn atinnned nn In short order, The prices paid woro safely 10a higher ihmi v..i.rHfiv. nr 2TrfM0a hlKher than the closo of last week. As high as $9.35 was paid for the best beeves on sale, that being the highest price paid thus far this VNIP. Cows and heifers were also stronger and they are as much as 254r40o higher that the low point isbi ween, vrm cuiw showed still further strength, selling aa high as $10.60 for the oholcest. Kinas. Tham wrn nnlv n. few stockors ana feeders In the yards, and tho demand, as usual, light. Prices remained about fit art H Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beef .p t TMfi :ir, fair to (rood beet steers, JR.35ti,75: common to fulr beef steers, $7.75 frfl.sri; gooa to cnoice mniini iinuuia, n. 78.25; fair to good graaes. ja.fowu.ioi i-w i mon to fair grades, $8 7fO76: good to . .ii. nnri feedprs. $7.60ti8.O0: fair to good stockers and feeders, $6.76 . lit, T t rnir ulnrkrm nnd feoders. $6.26fi.76j stock cows and heifers, $6,000 7 C0: stock calves, $5.60417 7S; veal calves. $7.5010.60: bulls, stags, oic, .4ri.. Representatlvo sales: BEKl! HTliKill.-, At. Pr. no, No. I. ... 4. .. M.... 11.... 1.... 19.... .... II. ... 11. .. as... II. .. 11 ... 14.... .... 1.... I.... 1.... 4.... I.... 11.... I.... 11 910 7 00 .... 714 I 11 .... 976 3 40 . . . .1 I 60 .... 190 I 60 .... 1)0 8 19 ....1141 IW ...,10 190 . ...1010 I 99 747 I a it... 40... I... 19... 14... 19... II. .. 19... 10... 17. At. IT. . ... 791 8 99 1111 I 70 11 I 75 1079 I 90 1111 I 1 lts oo isxi t oo 1IU 9 10 1211 3 19 .1! I 31 STEERS AND IIKIKERH. 903 9 7S 34. .1079 IU . 677 30 w a. . 19U . 915 .1010 . ST7 4 0) 4 00 4 31 4 90 4 15 910 & M . 975 3 70 .1012 ( ffl .1123 9 K 1.. 3.. T . ..1170 4 oo Kansas City drain nnd I'rorlalons. KANSAS CITY. July 9,-WHEAT-No. 2 hard, old. 82c; new 784282c; No. 2 red, 75o; July. 724c; September. 71472o; De cember. 7E4c. CORN-No. 2 mixed. 6740'68e; No. 3 white. 767S4o: September, 654tJ6E4c; December. M4(f54Uc. OATS No. 2 white. 40c; No. 2 mixed, 334337c, U firsts, 21c; HOTTER Creamery. 32c; seconds. 18c: packing. 17c. EOOS Firsts. 184c; seconds, 14c. ( POULTRY Hens. 14c. broilers, 24c St Iionia General Market, ST. LOUIS, July 9. WI I BAT No. 2 red, 7844y?94o; No. 2 hard, 7846Wc; July, VWiKci September. 774c CORN No. 2, 704c; No. S white, 77c; July, 674c: September, 674c OATS No. 2, SSe; No. 2 white, 404c t i , - I.lrrrpool Grain Market, LIVERPOOL. July 9. WHEAT No. 1 Manitoba. 7s 4d; No. 2. 7s 24di July, 6s iia; uctoDcr. ss va; uecemrer, bs d. CORN American mixed, 6s 74d; July, DS SkO. Bee Want Ads ProAiice Results. American Telephone & Telegraph Co A dividend of Two Dollars per share will be paid on Wednesday, July 15, 1914, to stockholders of record at the closo of bual nets on Tuesday, June X, 1914. O. D. MILNE. Treasurer 4... l... i... 1... l... J... l .. l... 10... 990 I 50 103 IKI 791 W 1lf0 I M 170 4 10 Ill I 19 190 I 33 1071 60 1100 3 90 tH 3 90 1013 7 00 MO 9 00 ...1070 9 OO 711 15 iff. 9 71 HULLS. 59S C S3 1 130 9 35 2 1400 9 00 4 1140 4 00 1 ; ,w 4 Halves. 0 9 t 4 "BfOCKBIW AND FEEDERS. .. 