X ill. J IUjIJ. I' UVja, 11 J . Kill, THE, OMAHA DAILY BEE FOUNDED BY EDWARD KOSEWATER. VICTOR RQ3BWATER, EDITOR. Tho Deo Publishing Company, Proprlotor. PEH BUILDING, FAItNAM AKD SEVENTEENTH. Entered- at Omaha pot toff lea' as eccond-olaai matter. THRM3 OF SUBSCRIPTION. By carrier Br wall per month, per year. iafly and Sundar Wc .16.TO Dally without Sunday,,,.'... l 4.00 Evening and Sunday 40o ....COO Evening 'Without Sunday ; SSo. 4.00 Sunday, Bee only. 20c 2.0) Send notice of change of address or complaints of Irregularity In delivery to Omaha Bee, Circulation Department. . REMITTANCE. Remit by draft, express or postal order. Only two cent stamps recelred In payment of email ac count . Personal checks, except on Omaha and eastern exchange not accepted. , , OFFICES. Omaha Tho Beo Butldln?. South Omaha C18 N street Council Bluffs-H North Main street Wneoln-26 Little Bulldlnjr. Chlcago-OOt Hearst Bulldliyr. New York ltoom 1100. 3S9 Fifth avenue, St XjouIs-COS New Hank of Commere. Washington 7g Fourteenth St, N. T7. Z CpRBESPONDBNCB, ?lddresa communications relating to news and t31 orlal matter to Omaha Bee, Editorial Dtpartment." 54,751 MAY CmCUIiATIOJI. Btateof Nebraska, County of Douglas, a. Dwight 'Williams, circulation managor of The Bea Publishing company, being duly sworn, says, that average dally circulation for the month of May, 1914, .was 64,761, . CWIOIIT "WTLLTAirS, Circulation Manaiter. Subscribed In my presenoa and sworn to beforetne Cita 6th day of June, 191 4. UOBEflT IPTNTETt, Notary Publlo. Snbscribera leaving tJio city temporarily eboold havo Tho 11 co mailed to them. Ad dress trill bo changed aa often as requested. Business -continues to bubble at tho soda fountain IWaaChar-jncn'a lylahca of ton toko tho form taActtral-condltions. "Xxt-aci-cniltjr rat'BCapo" ehould bo - tho Jogaa-oCJew Orloons. ProotMa At hand that tho automobllo lsonoro deadly than, tho f lrocxackor. Colombla'o strongoot argument for tho $25, 000,000 JbaTni is 'that It needa 'tho monoy. TocomodowQ to tho bald facta, what groat disaster 'would bofall tho country It congress Itroro to-tid o urn right nowt ttls.tt-toivto.ono bot that tho Outlook will manago to drona alone a whllo without filling tho "poaltloiucr contributing odltor. "Tho Now Havoa Is gradually Improving, observes tho St. Louis Globo-Domocrat, It is if it Is undergoing any change at all. Mr. Charle Frohmaa Finds a Ntow Star. Headline. Now, look out for the iPodoral league with a fabulous offer to tempt the Bald star away, , Colorado has seven teen direct leglslatloa measures submitted to the voters at the coming election, which is going Nebraska several better. Omaha is overrun with altogether too many able-bodied professional beggars. A workhouso would cure this evil la mighty short ordor. That Illinois congressman ' who likens Mr. Bryan on tho Chautauqua stagb to Gaby Doslys forgets that Mr. Bryan doos not'danco a stop. Tho St. louts Globo-Domocrnt thinks the president would havd como closor to tho fact If ho had called it Blok-ology Instead of psychology. Sure, thoArator Is' fln6 in which tho race for tho republican governorship nomination is to bo swum. Bo como on. in, and tho mora tho xnerrioxy "Wb-aro -appalled at the bomb-throwor who klfls-an heir to a throne, but suppose thoso Now YoTk anarchists had not .been thwarted by fato in tholr plot. Tho bond market is a trifle alow, but wo Sy confidently look for another. Venner lottoi1 before long if wo persist in holding on to his forfeited $5,000. Having completed tho plans of-hlB "big busi ness" program, tho president kindly calls in the captains of industry to consult them as'totho plans ot procedure. Somo members of tho cabinet have brought tffflcula and aomo discredit upon the' administration, -LoulaTUle Courtcr-Journat And what have the others brought? gr .. , With membership expanding without let-up for a fow more yoarg, Ak-Sar-Den may have to divide his celebration into sections in tho fayh ion of tho Now Orleans Mnrdi Or as carnival Tba school board ejected a full roster of teachers for the coming- year. The high school staff fconalsta -Homer i. i-ewli, principal! Alonio N. Henthaw. Xna