967 7 (10 tl 739 7 JO collaterals also joined the list ot Issues to register lowest Quotations and Chess- eake & Ohio repeated Its lowest selling price in the activo list coppers, iMew York Central and tlaltlmoro & Ohio dis played pressure, while Reading, tho Har rim nn a and Tnlted States Steel were up nominal fractions. For the greater part of today's session standard stocks Ignored tho weakness ot the Goulds and a few others by their dls pday of Independent strength. In the fins! dealings, however, renewed weak wess In lower priced Issues unsettled the entire list. The closing was heavy Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows: SsIm. High. Ixiw. Clo. SHEEP An elishl-rnr string nt Mnlin lambs, or some 2.00)1 head, was the run today, which was lltrht for a Thursday. The light supply and the strong feeling reported at outside points warranted the Packoni paying steady to stronir rii-lr. for everything on sale. Tho whole eight cars sold at $9.00, with only 160 head out of the eight cars which also went to the ii'u.jKi on ooth sheep and lambs as com pared wlthm the close of the previous week, but larger runs and a substantial Price dccllmi are exnectrri wnv ttm muv A noticeable feature of the week h the Packor takltiir nil IIS mnrtm nt til ftVfti thoURh thore in n for fecxW nmmllea and tl routine 1 1 K'ts IStl l'ir nro awniuiiK a gooa opportunltj' to got something that Just suits them. Quotations on range sheep and lambs: Lambs, good to choir. MRSfM iiv ?; 0 rt ,WW.f: lambs, feeders $,7EG.60; yearlings, good to choice. J6.36 4.6o; yearlings, fair to good, $8.O04H.35; "ticia. iwu io cnoire, ft.Kro.TO; w'eth jrs, fair to good. $J.J54fC45: ewes, good iiJZrEc 'w,u"'.w ewes, rair to good, $4.305jH.w. NO. v nniive 160 Idaho lambs 6PZ Idaho lambs 1,394 Idaho lambs loo culls 60 culls ewes ijj 67 67 67 59 61 Pr. 4 7S 9 V p no 9 00 6 75 6 75 AIM Colli AmalRAmatM Loppr . . Amtrtran lnt 8ur Amnlrtn Can Amttlctn K. A 11 Amrrlcan P. & It. pfd. . . Amtr. Hutir Rrflnlti(... Anirrlctn T A T Amrlcn ToUceo AnteAmla Mlnlnf AUhlwn Iltltlmnr a Ohio Brooklyn Ittplil Tr California rftrolum ... Cn1ln rarino IVntrnl leather I'lirMrfAkA X Ohio ClilfMn O. W (Mrtio, M. 'A 91. P.... Chlrico ft N. W (Tilno rMr ColoriJo Kul A Irvn.... Colorado Bouthrrn. ... Ptntfr A It In nnnde... Dntr A H. (I, ptd DWIllfm' Pfcurlllfn .... Brk 0nffl KlMlrlf Ort Northfrn fti (lrfl Northern Ore cllt. nuiirrnhrlm Kiflorsllon.. Illinois Onlrnl Intrborotili Met. pld.... lnrplrstlon (Vrrr . .. nlr-mitionil lUrrMttr.. Kartu cltr Houtharn ... mhi viiix iuIstIIIv N.nlnlllt... Mrxk'tu Prtroltum Miami Coppfr Mli.ourl, K. A T Mliwurl 1'aelflf .National Dlacatt National Lrad Oopper Naw York Ontral N. V , N II. ft II Norfolk Wtrn Northern Pacltlo aclflr Mall rarltlo T ft T rrnnnlranla ilillman I'aJat Or Itar Con. Cocoer na.llnK Republic Iron ft Strel... Rock laland Co Hock laland Co. Did ft L A B. R 3d rfd.. Boulhcrn IHrlflo Rmthrrn Itallwar Tenneaw (Jontr Tsa rbmpanr union iacino ., 1'nlon Piwltlo ptd linilM shim Htwl IT. H. Rlffl pM t'tah (Topper Wabaah pfn Weatern Union WnatlnshmiM niertrlo .. Ri-dlTldrod. Tolal nlrt for the day 400 7,900 S7M ll'i 4.SO0 434 390 1034 1.000 131 1304 31 H 7914 994 101 990 VO0 1,900 90) 1.000. Wl 13.100 310 400 314 l 914 m, iiivi to i4 40' CHICAGO MV13 STOCK MAIIKKT Cattle .Stronu tn Ten Cents Hlaher lions StroiiK to lllarher. CH1CAOO. Jlllv 9 rATTI.Rll.rnlnt. 3,000 head;, markot strong to 10c higher; boeVes. 17.6021,70: steers. i&.MinR.M: mnrk. ors aim leetiors, 3o.iao.uo; rows and helf. ers, j.,ai)v.ou: caiven. CT.60iRio.SO. HOOS Receipts. 17.000 liend: nnrU strong, fWlOc higher; bulk of sales, IS.MHf 8.S0; light. W.45tf8.824; mixed. $S.354JS.85; heavy. $8.1&Ii8.S5L roileh. IS.lfVfNt .SRt nlir. $7.C0Iffl.fi0. H1IKKP AND LAJd US-Receipts, 1S.000 head; market steady to 10c higher; sheep, lo.SMH.U): yearllncs. $O.OOoT7.60: Umh Kto Kntisas City Live Slock Market. KANSAS CITY. Julv 9. CATTLVi-n. celpts, 2,300 head: market steady to strong: prima leu steers, FJ.WJ.iy, drusiaed beef steers. $8.00119.16: western steers, lfi.7r.lf :.z; iigui southern steers. 3o.wruS.riQ: cows i,im.dv; neuers,; stocKera and feeders. tfl.OOfffl.ftl, bulln, $5.3ijn.00j calves. HOU8 RecelDts. 4.600 head: market Ui iuo nigner; ouik or sales, 33.4,8.06: heavy $S.C08.65; packers and butchers, $8.45 e.w; iikiu, .iu'U9.); pigs, NIIISISI' AND LAM118 ReColptB. 2,000 nran: marKei steady; iambs, s.6n9.oo; I'cariings, w.ziwi.w: wetners. i4.7rmi.oo ewes, $4.25436.00; stockers and feedors, $3.60 Ml, Louis Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. July 9.-CATTL12 Tteeolnta. 3,000 head; market strong; native boef steers. 37.603cu.7ii: cows and heifers. 13.00 9.00; stoclccrs and feeders. $5.00117.60: Texas and Indian steers, 33.7Mrtl.40: cows and heifers, $4.504?1.65; native calves, $fl.0OS 10.60. HOOS Receipts, 0,900 head; market 10c higher: pigs and lights. $7.76G.M: mixed nnd butchers, $3,051(8.80; good heavy, $8.70 ft 8.80. SUEUP AND LAMIIS-Rocelpts. 3,100 neau; market steady; natlvo muttons, $1.75 vri.(iu; lamos, .uuqv.uu. Hloax Cltr Lire fttnek Jfarket. PIOUX CITY. July 9.-CATTIE-Re celpts, 000 head; market steady; natlvo steers, jn.wiiy.w; nutctiorn. n.vnfj.t: can ners, $3,7151.25; calves, t8.76tZ10.76; bulls stage, etc.. Jd.2Sie7.7B. HOOK-Itecelnts, 4,600 head; market KB 10c higher; heavy. $S.3Aff8.40;, mixed, $8.25 fflS.30; light, $8.20ft8.25; bulk of sales, $8.26 C8.30. SHEEP AND IAMnS-Recolpts, 600 head; no market 1.MX) 1.900 "ifo 300 1.100 3S 14 39i liH 13t 114 tU 1 I4 n 394 414 lit 40V 9i 114 sii, in 124S 701 IS4 4 3,900 II too 7,000 30.1 900 too l.JM S3, 90) 100 "ioo 3.900 11,900 114 1S8U 133 I4 33'9 H 114 111 'ivi I4 31 Vi r94 It si" 1374 133 31 314 19U 11 133 "i$4 994 914 3.900 1114 HO TOO Ut H3U 900 10.100 800 3,700 '9; SCO (00 314 193 "ii, 9b" 4 300 1414 3,900 1MU 31,300 900 I, Ono 2,000 t.ijf 9.300 334 1094 99 794 314 K3!9 4 1 97 344 1434 1(94 4l 4 1034 74 ,S4 74. 37H 70'4 37 4 4 1M4 101 1.04 vft '14 994 914 914 194 193 3 474 lJ'i 100 131 494 334 31 i 13 1)4 314 i4m 134 30k 64 4 114 314 im 1971 574 114 139 914 734 14 114 130 41 184 rot, 3t'a 10614 110S 31 Z3 1114 1994 1119 1344 S4 14 3S 4 "4 34H 4 1434 1494 M I4 19944 974 (lit n4 117.(00 aharea. New Vork Moner Mnrkrt. NEW YORK. .Tntw n-xnvwi. firm; 24fRT4 per cent: riiilnV SlT-": fr'L c!2l"l b,d'. V41 PM" ""t. Tims nwiM, , nays, zu Per emt' ninety days. 24 per cent: ilx mSnthi?i MERCANTILE cent. BTHIILINO E XC 1 1 A NO E Easier m 4SILV13R-nar. 684c; Mexican dollar.. HONDS Government. ... n , easy. ' "roa, months, $4 PAPER-3945134 pt,t London Stock Market, LONDON. Jul- ia.i.. above to belo parity; "r lrom u 'JPN'r1. P" cent: short bills, mm lirr cent; three months. 21.imtA Zl- 3 cent. Bank Clearings. OMAHA, July 9,-Bank clearings for Omaha , today were $2,659,325.0 and tVr Loral 9ronrl(l. Quotations furnished by Burns. Brink & Co.. 449 Omaha Nntlnn-t n.Vl"vf?,in2?.r Rtock.. W 9 19 1113 9 79 997 7 00 13(0 7 30 0 19 00 6 . . 