M. Hill. Ida M. HtrMt. Mm n n. a i Deals and. Villa B. Bhlppey. and these are principals of the grade schools: Long, Sarah MeCheawe; Lake, Jennie K. Salmon; Ixard. Anna Foos; Jackson. Mrs. Ada M, Harris; Pacific, "Margaret J.L- MoInUrej Cen ter. Margaret McCarthy; Pleaaant, It. Em Lowe. "Mr. Lewis' salary was raised to 11100. Mrs. XJllio Lanstry passed through Omaha In. her special car, -ueremo Marble." She waa still asleep and Inaccessible to reporters. Dr. It B. Andreen of Springfield, Nob., is a visitor m roe aiy. Miss Clara Bohlesslnger has gona to Chicago spend a few weeks with friends. William Snyder, the Harneir atrtat ufacturor, returned from 'tho west after an absence .of three months, Mr. 11 Boscwater, editor of Tho Be, returned irora cmcago. accompanied by Mrs. Rotewater Miss Stella Roeewater. Miss Ilosewater graduated Xrom tbe Cleveland High school last week. County Judge McCulloch, accompanied by brother, )ias gone to their old. home in Illinois attend thej marriage of. a sister. J ' . The street car company has commenced using new track on Ninth street to his to tho Chance for Practical Test Tho dlscovory of tho bubonic plaguo In Now Orleans affords an amplo opportunity for tho application of our modern methods of combat ting gormatio dlsonscs. Wo have achieved sig nal victories In late years with these mothods. Wo have flung farther than any other nation tho ndavneo lines of sanitation and wo havo wrought wonders for humanity both In our own and othor lands that havo como under our pro tection. Moro than that, we think wo have dis covered scientifically tho truth about this deadly disease Doth In Havana and San Fran cisco our, medical exports havo determined after thorough investigation and experiment that this malady is spread by rats affected by the germ. In San Francbico soon after tho earthquake a great raid was made on rats to such an extent. in fact, as to convince tho people of that city that they had substantially ovorcomo tho dan ger of bubonic plague. 80, If tho theory bo correct, Now Orleans' task would appoar to be tho killing off of all tho rats within tho reach of the city. It is not unlike the yellow fever propagated by tho mos quito, only tho rat-killing Job would appear to bo tho slmplor, Back of It all lies tho impor tance of more scrupulous sanitary ' regulations, which, after all, moans tho old principle of pre vention surpassing cure. Canada, England, India. At tho time of the American revolution and sev eral times slnco the Canadians havo bficn in a frame of mind to cast off their allegiance to the British crown and either set tip an Independent government of 'their own or annex themselves peacefully to the United States. Nothing but lack of that tact which constitutes true statesmanship and diplomacy on the part of the United States government kept Canada outside of our boundary lines. We talk about a continental nation as something to bo desired, but wo have put It away from ua at least three times In our history. New York Commercial, This goes straight to tho point of a view which many h61d, but aro loath to express. It seoms to bo a tacitly accoptod fashion for Amer icans to talk differently than they actually feel "with reference to Canada's attltudo toward Mother England. Yot ovonts of tho last few years, togother with tho undisguised utterances of some ot Canada's strongest statesmen, af ford nmplo ground for believing that tho upper most thought In the popular Canadian mind today Is ultimate Independence, whether fol lowed by union with tho United States or not. Thoso who' keep up on current history know that already Canada's practical attitude toward Kngland Is one of Independence. Sho pays little toward tho running of tho British government, except what she puts in for the army and navy. She spurns three shiploads of London's Idlo men and forcos tholr return to England. Sho does about as sho plcasos, in fact, and dear old Mother England, though with a grimace now 'and then, trios to mako horsolf bollovo she likes it and says nothing. The Now York Commercial, howovor, boos tronblo ahoad with India as the storm center. Canada, acting in concert with