9-9 IV HoaS-A very moderate Thursday run showed only about nlnetyhrM lo. Vt B 2ua Thead Ix-lng received. The total for ?he 'four days li 5.7W head, being more han 12100 Waller than last wek and over 7.0)0 short of the same days last y 'prom a selling standpoint today's trade Is the first really satisfactory market of he week. On three out of our days re celpts have been exceptionally light, as Is shown by the shortage In the weeks total, but the discrimination against com mon hogs has made it almost Impossible for salesmen to get what they thought tho hogs were worth Today's market, however, tills a different story. From the very outset the dumand was good and tho market opened In fair Mason at prices that were alt of a nickel higher. As has been the case on previous days tho good hogs sold first, but with the de mand In good shape, and competition keen In every division prices Improved all around as tho forenoon advanced, and beforo the closo all grades were moving readily at RtflOc higher prices, while quit a scattering of Individual sales looked a dlmo higher. On tho whole the less de slrablo kinds really looked stronger than the better grades. Trade was fairly lively and a clearance was made In good Tho" general market can be quoted as MM9n lilzher Narrow bulk of the sales puckers at $.76. No aged sheep of any kind were available aside from a few head of native ewes ut $1.75. this being, nf course, not enough to try out values Tim receipts for tho week amount to 29,241 head, compared with 31,613 for tho same time lost week and 20,478 two weeks ago and 30,471 a year ago, The receipts at all markets fall considerably below last week and a year ago. owing to this situation prices htro made an advance of St. Joseph Live Stock Market . ST. JOSEPH. July 9.-CATTLE-R. celpts, fiOO head, Market strong; steers, $7,607(9.25: cows and heifers, $4.50(0.00; calves, is.oayio.oo. HOOS-Recelpts, 6.600 head. Market higher; bulk of sales, 1S.457I8.C0. SHEI9P AND LAMBS-Recelpts. 1.600 head. Market steady; lambs, $3.0009.00. Coffer Market NEW YORIC. July D.-COEEUE Mar ket wus a llttlo steadier today In sym pathy with higher European cables, the continued steadiness of Ilrazll and reports of a slightly better spot demand. The opening was four to five points higher and while there was no general or ag gressive demand, scattered offerings were well taken around the Initial figures, and the market closed nt a net gain of four to six points. Sales, 22,760 bags, July, 8.37c; August, R.47c; September, 8.67c; Oc tober, 8.67c: Iiecembcr, 8.8Cc; January, 8.89c; March. 8.95c: May. 9.01c. Spot, quiet; Rio. No. 7. 8T4e: Santos. No. 4. 12c. Mild coffee, dull; Cordova, Wtfntc. 31rlnl Market. NEW YORK. July 9.-METALS-Lead. dull, $3.8&U3.96; London, 19 10s. Spelter quiet, $4.9&iii.OS; London, 21 10s. Copper, quiet; spot and September, $13,4013.80; electrolytic, $13,874; lake nominal; casting, $13,024- Tin strong; spot, $32.60QI2.75; September, $32.75f32.85. Antimony dul.; Cookson's $7.1&87.25. Iron quiet, un changed. Ix)ndon prices: copper easy, 8iot, C1 10s; futures C2. Tin firm; spot, 147 7s fid; futures, tivi, 11s txi. iron: Cleveland warrants, 51s 44d. ST LOl'In. July S. MtSTALK Lead, steady. J3 7O&0.8O. Spelter, dull, $4.80. Cotton Market. NEW YpRK. July 9-COTTON-Eu-turi'H closed steady; July, 12.29c; August, 12.21c; October, 12.14c; December, 12.27c; January. 12.23c: March, 12.29c; May, 12.47c. Spot, quiet; middling, 13.26c; gulf, 13.60c. No sales COTTON Cosed steady at a net decline of 12 points to an advance of 4 points, practirauy inn low point ot tne nay. LIVEHPOOU July 9.-COTTON-Spot Irregular; good middling, 7.8&d; middling. 7.3Cd; low middling, 6.88d. Sales, 4,000 uaic. I ury u onus MarUcI, NEW YORK, Juy 9. DRY QOODS Cotton goods markets were steady to day and more purchasing of gray goods was reported. Men's wear prices for spring advanced late, itaw silk l being purchased In fulr quantities by leading silk manuiuciurers. STOCKS AND IJONDS. Review of Operations on Stork Ex chnnife During- the Dor. NEW YORK, yur- -Early dealings in the stock market today were notable for the number of low prices recorded. New Haven fell to 624 and the Uould securi ties again declined substantially on mod erate offerings, Missouri Pacific and Denver preferred lost 2 or more points, with a further drop In Missouri Pacific collaterals. Missouri Pacific consolidated slxs and Denver common. Rock Island Fall ItUar Co.. H. D., 9. 1933 fliindjr Co., Nab. Bohool. 1I1I.19JI... Cltr of Omaha 44a. 1341 umaha Oas t. 1117 Omaha K. L. ft p. 9. nil .Lincoln True. la. 1939 nra It. ft I 9a, 1193 "! hijat Round T. L. ft p 6a. 1911 Fairmont Crmry, guar. ( p. Bancroft, Nab., 3a, 1933 J, I. Cm Threah. Mch. 9a, 1917-31, Pralrla Ufa Insurance Oniaha E, L, ft I. ptd Fairmont Cream err pfd. T . e rt .. A. . t, a . Omtlia ft C li. St. ny.'pfd!!!!'. rninde Palnr Warranli. T pr cant, Swltt A Co., T par cent Union Stock Tarda, Omaha fk Inner Macaroni a par cent pfd Hlnui Cltr fi4nck Yaroa la, 1990 , Halt I-ake School 4a. 1930 Kan. Cltr. Mo., tax bills. 7 par cant., Vtamo, Nab., 8. D. 9a Swltt ft Co. la. 1944 tkrtbaer, Nab., 4a. 1931 , Did. Asked. .. 93 H ..193 103,71 ..104 103 ..10IH .. 4 .. 31 .. 93 .. 94 ..190 .. 99 .. 994 .. 99 .. 11 73 91 f....ejS 714 193 914 "H 94 99 191 1904 100 190 , 103 994 1 914 91 1 99 33 1004 (I 904 190 1014 994 914 934 MS 100 190 974 100 London Wool Sales. LONDON. July . Tho offerings l th wool auction sales today amounted to 13,817 bales. The demand was brisk and prices firm. The beat rnulM ni m.A advanced from S to 74 per on$. Amerl- vniio muubiii line greasy merino ana cros breeds. Punta arans rnns-ewt fmm tin. changed to 5 per cent higher and Ameri cans secreu ine best grades at Is Hd. The continent was more active. 1 Evaporated Apple and Dried Frnlta NEW YORK. Julr . Evatxrate4 an. pies, quiet. DRIED FRi'iTH-rrUnes, steady: apri cots, dull: peaches, quiet; raisins, steady. Bandit Tries to Hold Up Passenger Train WATERLOO, la., July 9. An attempt was mado to hold up Illinois Central pas senger train No. 11 by a bandit ono mtlo east ot Epworth, la,, tonight- Tho ban dit ordered the porter to search the pas sengers while he stood guard with a drawn revolver. The porter replied by grabbing the bandit's gun, which was discharged several times, but no one was Injured. Passengers heard the struggls and gave the signal to stop the train, whereupon the bandit freed himself and Jumped off, escaping Into the nearby woods. Nineteen Real Estate Men Talk for a Prize PITTSBURGH. Pa., July 9.-Regltra-tton, reports ot officers, the contest tor the Chicago real estate board's silver trophy cup and a "get together" meet ing occupied tho time of the delegates to the seventh annual convention ot the Na tional Association ot Real Estate Ex changes of America, which opened today. Nineteen orators from aa many differ ent cities competed In flve-mlnuto talks for the Chicago trophy. The wlnnar will be announced Saturday. RAILWAY MEN PREPARE , ULTIMATUM TO MANAGERS CHICAGO, July . Representatives of the freight handlers, clerks, baggagemen, warehouse men and train men of sixty seven railroad lines west of Chlcaga were occupied today In preparing aa ultt rnatum to be sent to tho board of man agers of the roads. The executive com nilttee of the employe yesterday voted to take a referendum strike vote la thett organizations. . J