tho United States, at first declined to rocoivo Hindu coolies at British Columbia ports. England urged their reception and Canada sullonly ylolded, but oontlnues to ranklo ovor It. British India is aroused over tho Immigration laws of British provinces Australia, Now Zealand and Canada. Tho provinces aro dotermlnod to maintain these laws, "Groat Britain may prefer to let Canada go rather than risk an uprising in India," says the Commercial. Strangor things havo hap pened. At any rato, thero Is nothing concrete In tho presont relations between England and Canada that Justifies tho rhnpaodjcal view that Canada has no plirposo or aspiration superior to her filial dovotion to the mother country. r si Advice After the Pact. President Wilson Is holding a sorlos ot ln- torivowa with prominent representatives ot "big business" by him especially invltod to tho Whlto House. Taking this announcomont by ltsolf, the natural Intoronco would bo that tho presi dent was calling for export and experienced ad vice as to legislation and administration affect-. ing business interests. But boforo Issuing his Invitations ho let It be known that his plan tor dealing with buslnosa evils had been definitely dotermlnod, and that tho invitations woro not glvon soon6r lest tho public might wrongly con clude that this program was influenced by his visitors. Tho invitation td canfor with tho oc-, cupont ot tho 'White House Is practically a com-,' mana. uommg witn mo uemocrauo itaumarK, It Is a command to take advice, but not to give it another distinguishing feature ot "the now freedom,'' The Chautauqua Map. Tho completion ot forty years slnco tho In stitution ot tho parent Chautauqua assombly by Bishop Vincent Is bringing out a great deal ot historic remlnlsconoa and lntorostlng Informa tion about the movement, which has grown and spread beyond all dreams ot Its founders. None of the exhibits is more pertinent than the map that has been drawn to show tho nation-wide scope of tho Chautauqua and the distribution of the local assemblies. Wo aro told that while tho parent Institution Is still maintained annu ally at tho original Lake Chautauqua, more than 2,800 'chautauquas are to bo held this, summer, each represented by a dot on the map, and the dots nro to be found apparently In every etato ot the union except possibly Arizona, Ne vada and Mississippi. Particularly noteworthy is the fact that Iowa occupies first place as a chautauqua stamping ground, gauged either by absolute number ot In the ratio to area' or pop ulation. Nebraska is not so thickly dotted as .Its neighbor to the east, but. is woll sprinkled with chautauqua assemblies, far more numer ous than any state west, or any stato south ot tho Ohio rlvor or New England. Whether tho chnutauqua Is cause or effect, it unquestionably accompanies a widespread popular Intelligence. Brief ooatxUratlotta en timely topi on lariwa. Tbe Be as rani e no responsibility for opinions of eorrespoadeata. AH letters sub ject to oondsnsatlam fry editor. Calls Omaha Behind the Times. OMAHA, July S-To lha Editor of The Boo: Most Of the benefits ot community living originated out here In the west, aa we easterners (I reside In New York city) call this station; but you are aurel'y behind tho times in the. license to the individual for fourth ef July celebrating. I arrived In Omaha at 11:90 Friday even ing and headed for on of your promi nent hotels. At a busy trannfer corner my first sight was a group ot male adults shooting Roman candles at each other. Drunks of oil sorts were handling fire works promiscuously. After being as signed a room I watted until 3 a. m. before some "men" on the adjoining cor ner had exhausted their supply of giant crackers. At 6 a. m. It started again. Aside from the pecuniary results to the small tradesmen, and an outlet for chil dren and grown hUmins whose sense for horso-play and coarser amusement Is highly developed, ot what earthly use Is the noisy discharge of fireworks? Tho average person Is hard-working, and pushed to the extreme In the demands on his or her nervous system these days, and In trying to be of use to society Is entitled to mutual consideration ot each member. Allowing "rough-neck" tac tics to prevail is hardly in accordance with preeent-day thought Had any big fire Insurance people been on the streets at the time I came in tho merchants and fire and police depart ments would have been properly taken to task, Tho police were conspicuous by their absence. The ohanoe of Injury to passersby was great and the shock to people trying to et a much-needed night's rest waa great Must tho tall was the dog. X. H. P. . rhMti of Irrlamtion Problem. NORTH PLATTE, Neb., July 6.-T0 th Editor of The Bee: I notlcod In a recent Issue of Tho Beo that tho Omaha Com mercial olub has beoome interested in somo of the problems which up to the present tlmo have been generally supposed to be ot benefit only to the pcoblo of the westorn half of the state. During tho last ten years the national reclamation service has been experiment ing in tho western states in constructing reservoirs and applying the water to ben eficial un in tho Irrigation of crops. A great deal of money haa been spent by tho government In this experimental work. A great many mistakes have been made. However, these ten years of edu cational and experimental work by tho government haa demonstrated -the fact that the government can control and Con serve the water of the national streams. In Wyoming on tha North Platte river tho government has constructed a reser- voir holding 1,000,000 acre feet or water, and never yet haa been able to completely fill tho reaorvolr from all of tha flood and surplus waters of tho North Platte river. During the winter and spring months the government is able to make tho North Platte river a bed Of dry sand except for the small quantity of water that enters from tho tributaries in Nebraska. Tho government is now constructing largo res ervoirs tn the hills In the northern part of Scott's Bluff county to fill thoaa reser voirs from the waters of the river east of the largo reservoir In 'Wyoming. irritation enaineers have figured that the water supply of tho North Platti river when properly conserved la suffi cient to furnish an ample flow of water In the river to irrigate all tho lands from the western boundary of Nebraska as far east as Irrigation Is necessary. Tho dif ficulty under tha presont reclamation act and the rod tape at Washington, with tho attltudo ot Its officials, Is that these watera are held In the reservoirs and not applied to beneficial uso during tho sum mer months. The department officials are talking that the cost of all of tho gov ernment's experimental work. Including the mistakes of Its engineers, Shall be re turned to It In the salo of water, and In addition that the government ba .paid tho profits. ' At tho lost legislature I secured the passage of tho Joint resolution request ing our delegation in congress to nave surveys made of the Platte river and tho territory in the south-central and woat ern part of the stato, for the purpose Of ascertaining whether It Was feasible to conduet the surplus waters ot the Platte 'across the divide to irrlgato tha hlchlands of southwest Nebraska. I un derstand some preliminary survey work Is about to bo done by the reclamation serv Ice. If this can be made successful It will mean tha addition ot billions ot dol litre to tho wealth of Nebraska. It will mean that Instead of crop failure for hearly ten years In southwestern Ne braska there will be an abundance of crops. In the two last leglslatlvo r salons tho senators and representatives from eastern Nebraska took no Interest In Irrigation measures, and did not even v read the bills. We ot the western part of the state believe that eastern Nebraska. should be as much Interested In tha wel fare of the western part ot tha stato as It Is in the problems which affect only eastern Nebraska local Interests. I believe that the Omaha Commercial club haa started a work, which, If they will follow up and co-operate with the irrigation association ot western Ne braska, that will be of material benefit to the entire stata ot Nebraska. The Commercial club of Lincoln ought to also take hold ot this question and assist tn solving these problems. : W. V. HOAQLANIX Secretary Bryan has leased a homo for tho summer at AahovUlo, N. C. This Is No. 5 recalling that he has homes also In Ne braska, Texas, Florida and tho District ot Co lumbia which Is doing tolerably well for a man who has to plcco out a $12,000 salary with chautauqua lectures to catch up with the high cost of living. The very dangers ot a bitter civil war which 'such a prospect (arming ot both tdes);"preent furnishes too best safeguard for peace. It that bo true in Ireland, why not aa a prin ciple elsewhere! School Statistics of Cities Beyond the Seas Utah Show In Attendance, The city ot Newton, Mass., had the highest aver age school attendance, per 100 inhabitants, in 1911 ot any of tho 1& cities in the United States for which figures are given In the recent report on financial statistics of cities hiving a population of over 30,000 each, which has been Issued by "William J. Harris, director of tho census, Department ot Commerce. Tho average for Newton, Mass., was 31 per 100 In- - habitants; for Newark, N. J., 20.S; Chelsea, Mass., ll9i Hartford, Conn., 17.9; Everett, Mass., 17.8, and Brockton, Mass., 17.6. Tho dty having the lowest average attendance per 100 inhabitants was Dubuque, la., with an average ot 4. followed by Charleston, B. C, 7.6; Augusta, Oa., 7.8; Covington, Ky., 8.3, and Amsterdam, N. Y., S.7. Tha average school attendance, per 100 Inhabitants, for soma of the larger cities In this report was aa follows: Boston, HE; Washington, 11.1; Cleveland, H New York, US; Los. Angeles, 11$: Buffalo. 12.7; Minneapolis, 12.2; Pittsburgh, 11.6; Chicago, 11.5; Bt. Louis, 11.1; Philadelphia, 10.7; New Orleans, 10.4; Baltimore 10.3; Milwaukee, 10; Detroit 9.9; Cincin nati, 9.7, and San Francisco, 9.3. The total school sittings reported from these 195 cities numbered 3,772,666; of this number, 3,396,l3, or 90 per cent were reported for elementary day schools, and 345,909, or 9.2 per cent, for secondary schools. The sittings in elementary day schools ex ceeded the average attendance In these schools by 372,586, or 12.8 per cent ot the average number In attendance. In like manner, the sittings in socondary day schools exceeded tho aveage dally attendance In those schools by 45,152, or 15 per cent of tha average attendance In those schools. The total number of school buildings reported was 7,308, of which 6,765, or 92.6 per cent, were for ele mentary schools, and 448, or 6.1 per cont, for secondary schools, tho number of sittings per build ing being 602 and 772? respectively. Payments for School Expenses. The average payment for tho expenses for the threo kinds of schools (elementary day schools, secondary day schools, and night schools) per 100 inhabitants for t,ht 195 cities for which figures are presented was 81. The dty reporting the hlgheat averago waa Pasadena, Cal with $899, followed by Newton, Mass., with 8834; Mount Vernon, N. Y., 8814; Colorado Springs, Colo., 8786; New Itochelle, N. Y., $744, and Berkeley, Cat, $725. The dtles with the lowest average per 100 'in habitants were Jacksonville, Fla., $169; Tampa, Fla., $173; Portsmouth, Va., $181; Charleston, a. t;., Supervisors, Teachers nnd ' Other Employes. rtunnrta rji to tho number of supervisors and teacn- in omnlnved wc received from 182 dtles. There was a total of 110,662 supervisors and teachers re ported for these cities, of whom 85,568, or 77.3 pur Mnt worn rmnlnved In elementary Schools; 12,643, or 11.4 per cent In secondary schools; 59J, or .5 per cent, in normal schools; 3,137, or a.s per cent, m other day schools, and 8,730, or 7.9 per cent In night schools. nr h is rttp considered in this report. C3 made nvmnntii for teachers' Dsnsions and gratuities, and 5 others had funds for that purpose. Of there 53 Cities, 38 had permanent pension trust lunas ana w had made no such provision. Tho total pensions and mttiltla nftld In 1912 by the 63 dtles amounted to $1,702,811, of which $1,622,126, or 95.3 per cent, was paid by the cities maintaining teacnera'. retirement tunas wllh InvMtmtnta. nnd 180.285. Or 4.7 Per cent, was paid by the othor 20 dtles. Pensions and gratuities are paid to the teachers by two metnods: uj rom thrnnch ih nfencv of nubllo trust funds estab lished for that purpose, and (2) directly from the school district or dty corporation treasury. Cities lltt-rlna- No Permanent Pension Funds. Th rltl nn.vlr.ir teachers'! pensions but maintain ing no permanent retirement funda or investments ,.r.. -pittahurirh. Pil: Newark. Paterson. Trenton, Camden, Elizabeth, .Hoboken, Bayonne, and .East Orange, N; J.; Denver, Colo.; Atlanta, Oa.; Lynn. Mni,in nnd Pittsfleld. Mass.: Charleston, b. Mobile, Ala; New Britain, Ccnn.; Topeka, Kan.; Niagara Falls, N Y and La Crosse, Wis. Th m eitien havtnir ijermanent funds with invest ments for tho payment of teachers' retlremont pen sions reported assets In thoso funds at the closo of 1912 amouatlng to $4,134,488. These Invested funds paid out $1,622,426 in pensions; $13,072 for expenses of fund management and U.898,717 for investments pur chased. They received during the year an aggregate of $1,968,977, of which amount $1,085,295 waa revenue or fund Income. Of this latter amount $917,252, or 84.5 per cent, Waa derived from teachers' contrtbu. tlons to pension runas. The. invnitnt of nenslons. oa well as the estawisn- mHt nf tnnohfird' retirement funds, haa been adopted as a policy by the largo cities to a greater oxtcnt than by the smaller. For example, of the total pay. menta of pensions, $989,324, or 69.3 per cent, was paid by New York city alone, wnicn city aiso reporieu 5.8 per cent of the assets ot pension funds. Gold mines In the Transvaal normally employ 230,000 hands. Chile doesn't ralso enough beet cattle to supply home markets. Oermany Imports American oedar for use in lead pencil manufacture. Spain has established lta first paper and pulp factory, utilising esparto grass. Near Calcutta, India, a steel foundry has bton established costing about $3,000,- coo. Fifteen ot tho largest British dtles have agreed to Join In smoke abatement and tual economy experiments . Because of the danger of explosion, Hamburg forbids manufacturers to keep much wool waste 'on hand unless they have special bultdlnga tor It requiring them to keep It tn a municipal store houe, SAID TO BE FUNNY. Twice Told Tales Conservation of tbe Hair. He waa a lover ot muslo who had just boon to hear one of the great operas, and he was expatlatinu upon its beauties to an unresponsive friend, whom he observed to yawn. The muslo lover was hurt "Look hero, John," he protested, "don't you think muslo is ot some praotlcal benefit In llfe7" "Oh, yes." said the unresponslvo one. "Why, judging from tho- portraits I have seen ot eminent musicians, especially pianists, I should say that muslo is great to keep the hair from falling out" Kansas City 6tar. An Unflattering tlrmlnder. The new clergyman waa sent for by an elderly woman. "Oh. sir," she said. "I hope you will excus my asking you to call, but when I heard you preach and pray last Sunday you did so remind me of my poor brother, who waa took from me, that I felt I must speak with you." "And how long ago did your poor brother die?" asked the clergyman, sympathetically. "Oh, air, he isn't dad," waa the reply; "he waa took to the asylum." People and Events 'JChn D. Rockefeller has had an automatic time 'sate Installed In Ills mansion at Pocantlco Hills. Joseph Fredericks of New York waa seriously burned as a result of smoking a cigarette in bed. The pope received in audience 500 Amerlcon mid shipmen, who aro on the annual cruise of the Naval academy. Philip D. Laird has resigned as chairman of the Maryland Public Service commission, to take effect August , 1. Marconi contemplates being able to. telephone from Carnarvon. Wales, to New York before tho end ot this year. O. B. Bose ot Little Bock, Ark., Is being consid ered by President Wilson for appointment as minis ter to Uruguay. Cardinal Olbbona on July 1 celebrated the rifty third anniversary ot his priesthood and the twenty eighth ot his cardlnalata. Joseph Brown, twice governor of Georgia, haa formally announced his candidacy for the United Stateo senate to succeed Hoke Smith. 8. 3, McCluro, who Is a native ot County Antrim. haa been visiting Belfast, and tells an Interviewer that unices Ulster is exduded from home rule ha tears "tha worst dvll war In modern history." "Tell me' said the lovelorn youth, "what's the bt way to find out yhat a woman thinks of you7" "Marry herr replied Teokham prompt ly. Dallas News. "Magda broke her engagement" "I thought so. She was always think ing of ways of making her flaneo happy." Munich ileggendorfer Blactter. Itudge-Here's a man flcured out that If all tho money In the world wire di vided equally each adult would gat about $80. Meek He's wrong. My wife would get $80.-Boston Transcript "Our minister," said Mrs. Oldrastle. "appears to be a real altruist" Oh, i think you must be mistaken." replied Mrs. Qottalotte. "It seems to me by the sound of his voice that ha must be a bass." Judge. ChaperonYoung mart, you have your arm around that young lady'a walstl Youhg Man-Thanks! I've been trying to find the spot all evontrtg, but with the new gowns a fellow hardly knows where he's at New York Globe. Surprised Person How did you get tn to see BlgnobaT Nonchalant Person Easy. I gave tho elevator boy five Jo hand the junior of fice boy and ten to slip the senior office boy a twenty to pass a gold watch to the doorman to let mo sneak in and watt St Paul Dispatch. PSYCHOLOGY OF POCKETS. Plttiburch Post To prove how undeveloped Is the grow- - inn urcnin s mina Turn out a BtnaJI bov's pockets, and iiircc irvasures you win unu: A top. six rusty shingle nails, a hank ol dirty string. A snake (defunct), X railroad spike, a , battered napkin ring, A broken file, a rubber ball, some bits And sundry scattered remnants of a shat- icreu nam uoor IOCK. To prove that lovely woman Is defldenfc In the train, Turn out her leather hand bag, which Is likely to contain A canceled transfer. SO cents, some fraz zled squares of stik, A fragment cf a recipe for sterilizing milk, A pointless pencil, seven stamps, some rowder and a puff, A shopping list, some scissors , and a manicuring buff, i Td prove that man's a creature ot tre mendous Intellect Oa through his clothes some morning? and you'll readily collects A dry and useless fountain pen, a knlfo that will not cut . t flome scribbled dates, a pPf boo't titled "How to Putt5' , Four keys to locks long gone to rust five crumpled dollar Dills, . . . A box of atloky cough drops and six num bered billiard pills. May We Ask You a Few Questions about Matches? What kind do you use? Do you know? Or don't you? Most people don't There's a world of difference between different kinds. Which kind do use? And why? you. Do you that? realize There are sulphur matches, and "parlor" matches, and ' 'single-dipped' ' matches, and "double-dipped" matches, and "strike-on-box" matches, ,and "strike -any where" matches, and safety matches that are safe, and safety matches that are not safe. The ideal match is one that is non-poisonous j that lights on any ordi nary abrasive surface;, that doesn't spark or sputter or break in two, when you try to light it Safe Home Matches are non - poisonous. They light anywhere. They do not spark. They db not sputter. The sticks are strong and sturdy. 5c. All grocerf. i Ask for them by name. To get in or out of business Read the "Business Chances" column of , The Bee. Below are are a few of the opportunities offered in last Sunday's Bee: Substantial corporation, investment of $300 to $1,500. Choice 34 millinery shops, investment of 300 to $600. Choice farm mortgages, 7, $300 to $5,000. General merchandise business of $30000 a year, invoice $8,000 to $9,000. . Furniture and undertaking, invest $3,000. T Blacksmith and wagon shop in thrifty farm-,! ing community Garage in county scat. Drug store in Omaha, doing business of. $12, OOO a year, sale price $4,200. Two good restaurants and candy store. t Fourgood moving picture shows. Lumber, coal and cement business. Bakeries, etc. Why not get into a businoss of rour own and btf .Inde pendent ? Work for yourself and put tbe results of, your labor in your own pocket. The "Business Chances" columns of The .Bee offer a large number of good honest opportunities every day. Telephone Tyler 1000 THE OMAHA BEE Everybody Reads Bee Want Ad Protect Yourself Ash for ORIGINAL GENUINE Tfcs FmI Drifilc Ue al Af OtWs r U&a&m